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Performance of Timothy-based Grass/Legume Mixtures in Cold Winter Region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study sought to identify grass/legume mixtures that increase the yield and persistence of forage stands with improved nutritive quality in cold‐winter regions, compared with the standard mixture of timothy (Phleum pratense L.)/red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)/alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum L.). Timothy was mixed with either perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis L.) or Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.). The legumes in mixtures were red clover, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) or white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Averaged over three production years, the majority of mixtures had greater dry matter (DM) yields than the standard (8.35 t ha?1). Timothy, grown alone and in three mixtures, outyielded the standard by 19–30 %. Yield reductions in mixtures over the 3‐year period were greatest with red clover, and least with bluegrass. Mixtures with alfalfa were highest in nitrogen (28.4 g kg?1), while grasses grown alone (24.6 g kg?1) and the standard mixture (25.1 g kg?1) were the lowest in N. Mixtures with red clover or alfalfa had the least neutral detergent fibre (NDF), averaging 418 and 429 g kg?1 respectively. Mixtures including white clover were initially low in NDF at 347 g kg?1 in year 1 but increased to 550 g kg?1 in year 3 as white clover composition declined in the sward.  相似文献   

Eighteen cultivars of legume species (field bean, soybean, field pea, lupine) were screened for drought tolerance in 3 year-long field experiments. The aim of the investigations was to evaluate the generic variation of drought susceptibility of the tested varieties. The experimental plots were equipped with an installation which enabled the limitation of the water content in soil and soil irrigation. The applied drought susceptibility index (DSI) considered the relations between seed yield of plants under drought conditions (YD) and that under conditions of good soil watering (YIR) as well as their dependence on the drought severity index (DS). The use of the index divided the cultivars into two groups of different drought tolerances. The group of drought resistant cultivars characterized by mean values of the DSI index < 0.31 comprised field bean cultivars Bourdon, Gobo and Nadwislanski, soybean cultivars Aldana, Polan and Progres, field pea cultivars Miko and Solara and lupine cultivars Popiel and Bac. To the drought sensitive cultivars with DSI > 0.44 belonged Victor and Bronto of field bean species, Bareness and Mige of field pea species and Emir of lupine species. In general, the resistant cultivars when compared with the susceptible ones were characterized by lesser yield of seeds, which, however, was more stable both under conditions of drought and moistured plots. Any dependence of the degree of drought tolerance on the duration of the particular periods of plant growth was not observed in the experiments, however, both in’ drought susceptible and drought resistant cultivars there appeared the tendency to shorten the development phases under drought and to prolong them under artificial irrigation. In general, based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that legume plants belong to the species sensitive to water supply. The observed decrease of plant seed yield under moderate natural soil dryness in the year 1993 differed only a little from that found in experiments in the years 1994 and 1995, when soil dryness was much more severe.  相似文献   

Four bread wheat cultivars were studied at two salinity levels. Tobari 66 had the lowest uptake of Na+ and Cl, and the highest K+/Na+ ratio; Pato had the highest uptake of these ions and Lyallpur 73 was intermediate. Intervarietal differences were greater at higher salinity, suggesting that they were not caused by variation at the Kna1 locus. There were significant differences between inbred lines for Na+, particularly in Blue Silver, suggesting the possibility of selecting genotypes with enhanced tolerance from within existing cultivars. Pato, Tobari 66 and their reciprocal F1 hybrids were further evaluated at four salinity levels. The hybrids exhibited similar relative grain yield to Tobari, with better Na+ and Cl exclusion and higher K+/Na+ ratios than Pato. Overall, Tobari had the highest absolute yield under salinity, and the hybrids were closer to Tobari than to Pato. Tiller and grain numbers, 100-grain weight and yield were more affected by salinity than were height, spike length and spikelet number. We conclude that intervarietal variation for salt tolerance in wheat is controlled by genes which could be transferred to sensitive genotypes to improve their tolerance, and that the K+/Na+ ratio of the youngest leaf could be used to screen for salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Understanding of the effect of tillage and plant residue incorporation on infiltration rate during plant growth is vital to improve tillage–plant residue management practices, especially in vertisols. These soils may shrink and swell markedly which, in turn, affects their physical properties. From 1992 to 1994, the effect of two tillage practices and two plant residue management treatments on final infiltration rate in a vertisol (very fine, smectitic, thermic, chromic Haploxerert) on a less than 1 % slope was investigated in a lentil–wheat rotation. The experiment consisted of two tillage treatments – moldboard (T1) and chisel (T2) – and two plant residue treatments – grazing after harvest for 1 month, followed by incorporation in August by ploughing (R1), and grazing after harvest for 1 month, followed by incorporation in mid-October (R2). Results indicated that the final infiltration rate of T1 was higher than that of T2 in the lentil season, while in the wheat season it was lower under T1 than under T2. Plant residue incorporation had no significant effect on final infiltration rate. Final infiltration rate in winter was approximately 3 to 4 times higher than in summer; it was significantly lower in the lentil season than in the wheat season.  相似文献   

