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This study aimed to (1) increase understanding of the relation between sediment yield and environmental variables at the catchment scale; (2) test and validate existing and newly developed regression equations for prediction of sediment yield; and (3) identify how better predictions may be obtained.  相似文献   

Development of improved soil erosion and sediment yield prediction technology is required to provide catchment stakeholders with the tools they need to evaluate the impact of various management strategies on soil loss and sediment yield in order to plan for the optimal use of the land. In this paper, a newly developed approach is presented to predict the sources of sediment reaching the stream network within Masinga, a large‐scale rural catchment in Kenya. The study applies the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) and a developed hillslope sediment delivery distributed (HSDD) model embedded in a geographical information system (GIS). The HSDD model estimates the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) on a cell‐by‐cell basis using the concept of runoff travel time as a function of catchment characteristics. The model performance was verified by comparing predicted and measured plot runoff and sediment yield. The results show a fairly good relationship between predicted and measured sediment yield (R2=0·82). The predicted results show that the developed modelling approach can be used as a major tool to estimate spatial soil erosion and sediment yield at a catchment scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Considerable masses of soil may be lost from arable land during the harvest of crops such as sugar beet, potato and chicory roots, as soil adhering to these crops, soil clods and rock fragments are exported from the field (together with the crop) to places such as headlands, farmsteads and crop‐processing factories. This soil erosion process is referred to as soil losses due to crop harvesting (SLCH). These soil losses range from a few to tens of tonnes per hectare and per harvest and are thus the same order of magnitude as soil losses caused by water, wind or tillage erosion. However, only a few studies have incorporated SLCH as a soil erosion process. We investigated the variability of soil losses due to sugar beet harvesting at the field plot scale and the importance of controlling factors related to soil, agronomic practices and crop characteristics. Twenty‐six field parcels, distributed over the Belgian sugar beet growing area, were sampled during the harvesting seasons 2002, 2003 and 2004. Soil losses ranged between 1 and 30 Mg ha−1 harvest−1 with an average of 4 Mg ha−1 harvest−1. Gravimetric soil moisture content at harvest was by far the most important controlling factor and was positively and exponentially related to SLCH. Differences in SLCH between harvesting seasons could not be explained by the factors investigated in this study, which indicates that other factors also play a role in SLCH variability.  相似文献   

Landscape variability associated with topographic features affects the spatial pattern of soil water and N redistribution, and thus N uptake and crop yield. A landscape-scale study was conducted in a center pivot irrigated field on the southern High Plains of Texas in 1999 to assess soil water, soil NO3-N, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lint yield, and N uptake variability in the landscape, and to determine the spatial correlation between these landscape variables using a state-space approach. The treatments were irrigation at 50 and 75% cotton potential evapotranspiration (ET). Neutron access tubes were placed at a 15-m interval along a 710 m (50% ET) and 820 m (75% ET) transect across the field. Soil NO3-N in early spring was autocorrelated at a distance varying between 60 and 80 m. Measured soil volumetric water content (WC), total N uptake, and lint yield were generally higher on lower landscape positions. Cotton lint yield was significantly correlated to soil WC (r=0.76), soil NO3-N (r=0.35), and site elevation (r=−0.54). Differences of site elevation between local neighboring points explained the soil water, NO3-N and lint yield variability at the micro-scale level in the landscape. Soil WC, cotton lint yield, N uptake, and clay content were crosscorrelated with site elevation across a lag distance of ±30–40 m. The state-space analysis showed that cotton lint yield was positively weighted on soil WC availability and negatively weighted on site elevation. Cotton lint yield state-space models give insights on the association of soil physical and chemical properties, lint yield, and landscape processes, and have the potential to improve water and N management at the landscape-scale.  相似文献   

区域尺度侵蚀产沙估算方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 区域土壤侵蚀模型是大区域土壤侵蚀普查和水土保持宏观决策的支持工具,土壤侵蚀模型的研发是土壤侵蚀学科的前沿领域。基于DEM将区域划分为规则网格,设计产流、产沙过程的单元模型,包括植被截留、入渗、填洼、流速、携沙能力、径流剥蚀量、泥沙沉积等算法。将月降水当作1次降雨事件,并划分若干时段进行迭代计算,利用GIS空间分析功能完成水沙汇集运算,并在ArcGIS支持下进行计算机程序设计,有效地完成了区域侵蚀产沙量的计算。将模型应用于延河流域得到:1995年7月份平均径流深为35.6mm,径流系数为0.237,流域出口径流量为2.72亿m3,流域出口输沙量为0.38亿t,流域平均侵蚀模数为4575t/(km2.月);输出图形空间格局和结构符合实际情况,初步模拟结果令人较满意。  相似文献   

