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An experiment was conducted in two successire years to measure the effect of two levels of fertilizer N, 50 and 300 kg/ha (45 and 270 Ib/ac) on the productivity of pastures grazed by young beef cattle. Two stocking rates were imposed at the lower N level and 4 at the higher level. The responses per kg fertilizer N were approximately 1 kg liveweight gain, 20–24 Meal ME and 8–9 kg DM. Maximal yields of about 1000 kg gain/ha (890 Ib/ac) and 19,000 Meal ME/ha (7700 Mcal ME/acre) were recorded. Animal performance was similar on the low and the high N pastures. There was evidence that the chemical quality of pasture was lower on the low N pasture in the first year, but there was no difference in the second year. The numbers of dung pats per ha and the refusal of herbage due to fouling were reduced by Increasing the stocking rate.  相似文献   

Two successive grazing experiments were conducted over 12 weeks on perennial ryegrass pastures with 50 and 44 young cattle to study the effect of N fertilizer when applied at a daily rate of 1 or 3 kg N/ha. At each level of N two stocking rates differing hy 20% were imposed. At the liigher N level and stocking rate, three frequencies of grazing were imposed. At the stocking rates imposed N tended to reduce the daily liveweight gain per head, but increased the total liveweight gain per ha by from 0.79 to 1.58 kg/kg N. A 20% increase in stocking rate depressed gain per head in both years. In the first year it did not improve gain/ha, hut in the second year gain/ha was increased by 12–17%. There was a tendency for performance per animal and per ha to increase as the grazing cycle was lengthened. In 1969 the highest yield in the whole season was 1880 grazing days and 1260 kg gain/ha. The overall response to N fertilizer was similar to that recorded in other reports, but it is possible that a lack of K had limited pasture growth.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in 1971 and 1972 to study the effects of two levels of fertilizer N (50 and 504 kg/ha) on the productivity of pastures grazed by young beef cattle. Two stocking rates were imposed at the lower N level and three at the higher. In addition to rotational grazing, set-stocking and an integrated grazing-conservation system were included. The responses/kg N were approximately 1 kg live-weight gain, 19–24 Meal ME and 8–9 kg DM. Maximum yields of 1200–1300 kg live-weight gain/ha and 25,000–27,000 Meal ME/ha were recorded. Productivity of set-stocked pasture was similar to rotational grazing at the high N level, but lower at low N. The integrated system yielded comparable results to high-N rotational grazing. Performances and herbage intakes per animal reflected the stocking rates imposed.  相似文献   

Five grazing experiments each lasting 2 or 3 years were made between 1955 and 1967, all starting in the first year of ryegrass/cocksfoot/clover or ryegrass/clover leys. A high and a low rate of N, 235 and 45 Ib/ac on average (263 and 51 kg/ha) were compared for beef production. High- and low-N treatments gave mean clover contents for the grazing season of 8 and 24 % on a dry-weight basis, respectively. High N consistently gave a smaller liveweight gain/animal than low N, on average 1±92 and 2±08 Ib/day (0±87 and 0±94 kg/day), respectively. Liveweight gain/ac was 20% greater for high N than for low N, and in terms of net energy the production from high- and low-N, respectively, was 18,500 and 15,000 MJ/ac (45,700 and 37,100 MJ/ha). Data from these experiments, together with published results, were used to calculate a regression of liveweight gain response on N rate and an equation was derived from this to express the output in terms of profit. At 1971 prices profit was maximal at λ0±9/ac (λ2/ha) with 112 Ib N/ac (125 kg N/ha); it was considerably greater at 1973 prices when higher rates of N were justified.  相似文献   

