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Embryos in freshly matured seeds of the facultative winter annual Papaver rhoeas are underdeveloped and physiologically dormant; thus, seeds have morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Seeds lost physiological dormancy during 12 weeks of burial in moist soil at 12 h/12 h daily alternating temperature regimes of 15/5°C, 20/10 °C and 25/15 °C but not at 1 °C. Physiological dormancy was not broken in seeds stored dry at room temperature for 12 weeks. After physiological dormancy was broken, seeds required light for embryo growth (i.e. for loss of morphological dormancy) and consequently for germination. After a 12-week period of burial in soil at 25/15 °C, seeds that matured in 1997 germinated to 100% in light at 25/15 °C, demonstrating that cold stragification temperatures (≈ 0.5–10 °C) are not required for embryo growth. Thus, seeds have non-deep simple MPD. During exposure to low winter temperatures (5/1 °C, 1 °C), 52% of the seeds with physiologically non-dormant embryos entered conditional dormancy and thus lost the ability to germinate at 25/15 °C but not at 15/5 °C or 20/10 °C. The peak of germination for seeds sown in southern Sweden was in autumn, but some also germinated in spring. A higher percentage of seeds that matured in a relatively warm, dry year (1997) came out of MPD and germinated than did those that matured in a relatively cool, wet year (1998) at the same site.  相似文献   

Changes in dormancy of Spergula arvensis seeds were studied during pre-incubation at constant temperatures and under a temperature regime that condensed the annual temperature cycle into 73 days. Each day in the regime represented the mean day and night temperatures and day lengths of 5 successive days of an average year in The Netherlands. Incubation occurred in water or loamy sand, in darkness. Germination of the seeds was tested in water or KNO3 over a range of temperature. Seeds were irradiated with saturating doses of red light. In half of the treatments, pre-incubated seeds were dehydrated at the transfer to the conditions of the germination test. Breaking of dormancy occurred under conditions of 'spring'. It did not depend on exposure to low‘winter’temperatures, but was induced by rising 'spring’temperatures. Seeds developed secondary dormancy in late‘autumn'. The expression of the changes in dormancy that were induced during pre-incubation depended on the conditions of the germination test. Light, nitrate and dehydration stimulated germination. The experiments predicted that field emergence from nitrate-poor soils that have not been dehydrated will be restricted to a short period in autumn, whereas disturbance of nitrate-rich soils followed by a dry spell will stimulate germination of S. arvensis seeds from early spring to late autumn. The data presented good explanations for the cosmopolitan character and the serious weediness of this species. Its classification as a summer or winter annual is discussed.  相似文献   

Seeds of Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. buried in soil and exposed to natural temperature cycles exhibited seasonal changes in temperature, but generally not light; dark requirements for germination. Seeds were dormant at maturity in late September and October (autumn), and during burial from October to January they entered conditional dormancy, germinating up to ≥60% in light and darkness at daily thermoperiods of 25/15,30/15 and 35/20^C by January. During burial from February to May or June, seeds became non-dormant and germinated up to 68–100% in light and darkness at 15/6,20/10,25/15,30/15 and 35/20^C in May or June. At maximum yearly temperatures in June or July–August, 65–89% of the seeds entered conditional dormancy (germinating at 30/15 and 35/20, but not at 15/6,20/10 and 25/15^C), and the others entered dormancy (not germinating at any thermoperiod). Thus, most buried seeds had an annual conditional dormancy/non-dormancy cycle, but some had an annual dormancy/non-dormancy cycle. Except for seeds buried in 1990 that lost the ability to germinate in darkness at all thermoperiods the first summer of burial, seeds incubated in light and in darkness exhibited the same patterns of seasonal changes in germination responses. Although conditionally dormant and non-dormant seeds germinated to high percentages in darkness in Petri dishes, seedlings were found only in bags of seeds exhumed in April and May 1983, indicating that some factor(s) associated with the burial environment other than darkness prevented germination of buried seeds.  相似文献   

