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Invasive annual weeds negatively impact ecosystem services and pose a major conservation threat on semiarid rangelands throughout the western United States. Rehabilitation of these rangelands is challenging due to interannual climate and subseasonal weather variability that impacts seed germination, seedling survival and establishment, annual weed dynamics, wildfire frequency, and soil stability. Rehabilitation and restoration outcomes could be improved by adopting a weather-centric approach that uses the full spectrum of available site-specific weather information from historical observations, seasonal climate forecasts, and climate-change projections. Climate data can be used retrospectively to interpret success or failure of past seedings by describing seasonal and longer-term patterns of environmental variability subsequent to planting. A more detailed evaluation of weather impacts on site conditions may yield more flexible adaptive-management strategies for rangeland restoration and rehabilitation, as well as provide estimates of transition probabilities between desirable and undesirable vegetation states. Skillful seasonal climate forecasts could greatly improve the cost efficiency of management treatments by limiting revegetation activities to time periods where forecasts suggest higher probabilities of successful seedling establishment. Climate-change projections are key to the application of current environmental models for development of mitigation and adaptation strategies and for management practices that require a multidecadal planning horizon. Adoption of new weather technology will require collaboration between land managers and revegetation specialists and modifications to the way we currently plan and conduct rangeland rehabilitation and restoration in the Intermountain West.  相似文献   

The broad-scale assessment of natural resource conditions (e.g., rangeland health, restoration needs) requires knowledge of their spatial distribution. We argue that creating a database that links state-and-transition models (STMs) to spatial units is a valuable management tool for structuring ground-based observations, management planning for landscapes, and for housing information on the responses of land areas to management actions. To address this need, we introduce a multifactor classification system based on ecological sites and STMs that is directly linked to recent concepts of vegetation dynamics in rangelands. We describe how this classification was used as a basis for creating a spatial database and maps of ecological states. We provide an example of how the classification and mapping has been applied in over 1.2 million ha of public rangelands in southern New Mexico using aerial photo interpretation supplemented with existing inventory data and rapid field assessments. The resulting state map has been used by the Bureau of Land Management: 1) to design landscape-level shrub control efforts, 2) to structure and report district-wide rangeland health assessments, and 3) to evaluate locations for energy development. We conclude by discussing options for the development of state maps and their current limitations, including the use of satellite imagery and concepts for defining states. We argue that cataloging ecological states in a spatial context has clear benefits for rangeland managers because it connects STM concepts to specific land areas. State mapping provides a means to generate and store spatially explicit data resulting from tests of the propositions in STMs and conservation practices.  相似文献   

Monitoring rangeland ecosystem dynamics, production, and performance is valuable for researchers and land managers. However, ecosystem monitoring studies can be difficult to interpret and apply appropriately if management decisions and disturbances are inseparable from the ecosystem's climate signal. This study separates seasonal weather influences from influences caused by disturbances and management decisions, making interannual time-series analysis more consistent and interpretable. We compared the actual ecosystem performance (AEP) of five rangeland vegetation types in the Owyhee Uplands for 9 yr to their expected ecosystem performance (EEP). Integrated growing season Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data for each of the nine growing seasons served as a proxy for annual AEP. Regression-tree models used long-term site potential, seasonal weather, and land cover data sets to generate annual EEP, an estimate of ecosystem performance incorporating annual weather variations. The difference between AEP and EEP provided a performance measure for each pixel in the study area. Ecosystem performance anomalies occurred when the ecosystem performed significantly better or worse than the model predicted. About 14% of the Owyhee Uplands showed a trend of significant underperformance or overperformance (P < 0.10). Land managers can use results from weather-based rangeland ecosystem performance models to help support adaptive management strategies.  相似文献   

Beef cattle grazing semiarid foothill rangeland of the Northern Rockies during winter may be exposed to cold temperatures and high winds while grazing pastures with low nutritional value. Cattle can physiologically and behaviorally respond to the changing environment to lower their metabolic requirements and reduce the effects of cold exposure. Requirements of grazing cattle may be overpredicted with models developed in controlled settings that do not account for energy-conserving behaviors. We refined a simple thermal balance equation to model heat exchange of free-ranging cattle. We accounted for the complex interactions between animal behavior and the changing natural environment by applying the insulation characteristics of the cattle's tissue and coat to a simple geometric shape of an asymmetric ellipsoid at different orientations to the sun and wind. We compared the model predictions with heat production measured in 3 studies, and in all cases the model predictions were similar to those reported. Model simulations indicate behaviors, such as lying and orientation to the sun, mitigated the effects of extreme weather. For many combinations of winter weather variables, metabolic requirements increased only slightly due to cold exposure of mature beef cattle in a near-maintenance state. The results indicate that solar radiation contributes strongly to the thermal balance of a cow. Thus, previous models that do not account for the irradiative environment may overestimate metabolic requirements of cattle acclimated to grazing winter range.  相似文献   

