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Improving rice yields is critical for global food security. China is a major rice-producing country having two rice cropping systems, i.e. single-season rice cropping system and a double-season system with both early- and late-season rice. There have been reports on the sink-source traits contributing to high grain yield for single- and early-season rice, but such information is limited for late-season rice. In this study, field experiments were conducted at the research farm of Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi Province, China in the late rice-growing season. Grain yield and sink-source traits were compared among five cultivars (Guiliangyou 2, Teyou 838, Y-liangyou 087, Teyou 582, and Yuxiangyouzhan) in 2012 and then three cultivars (Guiliangyou 2, Teyou 838, and Y-liangyou 087) in 2013. Y-liangyou 087 produced 6–26% higher grain yield than did the other cultivars. This higher grain yield was driven by improvements in sink-source capacity. Sink capacity was 8–31% higher in Y-liangyou 087 than in the other cultivars. Well-balanced relations between spikelets m?2 and grain weight was responsible for the higher sink capacity in Y-liangyou 087. The result was that Y-liangyou 087 produced 11–17% greater biomass (source capacity) than did the other cultivars. The greater source capacity in Y-liangyou 087 was mainly attributed to higher radiation use efficiency (RUE). Our study suggests that enhancing sink capacity through balanced relations between number of spikelets per unit land area and grain size, while improving source capacity through increasing RUE is a feasible way to achieve higher grain yield of late-season rice in South China.  相似文献   

In India, dry-seeded rice (DSR) production systems are rapidly replacing conventional rice production systems due to various advantages. DSR systems can be managed under zero-till (ZT) conditions or after a preparatory tillage, often referred to as conventional tillage systems (CONT). Although previous reports indicate the contribution of tillage to weed suppression, the effect of one-time preparatory tillage in a DSR system could vary depending on the dominant weeds in the system, vertical seed distribution and the weed seed dynamics. A study was conducted to test the efficacy of ZT and CONT and their interaction with herbicide treatments on the weed population dynamics and rice grain yield in 2010 and 2011. Tillage systems did not affect weed emergence, weed biomass, tiller production and crop yield. However, herbicide treatments varied in their efficacy on individual weeds. Hand-weeding treatments and pendimethalin combined with hand weeding did not effectively control Cyperus rotundus L. and Panicum maximum Jacq. (a perennial grass weed with underground parts). The herbicide combination of metsulfuron and chlorimuron was effective in controlling C. rotundus but not grass weeds. This indicates the need for sequential applications of herbicides for grass weed control or integration of hand weeding to achieve broad-spectrum weed control. Apart from hand weeding (three times), treatment with penoxsulam–cyhalofop and pendimethalin followed by (fb) hand weeding resulted in low weed density, high tiller production and grain yield. The study clearly indicates that tillage does not always lead to weed suppression compared with ZT, and herbicides must be chosen based on the dominant weeds in a system. The results of this study are pertinent as herbicide-resistant weeds are rapidly evolving under continuous herbicide selection pressure, which warrants studies on enhancing productivity through low-input, environmentally friendly and sustainable production technology.  相似文献   

为了解决浙北地区因早稻收获偏迟,连作晚粳稻品种难于应用抛秧栽培的矛盾,作者于1995~1998年进行了系列栽培试验.结果表明连晚采用全生育期120d左右的特早熟晚粳品种抛秧,表现短龄早发,茬口适应性广,综合措施配套时可以实现高产稳产.在配套技术上关键是掌握适期播种,适当减少用种量,培育短龄壮秧;本田期要确保在一定起点苗数的基础上,适当降低前期的用肥量,及时搁田,增加穗肥用量,提高成穗率,争取大穗高产.  相似文献   

