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This report describes the use of polymerase chain reaction and DNA in situ hybridization to diagnose Aleutian mink disease parvovirus DNA in various tissue specimens from 2 companion striped skunks. Clinical, laboratory, and microscopic findings also support a clinical diagnosis of Aleutian disease in these mink.  相似文献   

A total of 20 (14 females, six males) captive striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) with miniature temperature dataloggers implanted free in the abdominal cavity were examined for reproductive performance and pathology because of implants. Eleven of 12 female skunks reproduced successfully 45.9+/-3.7 days after surgery to remove implanted dataloggers. The pregnancy rate of 91.7% (11/12) was much higher than other captive studies and was comparable with that of wild skunks. Eight striped skunks (six males, two females) that were euthanatized and necropsied after having implants in the abdominal cavity for 5 mo showed no apparent pathology associated with the implant. Implantation of the intraperitoneal devices did not lead to complications in abdominal tissues. Neither implant nor surgery affected reproduction. We conclude that implanted dataloggers can safely be used in physiologic studies of striped skunks or possibly other small carnivores in captive or field studies.  相似文献   

The biological significance of the tremendous variation in proportions of oligosaccharides and lactose among mammalian milks is poorly understood. We investigated milk oligosaccharides of the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) and compared these results to other species of the clade Mustelida. Individual oligosaccharides were identified by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In the striped skunk, six oligosaccharides were identified: isoglobotriose, 2′‐fucosyllactose, A‐tetrasaccharide, Galili pentasaccharide, 3′‐sialyllactose and monosialyl monogalactosyl lacto‐N‐neohexaose. Four of these have been found in related Mustelida and the other two in more distantly related carnivorans. The neutral and acidic oligosaccharides derive from three core structures: lactose (Gal(β1–4)Glc), lacto‐N‐neotetraose (Gal(β1–4)GlcNAc(β1–3)Gal(β1–4)Glc) and lacto‐N‐neohexaose (Gal(β1–4)GlcNAc(β1–3)[Gal(β1–4)GlcNAc(β1–6)]Gal(β1–4)Glc).  相似文献   

Striped skunks (skunks) are susceptible to respiratory infection by influenza A viruses (IAV). As they are common synanthropes, maintenance of IAV in skunks could provide a source of infection for humans. We previously studied the nasal turbinates, lungs and faeces of 50 free‐ranging skunks for the presence of IAV and identified two individuals with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection during the 2009/2010 and 2013/2014 flu seasons. Subsequent to publication of that study, ferrets were shown to preferentially replicate and harbour A(H1N1)pdm09 in the soft palate, a site which had not been investigated in the skunks. From March 2015 to May 2016, we surveyed a convenience sample of 80 free‐ranging urban skunks for IAV in soft palate, nasal turbinates and lungs. The newly emergent influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 clade 6B.1 was detected at all three sites in one skunk with acute rhinitis in February 2016. Clade 6B.1 was the dominant clade in circulation during the 2015/2016 flu season. As the skunk was detected at the height of flu season, reverse zoonosis was considered the most probable source of infection.  相似文献   

During the summer and fall of 1990 hundreds of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) died in the Spanish Mediterranean as a result of morbillivirus infection. A pathological investigation was carried out on dolphins from Valencia and Murcia which were among the first to die in the epizootic. The dolphins were in poor body condition and pneumonia was the main necropsy finding. Microscopic lung lesions characterized by necrosis of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium and infiltration of alveoli with macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils and multinucleated syncytia were seen in most dolphins. Cytoplasmic and nuclear eosinophilic viral inclusions were present in bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium and in syncytia. Focal granulomatous inflammation associated with nematodes was also present. Brain lesions included diffuse degeneration and necrosis of neurons, microgliosis, perivascular cuffing, formation of syncytia and focal demyelination. Cytoplasmic and nuclear eosinophilic inclusions were present in neurons and glial cells. There was severe lymphoid necrosis and depletion of spleen and lymph nodes and syncytia also occurred in lymph nodes. Biliary and transitional epithelium contained nuclear and cytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions. Immunoperoxidase staining using monoclonal antibodies to phocine distemper virus confirmed the presence of morbillivirus antigens in lung and brain. The distribution and severity of lesions in striped dolphins are similar to those of distemper in seals, harbor porpoises and terrestrial mammals. The formation of syncytia in the lung and brain may be a useful pathological indicator of morbillivirus infection and may be used in the investigation of pinniped and cetacean strandings in North America.  相似文献   