复合酶制剂在蛋鸡小麦型日粮中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选用来源于同一鸡场、体重相当的健康尼可红蛋鸡450只,采用单因子随机区组设计,共分5个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复30只鸡。处理1为小麦型日粮,处理2、3、4、5为在小麦型基础日粮中分别添加0.05%、0.10%、0.15%、0.20%的小麦专用复合酶制剂(838B)。以确定此复合酶制剂在蛋鸡小麦型日粮中的作用效果和适宜添加量。结果表明:在蛋鸡小麦型日粮中添加酶制剂能显著提高蛋鸡的生产性能。与饲粮1相比,加酶各组的产蛋率分别提高了2.74%、3.59%、1.32%、1.05%,并且均差异显著(p﹤0  相似文献   

NBS-LRR是植物抗病基因家族中一类重要的基因,根据编码的蛋白质氨基端的保守结构域不同,可分为CC-NBS-LRR和TIR-NBS-LRR两类基因。本研究在10个已测序豆科植物中对NBS-LRR进行序列比对,鉴定了各基因组中两类结构域基因的同源拷贝,发现在蒺藜苜蓿中包含1 207个NBS-LRR基因的同源拷贝,在10个基因组中同源拷贝数最多;并且其中88.2%的NBS-LRR基因是具有CC结构域。基因组同源共线分析,发现全基因组加倍有利于抗病基因拷贝数的扩增,为家族基因序列和功能多样化提供了创新资源。基于NBS-LRR基因系统发育分析,发现抗病基因存在大量串联重复,并基于进化树拓扑结构的变迁揭示抗病基因在不同的基因组中进化速率不同;另外,通过对旁系同源基因对间的核苷酸同义替换率(Ks)比较,进一步证实不同结构的抗病基因进化速率不同;同一结构的抗病基因在不同基因组中进化速率也表现有明显差异,与其他豆科物种相比,大豆抗病基因进化速率一直处于较低水平。研究结果为揭示抗病基因在豆科植物中的进化过程提供了重要的基因组信息学基础,对于在全基因组范围认识泛豆科抗病基因进化具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The effects of water stress around anthesis on proline accumulation and translocation from leaves of two maize cultivars (DA 4F37 and DA XL636) were studied. Water stress increased leaf proline content only in DA 4F37, while proline in leaf exudates was detected only in DA XL636 water-stressed plants. Proline translocation was not associated with increased nitrogen remobilization from leaves. The accumulating proline cultivar DA 4F37 showed a higher osmotic adjustment capacity than DA XL636. Leaf proline content in water-stressed DA 4F37 plants varied with daytime. High proline concentration during the morning was found in leaves with high relative water content. This evidence would support the hypothesis that proline is involved in osmotic adjustment.  相似文献   

