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One month old rice calli were exposed to 0, 50, and 100 mol m?3 sodium chloride (NaCl) in the liquid LS basal medium supplemented with 2.5 mg L?1 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and 0.5 mg L?1 kinetin. Callus relative growth rate (RGR; fresh) of both cultivars indicated a progressive decrease; however, callus dry weight increased as the NaCl level increased in the culture medium. Salinity stress increased the callus sodium (Na+), manganese (Mn2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) contents while potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and iron (Fe2+) contents decreased. ‘Basmati-385’ showed less reduction in callus RGR, K+, and Ca2+ contents and a larger increase in callus dry weight, Na+, Mn2+, and Mg2+ contents as compared to ‘Basmati-Karnal’. However, the reverse was true for Fe2+ contents. K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ ratios generally decreased under salt stress. Overall, reduction in callus relative growth rate was found to be inversely correlated with decrease in K+, Ca2+, and Fe2+ uptake and directly correlated with increased Na+ and Mg2+ concentration in callus tissue.  相似文献   

土壤中兽用抗生素污染对水稻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解农田土壤兽用抗生素污染对粮食作物水稻生长的潜在影响,选择我国养殖业中常用的抗生素之一土霉素作为目标化合物,试验研究了不同土霉素浓度水平对水稻苗期、生长期生长与产量的影响,探讨了水稻各器官中土霉素积累与土壤中土霉素浓度水平的关系。结果表明,土壤土霉素污染对水稻生长的影响主要发生在苗期,对地下部分的影响显著大于地上部分;苗期地下部生物量、根系活力、叶片叶绿素含量和氧化酶活性随浓度水平(30 mg·kg~(-1)以上)的升高而显著降低。苗期受到土霉素污染影响的水稻其影响一直可延续至整个生育期,表现在分蘖数降低、产量减少等。土霉素在水稻各器官中的积累量大小顺序:根系叶片茎秆籽粒。水稻对土壤中的土霉素富集能力较小,土霉素由根部向地上部分叶、茎、籽粒的迁移作用也较弱。考虑到当前农田土壤中土霉素污染水平一般较低(多在10 mg·kg~(-1)以下),且在谷物中土霉素积累水平较低,推断在目前农地土壤中土霉素污染水平下,其对水稻生长的直接危害相对较小。  相似文献   

Upland rice plants, cultivar ‘IAC 202,’ were grown in nutrient solution until full tillering. Treatments consisted of ammonium nitrate (AN) or urea (UR) as nitrogen (N) source plus molybdenum (Mo) and/or nickel (Ni): AN + Mo + Ni, AN + Mo ? Ni, AN ? Mo + Ni, UR + Mo + Ni, UR + Mo ? Ni, and UR ? Mo + Ni. The experiment was carried out to better understand the effect of these treatments on dry‐matter yield, chlorophyll, net photosynthesis rate, nitrate (NO3 ?‐N), total N, in vitro activities of urease and nitrate reductase (NR), and Mo and Ni concentrations. In UR‐grown plants, Mo and Ni addition increased yield of dry matter. Regardless of the N source, chlorophyll concentration and net photosynthesis rate were reduced when Mo or Ni were omitted, although not always significantly. The omission of either Mo or Ni led to a decrease in urease activity, independent of N source. Nitrate reductase activity increased in nutrient solutions without Mo, although NO3 ?‐N increased. There was not a consistent variation in total N concentration. Molybdenum and Ni concentration in roots and shoots were influenced by their supply in the nutrient solution. Molybdenum concentration was not influenced by N sources, whereas Ni content in both root and shoots was greater in ammonium nitrate–grown plants. In conclusion, it can be hypothesized that there is a relationship between Mo and Ni acting on photosynthesis, although is an indirect one. This is the first evidence for a beneficial effect of Mo and Ni interaction on plant growth.  相似文献   

