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Effects of three temperature regimes (16/5, 24/11, and 32/16°C day/night temperatures) and two moisture levels on growth, interference and photosynthesis response in Bromus tectorum and Taeniatherum asperum were investigated in a growth chamber study. Plants were grown separately and in intra- and interspecific pairs. Optimum temperature for growth of both species was the moderate regime (24/11°C). At this regime T. asperum yield was higher than that of B. tectorum. Yield of B. tectorum was less affected by temperature extremes and was significantly higher than that of T. asperum. Limitation of moisture reduced yield in both sjjecies at all temperature regimes. Variation in performance between species at each combination of temfjerature regime and moisture level was closely related to photosynthesis response and to plasticity in resource allocation to above-and below-ground parts. In mixtures, under limited and unlimited moisture conditions, B. teetorum, had a higher yield than T. asperum at all temperature regimes. Atlow temperature (16/5°C), both species were competitively similar. The competitive advantage of B. tectorum over T. asperum increased with increasing temperature and was most profound at high temperature (32/16°C). Species competitive performance in mixtures also correlated with photosynthesis rates and resource partitioning. Effets de la témperature et de l'humidité du sol sur la croissance, la compétition et la photosynthèse chez Bromus tectorum et Taeniatherum asperum Les effets de trois régimes de température (16/5, 24/11, et 32/16°C, lumiere/obscurité) et de deux niveaux d'humidite du sol sur la croissance, la compétition et la photosynthèse de Bromus tectorum et de Taeniatherum asperum ont été Studies en conditions contrôlées. Les plantes étaient cultivées isolément ainsi qu'en paires intra- et interspécifiques. La température optimale de croissance pour les deux espèces était le régime 24/11°C, pour lequel le rendement de T. asperumétait supérieur à celui de B. tectorum. Le rendement de B. tectorumétait moins affecté par les régimes extrêmes, et était significativement plus élevé que celui de T. asperum. Une diminution de l'humidité du sol réduisait le rendement chez les deux espèces, à tous les régimes de température. Les différences de performance entre espèces à chaque combinaison de température et d'humiditéétait étroitement liées au taux de photosynthèse et à la plasticité de l'allocation des ressources entre les parties aeriennes et souterraines. En cultures melangees, que l'humidité du sol soit faible ou non, B. tectorum avait un rendement supérieur à celui de T. asperumà tous les régimes de température. A basses températures (16/5°C), les deux espèces avaient des aptitudes à la compétition similaires. L'avantage compétitif de B. tectorum sur T. asperum augmentait avec la température et était plus important à haute température (32/16°C). La performance compétitive des espèces en cultures mélangées était aussi corrélée au taux de photosynthèse et à la répartition des ressources. Wirkung von Temperatur und Feuchte auf Wachstum, Konkurrenz und Photosynthese von Bromus tectorum und Taeniatherum asperum Wachstum, Konkurrenz und Photosynthese von Bromus tectorum und Taeniatherum asperum wurden in Klimakammern bei drei Temperaturbereichten (16/5, 24/11 und 32/16°C) und zwei Bodenfeuchten untersucht. Die Pflanzen wurden einzeln oder in intra– und interspezifischen Paaren angezogen. Beide Arten wuchsen im mittleren Temperaturbereich am besten, wobei T. asperum mehr Masse als B. tectorum bildete. Unter den extremen Temperaturbereichen litt B. tectorum weniger, und hier war seine Masse signifikant größer als die von T. asperum. Begrenzte Bodenfeuchte reduzierte bei allen Temperaturen die Masse bei beiden Arten. Das Wachstumsverhalten stand bei allen Wuchsbedingungen in enger Beziehung zur Photosyntheseleistung und zur ober– und unterirdischen Massebildung. In MischbestaUnden bildete B. tectorum sowohl bei Wassermangel als auch bei ausreichender Feuchte bei allen Temperaturen mehr Masse als T. asperum. Im niedrigen Temperaturbereich waren beide Arten ähnlich konkurrenzstark. Die Konkurrenz von B. tectorum gegenüber T. asperum wuchs mit der zunehmenden Temperatur. In Mischbeständen war das Konkurrenzverhalten der Arten mit der Photosyntheserate und Massebildung korreliert.  相似文献   