An experiment using 40 lactating dairy cows was conducted for 3 successive years to examine the effects of fertilizer N applied at 400 and 700 kg/ha (358 and 627 lb/ac) at stocking rates of 4.94 and 7.41 cows/ba (2 and 3 cows/ac). The animals were grazed in groups of 10 per treatment, using a fixed rotational grazing system, for 22 weeks in each year. Milk ontput/cow and/ha was significantly affected by stocking rate, the mean milk outputs being 2499 and 2218 kg/cow (5498 and 4880 lb/ cow) and 12313 and 16396 kg/ha (11032 and 14691 lb/ac) at the lower and higher stocking rates, respectively. Milk yield/cow at the lower stocking rate was not affected by N level. At tbe higher stocking rate, increasing the amount of N resulted in a 7.4% increase in milk output/cow and/ha. This response to N declined from 1.7% in the first year of the trial to 2.4% in the third year. The response in milk yield to N appeared to he greatest during the first part of the grazing season. Milk composition, liveweight change, and herbage availahilities and intakes were also recorded.  相似文献   

A total of 228 separate dung pats voided by lactating dairy cows between May and October on a ryegrass/dover sward were studied for 2 years. The pats were on grazed swards receiving, on average, either 440 or 110 lb N/ac (492 or 123 kg/ha) per year. The mean area of the pats was 0.62 ft2 (0.058 m2) with no difference in area between the pats on the two N treatments. On average, the pats on the high- and the low-N treatments crumbled in 63 and 55 days, respectively, and disappeared in 115 and 113 days, respectively. Pats deposited in July disappeared significantly quicker than pats deposited in May. The average area of rejected herbage around the pats was 2.63 and 084 ft2 (0.244 and 0.078 m2), respectively, 1–2 months, and 1 year after they were voided; but after 2 years the affected areas were recolonized with ryegrass and clover and were grazed normally. It is concluded that the levels of N fertilizer applied had no differential effects on the breakdown of the dung and on the subsequent recolonization of the affected areas by pasture plants.  相似文献   

In view of the paucity of information on the effect of grassland irrigation on livestock production, a grazing experiment was made in 1960 and 1961 in which the response to irrigation was measured at two dairy-cow stocking rates. The method and herbage results are described.
The increases in herbage utilized as a result of irrigation were comparable with the results of cutting experiments, averaging 342 lb of ash-free organic matter per acre-inch of water used. Irrigation also increased the uniformity of herbage production.  相似文献   

The dairy-cow results are presented from an experiment in which the response to grass irrigation was measured at two stocking rates. The method and herbage results have already been described (1).
Over two years, with an average application rate of 5·5 in of water per year, the main effect of irrigation was to increase the number of grazing days obtained by 35%. Neither yield per cow nor milk quality was significantly affected by the treatments.
The data emphasize the importance of high stocking rates for the full exploitation of irrigation. The practical implications of the results are discussed; they suggest that in the right circumstances of herd potential and grassland management, irrigation for milk production can be highly profitable.  相似文献   

Two experiments, each of 6 weeks dehydration, were conducted in 1972. In Expt 1, 24 cattle were grazed in individnal paddocks during July and August and received one of 4 treatments over a 6-weeks period: no supplements; straw ad lib; 3.3 kgj. day sugar-beet pulp; 4.0 kg/day molasses. Mean daily live weight gains were significantly increased by the sugar-beet pulp and molasses supplements; which also increased OM and DOM intake significantly. The increase in total OM intake per kg OM in the supplement was 0.48 for sugar-beet pulp and 0.67 for molasses. In Expt 2, 18 cattle grazed in groups of 3 during November and December. Two groups each received 0.5, 3.5 or 6.5 kg/day sugar-beet pulp over a 6–weeks period. There was no significant difference in live weight gain between treatments, and no significant difference in total intake. Intake from pasture declined with increasing level of supplement, so that the average increase in OM intake per kg OM in the supplement was 0.28. Hie results are discussed in relation to availability of pasture and the effects of the supplements on intake.  相似文献   

