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Studies were conducted at the deepest location of the meromictic Piaseczno pit lake, southern Poland, which was created in abandoned sulphur opencast. Pearson correlation and PCA were used to established the relationship between the elements and physico-chemical parameters of the water, whereas discriminant test to study vertical and time differentiation of Cd, Pb, Sr, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe concentrations. The results indicated both vertical (except Cu and Zn) and time differentiations of studied elements in the lake water. The highest concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Sr were found in the monimolimnion, that of Mn and Fe in the anoxic water. Depth profiles of Cu and Zn did not show any pronounced trend. Pb and Sr distributions in the water were related to alkalinity, Cl? and COD, Cd to alkalinity and Cl?, Mn and Fe to the redox conditions, Mn to water pH, and Fe to the alkalinity. The upper (0–15 cm) layer of the sediment consisted mainly of S (24.2 Atom%), Fe (21.62%), Ca (18.4%), Si (14.3%), and (Al 6.3%) and reflected mainly processes proceeded in the anoxic water-sediment interface. Calculated accumulation coefficients (K d) of the elements in the sediment are discussed.  相似文献   

以青海湖11个样点的表层沉积物为研究对象,测定分析其营养元素总磷(total phosphorus,TP)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)、溶解性磷酸盐(no-apatite inorganic phosphorus,NAIP)和总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)含量,并对其分布特征及相关性进行分析。结果表明:TP含量在0.36~0.71g·kg-1之间,平均值为0.59g·kg-1,变异系数为15.42%;TN平均含量为1.74g·kg-1,变异系数43.02%;TOC含量为18.60g·kg-1,变异系数46.61%;TN、TP、TOC含量间呈极显著(P〈0.01)的直线线性关系,NAIP与TN、TP和TOC含量间呈显著(P〈0.05)的S型曲线线性关系。分析表明,水深度、扰动程度等内源因素可影响青海湖表层沉积物中TN、TP及TOC含量,河流补给、旅游活动等外源输入及自然扩散对溶解性磷酸盐分布有一定的影响。  相似文献   

李爽  张祖陆  孙媛媛 《水土保持研究》2012,19(3):185-189,301
对南四湖水生植被区、农田居民地、养殖区、自然水面的29个采样点表层底泥TN、TP和TOC的含量进行分析,揭示了不同地表覆被下表层底泥中营养元素的分布特征,通过对底泥和上层覆水所含营养元素进行相关分析,探讨了营养元素的可能来源。利用有机指数,对底泥有机污染进行了分析。结果表明:南四湖养殖区和农田居民地已经出现富营养化现象,水生植被区和自然水面还尚未受到富营养化威胁。表层底泥的TN主要来自内源有机氮,TP主要来自外源无机磷。  相似文献   

The aim if this study was to assess the distribution of mercury in water, suspended particulate matter, surface sediments and biota from the Sado estuary, which, for the most part, is classified as a natural reserve, so as to evaluate its environmental quality status in terms of mercury contamination. Besides the diffuse sources of mercury coming into the Sado estuary, there are also additional contributions from the northern industrial zone and from the urban areas within the system. Applying national and international guidelines to different environmental matrices, the results obtained show that the system does not seem to be under environmental risk as far as mercury contamination is concerned. These quality guidelines can be used to rank and prioritise sites of concern. Hence, the area at the northern industrialised area deserves particular attention. The concentration of mercury in sediments of this area (0.54?mg kg?1) simultaneously succeeded the European Union Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) reference value, the OSPAR Convention Ecotoxicological Assessment Criteria (EACs) and is classified as class 2 in degree of contamination by the National legislation, which implies some legal restrictive rules. Considering the stations close to urbanised areas, one exceeded the OSPAR EACs for dissolved mercury, whilst the other exceeded the EU-WFD reference value for mercury concentrations in sediments. No statistical significant relations were found between mercury concentrations in biota (Ulva sp, Hediste diversicolor, Scrobicularia plana, Cerstoderma edule and Carcinus maenas) and in the abiotic matrices (sediment and water column, including mercury in its dissolved form and associated to suspended particulate matter). This paper provides an overview of the guidelines for Hg proposed for a considerable number of coastal systems of the northern hemisphere and highlights the complex interactions of Hg in the different environmental compartments in low contaminated systems.  相似文献   

