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The coastal forest of Gabon abounds in monospecific secondary Aucoumea klaineana stands derived from natural regeneration after shifting cultivation. This paper aims to describe the changes in the structure and dynamics of these stands with age. It then assesses the impact of selective thinning in the upper storey on both structural and dynamic parameters.

The experiment consisted of 34 Permanent Plots in stands from establishment to more mature stages (ca. 50 years old). Thirteen plots (17–45 years old) were thinned. More than 80% of the removal came from supernumerary dominant A. klaineana.

A. klaineana represented 60% of the total density in stands ca. 15 years old but >90% of the dominant trees in older stands. The changes with age in the floristic composition of the unthinned stands showed three successional stages during which pioneer species associated with A. klaineana (from establishment to ca. 15 years) were progressively replaced by mature forest species.

Basal area increased and density decreased with age before reaching stable values at ca. 40–45 years. Mortality was very high in young stands but decreased in the older ones. Mortality generally affected small diameter individuals in the dominated storey. Diameter and basal area increments showed that the stand growth resulted from the growth of dominant A. klaineana. Diameter increments of A. klaineana were elevated during the first years of colonisation (1.9 cm/year) and were still ca. 0.7 cm/year for 50-year-old dominant trees.

Thinning did not increase the mortality of the dominant population. It favoured the individual growth of A. klaineana. The gain was substantial for dominated trees and small dominant trees (from 60 to 100%) but was lower for large dominant trees (ca. 25–30%). Therefore, stimulation of individual growth did not compensate for the loss of basal area at the stand level.  相似文献   

Red oaks – cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.), willow oak (Quercus phellos L.), water oak (Quercus nigra L.), and Nuttall oak (Quercus texana Buckley; aka: Quercus nuttallii Palmer) – are not regrowing in Mississippi Delta river floodplain forests in the southeastern United States in sufficient numbers to sustain the former species composition and timber and wildlife values. Even if vigorous red oak reproduction becomes established, partial harvesting that does not remove the taller trees will suppress understory red oak height growth more than it will suppress height growth of such other species as sugarberry (Celtis laevigata Willd.), American elm (Ulmus americana L.), cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia Nutt.), swamp dogwood (Cornus foemina Mill.), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall), and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.). Consequently, the red oaks in these partially harvested stands become increasingly suppressed and probably die; and there is a shift in species composition to the other species. In addition to ensuring vigorous oak reproduction, silvicultural clearcutting or rapid removal of the residual trees following shelterwood or seed tree harvesting to provide full sunlight is needed to ensure red oaks become a dominant part of these future river floodplain stands.  相似文献   

The establishment and early growth of 12 species within the genera Eucalyptus, Casuarina, Melaleuca and Tipuana was tested on a saline site in southeast Queensland. Electrical conductivity (EC) in the top 50 cm of soil was measured using an electromagnetic induction method and calibrated against the EC of 1:5 soil:water suspensions. The site was then stratified into five salinity classes: 0.75–1.0, 1.0–1.25, 1.25–1.5, 1.5–1.75 and over 1.75 dSm−1. Relationships were developed for predicting the survival and height production of 18-month-old trees. These regressions explained 15–88% of the variation in survival and 2–66% of the variation in height production. Tree species were grouped by determining the EC level where height production declined by 25% relative to that at 0.75 ds m−1. Casuarina glauca, Melaleuca bracteata, Eucalyptus moluccana, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus tericornis and Eucalyptus raveretiana were all highly salt tolerant (25% reductions over 1.5 dS m−1). Casuarina cunninghamiana, Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus melliodora and Eucalyptus robusta exhibited moderate salt tolerance (25% reductions between 1.0 and 1.5 dS m−1). The responses to increased salinity of Tipuana tipu and Eucalyptus intermedia (25% reductions at less than 1.0 dS m−1) suggest that these species are not suitable for revegetating similar saline sites.  相似文献   

