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The effect of algae with different DHA contents used for the enrichment of rotifers on the growth performance, survival, and swim bladder inflation of larval amberjack Seriola dumerili was investigated. Rotifers were enriched with freshwater Chlorella vulgaris containing three levels of DHA (rotifer containing DHA 0.04, 0.60, 1.32?g DHA 100?g?1 DM) and Nannochloropsis (0.04?g DHA 100?g?1 DM; 2.54?g EPA 100?g?1DM). The larvae were fed the enriched rotifers in triplicate from 3?days post-hatch for 7?days in static condition. The same algae used for rotifer enrichment were supplied to the larval tanks. Growth and survival rate of fish fed the rotifers enriched with Nannochloropsis were higher than those of fish fed the rotifers enriched with all three Chlorella treatments. Swim bladder inflation was lowest in fish fed the rotifers enriched with Nannochloropsis. The proportion of EPA was higher in fish fed the rotifers enriched with Nannochloropsis, while that of DHA increased proportionally with the DHA levels in the rotifers enriched with Chlorella. These results suggest that rotifers enriched with Nannochloropsis (EPA-rich rotifers) are effective to enhance growth and survival, but DHA instead of EPA is essential to improve the swim bladder inflation in amberjack larvae.  相似文献   

The effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the growth performance, survival and swim bladder inflation of larval Seriola dumerili during the rotifer feeding period was investigated in two feeding experiments. Amberjack larvae at 3 day post hatching were fed rotifers enriched with (1) freshwater C hlorella (Chlo), (2) a mixture (2:1, v/v) of Chlo and DHA‐enriched C hlorella (DHA‐Chlo), (3) DHA‐Chlo and (4) DHA‐Chlo and commercial DHA emulsion, in triplicate for 7 days. The average DHA contents of the rotifers were 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 and 1.9 mg g?1 DM respectively. The survival rate was improved by the enrichment of rotifers with DHA‐Chlo alone, and DHA‐Chlo and emulsion. Growth and swim bladder inflation of fish fed rotifers enriched with DHA‐Chlo were significantly (< 0.05) improved, however, with increased levels of DHA further improvement was not found. DHA content in the larval whole body proportionally increased with the DHA level in the rotifers. These results suggest that DHA enrichment of rotifers is effective to improve the growth, survival rate and swim bladder inflation of amberjack larvae. The DHA requirement of amberjack larvae is estimated to be 1.5 mg g?1 on a dry matter basis of rotifers.  相似文献   

Fisheries Science - The aquaculture of greater amberjack Seriola dumerili is of considerable research interest worldwide. The larviculture methods employed to culture this species, however, are...  相似文献   

Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) is an important fishery resource with a circumglobal distribution from tropical to temperate waters. Here, we investigated the spawning migration and habitat utilization of S. dumerili in the East China Sea (ECS). Archival tags were attached to 22 adult fish to examine their horizontal and vertical movements and estimate the spawning ground. S. dumerili were captured and released in the coastal waters of eastern Taiwan on November of 2016 and 2017. Information from seven pop-up satellite archival tags and seven depth–temperature recorders was recovered. Almost all of the fish stayed in the Taiwanese exclusive economic zone. Most individuals moved from released site to the southern edge of the ECS and showed behavior associated with the topographic features in winter (November to December). These phenomena may be related to foraging and be driven by oceanographic features such as the seasonal monsoon and the Kuroshio. The fish then migrated to the south offshore area of Taiwan in January and February. During their southward migration, the fish experienced a slowly elevated water temperature regime (SETR), which is one of the environmental factors that induce final oocyte maturation. In the spawning season (February to April), tagged females exhibited continuous diel vertical movements (DVMs) after experiencing the SETR. These continuous DVMs were observed over a wide geographic range from north to south in the Kuroshio off eastern Taiwan. Our study demonstrated that the putative spawning ground of S. dumerili must extend further in a north–south direction than predicted in a previous study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of two rearing conditions: outdoor environment with great volume tanks (500 m3) and low stocking density (~0.4 kg m?3); and indoor environment with smaller volume tanks (10 m3) and higher stocking density (~5 kg m?3), on muscle, liver and ovary lipid composition of Seriola dumerili broodstock born in captivity. The rearing conditions tested seem to affect the pattern of lipid body deposition in broodstock fish of S. dumerili, increasing the muscle and liver triacylglycerides (TG) accumulation of fish kept under indoor conditions, probably due to reduced energy expenditure in swimming, with some variations in the fatty acid profile that may respond to the differences in the culture conditions tested. No significant differences were found for Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) or ovary lipid deposition between groups in this study, which may suggest that the conditions tested do not have a major effect on ovary development. However, one season later the females kept under outdoor conditions released eggs spontaneously, whereas those kept under indoor conditions did not spawn, suggesting that the conditions tested actually have an effect on the broodstock's reproductive fitness. More studies are needed in order to evaluate whether the conditions tested have or not any influence on ovary development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Artificially hatched Seriola species have the problem of malformation, mainly in their vertebrae, head, and mouth parts. To clarify the cause of vertebral malformation, the effects of hypoxia during embryogenesis on the induction of centrum defects was investigated in artificially hatched amberjack Seriola dumerili . Firstly, 7-somite stage embryos were exposed to waters of 0, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100% dissolved oxygen (DO) for 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 h to confirm the effective dose (DO concentration and duration of exposure) of hypoxia that induces somitic disturbances in newly hatched larvae. Exposure of embryos to 12.5% DO concentration for longer than 0.5 h induced somitic disturbances. Following this result, centrum defects in juveniles were investigated by an induction experiment with embryos exposed to 12.5% DO for 2 h at the gastrula, 1- or 2-somite, 10-somite, 15-somite, or heart beating stage. This experiment revealed that centrum defects were induced only during somitogenesis, and somitic disturbances were the premonitory symptom of centrum defects. These results indicate hypoxia during somitogenesis as a possible cause of centrum defects in amberjack.  相似文献   

An outbreak of a disease characterized by a peculiar spiral movement in farmed greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso), occurred in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, in May 2008, immediately after importing the fish from China. Although neither bacteria nor viruses were detected in routine diagnostic tests, histopathological observations of the affected fish revealed severe inflammation in the tegmentum of the brain including the medulla oblongata and the anterior part of the spinal cord. In addition, a microsporidian parasite was observed in the nerve cell bodies or axons in the inflamed tissues. We identified a microsporidian small subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) from the lesion, and the sequence showed 96.1% identity with that of Spraguea lophii. Subsequent in situ hybridization using probes presumably specific to the SSU rRNA confirmed that the parasite observed in histopathology harboured the identified SSU rRNA. Apparently degenerated microsporidian cells or spores were also frequently observed in tissue sections. Thus, the disease was most probably caused by the infection of a hitherto unknown microsporidian parasite that has a genetic affinity to the genus Spraguea, in the central nervous system of the amberjack.  相似文献   

The effect of bleeding on white muscle quality in amberjack and red sea bream was evaluated by measuring ATP-related compounds, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), and the trimethylamine (TMA) content. The freshness was evaluated by the K value, and the degree of spoilage was elucidated by VBN and TMA. ATP was rapidly converted to ADP and AMP in the muscle and IMP was the main product of ATP degradation during iced storage. For both species, the IMP content was higher in the muscles of fish that were bled than in those unbled during iced storage. Conversely, the K value and the levels of hypoxanthine (Hx) and VBN were higher in the muscle tissue of unbled fish than in the bled tissue of both species. Similarly, the TMA content was higher in the unbled muscle tissues of both species after a week of storage.  相似文献   

