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<正>江鳕(Lota lota Linnaeus)又名山鲶鱼、山怀子、山鳕,属鳕形目(Gadiformes)、鳕亚目(Ga-doidae)、鳕科(Gadidae)、江鳕属(Lata),是鳕科鱼中唯一的淡水种类。主要分布在45oN以北欧洲、亚洲和北美洲的内陆河湖和海湾处,在我国主要分布于黑龙江水系和新疆的额尔齐斯河水系以及鸭绿江上游。近年来由于环境污染,气候变暖和人为过度捕捞等因素导致自  相似文献   

正银鳕学名大鳞鲃(Barbus capito),属于鲤科、鲃亚科、鲃属(图1),原产于乌兹别克斯坦,分布于西亚的里海和咸水水域,成鱼体重3~6千克/尾,最大个体体长100厘米、重量20千克,是当地名贵的大型经济品种之一,具有耐盐碱、食性广、生长速度快、抗逆性强、肉质鲜美等特性,目前国内消费市场已经成熟,价格适中,是  相似文献   

<正>江鳕属鳕形目,鳕科,江鳕属。我国只产江鳕一种,又称山鲇鱼。2013年5月,北京市从新疆引进了江鳕苗种,在国家级北京鱼类良种场暨北京水产科学研究所十渡基地开展试验,现将试养结果总结如下:一、材料与方法1.试验地点北京水产科学研究所十渡基地位于房山区十渡镇,交通便利;东傍拒马河,地下水资源丰富,水质清新,符合渔业用水标准。2.试验条件试验在基地育种车间内进行。试验池为圆形玻璃钢材料,直径2米、高50厘米,中间排污;进水采取喷淋式,缸内安装微孔曝气装置,水中  相似文献   

<正>1培育设施江鳕1龄鱼种培育池采用室外水泥池,大小6m×6m×0.8m。水深控制在0.6m左右,池底用石棉瓦搭建遮阳棚,高度约15cm左右,石棉瓦下放置数堆鹅卵石,池中间再摆放数个不透明粗管,给江鳕提供避光栖息的场所。夏天天气炎热时,培育池上方搭遮阳网,避免阳光直射到培育池内。2水源和水流控制江鳕1龄鱼种培育用水采用水库底层水,经过充分沉淀、曝气后使用,依水位差自流入培育池,水流大小控制在1m3/h,夏季水流加大至1.5  相似文献   

正近江蛏(Sinonovacula rivularis sp.nov.)为河口埋栖型双壳贝类,隶属于双壳纲,灯塔蛤科,缢蛏属,为缢蛏属中的一新种。该蛏形似缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricat),但壳长与壳高之比大于缢蛏,在精子形态~([1])、遗传基因~([2])上与缢蛏有显著的差异,2006年定名为近江蛏~([1])。近江蛏具有肉味美、适应低  相似文献   

正虽然近江蛏生产性人工育苗已获成功,但多数养殖者在池塘大规格苗种培育的成活率还是比较低,造成近江蛏苗种资源浪费,本文对近年来近江蛏池塘大规格苗种培育技术进行总结,结果为近江蛏苗种最适宜的比重是1.004~1.006,近江蛏苗种最适宜的温度是15℃~28℃,最适宜的pH值是7.8~8.8。近江蛏(Sinonovacula rivularis sp.nov.)为一种河口埋栖型双壳贝类,隶属于双壳纲,灯塔蛤科,缢蛏属,为缢蛏属中的一新种。该蛏形似  相似文献   

正江鳕(Lota lota)属鳕形目、鳕科、江鳕属,俗称鲇鱼,为淡水冷水性底栖凶猛鱼类,在中国主要分布于黑龙江、鸭绿江及额尔齐斯河流域。江鳕是鳕科鱼类中唯一的淡水种类,也是中国冷水鱼类的珍稀物种,具有较高的经济价值、药用价值和特殊的科学研究价值。在自然条件下,江鳕于冰下产卵,受精卵孵化期超过两个月,生物  相似文献   

江鳕人工繁育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江鳕(Lota lota)属鳕形目、鳕形科,分布于北纬45度以北的欧亚和北美内陆水域,在我国仅分布于新疆额尔齐斯河及黑龙江水系上游.江鳕是鳕科鱼类中唯一的淡水鱼类,属高纬度北方水域的名贵经济鱼类,以其肥大的肝脏和雄鱼精巢的味美而著称.在自然界,江鳕于冰下进行生殖回游,水温近0℃时产卵,自然条件下受精卵孵化期长达1个月~2个月.新疆北屯额尔齐斯河特种鱼类开发有限责任公司经过3年的研究,已攻克了江鳕人工繁殖技术,并大批量培育出夏花鱼种.  相似文献   

<正>江鳕(Lota lota)地方名山鲶鱼、花鲶鱼,属于鳕形目鳕亚目鳕科江鳕属鱼类。江鳕是鳕形目唯一的淡水性栖息种类。江鳕在我国主要分布在黑龙江、鸭绿江水系和新疆的额尔齐斯河。因其拥有着鲜美的肉质,丰富的营养而具有很高的食用价值和经济价值。近年来由于过度捕捞,江鳕资源数量日趋减少,现已经被列入国家二级保护鱼类,所以解决江鳕的保护和增养殖问题已经刻不  相似文献   

江鳕人工繁殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江鳕(Lota lota)属鳕形目,鳕科,江鳕属。肉食性。环境条件好、食物充足时,当年鱼可长到300克、两年鱼可长到800克以上,笔者所见最大个体达8千克。在0~26℃的水域中生存,体被暗纹,有细小圆鳞,体表有金钱豹类似的花纹,所以在新疆当地俗称"金钱豹",在黑龙江有地方名:山鲶鱼、山怀子。江鳕的肉质细腻鲜美,无肌间刺,特点是其肝脏大而味美,是鳕科鱼类中制造鱼肝油的唯一淡水品种。在我国仅分布于新疆的额尔齐斯河及东北的黑龙江水系及鸭绿江上游。  相似文献   