For sustainable forest management, it is important to know the response of timber species to the change in environment caused by logging. We performed a 2-year study on germination, survival and growth of four timber species, Cedrela odorata, Swietenia macrophylla, Hymenaea courbaril, and Cariniana micrantha, and one non-commercial species Tachigali vasquezii. We sowed seeds of these species in five microenvironments: log landing, gap-crown and gap-trunk, skidder trail and understory, in a tropical lowland moist rain forest in northern Bolivia. We related seed and seedling performance to light availability, soil compaction, and plant competition. Germination did not differ significantly between microenvironments but survival of germinated seeds for most species was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the log landing (46–100%) than in the understory (0–7%). After 2 years, the tallest plants were always found in the log landing (119–190 cm) and the smallest in the understory (12–26 cm) caused by a higher relative height growth rate (RHGR) in the log landing (0.003–0.004 cm cm−1 per day) compared to the understory (0.000–0.001 cm cm−1 per day). During the first year RHGR was positively related to canopy openness for all species and negatively to the number of overtopping competitors for three species. During the second year also water infiltration explained observed variation to RHGR. These results show that abandoned log landings and logging gaps are suitable environments for the regeneration of timber species studied. This finding suggests that the removal of competitors in log landings and logging gaps combined with leaving seed trees near these microenvironments or sowing seeds, will improve regeneration of timber species in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Populations of forest birds were studied during two years of an outbreak of the elm spanworm Ennomus subsignarius (Hbn.) in a silviculturally unmanaged, old-growth conifer–northern hardwood forest on the Appalachian Plateau, PA. Canopy defoliation of hardwoods (mostly American beech Fagus grandifolia and red maple Acer rubrum) increased by at least 50% during the local peak of the outbreak (1993); territorial densities of birds were the highest (15% greater) during the regional peak of the outbreak (1994). Compared to a nearby but uninfested forest of similar age and composition, total bird abundance was as much as 22–33% higher at sites with extensive spanworm defoliation. In addition to canopy gleaners, several other foraging guilds exhibited one or more significant numerical responses to outbreak location or intensity, including bark foraging, understory gleaning, ground foraging, and pursuing species. Like other irruptions of forest Lepidoptera, populations of arboreal canopy-gleaning Parulinae (the warblers D. magnolia, D. fusca) were especially prone to fluctuate during this geometrid irruption.  相似文献   

Forest inventory records incorporating individual tree data are an important source of information about the extent and severity of past rates of forest decline, thus providing a temporal perspective for contemporary observations. We demonstrate the potential of this approach by using continuous forest inventory (CFI) data to reconstruct the extent, severity, pattern of development and site-factor associations for white ash decline in Massachusetts. White ash (Fraxinus americana L.) increased in basal area on Massachusetts CFI plots at about 1.5% per year from 1962 to 1979. Ash decline is, however, locally severe. Plot decline status was estimated, based on vigor rating, and growth and mortality rates of white ash. Plots with a mean change in basal area per year of −0.5% and/or with a mean vigor rating of 2.0 (on a scale of 0–4) were classified as ‘decline’. Using these criteria, 20% of the 82 CFI plots with 10% total basal area of white ash in 1962 were classified as ‘decline’ in both 1979 and 1991. These results suggest that statewide there has been no net loss of ash basal area since 1962. The total forest area affected by ash decline has not increased in the past decade.

Analyses of the CFI data indicate that decline was most prevalent on mesic sites, high on the landscape and/or on steep slopes. Such sites are potentially subject to large fluctuations in soil moisture availability during drought periods. Relationships identified between the prevalence of ash decline and site factors were further evaluated within a 2 ha intensived study site in the center of a 13 ha white ash stand affected by ash decline in 1990. Decline was heterogeneously distributed within the stand, with declining trees most frequent on the ‘decline-prone’ site-type identified through CFI plot analyses.  相似文献   

Four common agroforestry trees, including both exotic and native species, were used to provide a range of leafing phenologies to test the hypothesis that temporal complementarity between trees and crops reduces competition for water in agroforestry systems during the cropping period and improves utilisation of annual rainfall. Species examined included Melia volkensii, which sheds its leaves twice a year, Senna spectabilis and Gliricidia sepium, which shed their leaves once during the long dry season, and the evergreen Croton megalocarpus. Phenological patterns were examined in relation to climatic conditions in the bimodal rainfall regions of Kenya to identify factors which dictate the intensity of competition between trees and crops.

