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Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) are the most required nutrients for corn and wheat production. Increasing the N application rate usually boosts crop yields. However, many uncertainties remain for K management. Potassium deficiency results in yield losses, but K application rate based on the percentage of K+ in the cation exchange capacity (CEC) is doubtful, especially in soil with high CEC. A field trial was conducted to examine the effects of KCl application before sowing corn and wheat, by raising the percentage of K+ in CEC at pH 7.0 (CECpH7.0) to approximately 2.5%, 3.5%, and 4.5%, and adding N as a topdressing (75, 150, and 225 kg ha-1 to corn and 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1 to wheat) on the nutrition and yield of corn and wheat under a continuous no-till system (30 years). Exchangeable K+ content increased in the topsoil (0-20 cm depth) up to 7.2 mmolc dm-3 after K application at the highest rate, which, however, did not result in significant increases in nutrient uptake and yields for both corn and wheat. The N application rate positively affected the uptake and removal of all macronutrients by corn and wheat. Applying N as a topdressing increased yields of corn and wheat by up to 83% and 22%, respectively. Our results suggest that in the soil with a high CECpH7.0 (162.1 mmolc dm-3), the recommendation for K application made by considering the percentage of K+ in the CECpH7.0 may result in excessive application of K fertilizer to crops with high K-recycling potential grown under a continuous no-till system.  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments were conducted during 1985 and 1986 to examine the effect of Azotobacter chroococcum on the grain yield of maize. Application of 40 kg N ha–1 plus A. chroococcum caused a significant increase in maize yield. Azotobacter inoculation was more efficient at lower doses (40 kg N ha–1) than at high doses (80 kg N ha–1) of urea.  相似文献   

不同化感潜力水稻品种对低钾的生理与分子响应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
选择国际公认的化感水稻品种“P1312777”和非化感水稻品种“Lemont”为材料,在K元素为5mg·L^-1(低K)和40mg·L^-1(正常K)2个水平的营养液中培养,通过水稻形态学指标(根长、株高、根冠比和生物量)、生理生化指标(SOD、POD、CAT、根系活力及植株中N、P、K含量),评价不同化感潜力水稻品种对低K胁迫的生理响应,并采用实时荧光定量PCR(Realtime Fluorescent Quantitative PCR,FQ-PCR),分析了低K胁迫下水稻根和叶中与N、P、K吸收利用相关的12个关键酶的基因表达差异。结果表明,低K促进了化感水稻“P1312777”根的生长,根冠比加大,生物量增加,但对株高的影响不显著;而该条件下非化感水稻“Lemont”的上述指标均受到不同程度的抑制。低K对两种水稻的保护酶系(SOD、POD、CAT)和根系活力均有一定程度的抑制作用,植株中N、P、K含量降低,但非化感水稻“Lemont”受抑制的程度远大于化感水稻“P1312777”。FQ-PCR检测结果表明,低K胁迫下两种水稻根、叶中的12个关键酶的基因均呈现上调表达,而化感水稻“P1312777”的基因表达上调倍数均明显大于非化感水稻“Lemont”。低K胁迫下两种水稻品种的形态学差异、生理与分子响应均表明,化感水稻“P1312777”比非化感水稻“Lemont”具有更强的适应K匮乏的能力。  相似文献   

On-farm conservation is recognized as a key component of a comprehensive strategy to conserve crop genetic resources. A fundamental problem faced by any on-farm conservation project is the identification of crop populations on which efforts should be focused. This paper describes a method to identify a subset of landraces for further conservation efforts from a larger collection representing the diversity found in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mexico is a center of origin and diversity for maize (Zea mays L.). The 17 landraces selected from an initial collection of 152 satisfy two criteria. First, they represent the diversity present in the larger collection. Second, they appear to serve the interests of farmers in the region. Data for applying the method were elicited through participatory as well as conventional techniques. They incorporate the complementary perspectives of both men and women members of farm households, and of plant breeders and social scientists.  相似文献   