An account is given of the climate, vegetation and native pastures of the beef-cattle regions of Argentina. Though some of these native pastures have a satisfactory carrying capacity, most of them are defective in quality or low in productivity; there is considerable scope for increasing production through the establishment of sown pastures. Trials have been made with a wide range of grasses and legumes, principally of African and European origin. Though the pattern of species to be used in these regions is imperfectly resolved, the authors present a map showing tentative boundaries for temperate, sub-tropical and tropical species. Work to date suggests that pasture development can probably proceed over great areas without the use of fertilizers, and this adds to the attractiveness of pasture programmes. A problem of no less importance than the technical aspects of pasture improvement is that of gaining a greater investment of capital into the development of cattle estancias.  相似文献   

The effect of stocking density on the productivity of yearling female sheep was studied over the 1960 grazing season. The cumulative effect on pasture productivity of previous differences in grazing pressure was eliminated by re-randomization of the pasture after each grazing cycle. Stocking densities from 12 to 30 sheep/acre/unit of time were imposed from March to September, followed by 7 months on a common treatment to measure subsequent effects on animal fertility. Correlations were found between stocking density and (a) liveweight gains, (b) loss of weight in fasting, (c) quality and quantity of herbage residues at the end of the last grazing cycle. Subsequent animal fertility was not measurably affected.  相似文献   

The effect of stocking rate and of feeding a supplement of barley on milk yield and quality was studied in an experiment with 18 spring-calved Ayrshire cows grazing from early May until early September in 1964 and 1965. Three treatments were compared: (A) grazing at a normal stocking rate with no supplements fed (the control); (B) grazing at a high stocking rate with no supplements fed; (C) grazing at a high stocking rate, as on treatment B, with a supplement of 8 Ib rolled barley per cow daily. On treatment A, 0.92 ac/cow was used for grazing, plus some conservation, and on treatments B and C, 0.70 and 0.58 ac in 1964 and 1965, respectively. The average daily milk yields were 35.4, 32.9 and 37.0 Ib (16.1, 14.9 and 16.8 kg), respectively, on treatments A, B and C in 1964, and 39.1, 32.3 and 38.8 Ib (17.8, 14.7 and 17.6 kg) in 1965. Milk production/ac was 24 and 32% higher on treatment B than on treatment A in 1964 and 1965, respectively.
The response to the barley feeding on treatment C was equivalent to an extra 1 gallon milk from 20 Ib barley in 1964 and from 12 Ib barley in 1965 (10 litres of milk from 20 and 12 kg barley). The total-solids content of the milk from the three treatments was not significantly different. It is concluded that, at the present price of barley and the price received for milk, an increase in stocking rate, with a consequent increase in the milk yield per acre, was more profitable than feeding barley.  相似文献   

The effects of sowing from 10 to 50 lb/acre of tall-fescue seed on plant establishment and on the annual and seasonal distribution of DM yield of tall fescue and its companion grasses were measured through two growing seasons. Increasing the seed rate increased plant numbers per unit area and decreased per cent establishment. Adding Scots timothy as a companion grass depressed both plant number and per cent establishment. S37 cocksfoot and New Zealand perennial ryegrass reduced both still further. Total annual dry-matter production was relatively unaffected by varying either the seed rate or the companion grass. The contribution of tall fescue to total production was highest when sown alone and was successively reduced by timothy, perennial ryegrass and cocksfoot. When sown alone there were only slight differences in contribution of tall fescue due to seed rate. With any companion grass the contribution from tall fescue increased with increasing seed rate. Early growth was not reduced by modifying seed rate but was reduced by all the companion grasses. It is concluded that increasing the seed rate of tall fescue above 30 lb is not justified, that Scots timothy can be sown at 3 lb/acre with tall fescue without affecting total production or early growth of the mixture, with the advantages of control of unsown species and improved palatability of the herbage.  相似文献   

