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A retrospective study was performed on 200 randomly selected cases of inflammatory myopathy in dogs from diagnostic muscle biopsies received at the Comparative Neuromuscular Laboratory, University of California, San Diego. The most common clinical signs in dogs diagnosed with an inflammatory myopathy were generalized weakness, stilted gait, dysphagia, masticatory or generalized muscle atrophy, inability to open the jaw, megaesophagus, and dysphonia. Myalgia was rarely described. Age of onset ranged from 0.25 to 14 years. Genders were equally represented. Breed distribution approximated the 2002 American Kennel Club registration statistics (r = .85) with the notable exception of Boxers and Newfoundlands. From the results of muscle biopsies, clinical signs, and presence or absence of antibodies against type 2M fibers, dogs were classified as a generalized inflammatory myopathy (gIM)--including immune-mediated polymyositis; infectious and preneoplastic myositis; and, rarely, dermatomyositislike or overlap syndromes or unclassified myositis-or a focal inflammatory myopathy (flM)--including masticatory muscle and extraocular myositis. Average creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) concentrations in gIMs were significantly higher than those with fIMs (P < .05). Neoplasia developed in 12 of 200 dogs within 12 months of diagnosis of polymyositis, with lymphoma diagnosed in 6 of 32 Boxers. Inflammatory myopathy was associated with antibody titers against infectious diseases in 38 dogs. Neospora caninum and Hepatozoon americanum cysts were found in tissues of 2 dogs not serologically tested. Antibodies against an unidentified sarcolemmal antigen were found in 9 of 19 Newfoundlands with polymyositis. The spectrum of canine inflammatory myopathies can be broad, with infectious etiologies relatively common, and can include preneoplastic and uncharacterized syndromes.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old, male cat was presented with a fixed, subcutaneous mass in the lumbosacral region. A histopathological examination revealed a well-defined but nonencapsulated neoplasm characterized by a proliferation of predominantly spindle cells, with high mitotic activity. Interspersed between these cells were single cellular elements with chondroid differentiation. Large areas of cartilaginous tissue with foci of endochondral ossification, necrosis and myxoid tissue were also observed within the neoplastic parenchyma. A diagnosis of extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma was made based on the histological pattern - characterized by the coexistence of cartilaginous islands and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, results of Alcian blue staining at various pH, immunohistochemical reactivity against vimentin and S-100, and the absence of skeletal involvement or other primary tumour sites. Clinical history of the cat excluded traumas, vaccinations or other types of subcutaneous inoculation. Six months on from surgical treatment, neither recurrence nor metastases have been detected.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old spayed female domestic shorthair cat with an abdominal mass was evaluated; radiography revealed a radiopaque mass in the cranioventral region of the abdomen. A celiotomy was performed, and the mass was identified histologically as a hepatic osteosarcoma. Complete remission of the tumor was accomplished after partial hepatectomy and adjuvant treatment with carboplatin.  相似文献   

Cystic thymoma was diagnosed in 14 cats in a period of 6 years. The most common clinical sign was laboured breathing. The tumours were characterized by various-sized cystic spaces with central vessels. The epithelial cells varied from oval to spindle to polygonal cells enclosing cystic spaces or in pure epithelial cell components. The nuclei of the neoplastic cells had scattered chromatin and small nucleoli. The cytoplasm was pale eosinophilic. The concentration of mature lymphocytes varied from area to area with rare germinal centres. Immunohistochemically, the epithelial cells stained only with AE(1)/AE(3). The central vessels were positive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, and factor VIII antigen. Electron microscopy revealed that the cyst walls were lined by epithelial cells that were joined by desmosomes, and the walls were well separated from the cystic spaces by a well-defined basement membrane. The neoplastic epithelial cells contained scattered tonofilaments. Three of the cats had metastasis to the lymph nodes and lungs. Two novel cases of ectopic cystic thymoma have also been described. Results of this study reveal that cystic thymoma is uncommon in cats, and that the histomorphologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic features are similar to those of cystic thymoma in humans.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study of 71 primary ovarian tumors in the dog, epithelial tumors (46%) were more common than sex cord stromal (34%) and germ cell tumors (20%). There were more adenocarcinomas (64%) than adenomas. Sex cord stromal tumors were equally divided into Sertoli-Leydig (12/24) and granulosa cell tumors (12/24). There were equal numbers (7/14) of dysgerminomas and teratomas among the germ cell tumors. Most teratomas (6/7) were malignant. Most granulosa cell tumors were solid; two were mostly cystic. Patterns included sheets of round and ovoid to spindle-shaped cells separated by thin, fibrovascular stroma; neoplastic cells formed rosettes or Call-Exner bodies. In some areas, neoplastic cells were in cords or columns and formed cyst-like structures. Four granulosa cell tumors were macrofollicular, having cysts lined with granulosa cells. Median ages of dogs with different ovarian neoplasms were similar; all were more than 10 years old, except the dogs with teratoma (mean age, 4 years). Most neoplasms were unilateral (84%), except the Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, many of which were bilateral (36%). Size of ovarian neoplasms varied (2 cm3 to 15,000 cm3). Twenty-nine percent of neoplasms metastasized; adenocarcinomas (48%) and malignant teratomas (50%) had the highest rates, and distant metastasis was more common in malignant teratoma. Endometrial hyperplasia was in 67% of the dogs; it was most common in dogs with sex cord stromal tumors (95%). Uterine malignancy was not seen in dogs with granulosa cell tumors, although hyperplasia endometrium was in all dogs with this tumor. Cysts in the contralateral ovaries were most common in dogs with sex cord stromal tumors.  相似文献   

