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本文旨在了解绵羊(湖羊和巴什拜羊)促卵泡激素受体(FSHR)基因3'-UTR特征,分析高、低繁殖力绵羊品种FSHR基因3'-UTR突变位点多态性差异,并探索其机制。研究获得788 bp的湖羊和巴什拜羊FSHR基因3'-UTR序列,两者一致性为98.17%,且均含有加尾信号、保守的ARE元件和多个miRNA结合位点;池DNA测序在FSHR基因终止密码子后325nt处发现一个碱基T插入/缺失,命名为*325del T;多态性分析发现绵羊FSHR基因*325del T位点有3种基因型(TT型、T-型和--型),在湖羊群体中T为优势等位基因(频率为0.604),而在巴什拜羊群体中-为优势等位基因(频率为0.635);荧光素酶活性分析发现*325del T突变对绵羊FSHR转录活性无显著影响。发现FSHR基因*325del T的多态性可能与绵羊繁殖性能有关。  相似文献   

Propetamphos is a new organophosphorous compound with broad spectrum acaricidal and insecticidal activity. Dip wash concentrations of 100 to 200 ppm protect sheep against field challenge for approximately 10 weeks for blowflies, 16 weeks for lice and keds and six weeks for ticks. During laboratory and field trial studies a wash concentration of 125 ppm propetamphos eradicated sheep scab and protected from reinfestation for over four weeks.  相似文献   

策勒黑羊、和田羊和卡拉库尔羊血液蛋白多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
血液蛋白多态性可以作为一个遗传标记因子来反映动物的遗传变异情况。不同品种间的不同位点血液蛋白具有一定差异,所以由多种血液蛋白多态性所标记的多基因型,可用来标记品种特征(张细权,1997)。本研究利用血液蛋白多态性,对塔里木盆地周边的策勒黑羊、和田羊、卡拉库尔羊3个绵羊品种进行遗传多样性分析,对种质资源保护和科学开发利用以及品种的起源、进化研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Production of sheep (nursing ewes) grazing alternately with cattle (growing weaned heifers) was compared to the production of sheep or cattle grazing alone (controls). Pasture production and sheep parasitism were also monitored. The herbage allowance was higher for the control heifers than for the alternate heifers, but the leaf to green material ratio (LGMR) was lower, and no difference on heifer growth was revealed (443 vs. 431g.d-1, P = 0.54). The LGMR was higher for the alternate sheep (+3 points) than for the control sheep, except during the dry season, when the herbage density was lower. The effects of parasitism on the packed cell volume of alternate ewes and lambs were lower than those of control ewes and lambs. However, the infection of sheep by Cooperia sp. (better adapted to cattle) was significantly higher for the alternate sheep than for the controls, and some indication of cattle infection by Haemonchus contortus was suggested. The 70-day lamb weight was higher in the alternate grazing system than in the control (+0.76,+1.11 and+0.61kg for the dry, intermediate and rainy seasons, respectively), and the average 70-day lamb production per ewe exposed was 21.42kg in the alternate grazing system vs. 18.59kg in the control (P = 0.003).  相似文献   

本文对湖寒杂交一代母羔和纯种小尾寒羊母羔生产性能进行了对比,测定两个组的增重情况、体尺指标以及F1代繁殖性能和泌乳性能。结果表明:杂交一代的生长发育快于小尾寒羊,6月龄活重为39.60 kg,比小尾寒羊提高4.37 kg(P0.05),1~6月龄的平均日增重197.01 g,比小尾寒羊高出19.57g(P0.05),且差异均显著;杂交一代的体长和胸围要显著高于小尾寒羊(P0.05),而体高和管围要比小尾寒羊低;杂交一代与小尾寒羊的产羔情况基本接近,无显著差异(P0.05);杂交一代母羊产后1~30 d平均日泌乳量为1.23 kg,要比小尾寒母羊的0.93 kg高33.1%。总体而言,杂交的经济价值较高。  相似文献   