The main differences in leaf cover patterns were between indigenous and exotic tree species. The Central American species, S. spectabilis and G. sepium, shed their foliage during the dry season before the short rains, whereas the native species, M. volkensii and C. megalocarpus, exhibited reduced leaf cover during both dry seasons. C. megalocarpus was the only species to maintain leaf cover throughout the 2-year experimental period. M. volkensii and S. spectabilis exhibited similar leafing phenology, losing almost all leaf cover during the long dry season (July–October) and flushing before the onset of the ensuing rains. S. spectabilis lost few leaves during the short dry season, whereas M. volkensii shed a greater proportion of its foliage before flushing prior to the long rains (March–July). M. volkensii lost much of its leaf cover during the 1997/1998 short rains (October–February), when soil water content was unusually high. Although essentially evergreen, leaf cover in C. megalocarpus decreased during the dry season and increased rapidly during periods of high rainfall. G. sepium exhibited a period of low leaf cover during the long dry season and did not regain full leaf cover until mid-way through the short rains. The mechanisms responsible for these phenological changes and the implications of tree phenology for resource utilisation and competition with crops are discussed.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out in a mixed deciduous forest in order to measure the spatial variability of evapotranspiration in relation to distance from the nearest forest edge. Throughfall was collected in storage gauges in a transect across the edge. Transpiration was measured at the tree scale by means of the sap flux technique. Thermal dissipation probes were inserted into the hydro-active sapwood of 12–16 sample trees at a time covering four species. The sample trees were located close to a north- and a south-facing forest edge and between 3 and 69 m away from the nearest edge. The probes were moved to new trees about once a month and in total 71 trees were sampled. Sap flux densities were compared with potential evaporation and scaled up to the stand through multiplication with sapwood area per unit ground area. No significant edge effect on interception evaporation could be detected but there was a large influence on stand transpiration which increased towards the edge. In ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), this increase resulted mainly from enhanced sap flux density (by 33–82%, depending on the size class) in trees located at the edge, whereas in oak (Quercus robur L.) the sap flux density was similar in edge and inner trees and an effect was only found at the stand scale in the way that the total basal area, per unit ground area, was larger near the forest edge than in the forest interior. Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna L.) and field maple (Acer campestre L.), which occurred mainly in the understorey, were only weakly affected by the proximity to an edge. At the stand scale the total seasonal transpiration varied between 354 mm in the forest interior (>45 m away from the edge) and 565 mm at the forest edge (<15 m away from the edge), whilst the potential evaporation over the same period was 571 mm. This corresponds to Priestley–Taylor coefficients of 0.78 in the interior and 1.25 at the edge, whilst intermediate numbers were found for the area between the edge and inner zones. Using these results to calculate the average water loss per unit ground area of hypothetical woodlands of various sizes, it is shown that the edge effect dominates the water use of small forests and becomes negligible only for woodlands larger than 100 ha.  相似文献   

Forests in the montane and lower subalpine ecoregions of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains may have been more open and structurally diverse at the beginning of the 20th Century than today. Today, the area of mature Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia Dougl. forest that is conducive to mountain pine beetle (MPB, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) infestations, infrequent high severity fires, and herbivory appears to have increased in Banff and Kootenay National Parks. Based on a review of the literature, we hypothesised that MPB infestations increase forest stand structural diversity and tree species diversity. Stand structure parameters were investigated in mesic montane and lower subalpine stands approximately 15, 25, and 65 years after MPB outbreaks. Parameters measured were stand density (number of trees per ha), diameter at breast height, height class, species, age class distribution, and coarse woody debris mass. Influences of fire frequency, time since fire, and fire severity on these parameters were assessed to determine whether fire history had a confounding influence on stand structure. The Shannon–Wiener index indicated higher stand structural diversity 15 years but not 25 and 65 years after MPB infestations. MPB infestations led to general decreases within stands in the number of living trees, small diameter snags, and Pinus tree species and an increase within stands in the number of large diameter snags. Management that allows the occurrence of the natural fire regime of variable severity fires, in addition to some MPB infestations, would provide for more open and diverse stands. MPB infestations have some effects on stand structure that are similar to those of fire. Changes in stand structure resulting from recent declines in burning rates within Banff and Kootenay National Parks can be reversed to some extent by MPB infestations.  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of fire on the demography of savanna trees and shrubs is necessary for understanding human impacts in tropical savannas. In a replicated experiment, we studied the impact of fire and vegetation cover on survival and growth of two subshrubs (Periandra mediterranea and Protium ovatum), two shrubs (Miconia albicans and Rourea induta) and three trees (Myrsine guianensis, Piptocarpha rotundifolia and Roupala montana) of the Brazilian cerrado savannas. Burning increased complete mortality (i.e. death of the individual) of five of the seven species, but primarily among individuals with stem diameters <4 mm. Stem mortality (i.e. topkill) was much more prevalent, primarily affecting individuals with stem diameter <32 mm, though all species experienced some topkill in even the largest size classes. Fires of higher intensity (flame length >2 m) caused greater mortality and topkill than fires of lower intensity (flame length <2 m). Pre-burn vegetation density had little effect on survival or resprout size, but did affect subsequent growth rates. Four species had greater growth rates in open sites, whereas only one species had greater growth rates in dense sites. For the three tree species and one shrub, resprouting individuals did not reach the minimum reproductive size within 1 year of burning, while the other shrub and the two subshrubs were able to reach reproductive size during this time, indicating that growth form largely determines the population response to frequent burning.  相似文献   

