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运输动物可能发生在各个动物生产或使用单位的内部,也可能发生在动物供应商与用户之间,对于野生动物,还可能会发生在捕捉地点与饲养设施之间。动物的运输过程中,许多的方面可能对动物福利产生直接的影响。包括搬运,从熟悉的同种中隔离及可能的单独饲养,被装载在不熟悉的运输容器中,装卸,运输途中的运动、震动、包括加速和减速,为保证平衡导致的紧张(特别是大动物),不熟悉的信息、声音和气味,温度和湿度的波动及极端温度,黑暗(避光设置),被停止供食或无采食和饮水意愿,最终用户提供的新环境和程序,不熟悉的人和可能社会等级竞争重构健等均是潜在造成动物应激的因素。认真评估和组织运输中的各个方面,人道对待所运输的动物对保障研究的质量和动物福利是必须的。本文简单论述了运输对实验动物福利的影响及造成这些影响的潜在因素、评价指标。推荐了一个人道运输实验动物的通行准则,以及一些有价值的文献数据。更加详细的内容可以阅读参考文献的原文。  相似文献   

Dehydration and increased risk of respiratory problems are common outcomes of transport, and both appear to be related to journey duration, emotional effects, such as fear, and challenging environmental conditions. Welfare may be improved by familiarising equines with transport vehicles and loading procedures before travel starts, and by providing thermally comfortable and well ventilated conditions during the journey. For long road journeys, rest breaks with drinking water should be given. Both trained and unhandled animals should have sufficient space and freedom to adjust their posture and to lower their heads, but maximum safe space allowances are unknown. Mares and foals should be transported together. Injury during transport is relatively common, particularly in groups of horses travelling to slaughter, and is usually associated with driver error, internal fittings and vehicle type or design, but also with mixing of animals of different sex and weight leading to fighting. There needs to be better training and monitoring to prevent such avoidable risks to horse welfare. There is also a need for more research into appropriate prophylaxis and post transport therapy as knowledge of accumulated stress and depressed immune function following prolonged and repeated transport is poorly understood.  相似文献   

The welfare of animals during transport should be assessed using a range of behavioural, physiological and carcass quality measures. In addition, health is an important part of welfare so the extent of any disease, injury or mortality resulting from, or exacerbated by, transport should be measured. Many of the indicators are measures of stress in that they involve long-term adverse effects on the individual. Key factors affecting the welfare of animals during handling and transport which are discussed are: attitudes to animals and the need for training of staff; methods of payment of staff; laws and retailers' codes; genetics, especially selection for high productivity; rearing conditions and experience; the mixing of animals from different social groups; handling procedures: driving methods; stocking density; increased susceptibility to disease and increased spread of disease.  相似文献   

The welfare of animals during transport should be assessed using a range of behavioural, physiological and carcass quality measures. In addition, health is an important part of welfare so the extent of any disease, injury or mortality resulting from, or exacerbated by, transport should be measured. Many of the indicators are measures of stress in that they involve long-term adverse effects on the individual. Key factors affecting the welfare of animals during handling and transport which are discussed are: attitudes to animals and the need for training of staff; methods of payment of staff; laws and retailers' codes; genetics especially selection for high productivity; rearing conditions and experience; the mixing of animals from different social groups; handling procedures; driving methods; stocking density; increased susceptibility to disease and increased spread of disease.  相似文献   

