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Transgenic technology allows for the stable introduction of exogenous genetic information into livestock genomes. With its ability to enhance existing or introduce entirely novel characteristics at unprecedented magnitude and speed this emerging technology is expected to have a profound impact on the genetic improvement of livestock in the future. The continual advances in animal genomics towards the identification of genes that influence livestock production traits and impact on human health will increase its ability and versatility for the purposeful modification of livestock animals to enhance their welfare, produce superior quality food and biomedical products and reduce the environmental impact of farming. In contrast to biomedicine, which has so far been the main driver for this technology platform, the potential opportunities for animal agriculture are more challenging because of the greater demands on cost, efficiency, consumer acceptance and relative value of the product. While various transgenic concepts for the genetic improvement of livestock animals for agriculture are being evaluated the integration of this technology into practical farming systems remains some distance in the future.  相似文献   

一、群犬训练的特点(一)群犬训练过程中,人与人、人与犬、犬与犬之间相互干扰较大。由于受训练场地限制,随着犬数量的增加,每头犬活动的范围将会缩小,相互间干扰增大。  相似文献   

春季是犬发情、交配、繁殖和换毛季节,同时也是犬各类传染性疾病、寄生虫病、营养代谢病等疾病的多发时期,因此,加强春季犬的饲养与管理尤为重要。  相似文献   

2006年,辽宁省公安厅作为片区警犬资格认证的试点单位,分别于5月17日至6月12日、11月8日至9日,两次集中组织进行了警犬资格认证考核。全省公安机关共有133头警犬参加考核,占全省163  相似文献   

One of the factors affecting the reliability of genomic prediction is the relationship among the animals of interest. This study investigated the reliability of genomic prediction in various scenarios with regard to the relationship between test and training animals, and among animals within the training data set. Different training data sets were generated from EuroGenomics data and a group of Nordic Holstein bulls (born in 2005 and afterwards) as a common test data set. Genomic breeding values were predicted using a genomic best linear unbiased prediction model and a Bayesian mixture model. The results showed that a closer relationship between test and training animals led to a higher reliability of genomic predictions for the test animals, while a closer relationship among training animals resulted in a lower reliability. In addition, the Bayesian mixture model in general led to a slightly higher reliability of genomic prediction, especially for the scenario of distant relationships between training and test animals. Therefore, to prevent a decrease in reliability, constant updates of the training population with animals from more recent generations are required. Moreover, a training population consisting of less‐related animals is favourable for reliability of genomic prediction.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of protein supplementation and genetic selection to enhance the resistance of periparturient Merino ewes to infection from gastrointestinal parasites was tested in a replicated grazing experiment. One hundred and twenty ewes from lines selected for increased resistance (R) to Haemonchus contortus or at random (C) were subjected to one of the three supplement groups that provided 0 or 250 g per day cottonseed meal for 5 weeks prior to, or for 6 weeks after the start of lambing. Faecal egg counts (FEC) of R ewes were consistently lower than those of C ewes but both groups exhibited a periparturient rise in FEC. Supplementation during the pre-partum period reduced FEC and increased ewe body weight gain. The benefits of pre-partum supplementation in reducing FEC continued to be apparent up to 10 weeks after supplementation ceased. There was a strong suggestion that the benefits to parasite resistance from protein supplementation were greatest in C ewes. Wool growth rates (15%) and birth weights (5%) were greater for C ewes but differences between the lines for lamb body weight had disappeared by day 97. The greatest benefit to resistance from protein supplementation was observed when ewes were experiencing a loss of maternal body weight. Conversely, no benefits to resistance were observed when ewes had moderate (78-107 g per day) rates of maternal weight gain. These results suggest that increased resistance as a result of protein supplementation is dependent on the prevailing supply and demand for scarce nutrients such as metabolisable protein (MP). Both genetic selection and protein nutrition are effective strategies to enhance host resistance to nematode infection during the periparturient period.  相似文献   