Millions of hectares of sagebrush/bunchgrass rangeland in the western United States are undergoing type conversion to systems dominated by introduced annual grasses that proliferate after wildfire. Postfire rehabilitation and restoration are problematic in these complex systems, but restoration difficulties are exacerbated by high annual and seasonal variability in precipitation and persistent drought. Successful restoration of compositional, structural, and functional diversity in these weather-limited systems may require relatively long-term, iterative management that incorporates flexibility in the definition of the aspirational/goal state. Restoration planning should also explicitly accommodate a lack of predictability of individual-year management results and expectations of only partial success of individual-year management treatments. This planning environment may require rapid assessment and contingency planning in the short term but also long-term persistence to overcome expected failures and setbacks. New methodologies are needed to increase biodiversity without damaging previously established plants, and new metrics need to be developed to monitor successional trajectories between initial and multiple-potential goal states.  相似文献   

Microcredit loans are now common for Inner Mongolian pastoralists and are encouraged by government policy on the basis of their previous success for poverty alleviation. However, the effects of the highly variable weather characteristics of many semiarid rangelands on the efficacy of microcredit have not been fully examined. Pastoralists in our study area are often trapped in a vicious cycle of borrowing more each year to pay for previous debt and the next year’s production. Instead of helping to maintain herds through bad years, microcredit has often led to reduced herds and assets. To understand why, a qualitative, interview-based approach was used to determine the kinds of loans taken out and why they are taken out, as well as to assess household livestock sales, income, and costs in three villages. In poor years, 82% of households used loans to purchase winter forage. However, borrowers sold more livestock because the standard 1-yr loan term, combined with weather and market conditions, often forced sales for repayment. Weather and market variation made annual income and costs difficult to anticipate. Loans became an added household risk, another way that environment can influence the social and economic interactions of a rangeland social-ecological system. Longer-term loans could smooth the uncertainty of weather and market conditions, and supplementary measures such as government subsidies or forage insurance could buffer the inevitable but unpredictable bad years. Globally, study of the impacts of nonequilibrial ecological dynamics on economic and policy institutions would help to understand why many development initiatives have failed in such systems.  相似文献   

In many developing countries where rangelands are a dominant land type and critically important in livelihoods of a significant portion of the population, severe rangeland degradation and/or conflicts over rangeland use can create significant social, economic, and environmental problems. In this paper, we review rangeland degradation in the developing world, its impacts and causes, discuss problems in applying rangeland science to improve rangeland conditions, discuss the role of rangeland scientists, and discuss our approach for enhancing rangeland science in international development. We suggest range scientists can provide valuable input and direction on issues of rangeland degradation (including state changes and impacts on ecosystem goods and services), provide guidance in methods and realistic opportunities for rangeland improvement to local users, government, and development organizations, and work to provide pastoralists with adaptive management in variable ecosystems. Conflict and poverty can create situations where a long-term goal of sustainable rangeland use is overwhelmed by short-term needs of safety and food security; however, providing science and training on sustainable management can make a difference where conflicts are not too severe and can help promote societal stability. Negative perceptions about aid are widespread, but the needs for improved conditions associated with multiple values of rangelands, and the needs of people utilizing these areas, are great. Conducting planning and projects with transparency and accountability will help promote more inclusive participation and successful projects. To be effective, a project needs to consider the needs of the people utilizing the project area but also provide to these communities information on values of the rangelands to other stakeholders (ecosystem services). Sustainable projects will require accountability and enhance self-reliance to allow community empowerment and adaptability to changes.  相似文献   

