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内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区春季鸟类多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
达赉湖自然保护区地处中国、俄罗斯和蒙古三国的交界处.保护区生境多样,鸟类资源十分丰富,是东北亚鸟类迁徙的重要通道和繁殖栖息地.本文对达赉湖自然保护区春季不同生境类型(岸边、草甸草原、林地灌丛、水域、苇塘)鸟类多样性进行了统计和分析.其鸟类多样性表现为水域(1.6404)岸边(1.3707)苇塘(1.1469)草原、草甸(0.9641)林地、灌丛(0.4581).而各生境均匀性表现为林地、灌丛(0.3805)水域(0.2984)草甸、草原(0.2511)苇塘(0.1494)岸边(0.0835).  相似文献   

2009年7月、8月,2010年3月中旬、5月下旬,对内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚进行野外考察并在生境适宜度分析的基础上,利用FRAGSTATS 3.3软件对达赉湖地区蒙原羚生境进行景观格局分析。通过比较1998年和2010年达赉湖地区蒙原羚生境适宜度评价结果,表明内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚一般适宜生境、中度适宜生境和适宜生境的斑块不断被分割成更小的斑块,破碎化程度加大。蒙原羚不适宜生境斑块面积在增加,而一般适宜斑块、中度适宜生境和适宜斑块面积在减小,并且适宜生境面积变化程度最大。因此应加强对适宜生境斑块的有效管理,严格控制和降低来自斑块外部的干扰,同时加强对中度适宜生境和一般适宜生境生态功能的恢复,严格控制草场载畜量。另外,应对不适宜生境的草地资源进行科学化、规范化的管理,并深入开展科学研究,以保护蒙原羚的生存空间。  相似文献   

达赉湖保护区鸟类多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁秀梅  特喜铁  郝如义 《野生动物》2010,31(1):22-25,35
2007年3~11月,在达赉湖自然保护区4个管护站周边地区,利用样带调查,记录鸟类种类和数量,分析鸟类多样性。本次调查共记录鸟类103种,隶属于14目31科。其中,非雀形目鸟类74种,占总种类数的71.8%,雀形目鸟类29种,占总种类数的28.2%,非雀形目鸟类中尤以水禽占有较大比例,共有7目9科56种,为全部鸟类种数的54.5%,占总种类二分之一以上,反映出湖区的特点。该地区的鸟类α多样性水平较高(3.6);其中,乌兰诺尔的鸟类物种数、数量、多样性指数、均匀度指数均为最高。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区植物进行实地调查、标本采集、鉴定,并参考有关资料对植物区系进行系统整理分析,确定本地区种子植物73科292属651种。优势科、属现象明显,含20种以上的科和8种以上的属分别占总科的13.70%和总属数3.08%,它们构成了达赉湖种子植物区系主体。保护区种子植物292属分为11个分布类型和10个亚型,以温带分布型占绝对优势。反映了该保护区植物种类的丰富多样性和区系成分的复杂程度。达赉湖自然保护区是国家级以保护珍禽鸟类及其赖以生存的湖泊、草原和湿地等生态系统为主的综合性自然保护区。其主要保护对象为保护区内的湖泊、河流湿地和典型草原生态系统以及达赉湖地区的生物多样性。  相似文献   

为了研究鸮形目鸟类放射状羽毛构成的特殊面盘的微观形态,利用其面部羽毛微观形态进行物种鉴定,试验采用扫描电镜观察褐林鸮、长耳鸮、雕鸮、斑头鸺鹠、黄腿渔鸮、草鸮和红角鸮7种鸮形目鸟类面部羽毛的显微结构,同时测量鸮形目面部羽毛羽枝间距,利用单因素方差分析对测量数据进行研究。结果表明:鸮形目7种鸟类面部羽毛在显微形态上存在较大差异,除了褐林鸮与长耳鸮、黄腿渔鸮与斑头鸺鹠的面部羽毛羽枝间距差异不显著外(P0.05),其他不同物种间面部羽毛羽枝间距差异极显著(P0.01),可以用于区分鸮形目鸟类的不同物种。  相似文献   

中国幅员辽阔,从西北到东南跨寒、温、热等不同气候带。从生境类型上分,有多种森林、各类湿地、草原和沙漠等。复杂多变的生境孕育了十分丰富的鸟类资源。其中有一个比较特别的类群,即号鸟形目鸟类,俗称“猫头鹰”,它们是一类夜行性猛禽。  相似文献   