Objective We present a unique case of a feline orbital extraskeletal osteosarcoma that developed 5 years post‐enucleation. History In 2002, an ophthalmologist enucleated the left eye of a 2‐year‐old neutered male DSH and submitted it to the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW). COPLOW diagnosed the left eye with feline diffuse iris melanoma. In June 2007, the cat presented to another veterinarian for moderate swelling of the enucleation site. Palpation suggested a firm mass along the lateral orbital rim and an exploratory orbitotomy revealed a cyst with a mass adhered to it and the ventrolateral orbital rim. The cyst and mass were excised by the veterinarian and submitted to COPLOW. COPLOW diagnosed the tissue as an orbital conjunctival inclusion cyst and an acquired orbital osteosarcoma. Conclusions Following the enucleation, retained conjunctival epithelium became embedded in the connective tissue of the orbit and caused a cyst to develop. The cyst wall consisted of a myofibroblastic collagen‐rich matrix and acted as a nidus of chronic irritation and tumor growth. This orbital osteosarcoma resembles feline vaccine‐associated sarcomas (VAS), feline post‐traumatic ocular sarcomas, and microchip‐associated sarcomas in terms of it histopathology and its hypothesized pathogenesis related to exposure to antigenic material such as implanted epithelium, lens protein, vaccine components, and microchips as foreign bodies.  相似文献   

The medical records of 50 dogs that exhibited generalised convulsive tonic-clonic (GCTC) status epilepticus (SE) were reviewed and compared with the records of 50 dogs that exhibited non-SE GCTC seizures. The mean age, bodyweight and gender of the patients in both groups were not significantly different. Dogs in the non-SE group were two times more likely to be an idiopathic epileptic than to have secondary epileptic seizures. The SE group was more likely to have abnormalities on cerebrospinal fluid analysis, but not more likely to have abnormalities detected on computed tomography, when compared with the non-SE group. SE was 1.57 times more likely if the cause for the seizures was secondary or reactive epilepsy rather than idiopathic or primary epilepsy. In conclusion, dogs that exhibit SE should be thoroughly investigated for secondary causes.  相似文献   

Eighty-one cases of canine pleural and/or mediastinal effusions were identified from radiography and ultrasonography records reviewed between 1992 and 2000 at the Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge. All cases had a follow-up period of at least 12 months. Twenty-eight underlying disease processes were associated with pleural and/or mediastinal effusions. The most common disease was pyothorax (13 cases). Other common diseases identified were idiopathic pericardial effusion, cranial mediastinal mass, idiopathic chylothorax, secondary lung metastases and dilated cardiomyopathy. Approximately one-quarter of all cases recovered completely after initial treatment and one-third of all cases either died during, or were euthanased immediately after, completion of the initial investigations.  相似文献   

Paranasal meningiomas were diagnosed in ten dogs based on gross and light microscopic examinations of tissue specimens, and, in one case, electron microscopic examination. Seven of ten dogs were female (average age was 13 years). Most dogs (7/10) had seizures on examination. Two dogs with meningioma located in the nasal cavity had nasal discharge, and one had epistaxis. Tumors originated in the nasoparanasal region (eight) and frontal region of the cranial cavity (two). The histologic types of meningioma included psammomatous (two), transitional (three), meningotheliomatous (two), fibroblastic (two), and angioblastic (one). Tumors were malignant and extended to the brain in eight cases. These tumors differed from intracranial meningiomas mainly in their more anaplastic nature and aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