In a glasshouse experiment it was examined whether narrow grading and selection from a commercial soybean seed lot cultivar 'IAS-5', could improve the uniformity of the seed crop grown from it and thereby enhance yield, quality and uniformity of seeds produced. The classes created were: Control (original seed lot); Size-graded seeds (projected area measured by image analysis 37–46 mm2); Non-cracked seeds; Yellow seeds; Size-graded sound seeds (size-graded, non-cracked, yellow, non-wrinkled, non-etched). Compared to the control, percentage of emergence, survival and number of yielding plants were enhanced in crops from non-cracked, yellow or size-graded sound seeds. Differences in plant numbers did not result in differences in crop yield. The different seed lots also did not differ in crop uniformity: time interval between stages of plant development, plant height 20 days after sowing, yield components, physical or physiological quality attributes of seeds produced, and respective coefficients of variation were similar. Fewer plants survived in crops showing a larger variation in plant height 20 days after sowing, thus reducing differences in initial plant-to-plant variation. Creating more uniform crops by additional grading or selection of commercial seed lots may therefore not be promising.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted during the winter seasons of 1995–96 and 1996–97 at the Agricultural Farm of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India on mustard ( Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss., var. Alankar) under non-irrigated conditions, to evaluate the effect of foliar spray of 200 p.p.m. ethrel (2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid) at flowering growth stage along with basal 0, 40, 80 or 120 kg N ha−1 on net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (CS), stomatal resistance (RS), leaf K content, relative water content (RWC), leaf area index (LAI) and total dry matter (TDM) production monitored at 20 days after spray application, and plant N content, seed N content, nitrogen harvest index (NHI), nitrogen yield merit (NYM), pods plant−1, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, biological yield, harvest index (HI), seed yield merit (SYM) and merit of genotype (MOG) at harvest. Results indicated that, at 0 or 40 kg N ha−1, ethrel did not produce any significance effect, but at basal 80 kg N ha−1, ethrel affected the parameters favourably with the exception of 1000 seed weight, HI, seed N and NHI. Ethrel-sprayed plants utilized N from the soil more effectively and showed increased NYM. Yield attributes, seed yield and merit of genotype (in terms of NYM and SYM) were also enhanced. Ethrel spray enhanced seed yield under water stress conditions mainly by increasing K uptake and retaining higher RWC, thereby decreasing RS and increasing LAI, PN and TDM production.  相似文献   

The effect of prehardening (early stage of growth at moderate low temperatures (+12°C) during the day) on the reliability of frost resistance estimation in a controlled environment has been studied on three winter oilseed rape cultivars differing markedly in their field survival rate (Leo, Górczański and Idol). It has been also examined the relationship between the photosynthetic activity during the first stage of cold acclimation and the level of frost resistance observed in investigated cultivars. Presented results demonstrated that prehardening, which increases to a significant degree the effectiveness of the cold acclimation process, also increases the differences in cold hardiness between cultivars, and limits the magnitude of experimental errors made during frost resistance estimation under controlled conditions. In all studied cultivars, prehardening increases significantly the photosynthetic activity during cold acclimation. On the other hand, both in the prehardened and in the non-prehardened plants, no relation has been found between either gas exchange rates or chlorophyll 'a' fluorescence characteristics at low temperatures and cultivar ability for acclimation. Neither the existing differences in photosynthetic activity, nor the degree of photosynthetic apparatus acclimation to cold, which occurs during prehardening, are the factors responsible for the frost resistance variation observed between studied cultivars.  相似文献   

In a crop rotation trial, conducted from 1985 to 1988 at TU-Munich's research station in Roggenstein, the transfer of grain legume nitrogen was evaluated in crop rotations containing fababeans and dry peas as well as oats (reference crop) and winter wheat and winter barley as following crops. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: Dinitrogen fixation by fababeans ranged from 165 to 240 kg N ha1, whereas N2-fixation by peas amounted from 215 to 246 kg N ha?1. In all seasons the calculated N-balance where only grain was removed was positive, with a net gain being on average 106 (peas) and 84 (fababeans) kg N ha?1. After the harvest of peas 202 kg N ha?1 remained on the field on average over seasons (158 kg N ha?1 in the above ground biomass and 44 kg N ha?1 as NO3-N in 0–90 cm depth). As compared to peas, fababeans left 41 kg N ha?1 less due to smaller amounts of nitrogen in the straw. After oats very small amounts of residual nitrogen (33 kg N ha?1) were detected. After the harvest of grain legumes always a very high nitrogen mineralization was observed during autumn especially after peas due to a close C/N-relationship and higher amounts of nitrogen in the straw as compared to fababeans. In comparison with fababeans, N-mineralization after the cultivation of oats remained lower by more than 50%. During winter, seepage water regularly led to a considerable decrease of soil NO3-N content. The N-leaching losses were especially high after cultivation of peas (80 kg N ha ?1) and considerably lower after fababeans (50 kg N ha?1) and oats (20 kg N ha?1). As compared to oats, a higher NO3-N content in soil was determined at the beginning of the growing period after preceding grain legumes. Therefore, winter wheat yielded highest after preceding peas (68 dt ha?1) and fababeans (60 dt ha?1) and lowest after preceding oats (42 dt ha?1). The cultivation of grain legumes had no measurable effect on yield formation of the third crop winter barley in either of the growing seasons.  相似文献   

