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A 3-yr study evaluated late winter (Feb), early spring (Apr), and late spring (Jun) calving systems in conjunction with varied weaning strategies on beef cow and calf performance from Northern Great Plains rangelands. Crossbred cows were randomly assigned to one of three calving systems (on average n= 168.calving system(-1).yr(-1)) and one of two weaning times (Wean 1, 2) within each calving system. The Feb and Apr calves were weaned at 190 and 240 d of age, whereas Jun calves were weaned at 140 and 190 d of age. Breeding by natural service occurred in a 32-d period that included estrous synchronization. Cows were managed throughout the year as appropriate for their calving season. Quantity and quality of hay and supplements were provided based on forage and weather conditions, physiological state of the cows, and available harvested feed resources within a year. After weaning, two-thirds of the early weaned steers were fed in confinement in Montana, and one-third were shipped to Oklahoma and were grazed or fed forage. One-half of the early weaned heifers grazed seeded pastures, and the other half was fed in confinement. Early weaned calves were weighed on approximately the same day as late-weaned calves. Birth weight and overall rate of gain from birth to weaning did not differ for calves from the three calving systems. Calf weaning weight differed by weaning age within calving system (P = 0.001), and calves from the Jun calving system that were weaned at 190 d of age tended (P = 0.06) to be lighter than calves of the same age from the Feb or Apr calving systems. Cow BW change and BCS dynamics were affected by calving system, but the proportion of cows pregnant in the fall was not. Cows suckled until later dates gained less or lost more BW during the 50 d between the first and second weaning than dry cows during this period. The previous year's weaning assignment did not affect production in the following year. Estimated harvested feed inputs were less for the Jun cows than for the Feb and Apr cows. We conclude that season of calving and weaning age affect outputs from rangeland-based beef cattle operations.  相似文献   

The contents of volatile fatty acids in the rumen fluid were studied in calves at an early (seven weeks of age) and traditional weaning term (nine weeks of age). Weaning at the age of seven weeks enabled to save 16.2 kg of milk replacer per calf; there was also a lower content of concentrates in the starter feed with a supplement of Amylastim. The health condition of the calves was good in both groups. The average daily weight gains for the period from the second to the ninth week of age were 0.550 kg in the early weaned calves and 0.690 kg in the calves weaned at a normal time. Early weaning had a positive influence on the development of rumen metabolism. Calves weaned at the age of seven weeks, compared with those weaned at the age of nine weeks, had much higher concentrations of VFA (p less than 0.05) in rumen fluid (at the age of seven weeks: 130.49 mmol per litre vs. 111.53 mmol per litre; at the age of eight weeks: 119.74 mmol per litre vs. 96.98 mmol per litre). Early weaned calves had the statistically significantly (p less than 0.05) higher proportions of propionic acid, butyric acid, i-butyric acid, and valeric acid. Later-weaned calves had the significantly higher (p less than 0.05) contents of acetic acid and i-valeric acid.  相似文献   