Every year millions of calves and cattle are transported across, from and to Europe. Most of these animals are going to slaughter houses in the respective countries or in another community state or coming or going abroad (extra-EU). These transports give cause for concern for at least three reasons: First, it can cause severe stress in animals entailing poor welfare. Second, stressful transports may have a negative effect on meat quality. Third, there is the risk of spread of infectious diseases over large distances. Existing legislation does not provide enough protection to transported animals especially over long distances largely because considerable parts of the regulations are not sufficiently based on scientific evidence. In recent years some research is carried out including the EU financed CATRA research project (contract QLK5-CT 1999-0157) concentrating on the welfare and meat quality aspects of cattle transport. This paper summarises important results of this recent research and gives some recommendations for future legislation. The welfare of the animals is limited by their needs not by a fixed maximum transport time, if vehicle and transport conditions are appropriate. Bulls, steers and heifers are reacting differently on transport. Adapt transport schemes to the needs of the animals. Meat quality is only effected in extreme situations. Some animals develop an energy deficit after 6 h of transport. Develop appropriate feeding regimes for long transport. Abolish stressful loading and unloading in staging posts (injuries, infectious diseases). Staging posts are particularly stressful for bulls. Educate handlers and drivers more intensively. Pay drivers inverse to losses. Develop monitor systems for long and short distance transport (e.g. records, GPS). Improve vehicle design (e.g. vibration).  相似文献   

The welfare of cattle depends greatly on the attitudes and training of stockpersons and on the availability of appropriate facilities. Much has been learned about stress during transport, but less attention has been paid to identifying and correcting critical points, partly because they vary widely both nationally and internationally. A survey of cattle transport in Spain was made in an effort to determine which parts of the process most compromised the animals' welfare. Data were collected on the methods and facilities for loading and unloading, transport times, types of vehicle and slaughterhouse practices. Loading facilities were adequate and loading times generally short but some farms continued to use an electric goad and weather-proofing was generally poor. The average journey time within Spain was three-and-a-half hours, but many trips were made abroad (especially to Italy), few drivers received specific training courses and the types and quality of vehicles varied widely. The average unloading time was very short but the animals were not always inspected for injuries or dirtiness. Lairage times were normally more than eight hours but few slaughterhouses had air-conditioning equipment to prevent excessive heat or dehydration. Almost all stockpersons avoided either regrouping animals or housing or transporting animals at high densities.  相似文献   

Driving performance, air quality in the vehicle, and handling during loading and unloading are the main factors, which could affect animal welfare. During transport of animals from farms to abattoirs, animals on the vehicle are subjected to vibrations in all directions. Performances of a typical vehicle for cattle transport have been studied under field commercial conditions. During the experiment, tri-axial vibrations on the vehicle, as well as velocity, slope and position were measured. The animals were video recorded for behavioral analyses. Geographical positions, speed and slope of roads were recorded using, GPS. Measurements were made with and without animals on the vehicle. The roads in the region are narrow almost everywhere, but rather plane and of good quality. Three road types were identified: straight and plain, curvy and graveled roads. Events such as sudden stops and curves were observed and noted. Vibration levels in tri-axial directions have been measured and analysed for different speeds and road types both when the vehicle was fully loaded and unloaded. There is a significant difference between the performances of the vehicle when loaded and unloaded. Very high vibrations values have been noted during the empty driving and these values were reduced by up to 9 times when the vehicle was loaded. Less vibrations amplitudes were observed and animals were calmer on ferry transport than on road transport. It has also been noted that animals prefer to stand perpendicular to the direction of vehicle's motion during transport.  相似文献   

Physiological and behavioural field studies on long distance road transport of 116 heifers, 135 bulls and 64 steers in 10 goose-necked double decked semitrailers from northern Germany to mediteranean ports showed different impacts of handling during pre-transport (i.e. collection of animals, weighing, loading), transport journey itself and post transport handling (i.e. lairage time) on coping strategies of the different categories of cattle. It was found loss of body weight in steers (-6.65%) coming from pasture was higher compared to bulls (-4.6%) during transport, but they recovered during lairage time in a better way. All categories of cattle showed catabolic energy metabolism during transport, but only in bulls and to a farer extent in heifers this leads to a tendency of a ketotic metabolism during second parts of transport and lairage time. During whole transport time no more than 20% of bulls and steers were laying down, and less than 5% were feeding during driving intervals. In all parts of transport general stress parameters like heart rate (with exception to steers) and cortisol were elevated as a part of adaptation to the transport environment, but indicating high physical and emotional loads on the animals with no resting possibilities. In this context animals have to be prepared carefully to be transported, i.e. in reference to energy and fluid balance, and to be feed in sufficient time intervals (breaks) and lengths to maintain fundamental behavioural and physiological needs of the animals during transport. The lairage facilities are very important for the bulls and in the case of heifers the feeding regime during lairage time must be improved to ensure the possibility for a real resting and recovery of the animals after transport.  相似文献   

