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Ninety potted red spruce saplings have been enclosed in open-top fumigation chambers and exposed to simulated acid rain treatments of pH 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 for two growing seasons as part of a 4 yr study. Original spodosol soil profiles were reconstructed in each 1 m diameter pot with tension lysimeters buried at two depths and drainage spouts installed on the bottom of each pot. All principal fluxes of the major elements are being measured in these ecosystems allowing calculation of precise input-output and internal nutrient budgets. During the first year of treatments, nutrient budgets were strongly affected by enhanced mineralization owing to transplant disturbances, and this masked any treatment effects. Second year budgets indicated the effects of strong acid loading on cation depletion and acidification of soils. For example, nitrate leaching from the subsoil was nearly five times higher in the pH 3.1 treatment than in others and correlated increases in base cation leaching were observed. Significant differences in soil pH among rainfall treatments were also observed. Budgetary calculations demonstrated that at present there are large exchangeable Ca pools available for tree growth, whereas for K, plant requirements were very high relative to K soil pools which may lead to growth deficiencies and/or nutrient imbalances. These results illustrate the potential for the combined effects of tree growth and strong acid loading to deplete the base status of acidic forest soils.  相似文献   

Although the agents responsible for the decline of red spruce on high elevation sites in the northeast are not known, 03 and acidic rain are considered to be possible contributing stresses. The research presented in this paper constitutes the second year of a 3-yr study to evaluate and quantify the influences of 03 and acidic precipitation on seedling red spruce. Two-year old red spruce seedlings were exposed to 03 at four levels (approximately 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 times ambient 03 concentration) and simulated acidic precipitation at three levels (pH 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1) in open-top chambers. The exposures occurred during June through October, 1988 after the seedlings had been exposed to the pollutants the previous year. At three intervals during the exposure period, seedlings were harvested and effects of the pollutant treatments were assessed by measuring the length of the 1988 terminal shoot, the number and length of branches, the dry mass of stems, needles, and roots, and rate of photosynthesis. There were no significant effects of 03 on any of the growth variables or on photosynthesis. There was a significant effect of pH on photosynthesis; rates of photosynthesis increased as acidity of the treatment increased. However, the higher rates of photosynthesis were not reflected in increased biomass of the seedlings. Significant 03 by pH interactions occurred for several growth variables.  相似文献   

Wheat, canola and alfalfa were subjected to simulated acidic precipitation with pH ranging from 5.6 to 2.6 under controlled growth room conditions. The number of simulated precipitation events were 12, 10 and 21 for wheat, canola and alfalfa, respectively. In this short-term experiment, wheat, canola and alfalfa do not appear to be sensitive to the simulated acid rain treatments used. Wheat and canola showed no visible symptoms of injury with any of the treatments. The pH 2.6 resulted in whitish spots on alfalfa leaflets. The economic yield was not affected at any of the acidity levels used in this tudy. Dry weight of the aboveground vegetative parts of wheat and canola was stimulated by the most acidic treatment (pH 2.6), apparently as a result of the higher nutrient content of the simulated acidic rain. Although below ground biomass for any of the species tested was not affected by rain acidity, the shoot: root ratio was significantly higher at pH 2.6 than with the control. Chorophyll a concentration in alfalfa leaves was reduced at only the highest acidity treatment. Chlorophyll b was not affected. While K levels in alfalfa leaves were significantly reduced at pH 2.6, no change in the concentration of Ca, Mg and P was noted. Sulfur and N concentrations increased, mainly at pH 2.6, reflecting the composition of the simulated rain solution.  相似文献   