烯草酮防除春油菜田旱雀麦的效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
12%烯草酮EC40ml/667m^2,在春油菜3—4叶1心,兑水20kg/667m^2进行茎叶喷雾,防除旱雀麦效果在90%以上,对油菜安全。  相似文献   

In winter wheat systems in the Northern Great Plains of the United States, Bromus tectorum and wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) commonly co‐occur. While independent effects of these pests on wheat yields have been well documented, to our knowledge, no study has investigated whether WSMV modifies interactions between wheat and B. tectorum. Furthermore, the impact that environmental stressors such as nutrient availability have on these interactions has not been addressed. We conducted a randomised split‐plot field study over 2 years to investigate the effects of WSMV and nitrate (N) availability on winter wheat suppression of Bromus tectorum. The study included four N treatments (10–19, 20–31, 31–84, and 85–207 kg ha?1) and two WSMV treatments (mechanically inoculated or control). Increasing soil N increased the susceptibility of wheat to WSMV infection. In 2009, wheat in the lowest and highest N levels had 24% and 65% of plants infected respectively. However, regression analysis indicated that interactive effects of wheat competition, N and WSMV did not play a consistent role in B. tectorum growth. Specifically, the effect of both wheat density and distance from row on B. tectorum biomass remained constant across inoculation treatments, suggesting that wheat inoculated with WSMV suppressed B. tectorum as effectively as healthy wheat. Furthermore, wheat had a greater impact on B. tectorum growth in higher N environments, even though incidence of WSMV infection in wheat was highest. Overall, our results suggest that WSMV infection may not change the ability of wheat to suppress B. tectorum.  相似文献   

A population of Bromus tectorum infesting an olive grove at Córdoba (Spain) survived simazine use rates of 3.0 kg a.i. ha−1 over two consecutive years. Non‐tillage olive monoculture and two annual simazine applications had been carried out for 10 years. The resistant biotype showed a higher ED50 value (7.3 kg a.i. ha−1) than that of the susceptible control (0.1 kg a.i. ha−1), a 73‐fold increase in herbicide tolerance. The use of fluorescence, Hill reaction, absorption, translocation and metabolism assays showed that simazine resistance in this biotype was caused by a modification of the herbicide target site, since chloroplasts from the resistant biotype of B. tectorum were more than 300 times less sensitive to simazine than those from the susceptible biotype. In addition, non‐treated resistant plants of B. tectorum displayed a significant reduction in the QA to QB electron transfer rate when compared with the susceptible biotype, a characteristic that has been linked to several mutations in the protein D1 conferring resistance to PS II inhibiting herbicides. Resistant plants showed cross‐resistance to other groups of triazine herbicides with the hierarchy of resistance level being methoxy‐s‐triazines ≥chloro‐s‐triazines > methylthio‐s‐triazines > cis‐triazines. The results indicate a naturally occurring target‐site point mutation is responsible for conferring resistance to triazine herbicides. This represents the first documented report of target site triazine resistance in this downy brome biotype.  相似文献   

青海省旱雀麦生物学特性及其发生危害与防除   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旱雀麦(Bromus tectorum L.)为禾本科1年生杂草.其适应性强,繁殖系数高,传播途径广,蔓延速度快.青海省生产上应用野麦畏、高效氟吡甲禾灵有效控制了野燕麦危害后,放松了对农田禾本科杂草的管理.  相似文献   

Primisulfuron‐resistant (AR and MR) and ‐susceptible (AS and MS) Bromus tectorum biotypes were collected from a Poa pratensis field at Athena, Oregon, and in research plots at Madras, Oregon. Studies were conducted to characterize the resistance of the B. tectorum biotypes. Whole plant bioassay and acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme assay revealed that the AR biotype was highly resistant to the sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides, primisulfuron and sulfosulfuron and to a sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone (SCT) herbicide, propoxycarbazone‐sodium. However, the AR biotype was not resistant to imazamox, an imidazolinone (IMI) herbicide. Results of the whole plant bioassay studies showed that the MR biotype was moderately resistant to all ALS inhibitors tested. However, there were no differences in ALS sensitivities between the MR and MS biotypes. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence analysis of the als gene demonstrated a single‐point mutation from C to T, conferring the exchange of the amino acid proline to serine at position 197 in the AR biotype. However, this mutation was not found in the MR biotype. Results of this research indicate that: the resistance of the AR biotype to SU and SCT herbicides is based on an altered target site due to a single‐point mutation; resistance in the MR biotype is not due to a target site mutation.  相似文献   