Abstract Population viability analysis (PVA) is a frequently used conservation tool for the assessment of long‐term survival of populations. Based on demographic information from published literature, a PVA model using VORTEX was constructed for the burbot Lota lota (L.), a freshwater fish species believed extinct in the United Kingdom since the 1970s. The model was constructed to evaluate the persistence of a single burbot population over a 100‐year period as part of an assessment of the feasibility of reintroducing the species to rivers of its former distribution in England. Population persistence was highly variable and dependent on juvenile survival and spawning regularity. Under high juvenile survival scenarios, all populations persisted and were maintained at the carrying capacity. At low juvenile survival, population persistence was highly influenced by spawning regularity. Sensitivity analysis indicated that females must successfully spawn approximately every second year to guarantee 95% population survival. The analysis suggests that the long‐term viability of any potential reintroduced burbot population will be dependent on the environmental conditions related to spawning success.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the morphological development and allometric growth patterns of Lota lota L. (burbot) larvae reared under controlled laboratory conditions. From hatching to day 50, twenty larvae were sampled each [between 1 and 14 days post-hatch (DPH)] or every second day (between 14 and 50 DPH) and measured under a stereoscopic microscope using analytic software. Based on the external morphology, the different stages during early development of burbot were identified: yolk sac larva 0–8 DPH [3.92–4.37 mm total length (TL)]; preflexion larva 9–26 DPH (4.57–12.06 mm TL); flexion larva (between notochord degradation and its replacement with rays) 28–34 DPH (14.00–16.34 mm TL) and postflexion larva/juvenile 36–50 DPH (18.20–29.27 mm TL). Allometric growth patterns of some parameters (e.g., total length, head length, body length, tail length, head depth, body depth, eye diameter) were modeled by a power function and described by the growth coefficient. Organogenesis and changes of body proportions in burbot larvae were more rapid and complex during the yolk sac and preflexion phase of development as larvae developed most of their sensorial, feeding, respiratory and swimming systems and after notochord flexion, when most morphological changes were related to the progressive transformation from pelagic larva to demersal larva/juvenile.  相似文献   

Stapanian MA, Witzel LD, Cook A. Recruitment of burbot (Lota lota L.) in Lake Erie: an empirical modelling approach.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 326–337. Published 2010. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA Abstract – World‐wide, many burbot Lota lota (L.) populations have been extirpated or are otherwise in need of conservation measures. By contrast, burbot made a dramatic recovery in Lake Erie during 1993–2001 but declined during 2002–2007, due in part to a sharp decrease in recruitment. We used Akaike’s Information Criterion to evaluate 129 linear regression models that included all combinations of one to seven ecological indices as predictors of burbot recruitment. Two models were substantially supported by the data: (i) the number of days in which water temperatures were within optimal ranges for burbot spawning and development combined with biomass of yearling and older (YAO) yellow perch Perca flavescens (Mitchill); and (ii) biomass of YAO yellow perch. Warmer winter water temperatures and increases in yellow perch biomass were associated with decreases in burbot recruitment. Continued warm winter water temperatures could result in declines in burbot recruitment, particularly in the southern part of the species’ range.  相似文献   

The burbot (Lota lota) is the only fresh water member of the cod family, Gadidae, and is adapted to cold waters. The effects of temperature and light on the growth and survival of burbot larvae were investigated under hatchery conditions. Three temperature regimes (12, 16 and 20°C) were applied under continuous light and darkness during the experiment. Rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus (L.) were fed to the larvae in the first 10 days and the diet was then replaced with Artemia nauplii. At the end of the feeding stage with rotifer, growth in terms of the total length and wet weight were larger at higher temperatures under continuous light. At day 10, survival rates of the fish held at 12°C under continuous light and darkness regime were higher than those held at 16°C and 20°C kept under the same conditions. From day 10 onwards, larval growth improved remarkably after changing the live food from rotifer to Artemia in all treatments. At the end of the study, the highest survival rate was recorded among the larvae held at 12°C exposed to continuous light. Under light condition, the temperature of 20°C did not result in an improved larval growth compared with 16°C. This may indicate that high temperature and continuous light are not beneficial for larval growth and survival when they reach older stage of development. The results indicate a significant interaction for the combination of temperature, light and time with respect to survival and wet weight, making unambiguous interpretation of the main effects difficult.  相似文献   

Winter movements of burbot (Lota lota) were monitored in Bull Lake, Wyoming during a record low water storage period in the winter of 1985–1986. Burbot with surgically implanted ultrasonic transmitters were commonly sedentary during the drawdown. The fish that did move were most active during dusk and at night in winter and during the day in spring. Burbot did not appear to occupy well defined home ranges or show discernible movement patterns. Movement into shallow water during winter was attributed to colder water temperatures and the onset of the spawning season. Burbot were always found associated with silt substrates during the drawdown. Aerial photographs of the exposed bottom revealed that virtually all suitable spawning and nursery habitat for burbot was eliminated by the 13.4-m drawdown.  相似文献   

对江鳕(Lotalota)出膜后仔鱼各个器官的发育进行了系统观察。结果表明,从形态发育来看,江鳕发育分为仔鱼期和稚鱼期。仔鱼期又分为卵黄囊期仔鱼和后期仔鱼,根据外部形态和发育特点分为11个发育期;卵黄囊期(0~31日龄)仔鱼生长发育缓慢;后期仔鱼期(32~62日龄)生长发育较快。稚鱼期主要是鳞片形成(63~67日龄),所有器官形成历时67d。  相似文献   

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