Previously published results from a multidisciplinary research program, Response of Plants to Interacting Stress (ROPIS), initiated by the Electric Power Research Insitute are summarized here. The overall objective of the ROPIS program was to develop a general mechanistic theory of plant response to air pollutants and other stresses. Direct and indirect phytotoxic impacts of O3 combined with induced deficiencies of key nutrients as a consequence of acidic deposition are important components in many of the hypotheses used to explain reported declines in forest growth. In order to address these concerns as they relate to loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) growth and develop a greater level of mechanistic understanding of stress response, a study was formulated with two major objectives: (i) over a multi-yr period evaluate the role of loblolly pine genotype in governing loblolly growth response to O3; and (ii) determine the underlying physiological and edaphic basis for loblolly growth response to O3, acidic precipitation, and soil Mg status. An open-top chamber facility located at Oak Ridge, TN provided controlled O3 exposure for the genotype screening study (1986–88) and controlled O3 exposure and rainfall exclusion and addition for the O3-rainfall acidity-soil Mg interaction study (1987–89). A variety of experimental techniques, measurements, and statistical procedures were used over a 4-yr period to quantify various aspects of plant growth, physiology, and soil-plant relationships. Results from the genotype screening study indicate that although family-specific O3 effects were observed at the end of the first year, no statistically significant O3 effects on diameter, height, or total biomass were evident at the end of three growing seasons; nor were any significant O3-family interactions found. In the interaction study, rainfall acidity and soil Mg level had only minimal affects on seedling growth and physiology. Ozone exposure produced significant changes in many variables, the most important being a net retention of carbon in above-ground biomass and a subsequent reduction in carbon allocation to the root system. This change could have important longterm implications for the tree's ability to obtain water and nutrients, maintain important rhizosphere organisms, and achieve a level of vigor that protects against disease and insect attack.  相似文献   

Four-year old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees were pretreated at low and high water supply, and then placed into a growth chamber containing four compartments so that two levels of ozone exposure, 0.02 and 0.4 Μl l?1, could be replicated. They were exposed to ozone and drought stress for 59 days, and water use was determined by periodic weighing. Small effects of ozone treatment were detected on new shoot dry weight, and water use by trees receiving the high ozone treatment appeared higher. Both visual symptoms and ethylene biosynthesis showed that drought stress reduced damage to trees exposed to high ozone. Ethylene emission and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) levels increased after 18 days of exposure to 0.4 Μl l?1 ozone, while visual symptoms were seen at 30 days. After 59 days of exposure to the combined stresses, ethylene and ACC levels were lower, but showed an ozone x water interaction. Most ethylene and ACC were produced by wet trees at high ozone concentration, but dry trees also had high ethylene and ACC levels at low ozone. Levels of needle malonyl-ACC (MACC) were not significantly affected by treatment, and did not change with time, but root MACC levels, which were twice needle levels, were high in wet trees at high ozone concentration, but also high in dry trees at low ozone concentration. These results suggest that drought stress occurring during ozone exposure could be expected to reduce damage to young Norway spruce, and that this damage may be related to ethylene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings were exposed to simulated acid rain (SAR) of pH 3.2, 4.3 and 5.6 for two and one-half growing seasons. Ambient rain was excluded from the treatment plots by mobile rain exclusion canopies. Sugar maple seedlings treated with pH 3.2 SAR had significantly higher foliar concentrations of nitrogen, sulphur and manganese, compared to either the pH 4.3 or 5.6 treated seedlings. The pH 3.2 treated seedlings also tended to have greater growth and photosynthetic rates compared to the pH 4.3 and 5.6 treated seedlings. In contrast, the pH 3.2 treated white spruce seedlings tended to have decreased growth and lower foliar potassium concentrations relative to the pH 4.3 and 5.6 treated seedlings. Statistically there were no significant treatment differences in seedling height, seedling diameter, foliar pigments, or photosynthetic rates in either the sugar maple or white spruce seedlings.  相似文献   

Pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merv.] were exposed to O3 to determine the interactions of growth temperature, exposure temperature, K nutrition and doses of O3 on their foliar sensitivity. Pinto bean developed more foliar injury than soybean. Pinto bean were most sensitive when grown and exposed at 28°C. Growth and exposure temperature interacted in the development of foliar injury on pinto bean, but only growth temperature influenced the amount of foliar injury on soybean. Both species developed more foliar injury when grown with low K nutrition. There was no relationship between foliar injury and reducing sugars or sucrose content of the leaves.  相似文献   

Winter varieties of canola (Brassica napus L.) are susceptible to winterkill. Measurements of photosynthetic efficiency and survival of field-grown canola were used to evaluate the effect of chloride (Cl), potassium (K), and phosphorus (P) nutrition on winter field survival in northwestern USA. In a growth chamber experiment, effects of calcium chloride (CaCl2), potassium chloride (KCl), ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), or sodium chloride (NaCl) on the ability to tolerate subfreezing temperatures were evaluated. In the field, overwinter survival was higher, and greater photosynthetic activity continued later into the autumn in plants with increased sap Cl concentrations. In the greenhouse experiment, significantly greater survival occurred in plants with higher sap Cl concentrations, but only in plants that had not been cold acclimated. These results suggested that a greater concentration of chloride ion in the sap of canola plants is related to an increased ability to tolerate subfreezing temperatures, but other processes resulting from cold acclimation may largely obscure this effect.  相似文献   

