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Recreational fishing is a popular sport and leisure activity in many countries worldwide. There has been growing interest by recreational fishing groups and researchers in the perceived physical and psychological health and social (or ‘biopsychosocial’) benefits of recreational fishing. However, quantifying the key subjective ‘human dimensions’ of fishing that satisfy both the needs of recreational fishing groups and fishery managers is a major obstacle. We propose the use of psychometrically valid health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) measures widely used in the medical and health sciences – namely the Short‐Form Health Survey (SF‐36) – as rapid, reliable and cost‐effective instruments for quantifying HRQOL of recreational fishers. The widespread use of SF‐36 and availability of population normative data allows comparisons of the HRQOL of recreational fishers across multiple temporal and spatial scales, with participants of other activities, and the general population. The use of such measures in periodic surveys allows the biopsychosocial status of a recreational fishery's participants to be assessed using a modified Kobe plot, a graphical format that is easily interpretable and consistent with existing reporting formats used in fisheries stock assessment. Future biopsychosocial research in recreational fisheries can further benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration to develop a suite of standardized psychometrically valid and reliable instruments for assessing specific issues that commonly affect recreational fisheries from regional to international scales, such as drivers of fisher motivation, behaviour and satisfaction.  相似文献   

  • 1. Probarbus jullieni and Probarbus labeamajor are two of the largest carps in the Mekong River Basin, each reaching a maximum weight of about 70 kg. P. jullieni is listed in Appendix 1 of the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species, and both are listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the first as ‘endangered’ and the second as ‘data deficient’.
  • 2. Six years of quantitative monitoring of a large‐meshed gill net fishery for Probarbus just below the Khone Falls in Khong district, Champasak province, in southern Laos shows that 78% of the overall catch is comprised of Probarbus, with P. jullieni making up 65% of landings.
  • 3. Over the 6‐year period catches of Probarbus declined significantly. However, catch‐per‐unit effort statistics do not indicate that the fishery is in decline, although fishers are convinced that real stock reductions are a large part of the reason for catch declines and decreases in fishing effort.
  • 4. A number of ecological and social factors are affecting the number and quality of gill nets in use, the length of fishing seasons, and gill net efficiency, making it difficult to compare catch‐per‐unit effort between years.
  • 5. There has been a shift from using large‐meshed gill nets for catching Probarbus to targeting smaller species using gill nets with smaller mesh‐sizes. This is an example of the ‘fishing down’ of a Mekong fish community, in which large long‐lived species are the first to be affected by heavy fishing pressure.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fishery in the Danube River basin has been characterised over the past century by increasing fishing levels, illegal fishing practices and poor regulations. However, there is a remarkable lack of available information on the actual status of fish stocks, as well as on the trends and sustainability of fisheries, which poses a problem for the development of adequate policy and management measures. In this study, we assessed the trends in the commercial fishery in the Middle Danube in Serbia during 1969–1989 and 2006–2010 by evaluating the temporal changes in life history‐related indicators that might point out unsustainable fishing pressures. Moreover, we present the approach of using the catch‐weighted mean egg‐per‐recruit (EPR) index as a proxy for the overall resilience of fish stocks to fishing. Results indicated a marked shift towards smaller fish that mature earlier and have a shorter lifespan. Landings also shifted towards species at lower trophic levels, with a mean trophic level decline at a rate of approximately 0.16 per decade. Results indicated likely presence of the ‘fishing through the food web’ phenomenon. At the same time, catch‐weighted community mean of the 20% EPR threshold ratio (EPR20%) increased by 4.2%, indicating the increase of the overall resilience to fishing of the exploited species. Obtained results indicated the importance of using such metrics for the assessments of trends in fishery. The approach and results presented here could be of interest for the scientific community and stakeholders involved in fishery management.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity calls for networks of ‘representative’ MPAs, the effectiveness of which requires that the protected ecosystems be independent of external anthropogenic pressures. One principal pressure, fishing, severely depletes the oldest age classes of the target fish even if optimally managed. As many fishery resource species had high natural abundance and large individual sizes, while most fish show indeterminate growth and ascend the trophic pyramid as they grow, elimination of older age classes equates to removal of once‐dominant top predators. Because archetypal resource species are also migratory, that loss is transported throughout the range of the exploited populations, including into MPAs, through a lack of large migrants. The ecological implications remain uncertain in marine ecosystems, which are typically under ‘bottom‐up’ control. ‘Top‐down’ effects, such as mesopredator release, species replacement and trophic cascades, have been observed, however, meaning that elimination of top predators may affect ecosystem structure. It follows that, while exceptions doubtless exist, in general ‘representative’ MPAs should not be expected to fulfil their declared purposes, unless they are made so large as to encompass the whole migratory circuits of principal resource species – implying indefinite closure of the fisheries affected. Some compromise may be possible if MPAs were combined with fishing mortality rates far below current ‘optimal’ levels or where fishing can be concentrated on younger adults, while older fish are protected from exploitation. In any case, societies must choose between seafood production and recovery of selected marine areas to near‐pristine conditions.  相似文献   