The concentrations of fly-ash particles were studied in the surface sediments of 42 lakes in Estonia. Concentrations of both spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) and inorganic ash spheres (IASs) were determined and the particles chemically characterised to different fuel types. This was accompanied by trace metal analyses from lake surface sediments and catchment mosses in order to determine the distribution of atmospheric pollutants. The obtained spatial distribution data for fly-ash particles varied to a great extent, partly due to differences in sedimentation rates but mainly due to higher deposition in industrial areas. The distribution patterns of the different particle types in lake sediments, as well as the trace metals in mosses, show that the deposition of airborne particulates is of local origin around pollution sources and that the share of long-range transported atmospheric impurities is high along the main cyclonic routes in Estonia.  相似文献   

Variation of mercury (Hg) in sediments and biota from Coatzacoalcos estuary during the dry, rainy and windy seasons was estimated. In sediments, Hg concentrations ranged from 0.07 μg g?1 in site 13 (Ixhuatepec) located upstream, to 1.06 μg g?1 in site 3 (Coatzacoalcos river), located in the industrialized area. Highest enrichment factor (EF) and index of geoaccumulation (I geo) in surficial sediments were 53 and 5.1 respectively. From EF and I geo, it is considered that Coatzacoalcos estuary is from moderately contaminated to contaminated. In most fish species from Coatzacoalcos estuary, the sequence of Hg concentration was liver>muscle>gills. Average Hg concentrations in soft tissue of bivalves ranged from 0.09 μg g?1 in Corbicula fluminea to 0.18 μg g?1 in Polymesoda caroliniana. Biota-sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) ranged from 0.9 in P. caroliniana during the rainy season (site 4) to 3.8 in P. caroliniana from the same site during the windy season.  相似文献   

Spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) from the sediments of 48 Irish lakes were enumerated and characterised according to fuel type. The concentration of metals was determined in the surface sediments and in selected mosses from the catchments of these lakes. Generally the metal concentrations in both the surface sediments and mosses were consistent with background levels found in the remote parts of Europe. Where higher metal concentrations occurred these could often be accounted for by local geochemical sources. SCP levels in the sediments of the selected lakes along the east coast were of sufficient magnitude to suggest a transboundary influence notwithstanding local sources. SCP characterisation also suggests the influence of emissions in Northern Ireland on deposition, particularly in the north-west of Ireland. There was reasonable correlation between the concentration of oil particles in the surface sediments and vanadium, but not with nickel, in mosses. SCP concentrations were not correlated with measured physical characteristics of the lakes. The level of deposition indicated is not likely to have a significant impact on human health over and above the damaging effects of urban dwelling but the adverse impact of this deposition on acid-sensitive surface waters in Ireland has been recorded.  相似文献   

Fott  J.  Vukic  J.  Rose  N.L. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1998,106(3-4):241-261
As a part of the FLAME research project funded by the EU COPERNICUS programme (1994-1996) samples of surface sediments were taken from 31 man-made lakes and one natural lake in the Czech Republic. The sites differ considerably in their altitude, area, catchment, depth, retention time, trophic status, and in parameters of local air pollution. The samples were analysed for concentration of spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCP, numbers per gram dry mass of sediment), a characteristic component of industrial fly-ash. The extracted carbonaceous particles were allocated according to the fuel-types combusted throughout Europe (coal, oil, brown coal, peat, oil shale) using particle chemistries derived by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Trace metals were also analysed in the surface sediments as were mosses sampled at the study sites. The main objectives of the study were (i) to look for factors determining SCP concentrations in surface sediments of lakes, with special emphasis on the distribution of large fossil-fuel combustion sources (ii) to compare fuel-type allocation of carbonaceous particles with combustion of these fuels within the country, (iii) to look for trends in spatial distribution of trace metals and (iv) to characterize the impact of airborne particles from these sources on environmental and human health. The SCP concentrations show little or no relation to air-pollution parameters on a small scale, although some large-scale effects are evident. A good relationship was, however, found to site characteristics such as altitude and lake area : catchment area. The reason, why this relationship is more apparent from our dataset than from any other study published so far, is likely to be based on the high variation in the physical parameters (altitude, lake and catchment area) of the sites under study. The distribution of particles attributed to brown coal combustion are in good agreement with the distribution of major air pollution sources across the country but the fraction of particles attributed to coal seems to be overestimated by the present technique. The distribution of trace metals in surface sediments are also in agreement with expected sources. The usefulness of SCP concentrations as indicators of stress to human and environmental health is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Rose  N.L.  Harlock  S. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1998,106(3-4):287-308
Spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCP) and trace metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, V and Zn) were analysed from 75 lake surface sediments across the UK. Trace metals were additionally analysed from catchment mosses (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) from 43 of the sites but were absent from the remainder. Spatial distribution of SCP concentration and trace metal concentrations in sediments and mosses showed good agreement with each other and with known emission sources. Particles were allocated to their fuel-type and spatial trends in these data showed good agreement with potential sources. High areas of oil particle deposition were identified in the south-east of England, Merseyside, Galloway / Northern Ireland, the Firth of Forth and eastern Scotland. Oil SCP concentrations showed good agreement with Ni and V concentrations in mosses suggesting an atmospheric source for these metals from the combustion of this fuel. Characterised SCP trends also showed good agreement with predictions from models such as HARM and EMEP. Most high deposition areas of metals and particles were found to coincide with population centres suggesting a possible impact on human health.  相似文献   

