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【目的】研究新疆伊犁地区伊贝母的最佳施肥技术模式。【方法】通过采用四因素三水平正交试验设计,设计微生物菌肥、磷肥,生物有机肥+有机物料腐熟剂,精制有机肥+有机物料腐熟剂4因素,在优化施肥(2水平)基础上,设计1水平(2水平×0.5)、3水平(2水平×1.5),正交处理共9个,对伊贝母生长及土壤进行了测定。【结果】不同施肥量处理下的伊贝母植株高度、伊贝母植株鲜重、鳞茎鲜重、土壤有机质、土壤全氮含量和土壤p H值均不同;随着伊贝母生育进程的推进,各个处理下的土壤p H均表现为萌芽期显著高于现蕾期和始花期,而土壤有机质和土壤全氮含量规律并不明显;不同施肥量处理下,伊贝母每667 m~2株数没有明显差异;在同一微生物菌肥施用量下,伊贝母产量的变化趋势无明显规律,处理8即微生物菌肥为6 kg/667m~2,磷肥为18 kg/667 m~2,生物有机肥+有机物料腐剂为16 kg/667 m~2,精制有机肥+有机物料腐剂为60 kg/667 m~2时,伊贝母产量最高为381.14 kg/667 m~2;在单一微生物菌肥施用量下,伊贝母产量的变化趋势无明显规律。【结论】以微生物菌肥、磷肥基施为主,配施生物有机肥、有机物料腐熟剂,生育期开沟追施微生物菌肥,可获得伊贝母高产。  相似文献   

目的:为了探讨不同施肥模式对水稻产量及土壤肥力的影响,找到不同肥力水平土壤的最佳施肥模式。方法:本试验在浏阳市荷花镇(低产田)、达浒镇(高产田),比较不施肥(T1)、常规施肥(T2)、40%有机肥(T3)和纯化肥(T4)的水稻产量和土壤肥力变化。结果:施肥处理均能显著提高荷花、达浒两地水稻产量。T2和T3处理能通过增加水稻有效穗数和每穗粒数使水稻产量显著增加。在荷花,T4处理比T1~T3处理分别增产49.8%、2.28%、0.08%;在达浒,T3处理比T1、T2、T4处理分别增产34.15%、12.43%、8.84%。两地土壤养分含量、肥力综合评价值均表现出T3处理显著高于其他处理,且逐年增加。结论:不施肥会降低水稻产量和土壤肥力。低产田在短年限内农家习惯施肥能显著提高水稻产量和土壤养分,但长远培肥应该适当加大有机肥的比例;高产田有机无机肥配施能够达到很好的培肥效果。  相似文献   

对连续27年施肥的南方黄泥田水稻产量、基础地力贡献率变化进行了分析,结果表明,连续施用化肥(NPK)、化肥+牛粪(NPKM)、化肥+稻草(NPKS)处理的水稻平均产量比不施肥(CK)分别提高74.9%、96.6%、91.7%,NPKM与NPKS处理产量分别比NPK处理提高12.4%与9.6%,均达到极显著差异,但NPKM与NPKS产量相当。双季稻年份(1983-2004年),NPK、NPKM、NPKS处理的水稻每5~7年年际增产率随试验年份的延长呈递增的趋势。早稻与晚稻的基础地力贡献率均呈波浪式下降趋势,其平均贡献率分别为47.1%与60.0%。不同施肥处理产量与基础地力呈显著或极显著正相关。  相似文献   

通过施肥和不施肥处理,研究水稻收获后盐碱化稻田土壤养分状况,旨在明确盐碱化及养分投入对稻田土壤基础肥力的影响,为盐碱地水稻生产配方施肥提供理论依据。结果表明,不论施肥与否,土壤盐碱化均导致土壤全氮、速效氮、全磷、速效磷、速效钾含量下降;全钾含量变化略有不同,未施肥情况下,盐碱土壤全钾含量降低,施肥后,反而升高。化肥施入后,各处理全氮、全磷、速效磷含量相应增加,速效氮含量却相应下降,全钾、速效钾含量的变化受土壤类型和品种的影响较大。  相似文献   