试验结果表明:在相同的自然条件下,波杂(波德代羊×甘南山谷型藏羊)F1羔羊和陶杂(无角陶塞特羊×甘南山谷型藏羊)F1羔羊在初生重、0~180日龄平均日增重,公羔分别为4.65 kg、124.67 g/d和4.57 kg1、21.39 g/d;母羔分别为4.36 kg1、12.11 g/d和4.19 kg1、16.67 g/d,均显著高于甘南山谷型藏羊的相应指标,差异极显著。1、3、6月龄体重、体高、体长、胸围均高于甘南山谷型藏羊,差异极显著;管围、尻宽差异不显著体型指数优于甘南山谷型藏羊,接近肉用羊体型。  相似文献   

Bártíková, H., Křížová, V., Lamka, J., Kubíček, V., Skálová, L., Szotáková, B. Flubendazole metabolism and biotransformation enzymes activities in healthy sheep and sheep with haemonchosis. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap . 33 , 56–62.
The aim of this project was to study the influence of haemonchosis, a common parasitic infection of small ruminants caused by Haemonchus contortus , on the activity of biotransformation enzymes and on in vitro flubendazole (FLU) biotransformation in liver and small intestine of lambs ( Ovis aries ). Twelve lambs were divided into three groups: non-infected animals, animals orally infected with larvae of H. contortus ISE strain for 7 weeks and for 11 weeks. At the end of the experiment, hepatic and intestinal subcellular fractions were prepared and used for assays of biotransformation enzymes activities and FLU metabolism testing. The activities of hepatic cytochromes P450, flavine monooxygenases and carbonyl-reducing enzymes were decreased in infected animals. UDP-glucuronosyl transferase activity was significantly lower (by 35%) in 11 weeks infected animals than that in control animals. When in vitro metabolism of FLU was compared in control and infected animals, significantly lower velocity of FLU reduction was found in infected animals. Slower FLU reduction may be beneficial for the haemonchosis treatment using FLU, because FLU will remain longer in the organism and could cause longer contact of parasites with FLU.  相似文献   

本研究旨在比较保育舍和育肥舍气溶胶微生物组成和四环素类抗性基因丰度的差异。采集8个保育舍和8个育肥舍的空气样品,用RT-qPCR方法检测特定微生物类群的相对丰度和四环素类抗性基因的绝对丰度。结果表明:与保育舍相比,育肥舍气溶胶微生物组中厚壁菌门、乳酸杆菌属、罗伊氏乳杆菌和约氏乳杆菌丰度显著提高(P<0.05),而拟杆菌门、梭菌属和普雷沃氏菌属丰度显著降低(P<0.05);育肥舍气溶胶中TetB、TetH、TetZ、TetO、TetQ和TetW的拷贝数显著低于保育舍(P<0.05);主成分分析表明,保育舍和育肥舍气溶胶可按照微生物丰度和四环素类抗性基因丰度进行聚类。由此可见,不同猪舍类型微生物组成存在明显差异,保育舍抗性基因丰度显著高于育肥舍。  相似文献   

The within flock transmission of sheep scab was studied in two trials, which lasted 14 and 12 weeks, respectively. A total of 40 non-infested, scab-naive sheep were divided into six groups of between 6 and 20 individuals. Each group was subsequently housed with a single infested index case, carrying scab lesions of different ages. The groups of sheep in both trials were video recorded continuously and all the sheep were individually examined on a weekly basis. The occurrence of transmission was measured in two ways: first, by the detection of early scab lesions during clinical examination and, second, by an increase in the rubbing of individual sheep as noted from the analysis of the video recordings. These two methods complemented each other in predicting the week on which transmission occurred. Overall, transmission was detected in 34 of the 40 scab-naive sheep. Transmission was shown to occur at about the time when the population of adult mites in lesions on index cases reached their peak numbers. The highest number of mites at this time, however, differed markedly between index sheep. There was no obvious relationship between the incidence of transmission and the time index sheep spent rubbing each day or other index sheep variables, including the age of the lesion or the time since the introduction to the scab free sheep.  相似文献   

