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Management of fisheries directed at a particular species (the target) is often complicated by the capture of other species (the bycatch), each of which may be subject to competing management objectives. Optimal management depends upon a good understanding of how catches of the target species vary in relation to bycatch of other species of commercial and conservation concern. This paper considers the composition of trawl catches taken on a Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) ground off the NE coast of England, examining the factors that determine catch rates of Nephrops and various commercial finfish species taken as bycatch. We describe the results of a trawl survey undertaken using four commercial vessels deploying standard commercial gear. Only about 19% of the variance in Nephrops catch rates could be accounted for by variations in local density, as measured independently by underwater television survey of Nephrops burrows. Variations in Nephrops catch rates were dominated by changes over time, particularly in relation to tidal state. Five commercial bycatch species were taken alongside Nephrops in significant quantities. Catch rates of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) varied independently of Nephrops, whereas catches of cod (Gadus morhua) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) were inversely related to Nephrops. We conclude that it is possible for the commercial Nephrops fishery to use spatial and temporal targeting to maximise catches of N. norvegicus whilst minimising the bycatch of some fish species. If catch statistics are used to identify Nephrops-directed fishing métiers for fishery management purposes it is vital that data are examined at the level of individual hauls or fishing trips. Aggregation of data at a higher level risks obscuring the effectiveness with which the fishery is targeted at Nephrops.  相似文献   

To include the effects of environmental factors on the production of small yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena polyactis Bleeker, in the Yellow Sea, we applied time series analysis to the commercial catch and salinity and temperature data for the period 1970 to 1988. Residuals from a weighted least-squares regression of log-transformed catches against year and month were calculated to remove not only seasonal factors but also long-term trends in catches. The residuals of mean and standard deviation (SD) of temperature and salinity were calculated and used for autocorrelation, cross-correlation and first-order autoregression analysis (AR(1)) using maximum likelihood. The landings showed a decreasing pattern across years with a conspicuous seasonal cycle within years. Catch residuals showed a strong positive autocorrelation and a conspicuous time-lagged cross-correlation with the residuals of mean and SD of seawater temperature at 75␣m. AR(1) revealed that positive anomalies of mean temperature were associated with positive anomalies in the production of small yellow croaker with a one year time lag. The decrease in the residual of SD of temperature appears to be related to the high production 0.5–1.0 year later. The effect of salinity was negligible compared with that of temperature. Therefore, the warm spawning period and homogeneous temperature condition of previous years for young fish may cause the increase in the following year's yield of this fish species. When used to predict catches in 1989 and 1990, the AR(1) model explained 40% of the variances of the observed landings.  相似文献   

The UK coastal trap fisheries target two key species, European lobster Homarus gammarus (L.) and brown crab Cancer pagurus L. Their stock status is assessed periodically using size‐based, yield‐per‐recruit analysis. Fishery trends are described using landings and, where available, effort data to estimate catch per unit of effort (CPUE), nominally proportional to abundance. Despite being caught together, assessments assume that concurrent capture of these species does not distort their individual CPUE estimates. Here, an in situ experiment tested impacts of inter‐specific and intra‐specific interactions by pre‐loading baited traps with different species and observing subsequent catches. Pre‐loaded European lobster significantly reduced brown crab catches, whereas, other species produced no such effects. The findings highlight the likely inconsistency of using CPUE as an index of abundance if landings data originate from a mixed‐species fishery in which species interactions and targeting behaviour of fishers are unknown or un‐quantified.  相似文献   

The landings of Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps, Clupeidae) along the south‐eastern Arabian Sea are about 43.8% of total Indian oil sardine production. The annual landings of this species exhibit large‐scale variability with prolonged years of surplus or deficit landings without identified reason. Evaluating Indian oil sardine landings along the Kerala coast during 1961–2017 in relation to environmental variations, we have elucidated a putative link between variability in landings versus environmental parameters and climate indices. The variables examined in this study, such as salinity and temperature along with physical indices such as upwelling and mixed layer depth (MLD) of the ocean help to propose a mechanism to temporal variability in the landings of Indian oil sardine. Colder temperature and timely intense upwelling lead to nutrient enrichment in the surface water, which promotes the growth of phytoplankton (chl‐a) and thereby food availability to Indian oil sardine are found during years with surplus catch. Less saline surface waters and shoaling of MLD at these times could lead to the aggregation of fish at particular depths and thereby a good catches. The reverse mechanism, such as more surface saline water, warm temperature, downwelling or weak upwelling, and less nutrient enrichment, leads to deficit landings. Further, it was noticed that the Pacific decadal oscillation and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation have a more pronounced impact on Indian oil sardine landings over the coast of south‐eastern Arabian Sea than previously reported ENSO associated impacts. All these point towards climate change implications for the Indian oil sardine fishery.  相似文献   