In order to obtain information about the impact of legume cover crops on the weed community in organic farming, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was directly drilled in rows 0.1875 and 0.3750 m apart in living mulches that consisted of Trifolium repens L. (TRFRE), T. subterraneum L. (TRFSU), Medicago truncatula Gaertner (MEDTR), and Lotus corniculatus L. (LOTCO). A control treatment without cover crops (NAT, the site‐specific weed community) was also established. The vegetation between the wide rows was either mulched or left undisturbed. The effect of liquid farmyard manure (60 m3 ha−1) was also tested. TRFRE, TRFSU, and LOTCO effectively suppressed Poa annua L. and Matricaria recutita L. at site 1 and P. annua, Capsella bursa‐pastoris (L.) Med., and Stellaria media (L.) Vill. at site 2 when compared with NAT. MEDTR, which died during the winter, provided little weed suppression. Mulching significantly suppressed dicotyledonous weed species, but favoured Poa trivialis L. No manure effect was observed. Winter hardy legume cover crops contribute to weed suppression in winter wheat. However, careful evaluation of cover crop × weed × management interactions is necessary to understand the risk for the establishment of problematic weeds.  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in mineral stress tolerance of cool-season grasses infected by Neotyphodium spp. endophytes are not known. In a controlled-environment experiment, two genotypes (DN2 and DN4) of tall fescue ( Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) infected (E+) with their naturally occurring strains of N. coenophialum (Morgan-Jones and Gams) Glenn, Bacon and Hanlin, and their non-infected (E−) isolines were cultivated in nutrient solution at two phosphorus (P) levels of 31 mg P dm−3 (P+) and 0.31 mg P dm−3 (P−) for 3 weeks. Diameters of lateral roots, root hair length, and distance between root hairs were recorded using a digital image analysis system (Dage 72S CCD camera controlled by a Power MacIntosh 7200/120PC compatible computer equipped with an AG-5 frame grabber board and NIH-Image). Irrespective of tall fescue genotype and P level in nutrient solution, E+ plants had roots with a smaller diameter (16 %) than E− plants. In response to P deficiency, root diameter of E+ plants declined by 11 % and root hair length increased by 17 % when compared to E− plants. Altered root diameter and root hair length might be one of the mineral stress tolerance mechanisms in endophyte-infected tall fescue.  相似文献   

The performance of three spring faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) cultivars Stella, Danas, and Minden in monocultures were compared with mixtures of Stella + Minden, and Danas + Minden sown as within row mixtures, alternate row mixtures, and as composites.
Mixtures of both cultivar combinations, whether mechanical or composites, had net increases in seed yield per plot ranging from 10.5 % to 20 % above the means of the component cultivars grown in monoculture. Cultivars grown in mixtures in alternate rows had slightly greater seed yield than when they were grown alternately within rows. A further yield enhancement was obtained from growing composites.
Data for total plant dry weight were similar to those for seed yield. The number of podded nodes per plant was the major yield component responsible for the increased yields of the component cultivars in mixtures. The ecological aspects of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to evaluate seed germination and seedling growth in simulated drought as screening techniques for drought tolerance raring. Several laboratory screening tests were evaluated for ability to estimate drought resistance in 18 cultivars of legume plants (field bean, soybean, field pea, lupine). Drought was simulated by a water solution of mannitol of chemical water potential ψ= -0.3 and -0.6 MPa. Both solutions significantly affected seed germination (final germination and promptness index) and seedling growth parameters (seedling height, dry matter of shoot and root as well as leaf injury by drought and high temperature). The tested cultivars could be grouped as drought resistant and drought susceptible plants. Drought tolerance ratings of legume plants in the laboratory tests were, on the whole, consistent with the ratings based on estimation of direct effects of soil drought on seed yield in field experiments. Measurements of electroconductivity of leaf diffusate to evaluate invisible injury caused by drought or high temperature were found to be an adequate criterion for drought tolerance rating. It is concluded that tolerance to drought stress in growing seedlings can be screened for by using mannitol containing nutrient solution. According to the results collected in this research, varieties differences in seed germination, seedling growth and leaf injury affected by drought or heat temperature were evident, however, not all treatments appeared to be equally useful for screening of legume species cultivars.  相似文献   