不同施氮量对免耕/翻耕移栽稻生长及产量形成的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为探讨免耕移栽稻的氮肥管理措施和比较不同耕作方式下移栽稻的生长规律,研究了不同施氮量处理对免耕/翻耕移栽稻生长及产量形成的影响.结果表明,无论翻耕或免耕,增施氮肥可以促进分蘖的发生和叶面积的扩展;在水稻各生育时期,随着氮肥用量的增加,干物质的积累量有增加的趋势,每穗粒数和收获指数逐渐减少;水稻总吸氮量和实际产量逐渐增加,而氮肥吸收利用率、生理利用率和农学利用率及偏生产能力逐渐减小.翻耕移栽稻的分蘖能力、有效穗数和吸氮量显著高于免耕移栽稻,但翻耕和免耕对水稻产量及其构成因素的影响差异不显著,免耕移栽稻的氮肥生理利用率显著高于翻耕移栽稻.  相似文献   

Farmers have adopted alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation to cope with water scarcity in rice production. This practice shifts rice land away from being continuously anaerobic to being partly aerobic, thus affecting nutrient availability to the rice plant, and requiring some adjustment in nutrient management. The use of a chlorophyll meter (also known as a SPAD meter) has been proven effective in increasing nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) in continuously flooded (CF) rice, but its use has not been investigated under AWD irrigation. This study aimed at testing the hypotheses that (i) SPAD-based N management can be applied to AWD in the same way it is used in CF rice, and (ii) combining chlorophyll meter-based nitrogen management and AWD can enhance NUE, save water, and maintain high rice yield. Experiments were conducted in a split-plot design with four replications in the 2004 and 2005 dry seasons (DS) at IRRI. The main plots were three water treatments: CF, AWD that involved irrigation application when the soil dried to soil water potential at 15-cm depth of −20 kPa (AWD−20) and −80 kPa (AWD−80) in 2004, and AWD−10 and AWD−50 were used in 2005. The subplots were five N management treatments: zero N (N0), 180 kg N ha−1 in four splits (N180), and three SPAD-based N-management treatments in which N was applied when the SPAD reading of the youngest fully extended leaf was less than or equaled 35 (NSPAD35), 38 (NSPAD38), and 41 (NSPAD41). In 2005, NSPAD32 was tested instead of NSPAD41. A good correlation between leaf N content per unit leaf area and the SPAD reading was observed for all water treatments, suggesting that the SPAD reading can be used to estimate leaf N of rice grown under AWD in a way similar to that under CF. SPAD readings and leaf color chart (LCC) values also showed a good correlation. There were no water × nitrogen interactive effects on rice yield, water input, water productivity, and N-use efficiency. Rice yield in AWD−10 was similar to those of CF; yields of other AWD treatments were significantly lower than those of CF. AWD−10 reduced irrigation water input by 20% and significantly increased water productivity compared with CF. The apparent nitrogen recovery and agronomic N-use efficiency (ANUE) of AWD−10 and AWD−20 were similar to those of CF. The ANUE of NSPAD38 and NSPAD35 was consistently higher than that of N180 in all water treatments. NSPAD38 consistently gave yield similar to that of N180 in all water treatments, while yield of NSPAD35 about 90% of that of CF. We conclude that a combination of AWD−10 and SPAD-based N management, using critical value 38, can save irrigation water and N fertilizer while maintaining high yield as in CF conditions with fixed time and rate of nitrogen application of 180 kg ha−1. Treatments AWD−20 and NSPAD35 may be accepted by farmers when water and N fertilizer are scarce and costly. The findings also suggested LCC can also be a practical tool for N-fertilizer management of rice grown under AWD, but this needs further field validation.  相似文献   