Tree vegetation and size structure was sampled in a miombo woodland area in E Tanzania and related to environmental factors, particularly soil and disturbance history. A total of 86 tree species was found. Four plant communities were distinguished through multivariate classification. Community 1 was dominated by Brachystegia boehmii, Brachystegia bussei and Julbernardia globiflora, and community 2 by B. boehmii and Brachystegia spiciformis. Community 1 was found on grey, eroded soil and community 2 on red, residual soil, a fact that opens up possibilities to use soil signals of satellite data for vegetation mapping. Community 3 is heavily disturbed miombo woodland near villages and community 4 was found on more clayey soil where miombo woodland is not expected.

At our 42 sampled sites, density ranged from 74 to 1041 individuals ha−1 and basal area from 3.9 to 16.7 m2 ha−1. Regeneration is generally good but large sized trees are less prominent in communities 3 and 4 due to harvesting. With reduced disturbance miombo species may rapidly resume dominance in community 3. A higher than expected representation by the size class 30–40 (−50) cm dbh in community 2 is probably related to disturbance history. Prevalence of certain species (Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Pterocarpus angolensis and Diplorhynchos condylocarpon) may be related to frequent fires. Selective logging will soon cause extinction of Dalbergia melanoxylon, whereas Pterocarpus angolensis still has good regeneration, possibly because individuals below logging size have a good seed set.

A way to get an easy overview of size classes in all species in an area using PCA is discussed.  相似文献   

Selective logging, fire suppression, forest succession and climatic changes have resulted in high fire hazards over large areas of the western USA. Federal and state hazardous fuel reduction programs have increased accordingly to reduce the risk, extent and severity of these events, particularly in the wildland–urban interface. In this study, we examined the effects of mechanical fuel reduction treatments on the activity of bark beetles in ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl ex. Laws., forests located in Arizona and California, USA. Treatments were applied in both late spring (April–May) and late summer (August–September) and included: (1) thinned biomass chipped and randomly dispersed within each 0.4 ha plot; (2) thinned biomass chipped, randomly dispersed within each plot and raked 2 m from the base of residual trees; (3) thinned biomass lopped-and-scattered (thinned trees cut into 1–2 m lengths) within each plot; (4) an untreated control. The mean percentage of residual trees attacked by bark beetles ranged from 2.0% (untreated control) to 30.2% (plots thinned in spring with all biomass chipped). A three-fold increase in the percentage of trees attacked by bark beetles was observed in chipped versus lopped-and-scattered plots. Bark beetle colonization of residual trees was higher during spring treatments, which corresponded with peak adult beetle flight periods as measured by funnel trap captures. Raking chips away from the base of residual trees did not significantly affect attack rates. Several bark beetle species were present including the roundheaded pine beetle, Dendroctonus adjunctus Blandford (AZ), western pine beetle, D. brevicomis LeConte (AZ and CA), mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins (CA), red turpentine beetle, D. valens LeConte (AZ and CA), Arizona fivespined ips, Ips lecontei Swaine (AZ), California fivespined ips, I. paraconfusus Lanier (CA) and pine engraver, I. pini (Say) (AZ). Dendroctonus valens was the most common bark beetle infesting residual trees. A significant correlation was found between the number of trees chipped per plot and the percentage of residual trees with D. valens attacks. A significantly higher percentage of residual trees was attacked by D. brevicomis in plots that were chipped in spring compared to the untreated control. In lopped-and-scattered treatments, engraver beetles produced substantial broods in logging debris, but few attacks were observed on standing trees. At present, no significant difference in tree mortality exists among treatments. A few trees appeared to have died solely from D. valens attacks, as no other scolytids were observed in the upper bole. In a laboratory study conducted to provide an explanation for the bark beetle responses observed in this study, monoterpene elution rates from chip piles declined sharply over time, but were relatively constant in lopped-and-piled treatments. The quantities of β-pinene, 3-carene, -pinene and myrcene eluting from chips exceeded those from lopped-and-piled slash during each of 15 sample periods. These laboratory results may, in part, explain the bark beetle response observed in chipping treatments. The implications of these results to sustainable forest management are discussed.  相似文献   

