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《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):205-213
Two popular indigenous browse, shade and poles trees, Acacia galpinii and Faidherbia albida, were evaluated for survival and growth on-farm in Malotwana, Botswana, with a mean annual rainfall of 450 mm. The trial was a two species × three spacing factorial experiment in a randomised complete block design replicated five times. The three spacings were 5 m × 5 m, 6.3 m × 5 m and 8.3 m × 5 m. The study was conducted over 6.5 years. The results showed that A. galpinii is a promising poles, browse and shade species, while F. albida exhibited high mortality (67%) at 4.5 years (after below-average rainfall). The crown width of A. galpinii ranged from 5.86 ± 0.24 m at high density to 6.56 ± 0.25 m in low-density plots. The difference in crown width among densities was significant (p = 0.0406). Diameter at breast height ranged between 10.4 ± 0.68 cm at high density to 12.5 ± 0.64 cm in low-density plantings and was significantly different among spacings (p = 0.0003).  相似文献   

Various kinds of shrubs species are found in many fields and fallows in semiarid Niger. In order to understand the nature of their interactions with millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) and their role in soil conservation, experiments were conducted in 1995 and 1996. Three treatments were applied with different shrub densities: cutting all shrubs, cutting half of the shrubs and leaving all shrubs. Millet was harvested per plot and in different circular zones around selected shrubs. In addition, transects across shrubs were investigated for soil parameters and microtopography changes. Millet yield and soil-nutrient status were higher around shrubs compared to the open field. Microtopography was elevated up to 20 cm near shrubs. The positive influence of shrubs on increased millet production extended to 2 m distance from the shrub. Competition between uncut shrubs and millet plants was found within a distance of 1.2 m. An increasing yield of millet was found in plots with shrubs up to a density of about 450 shrubs per hectare. Shrubs showed to be effective for preservation of soil fertility of fields in south-west Niger and thus important for millet production. Optimal for shrub management in farmers' fields would be cutting half of the shrubs and leaving the other half uncut for simultaneous wood production. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Growth of trees and seasonal yields of understory crops were measured over a 5-year period for 4 crops grown under 17 tree species at 8 × 8 m spacing in wetland rice fields. All tree species grew well in rice fields, at rates comparable to their growth in forest plantations. Top and root pruning reduced average tree girths by up to 19% and average tree volumes by up to 41%, depending on intensity of pruning. The crops monitored were Oryza sativa, Triticum aestivum, Corchorus olotorius, and Lens culinaris. Crop yields under the trees averaged 93% of the corresponding yields outside the tree canopy. The most important factor affecting the yields of undercrops was tree size (height and/or girth). Differences among tree species and the interaction with species of undercrops were not significant after controlling for tree size. Pruning of roots and branches significantly improved crop yields under trees by amounts proportional to the intensity of root or top pruning. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Response of Faidherbia albida (Del.) to five levels of Kodjari rock phosphate (KRP) application (0, 310, 620, 1240 and 2480 ppm P, equivalent to 0, 775, 1550, 3100 and 6200 kg P/ha) and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) Glomus manihotis Howeler, Sieverding & Schenck or Glomus aggregatum Schenck & Smith emend. Koske was evaluated in an alkaline sandy soil. The F. albida seedlings grew poorly without mycorrhizal colonization and without KRP applications. For non-VAM Faidherbia, the maximum growth response and both P and N uptake in shoots was achieved with the 620 ppm P. However, even without KRP application, VAM plants achieved better results in terms of biomass. VAM plants with G. manihotis and G. aggregatum improved plant growth and increased nutrient contents at any KRP application rate. Although mycorrhizal colonization was comparable at all levels of KRP application, the impact of nutrient content of the shoot varied. Finally, VAM plants did not accumulate more biomass than non-VAM plants at 620 ppm P and above. Growth response and mycorrhizal dependency decreased as KRP applied levels increased. These results suggest that VAM Faidherbia seedlings take up more P from soil and KRP than non-VAM.  相似文献   

Perennial pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) was grown as a multipurpose tree species in strips or blocks with annual crops (sorghum, sunflower and chickpea) on a shallow Vertisol from 1987 to 1989. The interaction between the perennial pigeonpea and annual crops was measured at the tree-crop interface (TCI) by comparing the plants at the interface (I) and in the middle of the block planting (N).Perennial pigeonpea I plants had significantly more branches and bigger stems than N plants at the onset of the following rainy season. The greater number of flowers and grains of the I pigeonpea plants was partly due to a better lateral light level and partly due to a better access to water. On the other hand the negative effect on annual crops at the TCI extended to 1.5 m during the rainy season and to 2.5 m during the post-rainy season. Significant reduction in the growth of annual crops occurred at 30–40 days after sowing and was associated with the shading by the taller pigeonpea. Measurements of root profile of pigeonpea at the interface indicated that competition for moisture was the major cause for yield reduction of chickpea during the post-rainy season but an allelopathetic effect may also be involved. The results are compared with other TCI studies especially with Leucaena leucocephala in the semi-arid crops and the possible mechanisms for moisture interaction at the TCI are discussed.Submitted as ICRISAT Journal Article No. 1176 for Agroforestry Systems.  相似文献   