Bromus tectorum is a winter annual grass that affects rangeland in western North America. A glasshouse pot experiment was conducted that integrated imazapic application and inoculation of the soil‐borne fungal pathogen, Pyrenophora semeniperda, for the purpose of providing greater control of B. tectorum. We hypothesised that P. semeniperda inoculation would reduce B. tectorum emergence and integration of imazapic and P. semeniperda would result in a greater reduction in B. tectorum biomass and density compared with either treatment applied alone. This study revealed that P. semeniperda significantly reduced B. tectorum emergence and density and the responses were greatest for seed placed below the soil surface. Further, B. tectorum biomass was similar between imazapic and P. semeniperda treatments. This indicates that P. semeniperda could be applied in advance of B. tectorum germination and emergence. After emergence, imazapic application could reduce B. tectorum biomass and kill seedlings. A two‐pronged approach to controlling B. tectorum that combines P. semeniperda inoculation and post‐emergent imazapic application may provide a greater opportunity to limit invasion of this weed in rangeland of western North America. Future work should be directed towards the pathogen–plant relationship and how it relates to integrating biological control with traditional methods, towards the effect of varying P. semeniperda inoculum and imazapic rates and lastly, to how environmental conditions in the field may affect implementation and efficacy of this two‐pronged approach.  相似文献   

中度盐碱地氮、磷肥对蓖麻生育特性和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以淄蓖8号为试验品种,研究了中度盐碱地蓖麻在不同施氮量和施磷量条件下的生长特性、干物质积累、产量构成和产量。结果表明,氮肥、磷肥和两者互作对各时期主茎真叶数的影响不显著,氮肥、磷肥和两者互作从蕾期开始对株高和地上部干重的影响达显著或极显著水平,从苗期开始对叶干重和茎干重的影响达显著或极显著水平,对花序干重的影响达显著或极显著水平;氮肥对每株穗数的影响达到显著水平,磷肥及二者互作的影响未达到显著水平;氮肥、磷肥及二者互作对每穗粒数、百粒重和籽粒产量的影响达到显著或极显著水平;开花期、花后和灌浆成熟期群体地上部干物质积累与籽粒产量均呈显著线性正相关关系,提高开花后干物质的积累有利于籽粒产量的提高。在本试验条件下,施氮量225 kg·hm-2、施磷量90 kg·hm-2,苗期和蕾期各施用氮、磷肥的50%获得的籽粒产量最高,达3568.4 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

The invasion of nonnative plants is considered one of the main threats to the structure and function of North American ecosystems.Moreover,they can alter ecosystem processes and reduce biodiversity.In arid and semi-arid region of North America,the species of European annual grass Bromus tectorum L.is an outstanding example of these problems,which not only increase the fire density and change the fire regime,but replace native communities.Therefore,there are amount of researches on B.tectorum,including resource acquisition,water use efficiency and growth.Whereas the relevant research on the morphology of diaspore is scare.Diaspores have a fundamental role in seed germination and seedling establishment.Besides,as an important link between different generations,diaspores have a vital significance on individual reproduction and population extension.Hence,diaspores under selection for studying have an important implication.This study compares differences in seed morphology for Bromus tectorum collected from the United States,Kazakhstan,and Xinjiang of China.The following indices of B.tectorum diaspores were analyzed:size,thickness of covering layers,and micromorphological characteristics of the base,middle and transition area of diaspores as well as of the awn.Micromorphology of the lemma and the cross-section of the diaspore were observed by scanning electron microscopy.Results showed that thickness of the lemma and the palea of diaspores from B.tectorum-infested grasslands in the United States were reduced(P<0.05),likely because of environmental influences.This reduction facilitated the germination of diaspores and lowered the resistance of B.tectorum to adverse environmental conditions.The length of the awn also increased significantly(P<0.05),which helped in dispersal and anchoring of diaspores.Therefore,B.tectorum adapted ecologically to its new environment in the United States by strengthening its establishment ability.However,the defense capability of B.tectorum decreased.These results fit the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis(EICA)of invasive species.Analysis of various cells on the lemma revealed that prickle densities and collapsed,long epidermal cells were easily influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and moisture because of the physiologic function of these structures on silicon accumulation.However,the form and the position of silica cells,which were not greatly influenced by environmental factors,might be genetically controlled.Studying these structures at the microscopic level helps define the relationship between the diaspore and its environment.This study has a reference value for future studies on B.tectorum.  相似文献   