集水区尺度降雨侵蚀力空间分布对土壤流失的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
为探讨降雨侵蚀力空间分布对土壤流失的影响效应,该文以黄土丘陵沟壑区子长集水区为例,将区域重心概念应用到降雨侵蚀力的空间分布研究中,基于GIS探讨了降雨侵蚀力重心在不同年份间的变迁对土壤流失的影响。研究结果表明:降雨侵蚀力重心与水文站点、大于15°坡度重心的距离会显著影响土壤流失;当降雨侵蚀力重心位于水文站点和较陡坡度重心中间位置时,也会产生较多土壤流失;降雨侵蚀力重心在南北方向上变化对土壤流失影响不大,但在东西方向上的移动能够明显改变土壤流失。在集水区尺度上,随着降雨侵蚀力空间分布的变化,降雨侵蚀力与坡度、土地利用、水文站点的空间耦合关系将发生改变,从而导致土壤流失量的增加或减少。  相似文献   

An analysis of the statistical distribution of event soil loss was carried out using the data collected in the period 1999–2008 at the microplots and plots of the Sparacia experimental area (Sicily, Italy). For a given microplot size, the analysis allowed to establish that the soil loss frequency distribution was skewed. Using the soil loss normalized by the event mean value, the analysis also showed that the frequency distributions corresponding to different microplot and plot sizes were overlapping, i.e. all distributions were extracted by the same statistical population. The developed analysis allowed to suggest that the soil loss of a given return period can be estimated using a scale and a frequency factor. Finally the sediment yield data collected in two basins of the Sparacia area were used to compare the frequency distributions of normalized soil erosion data collected at different spatial scales (plot, basin). The overlapping of the two distributions was satisfactory, and the conclusion was that the mean value of the measured variable is expressive of the characteristics of the sediment source area.  相似文献   

Nitrogen dynamics in soils are affected by spatial and temporal processes. Drainage class is generally regarded to be the most significant source of variability for N in temperate humid climates. A 5-year study was conducted including four rates of N fertilizer and three drainage classes within a 15 ha maize (Zea mays L.) field. Variance component analysis showed that N response was minimally affected by drainage class, but showed strong yearly variations, apparently related to early-season precipitation. Annual field-averaged economic optimum N rates had a range of 65 kg ha−1 with lower rates being associated with years with low early-season precipitation. A calibrated LEACHMN model and site-specific weather data were used to evaluate the effects of early-season weather conditions on N rate and availability. During wet years, soil N availability was reduced by approximately 35–50 kg ha−1 compared to dry years, largely independent of drainage class. For well-drained soils, most losses were attributed to leaching (especially in years with wet early-season), while poorly drained soils mainly experienced denitrification. It is concluded that limited benefits may be gained from spatially variable N applications within fields based on drainage class or soil type, but considerable economic and environmental gains are possible from yearly adjustment of supplemental N rates based on model simulations of N dynamics using information on early-season weather conditions.  相似文献   

坡面径流类型对侵蚀产沙及水沙传递关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
降雨-径流格局对土壤侵蚀过程具有重要影响,以团山沟七号全坡面径流场1961-1969年间65次径流事件的径流泥沙数据为基础,选取历时、径流深和径流变率为径流过程的特征指标,采用K均值聚类和判别分析相结合的方法,将坡面径流划分为5种类型。其中,A型径流具有超长历时、低变率、小径流的特点,是较为特殊的类型,B、C型径流具有中长历时、中高变率、大径流的特点,D型径流具有短历时、低变率、小径流的特点,是最为普遍的类型。E型径流具有中历时、中变率、中径流的特点。不同径流类型下的输沙模数、平均含沙量及最大含沙量由大到小依次为:CBEDA,B、E、C型径流应是坡面径流调控的重点。不同径流类型输沙模数的差异主要来源于径流量(深)的变化,相同径流量(深)条件下,不同径流类型输沙模数的差异主要来源于由径流历时和径流变率所引起的水沙传递关系的改变;与A型径流相比,其作用使D、E、B、C型径流的输沙模数相对增大7.9、6.3、4.8和4.5倍,增大倍数随径流量(深)的增加呈逐渐减小趋势。通过构建包含主要径流特征指标的动力参数ξ,对不同径流类型及径流阶段的径流-泥沙传递关系进行数学描述,其最优回归关系均符合S=alnξ+b的一般形式,能合理解释不同径流类型及不同径流阶段含沙量变化的主要驱动因素。研究结果可为坡面径流类型划分、水沙传递关系构建、全面评估坡面径流调控系统的水土保持意义、进一步丰富坡面径流调控理论的内涵提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