Sorghum grain yields under the karité and the néré are reduced by an average of 50% and 70% respectively, in comparison with yields in the open field. Soil fertility, limiting primary production in the region, is at least as favorable under the tree canopies as in the open field. Reduced light intensity, to a minimum of 20% under the néré canopy, is probably largely responsible for low sorghum production under the tree canopies. Benefits from the tree products are more valuable than losses in cereal yields, explaining why trees are maintained on the agricultural fields. Pruning of tree branches, selection of (shade-) crops and tree selection could reduce crop yield losses but cannot be expected to increase tree- and crop production.
Résumé Les rendements en graines de sorgho sous le karité et le néré sont respectivement environ 50% et 70% plus basses que celles hors des houppiers. La fertilité du sol, étant le facteur limitant pour la production primaire dans la région, est au moins assez favorable sous les arbres que hors des houppiers. L'ombre sous les arbres, réduisant la lumière sous le néré à 20% au minimum, est probablement largement responsable pour la réduction des rendements sous les arbres. Les profits par la vente des produits des arbres sont plus élevés que les pertes de rendements céréaliers, ce qui explique pourqoui les arbres sont conservés dans les champs. La taille des branches, la selection des cultures qui résistent l'ombre et la selection des arbres peuvent réduire les pertes de rendements, mais n'auront pas un grand effet sur la productivité des arbres ni des cultures.

This study of the pruning of néré (Parking biglobosa) trees in central Burkina Faso included detailed surveys of 83 trees and their owners in 21 villages. Pruning is not widespread, but appears to be a practice with various motives and techniques. The motives are mainly aimed at deliberate management of the trees, in order to enhance their fruit production, and are rarely aimed at reducing tree impact on crop productivity. The characteristics of tree pruning techniques (e.g., frequency, intensity and seasonality) and their corresponding motives appear to change as an adaptation to land degradation processes and the deterioration of tree condition. The results demonstrate that indigenous silvicultural management techniques contribute to a sustainable use of tree resources.
Résumé Cette étude sur la taille du néré (Parkia biglobosa) a été faite par des observations détaillées de 80 nérés et les entretiens avec leurs propriétaires dans 21 villages au Plateau Central du Burkina Faso. La taille du néré n'est pas générale, mais révèle diverses motivations et techniques. La plupart des motivations est orientée vers une gestion consciente de l'arbre en vue d'une amélioration de la production furitière, et rerament en vue d'une reduction de l'influence de l'arbre sur les cultures. Les caracteristiques des techniques de taille (fréquence, intensité, période de taille) et les motivations impliquées paraissent s'adapter à la dégradation de l'environnement et al détérioration de la viabilité des arbres. Les résultats montrent la durabilité des pratiques concernant la gestion des arbres.

Faidherbia albida is an ideal agroforestry tree commonly intercropped with annual crops like millet and groundnuts in the dry and densely populated areas of Africa. With its peculiar reverse phenology, it makes growth demands at a different time from that of crops. In addition, it deposits great amount of organic fertilizer on food crops. Leaves entering soils are comparable to fertilization of almost 50 t·ha 1 ·year 1 of manure in dense stands of 50 large trees per ha. These nutrients help maximize agricultural production and reduce the need for a fallow period on poorer soils. Research has shown that millet grown under F. albida yielded 2.5 and 3.4 fold increases in grain and protein, respectively. Animals eat pods which contain mean amounts of crude protein of 20.63% and carbohydrate of 40.1% in seeds. Moreover, the continued existence of F. albida in agroforestry parklands as in Ethiopia and Mali signifies the success of traditional conservation measures. Modern scientists have also developed much interest in the role of agroforestry in maintaining long-term biological balance between agriculture and livestock production systems. To ensure food security, which still remains a major challenge in sub-Saharan Africa, and concurrently minimize environmental degradation, promotion of agroforestry that specifically involves indigenous trees is crucial. We discuss the prospective role of F. albida in alleviating poverty while simultaneously protecting the environment from factors associated with, for example, deforestation and loss of biodiversity. The overall aim is to promote wide-scale adoption of F. albida as a valuable tree crop in farming systems, particularly in those areas where it remains unexploited.  相似文献   

中国农林间作研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对中国农林间作的成就作了回顾 ,并概括为小气候效益研究、农作物产量和质量研究、生物量和物质循环研究及生理学响应和相互作用研究等几方面 ;同时对农林间作今后的发展作了展望  相似文献   