Animals are subjected to various events that cause physical exhaustion and psychological stress during transfer to slaughter. This can lead to defective meat quality. Some animals may be better able to withstand the stress of transfer, depending on their previous experience of transport and on their finishing conditions (mixing, farmers' attitudes). The objective of this study was to assess the impact of 1) the conditions of transfer to slaughter (including duration of the journey, waiting time at lairage, etc.); and 2) the bulls' previous history (including experience in transport, mixing during finishing, and the farmers' attitudes) on the reactions of bulls to transfer and on their meat quality. We conducted a survey in commercial conditions. The history of the bulls and the facilities on the farms were noted; farmers were questioned on their attitudes; the bulls' reactions to loading into and unloading from the truck were observed; journey-related data were collected; and cortisol concentration at slaughter and the pH of the LM and the rectus abdominis were measured. Our study confirmed that certain physical factors associated with transport can increase stress and limit the decline of meat pH. These factors include the absence of loading facilities on the farm, transport on a warm day, or a short waiting time at lairage. Social aspects also played a role; the presence of bulls from the same finishing group limited stress and improved the pH decline. Events and management before transfer were also of importance; the farmer awareness of the sensitivity of bulls to humans or to feeding schedules but the absence of a positive attitude toward close contacts with bulls were all likely to limit stress or its consequences on meat pH. Although these results need to be confirmed in controlled experiments, they suggest that good management of beef bulls before and during transfer is essential to meat quality.  相似文献   

Shrink is a normal occurrence in cattle that affects both the seller and buyer; a few hours to over 30 d are required to replenish this lost BW. The primary factor affecting shrink is the length of time of feed and water withdrawal; rate of shrink averages ca. 1%/h during the initial 3 to 4 h, but decreases to as low as 0.1%/h after 10 h or more. Shrink is not only loss of gut fill but actual tissue loss, which can exceed 60% of the total BW loss. This amount is greater when ambient temperatures are high. Many other factors also affect the amount of shrink cattle incur. Shrink may be increased by up to 2 percentage units when environmental conditions are stressful, such as during periods of high ambient temperature, transport (compared with holding in a drylot), or during extra or rough handling. Preconditioning calves or feeding specific types of diets prior to shrink have not affected shrink conclusively. Allowing calves to consume feed or forage immediately before deprivation reduced the amount of shrink by up to 2.9 percentage units, and feeding ionophores reduced shrink by 0.2 to 1.5 percentage units. Electrolyte supplementation may also reduce shrink, but much more research is needed to determine which electrolyte or combination of electrolytes is needed, at what levels they are needed, and when is the optimal time to supplement with higher levels of electrolytes to have the greatest impact on reduction of shrink and stress.  相似文献   

Keeping pigs in lairage provides a buffer to supply the slaughter line and allows the pigs to recover from the stress of transport. It has implications for the pigs' welfare by influencing their behaviour and ease of handling. In terms of pork quality, optimal lairage times for most pigs in the UK are probably one to three hours. Shorter lairage times are associated with more pale, soft, exudative (PSE) meat and longer times are associated with more dark, firm, dry (DFD) meat, more skin blemishes caused by fighting, and a lower carcase yield. However, when pigs have not been previously stressed by handling procedures, resting them in lairage may have no beneficial effects on the pigs' welfare or meat quality. At very high environmental temperatures there is evidence that a holding period of less than one hour may help to reduce the number of PSE carcases. At temperatures above 10 degrees C showering the pigs with water is beneficial. Fasting times need to be controlled to minimise the potential loss of carcase yield while reducing the volume of gut contents to reduce the risk of carcase contamination. Lairages can act as reservoirs of infection by pathogenic bacteria and there is evidence that longer holding times increase the risk of cross-contamination.  相似文献   

