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The study was conducted to establish the ultrasonographic features of the healthy and impacted omasum in cows and buffaloes. Scanning was done using a 3.5 MHz microconvex transducer. In healthy buffaloes, the omasum could be scanned at the eighth to ninth intercostal space as a round or oval structure having thick echogenic wall with echogenic leaves. Gradual slow movements of omasal leaves could also be seen in real-time B-mode. The omasum appeared to be very clear, large, and close to the transducer at the start of the omasal contraction, and as the contraction progressed the omasum retracted away from the transducer and became very small. In healthy cows the omasum was seen as a crescent-shaped structure with an echogenic wall. The contents of the omasum or omasal leaves could not be visualized. Omasal contractility was not as prominent as in buffaloes. In buffaloes, the impacted omasum appeared amotile, the omasal leaves were not visible, and the omasum as a whole gave a prominent distal acoustic shadow. In cows, the impaction could be diagnosed based on amotile omasum covering a large area on the right side. Ultrasonography was found to be helpful in subjective assessment of omasal impaction but could not aid in diagnosing the severity of impaction.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examination of the liver in cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The size of the liver, as well as the situation and diameter of vessels in cattle were determined by use of ultrasonography. Ultrasonographic examinations of the liver were performed on 10 cows 10 times within 2 weeks, using a 3.5-MHz linear transducer on the right side in the 12th, 11th, and 10th intercostal spaces. Dorsal and ventral margin of the liver as well as localization and diameter of the caudal vena cava and the portal vein were determined in each intercostal space. Furthermore, the angle of the liver in the ventral area between the visceral surface and the diaphragmatic surface, the dorsal margin, and the circumference of the gall bladder were determined. The ultrasonographic values of liver size and localization in healthy cows can be used as reference values for the diagnosis of changes in liver size attributable to illness.  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic appearance, location and size of the spleen in 30 healthy female Saanen goats are described. The intercostal spaces of the left thoracic wall were scanned with a 5.0 MHz linear transducer in standing goats. The appearance of the splenic parenchyma, the position of the ultrasonographically visible dorsal and ventral margins of the spleen and the distance between them, the thickness of the spleen and the diameter of the splenic vessels were determined. The spleen could be visualised in at least one examination position and it always lay between the rumen and abdominal wall. The spleen bordered the lung dorsally and was located adjacent to the left abdominal wall in the last intercostal space and area immediately caudal to the last rib. The spleen had an echogenic capsule, and its parenchyma showed a homogenous fine echotexture / echo pattern throughout the whole visible part of the spleen. The splenic vessels were seen within the parenchyma. The visible dorsal margin of the spleen ran from cranioventral to caudodorsal. The distance from the dorsal margin of the spleen to the midline of the back was greatest in the 8th intercostal space (19.7 ± 4.19 cm) and smallest in the region immediately caudal to the last rib (7.0 ± 1.07 cm). The size of the spleen was smallest in the 8th intercostal space (3.1 ± 1.24 cm) and greatest in the 11th intercostal space (8.7 ± 2.78 cm). The thickness of the spleen ranged from 2.2 ± 1.14 cm caudal to the last rib to 6.4 ± 1.78 cm in the 11th intercostal space.  相似文献   