选用生产上应用的3个优良籼稻(Oryza sativa ssp.indica)品种桂朝2号、特青和9311的成熟胚为材料,以CC为基本培养基,经过愈伤组织诱导、两次继代、预分化、分化培养,研究培养基中不同微量元素浓度对3个籼稻品种成熟胚愈伤组织褐化和分化的影响。结果表明,在预分化和分化阶段,桂朝2号添加5×CC微量元素,9311添加3×CC微量元素可以明显抑制愈伤组织褐化,提高愈伤组织分化频率,而特青对微量元素浓度反应不敏感,研究结果为籼稻遗传改良和籼稻转基因研究提供良好的组织培养技术参考。  相似文献   

For the preparation of amino acid chelated fertilizer, chicken feathers were hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid (H2SO4; 6M) and potassium hydroxide (KOH; 6M) separately in the presence of different catalysts. Under acidic conditions, the catalyst zinc sulfate, gave minimum ammonium but a maximum conversion rate of organic nitrogen (N) into amino acids (19% higher than control). Under alkaline conditions, sodium sulfide showed maximum amino acid-N and conversion rate (37% higher than control). The catalyst doses showed a continuous increase in the conversion rate and were highest at 12%. The ratio of 1:3 feathers: hydrolytic agent showed maximum conversion rate. Hydrolytic time had a nonsignificant effect under acidic conditions, but under alkaline conditions a hydrolytic time of 14 h gave the maximum conversion rate. The chelation experiment results showed that the ratios (2:1, 2.5:1, and 3:1) showed almost equal chelation rates, except the 1:1 ratio of hydrolysis product to salt. Iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) showed maximum chelation rates under acidic pH, while zinc (Zn) showed maximum chelation rate at an alkaline pH. Temperature and chelation time had a nonsignificant effect on chelation rate. Comparative study results of amino acid chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers, and zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and iron sulfate (FeSO4) fertilizer foliar application to upland rice showed that a 1/100 dilution of amino acid chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers increased growth parameters from 22–73%, while EDTA chelated Zn and Fe fertilizers caused an increase of 15–63%, and ZnSO4 and FeSO4 increased growth parameters from 11–35% over the control. After fertilizer application, increase in chlorophyll contents was 11–17%, 3–6%, and 8–12%, respectively, over control. Therefore, amino acid chelated micronutrient fertilizer is used in small amounts, has a low cost, and high rates of return.  相似文献   

为探讨不同氮素配施氨基酸对梨树生长、产量及品质的影响,连续两年在8年生翠冠梨上开展了等氮条件下单施硝铵和尿素及配施氨基酸的研究。结果表明,单施硝铵处理较单施尿素处理显著增加了SPAD值、叶面积和百叶重,分别比尿素处理增加了2.8%、5.9%和7.2%。硝铵配施氨基酸处理显著增加了单果重。单施硝铵处理较单施尿素处理显著增加了单株产量、硬度和可溶性糖,有增加可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量的趋势。花后110天硝铵配施氨基酸处理比单施硝铵处理显著增加了果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖含量。各种糖在不同生育期所占比例不同,花后46天果实中山梨醇所占比例最高,约占总糖含量的69%~73%,葡萄糖和果糖比例相当;随着果实的发育,果糖和蔗糖比例逐渐增加,山梨醇比例降低。总体看来,硝铵配施氨基酸处理更有利于梨树生长和果实品质的提高。  相似文献   

为比较减施化肥配施商品有机肥和生物有机肥对优质籼稻产量和品质的影响差异,以6个不同类型优质籼稻品种作为供试材料,设置不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(CF)、商品有机肥和化肥按氮含量1︰1配施(SF)、生物有机肥和化肥按氮含量1︰1配施(WF) 4个处理,结果表明:(1)施肥能够显著提高优质籼稻产量,但对比单施化肥处理配施有机肥显著降低所有品种的产量,其中配施生物有机肥处理产量较配施商品有机肥呈增产趋势,但不显著。(2)相对于化肥处理,配施有机肥通过提高稻米整精米率、垩白粒率和垩白度改善了稻米加工品质并降低了外观品质,少数品种达显著水平。(3)配施有机肥较化肥处理具有延长稻米胶稠度的趋势,但不显著,并在配施生物有机肥下达最长,但绝大数品种的蛋白质含量却较化肥处理显著降低,从而提高米饭的适口性。(4)配施有机肥能提高稻米峰值黏度和崩解值,降低消减值和糊化温度,虽然变化不显著,但使得稻米RVA谱特征值接近不施肥处理的水平,有利于改善稻米食味品质,特别是配施生物有机肥更为接近。  相似文献   

