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A genetic linkage map with 70 loci (55 SSR, 12 AFLP and 3 morphological loci) was constructed using 117 F2 plants obtained from a cross between two upland cotton cultivars Yumian 1 and T586, which have relatively high levels of DNA marker polymorphism and differ remarkably in fiber-related traits. The linkage map comprised of 20 linkage groups, covering 525 cM with an average distance of 7.5 cM between two markers, or approximately 11.8% of the recombination length of the cotton genome. The present genetic linkage map was used to identify and map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting lint percentage and fiber quality traits in 117 F2:3 family lines. Sixteen QTLs for lint percentage and fiber quality traits were identified in six linkage groups by multiple interval mapping: four QTLs for lint percentage, two QTLs for fiber 2.5% span length, three QTLs for fiber length uniformity, three QTLs for fiber strength, two QTLs for fiber elongation and two QTLs for micronaire reading. The QTL controlling fiber-related traits were mainly additive, and meanwhile including dominant and overdominant. Several QTLs affecting different fiber-related traits were detected within the same chromosome region, suggesting that genes controlling fiber traits may be linked or the result of pleiotropy.  相似文献   

A high-density molecular marker linkage map of cotton based entirely on polymerase chain reaction-based markers is useful for a marker-assisted breeding program. Four kinds of markers—simple sequence repeats (SSRs), sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP)—were used to assay an F2 population from a cross between “Handan208” (Gossypium hirsutum) and “Pima90” (Gossypium barbadense). Sixty-nine F2 plants were used for map construction using 834 SSRs, 437 SRAPs, 107 RAPDs, and 16 REMAPs. Linkage analysis revealed that 1,029 loci could be mapped to 26 linkage groups that extended for 5,472.3 cM, with an average distance between 2 loci of 5.32 cM. The corresponding 69 F2:3 families were grown, arranged in two replicates, and scored for eight phenotypes. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was performed by means of composite interval mapping using WinQtlCart ver 2.0. A total of 52 distinct QTLs were detected: 4 QTLs for lint index, 8 for seed index, 11 for lint yield, 4 for seed cotton yield, 9 for number of seed per boll, 3 for fiber strength, 5 for fiber length, and 8 for micronaire value. The present map and QTL analysis may provide a useful tool for breeders to transfer desirable traits from G. barbadense to the mainly cultivated species, G. hirsutum.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium spp) is the world's leading natural fiber crop. Genetic manipulation continues to play a key role in the improvement of fiber quality properties. By use of DNA-based molecular markers and a polymorphic mapping population derived from an inter specific cross between TM-1 (G. hirsutum) and 3-79 (G. barbadense), thirteen quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling fiber quality properties were identified in 3-79, an extra long staple (ELS) cotton. Four QTLs influenced bundle fiber strength, three influenced fiber length, and six influenced fiber fineness. These QTLs were located on different chromosomes or linkage groups and collectively explained 30% to 60%of the total phenotypic variance for each fiber quality property in the F2 population. The effects and modes of action for the individual QTLs were characterized with 3-79 alleles in TM-1 genetic background. The results indicated more recessive than dominant, with much less additive effect in the gene mode. Transgressive segregation was observed for fiber fineness that could be beneficial to improvement of this trait. Molecular markers linked to fiber quality QTLs would be most effective in marker-assisted selection (MAS) of these recessive alleles in cotton breeding programs. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

D. J. Luckett 《Euphytica》1989,44(1-2):11-21
Summary Hayman analysis for lint percentage, boll weight, fibre quality and bacterial blight resistance of a ten-parent half-diallel set of crosses was conducted in Upland cotton. The ten parents represented a fixed sample of the best germplasm available to Australian breeders for the characters of commercial importance. Heterosis and inbreeding depression were detected particulady for boll weight and blight resistance. An analysis of genetic components and parameters indicated that since additive effects were substantial and heritability high, early-generation selection of spaced plants and pure-line breeding should be successful. Some genotypes were identified as being potentially good donors for hybridization since they possessed dominant genes for improved character expression. Acala C-1 was identified as the first-choice parent for increased boll size. Coker 315 for increased span length, while Namcala was the best parent for breeding improved fibre strength. McNair 220 possessed the most dominant genes for high lint percentage. Reba P279 and Siokra were the only parents with resistance to the prevelant race of bacterial blight.  相似文献   

