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Blackgram (Vigna mungo, L.) growth was measured in a glasshouse earthen‐pot experiment. Cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) were applied in different concentrations to the soil. The plant and soil samples were analysed 45 days after sowing using ICP‐AES. The dry matter yield of tissue showed highly significant reduction (at the 1% level) for Cd and Cu, and nonsignificant variation for Zn. This shows that phytotoxicity for Cd and Cu was greater than that for Zn. Further, the observed higher correlation coefficients suggest that the concentration of the elements in tissue is linearly related to that applied to the soil.  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr)-contaminated soils pose a great environmental risk, with high solubility and persistent leaching of Cr(VI). In this study, hydroxysulfate green rust (GRSO4), with the general formula Fe(II)4Fe(III)2(OH)12SO4·8H2O, was evaluated for its efficiency in Cr(VI) stabilization via Cr(VI) reduction to Cr(III) in four representative Cr(VI)-spiked soils. The initial concentrations of phosphate buffer-extractable Cr(VI) (Cr(VI)b) in soils 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 382.4, 575.9, 551.3, and 483.7 mg kg-1, respectively. Reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by structural Fe(II) (Fe(II)s) in GRSO4 in all studied soils was fast, wherein the application of GRSO4 markedly decreased the amount of Cr(VI)b at the Cr(VI)b/Fe(II)s stoichiometric mole ratio of 0.33. The kinetics of Cr(VI) reduction by GRSO4 could not be determined as this reaction coincided with the release of Cr(VI) from soil during the experiment. The concentration of Cr(VI)b decreased, as the Cr(VI)b/Fe(II)s ratio decreased from 0.46 to 0.20, generally to below 10 mg kg-1. Back-transformation of the generated Cr(III) was examined in the presence of manganese oxide birnessite at the birnessite/initial Cr(III) mole ratio of 4.5. The results of batch tests showed that only 5.2% of the initial Cr(III) was converted to Cr(VI) after two months, while under field capacity moisture conditions, less than 0.05% of the initial Cr(III) was oxidized to Cr(VI) after six months. The results illustrated that remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated soils would be fast, successful, and irreversible with an appropriate quantity of fresh GRSO4.  相似文献   

The effect of excess concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) on water relations in young sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants was studied in water culture under greenhouse conditions. The accumulation of the heavy metals was more intensive in the root than in the shoot. The rates of heavy metal accumulation in root were arranged in the following decreasing order: Cu, Cd, Zn, and Pb. Their transport into the above‐ground parts followed the order: Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd. Transpiration and relative water content were significantly decreased by excess concentrations of the heavy metals. The number of stomata per unit leaf area was increased while the size of the stomata was decreased. The concentration of free proline significantly increased in the leaves of intact plants as well as in leaf discs incubated in the presence of heavy metals. The concentration of soluble proteins decreased as well, particularly when plants were exposed to high concentrations of the heavy metals. It was concluded that excess concentrations of the heavy metals significantly affected plant water status, causing water deficit and subsequent changes in the plants. The most intensive effect on the plants was exerted by Cd, less intensive by Cu and Zn and the least intensive by Pb.  相似文献   

Effects of Cd, Pb, and Ni on three freshwater green algae, Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Scenedesmus obliquus, and Chlorococcum spp., were studied. Cadmium and Pb had slight stimulatory effects on growth at lower concentrations (0.1 to 1.0 ppm) while they were lethal at higher concentrations (> 5 ppm). Nickel was not lethal between 0.1 and 10.0 ppm. When combined, both Cd and Ni and Cd and Pb showed interaction on A. falcatus. No interaction was noted between Pb and Ni.  相似文献   

Summary In the existing guidelines for earthworm toxicity testing, mortality is the only test criterion. Mortality is, however, not a very sensitive parameter, and from an ecological point of view growth and reproduction are more important for a proper risk assessment of chemicals in soil. In this study the growth and sexual development of juvenile earthworms were considered as test criteria in a standardized earthworm toxicity test. The effect of Cd, Cu, and pentachlorophenol on the growth and sexual development of juveniles of the species Eisenia andrei was studied in an artificial soil substrate. Two tests with Cd were carried out to study the effects of the mode of application of the food source (cow dung). EC50 (50% effective concentration) values for the effect of Cd, Cu and pentachlorophenol on the growth of E. andrei were 33–96, >100, and >32 mg kg-1 dry soil, respectively, and there was no observed effect at 18–32, 56, and 32 mg kg-1 dry soil, respectively. Sexual development of the earthworms was inhibited at 10 mg Cd kg-1 and 100 mg Cu kg-1 dry soil, but was not affected at the highest pentachlorophenol concentration tested (32 mg kg-1 dry soil). The results were the same whether the food was applied in a hole in the middle of the soil or mixed homogeneously through the soil.  相似文献   