中国幅员辽阔,从西北到东南跨寒、温、热等不同气候带。从生境类型上分,有多种森林、各类湿地、草原和沙漠等。复杂多变的生境孕育了十分丰富的鸟类资源。其中有一个比较特别的类群、即鴞形目鸟类,俗称“猫头鹰”,它们是一类夜行性猛禽。  相似文献   

潘洁  郝志  张军 《野生动物》2013,34(5):296-299
2011年3月~2012年11月,采用样线法对宾县地区沿松花江两侧湿地鸟类种类进行了调查,并对其不同季节的鸟类多样性进行分析。记录鸟类131种,隶属于12目36科。其中水鸟(包括涉禽和游禽)48种,占总数的36.6%;非水鸟83种,占63.4%。水鸟中以鸻形目鸟类为主,共22种,非水鸟类中以雀形目占绝对优势,共66种。动物地理区系划分上古北界鸟类有101种,占总数的77.1%,广布种30种,占总数的22.9%。在水域、沼泽、草甸及居民区、灌丛、林地4种典型生境中,鸟类群落多样性指数Hm水域>Hm草甸>Hm居民区、灌丛、丛地,4种生境的均匀度指数E水域>E沼泽>E草甸>E居民区、灌丛、林地,不同生境鸟类群落特征差异显著,群落结构稳定,若能改善环境的自然性、增加空间异质性、减少人为干扰等可使该湿地的鸟类群落多样性和密度有所增加。  相似文献   

雁形目和鸻形目鸟类是低致病性禽流感病毒(正粘病毒科)的自然宿主.水禽中野生雁类(雁形目)的迁徙距离达数千公里.从野生雁类中分离出禽流感病毒的成功率很低.本研究旨在检测俄罗斯境内以及青藏高原营巢繁殖的不同野生雁类的禽流感病毒,分析所得数据后进一步明确这些鸟类在病原体传播中的作用.我们检测了来自俄罗斯境内9个地区以及青藏高...  相似文献   

2010年3月-2013年11月,结合全国第二次湿地资源调查和全球环境基金旱地生态保护与恢复项目,采用固定半径样点法和样线法对哈巴湖国家级自然保护区鸟类资源进行了野外调查。共调查记录鸟类14目28科79种,其中,留鸟26种,占该地区鸟类总数的32.91%;夏候鸟30种,占37.97%;旅鸟22种,占27.85%;冬候鸟1种,占1.27%。繁殖鸟(包括夏候鸟和留鸟)56种,构成了该地区鸟类的主体。在繁殖鸟中,属于古北界的鸟类有43种,占76.79%;属于东洋界的有4种,占7.14%;属于广布种的有9种,占16.07%,这反映出哈巴湖保护区鸟类具有明显的北方型特征。在4种生境中,鸟类多样性指数在灌丛与草地中最大,湖泊与河流明水区以及沼泽与草甸浅水区次之,人工乔木林最小。本次调查所见鸟类中27种为保护区新分布种,其中灰斑鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)、灰瓣蹼鹬(Phalaropus fulicarius)、反嘴鹬(Racurvirostra avosetta)、鸥嘴噪鸥(Gelochelidon nilotica)、黑背白鹊鸰(Motacilla lugens)5种鸟类为宁夏回族自治区鸟类新纪录。本次研究进一步加深了对哈巴湖保护区的鸟类区系组成及各生境多样性的认识。  相似文献   

佩枯错地处珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区的核心区,开展该区域的植被研究,可为探究与保护该区域提供理论依据。本研究运用群落样方调查方法,采用TWINSPAN、物种多样性等多元数量统计方法,系统分析了佩枯错湖区植物群落的物种特征、群丛类别、物种多样性,并讨论影响因素。结果表明:佩枯错湖区植物种类较少,组成简单,主要以禾本科为优势;植被分布区类型按属分布类型划分可分为7类,以北温带成分为主,植物种地方区域特征明显。湖区植被可划分为六个群丛:芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens(Trin.)Nevski)+天山鸢尾(Iris loczyi Kanitz)群丛、青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii Falc.ex Boott)+大花嵩草(Kobresia macrantha Bocklr.)+海乳草(Glaux maritima L.)群丛、窄果苔草(Carex angustifructus(Kük.)V.Krecz.)+头花独行菜(Lepidium capitatum Hook.f.et Thoms.)群丛、紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea Griseb.)+窄果苔草(Carex angustifructus(Kük.)V.Krecz.)群丛、落芒草(Oryzopsis munroi Stapf ex Hook.f.)+菊叶香藜(Chenopodium foetidum Schrad.)群丛、菊叶香藜+窄果苔草群丛。湖区植物群落物种组成和数量差异较明显,物种多样性由湖中部向湖南、湖北两侧呈降低态势,与湖泊的退化趋势相同。  相似文献   