A new species of the widely distributed cyclopid genus Halicyclops Norman is described from hypersaline summer pools on the bed of Milnerton Lagoon, Cape Town, South Africa. H. dedeckeri n. sp. appears to be most closely related to H. thermophilus Kiefer, 1929 and H. spinifer Kiefer, 1935 in that the females of all three species bear a sharp chitinous spine on each side of the genital double-somite. Unlike H. thermophilus and H. spinifer, the new species bears one spiniform and one normal seta (in addition to the three spines) on the P4 enp 3 in both sexes. The new species is being mass-cultured in laboratory tanks for use in feeding studies on marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

Résumé— Une analyse rétrospective clinicopathologique a été menée chez 100 chiens présentant une hydradénite suppurative diagnostiquée par biopsie cutanée. Aucune prédisposition d'âge, de race ou de sexe n'a été mise en évidence. Tous les chiens présentaient cliniquement une folliculite bactérienne, ou une furonculose, ou les deux, qu'elle soit primaire ou secondaire à d'autres dermatoses. Aucene lésion clinique n'était pathognomonique d'hidradénite suppurative. Chez 73 chiens, l'hidradénite suppurative était associée microscopiquement à des degrés variables d'inflammation du follicule pileux. Chez 27 chiens, l'hidradénite suppurative était la seule évidence histologique d'inflammation annexielle. L'observation histopathologique d'hidradénite suppurative suggère l'existence sur le plan clinique d'une folliculite bactérienne, d'une furonculose, ou des 2. [Scott, D.W. Suppurative inflammation of apocrine sweat glands (suppurative hidradentis) in the dog: a retrospective clinicopathological analysis of 100 cases (inflammation suppurative des glandes sudorales apocrines (hidradénite suppurative) chez le chien: une analyse rétrospective clinicopathologique de 100 cas). Resumen— Se llevó a cabo un estudio clinicopatológico retrospectivo en 100 perros con hidradenitis supurativa diagnosticada mediante biopsia cutánea. No se detectó predominancia alguna de raza, sexo o edad. A todes los perros se les habia diagnosticado clinicamente foliculitis o furunculosis bacteriana, o ambas, ya sea de forma primaria o secundaria a otras dermatosis. No se encontraron lesiones clinicas especificas indicativas de hidradenitis supurativa. En 73 animales, la hidradenitis supurativa estaba asociada con varios grados de inflamación folicular a nivel microscópico. En los 27 casos restantes, los anejos presentaban unicamente hidradenitis supurativa. La presencia de hidradenitis supurativa a nivel microscópico sugiere la existencia de foliculitis o furunculosis bacteriana clinicas, o de ambas. [Scott, D.W. Suppurative inflammation of apocrine sweat glands (suppurative hidradenitis) in the dog: a retrospective clinicopathological analysis of 100 cases (inflamación supurativa de las glándulas sudoriparas apocrinas (hidradenitis supurativa) en el perro: estudio clinicopatológico retrospectivo de 100 casos). Abstract— A retrospective clinicopathological study was conducted on 100 dogs with suppurative hidradenitis as determined by skin biopsy. No apparent age, breed, or sex predilections were recognized. All dogs had been given a clinical diagnosis of bacterial folliculitis, furunculosis, or both of these, whether primary or secondary to other dermatoses. There were no clinical lesions that uniquely suggested the presence of suppurative hidradenitis. In 73 dogs, suppurative hidradenitis occurred in conjunction with varying degrees of hair follicle inflammation microscopically. In 27 dogs, suppurative hidradenitis was the only histological evidence of adnexal inflammation. The histopathologic finding of suppurative hidradenitis suggests the existence of clinical bacterial folliculitis, furunculosis, or both of these.  相似文献   