Muscles play important roles in feeding, respiration and swimming during not only adult stage but also larval stage in fish. However, there is no information of the muscle development in larval greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso). Here, we investigated muscle development in the greater amberjack, focusing primarily on the cranial muscles from 0 days post hatch (dph) to 12 dph using a modified whole‐mount immunohistochemical staining method. We found that the muscles required for feeding develop by 3 dph, when the larvae begin to feed. Subsequently, muscle composition in the dorsal branchial arches changes to the adult form between 5 and 8 dph. At 8 dph, all the muscles required for feeding and respiration appear, whereas the dorsal, pelvic and caudal fin muscles required for swimming develop later. This report provides fundamental information on larval greater amberjack muscle development, which will enable the detection of abnormal larval muscles and improve larval rearing techniques by modifying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of dietary phospholipid (PL) level on growth and feed intake of juvenile amberjack ( Seriola dumerili ) fed non-fishmeal (non-FM) diet containing alternative protein sources; soybean protein isolate, tuna muscle by-product powder and krill meal. Three non-FM diets were prepared to contain three levels (14, 37 and 54 g kg−1 dry diet) of PL (soybean lecithin acetone insoluble, 886 g kg−1) and growth performance was monitored in a 30-day growth trial by using 2.6 g of fish. The results indicated that final body weight, weight gain and feed intake significantly increased with increasing dietary PL level. At the highest dietary PL level (54 g kg−1 dry diet), the fish consumed 14.8% and 10.2% as much feed as those fish fed diets containing 14 g kg−1 dry diet and 37 g kg−1 dry diet PL, respectively. An increasing tendency with increasing dietary PL level on feed efficiency was observed. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that dietary PL supplementation could increase feed intake, and improve the growth of juvenile S. dumerili fed non-FM diets. Therefore, purified PL might be a good candidate to stimulate the growth of fish through enhancing the feed intake when they are fed diets containing alternative protein sources.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine optimum dietary digestible protein (DP) and digestible energy (DE) levels and DP DE−1 ratio for growth of greater amberjack Seriola dumerili fingerlings. A 3 × 3 factorial design with duplication was used in this study. Nine experimental diets were formulated to contain three levels of crude protein (CP; 420, 470 and 530 g kg−1) and three levels of crude lipid (CL; 130, 180 and 230 g kg−1). Nine groups of fingerling (initial weight 51.8 g) were fed each experimental diet for 40 days. Final body weight, feed efficiency, specific growth rate and energy efficiency were significantly affected by dietary protein and lipid level. These parameters tended to improve with increasing dietary protein level. Conversely, an increase of lipid level negatively affected these parameters. High growth rate and feed efficiency were obtained from fish fed the diet containing 393 g kg−1 DP and 14.2 MJ kg−1 DE (27.7 g MJ−1 DP DE−1). The high DP DE−1 (27.7 g MJ−1) indicates that greater amberjack fingerling are highly dependent on dietary protein as an energy source.  相似文献   

This study examined the changes in mineral concentrations in amberjack Seriola dumerili larvae during seed production taking into consideration the mineral concentrations of rotifers in the larval rearing tanks (tank rotifers), since the concentrations of certain minerals in tank rotifers have been reported to be very high. In the present study, the concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn and Mn in tank rotifers were generally higher than in freshly enriched rotifers. The extent of the increase in tank rotifers varied depending on the mineral, larval production facility and larval production trial. Concentrations of Ca in the larvae increased as they grew, those of P and Mn increased up to ca. 30 days post-hatching (DPH), those of Mg and Fe increased up to ca. 20 DPH and then decreased, and those of Zn continuously decreased through the seed production periods (to ca. 40 DPH). However, there were no clear relationships between the mineral concentrations of the tank rotifers and the larvae. These results indicate that high concentrations of minerals in tank rotifers are not directly reflected in amberjack larvae. This suggests that amberjack larvae maintain their mineral status by controlling the uptake and/or excretion of food minerals.  相似文献   