The different phases of production of farmed and hunted wild game fresh meat are described. The importance of reducing the stress resulting from handling procedures (capture, restraint, transport) before the slaughtering of animals is highlighted, due to its adverse effects on meat quality. The hygienic and animal welfare criteria to be adopted in the slaughtering of wild game are described. The importance of carcass inspection immediately after slaughtering is stated, so that meat can be destined for human consumption. Possible alterations occurring in fresh and refrigerated meat, that are capable of compromising its consumability, are presented.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify the contributions of stationary periods and external climatic environments to thermal stress conditions for sheep on livestock transport vehicles during journeys in summer. METHODS: Two livestock transport vehicles carrying sheep, operating under commercial conditions in New Zealand, were monitored during February and March 2002. Temperature and humidity were logged in five pens inside each vehicle, as well as externally. From these data, the temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated. Global positioning equipment was used to log the location of the vehicle and whether it was moving or stationary. Regression analysis was used to identify factors that made a significant contribution to the THI within the vehicle. Regression models included the effects of vehicle, journey, initial ambient temperature or THI, pen position and duration of each stationary period. RESULTS: The THI in the livestock pens generally increased when vehicles were stationary. The highest THI value (95) was recorded in a vehicle on an enclosed deck of a Cook Strait ferry. Ambient conditions, the initial THI of a pen, and duration of the stationary period were all significant contributors to increases in the THI. Some increases in the THI occurred in stationary vehicles despite ambient conditions being mild, suggesting that lack of airflow was a critical factor. During stationary periods, 34% of THI readings exceeded 75, and, on average, the THI increased by 0.16 for every minute of a stationary period. CONCLUSIONS: Increases in the THI that could be detrimental to the welfare of sheep could occur on stationary sheep transport vehicles at most daytime ambient temperatures during summer. For a given stocking density and vehicle design, the THI of a pen increased in proportion to the duration of the stationary period. Mild ambient conditions (<25 degrees C) provided some protection against excessive THI increases if the duration of the stop was limited, but drivers are best advised to park their vehicles where there is airflow, and to minimise the duration of stops where possible. Livestock transport vehicles during summer should not be placed on enclosed ferry decks where airflow is absent or minimal.  相似文献   

The different phases of production of farmed and hunted wild game fresh meat are described. The importance of reducing the stress resulting from handling procedures (capture, restraint, transport) before the slaughtering of animals is highlighted, due to its adverse effects on meat quality. The hygienic and animal welfare criteria to be adopted in the slaughtering of wild game are described. The importance of carcass inspection immediately after slaughtering is stated, so that meat can be destined for human consumption. Possible alterations occurring in fresh and refrigerated meat, that are capable of compromising its consumability, are presented.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the welfare level of hens in four molting methods by comparing their behavior, physical condition and performance. In total, 96 White Leghorn layers (72 weeks of age) were used. The four molting methods consisted of 10 days of feeding and the first 3 days of water withdrawal WFW); 10 day feed withdrawal (WF) followed by ad libitum access to a layer diet from day 11, 28 days of restricted feeding (RF) and 28 days without withdrawing their feed (NW). The RF and NW hens were fed a low energy diet. The WFW and WF hens showed two clear phases of behavior during the 10‐day fasting period. Explorative and stereotyped behavior increased for WFW and WF hens just after their fast. Standing‐resting then increased for WFW and WF hens while lying‐resting decreased. In contrast, RF and NW hens did not show clear behavioral changes during the 28‐day molt period. The weight loss of the NW hens was more gradual compared with the other three methods. No significant differences were seen in any productive trait among the four methods during the postmolt period. In conclusion, the welfare level of RF and NW, especially NW, was higher compared with WFW and WF.  相似文献   


The different phases of production of farmed and hunted wild game fresh meat are described. The importance of reducing the stress resulting from handling procedures (capture, restraint, transport) before the slaughtering of animals is highlighted, due to its adverse effects on meat quality. The hygienic and animal welfare criteria to be adopted in the slaughtering of wild game are described. The importance of carcass inspection immediately after slaughtering is stated, so that meat can be destined for human consumption. Possible alterations occurring in fresh and refrigerated meat, that are capable of compromising its consumability, are presented.


