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Animal manure is used in crop production to improve crop yield and soil properties. The impact of cattle manure applied in one year on yield and soil properties in the subsequent years has not been extensively studied. This work evaluated the effect of manure application on winter wheat grain yield (Triticum aestivum L.), soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil pH. Cattle manure was applied once every four years at a rate of 267 kg N ha?1. Grain yield and soil samples (0–15 cm) were collected annually from the Magruder Plots, Oklahoma. Soil samples were analyzed using a glass electrode (pH) and LECO dry combustion analyzer (SOC). The highest yield (2.8 Mg ha?1) occurred in the second year after manure application. Yield in the second year exceeded yield in the first year by 66%. Yields in the third and fourth year were similar to yields in the other years. No changes in soil pH and SOC were observed in each of the four years that constituted the manure application cycle. Cattle manure (267 kg N ha?1) could be applied once to serve a four-year period without major yield differences while also improving soil pH and SOC when compared to the check.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the foliar applied phosphorous with and without pre-plant dose (50 kg hac.?1) of phosphorous on growth, chlorophyll contents, gas exchange parameters and phosphorous use efficiency (PUE) of wheat. The experiment was conducted in net house at Department of Crop Physiology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. Two promising wheat cultivar AARI 2011 and FSD 2008 were used as a test crop with 5 foliar phosphorus (P) rates (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 kg ha?1). The foliar applied P with pre-plant performed better than without pre-plant and control treatments. Foliar treatment of phosphorus at 6 kg ha?1 P proved to be the best among other foliar treatments followed by 8 kg ha?1 P. The foliar application of phosphorous at 6 kg hac.?1 with pre-plant soil applied P increased the shoot length, root length, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight and root dry weight. The chlorophyll contents (Chl. a and b) were increased with the foliar application of phosphorous. The gas exchange parameters (net carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and sub-stomatal CO2 rate) were significantly improved by foliar applied P. The maximum values of net CO2 assimilation rate (5.27 μ mol m?2 sec.?1), transpiration rate (3.44 μ mol m?2 sec.?1), stomatal conductance (0.81 μ mol m?2 sec.?1) and sub-stomatal CO2 (271.67 μ mol m?2 sec.?1), were recorded in the treatment where P was foliar applied at 6 kg hac.?1 with pre-plant soil applied Phosphorous. The foliar application of phosphorous with pre-plant soil applied P enhanced Phosphorous use efficiency (PUE) in both varieties. The maximum value of PUE (15.42%) was recorded in the treatment where foliar feeding of P was done at 6 kg hac.?1 with pre-plant soil applied P in both genotypes.  相似文献   

Continuous use of organic and inorganic fertilizers influences soil physical and chemical properties. Stored samples from the last 24 years of the Magruder Plots were analyzed to document changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and soil pH. Since 1947, the same six treatments have been evaluated. Treatments included the use of cattle manure, inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and lime (L). Each year, a composite surface soil sample (0–15 cm) was taken in each plot, air-dried at ambient temperature, ground to pass a 2 mm sieve, and stored at room temperature, 25°C. Averaged over 24 years’ the manure plots resulted in the highest SOC and TN. Manure application maintained SOC at 0.92 and adequate soil pH (>6.0). The use of commercial fertilizers lowered soil pH over time but had higher yields compared to the manure plot.  相似文献   