As one part of the ‘Three Norths’ forest protection system, dense farmland shelterbelt networks in northeastern China could greatly modify water and sediment flows. In this paper, catchment soil erosion rate and sediment yield (SY) that are impacted by farmland shelterbelts were estimated using WaTEM/SEDEM model. The shelterbelts reduced catchment soil erosion and SY to some extent. The mean soil erosion rate and specific sediment yield (SSY; defined as the ratio of SY to catchment area; t km?2 yr?1) of the 25 reservoir catchments decreased from 351.6 and 93.9 t km?2 yr?1 under the supposed scenario without shelterbelts to 331.1 t km?2 yr?1 and 86.3% t km?2 yr?1 under the current situation with shelterbelts. The sediment trap efficiencies (STEs) varied from 0.01% to 23.6% with an average value of 7.6%. The STEs were significantly correlated with shelterbelt density, catchment perimeter, topographic factors, RUSLEP‐factor and land use patterns including patch density (PD), patch cohesion index (COHESION), Shannon's diversity index (SHDI) and aggregation index (AI). The multiple regression equation involving factors of catchment's topography and morphology and land use pattern has a satisfactory performance, and mean slope gradient (MSG) and AI explained most of the variability of shelterbelts’ STE. This information can help land managers to better design shelterbelts and to reduce water‐derived soil loss at catchment scale.  相似文献   

Temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of surface runoff generation triggers the dynamics of source areas of sediment and sediment-associated nutrient transport. Reliable modelling of hydrological special situations i.e. snowmelt is of high importance for the quality of erosion and sediment yield modelling. Data from the research catchment Schäfertal demonstrate the individuality of snowmelt events in terms of runoff coefficient and delivery ratio. This 1.44 km2 low mountain catchment is characterised by a high portion of arable land with a winter grain/winter rape crop rotation. The integrated winter erosion and nutrient load model (IWAN) considers these dynamic aspects by coupling a hydrological model with a sediment load model. Cell size of this raster-based approach is 10 × 10 m2. Additionally, snowmelt rill erosion is simulated with a newly developed physically based model that is firstly applied on a catchment scale. A sensitivity analysis of this model system component demonstrates the plausibility of the model approach and the overall robustness of the model system IWAN. The results of the long-term hydrological modelling from 1991 to 2003 are reliable and form the basis for the simulation of six snowmelt events which were observed in the Schäfertal catchment. The estimated total runoff volumes for these events match the observations well. The modelled overland runoff coefficients vary from 0.001 to 0.72. The mean values of cell erosion, which were modelled with one set of parameters for all six events range from 0.0006 to 0.96 t ha 1. The total modelled erosion for the events with unfrozen soil and low amount of surface runoff is of a factor 50 below those with partly frozen soil. In addition to these distinctions, the major differences are caused by flow accumulation in shallow depressions in variable parts of the catchment. However, the validation of these results on the single event scale is restricted due to limited spatial data. Total simulated sediment yield at the catchment outlet was as high as 13.84 t which underestimates the observed values, with the exception of one event. Oversimplification of the modelled channel processes may be a reason. The temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of the surface roughness parameter, which was identified to be sensitive, also causes uncertainty in the parameter estimation. Despite these findings, the model system IWAN was applied successfully on the catchment scale and the simulated results are reliable.  相似文献   

Temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of surface runoff generation triggers the dynamics of source areas of sediment and sediment-associated nutrient transport. Reliable modelling of hydrological special situations i.e. snowmelt is of high importance for the quality of erosion and sediment yield modelling. Data from the research catchment Schäfertal demonstrate the individuality of snowmelt events in terms of runoff coefficient and delivery ratio. This 1.44 km2 low mountain catchment is characterised by a high portion of arable land with a winter grain/winter rape crop rotation. The integrated winter erosion and nutrient load model (IWAN) considers these dynamic aspects by coupling a hydrological model with a sediment load model. Cell size of this raster-based approach is 10 × 10 m2. Additionally, snowmelt rill erosion is simulated with a newly developed physically based model that is firstly applied on a catchment scale. A sensitivity analysis of this model system component demonstrates the plausibility of the model approach and the overall robustness of the model system IWAN. The results of the long-term hydrological modelling from 1991 to 2003 are reliable and form the basis for the simulation of six snowmelt events which were observed in the Schäfertal catchment. The estimated total runoff volumes for these events match the observations well. The modelled overland runoff coefficients vary from 0.001 to 0.72. The mean values of cell erosion, which were modelled with one set of parameters for all six events range from 0.0006 to 0.96 t ha− 1. The total modelled erosion for the events with unfrozen soil and low amount of surface runoff is of a factor 50 below those with partly frozen soil. In addition to these distinctions, the major differences are caused by flow accumulation in shallow depressions in variable parts of the catchment. However, the validation of these results on the single event scale is restricted due to limited spatial data. Total simulated sediment yield at the catchment outlet was as high as 13.84 t which underestimates the observed values, with the exception of one event. Oversimplification of the modelled channel processes may be a reason. The temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of the surface roughness parameter, which was identified to be sensitive, also causes uncertainty in the parameter estimation. Despite these findings, the model system IWAN was applied successfully on the catchment scale and the simulated results are reliable.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil erosion and sediment delivery cause many environmental problems posing a substantial financial burden upon society. Policy makers therefore look for a strategy to minimize their impact. The spatial nature of soil erosion and sediment delivery, as well as the variety of possible soil conservation and sediment control measures, requires an integrated approach to catchment management. To evaluate such management, a spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery model is necessary. Such a model (WaTEM/SEDEM) was applied to three agricultural catchments in Flanders (Belgium). The model was first used to identify where the measures to control soil loss should be taken. Secondly, a scenario analysis was used to select the most effective set of techniques. The findings showed that soil conservation measures taken in fields are not only effective in reducing on-site soil loss, but also in drastically reducing sediment yield. Off-site sediment control measures appear to be much less effective in reducing sediment yield than previously thought. The results also suggest that data from field experiments cannot be extrapolated to a catchment scale.  相似文献   



The importance of bank erosion was quantified during three periods (October 2006–April 2007, May 2007–April 2008 and May 2008–April 2009) in the 486 km2 catchment area of River Odense, Denmark. A catchment sediment budget was established including other sediment sources such as tile drains and surface runoff, in-channel and overbank sinks and storage and the resulting bed load and suspended sediment load exported from the catchment.

Material and methods

Bank erosion and sedimentation were measured using ca. 3,000 erosion pins established in 180 pin plots, each consisting of three vertical lines of pins. Thirty-six representative reaches, each with a length of 100 m, were selected by a stratified random procedure in GIS. Bed load and suspended sediment export from the catchment were measured using a bed load sampler and from continuous measurements of turbidity at the outlet gauging station.

Results and discussion

The gross sediment input from bank erosion during the three study periods amounted to 21,100–25,200 t in the River Odense catchment, which is considerably higher than the estimated input of sediment from tile drains and surface runoff, which amounted to 220–500 t and 0–100 t, respectively. The measured bed load (20–490 t) was five to 60 times lower than the suspended sediment export from the catchment (1,240–2,620 t) during the three study periods, with the largest difference occurring in the driest year. Sediment sinks and storage were of high importance for the catchment sediment budget as the measured in-channel storage of sediment on stream banks was as high as 16,200–20,100 t, and the overbank sediment sink was estimated at 360–3,100 t.


