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Long range transport of episodic concentrations of O3 into the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia was recorded in the summer season of 1979 and 1980. Continuous monitoring of O3 indicated monthly averages of ? 0.05 ppm O3 and several periods averaged ? 0.08 ppm O3. Open-top chambers were used to test the effect of ambient doses of the pollutant on the growth of 8 planted forest tree species native to the area. Height growth was suppressed for all species at the end of the second growing season when grown in open plots (no chamber) and ambient chambers compared to those grown in charcoal-filtered air supplied chambers. Height growth trends of open < ambient chamber < filtered air chamber were consistent. Virginia pine and green ash were significantly taller (p=0.10) when grown within filtered air chambers. Tulip poplar and green ash manifested purple stippling on the adaxial leaf surface and sweetgum developed purple coloration under open or ambient chamber conditions; other species exhibited no visible injury.  相似文献   

Optical and centrifugal spectrometry for determining the particle size of aerosols is discussed.  相似文献   

Research was initiated in 1984 in an attempt to quantify and test possible hypotheses for the systematic decline and mortality of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) observed in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Field surveys have documented increases in decline symptoms. By 1986, 7% of all tagged red spruce trees in permanent plots were dead. This number, partially due to the effects of severe weather, increased to 41% in 1987. An insect and disease survey initiated in 1985 on 100 permanent plots has yielded little significant pathology or insect infestation. With the exception of the balsam wooly adelgid (Adelges picea (Ratz)), few signs or symptoms of disease or insect attack were noted on either Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) (Pursh Poir) or red spruce populations. Cultures from destructively-sampled root systems yielded few significant pathogens that could contribute to decline symptoms. Measurements of throughfall in 1986 yielded estimates of total wet deposition for NO3 ? and SO4 2? of 25 and 75 kg ha?1 yr?1 respectively. Using net throughfall quantities, we estimate that between 40 and 60% of this input was due to cloud impact. Mean-volume-weighted pH per cloud event was 3.5. Over 75% of the cloud events sampled had a pH < 4.0. Cloud and rain water was dominated by H+, NH4 +, NO3 ?,, and SO4 2? ions. Interaction with the forest canopy resulted in an enrichment of throughfall with base cations (K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and a loss of H+ and NH4 +. Mean-volume-weighted pH for throughfall was 3.9. The effects of simulated acidic cloud water on the epicuticular waxes of red spruce needles were studied during the summer of 1987. The cuticle proper of both 1986 and 1987 needles did not appear to be damaged by the treatments. The wax crystals which constitute the stomatal wax plugs, however, exhibited substantial degradation by simulated treatments at or below pH 3.5.  相似文献   

Southern Appalachian Mountain wetlands support important habitat and serve several hydrologic functions. However, they may be threatened by human activities and global climate change. These wetlands are often located in remote, biogeographically isolated locations at high elevations. One of the largest of these wetlands — the peatlands within the Cranberry Glades Botanical Area — was assessed for meadow–forest ecotone characteristics. The Cranberry Glades have been reported to be infilling with trees from the surrounding forest, but little research has been conducted on the patterns of tree growth within the moss-dominated communities. Tree establishment patterns were analyzed in regard to location within the ecotone, hummock/hollow topography, and soil conditions by recording the growing conditions of 1389 trees located within nine, 10 × 100 m belt transects. The results indicated that tree growth within the ecotone occurred in decreasing density from the forest to the meadow interior, and much of the tree establishment occurred in tree islands (80% of trees were found in tree islands). Significantly more trees (92%) were also found on hummocks than hollows (8%), likely in response to the greater distance from the water table that the hummocks provide. Most soil properties did not vary significantly across the ecotone or in association with topography. The results add to the minimal literature on southern peatlands and may assist in peatland restoration and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

At least one-third of the threatened and endangered species of the United States live in wetlands. Southern Appalachian bogs and fens, in particular, support a wealth of rare and unique life forms, many of which are found in no other habitat type. In North Carolina alone, nonalluvial mountain wetlands provide habitat for nearly 90 species of plants and animals that are considered rare, threatened, or endangered by the North Carolina Plant Conservation Program, the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. These species include the bog turtle, mountain sweet pitcher plant, green pitcher plant, swamp pink, bunched arrowhead, and Gray's lily, all of which are either on the federal list of endangered and threatened species or under consideration for that list. Mountain wetland habitats for these species are being destroyed and degraded at an accelerating rate for highway construction and expansion and residential and recreational development, as well as for industrial and agricultural uses.  相似文献   