We describe a split-root system for examining the effects of hydraulic lift by trees on crop growth. In this system, upper lateral tree roots were grown in a container set on the ground through which the taproot of the tree could penetrate into the moist soil below. The container, with a radius of 0.5 m and a height of 0.20 m, consisted of two compartments divided by a waterproof barrier. A markhamia tree (Markhamia lutea (Benth.) Schumann) and upland rice (Oryza sativa (L.)) plants were planted in one compartment, with only rice plants planted in the other compartment. Irrigation of the container was ceased at the start of the experiment. The stomatal conductance of the rice plants in the associated side, in which both trees and rice plants were grown, declined more rapidly during the first drying period than in the rice-only compartment, suggesting that there was competition for water between the tree and the crop plants. However, during the later drying period, the rice plants in the associated side were green and viable, while those in the rice-only side became desiccated. Rice roots were seen intermingling with tree roots, and the soil water content in the associated site tended to be higher than in the rice-only side. It is likely that hydraulic lift occurred in the associated side and that water that had been transferred to the surface roots was released into the soil, enabling the rice plants in this compartment to remain viable. This novel system is useful for examination of the effects of hydraulic lift by trees on the growth of neighbouring crops. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In Thailand the taungya reforestation method has been practiced primarily in order to rehabilitate wasteland, particularly under the Forest Village Programme. While various combinations of trees and crops are found in the taungya method on a minor scale, the major combinations are teak with upland rice in the north, fast-growing trees with cassava in the northeast, fast-growing trees with maize in the west, and para-rubber or fast-growing trees with fruit trees in the south. These combinations relate to the differences in climatic conditions, mainly the duration of the rainy season.  相似文献   

In Thailand the taungya reforestation method has been practiced primarily in order to rehabilitate wasteland, particularly under the Forest Village Programme. While various combinations of trees and crops are found in the taungya method on a minor scale, the major combinations are teak with upland rice in the north, fast-growing trees with cassava in the northeast, fast-growing trees with maize in the west, and para-rubber or fast-growing trees with fruit trees in the south. These combinations relate to the differences in climatic conditions, mainly the duration of the rainy season.  相似文献   

CARE, in collaboration with a range of government agencies, has been active for over 15 years in agriculture, agroforestry and natural resource management projects in West Africa. Many of these projects evolved from emergency food distribution activities during the drought years of the 1970s and 80s. A number of valuable lessons are now emerging, particularly in relation to agricultural and agroforestry activities in the Sahelo-Sudanian and Sahelian zones. In the context of CARE's orientation and capabilities as a non-governmental development agency, these lessons are used to construct a framework for prioritizing future agriculture and natural resource management activities in the region.  相似文献   


We assess the effects of changing land use and crop management on alfalfa insect abundance by comparing it in 50 alfalfa fields when they were inserted in landscapes with different proportions of arable crops and orchards. Land use in a buffer of 500 m was assessed, and alfalfa insect abundance was estimated with sticky yellow traps. The number of catches of several herbivores and predators was related to the proportion of landscape components and several field variables. Results indicated that the proportion of orchards in the buffer negatively affected the abundance of predators on alfalfa, likely because orchards treated with pesticides are a sink for predators moving in the landscape, among other possible causes. Other landscape variables such as noncrop habitats, winter cereals, and landscape diversity analysed by the Shannon index had a minor influence. Among field variables, field size influenced positively the abundance of insects on alfalfa, whereas alfalfa growth stage and age affected positively or negatively the different herbivores and predators. Of course, abundance of predators and prey was affected by the abundance of prey and predators, respectively. These findings suggest that a high proportion of intensively managed crops (orchards) in the landscape interferes with the role of alfalfa as a reservoir of predatory insects for adjacent crops and that the responses to local and landscape structures are temporal and species-specific as previously concluded for maize. Consequently, landscape and field management strategies to improve pest control must consider both types of variables as well as their changing influence when we modify them.


根据郴州市珍稀树种的资源现状,提出了做好繁育技术研究、科学规划、加大财政支持、加强资源保护的发展对策。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):255-260
Natural forests are disappearing in many tropical countries, resulting in loss of biodiversity and erosion of forest-dependent livelihoods. The maintenance and restoration of forests as well as a search for alternative natural resources that can concurrently improve the environment and enhance incomes of local communities has become crucial. Bamboo is suggested as a resource, which could substitute trees for socio-economic and ecological purposes in developing countries in the (sub)tropics. However, the relative importance of bamboos and trees for socio-economic and ecological purposes in bamboo-growing communities is not yet studied. Here, we present a study conducted to compare the socio-economic and ecological benefits of bamboo and trees from the perspectives of three bamboo-growing communities in the Wassa East District of Ghana. The compared benefits were ranked on a five-point Likert scale and significance of differences was tested at the 95% confidence level. For socio-economic benefits, trees were ranked significantly higher than bamboo for domestic energy, medicinal use and commercial harvesting; however, furniture, building and construction were not significantly different. For ecological benefits, bamboo was ranked significantly higher than trees for erosion control and riverbank protection. Trees, on the other hand, were ranked significantly higher than bamboo for biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and oxygen generation. The results imply that transforming bamboo into suitable products to meet communities’ energy needs could alleviate pressure on trees in natural forests.  相似文献   