Ikem  A.  Egiebor  N. O.  Nyavor  K. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2003,149(1-4):51-75
The concentrations of trace elements in water, sediment and fish samples from Tuskegee Lake located in Southeastern United States were investigated in this study. The Lake is utilized both as a source for municipal drinking water, and for recreational fishing. The water quality characteristics over two sampling periods, the speciation of metals in the Lake sediments, the risk to water column contamination and levels of heavy metals in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) samples from the Lake were evaluated. The Lake water quality characteristics were mostly below the recommended drinking water standards by the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the European Union (EU) except for aluminum, iron, manganese and thallium. In addition, the average values of Cr, As, Mn, Zn and Cl- in the water samples analyzed were higher than the respective reference values for fresh water. To study the speciation of metals in the Lake sediments, ten elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) in four grain sizes (< 710 μm – 250 μm, < 250 μm – 75 μm, < 75 μm – 53μm, and < 53 μm) were subjected to sequential extractions. Irrespective of grain size, the elements analyzed were distributed in both the non-residual and residual phases except Ni that was found only in the residual fraction. The potential risk to Lake water contamination was highest downstream (Sites 1 and 2) based on the calculated global contamination factors. From the calculated individual contamination factors, Mn and Pb followed by Zn, Cu, Cr, Co and V posed the highest risk to water contamination. Based on this study, the human health risks for heavy metals in fish caught from Tuskegee Lake are low for now, and irrespective of the source of fish, concentrations of metals in muscle tissues were all below the recommended Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) maximum limits for Pb (0.5 mg Kg-1), Cd (0.5 mg Kg-1), Cu (30 mg Kg-1), and Zn (30 mg Kg-1) in fish.  相似文献   

我国著名的土地资源及水土保持专家宋桂琴研究员   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宁南地区土壤矿质元素的含量顺序为SiO2>Al2O3>CaO>Fe2O3MgO>K2O>MnO>Zn>Cu,其中硅、铝、铁、钛空间分布较均匀;钙、镁、钾变异较大、空间分布不均匀。硅、钛、铜、锌、锰为残积母质>洪冲积母质>黄土母质;铁、镁、钾为洪冲积母质>残积母质>黄土母质;铝为洪冲积母质>黄土母质>残积母质;钙为黄土母质最高,残积母质很低。从山地洪积扇中上游阶地中下游阶地,硅、铜、锌、锰逐渐减少;铝、镁、铁、钙、钾则不断增加  相似文献   

测定了太湖流域不同污染控制区中28条主要环湖河流河口处表层0~10cm沉积物中氨氮(NH3-N)、硝氮(NO-3-N)、有机氮(Org-N)及总氮(TN)含量,揭示氮的空间分布并分析各形态氮之间的相关性。结果表明,环湖河流表层沉积物中TN含量由高到低依次为东部污染控制区〉北部区〉湖西区〉浙西污染控制区,平均958.70mg.kg-1,且以东部污染控制区中吴溇河口最高,污染最重。NH3-N含量远高于NO-3-N,平均200.29mg.kg-1;Org-N含量及分布与TN相似,平均758.40mg.kg-1,占TN的39.27%~95.12%。NH3-N是可交换态氮(EN)的主要存在形式,Org-N是沉积物中氮的主导形态,沉积物中TN只有极少部分在成岩过程中发生矿化。  相似文献   

通过对表层沉积物中重金属及粒度的分析,研究了荣成天鹅湖重金属的含量水平及分布特征,并对沉积物的环境质量进行了初步评价。结果表明,天鹅湖重金属的总体水平较低,Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn的平均含量均低于国家海洋沉积物I类质量标准,其中Cr和Pb存在轻度污染。Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb、Cu、Zn的含量范围分别为0~0.84、1.75~116.11、1.50~29.06、17.36~27.25、2.00~34.98mg.kg-1和11.48~92.61mg.kg-1,平均含量排序为Zn〉Cr〉Pb〉Cu、Ni〉Cd。天鹅湖重金属的富集状况与沉积物的粒度以及人类活动密切相关,大部分元素的高值区出现在颗粒较细的湖中央以及污染严重的西北部,东南部含量较低。相关分析表明,各重金属之间的相关性较好,其中Cd、Cu、Mn、Zn、Fe间呈高度的正相关,空间分布规律相似;重金属与有机质、粘粒含量呈极显著正相关,而与砂粒呈极显著负相关。根据加拿大制定的沉积物评价标准,天鹅湖沉积物中Cr具有较大的生态危害性。  相似文献   