The rattan flora of Central Sulawesi is abundant, species rich and patchily distributed in lowland and montane forests. I recorded the abundance and distribution of rattan on five randomly established 10 m × 1000 m transects between 830 and 1330 m elevation and associated changes in forest canopy heights, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and soil characteristics. Rattans were observed at all sites and elevations (100% of 10 m × 10 m sample plots in the transects contained rattan), but exhibited the greatest diversity (species richness) between 1180 and 1280 m elevation. Overall (all species and elevations), there was an average of 314 mature rattan genets per hectare. The two most prominent rattans in terms of size, abundance and distribution, Calamus zollingeri and Daemonorops robusta, averaged 62 and 40 genets/ha overall, respectively. Several other rattans, including C. leiocaulis, C. leptostachys, and C. ornatus occurred on all transects and all elevations. In contrast, C. didymocarpus, C. minahassae, C. symphysipus and Korthalsia celebica were patchily distributed, and C. didymocarpus and C. sp. (‘kalaka’) were restricted to higher elevations. Resident cane collectors differentiate C. zollingeri and D. robusta into low and high elevation forms on the basis of morphological and growth characteristics, but this distinction is not discernable in sterile specimens. Based on local classification, lowland forms of C. zollingeri and D. robusta were replaced by high elevation forms over less than 200 m vertical elevation which corresponds to the transition from upper lowland to montane forests. The mean canopy height of upper lowland forest between 900 and 1000 m was significantly greater than that of montane forests between 1100 and 1300 m (30.0 and 21.2 m, respectively). Soils in upper lowland forests had significantly higher concentrations of NO3 and P, significantly lower organic matter levels and higher pH than montane soils in both O and A/E soil horizons. PAR levels did not vary significantly by forest type. Most large diameter rattans are marketed under a single trade name and cannot be distinguished by cane characteristics. These findings have significance for biodiversity conservation and management because rattan harvesting is widespread and unmanaged, and the Sulawesi rattan flora remains poorly known taxonomically and ecologically.  相似文献   

Between 1987 and 2000, a spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis) outbreak infested 1.19 million ha of spruce (Picea spp.) forests in Alaska, killing most of the large diameter trees. We evaluated whether these forests would recover to their pre-outbreak density, and determined the site conditions on which spruce germinated and survived following the spruce beetle outbreak in forests of the Anchor River watershed, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. White spruce (Picea glauca) and Lutz's spruce (Picea × lutzii), a hybrid between white and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), dominate the study area. We measured the pre- and post-outbreak density of spruce in 108 3 m × 80 m plots across the study area by recording all live trees and all dead trees >1.5 m tall in each plot. To determine the fine scale site conditions on which spruce germinated and survived, we measured ground surface and substrate characteristics within 20 cm circular plots around a subset of post-outbreak spruce seedlings. The density of post-outbreak spruce (855/ha) was adequate to restock the stands to their pre-outbreak densities (643/ha) for trees >1.5 m tall. We could not accurately estimate recovery for pre-outbreak spruce seedlings because dead seedlings may have decayed in the 5–18 years since the beetle outbreak occurred. At the fine scale, spruce that germinated post-outbreak grew on a wide variety of substrates including downed log, stump, mesic organic mat, peat, hummocks and mineral soil. They exhibited a strong preference for downed logs (53%) and stumps (4%), and most (91%) of the downed logs and stumps that spruce rooted on were heavily decayed. This preference for heavily decayed logs and stumps was especially evident given that their combined mean cover was only 2% in the 3 m × 80 m plots. Within the 3 m × 80 m plots, spruce seedling survival was negatively correlated with bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) litter cover.  相似文献   