While the cultivated soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., is more recalcitrant to pod dehiscence (shattering-resistant) than wild soybean, Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc., there is also significant genetic variation in shattering resistance among cultivated soybean cultivars. To reveal the genetic basis and develop DNA markers for pod dehiscence, several research groups have conducted quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis using segregated populations derived from crosses between G. max accessions or between a G. max and G. soja accession. In the populations of G. max, a major QTL was repeatedly identified near SSR marker Sat_366 on linkage group J (chromosome 16). Minor QTLs were also detected in several studies, although less commonality was found for the magnitudes of effect and location. In G. max × G. soja populations, only QTLs with a relatively small effect were detected. The major QTL found in G. max was further fine-mapped, leading to the development of specific markers for the shattering resistance allele at this locus. The markers were used in a breeding program, resulting in the production of near-isogenic lines with shattering resistance and genetic backgrounds of Japanese elite cultivars. The markers and lines developed will hopefully contribute to the rapid production of a variety of shattering-resistant soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

Rice protein content (RPC) and rice fatcontent (RFC) are two important componentsof rice nutritional quality. In order toexamine the genetic basis of these traits,a doubled haploid (DH) population and anRFLP linkage map consisting of 232 markerloci were used to search QTLs for thetraits with the computer programQTLMapper1.0. This program is based onmixed linear models and allows simultaneousmapping of both main-effect and digenicepistastic QTLs in a DH population. RPC andRFC were evaluated based on a dry weightbasis of head rice by the Kjeldahl andSoxhlet methods respectively. A total offive main-effect QTLs for RPC wereresolved. The five QTLs collectivelyexplained 74% of the phenotypic variationwith LOD=15.2. Among these QTLs, the majorQTL qRPC-5 with the largest effectwas mapped in the interval of RG435-RG172aon chromosome 5. It accounted for 35% ofthe phenotypic variation with a LOD of16.7. At this locus the allele from theparent `Gui 630' increased RPC by 1.32%.The second QTL qRPC-7 was mapped inthe interval ZG34B-G20 on chromosome 7. Itexplained 23% of the phenotypic variancewith a LOD of 6.1. Its positive alleles,also from the parent `Gui 630', increasedRPC by 1.05%. As for the remaining threeQTLs, their additive effects wererelatively small and their positive alleleswere all inherited from the parent `02428'.Three QTLs for RFC were mapped onchromosome 1, 2 and 5 respectively. Theycollectively explained 44% of thephenotypic variation. Among these loci,QTLs qRFC-2 and qRFC-5 withlarger effects individually accounted for24% and 26% of the phenotypic variancerespectively. At QTL qRFC-2 thepositive allele came from the parent `Gui630', while at QTL qRFC-5 thepositive allele from the parent `02428'.The fact that both parents possess thepositive alleles at the QTLs for the twotraits provides an appropriate explanationfor the large transgressive segregationobserved in the DH lines. Furthermore, onlyone pair of epistatic loci explaining only5.1% of the phenotypic variance wasdetected for RPC, whereas seven pairs ofepistatic loci were resolved for RFC. Thetotal absolute effects of these RFCinteractions amounted to 0.97% which ismuch larger than that (0.42%) of the threemain-effect QTLs for the trait. Alongwith the observation that RPC showed a highheritability (78%), these resultsdemonstrate that RPC in the DH populationcould be mainly controlled by relativelyfew QTLs with large main-effects. As forRFC, epistatic interactions might be aneven more important component of thegenetic basis and the segregation of the DHlines could be largely explained by a fewmain-effect QTLs and many epistatic loci.In addition, a highly negative correlation(r = –0.45) between RPC and RFC inthe DH population was observed. Thiscorrelation could be largely explained bythe linkage of qRPC-5 and qRFC-5 with the directions of effectsopposite and the co-locations of the twoepistatic loci for RFC respectively withtwo different main-effect QTLs for RPC. Theinformation reported in the present papermay be useful for improving ricenutritional quality by means ofmarker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