Freshly matured, seeds of the four summer annuals Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Polygonum pensylvanicum, Amaranthus hybridus and Chenopodium album were buried in soil at (12/12 h) daily thermoperiods of 15/6, 20/10, 25/15, 30/15 and 35/20°C and at a constant temperature of 5°C. After 0, 1, 3 and 5 months, seeds of each species at each temperature were exhumed and tested at a 14-h daily photoperiod at all six temperatures. Fresh seeds of A. artemisiifolia and P. pensylvanicum did not germinate at any temperature, those of A, hybridus germinated to 4 and 64% at 30/15 and 35/20°C, respectively, and those of C. album to 11–20% at 25/15, 30/15 and 35/20°C. Seeds of A. artemisiifolia and P. pensylvanicum, which germinate only in spring, required exposure to low (5, 15/6°C) temperature to after-ripen completely (i.e., to gain the ability to germinate over a wide range of temperatures), and little or no after-ripening occurred at high (25/15, 30/15 and 35/20°C) temperatures. Seeds of A. hybridus and C. album, which germinate in spring and summer, required exposure to low temperature to after-ripen completely, but at high temperatures they rapidly gained the ability to germinate at high temperatures. Regardless of the burial temperatures and species, when after-ripening occurred, seeds firs germinated at high and then at low temperatures. The minimum germination temperature for a species decreased with after-ripening temperature and with an increase in the length of the burial period.  相似文献   

Seeds of three Spanish Papaver rhoeas populations (two resistant to both tribenuron‐methyl and 2,4‐dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and one susceptible to both herbicides) were buried at 2, 8 and 20 cm depth in Lleida (Catalonia, Spain). At various intervals up to 77 months they were exhumed and tested for germination in an agar medium and for viability in a tetrazolium test. A similar annual dormancy cycle was found for each population in 3 years. Maximum germination occurred between September and December. Practically no seeds germinated between February and May. Burial depth influenced the germination cycle in the first 16 months after burial, and higher germination was found to occur in the seeds that were buried at 2 or 8 cm, but no consistent effect was observed thereafter. In a second study, burial depth had no effect on the loss of dormancy of P. rhoeas seeds in the first 2 months after burial. Viability of the buried seeds decreased slowly throughout the 77‐month experimental period and, at the end of this period, it was 53, 72 and 61% for seeds buried 2, 8 and 20 cm respectively. No significant differences were observed between the three populations.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in percentage of dormant seeds of Echinochloa crus-galli in the field were recorded for 4 years. The lots of seeds were wrapped in nylon fabric, buried 20 cm under the grass sward and exhumed at monthly intervals. The proportion of seeds germinating under light conditions at a constant temperature of 25 °C fluctuated between 0% and 96%, with maxima in May–July and minima in September–November. Small between-year differences in the course of summer dormancy induction and its winter termination were probably caused by variation of weather conditions.
Attributes of dormancy innate to seeds after maturation (primary dormancy) and dormancy induced in buried seeds during the summer (secondary dormancy) were compared by investigating the rate of dormancy termination during storage of (a) dry seeds at 25 °C, (b) imbibed seeds at 5°C and (c) in seeds buried under field conditions during October–June. Percentage of germination increased faster in secondary than primary dormant seeds at both constant 25 °C and 5 °C. The seeds with primary and secondary dormancy also differed in the response to `germination pre-treatment', a 10-day exposure of imbibed seeds at 25 °C that causes germination of the non-dormant fraction of seed materials. After this treatment the time to resuming germination in primary dormant seeds was substantially increased, whereas the secondary dormant seeds were much less affected. Annual variation in the proportion of germinable seeds explains the low efficiency of autumn soil cultivation for decreasing reserves of E. crus-galli seeds in the soil.  相似文献   

The uptake, movement and metabolism of fluroxypyr* is compared in two contrasting weed species, Stellaria media (susceptible) and Viola arvensis (moderately resistant). Similar rates of uptake occurred in both species, with a rapid cuticular uptake of 50% of that applied within 4 h. Total uptake by the underlying leaf tissue reached 66.6% and 70.8% in S. media and V. arvensis after 7 days. In translocation studies, in which 14C-fluroxypyr was applied to previously sprayed plants, 5.1% of applied 14C-activity was translocated from the treated leaves of S. media after 1 day, which increased to 42.2% after 7 days, recovered mainly from the stem tissue. In V. arvensis translocation was similar after 24 h however, after 7 days over 40% of applied 14C-activity remained in the treated leaves and only 9.7% was translocated, mainly to the developing leaves and apical tissue. 14C-activity extracted from the cuticle was the methylheptyl ester of fluroxypyr in both species. In the treated leaves and apical tissue, 14C-activity was the free acid of fluroxypyr and polar conjugates with a significantly greater proportion of the acid in S. media. It is concluded that the resistance or V. arvensis is partially due to reduced translocation and greater conjugation than in the susceptible S. media.  相似文献   

