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北京地区2006年新发现一种严重危害棕榈科植物Arecaceae)的外来有害生物,经鉴定为国外传入的褐纹甘蔗象Rhabdoscelus lineaticollis(Heller)。该害虫主要为害海枣、蒲葵、大王椰子等棕榈科植物和甘蔗,在北京尚属首次报道。本文结合实验室饲养情况,简要介绍了该虫的分布与寄主、形态特征、生物学特性和危害特点,并提出了有针对性的防控策略。  相似文献   

警惕外来危险性害虫红棕象甲入侵为害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童四和  曾珉  温小遂  施明清 《江西植保》2007,30(3):124-125,129
红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab是为害棕榈科植物的危险性外来害虫。为警惕该虫的传入,本文对红棕象甲的分类地位、形态特征、分布、寄主、危害、生物学特性等作了简要介绍,并提出了预防建议。  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren,是一种危险性农林外来害虫。为警惕该虫的传入,本文对红火蚁的分类地位、形态特征、分布、寄主、危害、生物学特性等作了简要介绍,并提出了预防建议。  相似文献   

褐纹甘蔗象生物学特性及其防治研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要介绍了为害棕榈科植物和甘蔗的危险性害虫-褐纹甘蔗象(Rhabdwscelus lineaticollis Heller)的危害性、生物学特性以及防疫控制技术等,并探讨了这种害虫的未来防治技术。  相似文献   

褐纹甘蔗象是我国进境植物检疫害虫和林业危险性有害生物,此前未有在海南危害的报道。2021年5月至7月,笔者在海南省棕榈有害生物调查过程中,首次在五指山市南圣镇同甲村发现该虫危害槟榔,在此基础上本文对褐纹甘蔗象的危害症状、危害率、发生区域概况等进行了阐述,并提出了监控和防治建议。本文首次报道了褐纹甘蔗象在海南槟榔园的发生危害,为该虫的监测和防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

利用昆虫病原线虫与化学农药混用防治褐纹甘蔗象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褐纹甘蔗象是棕榈科植物和甘蔗的新入侵危险害虫。本研究利用昆虫病原线虫小卷蛾斯氏线虫All品系与毒死蜱、吡虫啉混用防治褐纹甘蔗象。将4000条/ml感染期线虫与48%毒死蜱EC(1000mg/L)、70%吡虫啉(500mg/L)混合施用于国王椰子,7d后对幼虫的防效为96%,明显优于单剂毒死蜱(68.96%)、单剂吡虫啉(0)和小卷蛾斯氏线虫(68.42%~76.52%)的防效;混剂处理7d对成虫的防效为88.89%,亦明显优于单剂毒死蜱(72%)、单剂吡虫啉(2.50%)和小卷蛾斯氏线虫(27.78%~52.63%)。  相似文献   

兰象属(Orchidophilus Buchanan)目前世界已知6种,寄主均为兰科(Orchidaceae)植物,其中以突胫兰象(Orchidophilus aterrimus)发生最为普遍,对兰花种植业危害最大。突胫兰象的卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫均可随寄主植物的调运而远距离传播,我国尚无发生记录。本文对该虫的形态特征、分布、寄主、生物学特点和防治方法进行了简要介绍,并对其入侵我国的可能性进行了讨论,进而提出相应的预防建议。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), is managed in date palm groves, inter alia, with food-baited pheromone traps. Laboratory...  相似文献   

The development of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) was investigated on a newly developed semiartificial diet as compared with two natural diets namely sugarcane stem and banana fruit. The weevil was successfully maintained on these diets and duration of the life cycle for males and females, respectively were 164.97 and 194.61 days on the semiartificial diet, 192.5 and 186.5 days on banana, and 172.00 and 170.00 days on sugarcane. The average egg production per female was shown to be significantly higher on the semiartificial diet, being 184.00±18.68 eggs compared with an average of 125.00±11.97 and 133.00±15.21 eggs on banana and sugarcane, respectively. The fertility ranged between 94–100% in those eggs deposited by females previously reared on the tested diets. The developed semiartificial diet was shown to be suitable for maintaining laboratory colonies of the red palm weevil, and it can substitute natural diets.  相似文献   

The development of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) was investigated on a newly developed semiartificial diet as compared with two natural diets namely sugarcane stem and banana fruit. The weevil was successfully maintained on these diets and duration of the life cycle for males and females, respectively were 164.97 and 194.61 days on the semiartificial diet, 192.5 and 186.5 days on banana, and 172.00 and 170.00 days on sugarcane. The average egg production per female was shown to be significantly higher on the semiartificial diet, being 184.00±18.68 eggs compared with an average of 125.00±11.97 and 133.00±15.21 eggs on banana and sugarcane, respectively. The fertility ranged between 94–100% in those eggs deposited by females previously reared on the tested diets. The developed semiartificial diet was shown to be suitable for maintaining laboratory colonies of the red palm weevil, and it can substitute natural diets.  相似文献   

