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The effects of feeding two alternative live prey Hyalella azteca (freshwater gammarids) and Hyale media (marine gammarids) to Octopus maya hatchlings were compared with feeding adult Artemia sp., traditionally used during the first weeks of the life cycle. Hatchlings were fed ad libitum these three live preys during the first 15 days, and a paste elaborated with fresh squid and shrimp during the next 15 days when hatchling can be fed prepared diets. Weight (g) and specific growth rates (% day?1) were determined every 15 days. Octopus maya hatchlings fed with marine gammarids grew larger (6.9 ± 0.2% day?1) compared with hatchlings fed Artemia sp. or freshwater gammarids (4.8 ± 0.2% and 5.0 ± 0.3% day?1 respectively). Survival was also higher (92.2 ± 6.8%) for hatchlings fed marine gammarids, than for those fed Artemia sp. (74.5 ± 23.8%) or freshwater gammarids (41.2 ± 21.2%). The content of acylglycerides, cholesterol and proteins in O. maya fed marine gammarids suggested a better nutrient assimilation by the hatchlings. Also, polyunsaturated fatty acids levels (EPA and DHA) were more abundant in marine gammarids, possibly contributing to the higher growth rates observed. This is the first study revealing a successful use of marine gammarids as alternative prey for octopus hatchlings culture.  相似文献   

To study the effect of feed ration on rearing and nutritional conditions of Octopus maya juveniles (7–10 days old), two groups of octopuses were fed on 10% and 30% rations, using a crab paste agglutinated with gelatine, when compared to another control group fed ad libitum on crab muscle tissue. The agglutinated diet was well accepted by the octopuses at this early stage. When considered together, the marginally higher survival of the 30% group and probably higher levels of the other rearing performance parameters (growth and feeding rate) indicate that this feed ration is more adequate than a 10% feed ration for rearing O. maya under these conditions. Octopuses fed 30% also generally showed higher total energy per gram of arm tissue and oxygen consumption, as well as different proteolytic activity. In addition, the mentioned nutritional differences influenced by the feed ration were found to be statistically correlated to the promoted growth and the end survival and feeding rates.  相似文献   

Effects of artificial diets were tested on growth and digestive gland (DG) lipid composition of juvenile Octopus vulgaris. For Experiment I, three diets were used: (i) SQUID (Loligo gahi) as a control diet; (ii) Squid paste and fish hydrolysate CPSP®, agglutinated with gelatine (GEL20); and (iii) Squid paste, fish hydrolysate CPSP® and gelatine (GEL40). For Experiment II, three diets were used: (i) SQUID, control diet; (ii) Squid paste, CPSP® and alginate (ALG10); and (iii) Squid paste, CPSP® and alginate (ALG20). For both experiments, growth rates for octopuses fed control were higher (P < 0.05), while artificial diets were not different (P > 0.05) between them. All diets promoted similar growth, regardless of the different CPSP® concentrations and binders. Growth rates obtained were among the highest obtained for O. vulgaris with artificial diets until now. The lower growth obtained with the artificial diets was greatly reflected in the DG fatty acid composition. The most important fatty acid groups, such as n‐3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, decreased in the DG of animals fed artificial diets. Lipid content, particularly neutral lipids, was higher in the DG of octopuses fed squid, indicating higher nutritional condition of these animals compared to those fed the artificial diets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The major allergen (named Oct v 1) in the muscle of the octopus Octopus vulgaris was purified by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-300, anion-exchange fast protein liquid chromatography on Mono Q and reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography on TSKgel Octadecyl-4PW. In addition to the molecular mass, amino acid composition and cross-reactivity with Tur c 1 (turban shell Turbo cornutus allergen), the determined partial amino acid sequence clearly demonstrated that Oct v 1 is tropomyosin, similar to the known molluscan and crustacean allergens. Using peptide fragments isolated from the lysylendopeptidase digest of Oct v 1, competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay inhibition experiments showed that IgE-binding epitopes of Oct v 1 are contained in two peptides (77–112 and 148–160) in the central region and one peptide (269–281) in the C-terminal region. In the peptide 77–112, the same sequence as the IgE-binding epitope proposed for Cra g 1 (oyster Crassostrea gigas allergen) is recognized at 92-105. Moreover, the peptide 148-160 partly overlaps with the IgE-binding epitopes suggested for Pen i 1 (shrimp Penaeus indicus allergen) and Pen a 1 (shrimp Penaeus aztecus allergen), and the peptide 269–281 with those for Tur c 1 and Pen a 1.  相似文献   

