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Warfarin is commonly used worldwide as a rodenticide. It inhibits blood coagulation by inhibiting vitamin K 2,3-epoxide reductase (VKOR) activity leading to hemorrhage. However, it has been reported that repeated or long-term treatment with warfarin results in resistance emerging in wild rodents. Such resistance may explain why it is difficult to control rodents in many regions in Japan. In this report, we studied mutations in the VKOR gene (including the VKOR complex subunit 1 (VKORC1)), while also analyzing VKOR and clotting factor activity in black rats (Rattus rattus) in order to understand better the mechanism of warfarin resistance in this species.We sequenced the VKORC1 gene from 275 rats living in the wild in Japan. We found several types of novel base substitutions, some of which conferred warfarin resistance.There was no difference in coagulation times between warfarin-sensitive and resistant rats measured under physiological conditions. However, after warfarin administration, no effect was noted in warfarin-resistant rats, although a prolonged coagulation time was noted in warfarin-sensitive rats.We also determined the kinetic differences in hepatic microsomal VKOR-dependent activity between warfarin-resistant and sensitive rats. Warfarin-resistant rats showed 2-3-fold lower Vmax/Km values than did sensitive rats. In addition, we report that resistant rats found in the Tokyo area had a VKOR activity which was poorly inhibited by warfarin.Finally, we conclude that reduced VKOR activity and warfarin resistance in the Japanese black rat might be due to mutations in the VKORC1 gene. However, further study is needed to clarify how such rats can maintain adequate vitamin K-dependent clotting factor levels, while simultaneously exhibiting low VKOR activity and warfarin resistance.  相似文献   

Adult, 20-week-old, rats from a Danish bromadiolone-resistant strain of rats (Rattus norvegicus) over-express the cytochrome P450 genes Cyp2e1, Cyp3a2 and Cyp3a3 upon bromadiolone exposure. Furthermore, adult female rats of this strain over-express the Cyp2c13 gene and suppress Cyp2c12, while males over-express the Cyp2a1 gene. The altered gene expression has been suggested to be involved in the bromadiolone resistance by facilitating enhanced anticoagulant metabolism. To investigate the gene expression of these cytochrome P450 genes in rats of different developmental stages we compared expression profiles from 8-, 12- and 20-week-old resistant rats of the Danish strain to profiles of anticoagulant-susceptible rats of same ages. The three age-groups were selected to represent a group of pre-pubertal, pubertal and adult rats. We found expression profiles of the pre-pubertal and pubertal resistant rats to concur with profiles of the adults suggesting that cytochrome P450 enzymes are involved in the Danish bromadiolone resistance regardless of developmental stage. We also investigated the relative importance of the six cytochrome P450s in the different development stages of the resistant rats. The P450-3a2 and -3a3 isoforms were proposed to be of higher importance in adult male resistance than in pre-pubertal resistance. In contrast, the P450-2c13 and -3a2 isoforms were proposed to be more important in sexual immature female resistance, while the P450-2e1 and -3a3 isoforms were suggested to play a more significant role in adult female resistance.  相似文献   

为阐明珠江三角洲地区黄毛鼠Rattus losea对第1代抗凝血灭鼠剂的抗性发生趋势及其遗传机制,以杀鼠灵为标准药物,采用致死期食毒法对2017—2021年在广东省江门市捕获的165只黄毛鼠进行生理抗性检测,并测定每只试鼠的维生素K环氧化物还原酶复合物亚单位1(vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1,Vkorc1)的编码基因序列,分析其突变情况。结果显示,江门市黄毛鼠对第1代抗凝血灭鼠剂杀鼠灵的抗性率为27.03%~50.00%,在黄毛鼠Vkorc1基因中检测到6个不同的突变位点,包括2个错义突变位点Arg58Gly及Tyr139Cys和4个沉默突变位点Ala41Ala、Cys96Cys、Arg98Arg及Ala143Ala,突变率分别为87.27%、0.61%、1.21%、0.61%、1.21%和0.61%,其中Ala143Ala是在黄毛鼠中新发现的沉默突变位点。表明珠江三角洲地区黄毛鼠已对第1代抗凝血灭鼠剂产生了群体抗性并呈上升趋势,第58位的精氨酸突变成甘氨酸(Arg58Gly)是黄毛鼠抗性基因Vkorc1的主要突变位点。  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular basis of resistance in a strain of house fly (BJD) from Beijing, China. This strain showed 567-fold resistance to commonly used deltamethrin. Flies were 64-fold resistant to deltamethrin synergized by piperonyl butoxide (PBO). The 5′-flanking sequence of the cytochrome P450 gene CYP6D1 in BJD strain had a 15-bp insert as in the LPR strain. Two mutations (kdr, super-kdr) in the voltage sensitive sodium channel (VSSC) were also detected in the BJD strain. Our results showed that a combination of resistance alleles for CYP6D1 and VSSC existed in deltamethrin resistant house flies in China.  相似文献   

