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自1961年辽宁大豆种质5621育成后,由5621作为直接亲本先后衍生出7个优良大豆品种,进而由这7个大豆品种衍生出26个品种,在这33个大豆品种中,有15个曾获国家级或省部级科技成果奖励。5621对其衍生品种的遗传贡献主要来自细胞核,仅有6个品种承带5621的细胞质,细胞质的遗传贡献较小。  相似文献   

为提高优异品种选育效率,本研究对广西已育成的39个大豆品种系谱进行追溯,分析其亲本组配方式、地理来源及细胞核(质)遗传贡献,结果表明,育成的39个大豆品种(春大豆28个,夏大豆11个)来源于40个细胞核祖先亲本,17个细胞质祖先亲本;来源于广西本地、外省和国外祖先亲本的核(质)遗传贡献率分别为39.42 %(58.98%)、45.75 %(38.46%)和14.83 %(2.56%);核祖先亲本主要来源于广西本地及生态条件相近的我国南方、巴西和美国。春大豆育成品种细胞质祖先亲本主要来源于广西、湖北和北京,夏大豆育成品种细胞质祖先亲本主要来源于广西、湖北和上海;2006年以来,96%的大豆育成品种是以育成品种和国外引种作为亲本组配而成;归纳出靖西早黄豆等8个核心春大豆祖先亲本,平果豆等5个夏大豆核心祖先亲本。广西大豆育成品种核遗传基础较为丰富,但还需加强新种质研究利用,以扩大品种的核质基础。    相似文献   

The objective of this study was to elucidate variability among soybean cultivars in yield response at different planting densities in reference to branch development. We investigated the main stem and branch seed yield and the branching characteristics of determinate Hokkaido and indeterminate US cultivars at the Rakuno Gakuen University in Ebetsu. In 2009 and 2010, two Japanese and two US cultivars were grown at three densities from 9.5 to 20 plants m?2. In 2011 and 2012, three cultivars from each region were cultivated at three densities from 8.3 to 22.2 plants m?2. The seed yields of the US cultivars at densities of 16.7 plants m?2 or less were markedly higher than those of the Hokkaido cultivars, showing that their yield is less sensitive to lower planting density than Hokkaido cultivars. The difference in yield in response to planting density among cultivars was closely associated with a larger increase in branch seed yield with lower planting density, which effectively compensated for the decrease in main stem number per unit land area. The variability of branch development in response to planting density (branching plasticity) was quantified by correlating branch performance with plant spacing (land area per plant). Some US cultivars exhibited greater branching plasticity than Japanese cultivars with similar growth duration. Results of this study suggest soybean cultivar differs in responsiveness to varied planting density through different branching plasticity.  相似文献   

While the yield potential of rice has increased but little is known about the impact of breeding on grain quality, especially under different levels of N availability. In order to investigate the integrated effects of breeding and N levels on rice quality 12 japonica rice cultivars bred in the past60 years in the Yangtze River Basin were used with three levels of N: 0 kg N ha-1, 240 kg N ha-1,and 360 kg N ha-1. During the period, milling quality(brown rice percentage, milled rice percentage, and head rice percentage), appearance quality(chalky kernels percentage, chalky size, and chalkiness), and eating and cooking quality(amylose content, gel consistency, peak viscosity, breakdown, and setback) were significantly improved, but the nutritive value of the grain has declined due to a reduction in protein content. Micronutrients, such as Cu, Mg, and S contents, were decreased, and Fe, Mn, Zn, Na, Ca, K, P, B contents were increased. These changes in grain quality imply that simultaneous improvements in grain yield and grain quality are possible through selection. Overall, application of N fertilizer decreased grain quality, especially in terms of eating and cooking quality. Under higher N levels, higher protein content was the main reason for deterioration of grain quality, although lower amylose content might contribute to improving starch pasting properties. These results suggest that further improvement in grain quality will depend on both breeding and cultivation practices, especially in regard to nitrogen and water management.  相似文献   

南方酸性红壤中有效磷含量低是限制大豆生产的不利因素之一,选育磷高效品种是最有效的途径。采用高、低磷土壤盆栽试验,利用冠干重、根干重、冠磷含量、根磷含量、植株磷吸收量、根长、根表面积、根体积、磷利用效率和磷吸收效率等10个性状对5个巴西大豆和11个由其与桂早1号育成品种的磷效率进行了评价,进一步利用主成分和隶属函数对19个大豆品种的磷效率做综合分析,结果发现,除巴西13号和巴西9号外,其他巴西大豆资源磷效率性状均优于桂早1号。由巴西大豆与桂早1号衍生育成的品种华夏5号、桂夏豆2号也优于其双亲,表现正向超亲遗传;衍生育成的品种华夏1号和华夏3号介于其双亲间;其余衍生育成的品种低于双亲,表现负向超亲遗传。结果表明大部分巴西大豆资源在磷效率性状方面存在明显优势,可在改良华南地区大豆品种的磷效率方面发挥作用。      相似文献   