主要探讨了在黑麦草属植物中导入高羊茅S-腺苷甲硫氨酸脱羧酶基因(FaSAMDC)对转基因植株抗旱耐热性的提高效果,为培育黑麦草抗旱耐热新品种提供种质新材料。选择黑麦草成熟种子为外植体,采用贵州省草业研究所分子生物学实验室构建的过表达载体以及黑麦草胚性愈伤组织高频植株再生和农杆菌介导的遗传转化体系,将克隆自高羊茅的FaSAMDC基因转入贵州地区主栽品种多花黑麦草特高和多年生黑麦草四季的基因组内,经抗性筛选、PCR检测和Southern杂交分析验证,获得45株特高与44株四季的转基因植株,转化频率分别为2.93%和2.28%。抗旱耐热试验表明,在30 ℃高温和中度干旱胁迫条件下,特高转基因株系的根冠比比对照组培苗高出7.08%,叶片相对含水量(RWC)比对照高出13.12%,RWC降低幅度比对照少5.49个百分点;四季转基因株系的根冠比比对照组培苗高出6.54%,RWC比对照高出12.54%,RWC降低幅度比对照少6.50个百分点,差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05),证明转入FaSAMDC基因的黑麦草阳性株系的抗旱耐热能力得到了明显提高。形态与生长特征观测结果显示,与非转基因组培苗相比,转基因株系的叶长、株高、主茎节数减小,叶宽、单株分蘖数增加,叶色变深,植株形状趋向于叶片丛生的紧凑型,推测导入的FaSAMDC基因参与了基因表达、细胞分裂等生理功能的调节。  相似文献   

Genetic variability and relationships among five cattle breeds (Holstein, Pinzgau, Limousin, Slovak Spotted and Charolais) bred in the Slovak Republic were investigated separately using 11 microsatellite markers and 61 blood group systems. Allele frequency, heterozygosity (Ho, HE) and PIC values were investigated. F-statistics were computed separately. For microsatellite markers FIS, FIT, FST and for blood groups HS, HT, GST parameters were calculated. Microsatellite and blood group comparison showed similar results by F-statistics but some differences were marked using the other methods. Both methods were able to detect close relation between Slovak Pinzgau and Slovak Spotted cattle breeds. Their relation was confirmed by genetic distance, principal component analysis (PCA) and coefficient of admixture (mY). Important divergences between different markers used in the study were observed by the characterisation of Limousin and Charolais breeds.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that foot lesions and clinical lameness occur before first calving and develop further during the lactation period. Lameness may cause production losses, but the relationship between foot lesions, particularly in the claw horn, and lameness in heifers is unclear. The objectives of this study were to describe the development of and evaluate the relationship between lameness and foot lesions in Danish Holsteins before and after first calving. In a longitudinal study, 147 heifers were examined for lameness and foot lesions 2–5 times over an 18-month period. Lameness was assessed by means of a visual locomotion score and foot lesion severity was recorded.The prevalence of a locomotion score 3 was 25% before calving, and 90% at approximately 250 days in milk (DIM). Prevalence of moderate to severe sole haemorrhage (SH) was 27% before calving and 56% at 250 DIM, and that of moderate to severe white line lesion (WLL) 44% before calving with a peak of 70% at 200 DIM. There was one case of white line abscess but SH was seen throughout the entire study period. Digital dermatitis (DD) was prevalent prior to first calving (15%) and peaked at 39% at 0–100 DIM. Heel horn erosion (HHE) occurred in almost all cows (93–100%) and was strongly correlated with DD (r = 0.51). The correlation coefficient between SH and WLL was also high (0.42). The relatively high correlations between WLL and both DD and HHE were more surprising (0.38 and 0.35, respectively), those between SH and both DD and HHE were moderate (around 0.18). Interdigital dermatitis was significantly correlated with both HHE and DD, but completely unrelated to SH and WLL.The overall average locomotion score increased by about one-half of a score unit from 1 month prior to calving until 250 DIM, with a large difference between herds, although this was unsurprising as cows may alter their locomotion pattern with management factors (e.g. floor properties). DD and WLL were both associated with a locomotion score 3 but of the cows with severe WLL there was no clear association between a locomotion score 3 and DD. The highest locomotion scores occurred among cows with DD but without WLL.  相似文献   

A group of racehorses in training was examined on several occasions with a fibreoptic endoscope and monitored for viral infection. Only equine herpes virus-2 (EHV-2) infection was detected. Pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH) was present in all horses and decreased in severity with age. There was no association between PLH severity and antibody titres to EHV-1, or with the isolation of EHV-2. Finishing position in races was not affected by PLH severity. Exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH) was evident on 23 out of 49 (47 per cent) examinations after maximal speed training exercise. Eighteen out of 19 (95 per cent) horses examined on at least two occasions had EIPH but its occurrence was not predictable. Observable mucoid or mucopurulent exudate was present in the trachea in 60 out of 118 (50 per cent) examinations and the amount seen was increased following exercise.  相似文献   

通过畜禽营养调控及粪污处理技术发展生态营养   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
龙玲 《饲料研究》2002,(3):19-22
畜牧业生产的发展使环境污染问题日益加剧,危及着人类生活的生存的空间,本文从畜禽营养角度及粪污染处理出发,提出了营养调控与粪污处理的技术和方法,以减轻畜牧业对环境的污染,发展生态营养。  相似文献   