This study examined germination and dormancy in Galeopsis speciosa (Lamiaceae), a common summer annual weed in cold‐temperate areas. Seeds collected in southern Sweden were subjected to several experiments. The seeds were dormant at maturity. Seeds sown outdoors after collection produced a small number of seedlings that emerged early in the spring. After long cold stratification or stratification outdoors over two winters, the maximum germination was 40–50%; germination occurring over a wide range of temperatures. Warm stratification preceding cold stratification had no effect on germination, but repeated warm and cold periods seemed to promote germination. Gibberellic acid (GA) stimulated germination, but full germination was only achieved after more than 2 months of incubation at the most suitable temperature regime tested. Excised embryos grew and developed into normal seedlings. With these results, the species does not fit into the currently used system for seed dormancy classifications. The response to GA and the growth of excised embryos indicate non‐deep or intermediate physiological dormancy, but dormancy alleviation by stratification was not in line with the guiding principles for these classifications. Galeopsis speciosa has a strong dormancy that is sufficiently alleviated during the winter to allow germination of only part of a seed batch each year; hence a stepwise germination pattern occurs over a period of several years.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence of Lamium amplexicaule L. and L. purpureum L. was monitored in field plots tilled at various times during the growing season, and the number of viable seeds in the soil was determined. In plots tilled in early spring, only seeds of L. amplexicaule, germinated, but seeds of both species germinated in the same plots in autumn without further disturbance. Additional seeds of L. amplexicaule, but not of L. purpureum, germinated the following spring. In plots tilled in late spring and summer, seeds of L. amplexicaule germinated in autumn and the following spring, whereas seeds of L. purpureum germinated only in autumn. The number of viable seeds in the top 13 mm layer of soil ranged from 189 to 1216 m?2 for L. amplexicaule and from 131 to 854 for L. purpureum. These field results support those obtained in previous glasshouse-laboratory physiological studies on the annual dormancy cycle in the two Lamium species. Levée au champ de Lamium amplexicaule L. et L. purpureum L. par rapport au cycle annuel de la dormance des graines La levée de jeunes plants de Lamium amplexicaule L. et L. purpureum L. a été observée sur des parcelles cultivées à différentes époques de la saison de végétation et le nombre de graines viables au sol a été déterminé. Sur les parcelles cultivées en début de printemps, seules les graines de L. amplexicaule ont germé, mais des graines des deux espèces ont germé en automne sur les mêmes parcelles, sans cultivation ultérieure. Au printemps suivant, une nouvelle germination a été constatée chez L. amplexicaule mais pas chez L. purpureum. Sur les parcelles cultivées en fin de printemps et en été, des graines de L. amplexicaule ont germé en automne et aussi au printemps suivant, tandis que les graines de L. purpureum n'ont germé qu'en automne. Le nombre de graines viables dans les premiers 13 mm de la surface du sol allait de 189 à 1216 m?2 pour L. amplexicaule et de 131 à 854 pour L. purpureum. Ces résultats sur le terrain confirment ceux obtenus dans des études physiologiques sur le cycle annuel de dormance chez les deux espèces de Lamium, menées préalablement en serre et au laboratoire. Ueber dus Auflaufen von Lamium amplexicaule L. und L. purpureum L. in Bezug auf den Jährlichen Zyklus der Samenruhe unter Feldbedingungen In Parzellen, die zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten während der Vegetationsperiode einer Boden-bearbeitung unterworfen worden waren, wurde sowohl das Auflaufen der Keimlinge von Lamium amplexicaule L. und L. purpureum L. registriert, als auch die Anzahl lebenfähiger Samen festgestellt. Nach Bodenbearbeitung im frühen Frühling keimten nur Samen von L. amplexicaule; im Herbst keimten in denselben Parzellen jedoch Samen beider Arten, sofern der Boden nicht mehr bewegt worden war. Weitere Samen von L. amplexicaule, nicht aber von L. purpureum, keimten im folgenden Frühling. In Parzellen, die im späten Frühling und im Sommer bearbeitet worden waren, keimte L. amplexicaule im Herbst und im folgenden Frühling. Während L. purpureum nur im Herbst keimte. Die Anzahl lebensfähiger Samen m?2 in den obersten 13 mm des Bodens bewegte sich zwischen 189 und 1216 für L. amplexicaule und zwischen 131 und 854 für L. purpureum. Diese Feldresultate bestätigen Ergebnisse von Gewüchshausstudien über den jährlichen Zyklus der Samenruhe der beiden Lamium-Arten.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out, one in 1995 and one in 1997, to investigate the competitive abilities of two spring wheat cultivars with Sinapis arvensis L. The spring wheat cultivars (Baldus and Canon) of contrasting growth habit were grown with and without S. arvensis under two different moisture regimes (10% and 70% of field capacity). In 1995, S. arvensis was found to be less competitive when subjected to moisture stress, resulting in smaller wheat yield losses in dry soil than in moist soil. In both years, seed production of S. arvensis was reduced by competition and moisture stress, and the seeds produced by plants that had been grown in drier soil were small and had negligible dormancy. Hence, in dry conditions, the competitiveness of S. arvensis and its potential to produce persistent seed may be reduced. Some differences between the two wheat cultivars were evident: cv. Baldus was more competitive against S. arvensis than cv. Canon. This could be attributed to differences in canopy structure.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the germination of buried seeds of Monochoria vaginalis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CHEN  & KUO 《Weed Research》1999,39(2):107-115
This study investigates the seasonal variation of germination ability of buried seeds of Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) Presl var. plantaginea Solms. The field-collected seeds were buried in a flooded or an upland field and then exhumed monthly. The exhumed seeds were germinated under four temperature regimes. The seeds exhumed from the flooded soil were dormant at the beginning of burial and proceeded into a conditional dormancy/non-dormancy/conditional dormancy cycle throughout the remaining period of the experiment. The seeds exhumed monthly from the non-flooded soil exhibited an annual dormant cycle, which is dormancy/conditional dormancy/non-dormancy/conditional dormancy/dormancy. At day and night temperatures of 25/20 °C, the exhumed seeds from both the flooded and the upland soil resembled each other in terms of seasonal variation of the germination percentage. In September and October, more seeds exhumed from upland soil failed to germinate under higher temperature than from flooded soil. Strictly avoiding exposure to light during seed exhuming and seed testing prevented the seeds from germinating. A short exposure of the exhumed seeds to light during preparation promoted dark germination when the seeds were at the non-dormant stage. The potential implications of our results for weed management strategies in rice production are discussed.  相似文献   