Fishers’ economic status is hard to assess because fisheries socio‐economic data, including earnings, are often not centrally available, standardized or accessible in a form that allows scaled‐up or comparative analyses. The lack of fishing income data impedes sound management and allows biased perceptions about fishers’ status to persist. We compile data from intergovernmental and regional data sets, as well as case‐studies, on income earned from marine wild‐capture fisheries. We explore the level and distribution of fishers’ income across fisheries sectors and geographical regions, and highlight challenges in data collection and reporting. We find that fishers generally are not the poorest of the poor based on average fishing income from 89 countries, but income levels vary widely. Fishing income in the large‐scale sector is higher than the small‐scale sector by about 2.2 times, and in high‐income versus low‐income countries by almost 9 times. Boat owners and captains earned more than double that of crew and owner‐operators, while income from fisheries is greater than that from agricultural work in 63% of countries in this study. Nonetheless, incomes are below national poverty lines in 34% of the countries with data. More detailed fishing income statistics is needed for quantitative scientific research and for supporting socio‐economic policies. Key gaps to address include the lack of a centralized database for fisheries income statistics and the coarse resolution at which economic statistics are reported internationally. A first step to close the gap is to integrate socio‐economic monitoring and reporting in fisheries management.  相似文献   

Impact assessments of fishing on a stock require parameterization of vital rates: growth, mortality and recruitment. For ‘data‐poor’ stocks, vital rates may be estimated from empirical size‐based relationships or from life‐history invariants. However, a theoretical framework to synthesize these empirical relations is lacking. Here, we combine life‐history invariants, metabolic scaling and size‐spectrum theory to develop a general size‐ and trait‐based theory for demography and recruitment of exploited fish stocks. Important concepts are physiological or metabolic scaled mortalities and flux of individuals or their biomass to size. The theory is based on classic metabolic relations at the individual level and uses asymptotic size W as a trait. The theory predicts fundamental similarities and differences between small and large species in vital rates and response to fishing. The central result is that larger species have a higher egg production per recruit than small species. This means that density dependence is stronger for large than for small species and has the consequence that fisheries reference points that incorporate recruitment do not obey metabolic scaling rules. This result implies that even though small species have a higher productivity than large species their resilience towards fishing is lower than expected from metabolic scaling rules. Further, we show that the fishing mortality leading to maximum yield per recruit is an ill‐suited reference point. The theory can be used to generalize the impact of fishing across species and for making demographic and evolutionary impact assessments of fishing, particularly in data‐poor situations.  相似文献   