37种杀虫剂混剂对稻纵卷叶螟的田间防治效果   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
廖世纯 《中国农学通报》2009,25(22):253-255
为进一步明确现有杀虫剂对水稻稻纵卷叶螟的效果。2007年,在大田中,以喷雾施药法对37种杀虫剂混配剂进行了防治稻纵卷叶螟的田间试验。结果表明:用药20天后,对稻纵卷叶螟控制效果达90%以上的品种有11种;控制效果达80%~89%有23种;控制效果〈80%的仅3种。可以认为,合理的混配剂,可能是今后控制稻纵卷叶螟为害的最为经济有效品种。  相似文献   

磷是不可再生资源,磷素营养的高效利用一直是人们关注的热点。豆科禾本科间作可提高土壤磷有效性、改善作物磷营养而提高作物生产力。近年来,相关机理研究越来越深入。本文综述了国内外豆科禾本科间作对土壤磷及作物磷素吸收利用的影响,从作物根系形态、根构型、根系分泌物(质子、低分子量有机酸、磷酸酶)、菌根、根际微生物的角度,阐述了豆科禾本科间作提高土壤磷有效性、促进磷高效吸收利用的机制,对进一步深入理解豆科禾本科种间互作响应磷素的根际过程具有十分重要的意义。最后,从定量化研究及间作群体互作方面对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

In the light of growing governmental support in west Asia and north Africa for policies which either discourage cereal monoculture or encourage fallow replacement by farmers, two experiments were conducted in northern Syria. These were designed to evaluate and quantify the effect of agronomic interventions on the productivity and nitrogen content of legume hays, and the subsequent residual effects of these interventions on the yield and nitrogen content of a following barley crop. Quantitative estimates of the residual effects of legume hays, when grown under rainfed conditions, on the N uptake of barley are rarely available for the region at large.
The major management effects on the productivity of legume hays were the addition of phosphate fertilizer and a reduction in row spacing. Positive residual effects on the yields of following barley crops were shown to be small but not insignificant. They could be considered to be important influences in the sustained production of barley in legume hay-barley crop rotations.
It is suggested that the results give further positive evidence that farmers in west Asia will not resist the introduction of improved crop rotations including legumes in place of their current fallow-barley or continuous barley crop sequences.  相似文献   

17种阿维菌素混剂对柑桔红蜘蛛的田间防治效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
摘 要:为进一步明确现有阿维菌素与其它杀螨剂的混剂对柑桔红蜘蛛的效果。2009年,在大田中,以喷雾施药法对17种阿维菌素混配剂进行了防治柑桔红蜘蛛的田间试验。结果表明:用药后3d,对柑桔红蜘蛛控制效果≥90%的品种有14种;用药后10d,控制效果≥90%的品种有12种;速效最好的是10%阿维菌素?哒螨灵EW,用药后1d,防治效果达97%以上;持效期最长的是25%阿维菌素?苯丁锡WP,用药后30d,防治效果仍达86%以上。可以认为,阿维菌素与其它杀螨剂合理的混配,将是今后控制柑桔红蜘蛛为害的最为经济有效品种。  相似文献   

Field experiments with mixtures of barley and oats in southern Finland demonstrated a reduction in barley scald disease caused by Rhynchosporium secalis on upper leaves compared with that on pure barley stands. Mixtures lowered disease-induced yield reductions only slightly. In general, barley was not less competitive in the presence of disease than in its absence. Competitive relationships between the species were more important for yield determination than the direct influence of the disease. Over three years the yield increase of the mixtures compared with the means of pure components was close to 5%, whereas extreme conditions in one year led to a decrease of 11%. The role of competition for yield determination in barley-oats mixtures under disease conditions is emphasized.  相似文献   

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