大豆叶形垂直分布类型在产量改良中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对油89306组合分离世代的研究表明,该组合存在3种叶形垂直分布类型,即下阔叶—上阔叶、下阔叶—上窄叶和下窄叶—上窄叶。以下阔叶—上阔叶和下阔叶—上窄叶类型的百粒重最大,且两类型间无明显差异,但显著高于下窄叶—上窄叶类型的百粒重;以下窄叶—上窄叶类型的每荚粒数最多,下阔叶—上阔叶类型的每荚粒数最少。在本研究所处旱涝频繁的黄淮南部地区,以下阔叶—上窄叶类型的育种效果最好,并从本类型的研究材料中成功地选育出高产夏大豆新品种中豆26。与下阔叶—上阔叶类型的中豆19(89306组合的母本)相比,下阔叶—上窄叶的材料中豆26和中豆20实现了在保持其它产量因素变化很小前提下每荚粒数的定向显著提高,因而实现产量的改良。  相似文献   

磷对大豆不同品种产量和品质的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
土壤盆栽试验表明,低磷处理下大豆品种的籽粒产量很低,籽粒中蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低。施磷后大豆的产量极显著增加,但增产效果品种间差异也极显著。施磷大大降低籽粒中蛋白质和氨基酸含量,而增加脂肪含量;对脂肪酸组成中的油酸和亚油酸含量也有影响。  相似文献   

Sugarcane in an important crop due to the economic value of its products. Physiological characteristics and yield components of sugarcane were studied in three field-grown sugarcane cultivars B 63118, POJ 2878 and Ja 60-5. Three growth stages were identified: formative phase (until 140 DAP), grand growth (140–300 DAP) and maturity (after 300 DAP). Results indicated that cultivars showed contrasting yield mainly after 300 DAP. At ripening, the most productive cultivar (Ja 60-5) achieved higher leaf area, an optimum leaf area index for light interception, a high and stable net assimilation rate and an elevated leaf area and biomass duration. In addition, this cultivar showed the higher density and lower area of leaf sieve elements as compared with other, which could influence the high translocation rate (1.85 cm min−1) at 8 MAP. The higher efficiency of this process in Ja 60-5 might also be supported by a higher (15–25%) apparent free space of stem parenchyma as compared with POJ 2878 and B 63118. Our results suggest that Ja 60-5 reduced carbon partitioned to foliar respiration which led to a higher partitioning of sucrose to stems evidenced by a higher Pol%.  相似文献   

吉林省大豆品种遗传改良过程中茎部性状的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以吉林省1923-2005年育成的30个大豆(Glycine max)品种为材料,通过2005和2006两年田间试验对茎部性状演化及其与产量的关系进行研究。结果表明,产量随育成年代呈线性增加,根据回归方程计算,产量从1923年的1197.80kg•hm-2增加到2005年的2305.545 kg•hm-2,82年来增加了1107.73kg•hm-2,平均每年增加14.60kg•hm-2;不同年代育成大豆产品种间茎部性状差异显著,植株高度降低,倒伏指数下降,茎直径明显增加,主茎分枝减少,节数增多,节间明显缩短,植株抗倒伏能力随着年代的演替明显增强,但株高不宜继续降低,应保持在80cm左右为宜;通过相关分析表明,产量与株高、分枝数、倒伏指数、节间长度相关均达到显著水平(P≤0.05),并且株高、节数和节间长度对产量产生的直接效应较大,说明在遗传改良过程中茎部性状与产量关系密切,在品种选育和高产栽培过程中可以作为选择的依据。  相似文献   

不同年代大豆品种根系伤流液含氮化合物的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究大豆品种在遗传改良过程中根系伤流液含氮化合物的变化规律,以吉林省1923-2009年间育成的29个大豆品种为材料,在不同生育时期测定根系伤流液中的硝态氮、铵态氮以及游离氨基酸(FAA)的浓度、总量。结果表明:大豆根系伤流液中含有大量的FAA;大豆品种的遗传改良增加了根系伤流液中硝态氮、FAA的浓度和总量,但铵态氮的浓度有所降低,其总量随着育成年代的变化不显著;同一大豆品种根系伤流液中的氮浓度随着生育时期的推进而降低,氮总量由于受到其浓度和伤流强度的共同影响,表现为R4期最高,R2期次之,R6期最低。由此说明大豆品种的遗传改良提高了根系伤流液中含氮化合物的水平,R2期氮代谢最为旺盛,是大豆需氮的关键时期,应注意合理追施氮肥。   相似文献   