We propose two hypotheses to explain the inexistence of adequate prepared diet for Octopus maya at this date: Hypothesis 1 is related to changes in protein structure during protein cooking, which affects the digestibility. Hypothesis 2 is related to changes on nutritional characteristics during ingredient process, which affects the nutritional composition of diet. To test hypothesis 1, experiments one and two were directed to determine if protein cooking reduces digestibility and growth of animals when compared to fresh or lyophilized protein sources. For hypothesis 2, three experiments were conducted, testing seven different dietary protein sources offered in isolation or combined in artificial diets fed to O. maya. Results demonstrated that the diets that promoted growth were the ones based on fresh crab paste, and both lyophilized crab and squid tentacles paste. In consequence hypothesis 1 was accepted. The cooking process also changed nutritional characteristics of protein sources, affecting the growth of O. maya. Results obtained when squid and crab were mixed suggest that nutritional requirements of octopuses were covered with that diet in similar forms compared to when using fresh or lyophilized crab, also confirming hypothesis 2. Based on growth rates obtained, we can conclude that nutritional requirements of O. maya must be between 80% and 86% Protein (P), 5.1–5.6% Lipids and a protein: energy ratio between (P/E) 38.9 and 42.2 g MJ?1.  相似文献   

为了满足真蛸浮游幼体阶段的营养需要,研究了几种饵料生物对真蛸浮游幼体的育苗效果。结果表明:轮虫不宜作为真蛸浮游幼体的生物饵料;恒温培养试验得出混合营养强化的丰年虫幼体的育苗效果优于混合营养强化的蒙古裸腹溞,并优于小球藻强化的丰年虫幼体及蒙古裸腹溞;常温试验得出梭子蟹溞状幼体+丰年虫幼体组合的饵料效果最好,而微囊营养强化剂强化的丰年虫幼体的育苗效果好于混合营养组合。综上所述,可认为:梭子蟹溞状幼体+丰年虫幼体组合是真蛸浮游幼体期比较适宜的饵料。  相似文献   

The potential effect of body mass (m), maturity stage (ms), food type (ft), food protein (p) and lipid (li) content, and food protein‐to‐energy ratio, P/E (pe) on Specific Growth Rate (SGR, % day−1), Absolute Feeding Rate (AFR, g day−1), Feed Efficiency (FE, %), Assimilation Efficiency (AE, %), and Protein Retention Efficiency (PRE, %) in the common octopus was investigated. Six food types were provided ad libitum: shrimp, squid, hake, mussel, sardine and artificial one (gels made of hydrated squid flour agglutinated with sodium alginate). Estimated SGRs, AFRs, FEs, AEs and PREs were modelled with General Linear Models based on an information theory approach, using m, ms, ft, p, li and pe as potential predictor variables. SGR decreased when m increased; octopuses fed on shrimps showed the highest SGRs and the ones fed on mussels showed the lowest SGRs. AFR increased with m. Maximum and minimum FEs were observed, when food provided was shrimps and mussels, respectively. Maximum PRE was performed by octopuses fed on shrimps or sardines and minimum PRE by octopuses fed on mussels. Octopuses fed on artificial diet reached satisfactory levels of SGR (0.50% day−1) and FE (12.3%).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two dry extruded diets on growth and nutritional composition of digestive gland (DG) and muscle of Octopus vulgaris. Both artificial diets (FMK and 3FMK) were composed of gelatin, maltodextrin, yolk, fish and krill meal. The 3FMK diet contained more fishmeal (3×) than the FMK diet. These diets were compared with a control frozen diet consisting of golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) and crab (Liocarcinus depurator). The 3FMK diet promoted higher intakes and feed efficiency than FMK diet, resulting in larger growths (296 respect to 158 g in 42 days; 0.81% vs. 0.78% body weight/day). There was significantly lower moisture, protein and ash content in digestive glands of animals fed pellets (P < 0.05). No significant differences were observed on nutritional composition of muscle among the three groups. Even though the results were still below those of the control group (increase of 1258 g), the good performance in terms of acceptance and growth showed that this extruded diet can be the starting point to develop a commercial feed for this species.  相似文献   