X. Yin    S. D. Chasalow    P. Stam    M. J. Kropff    C. J. Dourleijn    I. Bos  P. S. Bindraban 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(4):314-319
Genes contributing to the quantitative variation of a complex crop trait can be numerous. However, using existing approaches, the number of quantitative trait loci (QTL) detected for a trait is limited. Therefore, rather than looking for QTL for a complex trait itself, determining QTL for underlying component traits might give more information. In this study the potential of component analysis in QTL mapping of complex traits was examined using grain yield in spring barley as an example. Grain yield was divided into three components: number of spikes/m2, number of kernels/spike, and 1000‐kernel weight. These traits were measured for individuals of a recombinant inbred‐line population in field trials conducted over 2 years. By the use of an approximate multiple QTL model, one to eight QTL were detected for each trait in a year. Some QTL were mapped to similar positions in both years. Almost all QTL for yield were found at the position of or in close proximity to QTL for its component traits. A number of QTL for component traits were not detected when yield itself was subjected to QTL analysis. However, relative to the QTL for yield itself, all component‐trait QTL did not explain the variation in yield better. The results in relation to the potential of using component analysis in studying complex crop traits are discussed.  相似文献   

A population of 112 F1-derived doubled haploid lines was produced from a reciprocal cross of Brassica juncea. The parents differed for seed quality, seed color and many agronomic traits. A detailed RFLP linkage map of this population, comprising 316 loci, had been constructed, and was used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seed yield and yield components, viz. siliqua length, number of seeds per siliqua, number of siliques per main raceme and 1000-seed weight. Stable and significant QTLs were identified for all these yield components except seed yield. For yield components, a selection index based on combined phenotypic and molecular data (QTL effects) could double up the efficiency of selection compared to the expected genetic advance by phenotypic selection. Selection indices for high seed yield, based on the phenotypic data of yield and yield components, could only improve the efficiency of selection by 4% of the genetic advance that can be expected from direct phenotypic selection for yield alone. Inclusion of molecular data together with the phenotypic data of yield components in the selection indices did not improve the efficiency of selection for higher seed yield. This is probably due to often negative relationships among the yield components. Most of the QTLs for yield components were compensating each other, probably due to linkage, pleiotropy or developmentally induced relationships among them. The breeding strategy for B. juncea and challenges to marker assisted selection are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of vascular bundles in peduncle and the ratio of vascular bundles to primary rachis branches (V/R ratio)distinguishable between indica andjaponica, are the traits associated with the processes of differentiation between indica and japonica inrice (Oryza sativa L.). In this paper a doubled-haploid population derived from the F1 hybrid of a cross between anindica cultivar and a japonicacultivar was used to map quantitative trait loci(QTLs) controlling numbers of vascular bundles in peduncle, primary rachis branches and the V/R ratio. For vascular bundles, three QTLs were detected and they collectively explained 58.8% of the total variation. Among them, the QTLqVB-8 with the largest effect,located on chromosome 8, individually accounted for 31.1% of the total variation. Two QTLs controlling primary rachis branches, located on chromosome 8and 10 respectively, were identified and they individually explained 10.5% and18.0% of the total variation respectively. Three QTLs for the V/R ratio, mapped on chromosome 1, 2 and 8, respectively,jointly explained 61.3% of the total variation. Of the three QTLs, the QTL qV/R-1 with the largest additive effect,explained 25.3% of the total variation,was located on chromosome 1 and found to be closely linked to the gene sh-2, a major gene underlying grain-shattering ability. In addition, four and two pairs of significant epistatic QTLs were detected for vascular bundles and the V/R ratio,respectively, but none for rachis branches. Our results suggested that the numbers of vascular bundles and primary rachis branches were independently controlled by different polygenic systems, but the two polygenic systems shared a fraction of quantitative trait loci. The present study also demonstrated that the chromosome region carrying the QTL qV/R-1 for the V/R ratio and the gene sh-2 might play an important role in the processes ofindica-japonica differentiation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of walnut containing 2,220 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 16 linkage groups (LGs) was constructed using an F1 mapping population from a cross between “Chandler” and “Idaho,” two contrasting heterozygous parents. Five quantitative yield traits, lateral fruitfulness, harvest date and three nut traits (shell thickness, nut weight and kernel fill) were then mapped on to linkage groups. A significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) in LG 11 with negative additive effects suggested heterozygote superiority in the expression of lateral bearing. A set of three QTLs explaining ~10% of the variation in harvest date was located in LG 1. Shell thickness, nut weight and kernel fill were under the control of two to three linked pleiotropic QTLs in LG 1 segregating from “Idaho.” The marginal positive additive effects of QTLs for harvest date, shell thickness and nut weight and small negative additive effects for kernel fill suggested that the QTLs had a marginal effect on the expression of these traits.  相似文献   