Five years of data were collected on 124 Brangus-type cows to evaluate weaning calves at 8.5 or 10.5 mo of age and winter supplementation of the brood cow with 2.25 kg of molasses daily. Cows with calves weaned at 10.5 mg of age gained 14 kg less weight (P less than .01) during the late nursing period than did cows from which calves were earlier weaned. Age of calf at weaning had no effect on cow reproduction, but calves weaned at 10.5 mo were 2 to 3 d younger (P less than .06) and 5.3 kg lighter (P less than .05) at 8.5 mo of age. During the last 2 mo of nursing, calves weaned at 10.5 mo of age gained 37.2 kg and had a 31.9-kg heavier weaning weight than calves weaned at 8.5 mo of age. Molasses supplementation resulted in differences (P less than .01) in cow weight changes. Cows fed molasses had calving percentages 5 to 7 units higher (P less than .30) than cows not fed molasses. Feeding cows molasses for 145 d throughout the calving and breeding season increased calf weaning weight 7.7 (P less than .02) and 11.2 (P less than .03) kg, respectively, at 8.5 and 10.5 mo of age over the nonsupplemented controls.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of diet on growth of steers weaned at approximately 100 vs 205 d of age. In Exp. 1, a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial experiment was conducted using 78 Angus crossbred cow-calf pairs. The factors examined were age at weaning (early, at 103+/-3 d [EW] vs normal, at 203+/-3 d [NW]), feeding strategy (ad libitum vs postweaning programmed intake), and dietary CP concentration (100 vs 120% of NRC [1984] recommended levels). Early-weaned calves had a greater (P < .001) ADG than NW calves from 103 to 203 d and reached market weight at 385 d vs 418 d for NW calves (P < .001). Likewise, steers offered feed for ad libitum consumption reached market weight at 394 d, compared with 409 d for programmed-intake steers (P < .05). In Exp. 2, 64 Angus crossbred steers were either weaned at 93+/-3 d and fed one of four diets, weaned at 210+/-3 d without access to creep feed, or weaned at 210+/-3 d with access to creep feed for 60 d prior to weaning. Early-weaned calves were heavier (P < .01) than NW calves at 210 d if fed either 100 or 90% concentrate diets, and they had greater (P < .001) backfat thickness at 210 d but no difference (P > .10) in longissimus muscle area compared to EW calves fed a 60% concentrate diet. At slaughter, 80 to 100% of steers on all treatments graded low Choice or higher. Feeding high-concentrate diets to EW beef calves accelerated growth rate and fat deposition early in the feeding period and may be a way to provide young cattle for a high-quality beef market.  相似文献   

Sixteen bull calves were born in the Spanish Central Pyrenees in spring. They were either early (EW, 90 days of age) or normal weaned (NW, 180 days of age). At day 90, EW calves were placed on an intensive diet while NW calves were turned out with their dams to high mountain pastures. After summer, at day 180, NW calves were weaned and placed with EW calves on a common finishing diet until slaughter at the fixed age of 1 year. From birth to early weaning date, no performance differences appeared. However, EW calves gained faster (1.549 kg/day) than their unweaned counterparts (0.783 kg/day) from early to normal weaning date (P < 0.001). During the finishing period, NW calves showed compensatory growth, with a 44% higher ADG than EW calves (P < 0.001), with a similar feed intake and a better feed conversion ratio. Early weaned calves had a longer fattening phase than NW calves (264 vs. 158 days, respectively; P < 0.001) and thus total feed intake and feed costs were greater. When slaughtered at 1 year of age, EW and NW calves attained similar weight (489 vs. 510 kg, respectively; P > 0.05), but dressing percentage was higher for EW calves (56.9%) than for NW calves (55.2%) (P < 0.01), which led EW calves to have heavier carcasses, without differences in fat score or conformation. The different growth paths, the result of weaning management, did not affect meat tenderness, chemical composition and fatty acid profile, but affected meat lightness, with higher values for compensating calves (NW) than calves in continuous growth (EW). In conclusion, advancing weaning age modified calf performance without affecting substantially carcass characteristics, except for an improvement in dressing percentage, or meat quality.  相似文献   

Productivity of 2-yr-old crossbred cows containing various proportions (0, 1/4 or 1/2) of Brahman breeding was evaluated using 203 spring-calving and 171 fall-calving heifers over a 3-yr period. All heifers were mated to Limousin sires. Percentage of cows exposed to breeding that weaned a calf was the only trait for which a significant crossbred cow group x season of calving interaction was found. Preweaning ADG and age-adjusted weaning weight increased as proportion Brahman breeding increased. Age-adjusted weaning weight was similar for the two groups because spring-born calves were weaned at an average age of 205 d and fall-born calves were weaned at an average age of 240 d. For weaning condition scores, an interaction between dam breed and proportion Brahman was detected; scores tended to be greater for calves out of 1/2 Hereford dams than for those out of 1/2 Angus dams, and this difference increased as proportion Brahman increased. Weaning conformation scores were similar for all calves. Age-adjusted weaning hip height increased as proportion Brahman breeding increased. Based on numbers of weaned calves, spring calving was more advantageous than fall calving. Averaged across both calving seasons, weaning weight tended to increase as proportion Brahman increased.  相似文献   