Two yr old beech saplings (Fagus sylvatica L.) were exposed under an early autumn climate to four levels of O3 (10, 40, 75, and 110 nL L O3) with or without preceding simulated acidic mist (pH 3.5). As a first response in gas exchange to O3, stomatal conductance was transiently increased followed by a decline in net photosynthesis. Thus, regarding exposure effects on stomatal behavior, both O3 and acidic mist increased the pollutant flux into the leaf interior. The subsequent impairment of cell permeability consisted of dose-dependent increases in efflux rates of dichlorofluorescein, indicating greater membrane permeabilities. While the efflux rates of Mg and Ca correlated with those of the fluorescent dye, the leachability of K was increased only at the highest O3 levels. Changes in compartmentation of K, Ca, Mg, and S was derived from selective cell wall extraction; thereafter, the exposure to O3 and acidic mist resulted in increased extracellular fractions of these elements.  相似文献   

Height, diameter, and biomass were measured for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L) seedlings grown in soil containing 15 or 35 Μg Mg g?1 and exposed from May to October in 1987, 1988, and 1989 to three O3 concentrations (sub-ambient, ambient, or twice-ambient) and to rain pH levels of 3.8 or 5.2. Reduction in biomass accumulation in seedlings exposed to twice-ambient O3 vs sub-ambient O3 was 14% (P = 0.03) in 1987, 11.4% (P = 0.002) by 1988, and 8% (P = 0.15) by 1989. The greatest height growth occurred in seedlings exposed to twice-ambient O3, and the greatest stem diameter growth occurred in seedlings exposed to sub-ambient O3. A comparison of stem volume (d2h) with stem biomass suggested that tissue density was reduced by elevated O3. Biomass accumulation response to rainfall chemistry was small (5.5% reduction in the low pH treatment in 1989) and not statistically significant for most plant tissues. Growth response to soil Mg status was not significant. Hoewever, in 1989 treatment interactions between rainfall chemistry and soil Mg status were observed. Height was 5% greater (P = 0.02) and biomass was 6% greater (P = 0.10) in seedlings grown in higher-Mg soil and receiving higher-pH rainfall than seedlings grown in any of the other pH-Mg treatment combinations. The data suggest direct adverse effects of near ambient O3 and indirect, slower acting and interacting adverse effects of rainfall chemistry and soil nutrient status on growth of loblolly pine.  相似文献   

Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) plants, cultivars Cheri, Merion and Touchdown were grown at complete nutrition or with low S or low N. Plants were exposed to 10 ppm (v/v) O3 for 6 h d?i, 15 pphm SO2 continuously, 15 pphm NO2 continuously, or their mixture at these concentrations for 10 days. The severity of injury was much increased by misting with deionized water for 5 min twice daily, especially with SO2 and NO2 single gas exposures. The misting did not have consistent effects on total S, total N, leaf area or fresh weight. Exposure to O3 decreased leaf area without affecting S or N content, while SO2 usually increased total S and, in some cases, increased total N. Exposure to NO2 increased total N without affecting total S, and the mixture increased both total S and total N. Low S or low N usually enhanced the effect of SO2 or NO2, respectively. Leaf area and fresh weight were not as responsive to the treatments as total S and total N. Rainfall outdoors may be a major meteorological factor affecting plant injury response to gaseous pollutants.  相似文献   

Dissipation of seven pyrethroid insecticides under field conditions was evaluated on green beans, zucchinis, and peppers grown in experimental greenhouses (Almería, Spain). Pyrethroid residues were determined by high performance liquid chromatography using continuous on-line post-elution photoirradiation with fluorescence detection after dichloromethane extraction and cleanup on florisil phase cartridges. Mathematically defined decline curves were established by determining optimal relationships between pyrethroid residues and time. Different models were used to find these curves. The 1st-order model achieved the best adjustment to the experimental data in 42.9% of cases. The RF (root function) 1st-order model was the best in 33.3% of times. Each of the 1.5th- and 2nd-order models provided the best adjustment in a 9.5% of the cases. Finally, the RF 1.5th-order model was the most appropriate in only 4.8% of cases. Half-life times for these three vegetables were estimated from the optimal models. The preharvest intervals for the residues in these three vegetables was obtained, taking into account the maximum residue levels established by the existing legislation. They were all lower than the ones specified by the makers of commercial formulates, which ensures a safe enough consumption.  相似文献   