White-tailed deer (Ododcoileus virginiana) can substantially affect the structure and species composition of a forest. The tolerance of a forest community to browsing may vary by type as a result of varying biotic and abiotic factors of the environment. To date, no studies have compared the effects of browsing among forest communities within a physiographic region. We investigated the effects of browsing on vegetation structure and woody seedling composition in three forest types (oak–hickory, Virginia pine–eastern red cedar, bottomland hardwood) in Manassas National Battlefield Park (MNBP), Virginia, USA. We compared forb cover, vertical plant cover (0–1.5 m tall), and survival of tagged seedlings in 10 exclosed (2 m × 6 m) and 10 unexclosed plots in each forest type during a 5-year period. No differential effects of browsing were found among forest types. In all forest types, deer (67 deer/km2) suppressed forb and vertical plant cover to levels less than would be expected in the absence of deer. Seedling survival rates of most species were significantly reduced by browsing. By the 4th year of the study, box elder (Acer negundo), hickory (Carya spp.), and red maple (Acer rubrum) had been eliminated from unexclosed plots, and red and white oaks (Quercus spp.) dramatically reduced. Ash (Fraxinus spp.), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), although significantly impacted, remained the most abundant species throughout the study. These findings suggest that white-tailed deer may be modifying the structure of the forest interior to the extent that it adversely affects wildlife species dependent on a dense understory to thrive. We predict that the future composition of forests in MNBP will shift towards stands with fewer species and a greater dominance of ash, black cherry, and hackberry, particularly in the oak–hickory and bottomland hardwood forests, where the majority of current dominants are most affected.  相似文献   

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi plant associations have long been suggested to be a suitable location for afforestations, but systematic studies on the observed beneficial effect are still missing in Alpine areas. In this study we address the question which ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities exist in Austrian alpine and subalpine Arctostaphylos habitats, and if they persist in A. uva-ursi stands even hundred of years after disappearance of trees in these areas. The diversity of fungal communities associated with A. uva-ursi was assessed in four study sites (1800–2450 m a.s.l.) in the Central European Alps of Tyrol (Austria). Three approaches were applied: (i) collecting and identifying fungal fruit bodies; (ii) studying the arbutoid mycorrhiza morphotypes of A. uva-ursi; (iii) molecular identification of the most common arbutoid morphotypes. The detected diversity of ECM fungal species was very high (99 taxa), and the occurrence of e.g. Boletus, Cantharellus, Suillus, Tricholoma, Russula spp. in sites that have been treeless for centuries is especially remarkable. Fruit bodies of 82 fungal species were found in association with A. uva-ursi, 63 of them were ECM. Seventy arbutoid morphotypes were detected on 2072 mycorrhized root tips, and 39 taxa of basidiomycete mycobionts were identified with molecular methods. Twelve Cortinarius spp. clearly dominated the mycobiont species richness, followed by nine spp. of Thelephoraceae and four spp. of Boletaceae. Most mycobionts of A. uva-ursi were generalists, but fungal taxa (e.g. Lactarius deterrimus and Suillus spp.) known to be specifically associated with other host plants were also detected. We therefore consider A. uva-ursi as a “non-selective” host, providing mycorrhizal inoculum of highly specialized and effective mycorrhizal fungi for afforestation. This explains why A. uva-ursi plant associations represent suitable locations for forest regeneration and afforestation, especially in the harsh environmental conditions of subalpine and alpine sites.  相似文献   