Forty crossbred steers (Brahman x English) were categorized into two groups: 1) early weaned (EW; n = 20); and 2) normal weaned (NW; n = 20). Calves were 89 and 300 d of age at the time of EW and NW, respectively; SEM = 4.4. Early-weaned calves were kept on-site (University of Florida, Ona), provided supplement (1% of BW), and grazed on annual and perennial pastures until NW. At the time of normal weaning, all calves were loaded on a commercial livestock trailer and transported to the North Carolina State University Research Feedlot in Butner (approximately 1,200 km). Upon arrival, calves were stratified by BW and randomly allotted to four pens per weaning age treatment. Individual calf BW and blood samples were collected at the time of normal weaning, on arrival at the feedlot (d 1; 24 h following weaning), and on d 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of the receiving period. Individual BW was collected at the start and end of the growing and finishing periods, and feed intake by pen was measured daily. As an estimate of stress during the receiving period, plasma was collected and analyzed for the acute-phase proteins, haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin. Early-weaned calves were lighter (P = 0.03) at normal weaning than NW calves (221 vs. 269 kg; SEM = 10.6). By d 28, EW calves tended (P = 0.12) to be lighter than NW calves (242 vs. 282 kg, respectively). Gain:feed was improved for EW compared with NW calves during both the receiving (G:F = 0.157 vs. 0.081) and growing (0.159 vs. 0.136) periods. There tended (P < 0.10) to be weaning age x day interactions for each acute-phase protein. Ceruloplasmin concentrations increased in NW, but not EW calves, and peaked on d 7 (27.6 and 34.2 mg/100 mL for EW and NW calves, respectively; P < 0.05). Haptoglobin concentrations increased in both groups and were greatest (P < 0.05) in NW calves on d 3 (7.63 vs. 14.86 mg of haptoglobin/hemoglobin complexing/100 mL). No differences in ADG or G:F were detected during the finishing phase; however, overall G:F was improved (P = 0.03) for EW vs. NW calves (0.155 vs. 0.136). Carcass measures, including backfat thickness, USDA yield grade, marbling score, and LM area, did not differ between treatments. These data imply that EW calves, which are maintained onsite before shipping, may be more tolerant to the stressors associated with transportation and feed yard entry. Early weaned calves, managed within the system described in this study, may have improved G:F.  相似文献   