为探明间作作物根系分泌低分子量有机酸对土壤重金属生物有效性的影响,采用矿区周边农田土壤进行室内盆栽试验,研究了云南本土超累积植物续断菊(Sonchus asper L. Hill)和玉米(Zea mays L.)间作下,植物生长、根系低分子量有机酸分泌量、根际土壤Pb提取形态以及植物Pb积累特点。结果表明:与单作相比,间作续断菊地上部和根部生物量、根长、根内径和根系体积均显著增加(P0.05);间作玉米根部生物量、根长、根内径和根系体积显著增加(P0.05)。柠檬酸、草酸是续断菊和玉米根系分泌的主要低分子量有机酸,间作导致续断菊根系低分子量有机酸的分泌量增加,玉米根系低分子量有机酸的分泌量降低。续断菊根际土壤生物有效态Pb含量增加85.2%(P0.05),而玉米根际土壤生物有效态Pb含量降低26.1%(P0.05)。续断菊体内Pb含量显著增加18.0%~43.2%(P0.05),富集系数提高26.0%,而转运系数降低42.0%;玉米地上部Pb含量显著降低24.3%(P0.05),转运系数降低43.1%。续断菊根系分泌的柠檬酸和草酸数量,均与土壤生物有效态Pb含量呈显著正相关,且土壤有效态Pb含量分别与续断菊地上部和根部的Pb含量呈显著正相关。表明间作增加了续断菊对Pb的吸收积累量,与间作体系植物根系分泌的低分子有机酸介导下的土壤有效态Pb含量增加密切相关。  相似文献   