To improve the nutritional quality of live foods and dry feeds ordinarily used for the seed production of amberjack Seriola dumerili, the nutrient contents of rotifers, Artemia nauplii and commercial feeds used in two larval production stations were evaluated. For comparison of the nutrient contents, artificially produced larvae, wild-caught juveniles and wild zooplankton samples were also analyzed. The proportions of 22∶6n-3 in the polar lipid of the cultured larvae increased by feeding the dry feeds. The taurine contents of the cultured larvae reflected the contents of their foods (rotifers<dry feed<Artemia nauplii). The taurine content and the proportion of 22∶6n-3 in Acartia spp. were higher than in foods fed to the larvae. These parameters in the wild juveniles were higher than the cultured ones. The A/E ratios [(each essential amino acid/total essential amino acids)×1000] of the total amino acids of the live foods and dry feeds were similar to those of the cultured larvae, except for the lower ratios of histidine, arginine, threonine and lysine in the live foods. The mucosal folds of the intestine of the cultured larvae did not show typical signs of dietary phospholipid deficiency. These results suggest that requirements of nutrients such as 22∶6n-3 and taurine should be determined for mass production of amberjack seeds.  相似文献   

The greater amberjack Seriola dumerili is a new aquaculture fish that may display reproductive dysfunctions. During extensive follicular atresia, which is a common reproductive dysfunction in females during vitellogenesis, part of the reabsorbed yolk returns to the liver to be metabolized and recycled. Melanomacrophage centres (MMCs) are aggregates of macrophage-like cells that play a role in the destruction, detoxification and recycling of endogenous and exogenous materials, and have been associated with systemic stress. Wild and captive-reared greater amberjack were sampled in the Mediterranean Sea during two different phases of the reproductive cycle. The liver of reproductively dysfunctional captive-reared females sampled during the spawning season showed a high density of both MMCs and apoptotic cells. A weak liver anti-cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 1A immunoreactivity was observed, suggesting that the examined fish were not exposed to environmental pollutants. We propose that the observed increase in MMCs and apoptosis in captive-reared fish was related to the hepatic overload associated to the metabolism of yolk proteins reabsorbed during extensive follicular atresia. Since follicular atresia is a frequent physiological and pathological event in teleosts, we suggest that the reproductive state should be always assessed when MMCs are used as markers of exposure to stress or pollutants.  相似文献   

Yellowtails weighing 490 g were fed five experimental diets with different protein/energy ratios, 24.6, 26.9, 28.9, 31.8 and 35.8 g MJ−1, for 152 days. The energy content was similar in all the diets and the protein and lipid levels were 40/26, 45/26, 50/18, 50/26 and 55/18 %CP/%CL respectively. The final weight and SGR were lower in fish fed diets with a lower PD/ED ratio (24.6 and 26.9 g MJ−1), and the mortality of fish fed diet 24.6 g MJ−1 was higher. In fact, only fish that consumed diet 35.8 g MJ−1 had a haematocrit and a normal erythrocyte number similar to that in healthy yellowtail. No differences appeared in feed intake and feed conversion ratio. Digestible energy ingestion was similar for all the diets and digestible protein intake was also low for 24.6 compared with 35.8 g MJ−1. The meat composition was similar for fish fed all the diets, but the profiles of muscle fatty acids indicated an increasing content of saturates and n-3 HUFA, while the levels of monounsaturates decreased, corresponding to an increase in the PD/ED relation. The economic conversion ratio and economic profit index were not different for fish fed the experimental diets.  相似文献   

高体鰤类结节病的病理组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验使用组织病理学、活体压片和电镜技术,运用H.E常规染色法和美兰染色法对患有疑似类结节病的高体(鰤)进行病理组织学诊断和观察.结果显示,患病高体蛳肾脏和脾脏有大量白色小结节,直径大约1 mm;活体压片,观察到脾脏和肾脏中有散在短杆状细菌和大量呈团块状聚集的细菌结节;光学显微镜下,肾脏和脾脏有大量细菌聚集形成的嗜碱性结节,肾间质淤积的血液中也有大量细菌;透射电镜观察到肾脏和脾脏中有些巨噬细胞在吞噬细菌,有些菌体聚结成团形成结节,未见病毒颗粒.从病变组织中分离到两端极染的革兰氏阴性短杆菌,无鞭毛,长0.8~2.6 μm,宽约0.6~1.2μm.患病高体(鰤)器官主要组织病理学变化有肾小管上皮细胞变性坏死,肾间质淋巴细胞增生;脾淤血和淋巴细胞增生;肝细胞肿胀,脂肪变性.依组织病变、病原形态和特性,患病高体师为类结节病.  相似文献   