[目的]为探索适宜当地的犊牛早期断奶时间,促进犊牛早期生长发育和使母牛尽快恢复体况,进入下一个繁殖周期。[方法]选择体格大小一致、健康无疾病、体重接近,父本相同,3月龄西杂犊牛20头作为试验牛,随机分成A组和B组,每组10头(公、母数量相同)。A组经过1个月断奶精料、粗料和多汁饲料的过渡性适应,4月龄断奶,并根据犊牛生长发育逐渐增加精料、多汁饲料,B组按照养殖场饲喂方法饲养,并于6月龄断奶,A组与B组犊牛6月龄断奶后自由采食粗饲料、按体重1%饲喂精饲料,分别在犊牛6,12,18月龄称重。[结果]结果表明:肉牛18月龄时A、B组犊牛的平均体重分别为638 kg,546 kg,A组高于B组92.00 kg(P0.01),表明犊牛早期断奶、在满足营养需要的前提下,后期的生长速度比6月龄断奶高。[结论]犊牛早期断奶技术是一项实用技术,值得在养殖场和规模养殖户中大力推广的应用。  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of age at weaning (early weaning at 90 d or traditional weaning at 150 d) and breed (Parda de Montaña or Pirenaica) on calf performance and carcass and meat quality in autumn-calving beef cattle. At calving, 14 Parda de Montaña and 14 Pirenaica cow–calf pairs were randomly assigned to one of two weaning treatments, and kept indoors during lactation. After weaning, calves were fed an intensive diet until slaughter at 450 kg. The interaction between age at weaning and breed was not significant for any of the parameters studied. From 90 d to 150 d, early weaned calves had greater ADG (P = 0.001) and IGF-I concentrations (P = 0.001) than traditionally weaned calves, but their leptin concentrations were similar (P = 0.15). During the finishing phase, performance, daily feed intake, and efficiency did not differ between treatments. Early weaning did not affect age at slaughter, carcass weight, fatness score, fat colour, and meat quality, but improved carcass conformation (P = 0.04). Early weaned calves had greater total DMI (P = 0.002) with greater concomitant feed costs (P = 0.001) and yielded a slightly greater income than traditionally weaned calves; therefore, economic margins did not differ. Parda de Montaña calves tended to have greater ADG from birth to 90 d and were heavier at 90 d (P = 0.01) than were Pirenaica calves. From 90 d to 150 d, performance and IGF-I and leptin concentrations did not differ between breeds; thus, Parda de Montaña calves remained heavier at 150 d. During the finishing phase, at times, weight gains of Parda de Montaña and Pirenaica calves differed, but the overall performance, feed intake, and efficiency of the two breeds were similar. Pirenaica calves had heavier carcasses (P = 0.04) with greater conformation scores (P = 0.04) than Parda de Montaña calves; thus, income per carcass was greater for the former than the latter (P = 0.007). As feed costs were similar for both breeds, the economic margin of Pirenaica calves was greater than that of Parda de Montaña calves (P = 0.01). In conclusion, in both breeds weaning strategies had similar effects on performance and carcass and meat quality; however, from an economic point of view, and considering only the costs associated with the calf, raising Pirenaica calves would be more profitable, at either age at weaning.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects on performance, weaning age and rumen fermentation characteristics in Holstein calves when fennel powder was added to their starter diets. Thirty Holstein calves with a mean birth weight 40 kg (SD = 0.5) were allocated randomly to one of the following experimental diets: (i) control (starter diet without fennel powder), (ii) starter diet containing 0.4% of fennel powder and (iii) starter diet containing 0.8% of fennel powder (DM basis). The effect of treatments on mean dry matter intake was significant (p < 0.05) in the post‐weaning and total experimental periods. Average daily weight gain before (0.38, 0.49 and 0.47 kg/day) and after (0.6, 1.01 and 0.83 kg/day) weaning and during the entire study (0.45, 0.7 and 0.58 kg/day) was influenced by diets of 1, 2 and 3, respectively (p < 0.05). Maximum daily weight gain and the best feed conversion ratio were achieved with 0.4% fennel powder. Mean weaning age of the calves supplemented with fennel powder was lower (p < 0.05) than that of the control group. Ruminal fluid pH in calves offered starter containing 0.8% fennel powder was lower (p < 0.05) compared to calves fed the other diets. Ammonia nitrogen content increased (p < 0.05) in the third week of feeding fennel powder. The mean concentration of total short‐chain fatty acids (SCFA) and propionate molar percentage in the ruminal fluid of the calves fed with the fennel powder were higher (p < 0.05) at 6 weeks and 2 weeks after weaning than control group; however, acetate‐to‐propionate molar ratio was lower (p < 0.05). The results showed that adding 0.4% fennel powder to the starter increased the propionate molar percentage in the rumen and improved the calf performance, allowing the calves to be weaned at an earlier age.  相似文献   

The effects of weaning on beef calves of different ages were investigated. Forty male and 40 female calves were either weaned at 6 (W6, n = 40) or 8 (W8, n = 40) months of age. The vocalization activity and behaviors (feeding, lying and standing/walking) were observed during the first 3 days following weaning. Body weight was recorded at 6 and 8 months and 2 weeks following weaning. W6 animals vocalized more often than W8 calves and females more than males on day 1 (P < 0.05). The vocalization activity decreased at a higher rate in W8 than in W6 from days 1 to 3. On day 2, W6 calves spent less time lying and more standing/walking than W8 calves (P < 0.05). The behaviors did not differ between males and females. The average daily gain after weaning did not differ between weaning ages (P > 0.05), but W8 calves gained more from 6 to 8 months of age. In conclusion, weaning distress was more pronounced in W6 than in W8 calves. W8 calves also had a superior growth performance during 6 to 8 months of age. The effect of the calves' sex was less pronounced. Therefore, it is recommended to wean beef calves later than 6 months of age.  相似文献   