丁硫克百威作晚稻种子处理剂的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁硫克百威具有良好的内吸杀虫作用,为探讨其在晚稻上作种子处理剂与多效唑混用的效果,1997-1998年采用35%丁硫克百威与15%多效唑混合拌种进行了试验和示范。结果表明,35%丁硫克百威拌种,能极显著地杀灭秧田虫害,并具有刺激生长,缩短生育期、增加产量的作用。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2005,91(1):71-81
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation in no-till soil of a postrice harvest field utilizes residual soil moisture and reduces the time period from rice harvest to wheat seeding in intensive rice-wheat cropping systems. Some of the major constraints in no-till wheat production are high weed infestation, poor stand establishment due to rapid drying of topsoil and low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). A field experiment was conducted at the research farm of the Wheat Research Centre, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, for two consecutive years to overcome those constraints, to evaluate rice straw as mulch, and to determine the optimum application rate of nitrogen (N) for no-till wheat. The treatments included 12 factorial combinations of three levels of mulching: no mulch (M0), surface application of rice straw mulch at 4.0 Mg ha−1 that was withdrawn at 20 days after sowing (M1), the same level of mulch as M1 but allowed to be retained on the soil surface (M2), and four nitrogen levels (control 80, 120 and 160 kg ha−1). Rice straw mulching had a significant effect on conserving initial soil moisture and reducing weed growth. Root length density and root weight density of wheat were positively influenced both by straw mulching and N levels. N uptake and apparent nitrogen recovery of applied N fertilizer were higher in mulch treatments M1 and M2 as compared to M0. Also mulch treatment of M1 and M2 were equally effective at conserving soil moisture, suppressing growth of weed flora, promoting root development and thereby improved grain yield of no-till wheat. N application of 120 kg ha−1 with straw mulch was found to be suitable for no-till wheat in experimental field condition.  相似文献   

Yan  Fengjun  Sun  Yongjian  Hui  Xu  Jiang  Mingjin  Xiang  Kaihong  Wu  Yunxia  Zhang  Qiao  Tang  Yuan  Yang  Zhiyuan  Sun  Yuanyuan  Jun  Ma 《Paddy and Water Environment》2019,17(1):23-33
Paddy and Water Environment - To optimize straw application and understand the effects of straw mulch and straw nutrient release on rice nutrient uptake, we investigated the effects of two types of...  相似文献   

