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The study of nucleic acids is without question one of the most vital fields in biochemistry today. The new discipline of “Molecular Biology” which has recently arisen is very largely concerned with the part that these chemicals play in living cells. This great upsurge of interest is perhaps to be understood when it is realized that it has now been established that nucleic acids carry the reserve of genetic information which directs and controls the development of any organism, and they are in addition intimately concerned with the actual mechanism of protein synthesis. Thus, they not only carry the blueprint of the design of an organism, they also control and carry out a good deal of the construction.  相似文献   

2009年9月,中国商务部发起了对美国汽车产品、美国鸡肉产品的反补贴和反倾销调查,因为涉及家禽产业,所以在本刊编辑部引起了高度的关注和激烈、广泛而深入的讨论。真是不看不知道,一看吓一跳,没有想到中国在加入WTO以后,许多产业、产品和企业不断受到反倾销调查和起诉。美国针对进口中国禽肉产品制定727条款是为什么呢?国人知道倾销和反倾销吗?倾销和反倾销与我们什么关系呢?如何发现、起诉外国在中国的倾销呢?如何避免外国对中国的反倾销调查和起诉呢?如何应对外国人对中国产品的反倾销调查和诉讼呢?如何调停或打赢倾销和反倾销官司呢?中国的肉鸡行业及家禽行业从业者应该知道些什么、应该做些什么呢?  相似文献   

免疫接种是控制和根除传染性病原微生物的常用手段之一。在设计有效而经济的免疫程序时,每个鸡场都有其独特的具体情况需要加以考虑。  相似文献   

PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: Feline idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) denotes one form of chronic enteropathy that is immunologically mediated and characterized by persistent or recurrent gastrointestinal (GI) signs and histologic inflammation. Signs of vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss generally predominate, and mucosal inflammation may occur in any portion of the GI tract (especially the small intestine). Affected cats may also have concurrent inflammation in other organs, such as the pancreas and liver, which may impact clinical disease severity. CLINICAL CHALLENGES: The exact etiologies of this heterogeneous group of disorders have yet to be determined, though results from basic science and clinical studies suggest that interplay between genetic factors and enteric bacteria is crucial for disease development. The diagnosis is one of exclusion and requires intestinal mucosal biopsy to characterize the type and severity of the inflammatory infiltrate, and to differentiate IBD from other disorders, including alimentary lymphoma. Controversy exists concerning the relative diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic versus full-thickness specimens for the diagnosis of IBD and its differentiation from alimentary lymphoma. AUDIENCE: This article is intended to provide veterinary practitioners with a comprehensive clinical update on idiopathic IBD in cats. It reviews the current evidence-based data, the diagnostic approach, the evolving histologic criteria, and treatment options and outcome for feline patients with this syndrome.  相似文献   

隐性霉菌毒素对养猪者意味着什么   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们都知道霉菌毒素给养猪业造成损失,但是损失到底有多大,很久以来一直是个疑问,直到最近在《农业和食品化学杂志》上发表的一篇学术论文对  相似文献   

Glaucoma can be treated by medical and surgical options. Most ophthalmologists believe that patients with glaucoma are best treated with surgery. Early recognition of clinical signs and selection of the most effective type of surgery depending on the stage of glaucoma and the underlying cause are important factors in glaucoma surgery. Several surgical procedures exist for dogs with primary glaucoma, which may include a cyclodestructive technique or an aqueous outflow bypass procedure or a combination of both procedures. Salvage procedures such as enucleation, evisceration with an intrascleral prosthesis, or chemical intravitreal injection may be advised for chronically blind eyes with no hope of vision. Client compliance and expectations, therapeutic goals, status of vision (visual versus blind), financial constraints, surgical expertise, and underlying systemic disorders should be considered in the selection of the most appropriate surgical option for each patient.  相似文献   

带着一只干净漂亮的爱犬,是一件多么赏心悦目的事,更会让您这个主人倍感欣慰与自豪。要保持爱犬的洁净,洗澡这件事必不可少。但洗澡还真不是一件简单的事。并不是所有的狗狗都喜欢洗澡,有的甚至一看到主人在准备洗浴用品,便躲藏的无影无踪。其实,只要您掌握几个为爱犬洗澡的小窍门,再花一些心思在情感沟通上,您就会充分享受到为爱犬洗澡的乐趣。首先,我们需要掌握爱犬洗澡的频率,1~2周一次比较适宜。由于犬的皮肤与人类皮肤的结构、质地完全不同,过频洗澡,使用人用的浴液或洗发液,都有可能造成脱毛和皮肤受伤,所以一定要使用犬专用浴液。如…  相似文献   

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