To determine the position, dimensions, and structure of the right kidney in cattle by use of ultrasonography, the right kidney of 11 healthy Brown Swiss cows was examined 10 times within 2 weeks. A 3.5- and 5.0-MHz linear and convex transducer was placed on the right side of the cow in the lumbar region, in the paralumbar fossa, and in the last intercostal space. The echogenicity of various renal structures differed. The lobulation of the kidney in cattle could be visualized ultrasonographically; however, the cortex and medulla could not be differentiated. The distance between body surface and the right kidney was almost 3 times larger (5.3 +/- 1.71 cm, mean +/- SD) in the lumbar region than in the paralumbar fossa (1.8 +/- 0.52 cm). The vertical diameter of the kidney was remarkably smaller (5.1 +/- 0.47 cm) than the horizontal diameter (9.4 +/- 0.98 cm). In 7 cows, the thickness of the renal cortex and medulla was between 1.9 and 2.1 cm. The medullary pyramids could be visualized when the transducer was placed in the paralumbar fossa. Fourteen of 19 variables measured had a coefficient of variation between 8 and 14%. It was concluded that the ultrasonographic values determined in this study can be used as references for the diagnosis of morphologic changes in the right kidney of domestic dairy cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe ultrasonographic appearance of the liver, small and large intestines, and omasum in cows with right displacement of the abomasum (RDA) and with abomasal volvulus (AV) and to determine whether RDA and AV can be differentiated on the basis of ultrasonographic findings. ANIMALS: 17 cows with RDA, 9 cows with AV, and 10 healthy control cows. PROCEDURES: A linear transducer was used to examine the abomasum, liver, omasum, and small and large intestines from the right side. Results-The liver was imaged less frequently in cows with RDA or AV, compared with control cows. In 9 cows with RDA or AV, the liver could not be imaged. The small intestine was imaged less frequently in cows with RDA or AV than in control cows; in cows with AV, the small intestine could not be imaged in the 8th, 9th, or 10th intercostal space. The large intestine was imaged less frequently in the 11th and 12th intercostal spaces and the cranial region of the flank in cows with RDA or AV. The omasum was also imaged less frequently in the 8th and 9th intercostal spaces in cows with RDA or AV. Cows with RDA or AV could not be differentiated on the basis of ultrasonographic findings. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compared with control cows, cows with RDA and AV had changes in positioning and therefore extent of ultrasonographic imaging of the liver, omasum, and small and large intestines; however, these findings were not useful in differentiating between cows with RDA and AV.  相似文献   

A 3.5 MHz linear transducer was used to assess the motility of the reticulum in 30 healthy, standing, non-sedated cows while they were at rest, eating, ruminating and under stress. The ultrasonographic examinations were made over periods of nine minutes and video recorded for analysis. The reticulum contracted in a biphasic pattern while the cows were resting, eating or stressed. The first contraction was incomplete and was followed by a period of incomplete relaxation. A complete second contraction occurred immediately afterwards, followed by an interval of complete relaxation and the return of the organ to its original position. When the cows were ruminating, a regurgitation contraction, which was incomplete, occurred immediately before the biphasic contraction. The number of reticular contractions in a nine-minute period was largest when the cows were eating (13.9 contractions, or approximately 1.5 per minute) and smallest when they were stressed (9.3 contractions, or approximately 1 per minute). The duration of the first reticular contraction was shortest during rumination (2.4 seconds) and longest when the cows were eating (3.0 seconds). The interval between two biphasic contractions was shortest when the cows were eating (31.6 seconds) and longest when they were stressed (53.8 seconds).  相似文献   

The omasums of 30 healthy cows and 55 cows with various gastrointestinal disorders (10 with left displacement and eight with right displacement of the abomasum, 10 with abomasal volvulus, 10 with traumatic reticuloperitonitis, nine with ileus of the small intestines and eight with reticulo-omasal stenosis) were examined ultrasonographically on the right side of the body with a 3.5 MHz linear transducer. The dorsal and ventral margins of the omasum and its size in the fifth to 11th intercostal spaces were determined. Generally, the ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum did not differ between the healthy and abnormal cows. The omasum appeared as a semicircle, and the omasal wall closest to the transducer was visible as a thick echogenic line. In a few of the abnormal cows, the omasal laminae were visible and the omasum appeared to have motility. In the cows with left and right displacement of the abomasum and abomasal volvulus, the dorsal margin of the omasum was significantly further from the dorsal midline in some intercostal spaces than in the healthy cows. In the cows with left displacement of the abomasum, the ventral margin of the omasum was significantly further from the dorsal midline in the 7th intercostal space than in the healthy cows. In the cows with reticulo-omasal stenosis, traumatic reticuloperitonitis and ileus of the small intestine, the ventral margin of the omasum was significantly closer to the dorsal midline in some intercostal spaces than in the healthy cows. The mean (sd) size of the omasum in the healthy cows varied from 16.3 (1.5) cm to 56.9 (10.0) cm, depending on the intercostal space, and the omasum was significantly smaller in some intercostal spaces in the cows with reticulo-omasal stenosis, right displacement of the omasum, abomasal volvulus and ileus of the small intestine.  相似文献   

