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在线混药喷雾系统混药性能试验   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
为寻求在线混药喷雾系统中射流混药装置对系统工作状态的影响,该文以胭脂红溶液模拟农药,考察了24种不同结构参数的射流混药装置应用于3种不同流量特性的在线混药喷雾系统时的工作特性,采用分光光度法对F110-015喷雾系统中射流嘴出口直径d=2.00 mm,面积比m=4.00的射流混药装置进行混药均匀性检测。试验结果表明,射流混药装置的结构参数对喷雾系统的工作状态具有显著影响,在同一种喷雾系统中,改变射流混药装置的结构参数,喷雾系统的工作状态也发生改变。在不同试验方案中,喷雾系统呈现回流和吸药2种工作状态;在射流混药理论分析及试验的基础上,给出了解决药液回流问题的2种方案,即增大射流嘴进口直径或减小射流嘴出口直径和降低喷雾系统的阻力系数。并通过试验结果证明,F110-015喷雾系统在4种喷雾压力(0.26、0.30、0.34和0.36 MPa)下的混药浓度变异系数CV(coefficient of variation)均小于5%,说明该装置可用于在线混药喷雾系统,也为射流混药在线喷雾系统的应用提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

均匀坡度下考虑三偏差的滴灌系统流量偏差率的计算   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为了精确地模拟滴灌系统流量偏差率,使滴灌系统的设计既经济又可靠,该文以考虑地形坡度及水力偏差的流量偏差率的计算方法为基础,根据不利组合原则与概率论知识,深入分析了制造偏差对滴灌系统流量偏差率的影响,并通过进一步水力计算和数学推理,建立了均匀坡度下滴灌系统流量偏差率与制造偏差率、水力偏差率及地形偏差率三者之间的函数关系,推导出考虑三偏差的流量偏差率计算公式。该公式不但可以用来模拟不同保证率下的滴灌系统流量偏差率,而且简便实用,可直接应用于滴灌工程设计中。  相似文献   



Dominant discharges and associated sediment dynamics of the River Isábena, a 445-km2 catchment in the central Pyrenees of Spain that is punctuated by badlands, are analysed.

Materials and methods

Calculations of suspended sediment loads are based on continuous records of discharge and turbidity obtained at the basin outlet for the period 2005–2010.

Results and discussion

Dominant discharges for sediment load (i.e. effective discharge) present a bimodal distribution, with one peak falling in the range of low flows and the other associated to less frequent but higher magnitude floods (i.e. bankfull). The highly suspended sediment availability in the badlands, together with the high connectivity between the badlands and the stream network and the important in-channel fine sediment storage, causes both large and small events to remobilize fines. Baseflows, despite their low competence, generate resuspension and massive sediment loads. Thus, effective discharge (i.e. the discharge which transports most of the sediment) is not solely associated with bankfull (i.e. the discharge that dominates channel form), but to a wider range of discharges. Consequently, this river channel is not specifically adjusted to convey most of the sediment load during high floods, as in many other rivers, but instead large volumes of sediment are transferred downstream at an almost constant rate.


Results suggest that dominant discharge may play a lesser role in terms of (suspended) sediment load in non-supply-limited fluvial systems and/or in rivers that permanently work close to, or at, full transport capacity, as is the case of the Isábena.  相似文献   

中国亚热带丘陵地区典型流域的营养元素释放   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Agriculture is still the biggest contributor of non-point source(NPS) pollution to water bodies and runoff discharges of nutrients and other chemicals are one of the most importtant pathways.This study was conducted during 1998-1999 in a typical watershed with complex agriculture and forestry systems as well as dotted farmer villages,in a transitional region between the mid-and northern subtropical zones of China.Continuous sampling of stream water was performed regularly at a weekly frequency,with additional sampling after all major rainfall events.The discharges of N and P nutrients and suspended materials were measured and the total and area-averaged annual discharges of all components were calculated .The results showed an uneven seasonal distribution of nutrient discharges with summer storms contributing most to the total fluxes.This study demonstrated a high dependence of runoff vlume on rainfall but the overall runoff coefficients were dependent on land use type and watershed size.The area-averaed annual discharges varied greatly among the sub-watershed with differnt sizes and land use structures.This is the first study estimating the area-averaged annual discharges of N and P in the hilly areas of subtropical china,which were 1.5gm^-2 a-1 and 0.1gm^-2a^-1,respectively.providing important reference values for the assessment of regional agricultural non-point source pollution.  相似文献   

