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A single large hepatic abscess in a 10 month old Holstein heifer was treated successfully by partial hepatic resection. No complications or recurrence of clinical signs have developed in the 9 months since the resection. Partial hepatic resection is an effective treatment of solitary bovine liver abscesses that warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Objective: To report laparoscopic splenectomy in a dog. Study Design: Clinical report. Animals: Mixed breed dog (n=1). Methods: Hemangiosarcoma was diagnosed by ultrasound‐guided fine‐needle aspiration of a splenic mass in an 11‐year‐old, 30 kg, mixed breed dog. No metastatic disease was identified during complete staging (chest radiographs, echocardiogram, and abdominal ultrasonography); however, cystic calculi were identified. Laparoscopic splenectomy using Ligasure V was performed through 3 portals and the calculi were removed by laparoscopic‐assisted cystoscopy. Results: Total surgical time was 2 hours and for laparoscopic splenectomy, 65 minutes. The celiotomy incision for splenic removal was 7 cm. The dog recovered uneventfully and was ambulatory 2 hours postoperatively. Conclusion: Laparoscopy with Ligasure V facilitated successful removal of a spleen with a 3 cm mass. Clinical Relevance: Laparoscopic splenectomy in dogs is feasible for removal of a normal‐sized spleen with a moderate‐sized mass.  相似文献   

A 179-day-old calf, which was weak and stunted, showed neurological signs and was euthanized. Postmortem examination revealed extensive and severe cloudy area in the meninges, and pleural pneumonia. Gram-positive cocci were isolated from systemic organs. Biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses identified the isolate as Streptococcus gallolyticus, and its subspecies was suggested to be gallolyticus (SGG). The isolate was classified as a novel sequence type (ST115) by the multilocus sequence typing scheme for SGG and showed susceptibility to penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, florfenicol, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and chloramphenicol. Histopathologically, suppurative meningoencephalitis and perineuritis were detected. As SGG has been isolated solely from a cow with mastitis in Japan, this is the first SGG infection in a calf with suppurative meningoencephalitis and perineuritis in this country.  相似文献   

A case study of renal tubular dysfunction consistent with idiopathic Fanconi syndrome is reported in an 18‐month‐old Holstein heifer. The clinical, biochemical, and histopathological features are described. The heifer had clinical signs of growth retardation, wasting, and persistent diarrhea. Biochemical blood analysis identified hypokalemia, hyponatremia, and hypochloremia. Urinalysis identified glycosuria, proteinuria, and acidic pH. Histological examination of the kidney disclosed mild tubular necrosis with proteinaceous casts in the lumina of renal tubules. We performed LC‐HRMS on urine to confirm Fanconi syndrome. Using this technique, we identified severe generalized aminoaciduria suggestive of idiopathic renal Fanconi syndrome in this heifer.  相似文献   

新生犊牛异物性肺炎是多种牛肺炎的一种,多由于母牛难产、羊水进入犊牛气管和肺内后引起或犊牛出生后哺乳时导致乳汁进入气管而造成的一种犊牛呼吸道疾病。笔者在诊疗过程中遇到一例典型的新生犊牛异物性肺炎病例,现将诊疗体会分享如下。  相似文献   

Intraocular Foreign Body in a Dog   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
An unusual clinical case of panophthalmitis in the dog is discussed. Failure of resolution led to enucleation. Histopathology study showed an intraocular foreign body, probably a grass awn, that had migrated into the eye and established a panophthalmitis.  相似文献   

Abstract— The case history is presented of a dog which collapsed after being seen to swallow a stick. Oesophageal perforation was suspected and the presence of the foreign body free within the pleural cavity was confirmed from radiograph. The surgical removal of the stick and treatment for shock are recorded. The dog died nine hours post-operatively and the post mortem features are listed.
Résumé— Corps étranger dans la plèvre d'un chien.
L'observation est préentée d'un chien qui s'effondra après avoir avalé un baton.
On soupsona une perforation de l'oesophage, et la présence d'un corps étranger dans la plèvre fut confirmé par la radiographie.
L'extraction chirurgicale du baton, et le traitement du shock fut rapporté. Le chien mourüt neuf heures après I'intervention et les rksultats de l'autopsie énumérés.
Zusammenfassung— Die Krankheitsgeschichte eines Hundes wird berichtet, der kollabierte, nachdem er ein Stück Holz geschluckt hatte. Man dachte an eine Oesophagusperforation und in der Tat zeigte die Röntgenuntenuchung einen Fremdkörper der in der Pleurahöhle frei bewegbar war. Die Operation zur Beseitigung des Fremdkörpen und die unternommenen schockwidrigen Massnahmen werden beschrieben. Der Hund verstarb 9 Stunden nach der Operation, der Sektions-befund wird erörtert.  相似文献   