为明确30个水稻抗瘟基因品系在江西水稻育种中的应用价值,利用2006—2012年分离自江西主要稻区的381个稻瘟病菌株,在抗瘟基因品系苗期喷雾接种,通过供试品系对稻瘟病菌的抗感反应来明确其抗病性。Pi-ztPi-kPi-11)、Pi-z5Pi-kC)、Pi-kpPi-9t)7个水稻抗瘟基因对江西省稻瘟病菌群体表现出较高的抗性频率,其值分别为85.11%、82.95%、71.12%、68.69%、63.53%、62.61%和61.09%,且这7个抗瘟基因对ZG1、ZC15和ZB31小种的稻瘟病菌株的抗性频率均比其它小种菌株高。将抗瘟品系与稻瘟病菌接种反应结果转化为“0-1”模式进行聚类分析,7个抗性频率较高的抗瘟基因被划分为Pi-ztPi-z5Pi-9t)和Pi-kPi-11)、Pi-kC)、Pi-kp两组不同的抗病类型品系。  相似文献   

Insecticide resistance in the bedbug Cimex hemipterus was investigated using 4211 bedbugs collected from three districts of Sri Lanka. Insecticide bioassays were carried out with discriminating dosages of deltamethrin, permethrin, DDT, malathion, and propoxur. Activity levels of insecticide metabolizing enzymes and the insecticide target site acetylcholinesterase were monitored using biochemical assays. Percentage survivals after DDT, malathion, and propoxur exposure were 41-88%, 18-64%, and 11-41%, respectively. For deltamethrin and permethrin, KT50/KT90 (time to knock-down 50%/90% of the population) values were 0.5-24/1.0-58 and 1.3-10/2.5-47 h, respectively. Both elevated esterase and malathion carboxylesterase mechanisms were present in bedbug populations. Monooxygenase levels were heterogeneous. Organophosphate and carbamate target site acetylcholinesterase, was insensitive in 29-44% of the populations. High DDT resistance was probably due to glutathione S-transferases. Malathion carboxylesterases are mainly responsible for high malathion resistance. High tolerance to both DDT and pyrethroids suggests the presence of ‘kdr’ type resistance mechanism in one population.  相似文献   

为探讨转cry1Ab/cry2Aj玉米对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)的抗性,采用室内生测和田间人工接虫鉴定方法评价了6个转cry1Ab/cry2Aj玉米品系对亚洲玉米螟的杀虫效果,并利用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定了Cry1Ab蛋白在各品系主要组织的表达水平.结果显示,亚洲玉米螟幼虫取食转基因玉米各品系雄穗、苞叶、花丝和雌穗48 h后死亡率在90%左右,取食心叶的死亡率在70%左右,96h后大部分幼虫死亡,而取食非转基因玉米的死亡率为3.3%~8.7%;春播和夏播田转基因玉米叶片、茎秆、雌穗基本没有被害,而对照玉米叶片、茎秆、雌穗被害严重,春播和夏播玉米平均每株分别有2.9、2.3头幼虫和蛹,2.8、3.4个蛀孔,隧道长度为7.5、14.2 cm,雌穗被害级别为5.3和5.1;6个转基因玉米品系中Cry1Ab蛋白在心叶、雄穗、花丝、苞叶和雌穗中稳定表达.综合评价认为,转基因玉米各品系在整个生育期内对亚洲玉米螟有很好的抗性,其中N50品系抗虫效果最佳,可以作为抗虫转多基因玉米育种的备选材料.  相似文献   

Neonicotinoids play an essential role in the control of house flies Musca domestica. The development of neonicotinoid resistance was found in two field populations. 766b was 130- and 140-fold resistant to imidacloprid and 17- and 28-fold resistant to thiamethoxam in males and females, respectively. 791a was 22- and 20-fold resistant to imidacloprid and 9- and 23-fold resistant to thiamethoxam in males and females, respectively. Imidacloprid selection of 791a increased imidacloprid resistance to 75- and 150-fold in males and females, respectively, whereas selection with thiamethoxam had minimum impact. Neonicotinoid resistance was in all cases suppressed by PBO. The cytochrome P450 genes CYP6A1, CYP6D1 and CYP6D3 were constitutively over-expressed in resistant strains and CYP6D1 and CYP6D3 differentially expressed between sexes. The highest level of CYP6A1 expression was observed in both gender of the imidacloprid-selected strain after neonicotinoid exposure. CYP6D1 expression was increased after neonicotinoid exposure in resistant males. CYP6D3 expression was induced in both sexes upon neonicotinoid exposure but significantly higher in females.  相似文献   

The sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae), is an invasive and damaging pest of field crops worldwide. The neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid has been widely used to control this pest. We assessed the species composition (B vs. Q), imidacloprid resistance, and association between imidacloprid resistance and the expression of five P450 genes for 14–17 B. tabaci populations in 12 provinces in China. Fifteen of 17 populations contained only B. tabaci Q, and two populations contained both B and Q. Seven of 17 populations exhibited moderate to high resistance to imidacloprid, and eight populations exhibited low resistance to imidacloprid, compared with the most susceptible field WHHB population. In a study of 14 of the populations, resistance level was correlated with the expression of the P450 genes CYP6CM1 and CYP4C64 but not with the expression of CYP6CX1, CYP6CX4, or CYP6DZ7. This study indicates that B. tabaci Q has a wider distribution in China than previously reported. Resistance to imidacloprid in field populations of B. tabaci is associated with the increased expression of two cytochrome P450 genes (CYP6CM1 and CYP4C64).  相似文献   

为了明确羧酸酯酶(carboxylesterase,CarE)基因、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glutathione S-transferases,GST)基因和过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)基因与柑橘全爪螨Panonychus citri对双甲脒抗性的关系,通过BLAST检索,从柑橘全爪螨转录组数据库中对这3种代谢酶抗性相关基因进行鉴定,并采用RPKM法对双甲脒抗性品系和敏感品系代谢抗性相关基因进行表达差异分析,对差异较大的基因作定量PCR检测.基因差异性分析发现,抗性品系中有9条CarE基因、12条GST基因及6条CAT基因表达量发生上调,13条CarE基因、12条GST基因和3条CAT基因表达量发生下调;Pc29773nrt、Pcl7807nlg和Unigene31477为上调倍数最高的3个基因,其log2 ratio (RS/SS)分别为12.95、10.81、10.01.定量分析显示,Pc29773 nrt、Pcl7807nlg和Unigene31477的上调倍数分别为3.72、2.03和3.09,Pc29773 nrt和Unigene31477上调显著.研究表明柑橘全爪螨Pc29773nrt和Unigene31477上调与其对双甲脒的抗性相关.  相似文献   

大豆对灰斑病菌15号小种的抗病基因定位及标记检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确大豆对灰斑病菌15号小种的抗性位点,以大豆抗病品种垦丰16、感病品种绥农10及其杂交F2、F3代群体为试验材料,在接种鉴定的基础上,运用SSR标记技术及分离群体组群分析法(BSA法)对垦丰16抗病基因进行了定位,并应用108份大豆新品系对标记进行了符合性检测。结果表明,垦丰16对15号小种的抗性受1对显性基因控制,抗病基因位于大豆染色体组的J连锁群上,将该基因定名为Rcs15。用Mapmaker/Exp 3.0 b进行连锁分析,获得了5个与抗病基因紧密连锁的SSR标记:Satt 529、Satt 431、Sat_151、Satt 547和Sat_224,标记与抗病基因间的排列顺序和遗传距离为Sat_151-10.7 cM-Satt 529-18.5 cM- Rcs15-6.7 cM-Satt 547-7.8 cM-Sat_224-10.7 cM-Satt 431。标记符合性检测结果显示,Satt 547和Sat_224的检测准确率达到85%以上,可用于分子标记辅助选择育种和抗源筛选。  相似文献   

新疆地区棉铃虫自然种群对Bt棉的抗性频率监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为监测新疆棉区棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)田间种群对Bt棉的抗性频率,在2010年和2011年分别采集石河子和喀什地区莎车的棉铃虫单雌系,以Cry1Ac毒蛋白作为人工饲料,用单雌系F1/F2代法进行棉铃虫种群抗性个体检测。2010年筛选了123个石河子的棉铃虫单雌系,2 011年筛选了152个莎车的棉铃虫单雌系。两地的棉铃虫种群均没有筛选到相对平均发育级别≥0.8的抗Bt棉个体,估算出石河子和莎车的棉铃虫种群的抗性频率低于10-3。莎车F2单雌系与其对应的F1单雌系相对平均发育级别有明显差异。研究表明新疆石河子地区田间棉铃虫种群仍保持敏感状态,喀什地区田间棉铃虫种群对Bt棉的耐受性增高。  相似文献   

活性氧(active oxygen species, AOS)在植物抗病中发挥着重要作用,主要由NADPH氧化酶(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase)系统产生.为明确NADPH氧化酶NbRbohB基因在本氏烟与疫霉菌亲和与非亲和性互作中的功能,采用荧光定量PCR技术以及病毒诱导的基因沉默方法探究了NbRbohB基因在本氏烟中对2种疫霉菌抗性中的作用,并利用NADPH氧化酶抑制剂对辣椒疫霉的抗性进行了检测.结果发现:2种疫霉菌均能诱导本氏烟发生氧迸发,且NbRbohB基因可能参与了疫霉菌诱导本氏烟发生的氧迸发过程.该基因沉默后降低了本氏烟对亲和互作辣椒疫霉菌的抗性,但对非亲和互作疫霉菌的抗性没有肉眼可见的影响;NADPH氧化酶抑制剂处理本氏烟后也能降低其对辣椒疫霉的抗性.表明该基因通过介导AOS产生,参与植物对亲和性与非亲和性互作疫霉的抗病反应,在亲和互作中尤为重要.  相似文献   