A red soil derived from Quaternary red clay was employed to study nutrient leaching with woil columns repacked in laboratory,The objective was to identify the effects of fertilization practices on leaching patterns and magnitudes of Ca^2 ,Mg^2 ,K^ ,NH4^ ,and NO3^-,The treatments were CK (as a control),CaCO3, CaSO4,MgCO3,Ca(H2PO4)2,urea,KCl,and multiple (a mixture of the above-mentioned fertilizers),The fertilizers were added to the bare surface of the soil columns,and then the columns were leached with 120 mL deionized water daily through peristaltic pumps over a period of 92 days.Leaching processes of NH4^ ,and NO3^- wer e only measured in CK,ured,and multiple treatments which were directly related to N leaching, Results showed that sole application of CaSO4,and Ca(H2PO4)2 scarcely hd any effect on the leching losses of Ca^2 ,Mg^2 ,and K^ ; the application of MgCO3 sthimulated the leaching of Mg^2 ;the application of CaCO3 promoted the leaching of Ca^2 ,Mg^2 and K^ ; urea treatment also promoted the leaching of K^ and NH4^ ,and NO3^- leaching mainly occurred at late stage of leaching process in particular;under KCl treatment,leaching of Ca^2 ,Mg^2 ,and K^ was promoted to a large extent;under multiple treatment, leaching of Ca^2 ,Mg^2 ,K^ ,NH4^ ,and NO3^- was all increased and NO3^- was mainly leached at the end of leaching process and still had a trend of increase.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse soil culture experiment was set up to evaluate the effect of pre-incubation time (0, 2, 4, 6 weeks) of sawdust-based cowdung, prior to use, on the growth, dry-matter yield, and uptake of nutrients by Zea mays (L). The chemical properties of the soil (an Alfisol) were examined after the various treatments. The results indicated that incubation of cowdung for 4 weeks before planting time enhanced the growth and dry-matter yields of maize. Soil pH increased with the length of incubation while organic-C contents and cation exchange capacity remained unaffected. The length of pre-incubation enhanced the uptake of N and P but did not affect the uptake of K, Ca, Mg, and Na.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is of great importance, due to its adverse effects on plant growth and the environment. Mechanical methods to control soil compaction may not be economically and environmentally friendly. Hence, we designed experiments to test the hypothesis that use of plant symbiotic fungi, arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) may alleviate the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn (Zea mays L.) growth through enhancing nutrient uptake. AM continuously interact with other soil microorganisms and its original diversity may also be important in determining the ability of the fungi to cope with the stresses. Hence, the objectives were: (1) to determine the effects of soil compaction on corn nutrient uptake in unsterilized (S1) and sterilized (S2) soils, and (2) to determine if inoculation of corn with different species of AM with different origins can enhance corn nutrient uptake in a compacted soil. Using 2 kg weights, soils (from the field topsoil) of 10 kg pots were compacted at three and four levels (C1, C2, C3 and C4) (C1 = non-compacted control) in the first and second experiment, respectively. Corn (cv. 704) seeds were planted in each pot and were inoculated with different AM treatments including control (M1), Iranian Glomus mosseae (M2), Iranian G. etunicatum (M3), and Canadian G. mosseae, received from GINCO (Glomales In Vitro Collection), Canada (M4). Corn leaf nutrient uptake of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu were determined. Higher levels of compaction reduced corn nutrient uptake, however different species of AM and soil sterilization significantly increased it. The highest increase in nutrient uptake was related to P (60%) and Fe (58%) due to treatment M4S2C3. Although it seems that M3 and M4 may be the most effective species on corn nutrient uptake in a compacted soil, M2 increased nutrient uptake under conditions (C3 and C4 in unsterilized soil) where the other species did not. Through increasing nutrient uptake AM can alleviate the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn growth.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of inoculation with plant growth-promoting Rhizobium and Pseudomonas species on NaCl-affected maize. Two cultivars of maize (cv. Agaiti 2002 and cv. Av 4001) selected on the basis of their yield potential were grown in pots outdoors under natural conditions during July. Microorganisms were applied at seedling stage and salt stress was induced 21 days after sowing and maintained up to 50% flowering after 120 days of stress. The salt treatment caused a detrimental effect on growth and development of plants. Co-inoculation resulted in some positive adaptative responses of maize plants under salinity. The salt tolerance from inoculation was generally mediated by decreases in electrolyte leakage and in osmotic potential, an increase in osmoregulant (proline) production, maintenance of relative water content of leaves, and selective uptake of K ions. Generally, the microbial strain acted synergistically. However, under unstressed conditions, Rhizobium was more effective than Pseudomonas but under salt stress the favorable effect was observed even if some exceptions were also observed. The maize cv. Agaiti 2002 appeared to be more responsive to inoculation and was relatively less tolerant to salt compared to that of cv. Av 4001.  相似文献   

Summary Both tillage and nitrification inhibitors such as dicyandiamide (DCD) have the potential to influence N availability and thus plant N uptake. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of DCD and tillage (rototillage and no-tillage) on N immobilization and the subsequent impact of residual and fertilizer N on N availability to maize (Zea mays L.) 15N-labeled urea and urea-DCD were surface applied at the rate of 16 g N m-2, in either 1987 or 1988, to small plots which had been planted to maize (Zea mays L.). Soil samples were collected four times during the 1988 growing season and analyzed for the 15N and 14N components of inorganic N, organic N, and hydrolyzable (6 M HCl) amino acid N, hydrolyzable NH inf4 sup+ -N, and non-hydrolyzable N. Plant samples were collected three times during the 1988 growing season, and analyzed for the 15N and 14N components of total N. The total amount of NO inf3 sup- percolating through the profile was less than 15 kg N ha-1 in 1987 and 1988. N uptake by maize was reduced under notillage and when the urea was treated with DCD. The tillage treatments had no effect on the uptake of N fertilizer applied in 1988 or on N immobilization. However, no-till-age reduced the uptake of residual N fertilizer. The reduced use of N fertilizer was attributed to a reduction in the actual mineralization rates of immobilized residual N. DCD reduced the uptake of N fertilizer applied in 1988. The reduced uptake was attributed to increased N immobilization or to organic matter fixation.  相似文献   