The prevalent and repeated use of acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides for Bromus tectorum L. control in fine fescue (Festuca L. spp) grown for seed has selected ACCase-resistant B. tectorum populations. The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate the response of nine B. tectorum populations to the ACCase inhibitors clethodim, sethoxydim, fluazifop-P-butyl, and quizalofop-P-ethyl and the acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor sulfosulfuron and (2) characterize the resistance mechanisms.


Bromus tectorum populations were confirmed to be resistant to the ACCase-inhibiting herbicides tested. The levels of resistance varied among the populations for clethodim (resistance ratio, RR = 5.1–14.5), sethoxydim (RR = 18.7–44.7), fluazifop-P-butyl (RR = 3.1–40.3), and quizalofop-P-ethyl (RR = 14.5–36). Molecular investigations revealed that the mutations Ile2041Thr and Gly2096Ala were the molecular basis of resistance to the ACCase-inhibiting herbicides. The Gly2096Ala mutation resulted in cross-resistance to the aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) herbicides fluazifop-P-butyl and quizalofop-P-ethyl, and the cyclohexanedione (CHD) herbicides clethodim, and sethoxydim, whereas Ile2041Thr mutation resulted in resistance only to the two APP herbicides. All B. tectorum populations were susceptible to sulfosulfuron (RR = 0.3–1.7).


This is the first report of target-site mutations conferring resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in B. tectorum. The results of this study suggest multiple evolutionary origins of resistance and contribute to understanding the patterns of cross-resistance to ACCase inhibitors associated with different mutations in B. tectorum. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Bromus tectorum is a dominant winter annual weed in cold deserts of western North America. We followed patterns of seed carry-over and abundance of the pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda over 5 years at B. tectorum -dominated shadscale ( Atriplex confertifolia ) and sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) sites in southern Idaho. We hypothesised that more seeds could potentially carry over at the drier shadscale site because of minimal autumn precipitation, but that P. semeniperda , a pathogen that primarily kills dormant seeds, would have more impact at the drier site, where a higher density of dormant seeds would likely be present in the early spring seedbank. Successful first-year seed carry-over was higher in years with below-average autumn precipitation. It was lower at the shadscale site than at the sagebrush site (9% vs.16%). The number of seeds killed during incubation by P. semeniperda averaged three times higher at the drier site and the number of field-killed seeds averaged almost five times higher. This suggests that pathogen-related mortality caused the greater decrease in seed carry-over at the drier site. Mortality risk increased dramatically with seed age. This climate–pathogen interaction apparently limits B. tectorum seedbank carry-over in cold deserts to 3 years or less. Pyrenophora semeniperda shows potential as a biocontrol agent for B. tectorum in these habitats.  相似文献   