A 3-yr study used 16 cows and their spring-born calves (yr 1) and 48 first-calf heifers (yr 2, n = 24; yr 3, n = 24) and their spring-born calves in a completely randomized design. All cows and heifers were Angus x Beefmaster, and calves were sired by Angus bulls. Cow-calf pairs were assigned randomly to one of two management systems: 1) an early-weaning system, in which steer and heifer calves were weaned at 108 d of age and fed a postweaning growing diet (EW), or 2) a normal weaning system, in which calves were weaned at 205 d without supplementation (NW). Before early weaning and within each management system, calves and their dams were maintained in two 1.4-ha, endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures for 35 d (yr 1) or 14 d (yr 2 and 3). Early-weaned calves and cow-calf pairs were then randomly allotted to 1.4-ha, endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures with two (yr 1) or three (yr 2 and 3) calves or cow-calf pairs per pasture (four pastures per management system). Cow weights and BCS changes and calf gains were measured from early to normal weaning. Dietary intakes and nutrient digestibilities by EW and NW calves were determined during two periods of yr 1 and three periods of yr 2 and 3. Total gains and BCS changes were greater (P < 0.01) for cows that produced EW calves in all years. Calf ADG from early to normal weaning did not differ (P = 0.32). Similar to ADG, BW of calves at normal weaning were not different (P = 0.11). Forage intake was greater (P < 0.01) by NW calves during Periods 2 and 3 of yr 1 and Periods 1 and 2 of yr 2 and 3; however, total DM and CP intakes were greater (P < 0.01) for EW calves in Periods 2 and 3 of each year. Intakes of NDF tended (P = 0.11) to be greater by EW calves across all years. Estimates of CP and NDF digestibilities were higher (P < 0.01) for EW calves during yr 1 and 2; however, all components of the diet consumed by NW calves in yr 3 were more digestible (P < 0.05) than those consumed by EW calves. These results show the condition of cows with EW calves was improved by early weaning and gains by calves weaned at 108 d to pasture plus a commercial grower diet were comparable to those by calves continuing to nurse dams until weaned at 205 d.  相似文献   

48头浙江中白后备母猪按窝别、体重分成4组,在6~8月龄和配种后至第二胎分娩后20天期间,分别饲喂菜籽粕(含硫代葡萄糖苷 3.7mg/g)替代饲粮中豆饼蛋白质0、25、50和75%的4种后备母猪饲粮和繁殖母猪饲粮,以研究饲粮菜籽粕水平对青年母猪繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,饲粮菜籽粕水平对母猪采食量、初孕年龄、头胎断奶至第二胎怀孕间隔时间、一次情期受胎率、平均妊娠天数、总产仔数、产活仔数、仔猪初生重、60日龄育成数、后备母猪日增重和饲料报酬均无显著影响(P>0.05),但母猪初孕年龄和断奶再怀孕间隔时间有随饲粮菜籽粕水平增高而延长的趋势,产活仔数和育成仔数有下降趋势。后备母猪增重成绩以25%菜籽粕替代组较优。仔猪20和60日龄平均体重菜籽粕组显著低于豆饼对照组(P<0.05),60日龄平均体重,50%菜籽粕替代组显著低于25%替代组(P<0.05)。由此可见,母猪饲粮中菜籽粕用量,按补充蛋白质计,以不超过25%为宜。  相似文献   

In this experiment, effect of wheat processing on rumen conditions and development were investigated. Fifty‐six neonatal Holstein‐Friesian calves (22 male and 34 female) were fed calf starters and post‐weaning diets containing 35 (pre‐weaning) and 21.90% (post‐weaning) popped wheat (PW), steam‐flaked wheat (SFW), dry‐rolled wheat (DRW) or ground wheat (GW) till 12 weeks of age. Calves were weaned at the end of 9th week, and a post‐weaning‐specific starter diets were fed for 1 month. Rumen liquor was analysed in days 30, 60 and 90 of the experiment to determine volatile fatty acids (VFA), pH and ammonia nitrogen concentrations. Twelve male calves (three calves/treatment) were slaughtered, and digestive tract was emptied. Forestomach empty weight and rumen parameters were assessed. Results indicated that calves received PW had the highest total VFA, acetate, propionate, butyrate, ammonia nitrogen, rumen wall thickness, papilla width and density. Calves fed DRW experienced the lowest rumen pH throughout the experiment probably because high proportion of fine particles in GW. Calves consuming PW apparently had more functional rumen in comparison with other groups.  相似文献   

