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Cheyletiella yasguri: widespread infestation in a breeding kennel   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
K Dodd 《The Veterinary record》1970,86(12):346-347

伊维菌素预混剂预防仔猪寄生虫病的效果观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伊维菌素是一类具有抗寄生虫活性的大环内酯类抗生素,在养猪业上的推广应用取得了良好的经济效益.目前,我国猪群中寄生虫感染虫种主要是体内线虫及体外节肢动物类寄生虫(传统散养猪群仍有吸虫及绦虫感染),而伊维菌素对畜禽的体内线虫及体外节肢动物类寄生虫有良好的驱杀作用,其抗虫谱基本覆盖了猪群中主要寄生虫感染虫种.为验证北京中农华威科技有限公司生产的伊力佳(伊维菌素)预混剂防治猪寄生虫病的效果,特进行如下试验.  相似文献   

Résumé— Trois cas d'infestation par Otobius megnini sont décrits. Le motif de consultation chez les deux chiens ne recevant par de corticoïdes était des secousses de la tête. L'éxérèse des tiques chez deux chiens et l'utilisation d'une préparation otologique à base de thiabendazole-dexaméthasone-néomycine chez le troisième, ont permis un contrôle de l'infestation. [White, S. D., Scott, K. V., Cheney, J. M. Otobius megnini infestation in three dogs (Infestation de trois chiens par Otobius megnini).
Resumen— Describimos tres casos de infestación por Otobius megnini en la especie canina. Los dos perros que no recibian tratamiento con corticoesteroides sacudian la cabeza. La infestación se resolvió quitando los piojos en dos casos y mediante el uso de una preparatión ótica con tiabendazol, dexametasona y neomicina, en el tercero. [Otobius megnini infestation in three dogs (Infestación por Otobius megnini en tres perros).
Abstract— Three cases of Otobius megnini infestation in dogs are described. Head-shaking was the presenting complaint in the two dogs not receiving systemic corticosteroids. Removal of the ticks in two dogs, and the usage of a thiabendazole-dexamethasone-neomycin otic preparation in the third, resulted in resolution of the infestation.  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是一种常见的鸡体外寄生虫,通常夜间活动,在鸡体上吸血,白天隐藏于禽舍内阴暗角落.鸡群受皮刺螨侵袭后,一般不会引起鸡只死亡,但能严重影响肉鸡的生长速度及料肉比;蛋鸡因其生长期较长,比肉鸡多发,表现为产蛋率不高或达不到产蛋高峰.作者采用伊力佳(伊维菌素)0.2%预混剂,对一感染鸡皮刺螨的蛋鸡场,进行用药治疗,收到了良好的效果,鸡群产蛋率上升8%左右,皮刺螨得以控制,现报告如下.  相似文献   

Ivermectin given in a single subcutaneous dose of 300 μg/kg was tested for safety and efficacy against swine hyperkeratotic scabies in a large breeding piggery. Approximately 15% of the adult population was showing severe clinical mange. Skin scrapings were taken from 40 affected animals to provide parasite counts. Eight of 40 animals were used as untreated controls; all test animals were injected subcutaneously on day 0 with Ivermectin. General improvement was noted as early as eight days after treatment. Scratching stopped by day 21 in all treated animals. The results are discussed in regard to a control program for Sarcoptes scabiei infestation in pigs.  相似文献   



Ehrlichia ewingii, which causes disease in dogs and people, is the most common Ehrlichia spp. infecting dogs in the United States, but little is known about how long Eewingii infection persists in dogs.


To evaluate the persistence of natural infection with E. ewingii in dogs.


Four Class A Beagles; no previous exposure to ticks or tick‐borne infectious agents.


Dogs were exposed to ticks by weekly walks through tick habitat in north central Oklahoma; dogs positive for infection with Ehrlichia spp. by sequence‐confirmed PCR and peptide‐specific serology were evaluated for 733 days (D). Whole blood was collected once weekly for PCR, and serum was collected once monthly for detection of antibodies to Ehrlichia canis (peptide p16), Ehrlichia chaffeensis (indirect fluorescence antibody [IFA] and variable‐length PCR target [VLPT]), and E. ewingii (peptide p28).