The original smectite clay mineral has been collected from Amazon region, Brazil. The compound 2-aminomethylpyridine (AMP) was anchored onto Amazon smectite surface by heterogeneous route. The natural (SMC) and modified (SMCAMP) smectite samples were characterized by elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, N2 adsorption, X-ray diffraction, and silicon-29 and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance. Due to the increment of basic centers attached to the pendant chains, the metal adsorption capability of the final chelating material, was found to be higher than the precursor. The ability of these materials to remove Cr(VI) from aqueous solution was followed by a series of adsorption isotherms at room temperature and pH 4.0. The maximum number of moles adsorbed was determined to be 1.16 and 1.87 mmol g− 1 for SMC and SMCAMP, respectively. In order to evaluate the clay samples as adsorbents in dynamic system, a glass column was fulfilled with clay samples (1.0 g) and it was fed with 2.0 × 10− 4 mol dm− 3 Cr(VI) at pH 4.0. The energetic effects caused by metal cation adsorption were determined through calorimetric titrations. Thermodynamics indicated the existence of favorable conditions for such Cr(VI)–nitrogen interactions.  相似文献   

Adsorption of Cr (VI) as CDC-complex from aqueous solution by activated C has been investigated. Factors like pH and presence of Cr (III) which affect the adsorption of CDC-complex were studied. The increase in particle size and surface area of activated C does not enhance the removal of CDC-complex. For different concentrations of Cr, the optimum quantity of Diphenyl Carbazide has been determined. The reduced Cr e.g. Cr (III) decreases the CDC-complex removal. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms constant as calculated are γm=1.8932 and b=0.2305 and n=0.036, log K=0.0266, respectively.  相似文献   

Bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Contender) were grown on perlite with nutrient solution and 0, 1, 2.5 and 5 ppm levels of Na2CrO4 Significant decrease of top growth and chlorosis in trifoliated leaves were observed for 2.5 and 5 ppm Cr, with Cr concentrations (μg/g) in tops:≥ 12.1, in roots:≥ 509.9. Cr decreased K, Na, Mg and Fe concentrations, and increased P and Mn concentrations in roots. In tops decreased N, K, Na and Fe concentrations and increased Mn and Ca concentrations were observed, Translocation of P, Zn, Cu and Fe was inhibited; Ca and Mn translocation was generally enhanced. P/Fe ratio was increased up to 60% in chlorotic plants, indicating a shift from Fe2+ to Fe3+.  相似文献   

Cr(Ⅲ)胁迫对大豆、小麦生长及铬吸收和转运的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用系统发育和根系形态不同的大豆与小麦,采用盆栽试验,研究了不同添加量铬对两种作物生长及铬吸收和转运的影响,并对两种作物铬耐受能力进行比较。结果表明,当土壤铬含量大于287.9 mg/kg(添加量为250 mg/kg)时,大豆植株生长变慢,无豆荚产生,且后期易枯萎死亡;大豆根系铬含量和富集系数超过小麦,而转移系数随铬添加量增加而逐渐降低,说明大豆对土壤中铬胁迫的耐性低于小麦;小麦籽粒铬含量超过规定的临界值。在土壤铬含量小于287.9 mg/kg时,小麦根系铬浓度和富集系数高于大豆,小麦根系比大豆具有更强的铬吸收能力;大豆茎叶富集系数高于小麦。  相似文献   

李柱  任婧  杨冰凡  王松凤  吴龙华  骆永明 《土壤》2012,44(4):626-631
利用植物生长室水培试验和温室土培盆栽试验相结合,研究了Cu对Zn、Cd超积累植物伴矿景天生长及Zn、Cd吸收性的影响。水培试验结果显示,0.31~50μmol/L Cu处理14天对伴矿景天生长及对Zn、Cd吸收性没有显著影响;但100μmol/L Cu处理显著抑制植物生长,降低地上部Zn、Cd及根中Cd浓度,对根中Zn浓度变化没有显著影响。盆栽试验结果发现,在土壤Cu仅为3.61 mg/kg时伴矿景天生长不良,外加Cu显著促进其生长并随Cu浓度升高效应增加;但施用3 mmol/kgEDDS和再次外加250 mg/kg Cu处理使伴矿景天因体内Cu积累量过高而导致明显毒害,地上部Cu最高达1 068 mg/kg。可见低量Cu处理可促进伴矿景天生长,利于植物对土壤Zn、Cd的吸取修复,但土壤中Cu浓度过高将抑制Zn、Cd超积累植物的生长,降低其Zn、Cd吸收能力,在利用该Zn、Cd超积累植物修复高Cu的Zn和Cd污染土壤时应采取适当措施降低Cu毒害效应。  相似文献   