天鹅湖沉积物中营养盐和重金属的分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在荣成天鹅湖选取20个代表性样点,研究了表层沉积物中总氮、总磷、有机质和重金属的水平及分布状况,并对沉积物的环境质量进行了评价.结果表明,沉积物中总氮、总磷和有机质含量主要变化在0.6~1.2 g/kg,0.2~0.4 g/kg,5.0~20.0 g/kg之间,分别平均为0.85,0.35,19.89 g/kg;三生源要素的空间分布规律类似,其中有机质的变异程度较大.重金属Cd、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb的平均含量分别为0.37,50.09,16.02,16.48,53.02,22.17 mg/kg,其中Cd、Cu、Zn的分布趋势类似,Cr和Ni相差不大.天鹅湖沉积物中营养盐和重金属的空间分布很不均衡,污染物质的累积与该区域的污染状况及沉积物粒度关系密切,北部人为活动频繁区和颗粒较细区含量较高,东近岸区及南部较低.与其它湖泊相比,天鹅湖沉积物中总磷和重金属的总体水平较低,Cr和Pb元素有所污染.据加拿大制定的沉积物评价标准,目前天鹅湖沉积物中污染物质不会产生大的生态毒性效应.  相似文献   

The Northern Patagonian Andean range shared by Chile and Argentina has numerous glacial oligotrophic lakes protected in a series of National Parks. Recent baseline surveys indicated that concentrations in muscle and liver tissues from various fish species from across Nahuel Huapi and Los Alerces National Parks in Argentina were comparable or higher than similar fish species from other parts of the world. As a result, Lake Moreno, in Nahuel Huapi National Park, was chosen to investigate multiple element sinks, trends, and transfer in a representative Patagonia aquatic food web. The metals and metalloids Ag, As, Ba, Br, Cs, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, K, Na, Rb, Se, and Zn were analyzed in three size plankton fractions, submerged macrophytes, biofilm, insect larvae, amphipods, decapods, gastropods (snails), annelids (earthworms), and forage fish. Except for nanoplankton (10–53 μm; small-celled algae, rotifers) and microplankton (53–200 μm; larger algae, ciliates, zooplankton nauplii), which share elemental compositional similarities, each taxon category had its own distinctive compositional pattern, revealed by principal component analysis. Nano- and microplankton tend to be relatively elevated in some metals, including As, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, Zn, and Rb, followed by biofilm. Shredder-scrapper Trichoptera (caddisflies) have higher concentration of most of the studied elements than other insect larvae taxa, especially carnivorous Odonata (Anisoptera, dragonflies), which were associated with lower elemental contents. Those trends point to an overall tendency for biodiminishing element concentrations with trophic level in the benthos of Lake Moreno.  相似文献   

对巢湖湖区不同位点的表层沉积物中的Fe、Cr、Pb、Cu、Co、Zn、Ni7种重金属含量进行的分析表明,湖泊沉积物中重金属含量分布呈现一定的区域特征,由于巢湖西半湖靠近合肥市区,大量的工业废水和生活污水通过河道排入巢湖,引起西半湖区中重金属含量高于东半湖区。采用富集因子法和地积累指数法对巢湖沉积物重金属污染现状进行了评价,结果表明,巢湖沉积物中存在Pb、Cu污染,个别地区已相当严重,并呈现沿湖心区至东半湖区逐渐降低趋势。研究表明,两种方法均能对人为污染行为做出较为科学的评价,且两种方法得到的评价结果基本一致。由于重金属元素有很强的毒性,并且能够在食物链中传递,有关部门应及早从流域环境综合规划入手,对重金属污染问题采取有力的控制对策,保护沿湖地区居民免受危害。此外,对巢湖表层沉积物中重金属污染物来源进行了初步分析,据分析结果判断,巢湖沉积物中重金属总量Co、Fe、Cr的来源相似,Zn和Cu的来源相似。  相似文献   