We found the A2′N mutation (index number for M2 membrane spanning region) in the GABA receptor subunit of fipronil-resistant Sogatella furcifera, by analyzing DNA sequences amplified from fipronil-resistant and -susceptible S. furcifera. In order to confirm the role of A2′N mutation in the fipronil resistance, we expressed the wild-type and A2′N mutant Drosophila GABA receptors in Drosophila Mel-2 cells stably. Amino acid sequences of three membrane spanning regions (M1-M3), which are important for binding of fipronil, are conserved between Drosophila and S. furcifera. So the results of A2′N mutant Drosophila GABA receptor suggest the role of A2′N mutation in fipronil-resistant S. furcifera. The membrane potential assay showed that the A2′N mutant Drosophila GABA receptor was not inhibited by fipronil at all, while the IC50 value of fipronil for wild-type Drosophila GABA receptor was 172 nM. These results suggest that A2′N mutation confers the resistance of fipronil in S. furcifera.  相似文献   

为明确棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)对苏云金芽胞杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)Cry1Ac毒蛋白抗性的稳定性及其适合度变化,利用生物测定的方法研究了Cry1Ac抗性品系棉铃虫转到正常饲料饲养后的抗性衰退及再次筛选后抗性的恢复情况,并比较了敏感、抗性和抗性衰退后各品系间的适合度差异。在失去选择压的情况下,高抗品系棉铃虫对Cry1Ac的抗性迅速衰退,经过4代后抗性水平由最初的3626.67倍下降到1436.67倍;到第12代时抗性水平已低于10倍,随后品系保持较稳定的低抗水平;当重新进行抗性再筛选时,其抗性水平可快速恢复,抗性倍数快速回升,5代后恢复到1123.33倍。与敏感品系相比,高抗棉铃虫品系的适合度明显降低,相对适合度仅为0.33,但转到正常饲料连续饲养14代后,棉铃虫适合度明显上升,相对适合度为0.87,主要表现为卵孵化率和幼虫存活率等显著提高。  相似文献   

在2007-2008年的一项温室测验中,10株黄瓜幼苗内生真菌表现出了对南方根结线虫较好的防效,为了阐明其作用方式,用裂根试验设计研究了10个菌株诱导黄瓜产生根结线虫抗性的能力.同一植株的根系被分为彼此隔离的挑战根系和应答根系,镰刀菌Fusarium spp.菌株Fu234和Fu654、毛壳菌Chaetomium sp.菌株Ch1001、叶点霉Phyllosticta sp.菌株Ph511在挑战根系中接种后,应答根系中的线虫入侵总数显著降低,较对照分别降低了42.4%、35.7%、38.4%、23.6%(第1次测定)和63.6%、45.2%、51.0%、37.0%(重复测定),这4个菌株诱导了黄瓜对根结线虫入侵的抗性.同时,Fu234、Fu654、Ch1001和拟青霉Paecilomyces sp.菌株Pa972接种后应答根系中的卵与雌虫的比值显著减少,相比对照其比值分别降低了24.3%、37.7%、48.3%、21.2%(第1次测定)和21.6%、39.8%、30.0%、46.2%(重复测定),这4个菌株诱导了黄瓜对根结线虫繁殖的抗性.  相似文献   

Indoxacarb (DPX-MP062) is a recently introduced oxadiazine insecticide with activity against a wide range of pests, including house flies. It is metabolically decarbomethoxylated to DCJW. Selection of field collected house flies with indoxacarb produced a New York indoxacarb-resistant (NYINDR) strain with >118-fold resistance after three generations. Resistance in NYINDR could be partially overcome with the P450 inhibitor piperonyl butoxide (PBO), but the synergists diethyl maleate and S,S,S-tributyl phosphorothioate did not alter expression of the resistance, suggesting P450 monooxygenases, but not esterases or glutathione S-transferases are involved in the indoxacarb resistance. Conversely, the NYINDR strain showed only 3.2-fold resistance to DCJW, and this resistance could be suppressed with PBO. Only limited levels of cross-resistance were detected to pyrethroid, organophosphate, carbamate or chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in NYINDR. Indoxacarb resistance in the NYINDR strain was inherited primarily as a completely recessive trait. Analysis of the phenotypes vs. mortality data revealed that the major factor for indoxacarb resistance is located on autosome 4 with a minor factor on autosome 3. It appears these genes have not previously been associated with insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

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