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恩施盛家坝红椿天然种群动态与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对典型代表意义的红椿样地调查和数据统计分析,绘制红椿自然种群的龄级结构图,量化分析种群各龄级间个体数量、变化动态。编制种群的特定时间生命表,分析存活曲线、死亡率曲线和寿命期望等重要参数,并运用时间序列模型预测红椿种群数量动态。结果表明:1红椿种群中,1龄级和7龄级存活数分别占总数的28.57%和16.07%。27.5 cm以上径级的立木有10.71%。动态指数Vpi=27.84%0。2生命表表明,种群死亡趋势前期高于后期,死亡高峰在1龄级和4龄级。存活曲线不符合Deevey型,说明环境筛和种群竞争加强造成波动。3时间动态对第3、5、7龄级预测表明,种群呈现老龄个体增加的趋势。4红椿种群死亡率曲线与消失率曲线基本一致,即在1~7龄级波动很大,其中3~4龄级时死亡率和损失度最大。研究认为:红椿种群的生长发育主要受限于其自身的生物学特性、种内竞争和环境干扰。对现存种群和生境的保护,以及适当的人工辅助措施是红椿种群恢复的关键。  相似文献   

The forest industry is increasingly adopting alternative silvicultural systems, involving regeneration beneath an existing forest canopy, rather than clear-felling and replanting. To apply these silvicultural systems in windy regions such as Britain and Ireland, it is essential that the interactions between thinning intensity, stand stability and seedling growth are properly understood. Here, we present a modelling analysis of the three key relationships between: (i) stand density and the proportion of incident radiation transmitted through a forest canopy as a stand is thinned; (ii) transmitted radiation and seedling growth, and (iii) stand density and stand stability. These relationships were examined using separate models of radiative transfer (MAESTRO), seedling growth, and stand stability/wind risk (ForestGALES). Output from the three models was synthesised to calculate whether a given stand thinned to a pre-defined stability limit would allow sufficient light to penetrate the canopy for seedling growth. A minimum transmittance of 20% was identified as a requirement for seedling growth, which corresponds to removing 45% of stand basal area. A thinning of this intensity left some stands susceptible to unacceptable wind damage, especially in old or previously thinned stands on soils where rooting is impeded. The results emphasised the fact that rooting conditions, thinning history and age of intervention are major constraints on the silvicultural options. In general, older stands are not suitable for conversion to continuous cover forestry (CCF) systems, and the transformation process should begin at pole stage, when heavy thinning does not leave the stand unstable. The analysis approach used here illustrates the potential for combining models to address complex forest management issues.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) is commonly removed from juvenile interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca [Beissn.] Franco) plantations in southern interior British Columbia, Canada, to increase conifer productivity and create a free-growing stand; however, this practice is expensive and contentious because of possible negative ecological impacts. One solution is to retain an optimal density of birch where growth gains of understory Douglas-fir are balanced against losses to Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink and understory plant species diversity. We sought to find this optimal density by comparing four evenly applied birch density reduction treatments (0, 400, 1111, and 4444 retained birch stems ha?1) and an unthinned control (>7300 retained birch stems ha?1). The mortality rate of Douglas-fir due to Armillaria root disease increased non-significantly with thinning intensity. Mean diameter increment of surviving Douglas-fir improved the most where birch was completely removed, with little variation among intermediate thinning treatments. Height growth was unaffected by the thinning treatments. Diversity of cryptogams was significantly greater in the control than where all birch was removed. We suggest that the treatment with 4444 retained birch stems ha?1 provides the best balance for improving Douglas-fir growth while minimizing risk of increased Armillaria root disease and reduced understory plant diversity in young mixed stands.  相似文献   

峡谷石漠化地区红椿、任豆、紫穗槐造林试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在重庆巫山峡谷石漠化地区选用红椿、任豆、紫穗槐容器苗进行造林试验,分别采用不同的造林措施,结果表明:(1)紫穗槐造林成活率高,生长表现良好;(2)生根粉处理能明显提高造林成活率,明显提高苗木的抗旱能力,对地径生长表现出促进作用,但对苗高生长表现出一定的抑制作用;(3)移栽灵处理对成活率、苗高生长没有明显影响,但对苗木的地径生长表现出明显促进作用;(4)地表覆盖方式对造林成活率影响明显,不同树种的造林成活率对覆盖方式的反应不一致,地膜覆盖方式有效促进苗木高生长,石块覆盖方式明显提高苗木的地径生长。  相似文献   