2005年11月至2006年1月,分别在传统网箱和室内水泥池投放真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)野生苗种22062头,进行了养殖初步试验。主要结果为,55口传统网箱共放养10912头,平均体重233.6g,经过40d养殖,平均体重达660.9g,生长速度快,日增重率高达2.389%,养殖成活率62.8%,饵料系数为8.08。18口室内水泥池共放养11150头,平均体重220.5g,第一阶段经过33d养殖,平均体重达364.5g,生长速度不如传统网箱,日增重率1.402%,养殖成活率70.9%,饵料系数为6.04;第二阶段进入越冬期,生长更慢,经过53d养殖,平均体重达489.5g,日增重率只有0.552%,死亡较严重,养殖成活率仅44.3%,饵料系数为8.97。传统网箱养殖经济效益高于室内水泥池,投入产出比前者为11.210,后者为11.105。此外,还对影响真蛸生长和成活的各种因素、互残和自残行为等方面内容进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate changes in the ribonucleic acid (RNA)/deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ratio and the fatty acid composition of cultured Octopus vulgaris (50–750 g) in relation to recent (last 30 days) specific growth rate (SGR). Wild animals (80–500 g), collected in the field throughout the year (Aegean Sea, Mediterranean), were also examined for the aforementioned biochemical parameters. Octopuses were reared in a closed seawater system at three different temperatures (15, 20 and 25 °C). The octopuses were fed on squid (Loligo vulgaris). The cultured animals showed a high n‐3 (33–52.9%) and n‐6 (3.3–13.7%) polyunsaturated fatty acid content, but with a high variation for 22:6n‐3 [docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)], 20:5n‐3 [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)] and 20:4n‐6 [arachidonic acid (AA)]. The proportion of these fatty acids (% total fatty acids) and the RNA/DNA ratio were linearly (P<0.0001) related to SGR. Specifically, RNA/DNA (0.5–1.9) and AA (2.7–10.7%) increased, while EPA (10.4–19.7%) and DHA (20.8–31.9%) decreased, with increasing SGR (0.4–1.7% day−1). The highest levels of SGR, RNA/DNA and AA were detected in small (50–150 g) octopuses reared at 20 and 25 °C and in large (500–750 g) animals reared at 15 °C. Similar RNA/DNA levels and fatty acid percentages were found in wild octopuses. It is concluded that RNA/DNA, DHA, EPA and AA could be used as biochemical indices for predicting the growth rate of O. vulgaris.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate how bacterial community associated with Chilean octopus (Octopus mimus) egg was related to egg health condition using a culture dependent method and PCR‐DGGE fingerprinting technique. Total heterotrophic bacterial number of fresh egg was much lower than infected egg. However, biodiversity of culturable bacterial community associated with the fresh egg exhibited a higher diversity than the infected egg. Result of a culture dependent method showed that Roseobacter clade was predominant in the fresh egg, while predominant species in the infected egg was γ‐proteobacteria. DGGE fingerprinting technique showed that fresh egg associated unculturable bacterial community was constituted of Roseobacter clade and Bacteroidetes, whereas Bacteroidetes was predominant bacteria in the infected egg. These results suggest that there might be some sort of relationship between octopus eggs associated bacterial community and egg health condition. Moreover, Roseobacter clade and Bacteroidetes might be potential symbiotic bacteria associated with the octopus egg, and some γ‐proteobacteria might be involved in octopus egg disease. In particular, Roseobacter clade may play an important role in octopus egg health and it raises the possibility that this clade can be utilized as potential probiotics for octopus aquaculture.  相似文献   

以东海沿海捕获的野生真蛸(Octopus sinensis)为实验材料,用含秋水仙素终浓度为0.005%的海水活体暂养的方法,取鳃和肾脏细胞,利用热滴片法制备染色体标本,对其核型进行分析。结果显示,真蛸的二倍体染色体条数为60条,核型公式为2n=14 m+26 sm+12 st+8 t,其染色体臂数(NF)为100。未发现带有随体和次溢痕的染色体和异型染色体,推断真蛸可能为常染色体性别决定类型。本研究可为蛸属的细胞遗传学研究及真蛸种质鉴定和资源保护提供基础资料和参考依据。  相似文献   

蛸类渔业概况及增养殖研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛸类具有对养殖环境高度的适应性,且分布广、生长迅速、养殖周期短、营养价值高等特性,已成为头足类中最受关注的养殖对象和研究热点。此文概括地介绍了蛸类在海洋渔业中的地位,系统地阐述了蛸类渔业概况及增养殖研究现状,并对发展前景和方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

以东海沿海捕获的野生真蛸(Octopus sinensis)为实验材料,用含秋水仙素终浓度为0.005%的海水活体暂养的方法,取鳃和肾脏细胞,利用热滴片法制备染色体标本,对其核型进行分析。结果显示,真蛸的二倍体染色体条数为60条,核型公式为2n=14 m+26 sm+12 st+8 t,其染色体臂数(NF)为100。未发现带有随体和次溢痕的染色体和异型染色体,推断真蛸可能为常染色体性别决定类型。本研究可为蛸属的细胞遗传学研究及真蛸种质鉴定和资源保护提供基础资料和参考依据。  相似文献   