We used ionic tracers to estimate the volume of old (soil and ground) water interacting with snowmelt in eleven Adirondack, NY watersheds. The contribution of old water varied from 66 to 90%, with no general relationship between old water % and soil depth to till. This approach also discriminated between watershed retention and release of particular ions to lake outlet water during snowmelt. Most watersheds released NO3 ? during snowmelt, in addition to the snowpack NO3 ?. Nitrification of snowpack NH4 + explained part of the additional NO3 ? in lake out outlet water, but some NO3 ? was likely mineralized nitrogen from soil organic matter. All watersheds retained NH4 + as well. Nitrogen release was greatest in the acidic watersheds in the southwestern Adirondacks, a region thought to be impacted by anthropogenic deposition. During snowmelt, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions (presumably from soil exchange sites) were also released from most watersheds. In watersheds with acidic (minimum pH<4.6) lake outlet water, Al was also released during snowmelt. Thus, lake outlet water acidification during snowmelt was both buffered by cation release, and intensified by NO3 ? release. If the soil exchangeable cation pools were not replenished prior to snowmelt, or NO3 ? mobilization were increased, acidification during snowmelt would intensify.  相似文献   

When the litter of a given species decomposes, it will often break down in the proximity of litters from other species. We investigated the effects of litters of 10 different species in a boreal forest of northern Sweden on each others' decomposition and N release rates; this was done through the use of litterbags containing two compartments separated by single mesh partition. Different litters could be placed on opposite sides of this mesh so that they were in contact with each other. Treatments consisted of all the possible pairwise combinations of the 10 species, with members of each pair placed in different compartments of the same litterbag. Litterbags were harvested after 1, 2 and 4 years in the field. Species differed significantly in their effects on decomposition and N loss rates of associated litters. Generally, litters from feather mosses and lichens showed the greatest promotion of decomposition on associated litters, while some vascular plant species, notably Empetrum hermaphroditum, showed the least. At year four, feather mosses also had the greatest positive effects on N loss from the litters of associated species. There were several instances in which litter of a given species decomposed at different rate when litter from its own species, rather than that of a different species, was placed in the adjacent litterbag compartment. This was particularly apparent in the second year, when across the entire data set, litters decomposed fastest when associated with their own litters. Generally, slowly decomposing litters had the greatest positive effects on decomposition of associated litters. It is proposed that in boreal forests slow decomposing litters (particularly those of feather mosses) may contribute to enhancing moisture attention in the litter layer, which in turn promotes the decomposition and N release of associated litters. Further, while litter mixing effects were clearly demonstrated in our study, they were also shown to be of secondary importance to the effects of species identity on decomposition.  相似文献   

During re‐conversion of short‐rotation poplar tree plantations back to arable land use, large amounts of tree residues must be incorporated into soil. A 90‐d pot experiment with and without N addition was carried out after mixing the same amounts of chaffed poplar root residues into the pots at 0–5 cm or at 0–20 cm depth. The objective was to investigate whether shallow mixing has positive effects on maize growth, reduces poplar root residue decomposition, and changes the microbial community structure towards fungi. Aboveground maize yield was strongly reduced after mixing of poplar root residues at 0–20 cm depth without N fertilization, but was not affected if mixed at 0–5 cm depth. Neither the mixing nor N fertilization had significant effects on root residue decomposition, estimated as recovered particulate organic matter. The total increase in microbial biomass C and biomass N was strongest after homogenous mixing of root residues at 0–20 cm, but remained unaffected by N fertilization. In contrast, the total amount of ergosterol remained unaffected by the mixing treatments, but responded positively to N fertilization. Shallow incorporation of poplar root residues did not affect the microbial biomass C/N ratio but disproportionately increased the fungal ergosterol to microbial biomass C ratio. Shallow incorporation of poplar root residues seems to reduce the demand for N fertilization of following crops, which should be further tested in field experiments.  相似文献   

In a preceding paper (5) the authors proposed a hypothesis that the movement of iron in a soil profile is regulated by the ratio of the amount of the mobilizing agent to the amount of the iron to be mobilized.  相似文献   