A new gekkonid species, Afroedura hawequensis, is described from the south-western Cape (South Africa). The three species groups recognized in the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Feces from 62 beavers (Castor canadensis) in Massachusetts were examined by fluorescence microscopy (IFA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Microsporidia species, Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia spp. between January 2002 and December 2004. PCR-positive specimens were further examined by gene sequencing. Protist parasites were detected in 6.4% of the beavers. All were subadults and kits. Microsporidia species were not detected. Giardia spp. was detected by IFA from four beavers; Cryptosporidium spp. was also detected by IFA from two of these beavers. However, gene sequence data for the ssrRNA gene from these two Cryptosporidium spp.-positive beavers were inconclusive in identifying the species. Nucleotide sequences of the TPI, ssrRNA, and beta-giardin genes for Giardia spp. (deposited in GenBank) indicated that the four beavers were excreting Giardia duodenalis Assemblage B, the zoonotic genotype representing a potential source of waterborne Giardia spp. cysts.  相似文献   

A new species of girdled lizard in the Cordylus genus is described from the south-western Cape, South Africa. Unlike other Cordylus taxa the new form usually has only two supraciliaries per side, the posterior parietals are usually separated mesially by a small post-interparietal scale and the lateral body scales are larger than the dorsal scales. The relationships of this new form to other members of the Cordylus group are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii in the brain of three striped dolphins (Stenella ceoruleoalba) found stranded on the Ligurian Sea coast of Italy between 2007 and 2008. These animals showed a severe, subacute to chronic, non-purulent, multifocal meningo-encephalitis, with the cerebral parenchyma of two dolphins harbouring protozoan cysts and zoites immunohistochemically linked to T. gondii. Molecular, phylogenetic and mutation scanning analyses showed the occurrence of Type II and of an atypical Type II T. gondii isolates in one and two dolphins, respectively. In spite of the different molecular patterns characterizing the above T. gondii genotypes, the brain lesions observed in the three animals showed common microscopic features, with no remarkable differences among them. The role of T. gondii in causing the meningo-encephalitis is herein discussed.  相似文献   

The egg and larval development of the Cape silverside, Atherina breviceps, are described and illustrated from material collected in the Swartvlei estuary. The eggs are spherical, 1,40-1,65 mm in diameter, with 6-12 uniformly spaced chorionic filaments attached at both ends to the chorion. TTie latter condition and the small size of the eggs are unique among the Atherina species. The larvae examined (5,1-15,7 mm) are elongate, have a yolk sac at hatching and are characterized by distinct body pigmentation and a prominent gas bladder. Flexion occurs between 7,6-11,2 mm, all fin elements are formed by 15,7 mm and scales develop by 20,0 mm. We compare the larval development of A breviceps with that of other atherinids and discuss the spawning of this species and the seasonal occurrence of larvae along the southern coast of Africa.  相似文献   

The length/frequency distribution, length/mass relationship, seasonal occurrence, growth and diet of Sparodon durbanensis from tidal pools in the Eastern Cape was investigated over a two-year period. The fish were predominantly small (mean length of 53 mm TL) with the smallest specimens being found in summer. Juveniles were found to be omnivorous, consuming algae, crustaceans and polychaetes, although, with the acquisition of adult dentition (ie. crushing molars), hard-shelled molluscs became important in the diet.  相似文献   

The new perspectives about hemotrophic mycoplasma infections in cats and dogs can be summarized as follows: Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon species infecting the dog and cat have been reclassified as mycoplasmal parasites and given the names M haemofelis (Ohio or large form of H felis), M haemominutum (California or small form of H felis), and M haemocanis (H canis). The prevalence of hemotrophic mycoplasma infections in anemic cats in the United States is about 25% and usually involves M haemofelis. However, nonanemic cats may also be infected most commonly with M haemominutum. Chronic infections with hemotrophic mycoplasmas may promote myeloproliferative disorders in FeLV-infected cats. M haemocanis infection in dogs may be a widespread latent disease in kennel-raised dogs and is being investigated. The PCR assay is exquisitely sensitive for detection of M haemofelis and M haemominutum, and testing of blood donor cats and perhaps dogs should be done regularly. Fleas are involved in the transmission of M haemofelis to the cat, whereas R sanguines may be involved with transmission of M haemocanis to the dog. Treatment with doxycycline effectively controls acute infection in the cat and dog, and enrofloxacin may also be effective in the cat, but none of the antibiotics tested to date consistently clears the parasites.  相似文献   

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