In order to assess the species richness and diversity profile of helminth parasite fauna in an endemic fish, an investigation was carried out in two urban and two rural lakes of Kashmir. Overall nine species of helminth parasites were observed in four lakes. Of these three were autogenic and six were allogenic. Heteroxenous parasite species were more in number than monoxenous species. Results showed significant differences in heteroxenous / monoxenous ratio between different lakes. Core species (Prevalence?>?20) were only found in hypertrophic lake (Anchar Lake). Overall, majority of helminth species were either secondary or satellite species. Prevalence of some helminth parasites showed significant differences in different lakes. In addition mean intensity showed significant differences between autogenic and allogenic parasites (P?<?0.05). Principle Component Analysis based on prevalence showed that Anchar Lake was strongly associated with most of helminth parasites. Diversity indices showed significant variation between different lakes. Maximum helminth species per host was in Anchar Lake. Finally we concluded that helminth parasite fauna showed significant differences in species richness and infection indices between different lakes. Diversity profile was higher in Anchar Lake in comparison to other three lakes. The results clearly show that environmental features of lake ecosystems have got an impact on distribution pattern of helminth parasites in S. esocinus. We suggest comparative parasitological study should be taken between different species of fish in order to have a clear picture regarding the species composition of helminth species in this region. Also we need to characterize the species spectrum of parasitic worms in fish of freshwater bodies of this region as well as other similar type of climatic zones because parasite fauna is an integral part of the inventory of biodiversity and as possible regulators of host populations in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Large-fish population changes in the Sanyati Basin of Lake Kariba between 1960 and 1975 are evaluated and discussed. The early lake population following closure of the dam wall in 1958 was similar to the pre-impoundment riverine population with Labeo spp., Distichodus spp., Clarias gariepinus and two characid species dominating gill-net catches. Exceptions were mormyrids, scarce in the new lake although abundant in the river, and Oreochromis mortimeri, scarce in the river but expanding rapidly in the lake. Productivity in the new lake in terms of ichthyomass relative to later years was high. In later years following closure several of the early abundant mostly potamodromous species declined rapidly (C. gariepinus, Labeo spp., Distichodus spp.,) and by 1975 they were unimportant. Mormyrids, cichlids and two silurid species increased significantly in catches as did the characin, Hydrocynus vittatus; the latter as a result of the expansion of the freshwater sardine population, from 1970. While early populations were essentially herbivorous later populations were largely insectivorous/molluscivorous. Concomitant with these changes new species appeared, while a few disappeared. Possible sources of origin of the new arrivals are discussed. Salient features of the entire evolutionary process are summarized, while some of the lessons leamt from Kariba, and a few recommendations arising from this, are listed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

The Yangtze vole (Microtus fortis Buechner, 1889) is a small herbivore species that inhabits lake beaches in the Dongting Lake region along the Yangtze River in Southern China. Its population shows strong oscillations during the wet season due to summer precipitation-induced immigration away from the lake into adjacent rice fields. The effect of El Niño-Southern Oscillation-driven precipitation on population abundance and growth of the vole species is not fully understood. We undertook an analysis of the combined data of 4 time series covering 1981–2006 from 4 different sites and a separate analysis on a single time series (1981–2006) from one site. Our results demonstrate that a dual effect of El Niño-Southern Oscillation-driven precipitation on the population abundance of voles is time-dependent: precipitation in the current year has a positive effect, whereas precipitation in the previous year has a negative effect. The dual effect of precipitation on vole population is well explained by the unique interactions among vole population, precipitation water level and the lake beach habitat around Dongting Lake. We found that drier than average weather of the previous year benefited voles because their breeding habitats, lake beaches, were exposed for long stretches of time. Wet weather was found to increase the number of voles inhabiting rice fields because as the water level of the lake rose they were forced from beaches into surrounding rice fields. Summer precipitation in the Dongting Lake region was found to be positively associated with the sea surface temperature (SST) of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean of the previous year and winter SST and spring SST of the current year. Annual rates of increase in the vole population of the reconstructed time series are negatively associated with the vole abundance and autumn precipitation of the previous year and winter precipitation of the current years. These results suggest that both extrinsic and density-dependent intrinsic factors may affect population dynamics of the Yangtze voles.  相似文献   

The catch per unit effort of Oreochromis mossambicus, Clarias gariepinus and Cyprinus carpio at different localities at Hartbeespoort Dam was investigated. Catches of the three species were between three and ten times higher on the southern shore of the lake than on the northern shore. The gradient of each locality was found to be the most important variable determining catch. Gill-net catches of O. mossambicus from littoral and limnetic stations indicated equal abundance of the species in these two habitats. The implications of the results for improved predictions of fish yield from lakes, and for management are discussed.  相似文献   