Offshore‐ and deepwater‐spawning flatfish species face the problem of transport of their planktonic stages to shallow juvenile nursery grounds that are often far shoreward in bays or estuaries. We compare life history attributes of four offshore‐spawning flatfish species in the Gulf of Alaska: Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus) and Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) to examine how their larvae get from a spawning location at the edge or beyond the continental shelf to specific inshore nursery zones. We utilize historical records of survey catches of different life stages to characterize the stage‐specific changes in distribution of spawning, planktonic stages and juvenile nursery areas. We infer transport mechanisms based on the shifts in distribution of the life stages and in comparison with local physical oceanography. This comparison provides insight into the different mechanisms marine species may use to solve the common ‘problem’ of planktonic drift and juvenile settlement.  相似文献   

The general warming of the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) and the wide range of abundance exhibited by several eastern Bering Sea flatfish motivated an examination of how density‐dependent and density‐independent factors may influence the spatial distributions of EBS flatfish. In this study, EBS trawl survey data from 1982 to 2006 were used to examine how temporal changes in the distributions of six flatfish species groups [yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera), rock sole (Lepidopsetta sp.), flathead sole (Hippoglossoides sp.), Alaska plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes sp.), and Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)] are related to temporal changes in the location of the ‘cold pool’ (bottom water < 2°C), and how the area occupied by flatfish are related to the cold pool and population abundance. Rock sole and flathead sole distributions have generally moved northwest since 1982 and are significantly correlated with the movement of the cold pool, whereas arrowtooth flounder avoid the cold pool and their area occupied is inversely related to the size of the cold pool. The area occupied by arrowtooth flounder and rock sole are also significantly related to stock abundance. Multivariate statistical models indicate that the location of rock sole is more strongly related to stock abundance than to the cold pool, whereas the area occupied by arrowtooth flounder is more strongly related to the area of the cold pool rather than abundance. The temperatures occupied by several flatfish stocks indicate a substantial variability in suitable temperatures. These results suggest that a complex suite of density‐dependent and density‐independent factors may determine the response of EBS flatfish spatial distributions to increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract– Analysis of annual rod and commercial catches of adult seatrout demonstrated strong positive relationships between large-scale spatial variance (S2s, variation in catches between rivers for each year) and spatial mean density (x?s, mean catch per year), and also between temporal variance (S2t, variation in catches between years for each river) and temporal mean density (x?t, mean catch for each river). Both relationships were described by a power function, s2=ax-b. For spatial variability, there were no significant differences between power functions for both rod and commercial catches from the North West, Welsh and South West regions. As the power b was not significantly different from two, relative spatial variability (measured by coefficients of variation (CV)) was fairly constant between years. Significantly higher values of b were obtained for the Wessex (GM b= 2.233) and North East (GM b=2.824) regions, and therefore the increase in CV with mean annual catch was significant but slight for Wessex rivers and marked for North East rivers. For temporal variability, there were no significant differences between power functions for both rod and commercial catches from all 5 regions and therefore a common power function was fitted to the data from all 67 rivers. As the power b was significantly less than two (GM b= 1.729), relative temporal variability (measured by CV) decreased significantly with increasing mean catch per river. Some limitations and implications of this analysis are discussed. Similar results from different regions for both rod and commercial catches suggest that such data do reflect adult population density, in spite of the different methods used to catch the sea-trout, variations in fishing effort and failures to report catches. The analysis of temporal variability provides a basis for classifying the major sea-trout rivers according to their mean annual catch and their relative variability in catches between years (using the CV).  相似文献   