Mapping QTLs for kernel oil content in a tropical maize population   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Maize cultivars often have low kernel oil content. To increase the oil content, efficient maize breeding programs have to be developed, which require the knowledge of the inheritance of this trait. Thus, the objective of this research was to map quantitative trait locus (QTLs) and estimate their effects for kernel oil content in a tropical maize population. Two maize inbred lines, contrasting for kernel oil content, were used to develop an F2 population. Four hundred and eight F2 plants were self-pollinated, and their kernels (F2:3 progenies) were used for kernel oil evaluation. A genetic map with 75 microsatellites was developed, and the QTLs were mapped using the composite interval map (CIM); also, estimates of genetic and phenotypic variances, and heritability coefficient were computed. The map presented 10 linkage groups, spanned 1,438.6 cM in length with an average interval of 19.18 cM between adjacent markers. The kernel oil content averaged 58.40 g kg–1, and the broad-sense heritability was high (h2= 0.98). Thirteen QTLs were mapped, which were distributed into eight chromosomes, and explained 26.64% of the genetic variation. QTLs in chromosomes 1, 5, and 6 contributed the most for kernel oil content. Nine out of 13 QTLs with favorable alleles were from the parental inbred with the highest kernel oil content. The average level of dominance was partial, but gene action of the QTLs ranged from additive to overdominance. Eight out of 13 mapped QTLs were already reported for temperate maize populations.  相似文献   

Three double low (erucic acid and glucosinolates) self-incompatible lines and 22 varieties from different origins were selected to produce 66 hybrids according to a NC II mating design. Field experiments for identification of hybrid performance and heterosis were conducted in two successive rapeseed growing seasons in Wuhan, China. After heterosis identifications, SI-1300 and Eagle were chosen to construct an F2 segregating population. One hundred and eighty four F2:3 lines were planted at Wuhan and Jingmen to test yield traits. F2 plants and the 25 parents were analyzed using simultaneously AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers. A total of 270 and 718 polymorphic loci were detected in the F2 population and among the 25 parental lines, respectively. Of the 718 polymorphic loci, 178 were significantly correlated to yield traits. With the use of one-way ANOVA, 84 common QTLs were detected for 12 traits at two trial locations. Although the genetic distances based on general/specific heterozygosities and single-locus QTLs showed significant correlations with hybrid performance and heterosis for some yield traits, the determination coefficients were low. The results suggested that neither heterozygosities nor QTLs for yield traits were suitable to predict hybrid performance and heterosis in Brassica napus.  相似文献   

The growth period traits of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) are quantitatively inherited and crucial for its adaptation to different environments. Association analysis and linkage mapping were used to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for days to flowering (DF), days from flowering to maturity (DFM) and days to maturity (DM). Considering the effect of sowing date, the phenotypes were evaluated in three or four sowing‐date‐experiments in each year. A total of 96 associations, involving 19 SSRs corresponding to DF, DFM and/or DM, were identified by association mapping. Six, eight and two QTLs were observed relating to DF, DFM and DM by linkage mapping, respectively, and some QTLs were shared by DF, DFM and DM. Four SSRs (Satt150, Satt489, Satt172 and Sat_312) were found to be related to the growth period traits using the two mapping methods. In summary, association analysis and linkage mapping can complement and verify results from both methods to identify QTLs in soybean, and these findings may be useful in facilitating the selection of growth period–related traits via marker‐assisted selection.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of chromosome 6 was constructed by using 270 recombinant inbred lines originated from an upland cotton cross (Yumian 1 × T586) F2 population. The genetic map included one morphological (T1) and 18 SSR loci, covering 96.2 cM with an average distance of 5.34 cM between two markers. Based on composite interval mapping (CIM), QTL(s) affecting lint percentage, fiber length, fiber length uniformity, fiber strength and spiny bollworm resistance (Earias spp.) were identified in the t1 locus region on chromosome 6. The allele(s) originating from T586 of QTLs controlling lint percentage increased the trait phenotypic value while the alleles originating from Yumian 1 of QTLs affecting fiber length, fiber length uniformity, fiber strength and spiny bollworm resistance increased the trait phenotypic value.  相似文献   