减量施肥对水稻生长及氮素利用率的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过在不同肥力水平土壤上设置不同幅度的氮肥减量试验,研究其对水稻产量及氮肥利用率的影响,为巢湖流域坡岗地区氮肥的减量施用提供依据。结果表明:在巢湖流域坡岗地区中高肥力水平土壤上减少30%的常规施氮量、中低肥力水平土壤减少10%的常规施氮量,虽然单位面积有效穗数下降,但水稻结实率、每穗粒数和千粒重明显增加,不会造成水稻显著减产。两种肥力水平土壤上,氮素收获指数均以常规施氮量处理最低,减量施肥、分期施氮可以促进氮素从茎、叶、根部向谷粒的转移;减量施肥,中高肥力土壤上氮素回收率提高9.99~16.52个百分点,中低肥力水平土壤上提高6.0~12.15个百分点。  相似文献   

A study was conducted under greenhouse conditions on wheat to investigate the utilization of dissolved organic nitrogen (N) in comparison with conventionally applied inorganic N sources (INS). Nitrogen was applied at a rate of 90 kg N ha?1 in an inorganic form, an organic high molecular weight (MW) form (casein, haemoglobin, albumin), and an organic low MW amino acid form (glycine, alanine, valine). Inorganic N sources recorded the maximum response (126% to 150%) in total dry matter (DM) production while dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) sources showed 61% to 116% increase in comparison to the control treatment. Glycine gave the maximum DM production, which was comparable with both INS treatments. In hydroponics, greater utilization occurred and the shoots had a higher N content in comparison to those grown in soil. The concentration of DON and NO3? in soil after wheat harvest was similar in all the treatments.  相似文献   

五种有机物质对银杏细胞生长和黄酮醇糖苷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了在银杏愈伤组织培养过程中,5种有机成分对细胞生长率和黄酮醇糖苷含量的影响。结果表明:(1)当增减偌中分别添加甘氨酸、盐酸硫胺素(VB1)、盐酸吡哆醇(VB6)和烟酸时,细胞生长率均优于零对照;(2)甘氨酸浓度与细胞生长率呈正相关;(3)当烟酸浓度为0.5mg/L时,细胞生长率最大,达348%;(4)在5种有机物处理中,均能找到适合于黄酮醇糖苷积累的最佳浓度。  相似文献   

To study the effect of nitrogen and salinity on growth and chemical composition of pistachio seedlings (cv. ‘Badami’), a greenhouse experiment was conducted. Treatments consisted of four salinity levels [0, 800, 1600, and 2400 mg sodium chloride (NaCl) kg?1 soil], and four nitrogen (N) levels (0, 60, 120, and 180 mg kg?1 soil as urea). Treatments were arranged in a factorial manner in a completely randomized design with three replications. The highest level of nitrogen and salinity decreased leaf and root dry weights. Nitrogen application significantly increased the concentration of shoot N and salinity suppressed shoot N concentration. Salinity and nitrogen fertilization increased shoot and root sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations. Nitrogen application increased proline concentration and reducing sugar content. Although salinity levels increased proline concentration a specific trend on reducing sugars content was not observed.  相似文献   