不同基础地力土壤优化施肥对水稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
【目的】研究江汉平原地区不同基础地力土壤和优化施肥对水稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响。【方法】以江汉平原水稻主推品种丰两优香一号为试验材料,通过3年田间小区试验,考察分析土壤基础地力不同的稻田优化施肥、农民习惯施肥和不施肥处理的产量、氮肥贡献率、土壤氮素依存率和氮肥利用率等的差异。【结果】土壤基础地力不同的稻田均是优化施肥处理的产量最高,与农民习惯施肥处理比较,高地力和低地力稻田优化施肥处理的产量分别平均提高6.9%和5.0%;与不施肥处理比较,产量分别平均提高17.3%和30.3%。与农民习惯施肥处理比较,优化施肥处理的氮肥吸收利用率、农学利用率和偏生产力均大幅度提高。高地力稻田土壤氮素依存率高、氮肥贡献率小、施肥增产的潜力小;低地力稻田土壤氮素依存率低、氮肥贡献率大、施肥增产的潜力大。【结论】优化施肥可以降低水稻产量对土壤基础地力的依赖,提高氮肥利用率。  相似文献   

试验选择红壤旱地上不同培肥措施的土壤,分别代表不同肥力水平的土壤:即荒地土(低肥力)、茶园土(中肥力1)、花生地(中肥力2)和菜园土(高肥力),通过设置施肥与不施肥盆栽试验,研究不同肥力水平红壤旱地的基础地力贡献率和肥料贡献率。结果表明:施肥可以显著提高玉米产量,各肥力水平的玉米产量的变化趋势为菜园土花生地茶园土荒地土,在红壤旱地上,有机培肥措施不仅可以提高作物产量,而且可以提高土壤肥力和基础地力对产量的贡献率。  相似文献   

不同施肥措施对黄泥田土壤养分及水稻产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为农业有机废弃物的合理科学利用提供参考,在湖北省孝昌县单季稻区利用田间试验研究6种施肥措施对黄泥田土壤肥力及水稻产量的影响。结果表明:不同施肥措施对黄泥田土壤有效磷与速效钾含量的影响显著,对有机质、全氮及碱解氮含量的影响不明显。在6种施肥措施中,以化肥+畜禽粪肥配施黄泥田土壤的有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量最高,分别为23.06 g/kg、1.34 g/kg、111.66mg/kg、30.77mg/kg和148.33mg/kg,且有效磷和速效钾含量显著高于其他施肥措施(P0.05);稻谷和稻草产量也最高,分别为9 638.38kg/hm~2和11 118.39kg/hm~2,也显著高于其他施肥措施(P0.05);水稻的综合农艺性状好。因此,在黄泥田水稻生产过程中,采用化肥和畜禽粪肥配施可有效培肥其土壤,提高水稻产量。  相似文献   

通过4种不同施肥模式下玉米田土壤养分及土壤酶活性变化特征表明,单施有机肥和有机肥化肥配施模式均能显著提高生育后期土壤有效磷和速效钾含量;有机肥化肥配施模式土壤酶活性显著高于不施肥和单施化肥模式;有机肥化肥配施模式下的玉米产量比单施化肥高出18.23%.有机肥配施化肥能够提高土壤养分和酶活性,提高土壤生产能力,是较为合理...  相似文献   

高产土壤条件下双季杂交稻施磷效应研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为完善双季稻超高产栽培技术体系,以湖南省醴陵市高产稻田土壤-河沙泥为供试土壤,杂交早稻V402和杂交晚稻V644为供试作物,对不同施磷水平的杂交稻和土壤效应进行了研究。结果表明,在高产土壤条件下,施磷仍能促进水稻提早分蘖,增大水稻生育前期的干物质纱量和对氮、磷、钾的吸收量,但对水稻中、后期的干物质积累和氮、磷、钾的吸收无促进作用。施磷处理水稻-生中地上部干特总量稻谷产量与不施磷处理无明显差异。施磷  相似文献   

Fertilization Effect of Wheat Under Different Soil Fertilities   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