A study was conducted under greenhouse conditions on wheat to investigate the utilization of dissolved organic nitrogen (N) in comparison with conventionally applied inorganic N sources (INS). Nitrogen was applied at a rate of 90 kg N ha?1 in an inorganic form, an organic high molecular weight (MW) form (casein, haemoglobin, albumin), and an organic low MW amino acid form (glycine, alanine, valine). Inorganic N sources recorded the maximum response (126% to 150%) in total dry matter (DM) production while dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) sources showed 61% to 116% increase in comparison to the control treatment. Glycine gave the maximum DM production, which was comparable with both INS treatments. In hydroponics, greater utilization occurred and the shoots had a higher N content in comparison to those grown in soil. The concentration of DON and NO3? in soil after wheat harvest was similar in all the treatments.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at selection of efficient bacterial isolates with multiple plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits at variable doses of chemical fertilizers for enhanced wheat productivity and sustenance of soil health. Ten bacterial isolates from wheat (rhizosphere soil and root endosphere) were screened for PGP traits (indole acetic acid, phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, and ammonia production). Only three isolates (B2, SIR1, and BIS2) possessed all PGP traits. Net house evaluation of these isolates at graded doses of chemical fertilizers revealed that the potential of B2 isolate is significantly superior for enhancing wheat yield and soil properties. On the basis of 16S rDNA analysis, the potential isolate (B2) was identified as Serratia marcescens. Conjoint use of the B2 isolate at 80% recommended doses of fertilizers (RDF) significantly increased wheat growth and saved 18 kg nitrogen and 10 kg phosphorous on per hectare basis. The developed module not only increases profitability but also protects the environment and sustains soil health.  相似文献   


The increasing cost and imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) stressed the need to explore the potential of bioinoculants of Azotobacter and PSB for saving fertilizer N and P. Field experiments conducted for two years in a Mollisol at Pantnagar revealed maximum plant height, grain and straw yields and nutrient uptake by wheat with application of 100% NP. However, soil application of carrier-based biofertilizer at 10?kg?ha?1 and liquid-based biofertilizers at 625 and 1250?mL?ha?1 rates in combination of 75% NP were at par with 100% NP by recording significantly more mean plant height at different intervals, grain yield, by 10.9, 10.5 and 10.8%, and straw yield, by 8.6, 8.2 and 9.1%, over 75% NP, respectively. These treatments also accumulated significantly more N, P and K in plant at different age and; grain and straw. An application of liquid biofertilizer at 1250?mL?ha?1 with 75% NP gave maximum population of Azotobacter and PSB, microbial biomass C and activities of acid and alkaline phosphatase in soil at different crop age. The carrier and liquid formulations of the biofertilizers were comparable in their performance. Irrespective of formulation and doses, application of biofertilizers in soil was found better than seed treatment for different recorded parameters. An application of 625?mL?ha?1 liquid biofertilizers in soil with 75% NP was found optimum for the growth, yield and nutrients uptake and soil biological properties.  相似文献   

A rhizobox experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of phosphorus (P) sources on the rhizosphere soil characteristics of two wheat genotypes Xiaoyan54 (P-efficient) and Jing411 (P-inefficient), which were colonized with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and grown in Cumulic Haplustoll. The four P sources included a control (no added P), OP [organic P: sodium (Na)-phytate], IP [inorganic P: monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4)], and OPIP (Na-phytate plus KH2PO4). The results showed that when no exogenous P was added the shoot biomass of Xiaoyan54 was 28% significantly higher than Jing 411. The acid phosphatase activity (APA) in the rhizosphere soil was significantly depressed when inorganic P was added; the APA for Xiaoyan54 was higher than that of Jing411 in most of the layers regardless of the P source. Inorganic and organic P fertilizer conditions did not significantly impact the soil pH relative to the control, and the pH did not significantly differ between the two genotypes. In conclusion, when no exogenous P was added, shoot biomass of Xiaoyan54 was greater than Jing411. This increase was promoted by greater soil APA but not soil acidification. The rhizosphere soil pH was not altered across different wheat genotypes or P sources, but APA was increased in the soil of control and OP-treated plants compared with IP- and OPIP-treated plants. The APA of Xiaoyan54 was higher than Jing411 for all of the P sources. The response mechanism of rhizosphere soil acidification is different from acid phosphatase exudation in plants receiving different P sources under arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculation.  相似文献   