为探究不同水分条件下真菌接种和氮肥施加对小麦生长、水分利用效率及营养吸收的影响,以小麦品种Superb为材料,选取丛枝菌根接种(接种和不接种)和氮肥施加(0 kg·hm-2和180 kg·hm-2)在两个水分处理(拔节期开始,水分充足95%(WW)和水分胁迫40%田间持水量(WD))的温室条件下进行试验,分析开花期生长及叶片气体交换参数和成熟期产量及籽粒、茎秆氮磷含量的变化,最后对水分利用效率和籽粒、茎秆氮磷含量作了相关性分析。结果显示:两种水分条件下接种丛枝菌根(AMF)均显著提高旗叶的比叶面积(SLA),其中,水分胁迫处理施氮显著降低叶片SLA,AMF接种显著增大叶片的相对含水量(RWC);两种水分条件下,菌根接种和氮肥(N)施加均显著提高叶片净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr),其中,水分胁迫处理下,AMF接种对Pn的影响显著,N肥施加和AMF接种后的Pn比CK高31%;两种水分处理下,N肥施加和AMF接种后小麦WUE和瞬时水分利用效率(WUEi)值升高,其中,水分胁迫环境下,AMF接种和N肥施加下小麦WUE分别提高了13.02%和1.17%,且不同处理下叶片稳定性碳同位素分辨率(CID)也有所升高。水分胁迫处理下,施N和AMF接种均显著提高小麦茎和籽粒氮含量、株高、生物量和产量,茎秆和籽粒的磷含量也显著升高。WUE与籽粒、茎秆氮、磷含量呈显著的正相关,CID与籽粒、茎秆氮磷含量呈显著负相关关系。总的来说,N肥施加和AMF接种可显著改善小麦在干旱条件下的生长及生理变化。  相似文献   

在油菜种植主产区,定量研究了不同水分管理和氮素施入对油菜生长和氮肥利用的影响,为油菜高产高效生产科学施肥提供理论依据。于2015—2017年度在重庆西南大学日光温室开展油菜水肥耦合效应盆栽试验,比较高水W1(90%田间持水量)、中水W2(70%田间持水量)、低水W3(50%田间持水量)三个水分梯度和高氮N1(150%常规施氮量)、中氮N2(100%常规施氮量)、低氮N3(50%常规施氮量)三个氮肥水平共9个处理对油菜产量、生长性状、氮素吸收和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:油菜株高、茎粗、叶片数、有效分枝数对水分因素不敏感,主要受氮素影响。本试验中当土壤含水量达到田间最大持水量的90%,施氮量才对根系形态特征指标、根系干物质量产生影响。水氮因素对土壤的全氮含量影响不显著,主要影响作物的全氮含量,作物氮含量随着施氮量的增加而增加,随着土壤含水量的增加则呈下降趋势;油菜产量在不同施氮水平下差异不显著,随着土壤含水量的增加呈增加趋势。氮肥表观利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学效率和氮肥生理利用率均随着施氮量的减少而增加,同一施氮水平下随着土壤含水量的增加而增加。综合考虑,本研究中最优水氮组合为W1N3,即灌水水平控制在田间持水量的90%、施氮量为0.12 g·kg~(-1)。  相似文献   

在黑垆土上安排长期定位试验,研究了连续施用氮、磷肥对土壤氮、磷养分动态变化及冬小麦产量的影响。研究表明,黑垆土连续6年配合施用氮、磷肥,耕层土壤氮、磷养分基本持平或略有提高,冬小麦表现明显增产效果;不施氮、磷肥耕层土壤氮、磷养分含量逐年降低,冬小麦产量下降。每公顷施用N112.5kg、P34.9kg,氮、磷分别盈余0.2kg/hm^2和1.5kg/hm^2,表明氮、磷投入与吸收基本平衡;每公顷施用N180.0kg、P43.7kg,氮、磷分别盈余62.2kg/hm^2和8.4kg/hm^2,表明氮、磷投入大于冬小麦吸收量。  相似文献   

氮磷营养对覆膜春玉米产量和品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对不同品种玉米在春覆膜及不同氮磷肥施用量条件下产量和籽粒主要品质变化的研究结果表明:氮肥和品种是影响玉米产量和籽粒品质的主要因素;在覆膜和露地栽培方式下,增施氮肥,玉米籽粒中蛋白质分别含量增加0.63%~0.87%、0.71%~0.75%,淀粉含量分别减少0.78%~1.74%、0.54%~1.02%;覆膜可增大不同品种玉米籽粒容重5.8~24.5g/L,增加籽粒淀粉含量0.32%~2.69%,降低籽粒中蛋白质含量0.29%~1.63%;施肥和覆膜对玉米籽粒脂肪和赖氨酸含量的影响较小。增施氮磷肥,能够明显提高玉米单产;春季覆膜栽培提高玉米单产777.00~2851.50kg/hm2。  相似文献   