A solution culture study was conducted to determine the effects of cadmium (Cd) application on the uptake of Cd, potassium (K), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and on the growth of seedlings of three wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var Durum) cultivars, Kyle, Nile, and SC84–994. Cadmium application decreased shoot and root biomass, root length, and leaf area. Cadmium application did not produce any differences among cultivars in these growth parameters. There were differential cultivar responses in the uptake of Cd and K but not for Zn, Mn, Cu, and Fe uptake. A solution Cd concentration of 0.1 μM did not affect the concentration of Cd and K compared to zero Cd but at and above 0.5 μM Cd, Nile had a higher concentration and contents of Cd and K in root and shoot than SC84–994 and Kyle. Kyle and SC84–994 were not different in any of the elements tested except K concentration in shoot where the order was SC84–994<Kyle<Nile. Cadmium application increased the Cd concentration but decreased the concentration of K, Zn, and Mn in root and shoot, while the Fe and Cu concentrations in shoot and root were not affected. Cultivar differences were observed in the translocation of Cd from root to shoot. In SC84–994 and Kyle, 0.5 μmole Cd/L decreased the total Cd translocated to shoot, Further addition of Cd did not affect Cd translocation, whereas in Nile, increased Cd concentration in solution did not affect Cd translocation to the shoot. A modified version of Weibull frequency distribution [y = a exp.(b.Cdc)] was applied to explain the effect of Cd on plant growth parameters and on the uptake of K, Mn, Zn, and Cu in plants.  相似文献   

铬Cr^6+对水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水培和土培试验方法,研究了不同浓度的铬(Cr6 )对水稻种子萌发、幼苗生长的影响,结果表明,六价铬对水稻种子的萌发及出苗都有不良影响;幼苗随着铬(Cr6 )浓度的增加,植株的生长明显受到抑制,株高、根长、鲜重和干重均下降,但水培较土培所引起铬的危害起始浓度更小,失绿症状更严重。  相似文献   


Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris cicla ’Fordhook Giant'), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris ’Hawksbury Wonder'), and Agrostis capillaris ’Parys’ were grown in soilless media composed of Pinus radiata bark and 0–41% by volume of dried sewage sludge containing [in mg/kg] cadmium (Cd) [22], copper (Cu) [1,116], and zinc (Zn) [1,121]. Sublots of all mixtures were adjusted to pH 4.5, 5.5, or 6.5. Shoot weights were not reduced by sludge addition but those of Swiss chard and bean shoots declined with pH. Shoot contents of Cu, Cd, and Zn increased with decreasing pH. Shoot Cu concentrations were always sub‐toxic, and in Swiss chard toxicity symptoms were not observed until shoot Zn content reached 1,300 mg/kg. Cadmium in Swiss chard shoots reached 22 mg/kg. Metal concentrations in the shoots were well correlated with total and extractable metals in the media only if pH was included in the regression equations.  相似文献   

为了解福建省铁观音茶园土壤中主要污染元素的含量状况及其对茶叶生产的影响, 采用野外调查和室内分析相结合的方法研究了福建省铁观音茶主产地安溪、华安和永春县150 个茶园土壤中铅、镉、砷、铬、汞、铜、氟的含量, 并进行了环境质量现状评价。结果表明, 所有土壤的镉、铅、氟含量, 97%以上土壤的铬、砷、汞含量均低于茶叶产地环境技术条件(NY/T 853—2004)中相应的限量; 92%以上土壤的镉、铬、砷、汞含量和70%以上土壤的铅含量低于有机茶产地环境条件(NY 5199—2002)中相应的限量。变质岩发育的土壤镉和氟含量较高, 砂岩类发育的土壤铬含量较高, 流纹质凝灰岩类发育的土壤铅含量较高, 流纹岩类发育的土壤砷含量较高, 闪长岩类发育的土壤汞和铜含量较高; 水稻土改种的茶园土壤镉、铅和汞含量较高, 铬和砷含量较低; 赤红壤发育的土壤中铅含量较高, 黄壤发育的土壤中铬和砷含量较高, 红壤发育的土壤中铜含量较高。就所研究的元素而言, 大部分供试茶园土壤是清洁和安全的。  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Cu were measured by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry for event rainwater samples collected at Deonar (Bombay). A relationship between measured wet deposition of these trace metals and amount of rainfall is calculated. The power law exponent of 0.6 is found suitable to describe the relationship between wet deposition and rainfall amount of monsoonal rain.  相似文献   

