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Simulation of subduction zone seismicity by dehydration of serpentine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We measured acoustic emission energy during antigorite dehydration in a multianvil press from 1.5 to 8.5 gigapascals and 300 degrees to 900 degrees C. There was a strong acoustic emission signal on dehydration, and analysis of recovered samples revealed brittle deformation features associated with high pore-fluid pressures. These results demonstrate that intermediate depth (50 to 200 kilometers) seismicity can be generated by dehydration reactions in the subducting slab.  相似文献   

Gurnis M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1992,255(5051):1556-1558
Dynamic topography resulting from initiation of slab subduction at an ocean-continent margin causes the continental lithosphere to subside rapidly. As subduction continues and the slab shallows, a basin depocenter and forebulge migrate in toward the continental interior. Finally, closure of the ocean basin leads to regional uplift. These active margin processes have commonly been ascribed to supracrustal loading, but numerical modeling shows that dynamic subsidence rates can exceed 100 meters per million years and are similar to rates of sediment accumulation along convergent North American plate margins over the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

The maximum size of thrust earthquakes at the world's subduction zones appears to be limited by anelastic deformation of the overriding plate. Anelastic strain in weak forearcs and roughness of the plate interface produced by faults cutting the forearc may limit the size of thrust earthquakes by inhibiting the buildup of elastic strain energy or slip propagation or both. Recently discovered active strike-slip faults in the submarine forearc of the Cascadia subduction zone show that the upper plate there deforms rapidly in response to arc-parallel shear. Thus, Cascadia, as a result of its weak, deforming upper plate, may be the type of subduction zone at which great (moment magnitude approximately 9) thrust earthquakes do not occur.  相似文献   

A numerical model of mantle convection shows that sea level fluctuations are not simply associated with temporal changes in ocean c plate spreading. In the dynamic model, sea level rises rapidly and then falls toward a steady value (but one still higher than the initial) following increased ridge spreading; this time dependence results from profound changes in the deep thermal structure under ocean and continent. The use of past variations in oceanic spreading to infer sea level fluctuations is called into question. With more realistic models and better continental stratigraphy, constraints may be placed on the viscosity structure of the mantle.  相似文献   

Transects of the submersible Alvin across rock outcrops in the Oregon subduction zone have furnished information on the structural and stratigraphic framework of this accretionary complex. Communities of clams and tube worms, and authigenic carbonate mineral precipitates, are associated with venting sites of cool fluids located on a fault-bend anticline at a water depth of 2036 meters. The distribution of animals and carbonates suggests up-dip migration of fluids from both shallow and deep sources along permeable strata or fault zones within these clastic deposits. Methane is enriched in the water column over one vent site, and carbonate minerals and animal tissues are highly enriched in carbon-12. The animals use methane as an energy and food source in symbiosis with microorganisms. Oxidized methane is also the carbon source for the authigenic carbonates that cement the sediments of the accretionary complex. The animal communities and carbonates observed in the Oregon subduction zone occur in strata as old as 2.0 million years and provide criteria for identifying other localities where modern and ancient accreted deposits have vented methane, hydrocarbons, and other nutrient-bearing fluids.  相似文献   

Holocene deformation indicative of large subduction-zone earthquakes has occurred on two large thrust fault systems in the Humboldt Bay region of northern California. Displaced stratigraphic markers record three offsets of 5 to 7 meters each on the Little Salmon fault during the past 1700 years. Smaller and less frequent Holocene displacements have occurred in the Mad River fault zone. Elsewhere, as many as five episodes of sudden subsidence of marsh peats and fossil forests and uplift of marine terraces are recorded. Carbon-14 dates suggest that the faulting, subsidence, and uplift events were synchronous. Relations between magnitude and various fault-offset parameters indicate that earthquakes accompanying displacements on the Little Salmon fault had magnitudes of at least 7.6 to 7.8. More likely this faulting accompanied rupture of the boundary between the Gorda and North American plates, and magnitudes were about 8.4 or greater.  相似文献   

Eastern Aphrodite Terra, a deformed region with high topographic relief on Venus, has been interpreted as analogous to a terrestrial extensional or convergent plate boundary. However, analysis of geological and structural relations indicates that the tectonics of eastern Aphrodite Terra is dominated by blistering of the crust by magma diapirs. The findings imply that, within this region, vertical tectonism dominates over horizontal tectonism and, consequently, that this region is neither a divergent nor a convergent plate boundary.  相似文献   

The recently reported Pronounced decrease in shear strength of serpentine-bearing rocks at 30 to 40 kilobars in the temperature range 300 degrees to 520 degrees C may be attributed to the transformation of serpentine to a Pressure-dependent, 10-angstrom,2: 1 layer silicate plus brucite and periclase. This reaction increases density by about 8.5 percent.  相似文献   

The "segmentation clock" is thought to coordinate sequential segmentation of the body axis in vertebrate embryos. This clock comprises a multicellular genetic network of synchronized oscillators, coupled by intercellular Delta-Notch signaling. How this synchrony is established and how its loss determines the position of segmentation defects in Delta and Notch mutants are unknown. We analyzed the clock's synchrony dynamics by varying strength and timing of Notch coupling in zebra-fish embryos with techniques for quantitative perturbation of gene function. We developed a physical theory based on coupled phase oscillators explaining the observed onset and rescue of segmentation defects, the clock's robustness against developmental noise, and a critical point beyond which synchrony decays. We conclude that synchrony among these genetic oscillators can be established by simultaneous initiation and self-organization and that the segmentation defect position is determined by the difference between coupling strength and noise.  相似文献   