Spring-produced seeds of Lamium amplexicaule L. were buried in pots of soil in an unheated glasshouse in June 1978, and at 1–2-month intervals, for 27 months, they were exhumed and tested for germination in light and darkness at temperatures simulating those in the habitat from early spring to late autumn. Freshly-matured seeds were dormant, but by autumn 85% or more germinated in light at 15/6, 20/10, 25/15 and 30/15°C but only 7% or less in darkness. During late autumn and winter germination in light decreased at 25/15 and 30/15 °C but not at 15/6 and 20/10 °C, and germination in darkness increased at 15/6 and 20/10 °C. During late winter and early spring germination in light at 15/6 and 20/10 °C decreased, and seeds lost the ability to germinate in darkness. By the second autumn of burial, seeds germinated to near 100% in light at 15/6 to 30/15 °C and to 10–25% in darkness at 15/6 and 20/10 °C. The cycle of germination responses was repeated during the second winter and spring and the third summer of burial. Autumn-produced seeds were dormant when buried in November 1979, but by spring they germinated to 81 and 36% at 15/6 and 20/10 °C, respectively, in light. These seeds afterripened further during summer. The consequence of seasonal changes in germination responses is that (1) seeds can germinate in the habitat in late summer, autumn and spring but not in early- to mid-summer or in late autumn and winter and (2) during both germination seasons, seeds produced during the previous spring(s) and/or autumn(s) can germinate.  相似文献   