All dogs (4/4) became infected with Ehrlichia spp. as evidenced by seroconversion on IFA to E. chaffeensis (4/4); PCR detection of E. ewingii (4/4) and E. chaffeensis (2/4) DNA using both nested and real‐time assays; and presence of specific antibodies to E. ewingii (4/4) and E. chaffeensis (2/4). Infection with E. chaffeensis was not detected after D55. Intermittent E. ewingii rickettsemia persisted in 3 of 4 dogs for as long as 733 days.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Our data demonstrate that dogs infected with E. ewingii from tick feeding are capable of maintaining infection with this pathogen long‐term, and may serve as a reservoir host for the maintenance of E. ewingii in nature.  相似文献   

HPLC法测定微乳中伊维菌素的含量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
建立了HPLC测定伊维菌素微乳中伊维菌素含量的方法。色谱柱为ZirchromC18(4.6mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇∶水(85∶15),测定波长为245 nm,流速为1.0 mL/min,柱温为40℃。伊维菌素与辅料及溶剂峰分离良好,在2.22~111.0μg/mL时线性关系良好(R2=0.999 9)。HPLC测定伊维菌素方法便捷、准确、重复性好,可用于伊维菌素微乳含量的测定。  相似文献   

应用伊维菌素注射剂按0.2mg/kg体重剂量一次皮下注射给药,采用粪检法和体表检查法,进行放牧绵羊主要寄生虫病防治示范.结果:对绵羊主要消化道线虫虫卵转阴率、减少率分别为96.7%和99.1%,对原圆科线虫幼虫转阴率、减少率分别为89.5%和91.6%,对绵羊颚虱的杀虫率达100%.全部防治绵羊投药后未发生异常反应.应用效果证明:伊维菌素注射剂防治绵羊主要寄生虫病高效、安全、经济.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of an ivermectin controlled‐release capsule (CRC), which delivers 1.6 mg ivermectin per day intraruminally for 100 days to sheep weighing 40–80 kg (IVOMEC® MaximizerTMCR Capsule for adult sheep, Merial), against small lungworms two studies with 48 naturally infected adult female Merino Landrace sheep were conducted. The sheep were allocated by restricted randomization based on bodyweight to untreated controls or received an ivermectin CRC. Eight sheep per group were necropsied 35, 70 or 105 days post‐treatment. Lungworms were recovered by dissection or peptic digestion of the lungs. Baermann/Wetzel technique was used for faecal lungworm larval counts at weekly intervals. The efficacy of treatment was 100% against Dictyocaulus filaria and Protostrongylus rufescens (P < 0.05) at each necropsy day. The efficacy against Protostrongylus brevispiculum, Cystocaulus ocreatus and Neostrongylus linearis increased from 35 to 105 days after administration of the CRC and was found to be 100% (P < 0.01), 96.6% (P < 0.01) or 99% (P < 0.01), respectively, at 105 days post‐treatment. The reductions of Muellerius capillaris counts varied and were 96.2% (P < 0.05) at 70 days post‐treatment and 44.6% (P > 0.1) at 105 days post‐treatment. Faecal lungworm larvae disappeared nearly completely from at least 3 weeks after the ivermectin CRC administration for all protostrongylid species including M. capillaris so that pasture infectivity will be subsequently significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Three studies evaluating various aspects of the performance of pyriprole against the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, on dogs demonstrated that 12.5% pyriprole applied as a spot-on provides rapid, long-lasting efficacy against adult cat fleas, even under severe flea challenge. Speed of kill data indicate treatment with this product can interrupt an already established adult flea infestation, whereas monthly treatment can prevent reinfestation. Pyriprole disrupts the flea life cycle by killing adult fleas before they lay eggs for at least 30 days after treatment. The residual effect of pyriprole on debris from treated dogs (dander, hair, scales, and flea feces) resulted in a decreased ability of cat flea larvae to complete development to the adult stage for 2 weeks after application. Based on the results of these studies, 12.5% pyriprole represents a valuable new tool in the control of the cat flea, C. felis, on dogs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fipronil is a new insecticide and acaricide belonging to the phenylpyrazole family. Experimental studies have demonstrated the efficacy of a 0.25% fipronil mechanical pump spray formulation against fleas and ticks in both dogs and cats. Two multicentric clinical trials were set up to confirm the efficacy of this product under field conditions. The dog study was a positive control study. Flea infestation was qualitatively assessed at the initial visit (treatment date) and at the final visit (when reinfestation was observed or at the latest by 2 months after treatment). Sixty-one per cent and 21.5 per cent of dogs were free of fleas (“zero-flea stage”) at the end of the second month post-treatment in the experimental and reference groups, respectively. The incidence of pruritus and dermatological lesions was reduced in the two groups but with significantly better results in the fipronil group. Sixty-one per cent of the cats treated with fipronil were also free of fleas at the end of the second month post-treatment. Pruritus was also significantly reduced. Résumé— Le fipronil est un nouvel insecticide appartenant à la famille des phénylpyrazolés. Des études expérimentales ont démontré l'efficacité d'une solution à 0,25% de fipronil en pulvérisation manuelle contre les puces et les tiques chez le chien et le chat. Deux études cliniques multicentriques ont été conduites pour confirmer l'efficacité de ce produit sur le terrain. L'étude chez le chien est une étude contrôlée positive. L'infestation par les puces a été déterminée qualitativement lors de la visite initiale (date du traitement), et lors de la visite finale (quand une réinfestation a été observée ou au moins 2 mois après le traitement). 