Indicators of rangeland health generally do not include a measure of biodiversity. Increasing attention to maintaining biodiversity in rangelands suggests that this omission should be reconsidered, and plant species richness and diversity are two metrics that may be useful and appropriate. Ideally, their response to a variety of anthropogenic and natural drivers in the ecosystem of interest would be clearly understood, thereby providing a means to diagnose the cause of decline in an ecosystem. Conceptual ecological models based on ecological principles and hypotheses provide a framework for this understanding, but these models must be supported by empirical evidence if they are to be used for decision making. To that end, we synthesize results from published studies regarding the responses of plant species richness and diversity to drivers that are of management concern in Great Plains grasslands, one of North America's most imperiled ecosystems. In the published literature, moderate grazing generally has a positive effect on these metrics in tallgrass prairie and a neutral to negative effect in shortgrass prairie. The largest published effects on richness and diversity were caused by moderate grazing in tallgrass prairies and nitrogen fertilization in shortgrass prairies. Although weather is often cited as the reason for considerable annual fluctuations in richness and diversity, little information about the responses of these metrics to weather is available. Responses of the two metrics often diverged, reflecting differences in their sensitivity to different types of changes in the plant community. Although sufficient information has not yet been published for these metrics to meet all the criteria of a good indicator in Great Plains Grasslands, augmenting current methods of evaluating rangeland health with a measure of plant species richness would reduce these shortcomings and provide information critical to managing for biodiversity.  相似文献   

Globally, new combinations of introduced and native plant and animal species have changed rangelands into novel ecosystems. Whereas many rangeland stakeholders (people who use or have an interest in rangelands) view intentional species introductions to improve forage and control erosion as beneficial, others focus on unintended costs, such as increased fire risk, loss of rangeland biodiversity, and threats to conservation efforts, specifically in nature reserves and parks. These conflicting views challenge all rangeland stakeholders, especially those making decisions on how best to manage novel ecosystems. To formulate a conceptual framework for decision making, we examined a wide range of novel ecosystems, created by intentional and unintentional introductions of nonnative species and land-use–facilitated spread of native ones. This framework simply divides decision making into two types: 1) straightforward–certain, and 2) complex–uncertain. We argue that management decisions to retain novel ecosystems are certain when goods and services provided by the system far outweigh the costs of restoration, for example in the case of intensively managed Cenchrus pastures. Decisions to return novel ecosystems to natural systems are also certain when the value of the system is low and restoration is easy and inexpensive as in the case of biocontrol of Opuntia infestations. In contrast, decisions whether to retain or restore novel ecosystems become complex and uncertain in cases where benefits are low and costs of control are high as, for example, in the case of stopping the expansion of Prosopis and Juniperus into semiarid rangelands. Decisions to retain or restore novel ecosystems are also complex and uncertain when, for example, nonnative Eucalyptus trees expand along natural streams, negatively affecting biodiversity, but also providing timber and honey. When decision making is complex and uncertain, we suggest that rangeland managers utilize cost–benefit analyses and hold stakeholder workshops to resolve conflicts.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest on the potential interplay between weather, habitat, and interspecific competition on population dynamics of wild herbivores. Favorable environmental conditions may buffer the negative effects of competition; conversely, competition may be expected to be stronger under harsh environmental conditions. We investigated relationships between competitor abundance, weather, and habitat cover on density and local distribution of a medium-sized herbivore, the roe deer Capreolus capreolus, as well as its spatial overlap with fallow deer Dama dama in a Mediterranean protected area. Over 11 years (2007–2017), roe deer density was not affected by spring–summer rainfall in the previous year and decreased with increasing density of fallow deer in the previous year. Hence, over the considered temporal scale, results supported a major role of competition over weather in influencing population trends of roe deer. At a finer spatial scale, roe deer occupancy was negatively affected by local abundance of fallow deer, especially in “poorer” habitats. We found a slight support for a positive effect of fallow deer density on interspecific spatial overlap. Moreover, fine-scale spatial overlap between deer species increased with decreasing rainfall in spring–summer. Fallow deer were introduced to our study area in historical times and their role as superior competitors over roe deer has been found also in other study areas. We suggest a potential role of harsh weather conditions during the growing season of vegetation (i.e. scarce rainfall) in triggering the potential for ecological overlap, emphasizing the negative effects of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