Two nutritional levels following parturition and five weaning ages for the calf were evaluated to study their effect of reproduction in Gyr cows in the savannas of West Central Brazil (Campos Cerrados). Early weaning of calves reduced postpartum weight losses and shortened the postpartum interval to conception. Energy level did not affect cow weight at weaning or conception, the number of days from parturition to first estrus or the number of matings/conception; however, the postpartum period to conception was reduced (116 vs 160 d; P less than .05) for cows on the higher energy diet. Weaning age significantly affected postpartum weight loss in cows. Six months after calving, cows that nursed calves for 1 mo were 89 kg heavier than those that nursed calves for 6 mo (384 vs 295 kg; P less than .05). Cows that were nursed for 1 mo returned to estrus at an average of 40 d postpartum, which was 23 d earlier (P less than .05) than the average of the other groups nursed for longer periods of time. There was no significant difference in the postpartum period to conception among cows that had their calves weaned at 1 mo, 3 mo and cows which were nursed twice daily beginning 30 d after parturition (57, 94 and 97 d, respectively), but was less (P less than .05) for cows nursed for 5 or 6 mo (212 and 231 d, respectively). The results show that Gyr cattle are genetically capable of responding reproductively to improve nutrition and reduced lactation stress achieved through early weaning or controlled nursing.  相似文献   

Records of 2,449 births and 2,120 weanings of terminal-cross calves were used to characterize maternal productivity of first- and second-generation cows from a diallel of Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey when mated to third-breed sires. Third- and later-parity cows were randomly assigned after each parturition to Charolais and Red Poll bulls in multiple-sire pastures. Calves were weaned at approximately 7 mo of age; males were not castrated. A mixed model was assumed for data analysis. Effects included in the model were breed-type of dam, cow within breed-type of dam (random), breed of sire of calf, season of record, year of record, age of dam group, sex of calf and age of calf (covariate). Age of dam groups were 4- and 5-yr-olds, 6- and 7-yr-olds, 8-, 9- and 10-yr-olds, and those greater than 10 yr of age. Dependent variables were calf weight, shoulder width and hip width at birth, weaning weight, weaning height and survival to weaning. Holstein and Holstein crosses tended to produce the largest calves at birth and weaning. Among straightbred dams, the smallest calves were born to Brahman, whereas Hereford weaned the smallest calves. Brahman-Jersey dams produced the smallest calves at birth among crossbreds; Angus-Hereford cows weaned the smallest calves. Average maternal heterosis estimates for birth weight were small and non-significant. Calves of F1 crossbred dams were 17.4 kg heavier (P less than .01) and 1.70 cm taller (P less than .01) at weaning than calves of first-generation straightbred dams.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

October pregnancy rate, calf survival to weaning, weaning age, weaning rate and actual kg of calf weaned/cow exposed were determined in a 4-yr study involving 880 matings of Angus (A), Hereford (H) and Charolais (C) sires to A, H, C and Brown Swiss (BS) dams. Cows were mated in single-sire herds for 45 or 60 d under pasture conditions; heifers were bred to produce their first calf at 3 yr of age. Pregnancy rate of lactating dams was 9.4% higher (P less than .01) than for non-lactating dams. Pregnancy rates for straightbred matings were 87.5%, 80.6% and 75.4%, respectively, for A, H and C groups (P less than .05). No differences (P greater than .10) due to sire breed were found for any of the traits studied except for calf age at weaning. Calves from C sires were younger (P less than .01) at weaning than calves from H and A sires. Breed-of-dam differences (P less than .05 to P less than .01) were found for all traits studied except calf survival rate. All BS dams produced crossbred calves and had lower pregnancy and weaning rates (both P less than .01), calves were younger at weaning (P less than .05), had lower kg of calf weaned/cow exposed (P less than .05) than for beef-breed dams producing crossbred calves. Crossbred calves from BS dams were 4.9, 11.0 and 3.4 d younger (P less than .05 to P less than .01) at weaning, respectively, than crossbred calves from H, A and C dams.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted to compare the subsequent cow breeding and calf performance of cows that were nonpregnant with cows that were pregnant at the time calves were weaned. Cows were Angus (A), Polled Hereford (PH), Santa Gertrudis (SG) straightbreds and crossbreds of these breeds. Nonpregnant cows (G1) were 4- to 9-yr-olds that had a calf the previous year and appeared to be physically sound with no detection (by rectal palpation) of an abnormal reproductive tract due to disease, abnormal growth or calving difficulties. Pregnant cows (G2) were of similar age and breed composition to G1 cows. The 93 G1 and the 193 G2 cows were assigned within age and breed composition to sire breeding groups on pasture in an approximate 1:2 ratio, respectively, per sire. There were six A, three PH and one SG sires. The year prior to G1 cows being nonpregnant, G1 cows calved 11 d later (P less than .01) than G2 cows. Subsequent to their being nonpregnant, G1 cows gained 27 kg more (P less than .001) weight during the breeding period, had 5.4 percentage units more (P less than .29) calves born, had calves 17 d earlier (P less than .001) in the calving period, had calves that gained at a similar rate to weaning and had calves that were 14 kg heavier (P less than .01) at weaning (due to their being 17 d older) compared with G2 cows and calves.  相似文献   

