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本文系马类动物气喘病综合研究的一部分,主要从临诊和防治方面进行了研究。临床症状以咳嗽和气喘为特征。X线检查表明是一种特殊的肺弥漫性疾病。病马驴与对照的白细胞总数;中性分叶粒细胞、淋巴细胞和PCV有明显的变动;CO_2结合力和血清钠差异极显著(P<0.01);酸性粒细胞、谷草和谷丙转氨酶差异显著(P<0.05)可作为本病的临床参数。治疗应首先断绝可能的过敏原,早期应用抗过敏、抗菌消炎和止咬祛痰,有较好的疗效。不喂发霉和多尘土的草料,经常消除饲槽内积尘,保持圈舍卫生,可预防本病的发生。 相似文献
A. K. PATNAIK M. SCHAER J. PARKS† S.-K. LIU 《The Journal of small animal practice》1976,17(4):235-246
The clinical, radiographic, gross, and histopathological characteristics of two cases of teratocarcinomas occurring unilaterally in the ovaries of a 9-year-old and a 2-year-old dog with diffuse metastasis are described. Tissues of all three primordial germ layers, with a histological resemblance to different organ systems, were observed in the primary as well as in the metastatic lesions. Differentiation varied from matured elements to unrecognizable anaplastic cells. These are the first reported cases of teratocarcinoma in the dog. 相似文献
Horses with cranial rib abnormalities may exhibit severe acute lameness and may have unusual gait deficits characterized by forelimb abduction during protraction at the walk. Horses with caudal rib abnormalities may resent being saddled and ridden. In a retrospective evaluation of 20 horses with a documented rib lesion, 25 sites of increased radiopharmaceutical uptake were found in one or more ribs. Thirteen (52%) scintigraphic lesions involved the first rib; four were located immediately dorsal to the sternal articulation, eight were near the costochondral junction and one was at the costovertebral junction. Six (24%) scintigraphic rib lesions involved ribs 2–8; one was located immediately dorsal to the sternal articulation, three were at the costovertebral junction and two were near the costochondral junction. Six (24%) scintigraphic rib lesions involved the mid‐portion (five) or costovertebral junction (one) of ribs 9–18. The 20 horses were divided into three groups based on the clinical relevance of the scintigraphic findings. Group 1 (n=3) horses had clinical signs attributed to a rib abnormality; Group 2 (n=6) horses had a rib abnormality that was a plausible explanation for clinical signs; Group 3 (n=11) horses had clinical signs that could not be attributed to a rib abnormality. For horses with cranial rib abnormalities, a modified lateral scintigraphic image with the ipsilateral limb pulled caudally and a left (right) 45° caudal–right (left) radiograph facilitated the diagnosis. 相似文献
Charles R. Pugh DVM MS Phillip J. Johnson BVSc MS Gregory Crawley DVM MS Susan T. Finn DVM MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1994,35(3):183-188
The equine shoulder region is difficult to investigate by conventional imaging modalities. Diagnostic ultrasound has proven valuable for investigation of soft tissue injuries of the human shoulder. In a horse with shoulder lameness, the authors employed diagnostic ultrasound to augment the use of conventional radiography. A defect in the subchondral bone layer of the medial humeral tuberosity, with adjacent bony fragments were clearly identified with ultrasound. Ultrasound was used for initial evaluation of the bicipital tendon and bursa. The technique was subsequently used to follow and evaluate the post-operative condition of the proximal cranial humerus, bicipital tendon and bursa in this patient. The bicipital regions of 2 immature and 3 adult normal horses were also examined with to illustrate the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of the cranial shoulder region. 相似文献
Michael R. Metcalf DVM MS Lloyd P. Tate DVM Loouis C. Sellett MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1989,30(2):80-87
William R. Widmer DVM MS William E. Blevins DVM MS Samuel Jakovljevic DVM MS Michel Levy DVM Robert F. Teclaw DVM PhD Connie M. Han RVT Cheryl D. Hurd RVT 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1998,39(2):106-109
A prospective clinical trial comparing adverse postmyelographic effects and myelographic quality of metrizamide and iohexol was conducted. Using a predetermined, randomized assignment, 24 horses exhibiting neurologic signs were administered either metrizamide (180 mgl/ml) or iohexol (180 mgl/ml) via cerebellomedullary puncture. Each horse was evaluated postmyelographically for adverse effects. Myelographic quality was assessed by a numerical scoring method. Adverse effects were observed more frequently with metrizamide (21) compared with iohexol (6) myelography (p < 0.05). Seizures, intensification of preexisting neurologic signs and prolonged anesthetic recovery were the most common complications after myelography. There was no difference in myelographic quality (p > 0.05). We conclude that iohexol is safer than metrizamide for equine myelography and that quality myelograms can be obtained with either contrast medium. 相似文献
1978年于西安市第二奶牛场,解剖36例患出血性胃肠炎与胃溃疡的病例中,发现5例皱胃毛霉菌病的典型病灶。这些病例中还伴有念珠菌感染与曲霉菌毒素中毒。病牛主要呈现顽固性、黑色粘液性腹泻,10余天后死亡。也有表现分娩衰弱,急性坏死性子宫内膜炎和化脓坏死性乳房炎等变化。患皱胃毛霉菌病的乳牛,显示三种类型的病理变化。即急性早期阶段,坏死病变以循环障碍为主;亚急性中期阶段,呈凝固性坏死与梗塞;慢性晚期阶段,病理变化与肉芽肿类似。乳牛毛霉菌病的病原为微小根毛霉、伞枝犁头霉和足样根霉。三种菌各以1~3千万个孢囊孢子耳静脉注射家兔,腹腔注射豚鼠。结果三种菌致家兔于1~4日内死亡,豚鼠于3~7日内死亡。作者认为,毛霉菌病的致病真菌在饲料及乳牛体严重侵染,是本病的直接病因,而过多饲喂精饲料造成瘤胃酸中毒和长期使用抗生素药物,是该场乳牛皱胃毛霉病的诱发因素。 相似文献
家畜低钾血症、缺钾病例,多继发于各类疾病,也常为临床用药失误所致。本病的基本特点是,发病较急,病程不长、症状表现不一、病死率高,常为临床兽医所忽视或误诊而延误抢救时机,致使病畜死于非命。目前国内兽医书刊上尚未见有专论。 低钾血症、缺钾的病理生理颇为复杂,体钾的代谢又受多种因素影响,因而在对本病缺乏认识时,靠一般传统的诊疗手段,往往难于达到预期目的。 本文通过对多种动物个体的典型病例的分析探讨,着重论述本病的基本病理生理及其与病因、症状和有关诊断、治疗方法的相互关系,供同行们在临症时提高对本病的认识与分辨能力。 相似文献