Summary A field experiment was conducted for 3 years to determine whether increasing extractable soil P levels would affect vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) of maize (Zea mays L.) and the subsequent uptake of P and production of dry matter. Five levels of extractable soil P were established on an Aquic Dystrochrept soil with high and low NK fertilization. The results show that as extractable soil-P levels increase the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of maize decrease, but P concentrations in both leaf and root tissue increase. There was a significant interaction between the extractable soil-P levels and NK treatment. At the low soil-P level NK fertilization increased mycorrhizae, while at the high soil-P levels NK fertilization reduced mycorrhizae. Dry-matter production generally paralleled extractable soil-P levels from 1.0 mg P kg–1 to a maximum at 10 mg P kg–1 soil (by ammonium acetate, pH 4.8). The reduction in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae at the highest levels of extractable soil P apparently was not critical to either P uptake or dry-matter production.Scientific contribution No. 1196 Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Genotypes conserved in active collections may suffer genetic erosion and modifications. The objective of this work was to investigate changes in germination and vigour in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines during cold storage in an active collection. Seeds of 16 maize inbreds produced along 16 years were evaluated for emergence and seedling vigour in a growth chamber. Linear and quadratic regressions of vigour and viability-related traits over seed age were calculated and tested for homogeneity. The seed of five production years of five inbreds that behaved differently in the regression analysis was multiplied in 1998, and original and renewed seed were evaluated in a growth chamber in 1999. Viability and vigour decreased linearly with age for most inbreds, particularly for B84 and EP10, varied at random for a few inbreds, and remained high for EP56 and A295. Aging caused reduction of vigour and loss of viability in most inbreds. There was variability for seed longevity among inbred lines; longevity was highest for inbred EP56. During storage, some seeds of each inbred died, while enduring seeds, when multiplied, produced new seed with enhanced viability and vigour compared to the average seed of the inbred, suggesting natural selection for viability and vigour during storage within inbred lines.  相似文献   

We analyzed the variability of a large maize (Zea mays L.) collection of152 tropical populations for photoperiod sensitivity and grain productivityunder long-day conditions to investigate their potential adaptation to temperateconditions. A multilocal experimental design was used: one location withshort-day conditions (Guadeloupe), one location with medium-day conditions (latesowing in the south of France) and two locations with long-day conditions (earlysowing in both the North and South of France). The photoperiod sensitivity wasestimated by the slope of the regression of thermal time from sowing to 50%anthesis on photoperiod. We found highly significant effects of latitude andaltitude of the collecting site of the population on photoperiod sensitivity anda significant but small interaction between these two factors. Populationsoriginated from low altitudes and low latitudes are highly sensitive tophotoperiod, whereas highland populations never display a high photoperiodsensitivity, whatever the latitude of origin. Grain productivity under long-dayconditions was not highly correlated with photoperiod sensitivity. Andeanpopulations were little sensitive to photoperiod and exhibited poor grainproduction under long-day conditions. In contrast, some populations from theCaribbean such as populations from Cuban Flint and Early Caribbean racesexhibited a good grain production although sensitive to photoperiod. The goodadaptation of some Caribbean material to temperate conditions is consistent withthe hypothesis of the successful introduction of Caribbean germplasm in southernregions of the Old World.  相似文献   