The chemicals released with water discharges from a fossil-fueled power plant may present health risks through a variety of exposure pathways including ingestion of drinking water, fish consumption and dermal absorption while swimming. The Total Risk of Utility Emissions (TRUE) model provides a framework that allows one to assess the multipathway health risks associated with water discharges from power plants. The TRUE model formulation is presented with particular emphasis on the treatment of water discharges. The application of the TRUE model to a coal-fired power plant is described and the potential health risks by chemical and exposure pathway are discussed.  相似文献   

IN 1984, there was no more body debated scientific issue than 'acid rain'—the somewhat amorphous term covering a number of industrial-based airborne pollutants that chemically alter the pH of precipitation and, thus eventually, of soil and water resources.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2001,16(3):263-273
The insecticide endosulfan is extensively used in the Australian cotton growing industry. Irrigation tailwater contaminated with endosulfan is released onto floodplains to avoid direct entry into river systems where endosulfan is highly toxic to fish. We examined the short-term effects of endosulfan, at levels likely to be present in tailwaters, on soil arthropods on such a floodplain near Moree, NSW. The study consisted of four treatments: a dry control (replicates untreated), wet control (replicates flooded with water only), 1 μg/l endosulfan and 10 μg/l endosulfan. Treatments were applied in the middle of summer and soil invertebrate samples were taken 1 week, 1 month and 2 months following treatment. Invertebrates were sorted to order level and oribatid mites to species. Endosulfan sulphate was detected in all treatments, including the two controls, most likely the result of spray drift. The focus of the experiment was therefore to explore the short-term impacts of endosulfan contaminated tailwater on communities that had been previously exposed to endosulfan. More than 7700 arthropods were collected from a total sample area of 0.336 m2. The dominant groups were the prostigmatid and oribatid mites (35 species), collembolans and hemipterans. Our analyses did not detect any short-term effect of the endosulfan treatments on the number of individuals, spatial aggregations or community structure of the soil fauna. There were clear responses to changes in soil moisture related to treatment applications. The study, therefore, made two important findings: (1) a diverse and abundant soil fauna persists on floodplains exposed to endosulfan contaminated tailwater, and (2) this diverse and abundant soil fauna were unaffected by the addition of endosulfan at concentrations common to tailwater run-off from cotton fields. There is clearly a need to determine whether these findings can be extended to soil arthropod biodiversity in areas previously unexposed to endosulfan.  相似文献   

The thermal modification kinetics of a commercial grape seed extract (GSE) was investigated. A GSE was exposed to 60, 90, and 120 °C for 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 min. The antioxidant activity (AA) and the absorbance at 420 nm (A(420)) were measured. (+)-Catechin, (-)-epicatechin, procyanidins B1 and B2, and gallic acid were identified and measured. After the thermal treatments, the AA did not show a significant difference (p > 0.05) and both procyanidins and gallic acid increased as well as A(420). (+)-Catechin and (-)-epicatechin decreased. To obtain the activation energy (E(a)) of the changes, a modified Weibull and a combined zero- and first-order model were compared, both followed by the Arrhenius equation. The Weibull model was more accurate. The E(a) values for browning and (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, gallic acid, and procyanidins B1 and B2 were 170, 286, 42, 102, 249, and 95 kJ/mol, respectively. The results were valid at a confident level of 95%.  相似文献   

为了给房间提供热能而不消耗电力和常规能源,设计并制造了用于房屋取暖的太阳能热转换系统。该系统主要由太阳能集热器、卵石层和房间组成。太阳能集热器具有28根真空集热管,每根真空集热管的直径和长度分别为47 mm和1500 mm。在长4 m宽2.7 m的房间内铺设了150 mm厚的卵石层。卵石大小为50~100 mm。对由太阳能集热器热水自然循环加热的太阳能热转换系统卵石层的热特性进行了实验研究。测试了该系统不同单元的温度。结果表明,在考虑了每个测试单元热传递时间滞后的条件下,当系统的入口点和出口点的温度存在温差及卵石层和水泥地面存在温差时,该系统能够实现热能自然循环。证实了卵石层和地表面的水平温度分布均匀。卵石层储热周期为10 h、放热周期为24 h。以卵石层日平均温度与户外平均温度之间的差值为依据,计算出卵石层一日内的储热量约为49 MJ/d。  相似文献   