To assess animal welfare during transport in Hungary, a questionnaire study was carried out in 1998. The questionnaire consisted of 39 questions addressing some general characteristics as well as specific ones regarding means of transport, fulfillment of the animals' needs on board and others. Three-hundred and ninety-one questionnaires were analysed representing about 0.1% of all yearly transports in Hungary. The most significant problems encountered were with conditions of transport that are more relevant for longer transports, especially those exceeding eight hours. Such are, inter alia, weather protection, ventilation, means to tie or separate animals and the provision of food and water. Even though there are several different types of vehicle available for transporting animals in Hungary, vehicles that are not appropriate for the species, distance or other conditions of the transport are sometimes used. Our results apply to the preparatory phase before the introduction of new, EU conform legislation on the protection of animals during transport. They enable more specific investigations or corrective measures to be undertaken by the competent authority responsible for the enforcement of such regulations in Hungary.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary energy source and feed withdrawal on muscle glycolytic potential (GP) and blood acid-base responses to handling were investigated in slaughter-weight pigs (initial BW 94.7 ± 1.01 kg). Crossbred pigs (n = 96; 48 barrows, 48 gilts) were used in a randomized complete block design with a 4 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments: l) diet [control, high fat (10% supplemental fat), low-digestible carbohydrate (20% total starch), and high-fat/low-digestible carbohydrate (10% supplemental fat and 20% total starch)]; 2) feed withdrawal (0 and 36 h); and 3) sex (barrow and gilt). Diets were fed for 28 d before the feed withdrawal treatment was applied, at the end of which all pigs were individually moved through a 12.20-m-long × 0.91-m-wide passageway for 16 laps (195 m total distance), with the assistance of an electric goad (2 times per lap). Longissimus muscle biopsies were collected at the beginning of the feeding and feed withdrawal periods and immediately after and 4 h after the handling procedure. Venous blood was collected 2 h before and immediately after the handling procedure to measure acid-base responses. At the end of the feeding period, pigs fed the control and high-fat diets were heavier (P < 0.001) than those on the low-digestible carbohydrate and the high-fat/low-digestible carbohydrate diets (129.8, 130.9, 114.0, and 122.1 kg, respectively; SEM 1.91). Diet, feed withdrawal, and sex did not affect (P > 0.05) blood acid-base responses to handling. Muscle GP at the end of the feeding period and 4 h posthandling was least (P < 0.05) for pigs fed the high-fat diet and similar for the other 3 diet treatments. Pigs subjected to 36 h compared with 0 h of feed withdrawal had less GP (P < 0.05) immediately after and 4 h after the handling procedure. There was an interaction between diet and feed withdrawal treatments for changes in GP from the start of feed withdrawal to 4 h posthandling. The reduction in GP was greater (P < 0.05) for fasted than for fed pigs receiving the control and high-fat diets, but was similar (P > 0.05) for fasted and fed pigs receiving the 2 low-digestible carbohydrate diets. In conclusion, neither dietary energy source nor fasting affected blood acid-base responses to handling; however, fasting-induced changes in LM GP were diet dependent.  相似文献   

应激对猪生产性能、行为及血液理化指标影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应激条件下会影响猪的生产性能、行为及血液生理生化指标,对动物机体造成危害。因此,在畜牧生产实践中应尽一切努力防止应激特别是严重应激的发生,以免影响生产的有序进行,损害动物福利,降低经济效益。作者主要综述了断奶、冷、热、运输、屠宰等常见应激因素对猪的生产性能、行为及血液生理生化指标的影响。  相似文献   

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