缓释复合肥对免耕直播水稻生长和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在免耕直播条件下,水稻施肥明显不同于翻耕移栽,肥料撒施在土壤表层,流失、挥发严重,利用率低,而采用少量多次施肥,又消耗人力.通过对缓释肥料在水稻免耕直播栽培上的应用效果研究,表明使用缓释肥料具有提高免耕稻田土壤有效氮的含量16~45 mg/kg,满足水稻生长发育,减少水稻的无效分蘖,增加每穗粒数和产量的效果.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of rice straw management and application of different types of organic fertilizer on growth and yield of dry direct-seeded rice grown under rainfed conditions. The experiment was conducted in a farmer’s field at Muang Yai village, Khon Kaen province in 2005. A split-plot design was used, with the main plot under rice straw management (incorporating into the soil and burning), and sub-plots by type of organic fertilizer (green manure, cattle manure and powder organic fertilizer) and one plot under no-fertilizer application. It was found that rice straw incorporated into the soil had no significant effect on grain yield when compared with the effect of burning. Organic fertilizer of cattle manure and powder organic fertilizer significantly increased grain yield over that of green manure and no-fertilizer application. This paper is listed as a series of articles of the special issue “Water and Food” 6(1), March 2008.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1987,17(1):75-90
The effects of nitrogen fertilization and stubble treatment on soil mineral-N content, moisture status and subsequent crop N uptake were studied in a series of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops planted soon after rice (Oryza sativa L.) harvest. The experiments were part of a programme to define optimum management systems for intensive rice/upland cereal rotations. Stubble management, N application time and rate all influenced amount of soil mineral-N, accounting for up to 52, 67 and 75%, respectively, of the mineral-N variation. In turn, variation in soil mineral-N explained up to 70% of the variation in N accumulation by wheat. N accumulation was highly correlated with crop yield (r2 up to 0.95).Incorporating large quantities of rice stubble at wheat sowing reduced soil NO-3-N concentration by 36% at stem elongation. Both N uptake and yield were reduced by 38% on these plots. Increasing quantities of rice stubble retained on the soil surface increased soil NO3-N concentration by 46%, and wheat on these plots had a 29% increase in N uptake and a 37% increase in yield. Stubble burning rather than retention on the surface resulted in lower soil NO3-N concentration, and this was ascribed to ammonia volatilization resulting from fertilizer contact with ash, and to reduced mineralisation in the drier soil.Application of N at wheat sowing significantly increased mineral-N status at least until stem elongation, while fertilization at tillering or stem elongation significantly increased soil mineral-N content at least until anthesis.It was concluded that stubble and fertilization management techniques can be manipulated in order to regulate soil mineral-N status, which in turn determined plant N uptake. Plant N uptake determined yield.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - The need of providing a farmer friendly and cost-effective option for the paddy straw management is a major challenge. The present study investigated the performance...  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1998,57(3):265-276
The grain quality of wheat is influenced by the protein content, which in turn depends on environmental conditions and cropping practices. We carried out a 3-year field study in a rainfed Mediterranean region on the effects of tillage, crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on the grain quality of hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) in terms of protein content, test weight and alveogram indices. Tillage treatments were no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT). Crop rotations were wheat–sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) (WS), wheat–chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) (WCP), wheat–fababean (Vicia faba L.) (WFB), wheat–fallow (WF) and continuous wheat (CW). Fertilizer nitrogen was used at three different rates: 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha−1. A split–split plot design with four replicates was used. Grain protein content was found to be inversely proportional to rainfall during the growing season. The tillage method was also found to affect grain protein content, test weight and some grain quality indices. Through its effect on moisture and nitrate in the soil. The crop rotations that included a legume (WCP and WFB) had marked effects on wheat quality. The increased grain protein content and resulted in improved rheological properties of the dough (viz. a higher alveogram index and a more balanced tenacity/extensibility ratio). However, no differences due to N dilution in the plant were observed in the wettest year studied, which was also the highest yielding. Increasing the fertilizer N rate increased the grain protein content; this variable had the most marked influence on grain quality indices, though in the year that gave the highest yield the N dilution effect was observed. The many significant interactions among experimental variables reveal a close relationship among grain yield, protein content, grain quality and the wheat growth conditions. Specifically, the amount of rainfall and its distribution in the growing season strongly influenced N availability and uptake by the crop, as well as wheat-grain quality indices.  相似文献   

培矮64S与粳稻配置杂交组合的农艺性状表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证粳型材料与培矮64S配组利用的可能性,2002年在浙江嘉兴用194个粳稻品种或品系与培矮64S配置F1,对F1的结实率、株高、有效穗、千粒重等主要性状进行了分类观察并和父母本进行比较.结论为:多数F1的结实率能达到正常水平;F1在株高、穗粒数上存在超亲优势;F1千粒重偏小,且有明显偏母本的倾向.针对上述发现,认为利用具感温型早、中熟,兼具大粒及矮秆的父本,有利于选育实用型的爪粳交类型两系杂交组合.  相似文献   

In order to assess direct seeding of rice technology to cope with future agricultural labor shortage in Cambodia, agronomic experiments were conducted in 2005 and 2006 to compare direct seeding with transplanting under three water conditions (non-flooded, shallow flooded, and deep flooded conditions) with/without weed control by herbicides (bentazone and cyhalofop-butyl) for two Cambodian rice varieties (shorter stature and early maturity Sen Pidao, taller stature and longer maturity Phka Rumduol). Average rice yield in 2 years was lower in direct seeding (341 g m−2) than transplanting (404 g m−2), but interaction components with year, varieties, water conditions, and weed management were significant, and the attained maximum yield of direct seeding (510 and 464 g m−2 for Phka Rumduol variety in shallow flooded condition with weeding in 2005 and 2006, respectively) was similar to that of transplanting. Plant length and dry weight of rice were reduced in non-flooded and deep flooded conditions compared with shallow flooded condition, and grain yield was the highest in shallow flooded condition. Yield advantage of Phka Rumduol over Sen Pidao increased under direct seeding, particularly under non-flooded conditions in 2005 because weed infestation was more suppressed in Phka Rumduol even without weeding. Increase in 100 g m−2 of weed infestation prior to heading (dry weight basis) reduced about 20% of attainable yield with weed control. This study identified importance of stature and growth duration of rice varieties and presence of standing water as well as the weed control, in order to develop and extend direct seeding in the Cambodia.  相似文献   