Objective-To compare laparoscopic skills among veterinarians before and after undertaking 1 of 2 programs of simulation training. Design-Evaluation study. Sample Population-17 veterinarians at 1 institution. Procedures-Basic skills were tested by use of the McGill inanimate system for training and evaluation of laparoscopic skills (MISTELS). Surgical performance was assessed through an objective structured assessment of technical skills (OSATS). Both tests were performed prior to and after a 12-session training program, consisting of MISTELS exercises (curriculum A) or a variety of exercises (curriculum B). Results-Curriculum B led to improvement of scores obtained with both the MISTELS and the OSATS. Curriculum A did not result in higher scores obtained with the MISTELS, compared with curriculum B. Curriculum A did not lead to an improvement of scores obtained with the OSATS. Participant-perceived value of the training program was correlated positively with the improvement of scores for MISTELS suturing tasks and scores obtained with the OSATS. Time spent in clinical laparoscopic surgery and curriculum B training were both positively correlated with the post-training OSATS scores but not with post-training MISTELS scores. Conversely, simulation training time correlated with an increase in MISTELS scores but not OSATS scores. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-MISTELS training resulted in significant improvement of basic laparoscopic skills but not in the assessment used for surgical performance. This may have been due to the small number of study participants, the assessment tool, or the method of training. A varied curriculum may be advantageous when training veterinarians for clinical laparoscopic practice.  相似文献   

Development of gilts that conceive early and continue to produce offspring is an objective of swine production. We investigated different patterns of growth on reproductive development and performance of gilts through the first farrowing. At 13 wk of age and 43 kg BW, 286 white crossbred gilts were penned individually and assigned to treatments: Ad lib, ad libitum intake from 13 to 25 wk of age; Control, ad libitum intake from 13 wk of age until 100 kg BW and then 90% of ad libitum intake until 25 wk of age; and Restricted, 74% of ad libitum intake from 13 wk to 25 wk of age. Feed was formulated to restrict energy intake. The study was replicated in three seasons. At 25 wk of age, gilts were moved by treatment to group pens, fed for ad libitum consumption, and estrus detection was initiated. Gilts were inseminated at first estrus, and those recycling were remated. Postmating gilts were fed 1.5x maintenance until 105 to 110 d of pregnancy. Gilts were moved either to the farrowing facility or the abattoir at 105 to 110 d of pregnancy. Those taken to the abattoir were slaughtered and number, weight, and condition of the fetuses were recorded. Gilts moved to the farrowing facility were allowed to farrow, and number, weight, and condition of the piglets were recorded. Daily feed intake during breeding was 3.4 kg/d by Restricted gilts, 2.9 by Control gilts, and 2.7 kg/d by Ad lib gilts. Increased feed intake by Restricted gilts during breeding resulted in compensatory gains that overcame the reduced reproductive performance that resulted from the reduced BW and backfat these gilts carried at the start of breeding. Days to first estrus and pregnancy were not influenced by development period treatment (P < 0.13). Percentage of Ad lib, Control, and Restricted gilts that successfully completed their pregnancies were 61, 74, and 66, respectively (P > 0.19). Total feed fed from 13 wk of age to end of the first pregnancy per gilt assigned did not differ among Ad lib (506 kg) and Control (498 kg) gilts but was less (P < 0.01) in Restricted gilts (451 kg). Number of piglets born per gilt assigned (P > 0.09) and piglets produced per kilogram of feed fed from 13 wk of age to term (P > 0.29) were 6.47 and 0.0134 in Ad lib gilts, 7.26 and 0.0150 in Control gilts, and 6.38 and 0.0149 in Restricted gilts, respectively. Moderate feed restriction, 74% of ad libitum intake, reduced feed consumed from 13 wk of age to end of the first pregnancy with no significant impact on efficiency of piglet production.  相似文献   