十字花科杂草种子的破眠研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对我国农田常见的7种十字花科杂草破眠研究表明,400-600mg/kg浓度的赤霉酸溶液处理24h,能有效打破诸葛菜、风花菜、遏蓝菜、碎米蔼和Han菜种子的休眠,5种杂草的发芽率由对照的0-16%提高到36.3%-80.67%。机械破皮加赤霉酸处理,能有效打破播娘蒿种子的休眠,发芽率提高到43.97%。机械破皮后用GA3处理,种子萌发时再进行变温处理,能大幅度提高蔼菜种子的发芽率,发芽率可提高到71.67%。  相似文献   

Mathematical models that predict emergence of weed seedbanks could be useful tools for determining the most suitable time for weed seedling control and, consequently, should result in a higher efficacy of applied control methods. To achieve this goal in dormant weed species, functional relationships should be established between environmental factors regulating dormancy and dormancy changes of seed populations. In the present work, we used a simple model and an optimisation procedure to quantify the effect of temperature on Polygonum aviculare seed dormancy release and induction, based on germination data. Dormancy release rate was inversely related to temperature, showing a decreasing logistic trend that results in no dormancy release for seeds exposed to 20 and 25°C. In contrast, dormancy induction rates in absolute values were positively associated with temperature, showing a logistic trend in which dormancy induction was almost zero at low temperatures and maximal at 25°C. Derived model parameters were used to simulate dormancy changes of P. aviculare seeds stored under controlled and field conditions. These results suggest that similar model structures could be used to quantify temperature effects on seed dormancy status of other weed species and to develop predictive models of weed emergence.  相似文献   

Digitaria sanguinalis, Eleusine indica, Setaria glauca and S. viridis are troublesome summer annual weeds in turf. For taking rational decisions on the necessity for the level and type of weed management, it is important to know when weeds are ready to emerge (dormancy status) and also how long weed seeds can survive in the soil. Seeds of these four species were buried 4.0–4.5 cm deep in steel mesh net bags placed under permanent turf and periodically exhumed for 3 years to evaluate viability and determine the dormancy/non‐dormancy cycle. D. sanguinalis, S. glauca and S. viridis showed the typical dormancy cycle of summer annual species, and their seed viability declined completely after 3 years of burial. In contrast, E. indica demonstrated unusual behaviour, with long persistence and no dormancy.  相似文献   

Germination of buried and dry-stored seeds of Stellaria media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Appreciable germination of seeds of Stellaria media (L.) Vill. freshly harvested in May. June and October took place only when they were moistened with 0·2% potassium nitrate and given diurnal temperature alternations with intermittent exposure to light. After-ripening occurred in dry storage, and percentage germination in the absence of one or more of these factors slowly increased. These changes were more rapid in seeds buried 2 or 5 cm deep in the field, and after 14 weeks, seeds exposed to intermittent light all germinated at a range of constant and alternating temperatures whether moistened with water or potassium nitrate. Loss of dormancy was slowest in the seeds harvested and buried in October. Germination de semences de Stellaria media enterées ou conservées à sec Des semences de Stetlaria media (L.) Vill. fraichement récollées en mai, juin et octobre n'ont manifesté une germination appreciable qu'aprés avoir été humidifies avec une solution à 0,2% de nitrate de potassium et soumises à des alternances d'une temperature diurne donnée, avec une exposition intermittente à la lumière. Une post-maturation est apparue au cours de la conservation t sec et le pourcentage de germination, en Tabsence d'un ou de plusieurs facteurs, a augments lentement. Ces changements ont été plus rapides pour les semences enterées au champ à une frodondeur de 2 ou 5 cm, et aprés 14 semaines. les semenées exposéaes à la lumitére ont germé en totalité, dans une série de températures constantes et alternées, qu'elles aient été humidifyées avec de l'eau ou du nitrate de potassium. La rupture de Ia dormance a été minimale chez les semences récoltées et ententes en octobre. Keimtmg von im Boden und von trocken gelagerten Samen von Stellaria media Wenn Samen von Stellaria media (L.) Vill. im Mai, Juni und Oktober frisch geerntet wurden, trat nur dann eine nennen-swerte Keimung ein, wenn sie mit 0.2%, iger Kaliumnitratlösung angefeuchtet und diurnalem Temperaturwechsel mit wechselnder Belichtung ausgesetzt wurden, Bei trockener Lagerung trat eine Nachroifc ein und die Keimrale nahm langsam zu. wenn einer oder mehrere der obigen Faktoren fehlle. Dieser Wechsel trat am schnellsten bei Samen auf die 2 oder 5 cm tief im Feld vergraben waren und wenn die Samen nach 14 Wochen ciner Wechselbelichtung ausgeseizt wurden, dann keimten bei konstanten und wechselnden Temperaturen alle Samen, unäbhSngig davon, ob sie mit Wasser oder mit Kaliumnitrailösung angefeuchict worden waren. Die Keimhemmung liess am langsamsten bei den Samen nach, die im Oktober geerntet und im Boden einge-graben worden waren.  相似文献   