洪湖鱼类物种组成及影响因素评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过2004年3个时间段对洪湖5个取样点鱼类资源的调查分析,结合历史资料,结果有:共记录到鱼类42种,隶属6目11科;以鲫、黄颡鱼、餐条和红鲌为优势种,草鱼、鲶、鳜、乌鳢等较大型鱼类在数量上呈下降趋势;对鲤、鲫的年龄组成分析表明种群呈低龄化趋势。针对鱼类资源的现状,对影响因素进行了初步评价,并提出保护建议。  相似文献   

论述了对极轨气象卫星NOAA/AVHRR 图像进行几何精纠正的原理、方法、意义和所能达到的精度.利用ERDAS图像处理系统对1997年4-9月12次不同时相的NOAA数据进行了几何精纠正,为实现草原遥感动态监测做了前提工作.  相似文献   

通过在青海湖的蛋岛、鸬鹚岛、海心山、三块石、布哈河口等鸟类栖息地的鸟类种群数量监测,甘子河乡、沙岛东、克土、小泊湖、湖东种羊场、倒淌河镇元者、青海湖农场、哈尔盖乡、快尔玛乡、生格乡等地进行普氏原羚种群数量监测。目前,普氏原羚种群数量为702—845只。11月份种群数量比8月份增加22只,仅增长4.21个百分点;5个鸟类...  相似文献   


We conducted a laboratory investigation on the consequences of feeding predatory salmonids either experimental diets low in thiamine or diets containing alewife Alosa pseudoharengus. In experiment 1, adult lake trout Salvelinus namaycush were fed experimental diets containing bacterial thiaminase. In experiment 2, adult lake trout were fed natural prey species, alewives, and bloaters Coregonus hoyi. The diets consisted of four combinations of alewives and bloaters from Lake Michigan (100% alewives, 65% alewives–35% bloaters, 35% alewives–65% bloaters, and 100% bloaters), alewives from Cayuga Lake, a casein bacterial thiaminase, and a commercial trout diet. We assessed the effects of each diet on egg thiamine concentration and incidence of an embryonic early mortality syndrome (EMS). In experiment 1, incidence of EMS ranged from 0% to 100%. Significant relationships were found between the incidence of EMS and thiamine. In experiment 2, adult lake trout fed 100% alewives from either Lake Michigan or Cayuga Lake or fish fed the casein bacterial thiaminase diet produced eggs with low thiamine and swim-up fry with EMS. At either 35% or 65% alewives in the diet, egg thiamine was significantly lowered. The number of females that produced offspring that died from EMS were low but demonstrated the negative potential if feral lake trout foraged on either 35% or 65% alewives. Depleted egg thiamine and the onset of EMS required diets containing thiaminase for a minimum of 2 years in lake trout initially fully thiamine replete. We conclude that EMS can be caused by extensive feeding on 100% alewives and dietary levels of 35% or greater may prove detrimental to sustainable reproduction of salmonids in the Great Lakes. The data are consistent with that observed in feral lake trout, and it is concluded that EMS is the result of a thiamine deficiency.  相似文献   

湖泊作为湿地生态系统的一种重要组成,具有保护和改善生态系统环境的生态效应。以毗邻人工湖的持续放牧的退化草地为研究对象,评估人工湖泊对退化草地土壤理化性质的影响,为改善退化草地提供理论依据。试验结果如下: 1) 毗邻退化草地土壤理化性质对人工湖在距离和深度上产生不同的响应。土壤含水量在距离上随着离湖距离的增加显著降低,0~10 cm土层含水量从距湖10~600 m,降幅分别达到50%(2014年)、48%(2015年)和58%(2016年)。土壤pH则表现相反的趋势。土壤电导率(EC)在距离上先升高,在距湖100 m处达到最大后降低。土壤水分、pH和距离有显著的线性关系,在0~10 cm土层相关系数分别达到70%和50%。2) 在建成湖的3年(2014-2016年)间,表层(0~10 cm)土壤随着建湖年限的增加土壤电导率显著降低,其中距湖10 m处,2016年相对2014年降低了59%。下层土壤(特别是20~40 cm土层)随着建湖年限的增加土壤电导率显著升高,说明土壤盐分自建湖后从表层向下层运移。上层土壤的pH在年际间有显著的降低趋势。综上所述,表明在退化草地上建造人工湖泊后对退化草地的土壤理化性状产生一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

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