Summary F2 hybrid cultivars continue to occupy a small portion of the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production are in the United States, but occupy a larger proportion of the production area in some other countries. Sixty-four F2 hybrids resulting from crosses of four commercial cultivars and 16 pest-resistant germplasm lines were evaluated for five fiber and four yield traits in four environments at Mississippi State, MS. An additive-dominance genetic model was employed for these traits. The minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation (MINQUE) method was used with a mixed model approach for estimating genetic variance and covariance components and for predicting genetic correlations. This study investigated genetic variances, heritabilities, and genetic and phenotypic correlations between agronomic and fiber traits among these 64 F2 hybrid populations and discussed the usefulness of these populations for use as hybrids or for selections for pure lines.Dominance variance accounted for the major proportion of the phenotypic variances for lint yield, lint percentage, and boll size indicating that hybrids should have an advantage for these traits compared to pure lines. A low proportion of additive variance for fiber traits and the significant additive x environment variance components indicated a lack of substantial useful additive genetic variability for fiber traits. This suggests that selections for pure lines within these F2 populations would have limited success in improving fiber traits. Genetic and phenotypic correlation coefficients were of comparable magnitude for most pairs of characters. Fiber strength showed a positive additive genetic correlation with boll weight. Dominance genetic correlations of fiber strength with elongation and 2.5% span length were also significant and positive; however, the additive genetic correlation of length and strength was zero.Contribution of the USDA-ARS in cooperation with the Mississippi Agric. and Forestry Exp. Stn.  相似文献   

M. R. Foolad    G. Y. Lin  F. Q. Chen 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(2):167-173
The purpose of this study was to examine whether rate of tomato seed germination under non-stress, cold-stress and salt-stress conditions was under similar genetic control by identifying and comparing quantitative trait loci (QTLs) which affect germination rate under these conditions. A fast-germinating accession (LA722) of the wild tomato species Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium Jusl. and a slow-germinating cultivar (NC84173, maternal and recurrent parent) of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were hybridized and BC1 and BC1S1 progeny produced. The BC1 population was used to construct a linkage map with 151 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The BC1S1 population (consisting of 119 BC1S1 families) was evaluated for germination under non-stress (control), cold-stress and salt-stress conditions and the mean time to 50% germination (T50) in each treatment was determined. Germination analyses indicated the presence of significant (P < 0.01) phenotypic correlations between T50 under control and cold stress (r = 0.71), control and salt stress (r = 0.58) and cold stress and salt stress (r = 0.67). The QTL analysis indicated the presence of genetic relationships between germination under these three conditions: a few QTLs were identified which commonly affected germination under both stress- (cold-, salt- or both) and non-stress conditions, and thus were called stress-nonspecific QTLs. A few QTLs were also identified which affected germination only under cold or salt stress and thus were called stress-specific QTLs. However, the stress-nonspecific QTLs generally exhibited larger individual effects and together accounted for a greater portion of the total phenotypic variation under each condition than the stress-specific QTLs. Whether the effects of stress-nonspecific QTLs were due to pleiotropic effects of the same genes, physical linkage of different genes, or a combination of both could not be determined in this study. The results, however, indicate that the rate of tomato seed germination under different stress and nonstress conditions is partly under the same genetic control.  相似文献   

NORIN 10 semi-dwarfism in tetraploid wheat and associated effects on yield   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A genetic study of a range of NORIN 10 based semi-dwarf durum wheats showed that only Gai/Rht 1, located on chromosome 4A, was present. No varieties carrying a second Gai/Rht allele were identified and deliberate attempts to introduce Gai/Rht2 into tetraploid wheats have so far been unsuccessful.In a spaced plant trial of homozygous random F3 lines from two tall x semi-dwarf crosses, the semi-dwarfs has lower ear yields, due mainly to reduced kernel weight, but had higher tiller numbers than the tall genotypes. Although there was no difference in overall plant yield between talls and semi-dwarfs, an analysis of character associations within the semi-dwarf F3's showed positive height-yield and height-kernel weight correlations indicating that selection for tall dwarfs may be a useful breeding strategy in tetraploid wheats.  相似文献   