Zurayk  R.  Sukkariyah  B.  Baalbaki  R. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,127(1-4):373-388
Twelve Mediterranean hydrophyte species collected inLebanon were evaluated for their potential asbioindicator species for heavy metal pollution innutrient cultures enriched with 1 ppm Cr, Ni and Cd.These were: Nasturtium officinale R.Br, Apium nodiflorum L., Veronica beccabunga L., Veronica anagallis aquatica L., Veronicalysimachioides L., Veronica anagalloides L., Mentha longifolia L., Mentha aquatica L., Mentha pulegium L., Potentilla reptansL., Mentha sylvestris L., and Cardamine uliginosa L.. Large variability in responseto exposure to the heavy metals was observed. Growthrates remained high during the experimental period,indicating that the plants were little affected by thepresence of the metal at the experimentalconcentration. Metal accumulation and bioconcentrationvaried within at least one order of magnitude, andranged from less than 10 to over 200. Cr waspreferentially accumulated in the roots. All speciesbut M. pulegium, P. reptans and V. anagallisaquatica accumulated and bioconcentrated sufficientCr to qualify as bioindicator species. Five of thespecies that accumulated Cr also accumulated Ni, withthe same partitioning into the root. These were: N. officinale, C. uliginosa sp., M. longifolia, M. aquatica and M. sylvestris, all of which mayalso be used as bioindicators of Ni pollution. Onlyone species, M. aquatica, accumulated Cdsignificantly, and may, therefore, be used as abioindicator for all three metals.  相似文献   

The levels of the accumulation of copper, lead, nickel, and cadmium in the parent material-soil-plants-soil organic matter system are given for gray forest soils in the Buryat Republic. The concentrations of copper, lead, and nickel in the parent materials do not exceed the corresponding clarkes, and cadmium is present in trace amounts. The concentrations of copper and nickel in the humus horizon are lower than those in the parent material; an opposite situation is observed for lead. The concentrations of copper, lead, and nickel in the soil organic matter and in the herbaceous plants correspond to their contents in the soil and do not exceed the background (clarke) values. Cadmium was not detected in the aboveground part of the plants, though it was found in the root mass and in the organic soil horizon. In the humus of gray forest soils, these heavy metals are mainly present in the acid filtrate remaining after the precipitation of humic acids.  相似文献   

The potentiometric titration of water extracts from the upper horizons of taiga-zone soils by salt solutions of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, and Zn) showed that their addition is an additional source of the extract acidity because of the involvement of the metal ions in complexation with water-soluble organic substances (WSOSs). At the addition of 0.01 M water solutions of Al(NO3)3 to water extracts from soils, Al3+ ions are also involved in complexes with WSOSs, which is accompanied by stronger acidification of the extracts from the upper horizon of soddy soils (with a near-neutral reaction) than from the litter of bog-podzolic soil (with a strongly acid reaction). The effect of the Al3+ hydrolysis on the acidity of the extracts is insignificantly low in both cases. A quantitative relationship was revealed between the release of protons and the ratio of free Cu2+ ions to those complexed with WSOSs at the titration of water extracts from soils by a solution of copper salt.  相似文献   

Derivative potentiometric stripping analysis (dPSA) was utilized to evaluate the Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) content in olive oil samples produced in Sicily in the crop year 2000-2001. The repeatability of the method was attested at 86.36% for cadmium, at 94.94% for copper, at 99.00% for lead, and at 98.92% for zinc. Recovery tests were carried out, both on cleanup procedures and on extraction steps, on olive oil spiked at different levels; obtained recoveries were 84.52 +/- 9.86 for cadmium, 97.34 +/- 2.72 for copper, 100.68 +/- 0.67 for lead and 83.35 +/- 1.72 for zinc. Theoretic detection limits were 1.2 ng g(-1) for Cd, 3.6 ng g(-1) for Cu, 5.9 ng g(-1) for Pb, and 14.3 ng g(-1) for Zn. Found concentrations range were 15.94-58.51 ng g(-1) for Cu, 32.64-156.48 ng g(-1) for Pb, and 157.00-385.22 ng g(-1) for Zn. Copper, lead, and zinc were found in all samples. The main advantage of this determination consists of a not too aggressive metals extraction procedure using hydrochloric acid, which avoids losses of elements typical of sample calcinations methods.  相似文献   

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