The small and large intestine of 30 healthy Saanen goats were examined ultrasonographically using a 5.0 MHz-linear transducer. The goats were examined on the right side, from the eighth rib to the caudal aspect of the flank. The small and large intestine could be easily differentiated. The descending duodenum could be imaged in 19 goats, and the jejunum and ileum seen in all goats. The jejunum and ileum were most often seen in cross-section and rarely in longitudinal section in the ventral region of the right flank. The intestinal contents were usually homogenously echoic, and active motility was observed in all the goats. The diameter of the small intestine was 0.8–2.7 cm (1.6 [0.33] cm). The spiral ansa of the colon was imaged in all the goats, and in 21 the caecum was also seen. Both these sections of large intestine were most commonly seen in the dorsal region of the right flank. The spiral ansa of the colon was easily identified by its spiral arrangement of centripetal and centrifugal gyri, which had a garland-like appearance. Because of intraluminal gas, only the wall of the colon closest to the transducer could be imaged. The diameter of the spiral colon ranged from 0.8 to 2.0 cm (1.1 [0.24] cm). Usually only the wall of the caecum closest to the transducer could be imaged and it appeared as a thick, echoic, slightly undulating line. The greater omentum could be seen in all the goats.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examination of the thorax of 15 adult healthy sheep using a 5.0MHz sector transducerrevealed the lung surface as a hyperechoic (white) linear echo at a distance of 1.2–2cm from the transducer head with equidistant reverberation artifacts below this line. Ultrasonographic examination of 10 sheep with pulmonary disorders included five sheep with pleural abscesses which appeared as hypeechoic areas extending up to 8cm deep containing multiple hyperechoic spots (gas echoes). The distribution of gross lung pathology caused by sheep pulmonary adenomatosis (five ewes), with secondary abscess formation in three sheep, could be outlined by ultrasonographic examination. Modern portable ultrasound machines provide the veterinary practitioner with an inexpensive, non-invasive tool with which to examine the pleural surfaces and superficial lung parenchyma of sheep on the farm.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the course of the median nerve and its adjacent structures in the carpal canals of 8 healthy dogs by using high-frequency transducers. Before performing ultrasonography, the transverse and posteroanterior diameters as well as the perimeter of the carpus were measured at just proximal to the side of the carpal pad. The anatomical structures were then determined at two levels of the carpal canal, which were named the proximal and distal levels, on the transverse sonograms. The cross-sectional areas, perimeters and the transverse and posteroanterior diameters of the median nerve were measured at these levels. Although all the measurements were larger at the proximal level, significant differences between the proximal and distal levels were determined for the cross-sectional area, the perimeter and the transverse diameter of the median nerve. On the transverse sonogram, the deep digital flexor tendon was seen in almost the center of the carpal canal like a comma shape and also it had a small concavity on the caudal side. The superficial digital flexor tendon was seen as an ovoid shape on the transverse sonograms and it was located nearly at the posterior side of the carpal canal. Both tendons were seen as intermediate-grade echogenic structures. The median artery was located inside of the concavity of the deep digital flexor tendon. Also, the median nerve was seen at the posteromedial side of the median artery. As a result of this study, the cross-sectional areas of the median nerve ranged between 1.01-2.68 mm2 at the proximal level and between 0.93-1.91 mm2 at the distal level.  相似文献   