Synthesis studies of fish stocks worldwide suggest improving status of mainly target species that are fully assessed. Other analyses, primarily based on catch data alone, but which include a wider range of species as well as bycatch, present a different view. Catch‐only analyses could be more robust if fishery‐independent data were used and discards accounted for. We develop a model that uses only survey biomass at length and landings data to estimate fishing mortality, spawning stock biomass (SSB) and discards. An analysis of species from the North Sea shows the model results compare well with most fully assessed stocks. When applied to bycatch species with limited data, trends in fishing mortality and SSB typically reflect those of the target species. In the last decade, mean fishing mortality rates have tended to decline, while mean SSB has increased. Despite increasing SSB, recent mean recruitment appears to have been lower than previously which may limit future biomass recovery. Species usually associated with more northerly distributions appear to show the greatest effect of weaker recruitment, which may be linked to climate. Estimated discards have tended to decline in magnitude as a result of reduced fishing mortality and associated lower total catches. The model offers a simple way to use both landings and survey data to obtain more detailed population trends for data limited species.  相似文献   

Patterns of commercial fish catches over the period from 1984 to 2006 were studied in the Loreto region and in Iquitos, which is the most important town of the region and the principal fish marketplace of the Peruvian Amazon. Despite important inter-annual variations, the overall fish landings have significantly increased in the region during this period. The same three species dominated the catches during the whole period (Prochilodus nigricans, Potamorhina altamazonica and Psectrogaster amazonica), making up about 62% of the catches. However, the number of species exploited by commercial fisheries increased considerably during the 22 years of this study (from about 21 species in 1984 to over 65 in 2006), although part of the difference may be accounted for by a better identification of individual species nowadays. At the same time, the large high-valued species, such as Arapaima gigas, Colossoma macropomum and Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii, declined significantly and were replaced by smaller, short-lived and lower-valued species. Catches of the silver Arahuana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) also declined significantly during the studied period, strengthening recent warnings about the species’ conservation status (Moreau and Coomes, Oryx 40:152–160, 2006). The relative proportions of the trophic groups (detritivores, omnivores and piscivores) remained relatively constant over the study period, but there were significant changes in the relative abundances of the species groups. The proportion of the dominant group, the Characiformes, which averaged about 81% of the catches, increased between 1984 and 2006, whereas the proportion of the Siluriformes and Perciformes remained constant. On the other hand, the proportion of Osteoglossiformes, represented only by two well known species (Arapaima gigas and Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), declined sharply during the same period. Important differences were observed between the landings of Iquitos and the landing of the whole Loreto region, indicating that conclusions drawn from the study of the Iquitos landings cannot be extrapolated to the whole landings of the Loreto region. The most important difference was the decreasing fish landings in Iquitos, whereas the total landings increased in the Loreto region at the same time. Potential causes of this phenomenon are discussed. Decreasing fish abundance around Iquitos (because of a higher fishing pressure) and a behavioural adaptation of fishermen to better law enforcement in Iquitos are likely explanations to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The biological benefits of copepods as live feed for marine finfish larvae have already been well established in the literature. Copepods have better biochemical compositions that improve growth, reduce malpigmentations and allow successful farming of ‘new’ marine finfish species. However, their current usage is quite limited. One of the reasons has been lack of economic knowledge concerning the cost‐effectiveness of copepod application compared to other commonly used feed items such as the brine shrimp Artemia. In this study, a cost‐effectiveness analysis is made on two alternative live feed items (copepods and Artemia) in juvenile turbot farming. Unit cost of production and profit are compared between the two feeding regimes using a unique data set from an existing turbot fry production facility in Denmark. The result reveals that copepods are not only biochemically superior but they are also economically a cost‐effective alternative. Thus, a commercial use of copepods will significantly reduce the production costs for turbot. Furthermore, the unexploited economic potential can be utilized for the successful farming of other high‐valued marine finfish species such as tuna, flounders, cod, sole and halibut. Generally, the biochemical superiority coupled with economic benefits can lead to the commercial utilization of copepods as complementary live feed in the short run and in some situations as a substitute in the long run.  相似文献   