Canine bronchomalacia (BM) is characterized by weakness leading to collapse of the bronchial wall. A prospective study of 18 affected dogs (age range: 1-15 years) was undertaken to characterize the clinicopathological and histological features of BM. Poodles and Yorkshire terriers were commonly affected. Half of the dogs were overweight or obese. The clinical presentation was a mild, wheezing, chronic cough and pulmonary crackles were heard in 28% of the dogs. Compatible radiographic changes were present in 61% of the dogs. Using bronchoscopy, both lungs were affected in half of the animals, whereas in the others the disease appeared to affect predominantly the left lung. Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and biopsies of bronchial mucosa revealed pure or mixed neutrophilic inflammation. Underlying infectious bronchitis was considered possible in 56% of the dogs. It was concluded that canine BM may present as an isolated clinical entity associated with infection and/or inflammation.  相似文献   

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) was diagnosed in 30 dogs examined at North Carolina State University, Veterinary Teaching Hospital between 1984 and 1997. Historical, physical examination, and laboratory abnormalities were reviewed. Diagnostic criteria included a four-fold rise in antibody titer to Rickettsia rickettsii (R. rickettsii) (n=15) or a single R. rickettsii antibody titer of 1:1,024 or greater (n=15; when this initial titer was determined one week or more after the onset of clinical signs). Fifteen (50%) dogs were greater than seven years of age, and 13 (43%) dogs were between two and seven years of age. There was no sex predilection. Only five (17%) dogs had a history of known tick exposure. Presumably due to delayed diagnosis, dogs with antibody titers of 1:1,024 or greater at the time of presentation had a higher incidence of more severe neurological dysfunction (e.g., ataxia, hyperesthesia, vestibular disease, and seizures) and cutaneous lesions (e.g., hyperemia, edema, petechiae, ecchymoses, and necrosis). Laboratory findings included anemia, leukocytosis accompanied by toxic granulation of neutrophils, hypoalbuminemia, and coagulation abnormalities; signs were generally more severe in the 15 dogs with R. rickettsii antibody titers of 1:1,024 or greater at the time of presentation. Twelve (40%) dogs in this study were severely thrombocytopenic (less than 75 x10(3) platelets/microl; reference range, 200 to 450 x 10(3)/microl), without clinical evidence of fulminant disseminated intravascular coagulation. In this study, the survival rate following R. rickettsii infection was 100%.  相似文献   

Seventeen cases of colorectal polyps in the dog were seen at the Ontario Veterinary College over a 12-year period. The mean age of occurrence was 6.9 years, and males and females were almost equally affected. The Collie was the most frequently affected breed (4/17). The clinical signs were typically dyschezia, periodic intermittent diarrhea and melena, and rectal prolapse of the polyp. The histopatholic classifcation were hyperplastic polyp (1), papillary adenoma (1), tubular adenoma (4), papillotubular adenoma (10), and unclassified (1). Severe epithelial atypia, likely carcinoma in situ, was apparent in 5 of the papillotubular adenomas. Retrospective analysis of survival data after polypectomy suggested a good prognosis, but the results were inconclusive and it is possible that some of the polyps represented premalignant lesions. Large polyps (greater than 1 cm in diameter) frequently had marked epithelial atypia and were considered more likely to recur or to become malignant.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old mixed breed dog was presented with difficulties to urinate, blood in the urine and a nodule at the root of the penis. The penis was completely resected, and an osteosarcoma of the penile bone was diagnosed. Radiographically, there was no evidence to suggest tumours in other bones or distant metastases. The dog was euthanized as a consequence of tumour recurrence after 2 months. This is believed to be the first reported case of a primary osteosarcoma of the penile bone.  相似文献   

In horses, osteosarcoma is a rare tumor, with the majority of reported cases occurring in the head, and, more specifically, in the mandible of young horses. The following report documents 8 cases of equine osteosarcoma, the majority occurring in male horses aged 7 years or older with a lack of metastasis identified in any horse. Six arose in the maxilla or mandible and one in the proximal tibia. The predominant subtype was fibroblastic osteosarcoma with fewer osteoblastic type tumors. All had osteoid and most had a chondromucinous matrix. Surgical excision was attempted in the majority of cases. An inability to completely excise the tumor and progressive disease typically resulted in euthanasia. To the authors' knowledge, this case series also documents the first report of an equine extraosseous osteosarcoma within the subcutaneous tissue caudal to the shoulder. Surgical excision appears successful with no recurrence of disease 14 months later. Further investigations of equine osteosarcoma and various chemotherapeutic agents are warranted to present additional treatment options.  相似文献   

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