Soil conservation management practices can impact on soil C storage. Long- and short-term data sets from three research sites were used to assess effects of management on C content of soils on the southern Appalachian Piedmont of Georgia. Intensive cultivation resulted in no observable change in total C content at the end of 3 yr, but at the end of 16 yr there were 40% and 18% declines in C in conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) soils, respectively, at the Horseshoe Bend site. No significant changes in soil C were observed in either CT or NT soils at the end of 16 yr at Griffin. Higher clay content of Griffin soils may have contributed to this difference. Newly established NT plots on C-depleted soils on Dawson Field showed no change in C content at the end of 3 yr on both a highly eroded Pacolet sandy clay loam and a slightly eroded Cecil sandy loam. A soil under long-term NT accumulated C at a mean rate of ca. 0.6 Mg C ha−1 yr−1, reaching 29 Mg C ha−1 after 20 yr. Steady-state levels of C in soils of the region may approach 40 Mg C ha−1 (0–20 cm depth). Long-term forested and sod-based soils at Griffin showed C contents approximating this steady-state, while fertilized NT soils exceeded the estimated steady-state level.  相似文献   

Particulate matter concentrations were measured in five size ranges, during an annual period, at the National University Campus in Mexico City. Size distribution indicated high particulates values in the size ranges from 3.0 to >7.2 μm and from 0.49 to 1.5 μm. The cascade impactor concentration represented 30% of the total suspended particles (TSP) values, with a correlation of 0.6 between them. No significative seasonal difference in the mass paniculate size distrubition was found, but in the rainy season a slight increase in fine particles with respect to the total mass impactor was found. The application of a respiratory model showed that maximum mass of coarse particulates deposition in the thoracic region was of 27 μg hr?1. The highest concentration of fine particulates deposition reached only 13 μg hr?1, in activity.  相似文献   

Airborne dust particles were sampled in a broiler house using the quartz crystal microbalance cascade impactor designed for the measurement of mass concentration and size distribution from 0.05 to 25 gm. No significant difference was noticed in the dust concentration from morning to evening or at different sampling sites in the broiler house. The concentration of airborne dust particles decreased as the age of the chickens increased. Ratio of dust particles smaller than 0.8 pm to the total dust ranged from 10 to 50%. The highest concentration of dust was in the particle size range of 3.2 μm. The fogging system in use reduced the concentration of larger particles but not that of the smaller particles.  相似文献   

Research on earthworms in North America has focused on the effects of invasive earthworms, with few studies examining the ecology of native earthworm species. Deer have been shown to influence belowground processes through grazing, trampling, and fecal pellet deposition. We proposed that native earthworms in an oak-dominated forest in Virginia might benefit from increased organic matter provided by deer fecal material. We examined potential interactions between a common aboveground herbivore, the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and earthworms using laboratory and field experiments. In our laboratory experiment, we found that a native earthworm, Eisenoides carolinensis, and an invasive earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris both fared better in treatments with deer pellets compared with the treatment with leaf litter alone. In our field experiment, we used fences to exclude deer from six plots and left twelve plots unfenced to explore the effects of deer activity on earthworm biomass and density. We also examined the effects of deer on soil and vegetation characteristics. After three years, the amount of herbaceous cover was higher on fenced plots compared with unfenced plots. Although we found no other differences for vegetation and soil characteristics between fenced and unfenced plots, many of these variables were important as covariates in our models examining the effect of deer exclusion on earthworms, indicating plot-level (as opposed to treatment-level) variation in these variables. All identifiable earthworms were either E. carolinensis or Diplocardia spp. (both native species), with E. carolinensis making up 90% of the specimens. The total biomass of earthworms, as well as the biomass and density of adult and small juvenile earthworms, was greater on unfenced plots with deer activity compared with fenced plots. This study highlights the importance of above- and below-ground interactions in forest ecosystems by showing that E. carolinensis appears to benefit from the presence of deer and adds to our sparse knowledge of the ecology of this native earthworm.  相似文献   