为了探索稻鱼模式下水稻氮肥高效施用技术,实现减肥增效的生产目标,以杂交籼稻隆两优1206为试验材料,在稻鱼共作模式下设置了4个水稻施氮处理,分别为:N0不施氮肥处理、CK当地常规施氮处理(纯氮用量为180 kg/hm2,按分蘖肥∶促花肥∶保花肥=5∶2.5∶2.5施用)、N1氮肥减量处理(纯氮用量为120 kg/hm2,按分蘖肥∶促花肥∶保花肥=5∶2.5∶2.5施用)、N2氮肥减量后移处理(纯氮用量为120 kg/hm2,按分蘖肥∶促花肥∶保花肥=0∶5∶5施用),研究了不同处理下水稻生长特性、产量和氮肥利用率的变化规律。结果表明:与CK处理相比,N2处理显著降低了有效分蘖叶龄期水稻的分蘖数和倒4叶期水稻的干物质积累量,但在有效分蘖叶龄期的分蘖数达到了CK处理有效穗数的88.54%,已经够苗。施穗肥后N2处理增加了水稻的干物质积累量、有效穗数和穗粒数,同时显著降低了水稻的高峰苗,提高了成穗率,两年的水稻产量比CK处理分别增加了6.39%和8.57%。同时,N2处理降低了水稻成熟期土壤水解氮的残留,水稻氮素收获指数、氮素...  相似文献   

减氮配施牡蛎壳粉对优质晚籼稻抗倒性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多数优质晚籼稻品种抗倒伏能力较弱,倒伏问题已成为发展优质晚籼稻生产的关键限制因素。为探究减氮配施牡蛎壳粉调理剂对晚籼稻植株抗倒性能的影响,本试验以泰优871为材料,设置常规施肥(T1,180 kg N·hm-2)、减氮施肥(T2,135 kg N·hm-2)和减氮配施牡蛎壳粉调理剂(T3,T2基础上增施3 t·hm-2牡蛎壳粉调理剂)3个处理,分别测定茎秆的形态指标、生物力学指标、基部第2节间碳水化合物、茎秆钙积累量及碳代谢相关酶活性、干物质积累、产量及其构成要素。结果表明,与T1处理相比,T2处理单株鲜重、株高、重心高、基部第2节间长度、折断部位至穗顶长、倒伏指数、纤维素酶活性以及有效穗数显著降低,蔗糖合成酶活性显著提高。与T2处理相比,T3处理倒伏指数、重心高、苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性均显著降低,纤维素含量、肉桂酸-4-羟化酶活性、有效穗数及产量显著提高,且T3处理齐穗期干物质、茎鞘物质输出率,齐穗期及成熟期茎秆钙积累量均显著高于T1、T2处理。综上,减氮后配施牡蛎壳粉调理剂不仅能够增加籼稻的产量,还显著提高了籼稻的抗倒伏能力。本研究为实现水稻的高产、稳产、抗倒伏提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Whole grain rice contains functional antioxidants such as phenolics, flavonoids (including proanthocyanidins), vitamin E homologs (tocopherols and tocotrienols), and γ‐oryzanol that have positive effects on human health. These antioxidants are secondary metabolites in plants that can be induced under external stress. The objectives of this study were to quantify the effects of cultivars, crop management method (organic and conventional), and growing environment on the concentrations of these antioxidants in whole grain rice. Cultivars and environment contributed to a higher percentage of variation in the concentrations of these antioxidants than did crop management method. Cultivars accounted for a greater proportion of the variation than environment for all traits except total tocotrienols and γ‐oryzanol. Cultivars that are high in concentrations of these antioxidants were identified, but no one cultivar contained the highest concentration of all antioxidants evaluated. These cultivar differences indicate that improvement for phytochemical and antioxidant traits can be accomplished through traditional breeding. Because of the limited effect of crop management on these antioxidants, choice of cultivar should be the focus for organic production of whole grain rice high in these antioxidants.  相似文献   

弱光照条件下有机碳营养对水稻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在弱光条件下,研究了不含氮的有机碳(蔗糖、α-酮戊二酸、丙三醇)对水稻生物量积累及氮素代谢的影响。结果表明,在弱光条件下叶喷有机碳有促进水稻生长的作用,反映在生物量增长及相关氮代谢的生理参数上。不同的有机碳效果不同,三种有机碳中以α-酮戊二酸的效果最好。与喷清水处理相比,其生物量增幅高达33.12%,水溶性氮/全氮降幅达48.31%。试验表明,不含氮的有机碳营养显示了可克服弱光及碳不足对作物生长制约的效果。  相似文献   