Increasingly, fisheries are being managed under catch quotas that are often further allocated to specific permit holders or sectors. At the same time, serious consideration is being given to the effects of discards on the health of target and non‐target species. Some quota systems have incorporated discard reduction as an objective by counting discards (including unmarketable fish) against the overall quota. The potential effect of the introduction of a quota system that includes accountability for discards on the fishing strategies employed by fishermen is enormous. This is particularly true for multispecies fisheries where healthy and depleted stocks co‐exist; resulting in a trip's catch being applied to very large and very small stock quotas simultaneously. Under such a scenario, fishermen have a strong incentive to minimize (i) catch of low‐quota or ‘choke’ stocks, (ii) regulatory discards due to minimum size limits and (iii) catch partially consumed by predators. ‘Move‐on’ rules (i.e. event‐triggered, targeted, temporary closure of part of a fishery when a catch or bycatch threshold is reached) have been employed in a variety of fisheries. However, their efficacy has been limited by a lack of empirical analyses underpinning the rules. Here, we examine the utility of spatiotemporal autocorrelation analyses to inform ‘move‐on’ rules to assist a sector of the New England Multispecies Fishery to reduce discards and maximize profits. We find the use of empirical move‐on rules could reduce catch of juvenile and choke stocks between 27 and 33%, and depredation events between 41 and 54%.  相似文献   

We present a new, intuitive approach for the representation of fisheries catches within profiles perpendicular to coast of the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) of countries, or of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). These ‘catch transects’ show where catch is extracted in the water column and near the sea bottom on plots of log‐bathymetry versus log‐distance offshore and thus allow for representation of the catch density of pelagic and benthic fisheries. Hence, they also allow direct visual comparison of the intensity of fishing through time and space. The California Current, North Sea and the South China Sea LMEs and the EEZs of Australia, Canada, Chile, China, India and Thailand are presented as examples, revealing the general intensification and extension of fishing offshore and into the depths over the decades from the 1950s. Catch transects reveal how these trends have accelerated in some areas, but surprisingly have reversed themselves in some others. It is proposed that these catch transects will be particularly useful for communicating the results of large‐scale fisheries studies to a wide spectrum of groups ranging from the fishing industry to the general public.  相似文献   

Abstract Weekly exploitation rates of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the River Utsjoki, Finland, were estimated from catch reports during the 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007 seasons, and recordings of all Atlantic salmon ascending the river using a submerged video camera array. In all years, mean weekly fishing mortality rates were significantly higher in June than July to August, with a falling trend throughout the fishing season. Owing to overlap in size between one‐sea‐winter (1SW) and multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) salmon, the estimated fishing mortality rates were based on all sea‐age categories combined. By the second week in June, 18.3–34.7% of large salmon (only MSW) had ascended, compared with 2.2–6.4% of small salmon (1SW and some MSW). Indirectly, the earlier start of ascent of large salmon to River Utsjoki indicated that in‐river fishing mortality of MSW salmon is higher than for 1SW salmon. A later opening of the fishing season may be used to reduce the in‐river fishing mortality, especially for the MSW component.  相似文献   

Global chondrichthyan (shark, ray, skate and chimaera) landings, reported to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), peaked in 2003 and in the decade since have declined by almost 20%. In the FAO's 2012 ‘State of the World's Fisheries and Aquaculture’ report, the authors ‘hoped’ the reductions in landings were partially due to management implementation rather than population decline. Here, we tested their hypothesis. Post‐peak chondrichthyan landings trajectories from 126 countries were modelled against seven indirect and direct fishing pressure measures and eleven measures of fisheries management performance, while accounting for ecosystem attributes. We found the recent improvement in international or national fisheries management was not yet strong enough to account for the recent decline in chondrichthyan landings. Instead, the landings declines were more closely related to fishing pressure and ecosystem attribute measures. Countries with the greatest declines had high human coastal population sizes or high shark and ray meat exports such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand. While important progress had been made, country‐level fisheries management measures did not yet have the strength or coverage to halt overfishing and avert population declines of chondrichthyans. Increased implementation of legally binding operational fisheries management and species‐specific reporting is urgently required to avoid declines and ensure fisheries sustainability and food security.  相似文献   