The effects of pre-commercial thinning on tree and branch characteristicswere analysed at two experimental sites in northern Sweden,where pre-thinning of Scots pine stands to 600, 1000 and 1800stems per hectares at heights of 1.5, 3, 5 and 7 m had beencombined in a factorial design. A total of 90 trees were cutand branches were measured in whorls sampled at 1-m intervals,starting with the whorl closest to 0.5 m above ground. Effectsof the treatments on tree and branch characteristics were analysedby a fixed-effect analysis of variance model, which was appliedseparately for each experimental site and whorl height. Diameterat breast height (d.b.h.) and living crown to height ratio decreased,while the height/d.b.h. ratio (stem form) increased with increasingstand density, and generally with increased height at thinning.No treatment effect was found on the number of branches perwhorl or branch angle, but branch diameter (BD) was significantlyinfluenced by both stand density after thinning and height atthinning. BD decreased with increases in stand density and decreasedwith increases in height at pre-commercial thinning. Relativebranch size (RBS), defined as the ratio between the sum of thediameters of branches in a whorl and stem perimeter under barkat the location of that whorl, was significantly influencedonly by stand height at the time of treatment. RBS decreasedby 4–6 per cent in whorls located below the current baseof the living crown with each step increase in stand heightat pre-commercial thinning. The results indicate that the numberof stems after pre-commercial thinning has a greater impacton tree size and shape than timing of pre-commercial thinning.Stand density after thinning also has a greater impact on branchsize, in the sense that it will affect branch size further upthe tree than the timing of pre-commercial thinning. However,by delaying the time for pre-commercial thinning it is possibleto reduce the RBS in the lower part of the stem. This mightbe an important measure to improve timber quality later in therotation period, which cannot be done solely by regulating standdensity.  相似文献   

Crown size is a good indicator of the growth potential of trees and is often used in forest management for outlining thinning guidelines or constructing forest growth models. The aim of this study was to analyse mean crown radius as a function of stem size, stand density and site productivity in even-aged stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). Data included measurements of 620 trees from 53 plots in nine thinning experiments and one operational stand in Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain, representing a wide spectrum of thinning practices ranging from the strictly unthinned control to extremely heavy thinning with essentially solitary trees. Three sets of models were constructed based on different predictor variables, including indicators of individual stem size (diameter at breast height, DBH), stand density/thinning grade (quadratic mean diameter and stand basal area) and site productivity (stand top height). Preliminary results indicated a significant effect of DBH and (nominal) thinning grade on crown radius. The response pattern of the final models indicated an increasing crown radius with increasing DBH, with increasing thinning grade (decreasing stand density) and with decreasing site productivity. The models are valid for predicting the crown radius of pedunculate oak in even-aged forest stands.  相似文献   

Fifteen stems of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) of 3 commercial thinned plots (control, moderate, and intensive thinning) and 15 stems of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P), both coming from the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region – Canada, were cross-cut into three 2.4?m length sections: bottom, middle, and top logs. Logs were processed with a chipper-canter at three cutting widths (12.7, 19.1, and 25.4?mm), producing chips and a three-faced cant. The middle section of the cant was used to evaluate surface quality across the grain on each face. Roughness and waviness parameters and depth of torn grain were recorded. Knot characteristics were assessed in the three cant faces. Poorer surface quality was found in the lower part compared to the upper part of the cant for both species. At larger cutting widths, jack pine logs coming from a natural stand showed lower surface quality compared to logs from thinned stands. Black spruce waviness increased with the cutting width and stem height. These results were attributed to the increase of forces and vibration when cutting at larger cutting widths, which was worsened by the presence of bigger, more numerous knots at the control plot and in the top logs. Black spruce had deeper torn grain compared to jack pine. Their differences in knot characteristics resulted in a maximum torn grain depth favored by the presence of more knots rather than by bigger knot size. Other knot characteristics, such as the position of the knots in the cant face, the insertion angle of the branch and the distribution of the knots around the log, should be studied to better understand the relationship between torn grain formation and knottiness.  相似文献   