A field trial consisting of four granule formulation doses and five liquid formulation sprays of a seaweed extract from Ascophyllum nodosum commercially known as Biovita, along with the recommended dose of nitrogen (N)–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K), was conducted during 2008 and 2009 in BHU, Varanasi, India, to evaluate its effect on wheat (var. HUW 468) under a no-tillage system. Among the granule doses, the 10 kg ha?1 basal application and the two liquid sprays of 500 cm3 ha?1 each at 25 and 50 days after sowing significantly improved the performance of wheat. On an average under these two treatments, the greatest grain and straw yields were observed were 3454.5, 3446.5 and 5187.5, 5220.0 kg ha?1, respectively. The greatest protein content was found when further high doses of extract were applied. A faster decomposition of the paddy residue was also observed as indicated by an earlier decline in carbon (C)/N ratio of the soil in the treated plots.  相似文献   

In a 3-year study, grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and grain protein (GP) were evaluated as a function of rate and timing of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application. Linear models that included preplant N, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), cumulative rainfall, and average air temperature from planting to sensing (T-avg) were evaluated to predict NUE and GP in winter wheat. GreenSeeker readings were collected at Feekes (F) 3, 4, 5, and 7 growth stages. Combined with rainfall and/or T-avg, NDVI alone was not correlated with NUE. However, NDVI and rainfall explained 45% (r2 = 0.45) of the variability in GP at F7 growth stage. Preplant N, NDVI, rainfall and growing degree days (GDD) combined explained 76% (r2 = 0.76) of the variability in GP at F3. Mid-season climatic data improved the prediction of GP and should therefore be considered for refining fertilizer recommendations when GP levels are expected to be low.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is a nonessential and toxic element because it inhibits the growth and development of plants and is dangerous for end consumer. It enters in the human food chain through food crops. Application of plant nutrients such as zinc (Zn) and gypsum is a viable and cheap strategy to minimize its accumulation in edible plant portions. Therefore, this investigation was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Zn and gypsum against Cd accumulation in wheat. The results showed that Cd toxicity considerably decreased the plant growth, physiological activities, and yield attributes and increased the Cd accumulation in root, shoot, and grain, while application of Zn and gypsum remarkably increased the growth and yield and decreased the Cd accumulation in plant parts in Cd-contaminated soil. The results also depicted that application of Zn showed better results as compared to gypsum. In conclusion, we can say that application of Zn and gypsum remarkably ameliorated the Cd toxicity and decreased its accumulation in wheat, grown in Cd-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) enhance the plant growth directly by assisting in nutrient acquisition and modulating plant hormone levels, or indirectly by decreasing the inhibitory effects of various pathogens. The aim of this study was to select effective PGPR from a series of indigenous bacterial isolates by plant growth promotion and antifungal activity assays. This study confirmed that most of the isolates from maize rhizosphere were positive for PGPR properties by in vitro tests. Azotobacter and Bacillus isolates were better phosphate solubilizers and producers of lytic enzymes, hydrocyanic acid (HCN), and siderophores than Pseudomonas. Production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and antifungal activity were the highest in Azotobacter, followed by Bacillus and Pseudomonas. The most effective Azotobacter isolates (Azt3, Azt6, Azt12) and Bacillus isolates (Bac10, Bac16) could be used as PGPR agents for improving maize productivity. Further selection of isolates will be necessary to determine their efficiency in different soils.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the efficacy of bio-organic phosphate (BOP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilizers for improving the growth, yield, plant phosphorus (P) content and profitability of wheat cultivation under systems of wheat intensification (direct seeding and nursery transplantation) and conventional sowing (broadcasting). BOP was formulated by enriching the compost with rock phosphate and inoculated with plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial (PGPR) strain, Bacillus thuringiensis strain K5. Results revealed the supremacy of BOP over DAP, and the direct seeding method over the other sowing methods in almost all parameters studied. The application of BOP significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased the plant height, root length, number of tillers per plant, wheat biomass, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, straw and grain P contents in direct seeded wheat in comparison to DAP fertilization. Furthermore, application of BOP and direct seeding of wheat generated more profit per hectare compared with the other treatments.  相似文献   