This paper covers the palm ( Palmae sp.) and date palm ( Phoenix dactylifera ) pests which were determined by studies conducted in Turkey between 1941 and 2006. In total 15 species have been found to date: 1 belonging to Coccidae, 9 to Diaspididae, 1 to Margarodidae and 2 to Pseudococcidae families of the order Homoptera and 1 species to Scarabaeidae and 1 to Curculionidae families of the order Coleoptera. Among these pests, red palm weevil ( Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier) has caused a great deal of damage in recent years.  相似文献   

Infestation levels of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver, 1790) and its natural enemies on palm trees in recreation areas were investigated in the Adana province of Turkey in 2008. The trunks of dead palms were sampled for R. ferrugineus and for the presence of entomopathogenic nematodes. While 20% of Phoenix canariensis Hort. were found to be killed by R. ferrugineus , only 2 trees from other species, 1 Washingtonia filifera (L. Linden) and 1 Phoenix dactlylifera L., were killed. Only one species of entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora ( Poinar, 1975 ) (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae), was isolated from the R. ferrugineus specimens. Seasonal mortality rate in the total larval population (total 565 larval specimens) of R. ferrugineus was 69%. H. bacteriophora resulted in a significant mortality rate (80%) in the pupae population (total 314 pupal specimens). Overall, 70% of the total of 879 pre-adult specimens were found to be fatally infested by the attacks of this nematode. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora killed few adults, corresponding to 2% of the overall mortality rate. It is concluded that H. bacteriophora could be evaluated as a potential candidate for biological control of R. ferrugineus in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) is the most important insect pest of bananas and plantains (Musa spp.). The larvae bore in the corm, reducing nutrient uptake and weakening the stability of the plant. Attack in newly planted banana stands can lead to crop failure. In established fields, weevil damage can result in reduced bunch weights, mat die-out and shortened stand life. Damage and yield losses tend to increase with time. This paper reviews the research on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, pest status, sampling methods, and integrated pest management (IPM) of banana weevil. Salient features of the weevil's biology include nocturnal activity, long life span, limited mobility, low fecundity, and slow population growth. The adults are free living and most often associated with banana mats and cut residues. They are attracted to their hosts by volatiles, especially following damage to the plant corm. Males produce an aggregation pheromone that is attractive to both sexes. Eggs are laid in the corm or lower pseudostem. The immature stages are all passed within the host plant, mostly in the corm. The weevil's biology creates sampling problems and makes its control difficult. Most commonly, weevils are monitored by trapping adults, mark and recapture methods and damage assessment to harvested or dead plants. Weevil pest status and control options reflect the type of banana being grown and the production system. Plantains and highland bananas are more susceptible to the weevil than dessert or brewing bananas. Banana production systems range from kitchen gardens and small, low-input stands to large-scale export plantations. IPM options for banana weevils include habitat management (cultural controls), biological control, host plant resistance, botanicals, and (in some cases) chemical control. Cultural controls have been widely recommended but data demonstrating their efficacy are limited. The most important are clean planting material in new stands, crop sanitation (especially destruction of residues), agronomic methods to improve plant vigour and tolerance to weevil attack and, possibly, trapping. Tissue culture plantlets, where available, assure the farmer with weevil-free material. Suckers may be cleaned by paring, hot water treatment and/or the applications of entomopathogens, neem, or pesticides. None of these methods assure elimination of weevils. Adult weevils may also invade from nearby plantations. As a result, the benefits of clean planting material may be limited to a few crop cycles. Field surveys suggest that reduced weevil populations may be associated with high levels of crop sanitation, yet definitive studies on residue management and weevil pest status are wanting. Trapping of adult weevils with pseudostem or corm traps can reduce weevil populations, but material and labour requirements may be beyond the resources of many farmers. The use of enhanced trapping with pheromones and kairomones is currently under study. A combination of clean planting material, sanitation, and trapping is likely to provide at least partial control of banana weevil.Classical biological control of banana weevil, using natural enemies from Asia, has so far been unsuccessful. Most known arthropod natural enemies are opportunistic, generalist predators with limited efficacy. Myrmicine ants have been reported to help control the weevil in Cuba, but their effects elsewhere are unknown. Microbial control, using entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes tend to be more promising. Effective strains of microbial agents are known but economic mass production and delivery systems need further development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The invasive red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), has become the major pest of palms in the Mediterranean Basin. Chemical control against this species is difficult because of its cryptic habits and is mainly based on the repeated application of large quantities of synthetic insecticides. The aim of this work has been to evaluate in the field the efficacy of imidacloprid (Confidor® 240 OD) and Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser with chitosan (Biorend R® Palmeras) as soil and stipe treatments respectively, alone or in combination, against this pest. RESULTS: All treatments significantly reduced the mean number of immature stages of R. ferrugineus per palm. However, there were no significant differences among the different treatments considered. Efficacies ranged from 83.8 to 99.7% for the mean number of immature stages found in the palms and resulted in a significant increase in palm survival compared with the untreated control (75.0–90.0% versus 16.5% respectively). CONCLUSION: Both imidacloprid and S. carpocapsae in a chitosan formulation proved highly effective against R. ferrugineus in the field, and their efficacies did not significantly change when used in combination. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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