The major causes of deforestation and degradation of natural resources in the Belete-Gera Forest of Ethiopia are coffee production activities and encroachment into forestland to expand farmland and pasture. Population growth, and the government’s land-reform and re-settlement programs have caused local residents to lose harmony with the land. Forest management in this area hasn’t yet been fully developed. The objectives of this study are to identify the extent of deforestation and natural resource degradation, in preparation for a sound management plan. Encroachment of farmland and pasture into natural forest during the past four years has been identified through interviews and aerial photo interpretation. The encroachment rate is 1.45% per year. Encroachment occurred mostly on areas with gentle slopes adjacent to populated villages and along roads and footpaths. The extent and impact of coffee production activities were examined through agency documents, forest survey data and vegetation survey. It is estimated that up to 49% of the accessible natural forest is under the influence of coffee production activities, among which collecting of naturally grown coffee beans has the least and the coffee plantations has the most impact on the natural forest. Coffee plantations in natural forest have reduced the forest density and species diversity. Age structure of the trees is limited to mature and old classes only, which eventually endangers their function as shade for coffee plantations. This project was funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency.  相似文献   

采用年金资本化法、重置成本法、收获现值法、市场价倒算法等对安福县的乔木林资源资产价值进行评估。研究显示:研究区域内现有森林资源总量较高,杉木的单位经济价值远高于其他林木,但质量水平较低,结构较为单一。现有林分种类较为齐全,但各类乔木林的培育面积分布有待调整。一是优势树种来看,培育面积排名第二的混交类乔木林单位面积及蓄积量的经济价值却较低;而硬阔类乔木林的单位面积及蓄积量的经济价值偏高,但其培育面积却较少。二是分龄组而言,中龄林的经济价值总量排名最高,但单位面积及蓄积量的资源资产价值却偏低;幼龄林的单位面积经济价值较低但单位蓄积量的经济价值较高。基于此,提出充分发挥地域优势,加强杉木名、特、优地方良种的深入推广;加大对硬阔类乔木林的培育力度,提高森林资源资产价值;不断完善森林资源资产评估体系,及时跟进配套的相关支持政策等建议。  相似文献   

Complex interactions between livestock, trees and pasture occur in silvopastoral systems. Between trees and pasture, competition for soil resources (nutrients and water) occurs, becoming especially relevant when one of them is in scarce supply. Trees reduce light and water reaching the understorey layers according to tree density and canopy size. However, they may ameliorate extreme climatological features (reducing wind speed and evapotranspiration, and alleviating extreme temperatures), and improve soil properties, for example, deciduous tree litter may contribute to increased pH and soil nutrient concentrations. During tree establishment, there are generally negligible effects on pasture, irrespective of tree type. However, there is a decline in pasture production and nutritive value under shade with increasing tree age and higher stand density. Under the same conditions, deciduous trees affect pasture later (extinction point of pasture occurs at 85% of canopy closure) than evergreen trees (about 67% for Pinus radiata D. Don). This is mainly because deciduous trees have a leafless period that enables pasture recovery, and their litter smothers pasture less intensely because of its relatively fast decomposition. Silvopastoral studies conducted in New Zealand are reviewed to discuss these effects, and differences in the effects of evergreen and deciduous trees are shown using the examples of P. radiata, and Populus and Salix spp. respectively, which exist in many temperate countries. Future research needs are outlined.  相似文献   

The potential allelopathic effect ofCupressus lusitanica, Eucalyptus globulus, E. camaldulensis andE. saligna on seed germination, radicle and seedling growth was investigated with four crops:Cicer arietinum (chickpea),Zea mays (maize),Pisum sativum (pea) andEragrostis tef (teff). Aqueous leaf extracts of all the tree species significantly reduced both germination and radicle growth of the majority of the crops mostly starting from concentrations of 1% or 2.5%. The shoot and root dry weight increase of the crops was significantly reduced after 10 weeks treatment with leaf extracts. Among the four crops, chickpea and teff were most susceptible with respect to germination, and teff with respect to growth. From the overall data the leaf extracts of the four tree species can be arranged according to increasing allelopathic potential:C. lusitanica, E. globulus, E. saligna andE. camaldulensis. It is suggested that the planting ofE. camaldulensis andE. saligna in integrated land use systems should be minimized, whereas the use ofC. lusitanica andE. globulus seems less environmentally damaging in this respect.  相似文献   

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