我国弃耕地植被的恢复与重建研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
退耕地草地植被恢复与重建的理论是目前我国进行“退耕还草”、“天然草地保护”和“退牧还草”等工程的重要科技支撑,是我国进行草原地区生态环境治理与改善的理论基础和实践保障。文章主要涉及弃耕地草地植被恢复与重建的理论基础及实践措施,详细论述了弃耕地草地植被恢复过程中自然恢复的演替过程、土壤种子库的重要作用、土壤有机质的变化规律、草地植被盖度的变化规律,并根据草地生态系统理论,采取一些促进植被快速恢复的措施,如采用人工配置的植物群落组合代替自然恢复的缓慢演替过程,采用除草剂、灌溉、施肥及耕作等措施;综述比较了众多学者对弃耕地研究的成果,对于不同类型弃耕地草地植被的恢复与重建具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Pastoralists in Namaqualand, South Africa, use herd mobility to manage livestock and rangeland resources. However, their socioeconomic conditions and ecological landscapes are changing and we explore the options that are available for pastoralists to respond to these changes. This paper presents five possible scenarios for managing livestock in rangeland commons in semi-arid Namaqualand and outlines some of the major advantages and disadvantages associated with each scenario. Scenarios in response to drivers of change include (1) maintaining the status quo with an assumption that current mobility practices are adapted to local environments, (2) integrating new lands into the existing commons for use by mobile pastoralists, (3) using existing lands under existing mobile pastoralism conditions but introducing grazing reserves for use in times of drought, (4) amalgamating herds into larger units under the care of skilled herders, and (5) developing commercial-scale farms for single-occupancy owners because government might be pressured to further promote black commercial farmers to deracialise the commercial farming sector in South Africa. We consider these scenarios as starting points for discussions on future management options that pastoralists in Namaqualand may wish to consider as the managers of rangeland commons.  相似文献   

Soil water is generally the most limiting factor for plant growth in arid and semiarid rangeland ecosystems. Interactions between precipitation regimes and optimum air temperatures for growth of different species often have measurable effects on peak standing herbage and species composition. Simulating multiple precipitation regimes in a single year will enhance our ability to quantify plant–environment interactions. Evaluating the seasonal effects of variation in timing and quantity of precipitation will require controlled water applications with little or no runoff. A diversity of plot watering systems has been developed for different kinds of agronomic and rangeland research. However, most of these systems were designed to simulate heavy precipitation events and features of all previously described systems limit the number of plots and/or variation in site characteristics that can be included in rangeland field studies. Therefore, we developed the Passive Application Watering System (PAWS), which is composed of a graduated polyethylene application tank connected to a discharge system of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and soaker hose subunits. It is portable and suitable for applying water over a wide range of slope, soil texture, and residual herbage conditions with little or no runoff. Application rates are controlled by the amount of hydrostatic pressure, which is determined by the head, the difference in height between the tank's water level, and the soaker hoses. Heads of 0.1 m and 2.0 m produce application rates of 5 mm · hr-1 and 40 mm · hr-1 which correspond to the permeability of clay loam and silt loam, respectively. Application rates increase about 1.8 mm · hr-1 ± 0.15 SE for each 10-cm increase in head. We have successfully used the PAWS in 3 research projects on range sites with sandy and loamy soil texture classes.  相似文献   

Restoring arid regions degraded by invasive annual grasses to native perennial grasses is a critical conservation goal. Targeting site availability, species availability, and species performance is a key strategy for reducing invasive annual grass cover while simultaneously increasing the abundance of seeded native perennial grasses. However, the potential for establishing successful seedings is still highly variable in rangeland ecosystems, likely because of variable year-to-year weather. In this study, we evaluated the independent and combined inputs of tilling, burning, applying imazapic herbicide, and varying seeding rates on existing species and seeded native perennial grass performance from 2008 to 2012 in a southwestern Idaho rangeland ecosystem. We found that combining tilling, fire, and herbicides produced the lowest annual grass cover. The combination of fire and herbicides yielded the highest seeded species density in the hydrologic year (HY) (October ? September) 2010, especially at higher than minimum recommended seeding rates. Although the independent and combined effects of fire and herbicides directly affected the growth of resident species, they failed to affect seeded species cover except in HY 2010, when weather was favorable for seedling growth. Specifically, low winter temperature variability (few freeze-thaw cycles) followed by high growing season precipitation in HY 2010 yielded 14 × more seeded perennial grasses than any other seeding year, even though total annual precipitation amounts did not greatly vary between 2009 and 2012. Collectively, these findings suggest that tilling, applying prescribed fire, and herbicides before seeding at least 5 × the minimum recommended seeding rate should directly reduce resident annual grass abundance and likely yield high densities of seeded species in annual grass ? dominated ecosystems, but only during years of stable winter conditions followed by wet springs.  相似文献   