江西红壤稻田三熟制油菜简化施肥效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三熟制油菜简化施肥的试验结果表明,简化施肥对油菜株高、茎粗、有效分枝数、第一节位高、主花序长和主花序角果数都有一定影响,而对油菜每荚粒数没有影响,对单株角果数、千粒重、成熟期干物质积累和理论产量的影响较大,产量从高至低依次为简化施肥Ⅲ、简化施肥Ⅱ、常规施肥(CK)、简化施肥Ⅰ。简化施肥对油菜生育进程影响很小,前期几乎没有影响,到了生育后期差异1~3 d;简化施肥比常规施肥减少生产投入294.0~450.0元/hm2,增收181.8~1100.7元/hm2,以简化施肥Ⅲ的经济效益最高。  相似文献   

湖南双季稻种植区不同生产力水稻土质量综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】利用非线性评价模型量化不同生产力水稻土的质量变化,为双季稻种植区水稻土的可持续利用提供科学依据。【方法】以湖南省双季稻主产区为试验样区,采用综合评价方法,将土壤质量划分为抗物理退化、养分供应与贮藏、抗生物化学退化和保持作物生产力这4项土壤功能。运用专家小组打分和因子分析相结合的方法,确定各项功能和指标的权重,用非线性评分模型对不同生产力水稻土测定的各项指标进行无量纲(0和1之间)评分。【结果】结果表明,8个试验区高产水稻土具有良好的物理、化学和生物化学质量;中产水稻土的物理质量比较好,但生物化学质量较差;低产水稻土的物理、化学和生物化学质量均较差,主要体现在有机质含量低,养分供应、贮藏能力差。【结论】高产水稻土的总体土壤质量高,对双季稻生长不构成障碍;影响中产水稻土质量的主要因子是养分供应不平衡,采用良好的管理措施可以使其土壤质量在短期内得以提高;低产水稻土的总体质量差,在这类水稻土上需要增加有机肥和无机养分的投入,改善其总体土壤质量。  相似文献   

研究双季稻区6种不同土壤类型对晚稻产量及稻米品质的影响,可为指导不同地域的水稻优质生产提供重要参考。本文以6年定位试验为基础,研究了南方双季稻区6种不同土壤类型晚稻产量及稻米品质的变化。结果表明,在6种不同土壤类型中,各处理优质晚稻的有效穗、每穗总粒数、结实率、千粒重和产量均无明显差异。垩白大小与穗干重之间呈显著的正相关。水稻产量以红黄泥田最高,达7570.46 kg/hm2,大小顺序为红黄泥田>河沙泥>灰泥田>麻沙泥>紫泥田>黄泥田。红黄泥田和紫泥田有利于提高优质晚稻的出糙率、精米率;灰泥田和河沙泥田有利于提高稻米的整精米率;黄泥田有利于提高稻米的胶稠度、蛋白质,降低垩白米率、垩白大小和直链淀粉含量。上述结果说明,黄泥田种植水稻有利于改善稻米品质。  相似文献   

为了探明农业技术措施对土壤生物学特征的影响,为制定合理的耕作制度,保障土壤的可持续性利用提供依据,进行了一次性全层施肥法对双季稻土壤微生物的影响研究.结果表明,施肥技术没有引起土壤微生物的变化.土壤中几类微生物的数量变化主要受水稻生育期的影响.  相似文献   

Land conversion is considered an effective measure to ensure national food security in China, but little information is available on the quality of low productivity soils, in particular those in acid sulfate soil regions. In our study, acid sulfate paddy soils were divided into soils with high, medium and low levels based on local rice productivity, and 60 soil samples were collected for analysis. Twenty soil variables including physical, chemical and biochemical properties were determined. Those variables that were significantly different between the high, medium and low productivity soils were selected for principal component analysis, and microbial biomass carbon (MBC), total nitrogen (TN), available silicon (ASi), pH and available zinc (AZn) were retained in the minimum data set (MDS). After scoring the MDS variables, they were integrated to calculate a soil quality index (SQI), and the high, medium and low productivity paddy soils received mean SQI scores of 0.95, 0.83 and 0.60, respectively. Low productivity paddy soils showed worse soil quality, and a large discrepancy was observed between the low and high productivity paddy soils. Lower MBC, TN, ASi, pH and available K (AK) were considered as the primary limiting factors. Additionally, all the soil samples collected were rich in available P and AZn, but deficient in AK and ASi. The results suggest that soil AK and ASi deficiencies were the main limiting factors for all the studied acid sulfate paddy soil regions. The application of K and Si on a national basis and other sustainable management approaches are suggested to improve rice productivity, especially for low productivity paddy soils. Our results indicated that there is a large potential for increasing productivity and producing more cereals in acid sulfate paddy soil regions.  相似文献   