通过南疆膜下滴灌田间小区试验,研究了施磷量分别为0(P0)、75(P1)、150(P2)2、25(P3)kg/hm2对膜下滴灌杂交棉氮、磷、钾素的吸收、利用及产量的影响,以明确该区合理施磷量。结果表明:施用磷肥可以显著提高杂交棉的生物产量、经济产量及杂交棉整株总吸氮、磷、钾量;在不同施磷量处理之间的籽棉产量、氮磷钾吸收、利用率均呈P2P3P1P0的趋势。在本实验条件下,综合考虑磷肥利用率、籽棉产量、氮磷钾吸收的因素,杂交棉的合理施磷量应控制在150 kg/hm2左右。  相似文献   

新疆干旱区长绒棉水肥耦合产量效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨南疆棉花水肥耦合作用,试验实行3因素5水平311-B拟饱和最优回归设计,通过对灌水量(W)、施氮量(N)、施磷量(P)与棉花产量关系的分析,拟合出回归模型:Y=4685.48+78.95X1+61.66X2-14.58X3-84.51X12-101.94X22-120.75X32-79.56X1X2-38.73X1X3-14.61X2X3(Y为产量,X1为灌水量,X2为施氮量,X3为施磷量)。结果表明:在试验条件下各因素对产量影响的顺序为W(X1)N(X2)P(X3),说明在本试验条件下,灌水量的作用居于首位,其次是氮肥和磷肥;各因素交互作用效应顺序为WNWPNP;由方程拟合的组合方案是灌溉量(Z1)为5 765.24 m3/hm2,施氮量(Z2)为281.76 kg/hm2,施磷量(Z3)为104.73 kg/hm2时,棉花籽棉最高产量(Y)达到4 707.94 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

氮磷对海水处理下菊芋幼苗光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在盆栽条件下研究了氮磷对不同浓度海水浇灌处理菊芋幼苗生长发育及光合特性的影响。结果表明:①在同一N、P素水平下,10%海水处理菊芋幼苗地上部和根部鲜重较对照没有差异,甚至高于对照,但在25%及50%海水处理下菊芋幼苗地上部和根鲜重均降低。在同一浓度海水处理下,随着N素及P素含量的增加,菊芋幼苗地上部和根鲜重较对照均增加。各处理菊芋幼苗地上部和根干重变化与鲜重情况类似。②在N1(7.5 mm o l/L)及P1(1 mm o l/L)水平下,10%海水处理的净光合速率与对照无差异,但随着海水浓度的增加,净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率、气孔导度和气孔限制值均降低。在同一海水浓度水平下,随着N、P素含量的增加,各处理菊芋幼苗的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、气孔限制值均增加(而且海水浓度越大,其效应越明显),对照和10%海水处理的菊芋幼苗水分利用效率随之降低,25%和50%海水处理下的菊芋幼苗水分利用效率随之增加。③在N1(7.5 mm o l/L)及P1(1 mm o l/L)水平下,10%海水处理幼苗细胞间隙CO2浓度与对照差异不大,但随着海水浓度的增加,细胞间隙CO2浓度显著增加,在同一海水水平下,随着N、P素的增加,各处理菊芋幼苗的细胞间隙CO2浓度均降低,表明施用N、P能显著缓解海水对菊芋幼苗生长发育及光合特性的抑制作用。  相似文献   

为提高旱直播稻的水分利用效率、降低旱直播稻田土壤氮、磷素环境风险,本文采用两种水分管理方式,即湿润灌溉(T1)和关键需水期灌溉(T2),研究水分管理对旱直播稻生长、养分吸收及稻田土壤氮、磷素迁移情况的影响.结果表明,T2处理有利于促进旱直播稻中后期生长,在拔节孕穗期株高为80.61 cm,SPAD值为41.03,均显著...  相似文献   

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