Thinning and fertilization are two common and important stand treatments in forest management. In terms of area treated, thinning is the single most common form of stand treatment. The extent of forest fertilization on the other hand, has varied widely in recent decades and is currently not very common. Thinning is done primarily to promote stand properties while fertilization is done to increase growth before future final felling. After thinning stands of Scots pine, overall growth decreases, while growth of residual trees increases. An experiment was established outside Vindeln in northern Sweden where the long-term growth effects after thinning and/or fertilization were evaluated after 33 years. Experimental set-up was a randomized block design including 12 replications of four treatments. Treatments were control, fertilization, thinning, and thinning and fertilization combined. Thinning decreased overall and annual volume growth ha?1, and increased green crown size and diameter growth at breast height (1.3 m, DBH) for the individual trees. No positive growth responses to fertilization could be seen after 33 years. In summary, this study showed that thinning can have long term effects on the growth of a Scots pine stand in northern Sweden. Possible reasons for the lack of positive response following fertilization are discussed.  相似文献   

  • ? For assessing forest thinning effects at large (i.e. continental) scale, data scarcity and technical limitations prevent the application of localized or individual-based thinning models.
  • ? Here we present a simple general framework to analyze and predict the effects of thinning on growth and mortality, including the following stand density development. The effects are modeled in relative terms so that the model can be parameterized based on any thinning experiment that includes an unthinned control, regardless of site conditions and stand age.
  • ? The model was tested against observed thinning effects on growth and mortality from five temperate and boreal species (all species pooled r 2 = 0.51). It predicted a maximum increase in net stem biomass increment of 16% and a reduction in density-related mortality of 75% compared to un-thinned conditions at stand densities of around 70% of the maximum (increment optimal density).
  • ? A sensitivity analysis revealed overlapping ranges of near optimal density (net increment within 95% of optimal) among all tested species, suggesting that one thinning scenario can be used for many species. The simple and general formulation of thinning effects based on only five parameters allows easy integration with a wide range of generic forest growth models.
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    Forest ecosystems are increasingly expected to produce multiple goods and services, such as timber, biodiversity, water flows, and sequestered carbon. While many of these are not mutually exclusive, they cannot all be simultaneously maximised so that management compromise is inevitable. We used a 42-year dataset from a naturally regenerating floodplain forest of the river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) to investigate the effects of pre-commercial thinning on long-term patterns in habitat quality, forest structure and rates of carbon storage (i.e. standing aboveground carbon). Estimates of habitat quality were based on the density of hollow-bearing trees because hollows are ecologically important to many species of vertebrates and invertebrates in these forests. Thinning improved habitat value by producing 20 (±8) hollow-bearing trees per ha after 42 years, while the unthinned treatment produced none. Unthinned (highest density) stands were dominated by many slender trees, mostly <25 cm in diameter, whereas thinned stands produced negatively skewed size distributions with higher median and maximum stem diameters. Moderately thinned stands (560 trees ha−1) had the highest aboveground carbon storage rate (4.1 t C year−1) and the highest aboveground carbon stocks (200.2 ± 9.6 t C ha−1) after 42 years, while the unthinned treatment had the lowest carbon storage rate (1.6 t C year−1) and an intermediate level of aboveground standing carbon (165.1 ± 31.1 t C ha−1). Our results highlight the importance of early stand density as a determinant of long-term forest structure, habitat quality and carbon storage rates. We recommend that thinning be considered as one component of a broader strategy for enhancing the structure, habitat value and aboveground carbon storage of developing floodplain forests.  相似文献   

    为给石漠化地区改造提供树种,从广西西北部地区采集香椿(Toona sinensis)、南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)优树种子,进行育苗与造林试验,对不同种源的种子千粒重和发芽率、苗高和地径及幼林的树高、胸径、冠幅、枝下高和病虫害情况等进行比较。结果表明,不同种源香椿、南酸枣的种子千粒重、发芽率及苗高和地径均差异显著。香椿种子中,德保和隆林种源的千粒重较大(12.54和12.58 g),德保和凌云种源的发芽率较高(84.67%和90.67%);0.8年生香椿苗木中,德保种源的苗高和地径最大(29.68和0.81 cm);在1.8年和4.8年生香椿幼林中,德保种源的树高和胸径最大,分别为2.60 m和4.37 cm及12.67 m和12.75 cm。南酸枣种子中,凌云种源的千粒重最大(2 555.67 g),凌云和隆林种源的发芽率较高(97.15%和94.67%);0.8年生南酸枣苗木中,凌云种源的地径(0.74 cm)和靖西种源的苗高(84.78 cm)最大;1.8年生南酸枣幼林中,凌云种源的树高(3.45 m)和胸径(5.29 cm)最大,隆林种源的冠幅最大...  相似文献   