Two comparisons between spring and autumn pasture for beef cattle were made. Animals used in all comparisons were of similar breed and weight and were subjected to the same feeding regime for 6–8 weeks before turn-out. The pastures were grazed on an equal grazing pressure basis between season comparisons. The pastures received similar rates of fertilizer N between seasons and had similar lengths of rest period for regrowth. Intakes of digestible OM were greater per unit of metabolic liveweight in spring than in autumn. Daily liveweight gains in spring were high, being 1·09 and 1·37 kg (2·4 lb and 3·0 lb), but were lower from autumn pasture at 0·98 and 0·71 kg (2·2 lb and 1·6 lb). Weather was implicated as a factor affecting daily gain from autumn pasture. Greater herbage yields in spring supported 42 and 204 more grazing days per ha which together with the greater gains per animal supported 80–120% more liveweight gain/ha.  相似文献   

Groups of 8 steers weighing 300–400 kg (660–880 Ib) were rotationally grazed on a ryegrass-dominant pasture for 115 days. The systems compared were zero grazing (Z), field grazing conducted at the same stocking rate (FC), and field grazing conducted at a stocking rate varied with the intention of giving the same liveweight gain per uiimal as zero grazing (FV). Mean daily liveweight gains were: Z, 0.98; FC, 0.78; FV, 0.90 kg/animal (2.2, 1.7 and 20 Ib/animal), and liveweight gains/unit area were in the ratio 100:78:85. Organic-matter intake, measured on four occasions, was, on average, Z, 6.54; FC, 6.18; FV, 687 kg/head daily (14.4, 13.6 and 15.1Ib). From these results it appears that a comparison of zero grazing and field grazing made at the same stocking rate is likely to underestimate the potential of field grazing for beef production from grass.  相似文献   

Liveweight and wool production data are presented from a grazing management experiment in which continuous stocking was compared with a four-paddock rotational system at three stocking rates on a sown pasture. Significant differences were recorded in liveweight and wool production between stocking rates. The overall effect of management was non-significant but its interaction with stocking rate and year were both significant. At the intermediate stocking rate (8 wethers/ac, 20 wethers/ha) increases in both liveweight and wool production were recorded for the rotational management system; in this treatment there was also less need for supplementary feeding. Greater wool production was recorded from the continuously grazed treatments at both the high and the low stocking rates but there was little effect on liveweight or the need for supplementary feeding.  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out with leafy varieties of perennial ryegrass at four centres near Aberystwyth over a period of three years. Nitrogen applied in spring increased lodging, the number of fertile tillers and also seed yield, except where sowing was made without a cereal cover crop. While reasonable yields were obtained from badly laid crops, it is suggested that lodging prior to anthesis has an adverse effect on seed yield. Clover included as a companion species tended to depress the yield of seed and increase the degree of lodging.
Seed rate had less infiuence on lodging and seed yield, but the data show that similar yields were obtained from light seed rates of 4 lb. per acre as from the heavier rates. On the other hand, there was a tendency for the low rate of seeding to produce weedy plots, especially when sown in the absence of a cover crop.  相似文献   

Six identical experiments (3 in Devon and 3 in Suffolk) investigated the effect of 200, 300 and 400 lb N/ac (224, 336 and 448 kg/ha), given in 1, 2, 4 or 8 equal applications, on the yield and seasonal production of perennial ryegrass swards cut every 25 days. Each rate of N Increased DM and N yields. Giving the N in 4 or 8 dressings gave higher DM, bnt rather lower N yields, than applying the N in 1 or 2 dressings. The effect on DM yield of splitting the N was most marked at 400 lb NJac (448 kgJha). Seasonal production was closely related to the time of N application and most uniform where N was given in 8 dressings. Differences between Devon and Suffolk were most evident where the N was given in 4 or 8 dressings and occurred in the second half of the season when the low rainfall in Suffolk apparently restricted N uptake and DM yield. The efficiency with which N taken up by the plant was used for DM production was affected by sunshine. It is concluded that rainfall and sunshine will limit the extent to which fertilizer N can he used to control herbage production.  相似文献   

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