Identifying rates of change in the abundance of sea cucumbers under differing management regimes is fundamental to estimating commercial yields, identifying ecological interactions and facilitating management. Here, we review the status of sea cucumber stocks from a range of Pacific Island countries (Samoa, Tonga, Palau, Fiji and Papua New Guinea), some of which have had a moratorium on exports for up to a decade. We use a time‐series approach to look at variation in sea cucumber presence, coverage and density from survey and re‐survey data. Results give an appreciation of variation between ‘high’ status (less impacted) and depleted stocks. Survey data show marked declines in coverage and abundance as a result of artisanal fishing activity, and although species groups were not lost at a country level, local extirpation and range restriction was noted. Resilience and ‘recovery’ following cessation of fishing varied greatly, both among locations and among the species targeted. Worryingly, even after extended periods of moratorium, the density of some species was markedly low. In many cases, the densities were too low for commercial fishing, and may be at a level where the effective population size is constrained due to ‘Allee’ affects. From these results, we suggest that management regimes presently employed are generally not well aligned with the level of response to fishing mortality that can be expected from sea cucumber stocks. New adaptive, precautionary approaches to management are suggested, which would allow more timely interventions to be made, while refined information on stock dynamics is sought.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms driving fisheries production is essential if we are to accurately predict changes under climate change and exploit fish stocks in a sustainable manner. Traditionally, studies have sought to distinguish between the two most prominent drivers, ‘bottom‐up’ (resource driven) and ‘top‐down’ (consumer driven); however, this dichotomy is increasingly proving to be artificial as the relative importance of each mechanism has been shown to vary through space and time. Nevertheless, the reason why one predominates over another within a region remains largely unknown. To address this gap in understanding, we identified the dominant driver of commercial landings within 47 ecosystems, encompassing a wide range of biogeochemical conditions and fishing practices to elucidate general patterns. We show that bottom‐up and top‐down effects vary consistently with past fishing pressure and oceanographic conditions; bottom‐up control predominates within productive, overfished regions and top‐down in relatively unproductive and under‐exploited areas. We attribute these findings to differences in the species composition and oceanographic properties of regions, together with variation in fishing practices and (indicative) management effectiveness. Collectively, our analyses suggest that despite the complexity of ecological systems, it is possible to elucidate a number of generalities. Such knowledge could be used to increase the parsimony of ecosystem models and to move a step forward in predicting how the global ocean, particularly fisheries productivity, will respond to climate change.  相似文献   

In 1977, Peter Larkin published his now‐famous paper, ‘An epitaph for the concept of maximum sustained yield’. Larkin criticized the concept of single‐species maximum sustained yield (MSY) for many reasons, including the possibility that it may not guard against recruitment failure, and the impossibility of maximising sustainable yields for all species simultaneously. However, in recent years, there has been a fundamental change in the perception of the fishing mortality associated with MSY (FMSY) as a limit to be avoided rather than a target that can routinely be exceeded. The concept of FMSY as a limit is embodied in several United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) agreements and guidelines, and has now been incorporated into the US Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. As a result, the United States now requires the development of overfishing definitions based on biological reference points that treat the FMSY as a limit reference point and must also define a lower limit on biomass below which rebuilding plans with strict time horizons must be developed. This represents a major paradigm shift from the previously mandated (but often unachieved) objective to simply maintain fishing mortalities at levels below those associated with recruitment overfishing. In many cases, it requires substantial reductions in current fishing mortality levels. Therefore, the necessity of the new paradigm is continually questioned. This paper draws on examples from several fisheries, but specifically focuses on the recent US experience illustrating the practical difficulties of reducing fishing mortality to levels below those corresponding to MSY. However, several studies suggest that even more substantial reductions in fishing mortality may be necessary if ecosystem considerations, such as multispecies interactions, maintenance of biodiversity and genetic diversity, and reduction of bycatch and waste, are taken into account. The pros and cons of moving beyond single‐species assessment and management are discussed. A US plan for improving stock assessments indicates that even a ‘basic’ objective such as ‘adequate baseline monitoring of all managed species’ may be extremely costly. Thus, the suggestion of Larkin (1983, 1997) that the costs of research and management should not exceed 10–20% of the landed value of the catch may preclude comprehensive ecosystem management. More importantly, neither single‐species nor ecosystem‐based fisheries management is likely to improve appreciably unless levels of fishing capacity are aligned with resource productivity, as is currently being promoted by FAO and several individual nations.  相似文献   