    In this study, I developed a nonlinear mixed-effects model based on the Richards curve that describes the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. I fitted the model to data from 29 long-term experimental monitoring plots in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in northeastern Japan. Simulations using the model on high-productivity sites and at moderate thinning intensities indicated that net yields after ca. 80 years were lower in unthinned stands than in thinned stands; in other cases, such as at younger ages and at sites with low and average productivities, net yields were similar for each thinning intensity (including no thinning). These results could be attributed to the fact that the net current annual increment in stand volume (CAInet) in the thinned stands exceeded that of the unthinned stands after a certain age (the “inversion” age) and to the negative correlation between site productivity and the inversion age. In addition, I found that a single rescaled growth curve was capable of describing the growth in stand volume at sites with different thinning histories and site productivities. This rescaled curve simply and clearly explained the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. The existence of a single curve suggests that the positive effect of thinning on stand volume growth does not depend on site productivity, but it will require patient measurements over longer periods to reveal a positive effect at sites with low productivity.  相似文献   

    The high potential values of sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) in fuelwood or bioenergy are recognized. Sprouting ability, sprout growth, biomass production and energy stocks in coppiced plantations of sawtooth oak were evaluated at the Hongya Mountain Forest Farm in Anhui Province, China. Experimental treatments applied in a split-plot design included three sprout thinning times and four sprout numbers reserved on each stump (1 sprout, 2 sprouts, 4 sprouts stump−1 and check). Sprout growth and biomass production per stump were significantly affected by the treatments and a significant positive relationship between stump basal diameter and sprout numbers produced was observed. After the third growing season, the highest total sprout biomass per stump was achieved in the treatment with thinning excess sprouts at the end of first growing season (December, 2007) and reserving 4 dominant sprouts per stump (T12S4, reaching 8.67 kg stump−1), while the lowest was found in the treatment with thinning the sprouts in August of the first growing season and reserving 1 dominant sprout per stump (T8S1, only 3.40 kg stump−1). Different treatments also influenced gross calorific values (GCV) of the components sampled from 3-year-old sprouts and the mean GCV of stem wood on an oven-dry weight basis was within the range of 18.45 ± 0.15 and 18.83 ± 0.12 kJ g−1. Similar to the sprout biomass production, the greatest total and stem energy stocks per stump were observed in T12S4 treatment, achieving 161.6 and 110.5 MJ stump−1, respectively. Based on the results from this study, thinning excess sprouts to reserve 4 sprouts per stump as early as age 1 could be proposed for the management of sawtooth oak coppice with cutting cycle of 3-5 years and stand density of 5000-6000 stump ha−1.  相似文献   

    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of plantation thinning on various wood properties of Pinus brutia Ten. Tree samples were obtained from heavily and moderately thinned and unthinned 33–35 year-old plantations. Wood properties were examined in various wood zones including 16 annual rings after the first treatment. The results of this study showed that there was a significant relationship between thinning intensity and radial increment (1.30 m) for an individual tree. Thinning treatments increased annual ring width especially a few years after thinning. Heavy thinning treatments were especially effective in impacting mean ring width values at breast height. However, the percentage of late wood did not differ much between the samples. Based on the results of correlation analysis between ring width and late wood percentage there was no significant correlation identified. Mean wood density was not affected by the treatments. Also, no significant correlation was found between thinning and examined strength properties (MOR, MOE and compression strength parallel to grain). However, a relationship was found between wood density and all strength properties except for MOE. The current results suggest that thinning can produce improvements in ring width without any negative impacts on investigated wood properties. It is recommended that subsequent studies should be designed to understand genetic effects and maximize treatment effects.  相似文献   