Bank erosion was the dominant sediment source (90–94 %) in the River Odense catchment during the three study years. In-channel and overbank sediment sinks and storage dominated the sediment budget as 79–94 % of the sediment input from all sources was not exported from the catchment during the three study years. Such a large attenuation of sediment in river channels and on floodplains is extremely important for fluvial habitats and ecology. Moreover, it has strong implications for attempts to document changes in sediment export following implementation of mitigation measures.  相似文献   


Phosphorus and sulfur deficiencies have been observed on many of the volcanic ash derived soils in Central America. One exploratory experiment was initiated in 1987 to examine maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield response to phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen applied together on a volcanic ash derived soil in the Pacific coastal plain of Guatemala. Four cycles of yield data were collected in 2 rainy and 2 dry seasons. Treatments consisted of rate combinations of N (0, 100 kg ha‐1 as urea), P (0, 22 kg ha‐1 as triple superphosphate) and S (0, 57 and 114 kg ha‐1 as CaSO4.2H2O) applied together in continuous bands in a randomized complete block design. Residual P and S response was measured during the last two cycles, whereby only urea was applied at a constant rate to all plots. The combined analysis of the first two cycles demonstrated a linear response of yield to applied S when no P was applied (4.95, 5.75 and 5.95 Mg ha‐1 at 0, 57 and 114 kg S ha‐1 respectively), while yield response was quadratic when S as CaSO42H2O and P as triple superphosphate were applied together in a continuous band at 100 kg N ha‐1 (5.38, 6.38 and 5.48 Mg ha‐1 at the same S rates respectively). Response of yield to S was linear without and with P for the combined residual analysis of the last two cycles at the same N rate (4.65, 4.94, 5.26 and 4.68, 5.53, 5.56 Mg ha‐1 respectively). Grain yields were maximized over the four cycle period using a joint N, P, S band (100 kg of N as urea, 22 kg P as triple superphosphate, and 57 kg S as CaSO4.2H2O ha‐1). It is hypothesized that precipitation of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) and dicalcium phosphate (DCP) took place within the joint N‐P‐S band subsequently reducing the amount of P fixed as Fe or Al hydroxides and/or amounts of P complexed with amorphous allophane. The precipitation and subsequent dissolution of DCPD and DCP within the band could have increased P availability with time. Alternatively, SO4 = blocking of adsorption sites could have increased P availability by reducing the amount of P fixed by the soil. It is possible that both of the previously mentioned mechanisms played a role in first cycle yield responses since increases were noted at the low S rate (57 kg S ha‐1), while reductions were found when the S rate was doubled (114 kg S ha‐1). Significant residual response for the last two cycles was observed for the joint triple superphosphate, CaSO4.2H2O, urea band, especially at the high S rate. This suggests that excess precipitation of DCP and DCPD could have occurred and that this provided delayed dissolution of the precipitated P reaction products. Chemical characterization of precipitated reaction products within the band is needed as well as further verification on similar soils in order to validate the observed response.  相似文献   



The assessment of climate change impacts on the sediment cycle is currently a primary concern for environmental policy analysts in Mediterranean areas. Nevertheless, quantitative assessment of climate change impacts is still a complex task. The aim of this study was to implement a sediment model by taking advantage of sediment proxy information provided by reservoir bottom deposits and to use it for climate change assessment in a Mediterranean catchment.

Materials and methods

The sediment model was utilised in a catchment that drains into a large reservoir. The depositional history of the reservoir was reconstructed and used for sediment sub-model implementation. The model results were compared with gauged suspended sediment data in order to verify model robustness. Then, the model was coupled with future precipitation and temperature scenarios obtained from climate models. Climatological model outputs for two emission scenarios (A2 and B2) were simulated and the results compared with a reference scenario.

Results and discussion

Model results showed a general decrease in soil moisture and water discharge. Large floods, which are responsible for the majority of sediment mobilisation, also showed a general decrease. Sediment yield showed a clear reduction under the A2 scenario but increased under the B2 scenario. The computed specific sediment yield for the control period was 6.33 Mg ha?1 year?1, while for the A2 and B2 scenarios, it was 3.62 and 7.04 Mg ha?1 year?1, respectively. Furthermore, sediment transport showed an increase in its time compression, i.e. a stronger dependence of total sediment yield from the largest event contributions.


