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In three flocks, 13 pure- and 1 crossbred German black headed mutton lambs were ascertained which had clinical signs of epidermolysis bullosa (EB). The three farmers reported of further 20 affected lambs with similar signs in their flocks in the past lambing seasons. The affected lambs were progeny of six rams and 17 ewes. Two rams and six ewes with affected offspring from two farms were used for a breeding trial. In the course of these experimental matings, 21 lambs were born, six of which were affected by EB. All lambs born in this trial underwent clinical and haematological examination and all the affected lambs had to be euthanised due to severe and progressing clinical symptoms. Clinical examinations in 20 affected lambs revealed shedding of claw horn, erosions and ulcers of skin and mucous membranes. Histopathology showed subepidermal splitting and blistering with intact basal keratinocytes. These findings together with the premature death of affected lambs within the first two months of life made a Herlitz type of junctional EB most likely. The results of the test matings demonstrated the genetic transmission and indicated an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance for this lethal condition.  相似文献   

李源馨 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):25-28
文章旨在评估日粮添加不同水平亚麻籽粉对羊肉理化特性及感官指标的影响.试验选择平均体重为(42.38±3.25)kg的肉羊100只,随机分为4组,每组5个重复,每个重复5头羊.各组分别饲喂基础日粮+0、1%、1.5%和2%的亚麻籽粉,试验持续6周.结果:日粮添加1.5%和2%亚麻籽粉较其他两组显著提高了羊肉粗脂肪含量(P...  相似文献   

阿旺绵羊产肉性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对6月龄、1.5岁和成年3个年龄段的阿旺绵羊公羊、母羊、羯羊的产肉性能进行了研究.结果表明:6月龄、1.5岁和成年阿旺绵羊羯羊屠宰胴体重分别达到15.04、29.72和35.90 kg;屠宰率分别为50.05%、51.61%和52.03%;胴体眼肌面积分别达13.96、18.03和19.53 cm2;胴体GR值在9.8~14.2 mm之间.对肉质分析结果表明,6月龄羔羊肉中脂肪、蛋白质、热量、钙和镁分别为3.62%、20.73%、4.85 MJ/kg、77.12 mg/kg和882.50 mg/kg,而成年羊肉中脂肪、蛋白质、热量、钙和镁分别为4.58%、21.06%、5.23 MJ/kg、63.18 mg/kg和828.17 mg/kg.因此可见,阿旺绵羊产肉性能优良,特别是羔羊肉脂肪低、蛋白质高、钙镁含量丰富.有较大开发潜力和经济价值.  相似文献   

青海绵羊与不同品种肉羊杂交筛选试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在常规放牧条件下,用陶赛特羊(D)、渡德代羊(B)、特克塞尔羊(T)等肉羊为父本,小尾寒羊(X)、青海当地绵羊--山谷型藏羊(Q)为母本,分4个杂交组合进行筛选试验.结果表明:DX、BX组的初生、1月龄、3月龄、6月龄、8月龄平均体重极显著地高于同龄当地羔羊(P<0.01);DQ、TQ组的初生、1月龄、3月龄、6月龄、8月龄平均体重显著高于同龄当地羔羊(P<0.05);杂种羊的体长、胸围等体尺也有较大提高;DX、BX、DQ组8月龄杂种羊胴体重极显著高于同龄当地羔羊(P<0.01);TQ组8月龄杂种羊胴体重显著高于同龄当地羔羊(P<0.05);杂种羔的屠宰率也高于同龄当地羔羊,且肉质与当地羊相同,体形均趋向父本,肌肉丰满,适应性强.因而,DX、BX、DQ、TQ组合都优于对照组,但DX、DQ组合最优.即利用无角陶赛特羊不论改良当地绵羊,还是引进的小尾寒羊,效果最佳.  相似文献   

A total of 876 sheep from five flocks in north Jordan were selected to study the effect of shearing on the incidence of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA). The animals were divided into two age groups, sheep aged 1-2 years and those aged > or = 3 years. Blood samples were collected from the animals at the time of shearing and again 6 months later. A toxin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to identify sheep that had been infected with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The point prevalences of CLA were 6.59% and 21.06% in the 1-2-year and > or = 3-year age groups, respectively, and were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the > or = 3-year age group. The overall prevalence among all ages was 15.3%. In the shorn sheep, the incidence of CLA was 22.46% and 9.47% in the 1-2-year and > or = 3-year age groups, respectively, and was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the 1-2-year age group. In the control animals, the incidence was 8% and 5.26% in the 1-2-year and > or = 3-year age groups, respectively, and was different (P < 0.01) between the shorn (22.46%) and control (8%) animals of the 1-2-year age group. An epidemiological survey of 35 sheep farms revealed the prevalence of CLA, shearing wounds and unhygienic conditions during shearing in all farms. In conclusion, the prevalence of CLA increases with age and the incidence increases only in young sheep after shearing. Sheep are sheared under unhygienic conditions, which may be a contributing factor in increasing both the prevalence and the incidence of CLA.  相似文献   