荣成天鹅湖沉积物磷的赋存形态和时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集了荣成天鹅湖表层和柱状沉积物,研究了沉积物中磷的赋存形态、空间及垂向变化特征,并对沉积物的理化性质与磷形态间的关系进行了初步分析。结果表明,天鹅湖表层沉积物中总磷水平不高,变化在79.15~565.12mg/kg之间。不同区域沉积物中总磷和各形态磷的含量差异较大,从西北至东南呈高-低-高-最低的变化趋势,外源污染和沉积物颗粒组成是影响其分布的主要因子。垂向分布上,总磷和各形态磷的含量均表现为自表层向下递减,8-10cm深度含量最低。相关性分析表明,总磷与各形态磷之间均呈较好的正相关关系,其中与无机磷的相关性最好,无机磷是总磷的主要赋存形态,占总磷含量的42.24%~82.04%;钙结合态磷是无机磷的优势组分,其含量远高于铁铝结合态磷;铁铝结合态磷在表层有明显的富集,与近几十年来入湖污染的增加有关。在天鹅湖湖水碱性条件下,湖区西北部及西端沉积物具有较大的释磷潜力。  相似文献   

巢湖表层沉积物重金属的分布特征及生物有效性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析沉积物中重金属的分布特征、相互关系及其可能来源,以安徽巢湖表层沉积物为研究对象,利用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS)测定5种重金属(铅、铜、镍、锌、镉)总量和同步浸提重金属(SEM)含量,同时测定酸可挥发性硫化物、总氮、总磷、总有机碳等多种指标,利用低影响程度(ER-L)和中影响程度(ER-M)基准值,[∑SEM]/[AVS]模型和[∑SEM]-[AVS]模型,判断预测表层沉积物中重金属的生物有效性。结果显示:重金属总量在全湖的空间分布不均匀,具有入湖口大于湖心的特征,共8个指标超过ER-L基准值,西湖区各金属总量大于东湖区,两者之间具有显著性差异(P<0.05),全湖[∑SEM]/[AVS]的值在1.097~2.076之间,但[∑SEM]-[AVS]的变化范围为0.127~0.996μmol/g;表明重金属Cu、Cd污染较严重,人为输入影响大,AVS对重金属的束缚作用有重要影响,大部分表层沉积物中的重金属生物有效性低。  相似文献   

用采集沉积物样本分析测试的方法,探究了东平湖沉积物中磷的赋存形态特征及其空间分布特征。结果表明,东平湖表层沉积物总磷(TP)含量在500 ~ 812 mg kg?1之间,平均值为 618 mg kg?1,空间分布上表现为湖区中部和西南部含量高、东南部含量低的趋势。沉积物中磷以非活性磷(Ca-P、Res-P)为主,非活性磷与总磷(TP)呈显著正相关(P < 0.01);在总磷中钙结合态磷(Ca-P)占比最高(62.6%),残渣态磷(Res-P)次之(36.2%),活性磷(Ex-P、Al-P、Fe-P)占比最低(1.20%)。靠近湖区边缘的点位沉积物中活性磷占总磷的比例略高于湖区中部点位;表层(0 ~ 4 cm)沉积物中各形态磷含量变化幅度大于下层,随垂直深度增加活性磷含量和非活性磷含量分别表现为下降和上升的变化趋势,这可能与人类活动影响以及沉积物中磷的来源和转化机制不同有关。  相似文献   

This study documents the history ofpollution inputs in the Burlington region of LakeChamplain, Vermont using measurements of anthropogenicmetals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Cd, and Ag) in four age-datedsediment cores. Sediments record a history ofcontamination in a region and can be used to assessthe changing threat to biota over time and to evaluatethe effectiveness of discharge regulations onanthropogenic inputs.Grain size, magnetic susceptibility, radiometricdating and pollen stratigraphy were combined withtrace metal data to provide an assessment of thehistory of contamination over the last 350 yr inthe Burlington region of Lake Champlain. Magneticsusceptibility was initially used to identify land-usehistory for each site because it is a proxy indicatorof soil erosion. Historical trends in metal inputs inthe Burlington region from the seventeenth through thetwentieth centuries are reflected in downcorevariations in metal concentrations and accumulationrates. Metal concentrations increase above backgroundvalues in the early to mid nineteenth century. Themetal input rate to the sediments increases around1920 and maximum concentrations and accumulation ratesare observed in the late 1960s. Decreases inconcentration and accumulation rate between 1970 andthe present are observed for most metals. Theobserved trends are primarily a function of variationsin anthropogenic inputs and not variations in sedimentgrain size. Grain size data were used to removetexture variations from the metal profiles and resultsshow trends in the anthropogenic metal signals remain. Radiometric dating and pollen stratigraphy providewell-constrained dates for the sediments therebyallowing the metal profiles to be interpreted in termsof land-use history.  相似文献   

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