Rhododendron maximum L., a spreading understory shrub, inhibits overstory regeneration and alters forest community structure in southern Appalachian hardwood forests. Using paired plots and reciprocal litter transplants in forests with and without R. maximum cover, we examined the influence of R. maximum on litter mass and quality, N cycling and soil extracellular enzymes. Standing stocks of soil organic matter, soil N, leaf litter mass and fine root biomass were greater in forests with R. maximum than those without. Tannin extracts from R. maximum foliage, and leaf litter and fine roots collected under R. maximum had a relatively high capacity to precipitate protein compared to extracts from trees. Across the growing season, soil inorganic N availability was generally lower under R. maximum, mostly due to reduced NO3 availability. Our data suggest that R. maximum litter alters N cycling through the formation of recalcitrant polyphenol–organic N complexes. Soil extracellular enzymes indicate the potential processing rates of organic substrates. Between forest types, polyphenol oxidase activity was greatest in R. maximum O horizons, regardless of litter type, suggesting that the local microbial community can better degrade and access protein–tannin-complexed N. Protease activity did not differ between forest types, but was greater on R. maximum leaf litter than hardwood leaf litter. The alteration of the N cycle via the formation of polyphenol–organic N complexes may contribute to hardwood seedling suppression, while the enzymatic release of these complexes by ericoid mycorrhizal fungi may increase N acquisition for R. maximum and contribute to its expansion in southern Appalachian forests.  相似文献   

豫南山区典型林地土壤入渗特征及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为弄清典型林地不同发育阶段表层土壤入渗性能差异规律及其影响因素,通过在豫南山区开展野外调查与室内分析,模拟和分析土壤入渗过程及特征,研究土壤理化性质、地表根系结构对土壤渗透能力的影响。结果表明:1)各个林地类型土层厚度0~10 cm层的土壤渗透能力均高于10~20 cm层;初渗率、稳渗率、前30 min入渗量在各土层深度中均表现相同的趋势,即30 a马尾松针叶林>30 a麻栎阔叶林>30 a麻栎+马尾松混交林>荆条灌丛>20 a麻栎阔叶林>20 a麻栎+马尾松混交>20 a马尾松针叶林;20 a、30 a林分中,平均稳渗率最高的林分类型分别是麻栎阔叶林和马尾松针叶林,分别为3.140和4.256 mm/min。2)土壤渗透特性指标均与土壤有机质质量分数、毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、根体积密度、根表面积密度存在显著的相关关系(P<0.05);对土壤渗透能力影响最大的土壤理化性质指标和根系结构指标分别是非毛管孔隙度和根表面积密度,典型相关负荷量分别达到0.559和0.773。  相似文献   

Our study compared decomposition and litter microarthropod abundance among five plant communities in a mountain floodplain/fen complex located in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. We found that the least disturbed plant communities, red maple in particular, have the quickest decomposition, the greatest number of litter microarthropods, the highest soil organic carbon, and the lowest soil pH. Positive correlations were shown between soil organic carbon and total microarthropods; negative correlations were found between soil pH and total microarthropods. No correlations were found between soil moisture and decomposition or total microarthropod numbers. We conclude that soil characteristics related to disturbance, rather than to the presence of a closed canopy, are the main influences on decomposition and litter microarthropods.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of cloud water measurements made during the summers of 1986 and 1987 at Whitetop Mountain, Virginia (36.639° N, 81.605° W). Analysis of cloud water chemistry, cloud type, and air mass origin are made for each cloud event occurring during one 3 to 4 week measurement ‘intensive’ per year. Regional source/receptor relationships are also investigated. Cloud water concentrations of major ions (i.e., H+, SO4 2?, NO3 ?, and NH4 +) are consistently higher during orographically formed ‘cap’ cloud events. Differences in cloud liquid water content between cap and frontal cloud events explains most, but not all, of the cloud water ion concentration differences. The remaining difference can be explained by greater rainfall associated with frontal cloud events. Most of the cloud water sulfate measured at Whitetop Mountain is apparently due to nucleation of aerosol sulfate within cloud droplets and not to local in-cloud aqueous phase SO, oxidation. No strong source/ receptor relationships were evident from this analysis. Most 72 hr air trajectories arriving at Whitetop Mountain during the cloud events described in this paper originated in the southeastern United States. Few came from the Ohio River Valley or the northeastern United States.  相似文献   