This study shows a methodology for implementing a distributed sediment model by exploiting reservoir sedimentation volumes. This methodology can be applied to a wide range of catchments, given the high availability of reservoir sedimentation data. Moreover, this study showed how such a model can be used in the framework of a climate change study, providing a measure of the impact of climate change on soil erosion and sediment yields.  相似文献   

Catabolic responses to specific substrates can be used to differentiate soil microbial communities. We hypothesized that the catabolic respiration responses of microbial communities from pastures would differ from those of forest soils, and that the differences would be consistent at a landscape scale, due to inherent differences in litter quality and management regimes. We analysed respiration responses to 25 different substrates of 20 pasture soils (dominated by rye grass and white clover) and 20 forest soils (indigenous forest species or the plantation species Pinus radiata) over a wide geographical range in New Zealand.Within each pasture or forest category, the catabolic responses showed a similar pattern, suggesting similarities in functional catabolic capability and microbial community Indigenous forests and pine forests microbial communities did not differ in their responses. Pasture soil communities had significantly higher relative responses to carbohydrate and amino-acid substrates and significantly lower relative response to carboxylic acid substrates, than microbial communities from forest soils. Forest soils had relatively greater responses to carboxylic acids as a group, as well as citric acid, α-ketobutyric acid, α-ketoglutaric acid, and α-ketovaleric acid, than did the pasture soils. A subset of 6 substrates was equally as effective at differentiating the microbial catabolic response of pasture soils from forest soils as the entire set of 25 substrates. The results demonstrated distinct differences in the respiration responses of the soil microbial communities of pastures and forests, but showed strong similarities within each vegetation class, despite the wide geographical spread, different soils and plant species.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental factors structure communities is important in conservation biology and ecosystem management. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that a plant-feeding nematode community composed of six species is structured by soil type and climate at the landscape scale, and that niche partitioning via these factors is consistent with the coexistence of the species. Martinique has an impressive diversity of abiotic factors (climate and soil type) over a relatively small land area, which facilitates the study of how soil type and climate affect the nematode community.We conducted this study by building an extensive data set containing the abundance of each nematode species on banana (3708 samples and 5,673,705 nematodes) in a wide range of sites in Martinique. The data set also contained environmental data (soil, climate) and plantation age. We analyzed the response of each nematode species to climate and soil type with a generalized linear model in order to understand whether niche partitioning of factors could contribute to the coexistence of the nematode species.Temperature, rainfall, soil type, and plantation age significantly affected the abundance of the six nematode species. While some pairs of species shared the same environmental niches, other showed clear niche partitioning along climatic axes. The two dominant species, Radopholus similis and Helicotylenchus multicinctus, have similar convergent ecological niches regarding climate, soil type, plantation age, and host range. These two species, which often co-occur, probably have different resources at the root scale. Soil type and climate structure plant-feeding nematode species community at the island scale. Further studies need to evaluate coexistence at the root scale among dominant species.  相似文献   


Sandy soils are usually dominant in tropical monsoon regions, due to the high weathering potential associated with high temperatures and precipitation. The organic matter content of sandy soils is low due to low clay content and high microbial activity. Therefore, soil management practices that alter the soil organic carbon (SOC) content may be important for the sustainable management of crop yields. Thus, the present study investigates the distribution of rice yield and SOC content under different land management practices and analyzes the relationship between rice yield and SOC with pertinent management practices (manure and fertilizer applications). The soil horizons from 0- to 40-cm depths were collected in each layer to measure SOC and soil properties at 64 sites. At each sampling site, farmers were given questionnaires and the record book for the standards for good agricultural practices of farm owners were gathered to assimilate information on rice yield and their practices during 2010–2014. The mean rice yield of the whole crop year and SOC were 2.93 Mg ha?1 and 47.09 Mg C ha?1, respectively, in the irrigated areas, and were 2.38 Mg ha?1 and 32.08 Mg C ha?1 in the rain-fed areas. Significantly higher values were obtained in the irrigated areas (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between rice yield and SOC in both the irrigated areas (R2 = 0.72, p < 0.01) and the rain-fed areas (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.01); however, the slopes of these regression equations were significantly different. In both irrigated and rain-fed areas, manure should be applied every year, with an optimal application rate of N, P, and K fertilizers being selected. The combination of manure, fertilizer, and increasing irrigation facilities the maintenance of SOC levels and substantially increases rice yields.  相似文献   

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