We examined the efficacy of using commercial landings data to identify potential environmental correlates with fish distributions. Historical landings data for two commercially important species, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), were used along with historical conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) data to infer monthly mean spatial distributions of catch per unit effort (CPUE), temperature, salinity, density, and stratification over Georges Bank. Relationships between CPUE and these environmental variables plus bottom sediment type and bottom depth were examined on seasonal, annual, and interannual time scales. Empirical analysis suggests that both cod and haddock are found preferentially in water temperatures of approximately 5°C in winter/spring, and as high as 10–11°C during late fall. Both species are also found preferentially over coarse sand and gravel as opposed to fine sand, and in water depths between 60 and 70 m. These preferences appear to vary seasonally. The above results are consistent with findings of previous investigators using semi‐annual research trawl survey data, and suggest that commercial landings data, despite their known errors and biases, can be used effectively to infer associations between fish and their environment.  相似文献   

New Zealand turbot Colistium nudipinnis (Waite 1910) and brill Colistium guntheri (Hutton 1873) were studied to assess their potential for aquaculture development. The reproductive cycle of wild fish showed a long spawning season from winter to summer, during which it is possible to obtain gametes. Both species have a diurnal ovulatory cycle, and gamete collection, by stripping and fertilizing at sea, was most successful within 2–3 h before and after sunset. Male reproductive anatomy suggests that these flatfish spawn in close proximity and that pair formation is highly likely. The eggs of both species have multiple oil droplets, turbot eggs being slightly larger (0.99 mm diameter) with more droplets (18–55) than brill eggs (0.97 mm, 13–26 droplets). Hatching occurred approximately 84 h after fertilization at 14 °C. Newly hatched turbot averaged 2.2 mm in length, and brill averaged 2.1 mm. First feeding began 4 days post-hatch (DPH). During larval rearing, rotifers were replaced by Artemia nauplii at 10 DPH. Metamorphosis commenced at 12–15 DPH and was completed and the larvae settled by 45 DPH. Weaning to inert foods began at 20–22 DPH (50 mg weight) and was completed by 57 DPH. Survival of turbot was 22.8% from fertilized egg to hatching, 7.3% through incubation to 22 DPH and 2.1% through incubation to fully weaned juveniles. Weaning success for turbot from metamorphosis to 57 DPH was 31.5%.  相似文献   

Abstract An assessment of the recreational fishery in north-west Trinidad was made by questioning participants about the principal fishing methods used, location of activities, catches, effort and cost of fishing. Surface handline methods (live baiting [à la vive] and trolling) and rod and line (banking) were the most common methods used and were pursued mainly in the summer months (April to August). Total fish landings from the fishery were estimated at 1000 t year-1, equivalent to about 10% of commercial catches for Trinidad. The principal species caught were kingfish, Scomberomorus cavalla (Cuv.), carite, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Cuv.), cavalli, Caranx hippos (L.), snappers, Lutjanus spp., and groupers, Epinephelus spp. Many of the fishermen sold their catch to offset the costs of the fishing trip and thus competed with commercial fishermen. Recommendations for monitoring and possibly regulating the fishery through a licensing scheme are made.  相似文献   

Fleet dynamics was addressed for three cephalopod taxa of commercial interest, the squid Loligo vulgaris, the octopuses Octopus vulgaris and Eledone cirrhosa, and the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, for 48 trawlers of the fish trawling fleet. Landing profiles (LP) were identified based on the species composition of the landings using hierarchical cluster analysis. Four out of a total of 12 different LP were related to cephalopods and other species associated with them.The effects on the landing proportions of a number of variables, year, season and vessel, are analysed for each of the species studied using generalized linear models (GLM). The factor “vessel”, including an ensemble of technical characteristics as well as the abilities of individual skippers, explained most of the model deviance, strongly reinforcing the existence of a fleet component dedicated to catch cephalopods. However, time also explains much of the variation found in the data.Seasonal alternation between landings of octopodidae and cuttlefish was observed within a small group of old trawlers operating mainly off the south coast, following the abundance cycles of these species. For a larger group of more modern trawlers, operating off the western coast, inter-annual shift between octopus and squid was found, together with a well marked seasonal pattern between the catches of cephalopods and horse mackerel.Spatial patterns of activity were identified using vessel monitoring system (VMS) data available for trawlers in Portugal, demonstrating the existence of cephalopod targeting strategies in Portuguese fish trawling activities.  相似文献   