61% et 21,5% des chiens étaient indemnes de puces (stade 0 puce) à la fin du second mois consécutif au traitement respectivement dans le groupe traité et dans le groupe de référence. Le prurit et les lésions dermatologiques étaient réduits dans les deux groupes, mais avec des résultats meilleurs dans le groupe fipronil. 61% des chats traités avec le fipronil étaient aussi indemnes de puces 2 mois après le traitement. Le prurit était également significativement réduit. [Postal, J.-M. R., Jeannin, P. C, Consalui, P.-J. Field efficiency of a mechanical pump spray formulation containing 0.25% fipronil in the treatment and control of flea infestation and associated dermatological signs in cats and dogs (Efficacité d'une solution à 0,25% de fipronil en pulvérisation manuelle dans le traitement et le contrôle d'une pullicose et des symptômes dermatologiques associés chez les chiens et les chats). Resumen— El fipronil es un nuevo insecticida y acaricida de la familia de los fenilpirazoles. Estudios expérimentales han demostrado la efectividad de une fórmula de fipronil al 0,25% en un pulverizador con sistema mecànico de bombeo contra pulgas y piojos en el perro y en el gato. Se diseñaron dos pruebas clinicas multicéntricas para confirmar la afectividad de este producto en condiciones de campo. El estudio en el perro fue la prueba control. Se realizó un examen cualtitativo sobre el grado de infestación por pulgas en la primera visita (fecha de tratamiento) y en la última visita (en caso de reinfestación o como máximo dos meses después del tratamiento). El sesenta y uno por ciento y el 21,5% de los perros estaba libre de pulgas (“estadio pulga-cero”) al final del segundo mes después del tratamiento en los grupos experimental y de referencia, respectivamente. La incidencia de prurito y de lesiones dermatológicas se vieron reducidos en los dos grupos pero con resultados significativamente mejores en el grupo del fipronil. El sesenta y uno por ciento de los gatos tratados con fipronil estaban también fibres de pulgas al final del segundo mes después del tratamiento. El prurito se vió también significativamente disminuido. [Postal, J.-M. R., Jeannin, P. C, Consalui, P.-J. Field efficiency of a mechanical pump spray formulation containing 0.25% fipronil in the treatment and control of flea infestation and associated dermatological signs in cats and dogs (Efectividad en un estudio de campo de una fórmula para pulverizador con sistema mecànico de bombeo con un 0,25% de fipronil en el tratamiento y control de infestaciones por pulgas y problemas dermatológicos asociados en el perro y el gato).  相似文献   

Abstract— A six-year-old intact male English setter dog with chronic, juvenile-onset, generalized demodicosis, resistant to amitraz, was treated with ivermectin given orally 600 mcg/kg once daily, for more than 7 months. The dog was clinically normal after 4 months and skin scrapings were negative for Demodex canis mites after 7 months of treatment. Résumé— Un chien male de six ans de race Setter Anglais souffrant d'une démodécie généralisée chronique depuis l'âge de trois mois et résistante à l'Amitraz, fut trait à l'aide d'ivermectine par voie orale, à la dose quotidienne de 600 mcg/kg pendant plus de sept mois. Un rémission des signes cliniques fut obtenue après 4 mois et les raclages cutanés se sont révélés négatifs pour Demodex canis après 7 mois de thérapie. Zusammenfassung— Ein 6 Jahre alter, nicht kastrierter Englisch-Setterrüde wurde mehr als 7 Monate mit Ivermectin per os, 600 mcg/kg einmal täglich, behandelt, da er unter einer chronischen, in jugendlichem Alter ausgebrochenen generalisierten Demodikose litt, die auf Amitraz nicht ansprach. Das Tier war nach 4 Monaten klinísch gesund, 7 Monate nach der Behandlung fielen Hautgeschabsel auf Demodex-canis-Milben negativ ans. Schlüsselwörter: Hund; Haut; Demodilose; Ivermectin. Resumen Un perro mecho enteros de seis años de la raza setter inglés presentando una demodicosis generalizada crónica de aparición juvenil, y que presentaba resistencia al almitraz, fue tratada con avermectina administrada oralmente a una dosis de 600 mcg/kg, una vez al día, y por un periodo de más de 7 meses. Después de 4 meses, la aparición clinica del perro era normal y los raspados cutaneos no demonstraron la presencia de Demodex canis despues de 7 meses de tratamiento.  相似文献   