Land conversion is considered an effective measure to ensure national food security in China, but little information is available on the quality of low productivity soils, in particular those in acid sulfate soil regions. In our study, acid sulfate paddy soils were divided into soils with high, medium and low levels based on local rice productivity, and 60 soil samples were collected for analysis. Twenty soil variables including physical, chemical and biochemical properties were determined. Those variables that were significantly different between the high, medium and low productivity soils were selected for principal component analysis, and microbial biomass carbon (MBC), total nitrogen (TN), available silicon (ASi), pH and available zinc (AZn) were retained in the minimum data set (MDS). After scoring the MDS variables, they were integrated to calculate a soil quality index (SQI), and the high, medium and low productivity paddy soils received mean SQI scores of 0.95, 0.83 and 0.60, respectively. Low productivity paddy soils showed worse soil quality, and a large discrepancy was observed between the low and high productivity paddy soils. Lower MBC, TN, ASi, pH and available K (AK) were considered as the primary limiting factors. Additionally, all the soil samples collected were rich in available P and AZn, but deficient in AK and ASi. The results suggest that soil AK and ASi deficiencies were the main limiting factors for all the studied acid sulfate paddy soil regions. The application of K and Si on a national basis and other sustainable management approaches are suggested to improve rice productivity, especially for low productivity paddy soils. Our results indicated that there is a large potential for increasing productivity and producing more cereals in acid sulfate paddy soil regions.  相似文献   

Increasing basic farmland soil productivity has significance in reducing fertilizer application and maintaining high yield of crops. In this study, we defined that the basic soil productivity (BSP) is the production capacity of a farmland soil with its own physical and chemical properties for a specific crop season under local environment and field management. Based on 22-yr (1990-2011) long-term experimental data on black soil (Typic hapludoll) in Gongzhuling, Jilin Province, Northeast China, the decision support system for an agro-technology transfer (DSSAT)-CERES-Maize model was applied to simulate the yield by BSP of spring maize (Zea mays L.) to examine the effects of long-term fertilization on changes of BSP and explore the mechanisms of BSP increasing. Five treatments were examined: (1) no-fertilization control (control); (2) chemical nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK); (3) NPK plus farmyard manure (NPKM); (4) 1.5 time of NPKM (1.5NPKM) and (5) NPK plus straw (NPKS). Results showed that after 22-yr fertilization, the yield by BSP of spring maize significantly increased 78.0, 101.2, and 69.4% under the NPKM, 1.5NPKM and NPKS, respectively, compared to the initial value (in 1992), but not significant under NPK (26.9% increase) and the control (8.9% decrease). The contribution percentage of BSP showed a significant rising trend (P〈0.05) under 1.5NPKM. The average contribution percentage of BSP among fertilizations ranged from 74.4 to 84.7%, and ranked as 1.5NPKM〉NPKM〉NPK〉NPKS, indicating that organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers (I.5NPKM and NPKM) could more effectively increase BSP compared with the inorganic fertilizer application alone (NPK) in the black soil. This study showed that soil organic matter (SOM) was the key factor among various fertility factors that could affect BSP in the black soil, and total N, total P and/or available P also played important role in BSP increasing. Compared with the chemical fertilization, a balanced chemical plus manure or straw fertilization (NPKM or NPKS) not only increased the concentrations of soil nutrient, but also improved the soil physical properties, and structure and diversity of soil microbial population, resulting in an iincrease of BSP. We recommend that a balanced chemical plus manure or straw fertilization (NPKM or NPKS) should be the fertilization practices to enhance spring maize yield and improve BSP in the black soil of Northeast China.  相似文献   

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