Ultrasound machines with 7.5 to 5.0MHz linear transducers are well suited for rapid and straightforward differentiation of soft tissue swelling in the musculoskeletal system of cattle; in proximal limb regions 3.5MHz convex scanners allow better imaging. The main indications for ultrasonography of the musculoskeletal system in cattle are suspected arthritis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, abscesses, haematomas, diagnosis of muscle and tendon lesions, and generally the evaluation of soft tissue swellings everywhere that cannot be diagnosed based on clinical examination. The examiner starts by obtaining a general overview of the affected region for orientation purposes. This is achieved by locating and identifying anatomical landmarks, thereafter one can search for pathological changes by examination of the region of interest in longitudinal and transverse planes from all sides. The ultrasonographic investigation should follow a standardised systematic protocol. Normal synovial cavities in cattle are difficult or impossible to visualize via ultrasonography because of the very small physiological amount of synovial fluid. Thus, effusion that is easily visualized usually indicates a pathological process like arthritis, tenosynovitis or bursitis. Ultrasonography provides accurate information about the location and size of lesions or fluid-filled cavities, the nature of the content and an exact measurement of the distance from pathologically altered structures to the skin surface. Targeted centesis of synovial or other cavities can be carried out after a preliminary ultrasonographic inspection. Characterization of the lesions and a thorough preoperative inspection of affected regions are of enormous benefit for planning surgery and treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study reported here was to get detailed information about the normal size and texture of the liver in sheep by means of ultrasonographic examinations. Structure, location, and shape of the liver, gallbladder, portal vein, and caudal vena cava were examined ultrasonographically in 100 sheep. Furthermore, 10 sheep were scanned 10 times within 2 weeks to determine reproducibility of findings. Examinations were performed on the right side of the abdomen in the seventh through twelfth intercostal spaces. In each intercostal space, the dimensions of the liver, and, if visible, the location and diameter of the caudal vena cava and portal vein were determined. The angle of the liver, and location and size of the gallbladder also were determined. Ultrasonographic measurements of liver size and location in healthy sheep can be used as references for changes in liver size attributable to illness.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Little information exists about the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the equine sacroiliac region, but knowledge of the ultrasonographic anatomy is necessary to understand the possible pathological changes in sacroiliac diseases. OBJECTIVES: The normal ultrasonographic appearance of soft tissues and bony structures of the sacroiliac region in horses was studied in order to establish clinically relevant reference parameters. METHODS: Thirteen cadaver specimens were examined using a transcutaneous approach above the tubera sacrale to image the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and the tendon of the longissimus dorsi muscle. A rectal approach was used to outline the sacroiliac joint and its adjacent structures. Thirteen sound horses with no history of back pain were examined following the same protocol as for the post mortem examinations. RESULTS: The tendon of the longissimus dorsi muscle can clearly be distinguished from the dorsal sacroiliac ligament, especially in longitudinal images. Transrectal examination of the sacroiliac joint consists of evaluation of the bony surfaces of the sacrum and ilium in comparison with the contralateral side. CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonographic examination of the sacroiliac region provided clear images of the caudomedial border of the sacroiliac joint and its adjacent structures and is a useful aid in the diagnosis of sacroiliac joint diseases and adjacent lesions. The study has shown ultrasonography to be a useful method for examining and differentiating the longissimus dorsi muscle and the dorsal sacroiliac ligament at the level of the tubera sacrale. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Diagnostic ultrasound is available to most practitioners. These reference ultrasound parameters may help to improve the diagnosis of sacroiliac diseases.  相似文献   

奶牛子宫复旧的B-超影像学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用连续直肠检查法和B型实时超声断层扫描仪(B- 超)监测法,对38 头中国荷斯坦奶牛的子宫复旧过程和复旧规律进行研究。实验结果表明:经连续直肠检查法监测,受试牛子宫孕角、空角和子宫颈复旧的平均时间分别为(37.4±31) 、(314±49)和(36.8 ±49) d;用B- 超监测则为(35.5 ±4.5)、(30.8 ±5.9) 和(37 .5 ±5.0) d。并且B-超监测还发现,分娩当天子宫肌层平均厚度为1.65 cm ,产后第23 天时减少到1.35 cm ;产后第5 天在超声影像上可见子宫内膜,平均厚度为0.3cm ,第15 天为0 .6cm ,而到产后23 d 平均增厚到1.02cm ,子宫复旧完成时,子宫壁平均厚度为1.0 cm ;两子宫角的横切面轮廓清晰,大小基本相同,超声影像变白。  相似文献   