Although the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) has been reported to produce higher paddy (Oryza sativa L.) yields with better-quality grains, little research has addressed the latter claim. This study investigated the interactive effects of rice cultivation methods with different irrigation schedules and plant density on the uptake and concentration of sulfur (S), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) in the grain and straw of two rice cultivars during two rainy seasons in the northern plains of India. As the two seasons differed in amounts of rainfall, there were impacts of soil moisture differences on nutrient uptake. Plots with SRI cultivation methods enhanced the grain uptake and concentrations of S, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu by 36, 32, 28, 32 and 63%, respectively, compared to conventional transplanting (CT). Under SRI management, the highest concentrations of S, Zn and Cu in the grain and straw occurred with irrigation intervals scheduled at 3 days after disappearance of ponded water (DADPW; 3D), whereas Fe and Mn concentrations in the grain and straw were higher with irrigation at 1 DADPW (1 D ) compared with plots under 3 D or 5 DADPW (5 D ). The higher nutrient uptakes were also manifested in higher grain yield in 1 D and 3 D plots (by 9 and 6%, respectively) compared with 5 D . Wider spacing (25 × 25 cm) compared with closer spacing (20 × 20 cm) significantly increased yield and the uptake and concentrations of all the said nutrients in the grains. When comparing the performance of two cultivars, the total uptakes of Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in both grain and straw were significantly more in Hybrid 6444 than the improved variety Pant Dhan 4. Overall, SRI crop management compared to CT practices led to more biological fortification of rice grains with respect to S and the four micronutrients studied, giving a concomitant yield advantage of about 17% on average in this region.  相似文献   