Because the adoption of conservation tillage requires long-term evaluation, the effect of tillage and residue management on corn (Zea mays L.) grain and stover yields was studied for 13 seasons in east central Minnesota. Three primary tillage methods (no-till (NT), fall chisel plow (CH), fall moldboard plow (MB)) and two residue management schemes (residue removal versus residue returned) were combined in a factorial design experiment on a Haplic Chernozem silt loam soil in Minnesota. No significant effects on grain yield were seen due to tillage treatments in 9 out of 13 years. The NT treatment resulted in lower yields than CH and MB treatments in years 6 and 7, and lower than the MB in year 8, indicating a gradual decrease in yield over time with continuous use of NT. There were differences due to residue management in 8 out of 13 years. The residue-returned treatments contributed about 1 Mg ha−1 greater yields in intermediate level dry years such as years 3 and 6, which had cumulative growing season precipitation 20 and 30% below the 9-year average, respectively. In excessively dry or long-term-average years, residues resulted in little yield difference between treatments. The most pronounced effects of residues were with the CH treatment for which yields were greater in 8 out of 13 years. The ratio of grain to total dry matter yield averaged 0.56 and did not vary with time or between treatments. These results apply primarily to soils wherein the total water storage capacity and accumulated rainfall are insufficient to supply optimum available water to the crop throughout the growing season. Under conditions with deeper soils or in either wetter or drier climates, the results may differ considerably.  相似文献   

In the USA a suggested method for correcting late season K deficiencies in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is by in-row deep placement of K fertilizer. Experiments were conducted on three Alabama soils (southeastern USA) for 3 years to evaluate cotton response to K fertilizer when surface broadcast with and without in-row subsoiling (to 38 cm depth) or deep placed in the in-row subsoil channel. Potassium was applied at rates ranging from 0 to 84 kg K ha−1. Deep placement was achieved with a fertilizer applicator developed to distribute dry fertilizer at three depths down the back of the subsoil shank. All three soils also had deep placement treatments of 1680 kg ha−1 agricultural limestone with and without 84 kg K ha−1. Soils were an Emory silt loam (fine-silty, siliceous Fluventic Umbric Dystrochrepts), a Norfolk sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous Typic Kandiudults), and a Lucedale sandy clay loam (fine-loamy, siliceous Rhodic Paleuduts). All three soils had medium soil test K concentrations in the plow layer and medium or low concentrations of K at greater depths. The Norfolk soil had a well-developed traffic pan and in-row subsoiling increased seed cotton yields by an average of 22% during the 3 years of the study. Cotton responded to K fertilization in 2 out of 3 years at each location (6 out of 9 site-years) regardless of the method of K application. Annual applications of 84 kg K ha−1 increased 3 year average seed cotton yields by 17%, 10% and 19% on the Emory, Norfolk and Lucedale soils, respectively. Deep placement of agricultural limestone with or without K fertilizer for cotton did not increase cotton yields.  相似文献   