陶赛特羊原产于澳大利亚和新西兰,具有早熟、生长发育快、胴体品质好、适应性强、繁殖率高和耐粗饲等特点,是肉羊生产的理想品种之一.  相似文献   

2003年,青海省黄南州从山东引进小尾寒羊,与当地欧拉型藏羊杂交,并对杂种羊的产肉性能和生产性能等进行了研究分析。结果表明,杂种羊的繁殖性能和产肉性能都得到了提高,说明山东小尾寒羊与当地欧拉型藏羊杂交后代能取得良好的经济和社会效益,适合推广。  相似文献   

肉用绵羊与湖羊杂交产羔性能的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
湖羊是分布于我国江苏、浙江两省太湖周边地区的高繁殖力绵羊品种 ,以耐高温、高湿、性成熟早、四季发情、多胎、高产著称。我们曾对湖羊产区吴县东山镇、西山镇两地进行过湖羊繁殖性能的调查和繁殖率选育研究 ,湖羊的平均产羔率为2 3 2 2 0 % ,东山湖羊资源保护区产羔率为 2 5 2 8% ,其中经选育保种的 14 8头高繁殖力基础母羊 ,产羔率高达 3 2 0 60 %。湖羊羔皮是我国传统的出口商品 ,在国际市场上享有软宝石美称。然而 ,随着社会的发展和人们消费习惯的变化 ,羔皮从 2 0世纪 90年代后逐渐失去了国际市场 ,而羊肉市场潜力看好。为适应市…  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive activity of conditioned medium from cultured ovine, caprine, and hybrid trophoblast tissue was examined. Conceptuses were obtained from naturally mated donor ewes and does at d 20 of gestation and trophoblast tissue was cultured for 24 h in medium supplemented with 15% calf serum and 1% antibiotic/antimycotic. Conditioned medium was added to pokeweed mitogen-stimulated sheep and goat lymphocyte cultures. Quantification of [3H]thymidine uptake by cells was used to measure lymphocyte proliferation. Ovine, caprine, and hybrid conditioned medium effectively suppressed sheep and goat lymphocyte proliferation (P less than .01). There were no differences (P greater than .05) between the immunosuppressive activity of the three tissue types on either sheep or goat lymphocytes. For all treatment groups, sheep lymphocytes were suppressed more than goat lymphocytes (P less than .05). These results indicate that, at d 20 of gestation, sheep x goat hybrid trophoblast tissue is capable of suppressing pokeweed mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

试验对白萨福克羊(White Suffolk)和特克塞尔羊(Texel)两个肉羊品种的羔羊在6月龄以前的生长发育进行了比较研究。结果表明:白萨福克羔羊和特克塞尔羔羊初生重大,除白萨福克母羔外,其余羔羊初生重都在5 kg以上,其中白萨福克公羔的初生重最大;4月龄时,白萨福克公羔体重达到32.88 kg,显著高于特克塞尔公羔(P<0.05),极显著地高于特克塞尔母羔(P<0.01);6月龄时白萨福克公羔体重达到42.60 kg。白萨福克羔羊2月龄时的绝对生长速度最大,公羔日增重达到256.15 g,母羔达到236.67 g;特克塞尔羊从出生到1月龄,绝对生长和相对生长比白萨福克羊要高一些,但是白萨福克羊保持快速生长发育的持续期较特克塞尔羊相对较长。白萨福克羔羊从母乳到饲草饲料过渡较好,断奶后适应性要好于特克塞尔羔羊,从4月龄到6月龄的体重、体尺高于特克塞尔羔羊。在整个测定阶段,白萨福克公羔和母羔的体躯均比特克塞尔公羔和母羔的体躯长,白萨福克公羔体高比特克塞尔公羔的体高要高。  相似文献   

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