The 25 April 1992 magnitude 7.1 Cape Mendocino thrust earthquake demonstrated that the North America-Gorda plate boundary is seismogenic and illustrated hazards that could result from much larger earthquakes forecast for the Cascadia region. The shock occurred just north of the Mendocino Triple Junction and caused strong ground motion and moderate damage in the immediate area. Rupture initiated onshore at a depth of 10.5 kilometers and propagated up-dip and seaward. Slip on steep faults in the Gorda plate generated two magnitude 6.6 aftershocks on 26 April. The main shock did not produce surface rupture on land but caused coastal uplift and a tsunami. The emerging picture of seismicity and faulting at the triple junction suggests that the region is likely to continue experiencing significant seismicity.  相似文献   

During plastic deformation of metals and alloys, dislocations arrange in ordered patterns. How and when these self-organization processes take place have remained elusive, because in situ observations have not been feasible. We present an x-ray diffraction method that provided data on the dynamics of individual, deeply embedded dislocation structures. During tensile deformation of pure copper, dislocation-free regions were identified. They showed an unexpected intermittent dynamics, for example, appearing and disappearing with proceeding deformation and even displaying transient splitting behavior. Insight into these processes is relevant for an understanding of the strength and work-hardening of deformed materials.  相似文献   

The apparent dissociation constants of carbonic and boric acids were determined for pressures up to 654 atmospheres in seawater of 34.8 per mille salinity at 22 degrees C. Our values for the ratios of the apparent dissociation constants at 654 atmospheres to the constants at 1 atmosphere are 1.84 1.48, and 1.94 for K'(1), K'(2), and K'(B), respectively. At this pressure the commonly accepted values of Buch and Gripenberg for these ratios are 2.03 and 1.30 for K'(1) and K'(2), respectively.  相似文献   

Creep damage by void nucleation and growth limits the lifetime of components subjected to loading at high temperatures. We report a combined tomography and diffraction experiment using high-energy synchrotron radiation that permitted us to follow in situ void growth and microstructure development in bulk samples. The results reveal that void growth versus time follows an exponential growth law. The formation of large void volumes coincides with texture evolution and dislocation density, reaching a steady state. Creep damage during a large proportion of sample creep life is homogeneous before damage localization occurs, which leads to rapid failure. The in situ determination of void evolution in bulk samples should allow for the assessment of creep damage in metallic materials and subsequently for lifetime predictions about samples and components that are subject to high-temperature loading.  相似文献   

Aberrant centrosome duplication is observed in many tumor cells and may contribute to genomic instability through the formation of multipolar mitotic spindles. Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) is required for multiple rounds of centrosome duplication in Xenopus egg extracts but not for the initial round of replication. Egg extracts undergo periodic oscillations in the level of free calcium. We show here that chelation of calcium in egg extracts or specific inactivation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) blocks even initial centrosome duplication, whereas inactivation of Cdk2 does not. Duplication can be restored to inhibited extracts by addition of CaMKII and calmodulin. These results indicate that calcium, calmodulin, and CaMKII are required for an essential step in initiation of centrosome duplication. Our data suggest that calcium oscillations in the cell cycle may be linked to centrosome duplication.  相似文献   

高压天然气管道泄漏燃烧爆炸后果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高压天然气管道的泄漏问题,分析了喷射火、火球和蒸气云爆炸3种危害模式及其死亡半径。按照大孔泄漏导致50%人员致死率的损伤标准,对三者的死亡半径进行了分析。结果表明:相同情况下,火球和喷射火的死亡半径比蒸气云爆炸的死亡半径大得多;火球和喷射火的死亡半径较为相近。高压天然气管道泄漏发生喷射火的概率较大,建议在进行天然气管道风险评价时重点考虑喷射火的危害。  相似文献   

Chain initiation and control of protein synthesis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
H Noll 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,151(715):1241-1245
Analysis of the enzymatic mechanism of chain extension during protein synthesis and studies with N-formylmethionyl-sRNA suggest that chain initiation requires formylation of the amino group of the amino acid destined to start chain growth. The existence of a set of starting triplets coding for a special set of N-formylaminoacyl-sRNA's is postulated. These triplets might be ambiguous in the sense that they specify different amino acids, depending on whether they are at the beginning of or within a message. A number of starting triplets and their NH(2)-terminal amino acids are predicted from previously suggested ambiguities. The biochenmical, regulatory, and genetic implications of a formylation step controlling chain initiation are discussed.  相似文献   

高压天然气管道压力能的回收与利用技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究高压天然气压力大用数学模型的基础上,进行了压力能回收利用的能量分析.以天然气调压站为例,对压力能的回收与利用的经济性进行了分析.介绍了管道压力能在天然气液化调峰、净化、发电以及城市冷库的冷源等几方面的用途.  相似文献   

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