Soil pH changes during legume growth and application of plant material   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During cultivation of legumes soil is acidified due to proton release from roots. As a consequence of proton release, plants accumulate organic anions which may, if returned and decomposed in the soil, neutralize the soil acids. Until now the detailed processes responsible for the change in soil pH after incorporation of plant material have not been completely understood. Using a pot experiment we studied the changes in acid and base in soil during growth of field beans (Vicia faba L. cv. Alfred) and after incorporation of the plant material into the soil. Soil pH was significantly decreased by field beans from 6.00 to 5.64 in a cultivation period of 45 days. Proton release amounted to 32.7 mmol H+ pot-1, which was approximately equivalent to the accumulated alkalinity in the plant shoots (34.4 mmol). Return of field bean shoots caused a significant soil pH increase from 5.64 to 6.29. Within 7 days more than 90% of the added alkalinity was released. After 307 days incubation, soil pH decreased to 5.86 due to nitrification. In a second experiment, maize leaves (Zea mays L.), containing various concentrations of nitrogen and at various alkalinities, were incorporated into the soil. Soil pH change was positively correlated to alkalinity and malate concentration and negatively correlated to total nitrogen and water-soluble organic nitrogen of incorporated leaves. It is concluded that the soil acidification caused by legume cultivation can be partly compensated for if crop residues are returned to the soil. Addition of plant material may initially cause an increase in soil pH due to decomposition of organic anions and organic nitrogen. Soil pH may decrease if nitrification is involved. The concentrations of nitrogen and alkalinity of added plant material are decisive factors controlling soil pH change after incorporation of plant material.Dedicted to Professor J.C.G. Ottow on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The Portuguese maize bread (“broa”) manufactured from traditional maize landraces still plays an important economic and social role on Central and Northern rural communities of the country. However the traditional maize landraces agricultural systems are changing. Local maize landraces are in risk of disappearing because of the progressive adoption of hybrid varieties not suitable for bread production. These changes are contributing to a major loss of genetic diversity. An expedition took place in the Central region of Portugal (Beira Interior and Beira Litoral) with the purpose of collecting enduring maize landraces with technological ability for bread production and to access the possibility of establishing a participatory plant breeding and conservation program. A total of 51 different maize landraces and 175 other varieties of associated crops were collected. Maize landraces showed to maintain high diversity and potential for improvement. The production relayed on small farms with polycrop, quality oriented, sustainable systems. A participatory plant breeding and conservation program would be possible on this region with the proviso that local authorities would be involved. This program would allow a higher valuation of these maize populations, contributing to halt the current loss of these unique Portuguese maize landraces.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, a large collection of maize has been preserved in the China National Genebank. To facilitate the evaluation and utilization of these valuable germplasm resources, a core collection was established. The collection was firstly divided into two groups, i.e. the landraces and inbred lines. The percentage of the original collection to be included in the core was given as 7% based on a previous study of sampling strategies in maize. Each group was sequentially stratified based on administrative provinces or regions and kernel types, and a clustering method was applied in further stratification. A logarithmic strategy was used to determine the number of entries in the core at each step. The process resulted in the maize core comprising 951 landraces and 242 inbred lines. Shannon-Weaver diversity index and means were used to validate the core. The core can be used effectively in further in-depth research and maize improvement.  相似文献   

Using survey data from Jala, Mexico, this case-study evaluates in situ maize conservation of the variety ‘Jala’ (Zea mays L.). Though historically ‘Jala’ was the dominant variety grown in the valley of Jala, today less than 20% of farmers grow it on only 5% of the maize area. Younger growers of the ‘Jala’ variety specialize in it, growing relatively large amounts for niche markets. Older, diversified farmers grow small areas for household use and to compete in a local contest. Conservation of the ‘Jala’ variety has been heavily influenced by shifting ideal concepts of maize, as determined by market and consumption demands and by a contest designed to promote in situ conservation. The current move away from nationalized purchasing may favor ‘Jala’s’ continued conservation.  相似文献   

为了揭示Pb胁迫对间作和单作的超累积植物和作物根系分泌低分子有机酸的影响,研究设置400 mg·L?1Pb胁迫,采用水培曝气法试验,以玉米和小花南芥单作为对照处理,研究Pb胁迫下玉米和小花南芥间作对植物根系形态、根系分泌有机酸及Pb吸收的影响。结果表明:与单作相比,间作小花南芥情况下,玉米根系分泌物检测到乳酸;玉米分根条数、根表面积和根密度与单作相比分别增加60%、15%和42%,地下部和地上部干重生物量分别增加108%和75%,玉米地下部Pb含量下降44%;与单作相比,间作玉米条件下,小花南芥根系分泌物检测到乙酸和乳酸,小花南芥根系分泌物量与单作相比增加103%~1 700%,小花南芥地下部和地上部Pb累积量分别比单作增加49%和75%,转运系数增加22%。相关分析结果表明,单作小花南芥只有地上部Pb累积量与草酸显著相关,而间作小花南芥地下部和地上部Pb累积量与草酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸显著相关。研究表明超富集植物小花南芥与玉米间作体系,根系分泌的有机酸改变了Pb在小花南芥和玉米体内的累积特征,促进超累积植物小花南芥累积Pb,减少农作物玉米植株体内Pb含量。Pb胁迫下超累积植物小花南芥与玉米间作是一种可行的修复模式。  相似文献   

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