To move forward in the farming of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae, it is necessary to search for a live prey easy to obtain and maintain in the laboratory that meets the nutritional requirements of the octopus paralarvae and adapts to its predatory behaviour. Grapsus adscensionis zoeae (Crustacea, Decapoda) seems to fulfil most of these targets, and it was herein used to deepen knowledge of paralarvae lipid requirements and composition, growth and survival. To this purpose, the effects of feeding with Grapsus zoeae as sole prey were compared with Artemia at two different stages (nauplii and juveniles), which also differed in their lipid profiles. After 15 days of feeding, the best growth and survival of paralarvae was obtained in the Grapsus group, and no differences were observed between both Artemia groups. Triacylglycerides storage in paralarvae seemed to be co‐related with a lower growth and survival, but not with its prey levels. Contrarily, sterol ester levels were higher in paralarvae fed Grapsus, reflecting its content in the prey. The best paralarval viability was related to higher levels of 22:6n‐3 (DHA) and 20:4n‐6 (ARA), also reflecting its higher content in the prey. On the other hand, neither the 20:5n‐3 (EPA) levels in the prey nor in paralarvae were related to growth or survival. The implications of these results are discussed considering the lipid requirements of O. vulgaris paralarvae.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in culture technology for East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis paralarvae using upwelling systems, securing suitable feed for the paralarvae is an unresolved issue. The zoea of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus is a good candidate for paralarval feed because of the high fecundity of the adult females. To investigate the effects of supplying P. trituberculatus zoeae and their feeding method on paralarvae, we cultured paralarvae with supplying different combination ratios of zoeae and Artemia (10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7 and 0:10), and with or without supplementing rotifers using small‐scale (3‐L) upwelling systems. Paralarval survival rate and growth were improved when zoeae were supplied as the main feed, but reduced when the proportion of Artemia exceeded half the whole preys. Supplementing rotifers did not affect the paralarval survival and growth. Subsequently, paralarvae were cultured by supplying zoeae (partially augmented by Artemia) using three large (1‐kl) upwelling systems to assess their feeding effectiveness in juvenile octopus production. Paralarvae could be cultured at high survival rates of 77.1 ± 5.1% to reach benthic juveniles at 23 days after hatching. In conclusion, supplying P. trituberculatus zoeae augmented with Artemia under an upwelling culture system has great potential for juvenile octopus production.  相似文献   

The effect of diet on the growth and survival in captivity of the octopus Enteroctopus megalocyathus Gould, 1852 was researched to establish culture potential. This is one of two commercially important octopus species that inhabit the Chilean coast. A positive energy budget, averaging 678 J day?1 g of dry weight (dw), was recorded in specimens maintained in tanks and fed ad libitum on a diet of three species of crustacean decapods. On the other hand, the energy budget of octopus specimens fed on the mussel Mytilus chilensis (Hupé) was negative, averaging ?250.90 J day?1 g dw?1. Ingestion rates varied between diets (t=46.45; d.f.=18; P<0.001), but no variations were recorded in energy loss resulting from metabolism (t=0.67; d.f.=16; P>0.05) or ammonia excretion (t=1.39; d.f.=16; P>0.05). An average instantaneous growth rate (IGR) of between 1.96% and 0.49% was recorded in specimens fed on crustaceans, depending on the size of the octopus and the period of time. The IGR in specimens fed on mussels was ?0.32±0.05. The IGR of specimens fed on crustaceans and maintained in suspended systems was 1.36±0.9%. The mean mortality with crustacean and mussel diets was 11.07±5.5% and 74±1% respectively. The results indicate that E. megalocyathus can survive and grow in captivity, both in tanks and in suspended systems, when fed on a diet of crustaceans.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to test the capacity of O. vulgaris to use carbohydrates supplied in three diets: a diet without added carbohydrates (diet C0: 500 g kg?1 water, 200 g kg?1 gelatine, 100 g kg?1 egg yolk powder, 50 g kg?1 freeze‐dried Sardinella aurita and 150 g kg?1 freeze‐dried Todarodes sagittatus), and two obtained by substituting 50 g kg?1 of T. sagittatus by glucose (diet GLU50) or by starch (diet STA50). The most stable and best accepted diet was STA50 (SFR 1.26%BW day?1), although there were no significant differences in the growth rates obtained with the three diets: 10.1 g day?1, 9.4 g day?1 and 11.2 g day?1 for C0, GLU50 and STA50, respectively (> 0.05). The feed efficiency indices were better for GLU50, of particular note being the protein productive value of 72% and a feed conversion ratio lower than 1. Protein and lipid digestibility were similar in all three diets (96–98% for proteins and 85–94% for lipids), whereas carbohydrate digestibility was higher in GLU50 (98%) than in C0 (84%) and STA50 (0.33%). The content of carbohydrates increased in muscle and the digestive gland as a consequence of the increased carbohydrates intake.  相似文献   

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