The effect of pollutants in soil microorganisms is an important issue in order to understand their toxic effects in the environment, as well as for developing adequate bioremediation strategies. In this sense, the main objective of this study was to assess the involvement of the indigenous microbiota of an acidic forest Mediterranean soil by artificial pollution with heavy metals, and to detect and isolate resistant microorganisms that could be useful for bioremediation.

Materials and methods

Samples from a previously unpolluted acidic forest soil were amended with Cr(VI), Cd(II) or Pb(II) at total amounts ranging from 0.1 to 5,000 mg?kg?1. These soil microcosms were incubated under controlled laboratory conditions for 28 days. Soluble fractions of metals were determined from aqueous extracts. Both activity and composition of the microbial community were assessed, respectively, by respirometric assays and molecular analysis (polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis). The isolation of metal-resistant microorganisms was attempted by culture plating from microcosms incubated with high concentrations of metals. Isolated strains were tested in cultures with minimal medium to check for their metal resistance and their capacity to reduce the presence of toxic Cr(VI).

Results and discussion

A decrease in the soil respirometric activity and changes in the microbial community composition were detected from 10/100 mg?kg?1 Cr and 1,000 mg?kg?1 Cd and Pb. Presumably resistant bacterial and fungal populations developed in most of these polluted microcosms; however, the microbiota was severely impaired at the highest additions of Cr. Even though Cr was the most damaging metal in soil microcosms, if the soluble fractions of metals are considered instead of their total added amounts, the comparison among their toxic effects suggests a similar potential toxicity of Cr and Pb. Isolated multiresistant microorganisms were related mainly to Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Ascomycota. Some of them showed the capacity to reduce Cr(VI) concentrations between 54 % and 70 % of the initial value. These strains were affiliated to several species of Streptomyces and Bacillus.


The combination of respirometric assays with molecular methods has been useful to assess the effect of metals on the soil microbial community, which can greatly be explained by their differential bioavailability. Cultivation-dependent and -independent approaches have proved the presence and development of multiresistant microorganisms in a previously unpolluted soil. Due to their properties, some of the isolated strains are potentially useful for soil bioremediation.  相似文献   

One-year-old, own-rooted pomegranate cultivars “Ermioni” and “Wonderful” plants were irrigated for 75 days with modified Hoagland nutrient solutions containing 0–10 mg L?1 boron (B). At the end of the experiment, the control plants of “Ermioni” presented better growth performance than those of “Wonderful.” However, there were no differences in the treatments with high B concentration (5.0 or 10 mg L?1). Control “Wonderful” plants had higher fresh and dry matter than control “Ermioni” plants. Moreover, the highest B concentrations in nutrient solution led to a significant increase in chlorophyll and carbohydrate content in the leaves of cultivar “Ermioni.” Furthermore, leaf proline concentration, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and micro–macronutrients of both cultivars were not affected by any of the tested B treatments. B concentration in plant parts was linearly correlated to B supply. The highest B concentrations were observed in roots followed by stems and apical and basal leaves.  相似文献   

Studies of the amino acids distribution in plants subjected to nutrient regimes are limited. The present study investigated the effect of NO3‐N and FeSO4‐Fe regimes on chlorophyll and total amino acids composition of tomato and wheat plants. Also the distribution of 17 amino acids between the different plant parts was studied. Increasing the NO3‐N level up to 200 mg kg‐1 greatly increased the total amino acids content of tomato plants. The total amino acids content of wheat plants continued to increase with addition of NO3‐N up to 400 mg kg‐1. The response of chlorophyll content to NO3‐N supply was highly dependent on Fe level both in tomato and wheat plants. The interaction between NO3‐N and FeSO4‐Fe had a great effect on the total amino acids content and distribution. Iron increased the translocation of proline from roots to leaves. The overall amino acids contents of leaves was higher than that of stems or roots.  相似文献   

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