Water shortages is a major constraint in wheat production in South Africa. It is important therefore to assist irrigated wheat farmers to identify water stress tolerant growth stages in irrigated wheat genotypes. This study evaluated new wheat genotypes for water stress at different growth stages. An 8 (genotypes) × 2 (water treatments) × 3 (growth stages) factorial experiment was laid out in a randomised complete block design with three replicates. The results indicated that plant height was not affected (p > .05) by water stress at tillering and grain filling. Water stress imposed at the tillering stage reduced the number of fertile tillers (p < .05) in susceptible genotypes while at the flowering and grain filling stages all genotypes were tolerant (p > .05). Aboveground biomass was only affected (p < .05) by water stress imposed at the tillering stage. Water stress reduced grain yield on the genotypes where stress was imposed at the tillering stage (p < .05); whereas when stress was imposed at flowering and grain filling the grain yield was not reduced (p > .05). This study provided evidence to suggest that most genotypes were tolerant to water stress at the flowering and grain filling stages.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration via sound agronomic practices can assist in combating global warming. Three long-term experiments (Experiment 502, Experiment 222, and The Magruder Plots) were used to evaluate the effect of fertilizer nitrogen (N) application on soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and pH in continuous winter wheat. Soil samples (0–15 cm) were obtained after harvest in 2014, analyzed, and compared to soil test results from these experiments in 1993. Soil pH decreased with increasing N fertilization, and more so at high rates. Nitrogen application significantly increased TN in Experiment 502 from 1993 to 2014, and TN tended to be high at high N rates. Fertilizer N significantly increased SOC, especially when N rates exceeded 90 kg ha?1. The highest SOC (13.1 g kg?1) occurred when 134 kg N ha?1 was applied annually. Long-term N application at high rates increased TN and SOC in the surface soil.  相似文献   

A glasshouse study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of lime-treated (0, 0.5, and 1%) industrial sludge amendments (10 and 20%) on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedling growth and heavy metal accumulation in soils as well as in wheat seedlings. Industrial sludge–amended soil samples were filled in earthen pots (2 kg pot?1) one week before planting and 7-day-old seedlings were transplanted in pots (3/pot) and were kept in a glasshouse. Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable metals and metals in seedlings increase with increasing doses of industrial sludge. Biomass and growth have been found to increase with increasing rates of sludge. It also enhanced heavy metal concentrations in wheat seedlings and followed the trend zinc (Zn) > lead (Pb) > copper (Cu) > cadmium (Cd). Lime enhanced the biomass and reduced the heavy metal concentrations in wheat seedlings. Although 20% treatments in both soils showed a significant enhancement in shoot length, metals like Pb reached beyond permissible limits.  相似文献   

为明确小麦根系时空分布及其与土壤有效养分含量之间的相互关系,于2020—2021年进行大田试验,采用裂区设计,主处理为品种,分别选用大穗品种周麦30和多穗品种周麦32,副处理为种植密度,设置1.2×106、2.4×106、3.6×106苗·hm-2 3个密度。使用长方体铁盒(20 cm×5 cm×20 cm)在麦行上、行距1/4处、行距1/2处分别取0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层的样品。分析冬前期、返青期、拔节期、开花期、灌浆期、成熟期不同位点小麦根系形态数量性状(根长密度、平均根直径、根体积、根总表面积)及土壤碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量。结果表明,随着生育时期的推进,根总表面积、根长密度、根体积表现为先升高后降低的单峰曲线变化趋势;0~20 cm土层平均根直径呈“W”形曲线变化趋势,20~40 cm土层平均根直径呈“V”形曲线变化趋势。小麦根系垂直分布状况表现为:0~20 cm土层中根总表面积、根长密度、根体积均显著高于20~40 cm土层;20~40 cm土层平均根直径高于0~20 cm土...  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 5 years (2004–2005 to 2009–2010) covering 10 crop seasons [five wet (WS; Kharif) and five dry (DS; Rabi)] at the Directorate of Rice Research farm, Hyderabad, India, to compare the influence of organic and conventional farming systems on productivity of fine grain rice varieties, cumulative partial nutrient balance, and soil health/quality in terms of nutrient availability, physical and biological properties, and sustainability index. Two main plot treatments were with and without plant protection measures, and four subplot treatments were (1) control (CON), (2) inorganic fertilizers (CF), (3) organics (OF), and (4) inorganics + organics (integrated nutrient management, INM). During wet season, grain yields with CF and INM were near stable (5.0 to 5.5 t ha?1) and superior to organics by 15–20% during the first 2 years, which improved with OF (4.8 to 5.4 t ha?1) in the later years to comparable levels with CF and INM. However, during DS, CF and INM were superior to OF for 4 consecutive years and OF recorded yields on par with CF and INM in the fifth year. The partial nutrient balance over 10 crop seasons for N and P was positive and greater with OF and INM over CF and for K it was positive with OF alone and negative with CF and INM. There were increases in SOC and available N, P, and K by 50–58%, 3–10%, 10–30%, and 8–25% respectively, with OF, over CF at the end of 5 years. The sustainability index (SI) of the soil system was maximum with organics (1.63) and CF recorded 1.33, which was just above the minimum sustainability index of 1.30 after 5 years. Thus, organic farming needs more than 2 years to stabilize rice productivity and bring about perceptible improvement in soil quality and sustainability in irrigated rice.  相似文献   