间伐对森林土壤影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨土壤质量对森林间伐效果的响应,将国内外有关森林抚育间伐对土壤影响的研究资料进行了归纳总结。结果发现:间伐作为森林经营的关键性措施,会引起土壤物理性质、化学性质以及微生物数量不同程度的变化,因此已有学者将土壤作为森林间伐效果的评价指标。在今后的研究中,应重视间伐对土壤水动态和交换性能的研究,建立间伐对森林土壤影响的综合评价体系。  相似文献   

Aquatic mosses have been used to study four accidental discharges of the heavy metals Cd, Zn and Hg or the chlorinated hydrocarbons pentachlorophenol (PCP) and lindane in highly contrasting river types. Hg, PCP and lindane moss concentrations reached 880, 4500 and 350 ng g?1, respectively. In the case of Cd and Zn, water samples and transferred bioindicators were taken simultaneously throughout an accidental discharge. The very high dissolved metal concentrations reached during this accident (9 mg L?1 Zn, 90 μg L?1 Cd) induced accumulation by the mosses of up to 28 mg g?1 for Zn and 225 μg g?1 for Cd. The increase in concentrations in the mosses was as rapid and substantial as in the water, the time lag due to accumulation kinetics being almost zero. On the other hand, the memory effect enabled mosses to retain marked evidence of Cd, Zn, Hg, PCP and lindane up to 13 days after the accident when difference from background levels can hardly be detected in the water. The four case studies, which killed fish, but not the mosses, show that the previously established scales of quality based on the analysis of aquatic mosses are well suited to estimating the potential damage to the aquatic ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   

地表糙度对径流和产沙影响的室内试验研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
该文通过室内人工模拟降雨的方法,分析了连续降雨过程条件下,不同糙度地表的径流量和产沙量的变化。研究结果表明:人工锄耕的地表,延缓径流的作用较为明显,但这一作用仅发生在降雨初期;随着降雨的进行,不同糙度地表的径流变化规律基本一致,先增加,随后趋于稳定的趋势,但径流总量没有明显变化。同样,人工锄耕的地表,延缓地表的产沙作用强于糙度小的地表,产沙率15°坡面要高于5°坡面,随着降雨的进行,在雨强1.0 mm/min条件下,这一变化更为明显,最终产沙总量变化不大。地表糙度对侵蚀的影响,不仅与降雨持续时间相关,同时与坡度密切相关,并初步证实黄土区地表糙度对侵蚀的影响存在着一定的临界条件。这为揭示地表糙度的本质特征提供了一定的理论依据,同时也可服务于黄土高原坡耕地水土流失的治理和退耕还林(草)工程的实施。  相似文献   

混合法测定颗粒饲料比热的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
热特性参数是饲料加工过程研究中必不可少的参数。为了解决目前颗粒饲料热物性参数研究缺乏的问题,该文以6种典型的颗粒饲料为对象,利用混合法对其比热做了初步的测定研究,得出了颗粒饲料比热关于含水率和温度的二元数学模型。这些模型的建立将为饲料领域的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

降雨-径流条件下混合层深度模拟试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
混合层深度是非点源污染模型中一个重要参变量,在模拟土壤溶质随地表径流迁移流失过程中,它决定了参与径流迁移的土壤溶质的范围及其具体流失量,为现有模型参数校正提供一定的数据支持。通过设计3种水文条件即自由排水状态(-5?cm)、土壤水分饱和状态和土壤渗流状态(5?cm),采用人工模拟3种降雨强度(3,6和9?cm/h),及同时分别外加模拟相对于降雨量的0,2,4和10倍径流量,研究土壤溶质迁移到地表径流过程中混合层深度。试验结果表明混合层深度与降雨强度呈线性增加关系;自由排水条件下,与地表径流量呈复杂正比例增加关系;土壤饱和条件和土壤渗流条件下,混合层深度与地表径流量均呈线性增加关系。研究结果发现混合层深度的实质是一个多向、复杂的动态溶质迁移变化量。  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Urban greening is politically fostered as an adaptation strategy to climate change. Therefore, the demand for fertile planting substrates increases. Such substrates...  相似文献   

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