Following implementation in a range of other resource sectors, a number of credit‐like systems have been proposed for fisheries. But confusion exists over what constitutes these nascent ‘fisheries credit’ systems and how they operate. Based on a review of credit systems in other sectors, this study fills this gap by defining how credit systems function and what credits add to prevailing fisheries management. In doing so, we distinguish ‘mitigation’ and ‘behavioural’ fishery credits. Mitigation credits require resource users to compensate for unsustainable catches of target species, by‐catch species or damaging practices on the marine environment by investing in conservation in a biologically equivalent habitat or resource. Behavioural credit systems incentivize fishers to gradually change their fishing behaviour to more sustainable fishing methods by rewarding them with, for instance, extra fishing effort to compensate for less efficient but more sustainable fishing methods. The choice of credit system largely depends on the characteristics of specific fisheries and the management goals agreed upon by managers, scientists and the fishing industry. The study concludes that fisheries credit systems are different but complimentary to other forms of management by focusing on ‘catchability’ or gear efficiency in addition to effort or catch quota, affecting overall economic efficiency by setting specific goals as to how fish are caught. Credit systems therefore incentivize specific management interventions that can directly improve stock sustainability, conserve habitat and endangered species, or decrease by‐catch.  相似文献   

‘Fishermen’ and the gender‐neutral ‘fishers’ are the most common terms used to describe people who fish in the English language. However, there is a considerable debate as to which term is most appropriate. In academic journals, usage of ‘fishers’ for people who fish began in the 1960s and increased over time, until in 2013 and 2014 ‘fishers’ first exceeded usage of ‘fishermen’, despite being labelled ‘archaic’ in the Oxford English Dictionary. In journal searches ‘fishermen’ unambiguously referred to people who fish, but ‘fishers’ also referred to R.A. Fisher's statistical tests (22%), the mammal, Pekania pennanti (5%), and other terms. Journal policies have played a role in the shift to ‘fishers’: e.g. Conservation Biology requires the use of ‘fishers’ while Fishery Bulletin requires ‘fishermen’. Partly as a result, in academia there are disciplinary and geographic variations, with greatest usage of ‘fishers’ in the field of conservation biology and in Australia. Surprisingly, word choice did not differ by the gender of the lead author. Many other languages also have gender‐neutral terms for people who fish (e.g. Austronesian and Turkic languages), yet the word is still assumed to refer to men. While the gender‐neutral term ‘fisher’ is more inclusive it is far from universally accepted, particularly by women and men in the North American fishing industry. The current shift towards the more inclusive term ‘fishers’ highlights the increasing disciplinary diversity within fisheries science, particularly in terms of gender.  相似文献   

Recreational fishing, whether free or at cost, has an economic value. This value was measured in five Nordic countries based on a contingent valuation mail survey. Regression models were used to identify demographic characteristics, types of fishing patterns and differences in the countries’ management regimes that can explain both actual fishing expenditure and willingness to pay for the non‐market benefits by persons participating in fishing or enjoying the benefits derived by it. Net benefit, i.e. willingness to pay over and above actual expenditure was highest amongst those fishing. In Denmark, the small number of generalist fishermen get the highest benefit. In Finland results are mixed but sports fishermen benefit on average even more than generalists. Urban sports fishing raises the highest benefit in Iceland while in Norway the benefit is more equally spread, with occasional anglers and women reaping the least. In Sweden the mean benefit is the lowest in the Nordic countries but evenly distributed among categories of fishermen. In the Nordic countries combined, nationality explains willingness to pay as being Norwegian or Finnish increases benefit and being Icelandic reduces it. The non‐use value of recreational fisheries was elicited through posing questions on willingness to pay for the preservation of the existence of current fish stocks and current quality of recreational fishing to persons participating in fishing or enjoying the benefits derived from it. For those not fishing or people in general, the power of the models to explain willingness to pay for the existence of recreational fisheries was very weak. The benefit, i.e. willingness to pay, is higher if somebody in the household fishes. Educated, young, urban, well‐off citizens also put value on the non‐use of the resource.  相似文献   

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