本研究对棉籽油分、棕榈酸、油酸和亚油酸含量进行了不同遗传体系的QTL分析,为相关性状挖掘出更多有用的基因信息。分别于2017年和2018年,利用陆地棉亲本HS46 (P1)和MARCABUCAG8US-1-88 (P2)所构建的188个重组近交系分别与双亲杂交构建F1群体BC (P1)和BC(P2)。基于这些回交群体种子,采用专为种子性状设计的母体和胚核基因组QTL定位的混合线性遗传模型及QTLNetwork-CL-2.0-Seed软件,对棉籽油分、棕榈酸、油酸和亚油酸含量进行QTL定位分析。共检测到7个控制棉籽油分含量、3个控制棕榈酸含量、2个控制油酸含量和3个控制亚油酸含量的QTL,均具有显著或极显著的源自母体和胚2个核基因组的加性主效应,其中有7个QTL的表型变异贡献率大于10%。研究结果可为这些性状的分子标记辅助选择育种提供更为可靠的参考,为这些性状的分子遗传机制研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

We searched for QTLs involved in tolerance to barley yellow dwarf (BYD), a serious viral disease of small grain cereals in two wheat populations, Opata × Synthetic (ITMI)and Frontana × INIA66 (F × I), for which marker data had previously been generated. The populations were evaluated in replicated field trials under artificial inoculation with a BYDV-PAV-Mex isolate and under disease-free conditions. Disease symptoms (yellowing, dwarfism and biomass reduction) were visually recorded and agronomic traits (number of tillers,height, biomass, yield and thousand-kernel weight) were measured on five plants per plot. Phenotypic data on all evaluated traits showed normal distribution with high correlation between visual estimates and measured values. Heritabilities were mostly moderate to high in the 114 lines of the ITMI population, and from low to moderate in the 117 lines of the F × I population. QTL analyses were based on genetic maps containing 443 loci for the ITMI population and 317 loci for the F × I population. Using composite interval mapping, 22 QTLs in the ITMI population and seven in the F × I population were detected, explaining9.8–43.3% of total phenotypic variation (σ2 P)per agronomic trait in the first population, and 4.1–13.7% in the second. Individual QTLs explained less than 15.8%of σ2 P. In the F × I population a minor QTL explaining 7% of σ2 P for yellowing was detected on the short arm of 7D, linked to leaf tip necrosis, a morphological marker for linked genes Bdv1, Yr18 andLr34. A QTL consistently detected for several traits on 2D in the ITMI population and on the short arm of group 6 chromosome(6S) in F × I explained 10–15% of σ2 P. The large number of QTLs having mostly small effects and the continuous distribution of all evaluated traits confirmed the polygenic nature and complexity of BYD tolerance in wheat. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) landrace agrotypes collected from the central highlands of Ethiopia and one commercial check cultivar (Boohai) were evaluated at Akaki experimental station for grain yield and 11 other component traits. The objectives were to estimate phenotypic (PCV) and genetic (GCV) coefficients of variation, broad-sense heritability (H) and genetic advance (GA), and to determine the interrelationships among the various traits. Genotypic differences among the agrotypes were highly significant for all the traits considered. Compared to Boohai, the landrace agrotypes were later in days-to-heading (DTH) and maturity (DTM), and had shorter grain filling period (GFP), lower fertility (KS) and lower 1000-kernel weight (TKW). By contrast, they were superior to Boohai in tiller number (TN), biological yield (BY) and grain yield plant-1 (GYP). Intermediate to high order estimate combinations of GCV, H and GA (as % of the mean) were observed for TN, GYP, number of kernels spike-1 (NKS), harvest index (HI) and TKW. GYP showed a moderate heritability which was higher than GFP, BY and Plant height (PHt). DTH and DTM were strongly correlated, but both were negatively associated with the rest of the traits except PHt. The negative correlation of DTM with GYP was largely indirect via other characters. PHt had either a weak or negative association with the other traits. TN and TKW were positively correlated with GYP, and had high and intermediate direct effects, respectively. These two traits, however, were negatively correlated and showed a substantial counter-balance effect via one another. It appears that, for the short-term, improvement of the Ethiopian wheat landraces may be possible through indirect selection for TN and TKW or direct selection for grain yield per se. In the long-run, crossing programmes between indigenous and introduced germplasm may be necessary.  相似文献   

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