高寒牧区肉用羊与甘细羊杂交后代舍饲育肥试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2008—2009年,天祝县实施了高寒牧区细毛羊多向利用技术研究与应用项目,引进了特克塞尔羊、萨福克羊、陶赛特羊等优良肉羊品种对本地甘肃高山细毛羊(简称甘细羊)进行了大规模的杂交繁殖试验,年产杂种肉羊5万只以上。为了探索F1代杂种羊在高寒牧区的育肥性能和适应性,特开展本试验,以便为高寒牧区发展肉羊生产提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为探究东乡羊肉品质,选择9月龄健康东乡肉羊、小尾寒羊和湖羊公羊各10只,测定分析肉品质、脂肪酸水平、挥发性风味物质及矿物质含量等.结果显示,东乡羊肉中瘦肉精、抗生素、磺胺类药、重金属等指标均符合绿色安全标准,组织形态、色泽、黏度均符合正常鲜肉标准;东乡羊肉的色度、失水率显著高于其他两种羊(P<0.05);东乡羊肉所含蛋...  相似文献   

利用引进的无角陶赛特羊、特克塞尔羊和波德代羊与本地藏羊进行杂交试验。结果表明:F1均表现出了良好的杂交效果,各杂交组合F1不同发育阶段主要生长和生产性能指标均显著或极显著高于本地藏羊(P<0.05,P<0.01);其中陶藏F1各项指标均高于其他两杂交组,但各杂交组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of diet and animal shearing on the feed and nutrient intakes, water intake, in vitro ruminal methane...  相似文献   

不同肉羊品种杂交组合生产性能对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年我国肥羔生产发展较快,但与世界养羊业发达国家相比差距依然较大,主要是羊的良种产业化程度不高、羊的生长速度稍慢、饲料报酬低、屠宰率不高。随着人们生活水平的不断提高,膳食结构已发生了一定改变,人们对高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇的羊肉,尤其是羔羊肉的需求不断增加。因此,引进国外专用肉用  相似文献   

对杂种肉羊补饲的精料进行3—5天发酵处理后,以补饲精料量的15%和20%分别添加EM发酵饲料,在饲养管理和基础日粮相同的条件下,试验两组较对照组增重率提高18.67%和20.24%,增重效果显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the spread of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection to sheep in dips could be controlled by increasing the time between shearing and dipping. DESIGN: A controlled treatment trial where only the time between shearing and dipping was varied. ANIMALS AND PROCEDURE: One hundred and ninety-five sheep were found to be negative for C. pseudotuberculosis exposure by assay of CLA toxin antibody, were divided into four treatment groups. Each was shorn at either 0, 2, 4 or 8 weeks before dipping in a solution containing C. pseudotuberculosis. Blood samples were taken 6 weeks after dipping and sheep were slaughtered 12 weeks after dipping. A fifth smaller group of 14 sheep shorn 26 weeks before dipping, was also exposed to C. pseudotuberculosis and was slaughtered with the other sheep. RESULTS: The occurrence of caseous lymphadenitis abscesses did not differ between groups or with sheep shorn 26 weeks before dipping. The proportion of sheep that seroconverted to the C. pseudotuberculosis toxin and cell wall ELISA was larger in sheep dipped immediately after shearing than in sheep in the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: Delaying dipping until 8 weeks after shearing did not decrease the C. pseudotuberculosis infection rate due to dipping. Sheep dipped immediately after shearing developed higher concentrations of antibody to C. pseudotuberculosis than sheep when dipping occurred between 2 and 8 weeks and later after shearing.  相似文献   

继2007年新《畜牧法》实施半年之后,新修订的《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》于2008年1月1日正式开始实施,两部法律相辅  相似文献   

晋中市肉用羊三元杂交改良技术 ,从 1998年 1月至2 0 0 1年 12月进行。1 目的和意义肉用羊三元杂交改良综合配套技术是科技兴牧、提高养羊效益、增加农民收入、促进畜牧业发展、加速产业化调整的重大举措。目的在于通过对我市现有羊种———晋中绵羊、山西细毛羊和太行山山羊等地方良种进行本品种选育的基础上 ,用国内著名的多胎品种———小尾寒羊和黎城大青山羊作为第一父本与其杂交 ,形成二元杂种母本 ,再引进世界著名肉用羊品种———萨福克、道赛特、夏洛莱、边区莱斯特和波尔山羊与其进行三元杂交 ,并将近年来的多项试验和国内外先进…  相似文献   

在养殖利好和消费升级的双轮驱动下,2020年我国肉羊生产继续向好。国家统计局数据显示,2020年全国羊肉产量同比增长1.0%。据农业农村部监测,2020年全国肉羊出栏同比增长1.1%,肉羊存栏同比增长5.2%;活羊和羊肉价格上涨,双双创历史新高,肉羊养殖效益显著提升。羊肉进口量有所减少。展望2021年,肉羊产业发展进一步向好,预计羊肉产量稳中有增,羊肉消费需求持续增长,供需仍呈紧平衡状态,羊肉价格保持高位,肉羊养殖收益较好。  相似文献   

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