藏北高寒草地生态系统现状及发展态势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘兴元 《草业科学》2012,29(9):1352-1358
以藏北那曲地区为例,分析了1955-2005年高寒草地、人口、家畜和社会经济现状与发展态势。结果表明,50年来,藏北那曲地区的年均气温上升了0.8~2.0 ℃,年均降水量增加了100~240 mm,牧业人口增加了5倍左右,家畜存栏数增加了2.9倍,牧民人均纯收入增长了94.1%,人均消费支出增长了93.1%,高寒草地退化面积占总草地面积的64.3%。以上结果说明,藏北那曲地区的气候向湿润暖温方向变化,对减缓草地退化趋势具有促进作用,而牧业人口的增加和过度放牧利用成为高寒草地退化的主要原因。因此,正确处理草地畜牧业经济发展与生态屏障保护的关系,合理利用草地资源,是目前藏北高寒草地生态系统可持续发展亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Sound rangeland management requires accurate information on rangeland condition over large landscapes. A commonly applied approach to making spatial predictions of attributes related to rangeland condition (e.g., shrub or bare ground cover) from remote sensing is via regression between field and remotely sensed data. This has worked well in some situations but has limited utility when correlations between field and image data are low and it does not take advantage of all information contained in the field data. I compared spatial predictions from generalized least-squares (GLS) regression to a geostatistical interpolator, regression kriging (RK), for three rangeland attributes (percent cover of shrubs, bare ground, and cheatgrass [Bromus tectorum L.]) in a southern Idaho study area. The RK technique combines GLS regression with spatial interpolation of the residuals to improve predictions of rangeland condition attributes over large landscapes. I employed a remote-sensing technique, object-based image analysis (OBIA), to segment Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper images into polygons (i.e., objects) because previous research has shown that OBIA yields higher image-to-field data correlations and can be used to select appropriate scales for analysis. Spatial dependence, the decrease in autocorrelation with increasing distance, was strongest for percent shrub cover (samples autocorrelated up to a distance [i.e., range] of 19 098 m) but present in all three variables (range of 12 646 m and 768 m for bare ground and cheatgrass cover, respectively). As a result, RK produced more accurate results than GLS regression alone for all three attributes when predicted versus observed values of each attribute were measured by leave-one-out cross validation. The results of RK could be used in assessments of rangeland conditions over large landscapes. The ability to create maps quantifying how prediction confidence changes with distance from field samples is a significant benefit of regression kriging and makes this approach suitable for landscape-level management planning.  相似文献   

These guidelines have been prepared to assist in the planning, conduct and interpretation of studies for the assessment of the efficacy of acaricides (excluding vaccines and other bio-control agents) against single and multi-host ticks (Ixodidae) on ruminants. Information is provided on the selection of animals, dose determination, dose confirmation and field studies, record keeping and result interpretation. The use of pen facilities is advocated for dose determination and confirmation studies for defining therapeutic and persistent efficacy. A minimum of two studies per tick species for which claims are sought is recommended for each dose determination and dose confirmation investigation. If dose confirmation studies demonstrate greater than 95% efficacy the sponsor may proceed to field studies, where a minimum of two studies per geographical location is preferred to confirm the therapeutic and persistent efficacy under field conditions. If dose confirmation studies demonstrate less than 95% efficacy then longer-term field studies can be conducted over two tick seasons with a minimum of two studies per geographical location. These studies can incorporate other control methods such as tick vaccines, to demonstrate stable long-term tick management. Specific advice is also given on conducting studies with paralysis ticks. These guidelines are also intended to assist investigators on how to conduct specific experiments, to provide specific information for registration authorities involved in the decision-making process, to assist in the approval and registration of new acaricides, and to facilitate the worldwide adoption of standard procedures.  相似文献   

Wildfires in the United States can be destructive to human life and property. The ability to predict fire danger helps reduce the risks associated with wildfires by keeping firefighters on high alert and allowing better preparedness. In the state of Oklahoma, fire is a common occurrence. By looking at past wildfire records and researching the weather conditions under which they burned, we were able to determine the most important weather conditions affecting wildfire size. We looked at 10 different weather variables and found that minimum relative humidity (r = 0.98, P = 0.001), maximum and average wind speed (r = 0.95, P = 0.003; r = 0.95, P = 0.004, respectively), and precipitation (r = 0.88, P = 0.02) were the most important factors relating to wildfire size. Temperature variables did not have significant relationships with wildfire size categories. Additionally, we found that most of the largest wildfires occurred in January and December. This information can be used to adjust and improve current wildfire danger models and predictive abilities. We define conditions under which firefighters should be on high alert with hopes of improving their ability to expediently manage rangeland wildfires.  相似文献   

内蒙古冷蒿小禾草放牧草原退化与恢复对策研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对不同围栏年限放牧草原的研究结果表明,冷蒿重要性随着围栏时间的增加呈先增后降的趋势;地上部总干物重、植被总覆盖度、植物平均高度与围栏时间呈负相关变化.在全年性放牧草地中,以上指标均低于围栏放牧草地.植物多样性指数与均匀性指数与围栏时间呈正相关关系.由此提出了遵循生态学原理恢复退化草地的几种措施.  相似文献   

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