张琳  李光杰  施卫明 《土壤》2019,51(4):635-640
采用控制条件下的水培试验方法,研究了不同氮源条件下,外源供铁水平对粳稻品种中花11和籼稻品种扬稻6号的苗期生长特征、铵含量和铁、钾离子含量的影响。结果表明:外源铁浓度水平升高会显著缓解铵抑制的粳稻中花11的根系长度,但不缓解铵抑制的籼稻品种扬稻6号根长。外源铁浓度升高处理会显著增加两水稻品种根部铁离子含量,而显著降低两水稻品种铵态氮条件下水稻根部铵离子含量,且两品种间变化趋势相似。高量铵/铁共胁迫条件下,两水稻品种根部钾离子含量均显著降低,且两品种间变化趋势相似。粳稻中花11根系生长明显更耐铁毒害胁迫;硝态氮条件下,籼稻品种扬稻6号根部钾离子变化对铁毒害胁迫更敏感。上述结果显示外源铁浓度水平对根系铵毒害的缓解效果在不同水稻生态型之间存在差异,且这种差异可能与铁胁迫抗性之间存在关联。  相似文献   

探讨有机肥替代氮素在总氮投入中的不同比例对香蕉生长发育及主要品质的影响,可进一步揭示不同供肥模式与香蕉生长发育、果实主要品质等相关性,为找出最佳的有机肥替代比例提供理论支持.于福建漳州国家土壤质量数据中心观测监测点连续多年进行香蕉连作试验,其中,对照处理(CK)不施任何肥料,其他处理氮素施入量均为N 630 kg/hm...  相似文献   

李素梅  施卫明 《土壤》2007,39(4):589-593
为了探索不同铵硝配比对水稻根系形态和地上部N累积量的影响及其与根系吸N量的关系,以苗期N高效品种桂单4号和N低效品种南光为材料,设置1.0mmol/L NO3--N、0.5mmol/L NH4NO3、1.0mmol/L NH4 -N 3个N处理开展了研究.结果表明:含有NO3--N的处理总根长、总根数和总根表面积均明显高于NH4 -N的处理,且桂单4号和南光两种基因型水稻之间存在差异.两品种均在0.5 mmol/L NH4NO3处理中根系吸N量最高,其次是1.0 mmol/L NH4 -N处理,1.0 mmol/L NO3--N的处理根系吸N量最少.  相似文献   

为发挥控释氮肥与速效氮肥各自优势,从土壤氮素供应与作物生长角度探索其适宜配比,通过盆栽试验研究了不同控释氮肥配比(0,10%,20%,40%,80%,100%)尿素处理对土壤无机氮含量、微生物数量及水稻株高、干物质累积和产量构成的影响。结果表明,配施40%控释氮肥处理对水稻生育中后期土壤无机氮影响最优,NH4+-N和NO–3-N含量较单施尿素处理分别提高10.11%~17.02%和12.17%~17.21%。拔节至成熟期,40%控释氮肥处理土壤细菌数量最多,与单施尿素处理差异显著;放线菌数量以20%~40%控释氮肥处理较为丰富;真菌数量在80%控释氮肥处理下最大。水稻生育中后期,40%控释氮肥处理的水稻株高和干物质量较单施尿素处理提高4.73%~10.18%和13.7%~17.88%;水稻产量以40%控释氮肥处理最高,较单施尿素和单施控释氮肥分别提高13.59%和11.4%,且水稻有效穗数、千粒重和穗粒数显著高于单施尿素处理。综上,40%控释氮肥+60%尿素处理增加了土壤中无机氮含量,促进土壤微生物繁殖,水稻株高和干物质积累量大,优化了产量构成因子,达到了水稻增产目标,是值得推荐的控释氮肥配施处理。  相似文献   

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