Gabriel Manso‐Díaz Sue J. Dyson Ruth Dennis José M. García‐López Marianna Biggi M. Isabel García‐Real Fidel San Román Olivier Taeymans 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2015,56(2):176-187
The equine head is an anatomically complex area, therefore advanced tomographic imaging techniques, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are often required for diagnosis and treatment planning. The purpose of this multicenter retrospective study was to describe MRI characteristics for a large sample of horses with head disorders. Horses imaged over a period of 13 years were recruited. Eighty‐four horses met the inclusion criteria, having neurological (n = 65), sinonasal (n = 14), and soft tissue (n = 5) disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging accurately depicted the anatomy and allowed identification of the primary lesion and associated changes. There were good correlations between MRI findings and intraoperative or postmortem results. Magnetic resonance imaging showed the exact localization of the lesions, their size, and relation to surrounding structures. However, in the neurological group, there were 45 horses with no MRI abnormalities, 29 of which had a history of recurrent seizures, related to cryptogenic epilepsy. Magnetic resonance imaging was otherwise a valuable diagnostic tool, and can be used for studying a broad range of head disorders using either low‐field or high‐field magnets. 相似文献
N.E. Robinson B.V.M. M.R.C.V.S. Ph.D. † J.B. Scott Ph.D. J.M. Dabney Ph.D. G.A. Jones B.S. 《Veterinary surgery : VS》1977,6(1):15-18
We measured digital blood flow, vascular pressures, vascular resistance, lymph flow rates, and lymph protein concentration in eight anesthesized equidaewith acute alimentary laminitis and eleven control animals. Digital blood flow was increased in laminitis as a result of decreased vascular resistance, primarily prevenous resistance. Ponies with laminitis were hypertensive and had elevated digital venous pressures. Lymph flow and lymph protein concentration were not different in the two groups of animals, indicating there is no change in capillary permeability in laminitis. 相似文献
E. C. Firth 《Australian veterinary journal》1977,53(12):560-565
The signs observed in 6 cases of peripheral vestibular disease included incoordination, head tilt and nystagmus. The intensity of the signs varied greatly with duration of the disease, and in 3 cases facial paralysis was also present. Tympanosclerosis was demonstrable in all cases subject to radiology. Trauma was the causative factor in most cases. The causes of, and relationships between, vestibular dysfunction and concomitant facial paralysis are discussed. The exact etiology of the tympanosclerosis is unknown. 相似文献
Radiography has a limited role in the evaluation of the kidneys in foals and adult horses. Ultrasonography is the current method of choice for structural evaluation of the kidneys in horses as it provides additional information to standard serum chemistry and urinalysis evaluation. A variety of structural abnormalities have been identified in diseased equine kidneys with the use of ultrasound. Ultrasound guided renal biopsy is the preferred method for performing renal biopsy in the horse. The use of Duplex Doppler ultrasound may allow for the characterization of regional hemodynamics of the equine kidneys, but is currently an untapped method for evaluation of equine renal hemodynamics.
Radionuclide methods including scintigraphy and quantitative renal function measurement can be used to provide further information about equine renal function. Scintigraphy can provide structural and possibly functional information. Quantitative methods using radiopharmaceuticals can provide precise measurement of glomerular filtration rate and effective renal blood flow. This method is especially helpful in identifying acute renal failure and in guiding response to treatment.
All equine renal imaging techniques should be a supplement to the physical examination and standard laboratory tests. Additional diagnostic aids such as urinary tract endoscopy should also be considered in horses with hematuria, hydroureter, and suspected calculi. Taken together, all these modalities provide a through evaluation of the equine renal system and provide a basis for the clinician to select treatment options and provide prognostic information to the owner. 相似文献
Radionuclide methods including scintigraphy and quantitative renal function measurement can be used to provide further information about equine renal function. Scintigraphy can provide structural and possibly functional information. Quantitative methods using radiopharmaceuticals can provide precise measurement of glomerular filtration rate and effective renal blood flow. This method is especially helpful in identifying acute renal failure and in guiding response to treatment.
All equine renal imaging techniques should be a supplement to the physical examination and standard laboratory tests. Additional diagnostic aids such as urinary tract endoscopy should also be considered in horses with hematuria, hydroureter, and suspected calculi. Taken together, all these modalities provide a through evaluation of the equine renal system and provide a basis for the clinician to select treatment options and provide prognostic information to the owner. 相似文献