Productivity of 3-, 4-, and 5-yr-old crossbred cows containing various proportions (0, 1/4, or 1/2) of Brahman breeding out of Angus or Hereford dams was evaluated using 489 spring-calving and 427 fall-calving records collected over a 4-yr period. Cows were bred to Limousin sires for the first 3 yr and to Limousin and Salers sires the 4th yr. Interactions between crossbred cow group and season of calving were not significant. Percentage of cows exposed to breeding that weaned a calf increased (P less than .01) as proportion Brahman breeding increased, was higher (P less than .01) for cows out of Angus dams than for cows out of Hereford dams, and was higher (P less than .01) for spring-calving cows. As the proportion Brahman increased, the percentage requiring assistance at birth decreased, and cows out of Angus dams required less (P less than .05) assistance than those out of Hereford dams. Preweaning ADG, adjusted weaning weight, weaning conformation, weaning condition, and adjusted weaning hip height increased a proportion Brahman breeding increased. Spring-born calves gained .12 kg/d faster (P less than .01) than fall-born calves. However, weight at weaning was similar for the two groups; spring-born calves were weaned at an average age of 205 d, and fall-born calves were weaned at an average age of 240 d. Fall-calving cows were heavier (P less than .05) than spring-calving cows, and 0 and 1/2 Brahman cows were heavier (P less than .01) than 1/4 Brahman cows. These data indicate that Brahman-cross dams can be used to improve reproductive rate and increase preweaning growth rate, and thus weaning weight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ruminal microbial development in conventionally or early-weaned calves   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Eight bull calves (four Holsteins and four Ayrshire calves with mean birth weight of 38.8 kg) were ruminally cannulated at 3 d of age and allocated to one of two weaning programs. All calves were fed colostrum for 3 d after birth and milk until weaning. Calves in the conventional-weaning program were fed a starter diet from 3 d of age and weaned at 6 wk of age. In the early-weaning program, calves were fed a highly palatable pre-starter diet from 3 d of age until they consumed 227 g/d, and then fed a mixture of pre-starter (227 g) and starter diet ad libitum. Calves in this group were weaned at 4 wk of age. Ruminal samples were collected at 3 and 7 d, then weekly thereafter through 8 wk and at 10 and 12 wk of age to assess microbial activity. Calves in the early-weaned group had a higher concentration of total ruminal volatile fatty acids at an earlier age than the calves in the conventional-weaning program. This was accompanied by a trend toward higher lactate concentrations and lower ruminal pH in the early-weaned group during their first 4 wk of age. Lactate and ammonia concentrations decreased with calf age. The total anaerobic bacterial counts increased slightly with calf age, whereas Streptococcus bovis and facultative bacterial populations decreased with calf age. Amylolytic, proteolytic, lactobacilli, lactate-utilizers, cellulolytic and methanogenic bacterial populations increased progressively in both groups. Cellulolytic and methanogenic bacteria were present in both groups at 3 d of age. No protozoa were detected in calves of either group. In general, the most significant changes in bacterial populations and metabolic activity in both groups occurred between 4 and 6 wk of age. Although calves in both groups had similar patterns of bacterial development, calves in the early-weaning program tended to have high ruminal microbial activity at an earlier age than the conventionally weaned calves.  相似文献   

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