黄牛吸入性异物肺炎的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄牛吸入性异物肺炎,是因吸入尘埃、饲草和刺激性气体或灌药误入气管所致的以剧烈咳嗽为特征的肺部疾病。论文通过对一起群发本病的重危病例临床诊治,认为抓住最佳治疗时机与实施合理的治疗方案,对于避免急性死亡、控制病情恶化和实现康复颇有意义。  相似文献   

A 12-year-old Thoroughbred mare, with a history of anorexia, dramatic weight loss, fluctuating pyrexia and intermittent diarrhoea after an episode of colic, was presented for examination with depression, emaciation and ataxia. Thoracic and abdominal paracenteses yielded copious quantities of inflammatory exudate. Palpation per rectum revealed an enlarged spleen. The primary alterations in haematology included a severe leucocytosis with a left shift, and a hyperproteinaemia characterised by hypoalbuminaemia and hypergammaglobulinaemia. Post-mortem examination revealed a low grade pleurisy and peritonitis with fluid accumulation in both cavities. A suppurative gastritis with full thickness perforations of the stomach wall associated with Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae had extended to the juxtaposed organ initiating an extensive suppurative splenitis. Streptococcus zooepidemicus was cultured.  相似文献   

Intra‐abdominal haemorrhage in horses can be due to rupture of the spleen and may result in severe blood loss. The assessment and resuscitation of a foal that collapsed due to intra‐abdominal haemorrhage is presented. Diagnosis of the source of the blood loss required exploratory laparotomy and confirmed splenic capsular rupture and haemorrhage. Splenectomy using a 17th rib resection approach was used to control the haemorrhage. Complications included acute cardiac muscle damage, which was monitored using echocardiography and troponin I levels. The successful surgical management of the ongoing blood loss in this foal suggests that splenectomy should be considered an option to control severe blood loss due to splenic rupture.  相似文献   

犬胃内异物及其诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈尔滨铁路兽医段年平均检疫与发运各种犬约几万条。为了贯彻“预防为主 ,防重于治”的原则 ,尽力完成运前犬病的检疫工作 ,于 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年期间 ,我们与哈尔滨市马氏宠物医院高级兽医师马宗禹先生共同合作 ,对道外区宠物市场犬的胃内异物诊治进行了综合性普查。胃内异物是犬的常发病。近年来 ,我们在动物门诊共遇到19例犬的胃内异物病例 ,其中因异嗜造成的胃内异物 16例 ,异物为毛团 7例、塑斜布 2例、骨头 5例、尼龙袜 1例、无机物沉积形成的胃结石者 1例 ;因犬衔咬物品玩耍而误咽造成的胃内异物或吃较大块食物时受到突然剌激而咽…  相似文献   

Abstract— A clinical report of a foreign body, its diagnosis and removal from the bronchus of a dog. The case is documented by radiographs.  相似文献   

This article describes the clinical and pathological features of an orphan 7-day-old, male Formosan sambar fawn that was hospitalized for treatment of weakness. The fawn had been deprived of colostrum and developed suppurative meningitis that was attributed to Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

An adult female Eastern Grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) was examined for lameness due to a mass located at the right tibiotarsal joint. Radiographs revealed a metal arrowhead‐shaped foreign body within the mass alongside a pathologic fracture. Grossly, at necropsy, there was a multilobulated and haemorrhagic mass with intralesional metal fragments, associated osteolysis of the tibiotarsus and pulmonary metastatic nodules. Histologically the neoplasm was composed of plump elongated and fusiform cells that often formed concentrically around small vessels. The pulmonary nodules were composed of similar neoplastic cells, necrosis and haemorrhage. Neoplastic cells were positive immunohistochemically for vimentin and smooth muscle actin. The histological features, immunohistochemical profiles and behaviour of this tumour support a diagnosis of a primary angioleiomyosarcoma with lung metastasis associated with a metal foreign body.  相似文献   

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