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Tick-borne flaviviruses are among the medically most important arboviruses in Europe and Asia. Tick-borne encephalitis causes between 10,000 and 15,000 human cases every year in both continents. Besides this disease there are several other tick-borne flaviviruses which may be of local medical importance, and which are less known, but may be important as differential diagnosis. Among them are louping-ill disease which is present mainly on the British Islands, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, which is prevalent in parts of Russia, Kyasanur Forest Disease, which is distributed in parts of India, Alkhumra hemorrhagic fever, occurring in Saudi Arabia, Powassan encephalitis, which is known to be the only tick-borne flavivirus of human pathogenicity so far detected in North America and some other flaviviruses. Most of these viruses are also more or less important for veterinary medicine. Several other tick-borne flaviviruses so far have neither been associated with human nor animal diseases, and their potential pathogenicity for humans and animals is unknown. Changes in human behaviour, land use, or climate may change the actual geographical distribution and transmission intensity so that tick-borne flaviviruses are potential winners of the changing environment and may increase in medical and veterinary importance.  相似文献   

A growing number of enteric protozoan species are considered to have zoonotic potential. Their clinical impact varies and in many cases is poorly defined. Similarly, the epidemiology of infections, particularly the role of non-human hosts, requires further study. In this review, new information on the life cycles and transmission of Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba, Blastocystis and Balantidium are examined in the context of zoonotic potential, as well as polyparasitism and clinical significance.  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases of cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As veterinarians, our responsibilities do not end with the care of our patients. The welfare of our clients and their families depends on our ability to detect and control potentially zoonotic diseases in their pets. Because some of these zoonoses can have devastating effects on the development of the unborn fetus or on family health in general, discussion about these diseases between veterinarian and client is often emotionally charged. Under such circumstances, the offering of inaccurate and erroneous information by the veterinarian can have drastic consequences. It is likely that other zoonotic diseases of domestic pets will be identified in the future, especially those that can cause opportunistic infections in debilitated and immunodeficient persons. In the meantime, the potential hazards of cat ownership can be significantly reduced through an increased understanding of feline diseases and an improved level of health care for our feline patients.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are important enteric pathogens of humans and animals. Group A rotaviruses (GARVs) account for up to 1 million children deaths each year, chiefly in developing countries and human vaccines are now available in many countries. Rotavirus-associated enteritis is a major problem in livestock animals, notably in young calves and piglets. Early in the epidemiological GARV studies in humans, either sporadic cases or epidemics by atypical, animal-like GARV strains were described. Complete genome sequencing of human and animal GARV strains has revealed a striking genetic heterogeneity in the 11 double stranded RNA segments across different rotavirus strains and has provided evidence for frequent intersections between the evolution of human and animal rotaviruses, as a result of multiple, repeated events of interspecies transmission and subsequent adaptation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present the diseases induced in humans and animals by the different species of Chlamydophila, after providing an overview on the history of these infectious agents and their taxonomy. The route of transmission and the available methods for prevention and control in the different animal species are reviewed.  相似文献   

Poxviruses encode a broad range of proteins that counteract the formidable attack of the immune response initiated in the host after infection, among which are proteins that mimic the extracellular binding domain of host cytokine receptors and are secreted from virus-infected cells. A soluble interferon-γ receptor (IFN-γR) is produced early after infection and efficiently blocks the binding of IFN-γ to cellular receptors, thus inhibiting both the anti-viral and immune functions of IFN-γ. An IFN-γR is highly conserved among members of the poxvirus family, suggesting a major role in viral pathogenesis. The highly species-specific nature of the IFN system enables questions concerning the evolutionary relationship between poxviruses and their hosts to be addressed. The IFN-γR encoded by myxoma virus, a natural pathogen of rabbits, is specific for rabbit IFN-γ. However, the IFN-γR encoded by orthopoxviruses (vaccinia, cowpox, camelpox, ectromelia) shows a novel, broad species specificity suggesting that these viruses have evolved in several species. The implications for the unknown origin and natural host(s) of vaccinia virus are discussed.  相似文献   

To date, the International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses recognizes that the family Arenaviridae contains a unique genus Arenavirus that includes 22 viral species. There are nine additional arenaviruses that either have been discovered recently, or which taxonomic status remains pending. Arenaviruses have been classified according to their antigenic properties into two groups, the Lassa-Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) serocomplex and the Tacaribe serocomplex which has been further divided into four evolutionary lineages. Each arenavirus is more or less tightly associated with a mammal host. The distribution of the host dictates the distribution of the virus. Humans may become infected by arenaviruses through direct contact with infected rodents, including bites, or through inhalation of infectious rodent excreta and secreta. Lassa, Junin, Machupo, Guanarito, and Sabia viruses are known to cause a severe hemorrhagic fever, in western Africa, Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Brazil, respectively. Infection by LCM virus can result in acute central nervous system disease, congenital malformations, and infection in organ transplantation recipients. Detection of arenaviruses in their animal host can be achieved by virus isolation, and has recently taken advantage of PCR-based techniques. The approach based on consensus degenerate primers has shown efficient for both detection of known arenaviruses, and discovery of new arenaviruses.  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases of birds.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous diseases are shared by birds and humans. Many of them are true zoonosis. Chlamydiosis, salmonellosis, and tuberculosis are the primary infectious diseases. Allergic alveolitis in humans, induced by exposure to bird dander and protein, is also of great significance. The other diseases are of less common occurrence or represent oddities. [Editor's note: However, the increased incidence of AIDS and the increased use of immune system-compromising medications in humans have resulted in a drastic increase in the zoonotic diseases. Formerly rare diseases are becoming more common.]  相似文献   

Zoonotic dermatophytosis (ringworm)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

2006年欧洲人畜共患病的感染情况年度总结报告,由欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)和欧洲疾病预防和控制中心(ECDC)于近期公布.该报告阐述了人畜共患病传染、媒介、抗生素抗性和食源性疾病在25个欧盟成员国和5个非成员国(保加利亚、冰岛、列支敦士登、挪威和罗马尼亚)暴发的最新趋势和发生数字.以下是该报告的背景和结果.  相似文献   

Zoonotic dermatoses of dogs and cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zoonotic dermatoses in dogs and cats are an important cause of skin disease in human beings. In addition, human dermatoses may occasionally be transmitted to dogs and cats. The veterinarian and the physician form a critical "health care team" in the proper management of these disorders.  相似文献   

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