Selection for yield per se has greatly contributed to yield improvement in many crops. It is expected that selection based on plant traits is more effective in increasing crop yield potential. This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of trait-based and yield-based selection in increasing rice yield and to determine whether lines with ideotype traits have the potential to express higher yield under optimal crop management conditions. Lines were selected based on plant traits or on grain yield measured in a breeder's replicated yield trial. The main target traits for selection were plant height, leaf and panicle morphology, grain size, total dry weight, and grain-filling percentage. Yield performance of trait-based selection was compared with that of yield-based selection in an agronomic trial with optimum crop management for three seasons. Trait-based selection increased leaf area index and total dry weight but reduced spikelet number per m2 and harvest index compared with yield-based selection. Consequently, selection based on plant traits did not increase grain yield compared with selection based on yield per se. In one of the three seasons, yield of trait-based selection was significantly lower than that of yield-based selection. Among all tested breeding lines, maximum yield was produced by yield-based selection and minimum yield came from trait-based selection. These results suggest that lines with ideotype traits did not express higher grain yield than lines selected based on yield per se under optimal crop management conditions, and yield-based selection was as effective in increasing rice grain yield as trait-based selection in the late generations of the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2006,96(1):125-132
The late-season foliar application of urea may increase yield and grain quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Limited information is available regarding the effect of late urea spraying on the performance of wheat cultivars under various basal N fertilization rates. Field experiments were conducted during 2000 through 2002 to evaluate the responses of six winter wheat cultivars to foliar urea (30 kg N ha−1) treatment around flowering at low (67 kg N ha−1) and high (194 kg N ha−1) basal N fertilization rates. Following urea spraying at low N rate, all cultivars increased grain yields to a similar extent (by an average of 7.8% or 509 kg ha−1) primarily due to an increase in the 1000-kernel weight. No yield response to the late-season urea treatment occurred at high basal N rate where grain yields averaged 24.9% (1680 kg ha−1) higher than those at low N rate. In contrast, late foliar urea application similarly improved grain quality at both low and high N rates by an average of 5 g kg−1 (4.5%) for protein content, 3.2 cm3 (11.9%) for Zeleny sedimentation, and 20 g kg−1 (8.6%) for wet gluten. These quality increments were consistent in all growing seasons regardless of significant variations in grain yields and protein concentrations across years. However, most cultivars failed to achieve breadmaking standards at low N rate as quality increments associated with the urea treatment were relatively small when compared to those achieved by high basal N rate. Late urea spraying had no effect on the falling number, whereas some cultivars showed small, but significant reduction in the gluten index at both N rates. Cultivars improved the hectolitre weight with the late-season urea treatment only at low N rate. Significant cultivar × urea interactions existed for most quality traits, which were due to the cultivar differences in the magnitude of responses. Thus, late-season urea spraying consistently produced larger yields at low basal N rate, and resulted in cultivar-dependent increases in protein content, Zeleny sedimentation, and wet gluten at both low and high N rates.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during rainy seasons of 2009 and 2010 at New Delhi, India to study the influence of varieties and integrated nitrogen management (INM) on methane (CH4) emission and water productivity under flooded transplanted (FT) and aerobic rice (AR) cultivation. The treatments included two rice (‘PB 1’ and ‘PB 1121’) varieties and eight INM practices including N control, recommended dose of N through urea, different combinations of urea with farmyard manure (FYM), green manure (GM), biofertilizer (BF) and vermicompost (VC). The results showed 91.6–92.5 % lower cumulative CH4 emission in AR compared to FT rice. In aerobic conditions, highest cumulative CH4 emission (6.9–7.0 kg ha?1) was recorded with the application of 100 % N by organic sources (FYM+GM+BF+VC). Global warming potential (GWP) was significantly lower in aerobic rice (105.0–107.5 kg CO2 ha?1) compared to FT rice (1242.5–1447.5 kg CO2 ha?1). Significantly higher amount of water was used in FT rice than aerobic rice by both the rice varieties, and a water saving between 59.5 and 63 % were recorded. Under aerobic conditions, both rice varieties had a water productivity of 8.50–14.69 kg ha?1, whereas in FT rice, it was 3.81–6.00 kg ha?1. In FT rice, a quantity of 1529.2–1725.2 mm water and in aerobic rice 929.2–1225.2 mm water was used to produce one kg rice. Thus, there was a saving of 28.4–39.6 % total water in both the rice varieties under AR cultivation.  相似文献   

Pressure performance and moisture management properties (MMP) of compression form-fitted athletic wear (CFA) play important role in achieving their mechanical functionality, wearing comfort, and physiological health for athletes during intensive exercises. Based on the 5Ps model, pressure and liquid moisture transfer attributes and their resultant subjective perceptions are analyzed and discussed through adopting objective and subjective measuring methods in this study. The MMP of eight types of fabric specimens were evaluated when the specimens were stretched at tension ratios of 0 %, 10 % and 20 % by applying an innovatively improved moisture management test method. Most of the tested specimens presented satisfied MMP when tested in a relaxed state. Testing under tension status significantly influenced the MMP of the tested specimens. The changes were mainly reflected in the prolonged wetting time, the increased absorption rates at the skin-contacted fabric surface, the reduced wetted radius and spreading speed at outer side of fabric, and the weakened one-way transfer properties. The tested fabrics with stretch of 20 % showed, in general, better performances in MMP than those with a stretch of 10 %. Pressure characteristic values ranging from 1679.88 to 2752.89 Pa on average were extracted from the different six pressure zones around the tested athletes’ bodies. Our improved MMT test method provides a new approach to study the fabric MMP when fabrics are under different tensions. Five sensory dimensions were used to analyze psychophysical responses to the physical stimulus of pressure and MMP, which revealed complex interactive mechanisms existing between pressure action, moisture transfer attributes and comfort perceptions related to compression athletic wear.  相似文献   

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