NAVIE  PANETTA  MCFADYEN  & ADKINS 《Weed Research》1998,38(5):335-341
Parthenium hysterophorus L. seeds were buried at a depth of 5 cm for periods of 2–24 months to determine their longevity. The majority (73.7%) of these seeds were still viable after 24 months of burial. The remainder could not be recovered (18.0%) or were no longer viable (8.3%). There was a log-linear decline in persistence of germinable seeds over time, which indicated a constant rate of loss and a half-life of about 6 years. Seedling emergence from surface-sown seeds was also studied. Although there was considerable rainfall (31 mm), seedlings did not emerge during the first month of this experiment. In the succeeding 3 months, there was substantial seedling emergence after rainfall, and 51.4% of seeds had germinated by the end of the fourth month. After 5 months had passed, further seedling emergence was not detected, and intact seeds could not be located. These findings suggest that seed incorporation into the soil is important to the long-term persistence of P . hysterophorus seeds. In an initial test of germination, unburied seeds from the same seed lot exhibited a degree of innate dormancy, and this may explain the delayed germination observed in the surface-sown seeds. In the seed burial and recovery experiment, innate dormancy was lost after 2 months of burial in the field, although in situ germination of buried seed remained low for at least 24 months. Therefore, it appears that more than one dormancy mechanism may contribute to the persistence of P. hysterophorus seeds.  相似文献   

Phelipanche ramosa (Branched broomrape) is an obligate root parasitic plant that is a major pest of oilseed rape in France. Knowledge on seed viability and dormancy under field conditions is crucial to understand how to control P. ramosa, but is as yet unknown. Our study aimed to quantify these processes with a 2‐year seed burial experiment. Two genetically distinct populations of P. ramosa were studied, collected on winter oilseed rape (population O) and hemp (population H). Seed mortality was very low in both populations (4–7% per year). Although obligate parasitic seeds are assumed to germinate only after exposure to germination stimulants from host root exudates, a high proportion of population H seeds germinated spontaneously (up to 90%). Seeds of both populations displayed seasonal dormancy, with timing and magnitude depending on the population. Dormancy was low at the time each native host crop is usually sown. Populations differed in germination dynamics, with seeds of population H germinating faster. The difference in behaviour that we observed between populations is consistent with reported adaptations of pathovars to their preferred hosts. The results indicate that the parasitic plant management requires targeting at the populations concerned. For example, delayed sowing is more promising against population O than against population H.  相似文献   

苣荬菜芽根休眠过程中碳水化合物变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以多年生恶性杂草苣荬菜(Sonchus brachyotus DC.)为试材,经过2006~2007年连续两年的调查和试验,探讨了营养繁殖器官芽根在休眠过程中萌发率的变化规律,碳水化合物含量随温度的变化情况及与淀粉酶活性的关系等.结果表明,在哈尔滨地区,苣荚菜芽根的休眠进程符合预休眠期、真休眠期和强制休眠期的变化规律.可溶性糖和淀粉含量呈现此消彼长的趋势.淀粉酶活性在休眠期间呈现增强-减弱-增强的趋势.  相似文献   

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