The top two horizons of 14 major hill land soils of the Appalachian Region were evaluated for activities of add phospha‐tase (AP), pyrophosphatase (PP1), arylsuifatase (AS) and urease (UR) enzymes. A relationship between enzyme activities and soil properties was examined. Surface horizons contained higher enzyme activities than the subsurface horizons. Overall, enzyme activities were positively correlated with soil moisture content, percent water‐filled porosity, C, N, K, Mn and CEC. Activities of AP and PP1 were negatively correlated with soil pH. The AP and UR activities were positively related to various forms of P. Enzyme activities were positively related to total and organic S. Pot trial was performed 1n green house conditions to evaluate the relationship between enzyme activities and snapbean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) growth and N, P, and S uptake. With a few exceptions, activities of AP, AS and UR were positively related to snapbean shoot wt. and shoot content of N, P, and S. The PP1 activities of subsurface horizons were positively related to shoot wt. and mineral content. Enzyme activities varied from one soil horizon to another. The effects of various soil properties and their interacting factors on activities of the four enzyme systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Using newly available regional data sets we examine the potential for future changes in stream acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) for the Southern Blue Ridge Province (SBRP) of the U.S. as related to (1) levels of S deposition, (2) retention of S within watersheds, (3) current surface water SO4, and (4) potential historical changes in surface water chemistry. We conclude that, although (1) little change in surface water chemistry (as affected by acidic deposition) likely has occurred in the region to date, and (2) soils are currently retaining a majority of atmospherically deposited S, it is likely that marked increases in surface water SO4 will occur. Such increases could be accompanied by significant surface water acidification (loss of ANC).  相似文献   

The National Wetlands Inventory of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has prepared large scale (1∶24,000) wetland maps for nearly all of the Southern Appalachian Region. Traditional and digital cartographic products are available from the Earth Science Information Centers of the United States Geological Survey and from State-run distribution outlets. Most of the materials prepared by the NWI within the region were cooperatively funded by the States and other Federal Agencies. NWI maps describe wetlands in terms of the life form of the dominant vegetation, substrata where vegetation is sparse or lacking, water chemistry, relative duration of inundation or saturation, and special modifiers. The maps display wetland polygons as small as 0.5 hectares in size and linear wetlands as narrow as 8 meters, showing the size, type of wetland, and relative position of the wetland on the landscape. The wetland inventory process is principally a remote sensing task, relying on the interpretation of high altitude color infrared aerial photography, supported with ground truth data and collateral information. The procedure has limitations related to scale, quality, and timing of the aerial photography; experience and training of the photo interpreters; and the wetland types which are to be classified and delineated. Since wetland maps provide a static depiction of a dynamic resource, the NWI conducts periodic wetland status and trends studies to evaluate wetland change in areal extent and the reasons for the change. Although trend surveys are routinely conducted nationally and selectively for regional and local areas, no study to specifically address the wetlands of the Southern Appalachian Region has been developed.  相似文献   

The function of wetland ecosystems is not independent of the landscapes in which they are embedded. They have strong physical and biotic linkages to the surrounding landscape. Therefore, incorporating a broad-scale perspective in our study of wetland ecology will promote our understanding of these habitats in the Southern Appalachians. Changes in the surrounding landscape will likely affect wetlands. Broad-scale changes that are likely to affect wetlands include: 1) climate change, 2) land use and land cover change, 3) water and air-borne pollution, 4) a shift in disturbance/recovery regimes, and 5) habitat loss and fragmentation. Changes in climate and land cover can affect the hydrology of the landscape and, therefore, the water balance of wetlands. Excessive nutrients and toxin transported by air and water to wetlands can disrupt natural patterns of nutrient cycling. Periodic disturbances, like flooding in riparian zones, is required to maintain some wetlands. A change in disturbance regimes, such as an increase in fire frequency, could alter species composition and nutrient cycles in certain wetlands. Many plant and animal species that found in small, isolated wetlands have populations that are dependent on complementary habitats found in the surrounding landscape. Loss or fragmentation of these complementary habitats could result in the collapse of wetland populations.  相似文献   

Forestry best management practices (BMPs) have been developed for all of the states included in the Southern Appalachian Region (Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia). All of the state forestry BMPs were developed to reduce nonpoint source pollution from forestry operations. However, the states have developed BMPs that differ substantially with regard to methodology, particularly for forested wetlands. The state BMP guidelines vary in several major areas, including wetland types, BMP manual detail, streamside management zones, harvesting operations, site preparation operations, regeneration systems, road construction, and timber removal activities. An understanding of the similarities and differences between the state BMP guidelines will allow the forested wetland manager to comply with or improve upon existing forestry BMPs for wetlands.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide structurally diverse habitats attractive to varied wildlife, both generalist and wetland specialist species. Wetlands in western North Carolina occupy a minor portion of the landscape, yet provide essential habitat for rare wildlife species. Structural features of western North Carolina wetlands that influence wildlife occurrence include meadows interspersed with shrub thickets, snags and hollow trees, fallen logs, deep mud and rivulets, and pools. Species lists keyed to structural features are presented.  相似文献   

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