In 1989, the first recorded outbreak of hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria (Guen.)) occurred in New Brunswick, Canada. Data were collected from ten plots established in an area infested from 1992–1994, to assess impacts of hemlock looper. Ocular and branch sample assessments of current defoliation and ocular assessments of total defoliation (all age classes of foliage) were conducted for balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.), white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.). Stand response was assessed and related to cumulative defoliation. Ocular assessments were found to accurately estimate defoliation, which was significantly related to tree mortality. Ninety-two percent of balsam fir trees that had cumulative defoliation >90% died. Mortality of balsam fir was significantly (p < 0.05) related to tree size, in both lightly and severely defoliated plots; trees with DBH <11 cm sustained 22–48% higher mortality than larger trees. Mortality of balsam fir, in terms of both percent stems/ha and m3/ha merchantable volume, increased exponentially in relation to three estimates of cumulative (summed) plot mean defoliation. The strongest relationships (r2 = 0.75–0.79) were between mortality and the ocular defoliation assessment for 1990–1993 foliage. Tree mortality caused by the looper outbreak ranged from 4–14% stems/ha in lightly defoliated and from 32–100% in severely defoliated plots; merchantable volume killed was 3–14 m3/ha and 51–119 m3/ha, respectively. Relationships between mortality and defoliation were similar when defoliation was assessed for 1987–1993 and 1990–1993 foliage age classes.  相似文献   

Many forest plantations in the humid neo-tropics are established on degraded soils in abandoned pasture land and, with some exceptions, the species planted have not grown successfully. Studies of adaptability and growth under these conditions are scarce, particularly for native species. In this paper we present data on growth and tree form at 3 years of age for 11 species planted in abandoned pastures. The research plantation was established at La Selva Biological Station, in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica (10° 26′N, 83° 59′W). Survival, diameter at breast height (DBH), total height, basal area, volume index and tree form were used to evaluate the species performance. After 3 years, Vochysia guatemalensis displayed a survival significantly higher (98%) than that of the other species. The lowest survival was 75% for Pinus tecunumanii. There were significant differences in growth measures among species. Acacia mangium exhibited significantly higher growth rates than the other species. Although this species grew rapidly, it did not develop straight single stems. About 14% of trees of A. mangium had bifurcation below DBH and more than 50% showed multiple axes or branches as large in diameter as the principal axis. The native species with the highest growth rate was Vochysia guatemalensis (DBH 12.7 cm, total height 7.5 m, volume index 55 m3 ha−1 at 3 years of age). Vochysia ferruginea exhibited a slightly lower growth rate. Both Vochysia species were ranked highly with regard to tree form, with more than 80% straight single stemmed trees. The lowest growth rates were exhibited by Pentaclethra macroloba, Pithecellobium macradenium and Virola koschnyi; however, the latter two species formed straight single terms. Pentaclethra macroloba and Inga edulis failed to form straight single stems. In general, the growth rates of the species studied were high in comparison with results reported from other tree plantations in the tropics. In spite of this, it is not prudent to draw final conclusions on the basis of these 3 year measurements.  相似文献   

We investigated tree water relations in a lower tropical montane rain forest at 1950-1975 m a.s.l. in southern Ecuador. During two field campaigns, sap flow measurements (Granier-type) were carried out on 16 trees (14 species) differing in size and position within the forest stand. Stomatal conductance (g(s)) and leaf transpiration (E(l)) were measured on five canopy trees and 10 understory plants. Atmospheric coupling of stomatal transpiration was good (decoupling coefficient Omega = 0.25-0.43), but the response of g(s) and E(l) to the atmospheric environment appeared to be weak as a result of the offsetting effects of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) on g(s). In contrast, sap flow (F) followed these atmospheric parameters more precisely. Daily F depended chiefly on PPF sums, whereas on short time scales, VPD impeded transpiration when it exceeded a value of 1-1.2 kPa. This indicates an upper limit to transpiration in the investigated trees, even when soil water supply was not limiting. Mean g(s) was 165 mmol m(-2) s(-1) for the canopy trees and about 90 mmol m(-2) s(-1) for the understory species, but leaf-to-leaf as well as tree-to-tree variation was large. Considering whole-plant water use, variation in the daily course of F was more pronounced among trees differing in size and crown status than among species. Daily F increased sharply with stem diameter and tree height, and ranged between 80 and 120 kg day(-1) for dominant canopy trees, but was typically well below 10 kg day(-1) for intermediate and suppressed trees of the forest interior.  相似文献   

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