Chlamydia abortus is one of the most common abortive agents worldwide in sheep. Few studies have been reported C. abortus infection among sheep in Egypt but the available data is scarce. The objective of the present study was to determine the seroprevalence of C. abortus among sheep, the associated risk factors and its molecular characterization. The present study was conducted on 675 sheep in six Governorates at Northern Egypt. Data analysis confirmed the presence of antibodies against C. abortus in 93 out of 675 sheep. The logistic regression model was fitted to identify the associated risk factors with C. abortus infection. The results revealed that C. abortus increased significantly in ewes (OR = 4.04, 95 %CI: 1.44−11.28) during autumn season (OR = 3.6, 95 %CI: 1.64–8.28), in ewes with a history of abortion (OR = 1.4, 95 %CI: 0.87–2.50) and in farm where no lambing pen (OR = 2.2, 95 %CI: 1.30–3.94) or abscence of post abortion measures (OR = 1.96, 95%CI: 1.23-3.12). In addition, age, flock size and exchange of breeding ram had no significant effect on prevalence of chlamydiosis. Also, PCR assay was confirmed presence of C. abortus as accusative pathogen in aborted ewe and the genetic characterization of Egyptian C. abortus strain revealed 100 % identity with another strain from Iraq. A control program should be applied to reduce economic losses and risk of human infection.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the effect of having interruptions during training on future training and racing performance in Thoroughbred racehorses. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of having an interruption before the first trial on starting in a trial or a race. A prospective cohort study was used to record the training activity of a cohort of Thoroughbred racehorses, over two racing seasons. Fourteen racehorse trainers recorded information on the distances worked at canter and at fast speeds (<15 s/200 m) and provided reasons for horses not training, or for having interruptions (break from training). Trial and racing results were obtained from the New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing online database. A Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to investigate two outcome measures of performance: (1) time to the first trial and (2) time to the first race. The type of interruption that had occurred before the first trial was the main exposure of interest, and was grouped into: no interruption, voluntary (no known condition or disease present) and involuntary interruptions (due to the presence of a condition or disease).A total of 160/200 (80%) horses started in at least one trial and 100/205 (48%) horses started in at least one race during the study period. The median time to starting in a trial or a race differed significantly (p < 0.001) with the type of interruption. The hazard of starting in a trial was lower for horses experiencing voluntary and involuntary interruptions (p < 0.001) but there was no association with starting in a race, after adjusting for confounding variables. As age at the start of training increased the hazard of starting in a trial decreased. Horses accumulating longer distances at 15 s/200 m had a higher hazard of starting in a trial, whilst horses accumulating fewer events at high speed and fewer trials had a reduced hazard of starting in a race. There was significant clustering at the trainer level for both the outcomes investigated. Interruptions to training had an effect on the time to, and hazard of, a trial but not a race start. The timing of these interruptions may have implications for future racing success and career longevity.  相似文献   

浏览近一段时间的报刊杂志、或网络信息、或业界评论,GMP仍是兽药行业的一个热门话题,大家对各企业的GMP建设和通过寄予了太多的关注,也对GMP推动兽药行业的规范和洗牌寄予了太多的厚望,催生了一部分GMP达标企业做业内品牌企业的决心。同时也不乏有识之士撩开了GMP达标的面纱,揭示达标后企业竞争的深  相似文献   

AIM: To monitor pregnancy in a group of rising 2-year-old dairy heifers on a farm on which abortion due to Neospora caninum was known to occur in previous years. METHODS: A prospective cohort study group of 164 rising 2-year-old heifers was pregnancy-tested and blood-sampled at 4-5-week intervals throughout gestation. Sera were tested for antibodies to N. caninum at 3-4-month intervals, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). When loss of pregnancy was detected, an N. caninum indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was conducted retrospectively on stored sera collected the month before abortion, the month abortion was detected, and for the following 2 months, from heifers that aborted. All fetal and placental material detected following abortion was subjected to gross post-mortem and histopathological examination. RESULTS: Eleven of 18 (61%) heifers that were seropositive and 4/146 (3%) heifers that were seronegative to N. caninum by ELISA, aborted. The relative risk for abortion among ELISA-positive heifers was 23.6. Abortion occurred predominantly between Days 120 and 152 gestation among the ELISA-positive heifers and throughout gestation among the ELISA-negative heifers. IFAT titres rose around the time of abortion in most of the heifers that were previously seropositive by ELISA, but dropped rapidly again in post-abortion samples. IFAT titres among 4/6 ELISA-positive heifers that did not abort increased, but later in gestation than the time other heifers aborted. IFAT titres remained negative in heifers that aborted that were ELISA negative. CONCLUSIONS: Heifers that were seropositive to N. caninum by ELISA had a much greater risk of abortion than seronegative heifers. Most seropositive heifers showed evidence of a reactivation of infection during pregnancy. High (> or =1:2,000) N. caninum IFAT titres also occurred in non-aborting heifers. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Culling of replacement heifers seropositive to N. caninum may be a cost-effective strategy for minimising risk of abortion. Pregnancy testing heifers before 5 months gestation may overestimate the number that calve in N. caninum-infected herds, but would assist in documenting the occurrence of abortion. Reliance on a high (>1:2,000) IFAT titre to rule-in N. caninum as a cause of abortion is likely to produce false-positive results.  相似文献   

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