A glasshouse study was conducted to compare the rhizosphere characteristics of two wheat genotypes, Xiaoyan54 (XY54) and Jing411 (J411) on two soils. The results showed that supplying phosphorus (P) increased the biomass and P content of two wheat lines significantly on alkaline soil, but P fertilization altered their biomass and P content on acidic soil only slightly. XY54 decreased rhizosphere pH more significantly than J411 on Fluvo-aquic soil without P addition, but similar acidity ability was shown when P applied. On red soil, two wheat genotypes showed similar rhizosphere pH. Two wheat lines showed similar rhizoshphere phosphatase activity on alkaline soil, whereas XY54 demonstrated greater rhizoshphere phosphatase activity than J411 on acidic soil. Rhizoshphere phosphatase activities of two wheat lines on acidic soil were greater than alkaline soil. Therefore, stronger acidity on alkaline soil and greater phosphatase activity on acidic soil are principal rhizosphere mechanisms for XY54 to adapt to low-P soils.  相似文献   

不同小麦品种生育期氮素效率差异的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以6个小麦品种(洛麦1、郑麦9023、豫麦18、小偃22、小偃6和小偃107)为材料,设置低氮和高氮两个处理,分别在小麦的4个生育期收获取样,研究了不同小麦品种生育期氮吸收和利用效率差异的变化特征及其与相关生理参数的关系。研究结果表明,氮吸收方面,洛麦1为低氮高效品种,小偃107为高氮高效品种;氮利用方面,豫麦18为低氮高效品种,洛麦1为高氮高效品种;小偃6在两个氮处理中无论是氮吸收还是氮利用均为低效品种。造成小麦氮吸收或利用效率差异的主要时期为灌浆期到成熟期之间的籽粒产量形成阶段。低氮条件下,氮利用高效品种灌浆期的地上部谷氨酰胺合成酶活性也较高,而根系生物量和根系活力与小麦氮吸收效率无明显相关。  相似文献   

The effect of inoculation of Rhizobium or Pseudomonas, or both, in the presence and absence of phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) fertilizer on wheat yield was tested. The experiment was conducted outdoors in potted soil during two consecutive years under natural conditions. Rhizobial strain (Thal 8-chickpea nodulating bacteria) and Pseudomonas strain (54RB), both indigenous P solubilizers were applied in broth culture at seedling stage. Fertilizer in the form of P2O5 was an additional treatment applied at sowing time. Results revealed that inoculation of Pseudomonas strain in presence of phosphorus (P) fertilizer increased yield up to 41.8% when it was compared with only P fertilizer applied. Co-inoculation of Rhizobium and Pseudomonas strains with the P2O5 treatment however resulted in increased grains yield by 10% over the P2O5 treatment alone. It is inferred that inoculation with Rhizobium and Pseudomonas combined with P2O5 is not only environmentally beneficial but also economically sound and productive, with wheat yield increases of 10% to 42%.  相似文献   

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