东北三省大豆种质资源对大豆疫霉根腐病的抗性表现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以大豆疫霉根腐病病原菌1、25号生理小种,对黑龙江、吉林、辽宁省的大豆品种(系)956份进行了抗源筛选,筛选出了23个品种(系)兼抗25号和1号生理小种,占供试材料的2.54%。筛选出抗25号生理小种的品种(系)68份,占7.48%,抗1号生理小种的品种(系)251份,占27.77%。  相似文献   

东北地区大豆主栽品种油份蛋白含量的关联分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探寻与大豆油份含量、蛋白含量相关的关键位点,本研究选取中国东北地区92份大豆主栽品种及常用种质资源品种群体基于蛋白含量和油份含量的Meta分析,进行基于数学模型的类群划分评价,估测样本群体的结构,应用简单线性模型分析与大豆油份含量、蛋白含量相关的的位点。结果表明,通过多次迭代测试,当K=5时,即该资源群体可以分为5个亚群时,为最稳定的分类结果,并在显著水平下(p<0.05),贡献率大于1%的标记中,得到与大豆油份含量相关标记有Sat_412,Sat_195,Satt317,Sat_187,Sat_195,Satt255,Satt713,Satt468,Satt267,Satt686,Sat_294和AZ302047,对油分含量的总贡献率为39.54%。蛋白质含量相关标记有Satt683,Sat_311,Satt578,Satt181,Satt317,Satt700,Satt713,Satt255,Sat_242和Satt720对蛋白质含量总贡献率为48.39%。这些重要的标记位点为大豆油份含量和蛋白含量的分子辅助育种提供重要基础。  相似文献   

为加快大豆品种改良,本文对 101份 1982-2021年江苏省审定大豆品种主要农艺性状、产量、品质及抗性演变趋势进行综合分析。结果表明:审定品种株高、主茎节数均随年份呈下降趋势,单株荚数、百粒重呈极显著上升趋势,其中淮北品种株高呈极显著下降趋势。审定品种(其中淮北品种 60个,淮南品种 41个)产量随年份呈极显著上升趋势,年均增产 21.08 kg·hm-2,且 R2大于 0.600,上升线性关系较为明显。蛋白质含量、脂肪含量均随年份呈上升趋势,蛋白质和脂肪总含量呈显著上升趋势,其中淮北品种蛋白质含量、蛋白质和脂肪总含量均呈极显著上升趋势。相关性分析发现,产量与生育期、主茎节数、结荚高度呈极显著负相关,与株高呈显著负相关,与蛋白质和脂肪总含量呈极显著正相关,与蛋白质含量、脂肪含量、百粒重呈显著正相关,表明合理缩短生育期、减少主茎节数、降低株高与结荚高度可促进产量提升,产量与品质协同提升可为高产优质大豆品种选育提供有效途径。  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to determine the potential for intraspecific responses in crop growth and grain yield of 20 soybean cultivars to enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–315 nm) radiation. The supplemental UV-B radiation was 5.00 kJ m−2, simulating a depletion of 20% stratospheric ozone at Kunming (25°N, 1950 m). Out of the 20 soybean cultivars tested, 17 and 15 showed significant change in plant height at 80 DAP (days after planting) and ripening stages, respectively. Sensitivity in plant height was greater at 80 DAP than at ripening. The plant height of 3 cultivars increased, and that of 17 cultivars decreased. Under UV-B radiation, LAI (leaf area index), biomass and grain yield decreased, respectively. The greatest percent decrease was 95.7, 93.9 and 92.8, respectively. RI (response index) was the sum of percent change in plant height at ripening, LAI, biomass and grain yield. The results showed that all 20 soybean cultivars had a negative RI, indicating inhibition by UV-B radiation on soybean growth. The RI of 6 tolerant cultivars was higher than −163.1 and 5 out of 6 originated from south China (low latitude). The RI of the most tolerant cultivars, Yunnan 97801, was −72.4. Meanwhile, the RI of 5 sensitive cultivars was lower than −256.9 and 4 out of the 5 originated from north China (high latitude). The RI of the most sensitive cultivar, Huanxianhuangdou, was −295.7. These UV-B tolerant cultivars identified in this study might be useful in breeding programs.  相似文献   

为给大豆亲本选配和育种提供有益借鉴,本文对1973-2017年山西省审定的84份大豆品种进行了系谱分析,归纳出山西省大豆品种的祖先亲本和骨干亲本。山西省审定的84份大豆品种,主要来源于晋豆1号、晋豆19和徐豆1号三大家族。84份大豆品种基因库源于110个祖先亲本,细胞核祖先亲本有110个,细胞质祖先亲本有39个。核遗传贡献率最大的祖先亲本有大白麻,其次是滨海大白花、铜山天鹅蛋、Mamatan等16个种质。细胞质遗传贡献率最大的是大白麻,其次是丹66-12、京谷玉。山西省育成的84个大豆品种中,形成系谱的品种占育成品种总数的80.95%。晋豆1号作为亲本育成36个大豆品种,占育成品种总数的42.9%,为山西省大豆育种做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