For 12 yr (1997–2001, 2006–2012) daily abundance of Cancer magister megalopae was measured in Coos Bay, Oregon. Before 2007 from 2000 to 80 000 megalopae were caught annually. In 2007, catch jumped and has since varied from 164 000 to 2.3 million. The step change in catch size appears related to a shift to negative Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) values. Late season catches, which cannot be due to local spawning, are negatively correlated to the PDO, suggesting that these megalopae derive from north of the California Current. During periods of lower and higher catches, annual returns of megalopae were significantly negatively correlated to the day of the year of the spring transition and positively correlated to the amount of upwelling during the settlement season. The size of the Oregon commercial catch lagged 4 yr to allow for growth of recruits into the fishery is set by the number of returning megalopae; the relationship is parabolic. At lower returns, the population is recruitment limited, but at higher returns, density‐dependent effects predominate and set the commercial catch. Lagged commercial catches in Washington and Northern and Central California were also related to the number of megalopae returning to Coos Bay, suggesting that the forces causing variation in larval success are coast wide. If high return rates are due to a PDO regime shift, then for years to decades the commercial catch may be set by density‐dependent effects following settlement and the huge numbers of returning megalopae may impact benthic community structure.  相似文献   

We reviewed the present status of seed production for stock enhancement and evaluated the impact of stocking on commercial catches in Japan, of portunid crabs particularly Portunus trituberculatus and Scylla paramamosain. The mean survival rate from hatching to first-stage crabs was around 10%, and 20–30% of the larval culture trials conducted in recent years could not harvest juveniles during seed production. To achieve reliable mass seed production technologies, measures for controlling disease and the nutritional condition of larvae in seed production tanks are required to be developed. The main spawning season extends from April/May to July. Reflecting their life cycle characteristics such as high growth rates, crabs recruit to the fishery after September and largely contribute to the commercial landings until December in the hatching year. The main release season of juveniles is from June to July. Consequently, released juveniles are expected to contribute to commercial landings in the release year. Analyses of catch and release statistics in two small bays estimated the yield from released individuals (YPR, yield per release) at 2.4 g for P. trituberculatus and 3.3–7.7 g for S. paramamosain, which were similar to values reported from tagging surveys. On a major regional basis, catch and release histories of P. trituberculatus highlighted the impact of hatchery releases on commercial landings as 33.6 g YPR in the Seto Inland Sea, where catches and releases have been greatest. Although the YPR estimates were different between small bays and major regional seas, Japanese stock enhancement programmes should have had an impact on portunid crab production, dependent on the magnitude of the releases.  相似文献   

New Zealand has led the world in restoration of marine fisheries since the introduction of the Quota Management System in 1986, but challenges remain in minimizing the ecosystem‐level effects of industrialized fishing. We analysed existing long‐term fisheries data sets from 1931 to 2015 in New Zealand to resolve trends in important ecological properties of major exploited fish communities. Increases in community dissimilarities of catch composition in 1931 and 1972, followed by increasing total landings, highlight major expansions of fishing grounds and exploited species during these periods. Mirroring global patterns, the remarkable rise in fishing power, demand and generation of new markets in New Zealand have all contributed to this expansion. Marine Trophic Indices (MTIs) of landings have decreased together with total catch after the year 2000, reflecting smaller catches with a higher composition of lower trophic‐level species in recent years. Differences in relative abundance of species estimated between fisheries‐dependent and fisheries‐independent data were observed, where high‐value species displayed better agreement in relative abundance between data sets. Despite being under a Quota Management System, temporal development of MTI values relative to the timing of industrial expansion of fisheries was remarkably similar to those observed in the North Sea and Brazil, with a single expansion and decline. MTI values presented better long‐term stability in the US fisheries analysed. Analysis of long‐term data and the development of well‐resolved ecological baselines will be the first step towards applying EBM to New Zealand fisheries, in keeping with global trends in fisheries management.  相似文献   

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