Reliable reproduction and sufficient amounts of juveniles obtained in captivity constitute a main bottleneck for mass production of greater amberjack. The aim of the present study was to combine several aspects of broodstock management and hormonal induction, to obtain a large number of high quality spawns. Captured Seriola dumerili sub‐adults were kept for three years in 10 m3 tanks. When fish were larger than 75 cm, they were individually tagged, periodically explored to determine gonad maturation and injected with gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue from June to October. A total of 15 inductions to four males and two females produced 330 821 ± 219 519 eggs/induction and a total of 22 spawns. The number of spawns and female fecundity (2.48 millions eggs/female/spawning season) were similar to those of free wild populations and higher than those previously obtained in captivity for this species. Egg quality increased from an initial low in the first two spawns in June to give, during July to October, a mean of 96.01 ± 6.50% fertilized eggs, 92.58 ± 17.56% hatched eggs, 78.66 ± 12.60% larval survival at day 3 after. These results showed that intramuscular injections of 20 μg kg?1 body weight GnRHa under natural temperature and photoperiod conditions in the Canary Islands produced a high induction efficiency.  相似文献   

Taurine is an essential or conditionally essential nutrient for many species of marine fish, especially during early development. There is growing evidence that marine fish larvae benefit from taurine‐enriched rotifers; however, it is unknown if larvae benefit from taurine‐enriched Artemia. We investigated the effects of taurine‐enriched rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) and Artemia franciscana on the growth and whole‐body taurine concentrations of California yellowtail (Seriola lalandi; CYT) larvae. The approach used in this study was to encapsulate taurine within microparticles (liposomes), which were then fed to rotifers and Artemia. We found that feeding taurine liposomes to rotifers and Artemia resulted in taurine concentrations in these prey species that were similar to or above those previously reported in copepods. At the end of the rotifer phase, CYT larvae fed taurine‐enriched rotifers showed increased growth (final dry weights; DW) and had higher whole body taurine concentrations when compared to larvae fed unenriched rotifers. At the end of the Artemia phase, CYT whole body taurine concentrations varied among dietary treatments. Larval lengths and DWs were not significantly different among treatments at the end of the Artemia phase, suggesting that the taurine concentrations of unenriched Artemia were sufficient to support the growth of CYT larvae.  相似文献   

通过对均重1 225 g的大规格高体(鱼师)苗种进行252天的深水网箱养殖,高体(鱼师)的平均体重由1 225 g增至3 350 g, 共收成鱼5 521尾,养殖成活率92.02%,杂鱼饵料系数7.76。  相似文献   

Jaw malformations are a serious problem in fingerlings of the greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili. To establish a countermeasure against these malformations, we conducted a larval behavioural test to identify their root cause, and we investigated the ability of low‐brightness rearing tank walls to control their occurrence. Larval distribution was examined in a horizontally illuminated rectangular transparent aquarium (20 cm × 100 cm × 25 cm), and their distribution was biased towards the light source after this lighting was provided from 3 to 13 days post hatching (dph), indicating positive phototaxis; this response disappeared on 22 dph (there are no data between 13 and 22 dph). Larvae were observed to swim phototactically towards the light source and repeatedly collided with the tank wall (walling behaviour). To investigate the ability of wall brightness to control the incidence of jaw malformations, we compared their incidence in a rearing trial with different Munsell colour values for the tank walls: 2.11 (black), 5.85 (grey) and 9.52 (white). The incidence rate of jaw malformations at 25 dph was significantly lower in the tanks with lower‐brightness walls, that is, 5.8%, 22.5% and 26.8% for black, grey and white respectively. Larval walling behaviour was most intense for white, followed in order by grey and black. These results indicate that positive phototaxis elicits larval walling behaviour, causing jaw malformations, and that low‐brightness tank walls control this process.  相似文献   

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