    Information is lacking on how yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don.) Spach) stecklings compare with seedlings in their response to potentially limiting field site environmental conditions. Before planting, yellow-cedar seedlings and stecklings were characterized at 5 and 22°C root temperatures for gas exchange parameters (n=6), root growth capacity (n=12) and plant water movement (n=6) using a fully randomized design in a controlled environment growth room. Seedlings, compared with stecklings (t-test), showed a faster (p=0.01) recovery of net photosynthesis (Pn) and stomatal conductance (gwv) after root temperature increased from 5 to 22°C. Seedlings had greater (p=0.05) root growth capacity (number of new roots 0.5 cm in length) than stecklings after 14 days at 22°C and after 14 days at 5°C followed by 15 days at 22°C. Seedlings had a lower (p=0.01) resistance to plant water movement measured after 29 days (14 days at 5°C followed by 15 days at 22°C root temperature).Seedlings and stecklings were planted on a coastal British Columbia field site and monitored for 1) morphological development and physiological response to ambient site conditions throughout the first growing season, and 2) physiological response to drought conditions during late summer. Both trials used a fully randomized design and stock type means were compared using t-tests (p=0.10, 0.05, and 0.01). Initially, seedlings were taller (p=0.01) than stecklings but otherwise morphologically similar (n=20). Over a 35 week period after planting, stecklings had greater incremental height growth, while seedlings produced a greater (p=0.01) number of roots extending out of the root plug. Seedlings and stecklings (n=6) had similar Pn and gwv patterns under late spring environmental conditions. However, seedlings had greater Pn and gwv under cold temperature (p=0.05 and p=0.1, respectively) and drought conditions (p=0.05 and p=0.01, respectively), but during conditions of high evaporative demand and adequate soil moisture, stecklings had greater (p=0.01) Pn and gwv. Seedlings had higher (p=0.01) daily integrated shoot water potential values (D) at different times during the growing season, and maintained higher (p=0.05) predawn (pd) shoot water-potential values, higher (D) (p=0.01) and lower (p=0.01) resistance to plant water movement (RSPAC) during drought conditions.  相似文献   

    An important window of opportunity to increase and sustain productivity in short-rotation plantations is the period from felling through re-establishment to canopy closure. This paper explores the effects, interactions and response mechanisms of intensive silvicultural practices on plantation productivity and sustainability, using five South African case studies (a–e). (a) Land preparation trials showed that complete surface cultivation by ploughing had a significant beneficial effect when afforestation is done for the first time in grasslands, improving basal area growth by 11–52% over pitting only. However, similar treatments have not resulted in significant growth responses under re-establishment conditions. (b) Stand growth suppression resulting chiefly from soil compaction during mechanised harvesting operations is strongly related to soil type, soil textural class and residue management options. Volume growth reduction in short-rotation eucalypt crops ranged from 25% on compaction sensitive loamy soils to less than 2% in resistant sandy soils. (c) The response mechanism whereby vegetation management improves stand productivity is a reduction in both inter-specific and intra-genotypic competition for resources, as well as a decrease in stand variability. Operationally, the most important criteria in a vegetation management programme relate to the timing of control operations across diverse site conditions. In local trials, the primary factors controlling the time taken for competition-induced tree growth suppression to occur were related to altitude, slash burning and the interaction between these factors, which facilitated the development of regional vegetation management strategies. (d) Empirical fertilizer trials in short-rotation hardwood stands have shown significant improvements in final productivity (commonly 20–90 m3 ha−1 in eucalypts and 30–50 m3 ha−1 in Acacia), as well as wood density (15–30 kg m−3 for eucalypts) following improvements in early nutrition. Improved nutrition was achieved through fertilization at planting or indirectly through residue management. The response mechanism is primarily due to early canopy development and associated increases in light capture, coupled with a more modest increase in canopy quantum efficiency and above-ground carbon allocation on a dry site. On sites with abundant water supply, increased quantum efficiency is likely to be the dominant response mechanism. (e) A series of operational gains trials tested the interactive effect of genetic tree improvement, site–genotype interaction, stand density and vegetation management + fertilization on eucalypt stand growth across five sites. There were no significant interactions between factors, but importantly, the results were additive, emphasizing the need to optimise each practice in the value chain to achieve maximum productivity.  相似文献   

    Shrub communities established on former pasture land are currently under-used and their forestry potential is of interest to land owners wishing to increase valuable hardwood regeneration on their properties. The comparative effects of strip clearing and total clearing, both treatments applied with or without herbicide, on competing vegetation cover, light availability, and survival and growth of planted white ash (Fraxinus americana L.) were examined in two different shrub dominated sites for 3 years in southwestern Québec, Canada. Survival was high in all treatments. At the site with the richest soil and in comparison to total clearing, strip clearing produced the lowest light level in the third year, which induced lower total herbaceous weed cover. These combined effects produced the same growth results for white ash seedlings in all treatments. At the second site, with the highest woody vegetation regrowth, strip clearing has promoted seedling height growth and produced the highest height: diameter ratio for white ash. This ratio was also superior at this site in the absence of herbicide. Treatment effects were soil/site dependant. Because partial clearing in strips has never reduced tree growth in comparison to total clearing, it represents a promising method for the establishment of valuable hardwoods in shrubby vegetation, with lower management intensity and lower landscape impact than total clearing.  相似文献   

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