应用B型实时超声断层扫描仪 (B -超 ) ,对奶牛子宫复旧过程进行研究。对 38头中国荷斯坦奶牛 ,用B -超和连续检查法监测了子宫复旧过程。结果 ,经连续直肠检查法监测 ,受试牛子宫孕角、空角和子宫颈复旧的平均时间分别为 (37.4± 3.1)、(31.4± 4.9)和 (36 .8± 4.9)d;用B -超监测则为 (35 .5± 4.5 )、(30 .8± 5 .9)和 (37.5± 5 .0 )d。并且B -超监测还发现 ,分娩当天子宫肌层平均厚度为 1.6 5cm ,产后 2 3d时减少到 1.35cm ;产后第 5天在超声影像上可见子宫内膜 ,平均厚度为 0 .3cm ,第 15天为 0 .6cm ,而到产后 2 3d平均增厚到 1.0 2cm ,子宫复旧完成时 ,子宫壁平均厚度为1.0cm ;两子宫角的横切面轮廓清晰 ,大小基本相同 ,超声影像变白。研究表明B -超监测奶牛子宫复旧过程是可行的  相似文献   

比较分析了临床健康的荷斯坦奶牛和真胃右方变位奶牛(未发生真胃扭转)的真胃B超声图像的特征,旨在探讨采用B超体外探测诊断奶牛真胃右方变位的可行性。采用3.5MHz的扇形探头和线阵探头,对长春市某奶牛场5头典型真胃右方变位荷斯坦奶牛和10头身体状况良好的荷斯坦奶牛分别对其右侧第12~8肋间及其肋弓后缘和其腹底进行超声探查,采集并分析获得的B超声像图。正常情况下,真胃壁表现为1条弱回声细线,分层不明显,真胃内容物整体表现为混合型回声,偶尔可观察到呈弱回声的波浪状褶皱结构的真胃皱襞。右方变位后,由于真胃体积增大,真胃沿腹壁向后、向背侧延伸,可到达肋弓和背中线位置,内容物表现为气体和液体的混合状态,超声检查时更容易探及真胃皱襞。对所有病牛都采取剖腹探查进行了确证。结果表明,在B超声像图中,真胃右方变位前、后声像图特征明显,容易与前胃及其他邻近组织、器官区分开,B超可用于真胃右方变位奶牛及健康奶牛的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

The carpal region was examined ultrasonographically in 18 healthy cattle (14 cows, 4 bull calves) and five bovine cadavers in order to determine the normal appearance of the carpal soft tissues using 7.5 MHz linear transducers.The course of the echogenic flexor and extensor tendons over the carpus and the joint spaces interposed between the articular bone surfaces were successfully imaged in all carpi. The palmar vessels were easily visualized in live animals. The lumina of carpal tendon sheaths and the boundaries of the carpal joint pouches could not be defined. Small anechoic fluid filled areas were visualized only at the level of the joint spaces. After experimental filling, the distended synovial cavities were imaged as well demarcated anechoic areas. The cross-sectional diameters of the extensor tendons, width of the palmar joint pouches and intraluminal diameters of the palmar vessels were measured.The results presented serve as reference data for ultrasonographic investigation of disorders of the bovine carpus.  相似文献   

Two cases where clinical findings suggestive of proximal ileus resulting in hypokalemic and hypochloremic alkalosis are presented. Ultrasonographs showed distension of the sigmoid flexure along the ventral border of the liver and between the serosal lamellae of the greater omentum in the flank, allowing exact preoperative obstruction localization.  相似文献   

应用B型实时超声断层扫描仪(B- 超),对奶牛子宫复旧过程进行研究。对38 头中国荷斯坦奶牛,用B- 超和连续检查法监测了子宫复旧过程。结果,经连续直肠检查法监测,受试牛子宫孕角、空角和子宫颈复旧的平均时间分别为(37 .4±3.1)、(31.4 ±4.9)和(36.8 ±4.9) d;用B- 超监测则为(35 .5±4.5) 、(30.8 ±5.9)和(37.5 ±5.0)d。并且B-超监测还发现,分娩当天子宫肌层平均厚度为1.65 cm ,产后23 d 时减少到1.35cm ;产后第5 天在超声影像上可见子宫内膜,平均厚度为0 .3 cm ,第15 天为0 .6 cm ,而到产后23 d 平均增厚到1.02 cm ,子宫复旧完成时,子宫壁平均厚度为1 .0 cm ;两子宫角的横切面轮廓清晰,大小基本相同,超声影像变白。研究表明B- 超监测奶牛子宫复旧过程是可行的。  相似文献   

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