为建立伊维菌素微乳中伊维菌素含量的高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定方法,选用Hypersil ODS2 (5 μm,4.6 mm×250 mm)色谱柱,流动相为甲醇∶乙腈∶水为35∶60∶5(V/V/V),检测波长为244 nm,柱温为30 ℃,流速为1 mL/min进行测定。结果显示,伊维菌素在该色谱条件下,系统适应性良好,在80~320 μg/mL浓度范围内线性关系良好,回归方程为:Y=22 700X+2 510,R2=0.9998,总平均回收率为101.90%±2.94%,RSD为2.88%,对中试生产的3批伊维菌素微乳进行含量测定,RSD为1.86%。表明该含量测定方法准确可靠,重现性好,可用于伊维菌素微乳中伊维菌素含量的测定,并为该新型制剂的质量标准的制定和质量评价提供依据,也为后期的临床安全应用提供可靠的参考。  相似文献   

Ten dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) received 2 mg/kg of L-Deprenyl once daily for 6 months. Monthly patient assessment consisted of evaluation of the owner's daily observation protocol, a standardized owner questionnaire, physical examination, CBC, biochemical profile, determination of the urine cortisol/creatinine ratio (UC/C), low-dose dexamethasone suppression (LDDS) test, corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) test, and adrenal ultrasonography. At the beginning and the end of the study, an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test and computed tomography also were performed. Two dogs developed neurologic signs and 2 dogs developed acute pancreatitis. An increase in activity, decrease in polyphagia, and decrease in panting were reported by 6, 4, and 2 owners, respectively. Seven owners believed that water intake decreased, but this was confirmed in only 3 dogs. Water intake increased in 2 dogs and remained unchanged in 5 dogs. The condition of the hair coat and skin improved in 2 dogs, worsened in 3, and remained unchanged in 5. Urine specific gravity, urine osmolality, ACTH test results, UC/C, and adrenal gland size did not change significantly throughout the study. In 4 of 8 dogs, LDDS was abnormal at the start of the study but normal at the end of the study, and in 2 dogs, the opposite occurred. Marked individual variation was noted in the CRH test, with a tendency for smaller increases in ACTH toward the end of the study. A marked increase in hypophyseal tumor size occured in 4 dogs. Treatment with L-Deprenyl resulted in improvement, deterioration, and stagnation of clinical signs in 2, 4, and 4 dogs, respectively. The results of this study indicate that L-Deprenyl cannot be recommended as the sole treatment for canine PDH.  相似文献   

In order to establish the determination method of ivermectin (IVM) in the ivermectin microemulsion injection by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Hypersil ODS2 colunm (5 μm,4.6 mm×250 mm) was used in this study. The mobile phase composed of methanol, acetonitrile and water (35:60:5,V/V/V) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The detection wave length was set at 244 nm and the column temperature was 30 ℃. The results showed that the HPLC system suitability of IVM was good. A good linear correlation of IVM was observed within the concentration range 80 to 320 μg/mL, and the average recovery rate was 101.90%±2.94% with RSD was 2.88%, the regression equation was Y=22 700X+2 510 (R2=0.9998). The RSD of IVM content in ivermectin microemulsion injection was 1.86%. The method was accurate and reliable,reproducible,easy to operate, which could be used in new type of ivermectin microemulsion injection. The method could be used as the basis of quality control and establishing a quality standard, and to provide basis for quality evaluation, also can provide reliable reference for safe veterinary clinical application in the future.  相似文献   

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