Northeast regions of China (38–55°N latitude) play an important role in Japonica rice planting. Heading dates of 10 Japonica rice cultivars native to the Northeast of China were investigated and their sensitivities to photoperiod and temperature were analyzed. The results showed that these Japonica rice cultivars were insensitive to photoperiod but strongly sensitive to temperature, i.e. a high temperature can markedly shorten the heading date. Genetic analyses were conducted on these 10 cultivars using a set of heading date tester lines. All these Japonica cultivars carried a dominant early heading gene Ef-1, and most of these cultivars carried the photoperiod insensitivity allele e1, and two types of alleles were presented at the Se-1 locus, including recessive photoperiod insensitivity gene Se-1e and dominant strong photoperiod-sensitivity (PS) gene Se-1n. The PS of these cultivars carrying E1 or Se-1n can be repressed or weakened by Ef-1 and the recessive allele hd2 they carried. These results provided a reasonable explanation to the adaptability of Japonica rice to the high latitude environment of the Northeast China, and could be useful for breeding new cultivars well adapted to the high latitude regions and expanding the rice cultivation range.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), one of the most important crops in China, has been known to man for over 5000 years. Soybean production in China increased from 7.5 million Mg in 1978 to 26 million Mg in 2005. The largest production areas in China are in the Northeast China's three provinces, where soybean is spring seeded and grown as a full-season crop. Development of research programs and rapid adoption of technologies emerging from agricultural research by producers including a better understanding of the physiological processes of growth and development, improved cultivars and cultural practices, and a higher demand of the soybean processing industry has contributed much to the upward trend in on-farm yield and total production. Research on leaf area index (LAI), light interception and canopy photosynthesis, source–sink relationships, phytohormones, environmental stresses (drought and cold damage), development of cultivar selection, tillage systems, cultivation practices as well as weeds, insects and diseases during the last half century in Northeast China were reviewed. The intent is to document a summary of the understanding of soybean physiology and culture for high yields mainly from Chinese scientists’ perspective.  相似文献   

山东省审定大豆品种的产量、品质及株型演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自1982年开展农作物品种审定工作以来,山东省共有50个大豆品种通过国家或省级审定。本文分析了这50个审(认)定品种的区域试验平均产量、最高产量、蛋白质含量、脂肪含量和生育期、株高、主茎节数、有效分枝数、单株荚数、百粒重等农艺性状。结果表明,区域试验平均产量由1982-1985年的1892.73 kg/hm2提高到2001-2005年的2820.67 kg/hm2,增幅为49.0%;最高产量由3072.0kg/hm2提高到4389.3kg/hm2,提高了42.9%;蛋白质和脂肪含量随时代和选育目的的不同而在37.00%~46.44%和16.80%~22.50%之间变化。山东省夏大豆的理想株型应是株高70~80cm,主茎节数14~16节,有效分枝1~2个,并且在此基础上,有密而均匀的结荚。  相似文献   

为了解大豆品种遗传改良过程中叶片氮含量的变化及其与净光合速率的关系,对吉林省1923年-2004年间育成的21个大豆品种的叶片氮含量和光合特性进行了研究。结果表明,叶片氮含量与育成年代在R2期和R6期呈极显著或显著正相关,但在R4期呈不显著负相关。在R2期和R6期,大豆品种间叶片单位叶面积氮含量增长率明显大于净光合速率增长率,导致了氮素光合利用效率与育成年代呈极显著或显著负相关;在R4期,现代品种叶片单位叶面积氮含量低于老品种,而净光合速率仍高于老品种,导致了氮素光合利用效率与育成年代呈显著正相关。叶片氮含量高,叶绿素含量就高,净光合速率也高,但氮素光合利用效率却低;可将R4期氮素光合利用效率作为高产品种选育的一个指标。    相似文献   

根据种植面积筛选出20世纪40年代以来我国东北和黄淮海地区大面积种植的大豆品种113份,通过系谱分析,归纳出大面积种植品种的直接亲本和祖先亲本.结果表明,大面积种植品种比普通品种拥有更多的祖先亲本,遗传基础更丰富;新近育成的大面积种植品种比早期育成的大面积种植品种遗传基础更丰富;黄淮海地区大面积种植品种比东北地区大面积种植品种的遗传基础更为丰富.以大面积种植品种作为“平台亲本”培育的新品种更容易在生产上种植应用,更有希望成为新的大面积种植品种.各生态区间的种质交流还有待于进一步加强.  相似文献   

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