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This report describes the treatment of a 17-year-old American Quarter Horse gelding for an oesophageal obstruction of approximately 24 h’ duration. An intraluminal oesophageal mass resembling a phytobezoar and located close to the cardia, was observed during endoscopic examination of the oesophagus of a horse showing signs of oesophageal obstruction. An intrathoracic oesophageal diverticulum, filled with fluid, was observed about 40 cm proximal to the obstruction. The end of a nasogastric tube was guided beyond the diverticulum, using gastroscopic observation, so that its tip rested close to the obstruction. The obstruction failed to disintegrate or move into the stomach despite vigorous, prolonged lavage. With the nasogastric tube left in place, and the horse's head elevated, 0.5 L cola was administered adjacent to the obstruction through the nasogastric tube. The head was maintained in the elevated position for an hour, after which time the head was lowered and oesophageal lavage resumed. The nasogastric tube was passed into the stomach within 3 min of re-instituting lavage. The successful use of a carbonated beverage to treat human patients for oesophageal or gastrointestinal obstruction caused by a phytobezoar is well documented. Carbonated beverages have also been reported to be effective in treating horses for gastric and enteric impactions caused by persimmon seeds. Administering cola into the oesophagus may help resolve oesophageal obstruction of horses caused by a phytobezoar or impacted feed material when horses are refractory to other treatments.  相似文献   

An 18‐year‐old stallion was presented for castration because of insidious, bilateral scrotal enlargement of one year's duration. The left testis was firm, while the right was soft and lobulated; both were larger than normal. Palpation of the scrotum and its contents did not cause the horse to show signs of discomfort. Ultrasonography of scrotal contents revealed abnormal, heterogeneous tissue with ill defined regions of hyper‐ and hypoechogenity throughout both testes. Several hours after admission the horse developed severe signs of colic. On the basis of anamnesis, clinical findings, and results of ultrasonography and transrectal palpation bilateral testicular neoplasia and incarcerated inguinal hernia were tentatively diagnosed. Because the horse's owner did not consent to surgical treatment, the stallion was subjected to euthanasia. Histological and immunohistochemical examination of the testicular tissue collected post mortem revealed a seminoma in the left testis and a leiomyoma in the right testis. The post mortem examination also revealed incarceration of the small intestine in addition to the testicular tumours. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the simultaneous presence of bilateral, yet different testicular tumour types in a stallion.  相似文献   

A 5-month-old castrated male mixed-breed dog was evaluated because of lameness of the right forelimb. Physical examination revealed pain on manipulation of the right elbow joint, and radiography revealed premature closure of the distal physis of the radius with subluxation of the right elbow joint. Corrective osteotomy of the radius was performed to increase the length of the radius and establish congruity of the elbow joint. Cancellous bone was obtained from the proximal portion of the humerus and used as a graft at the osteotomy site. The dog did well after surgery. Four months after surgery, the dog again was lame on the right forelimb. Physical examination revealed instability of the right shoulder, and manipulation of that area elicited signs of pain. Radiography revealed caudomedial subluxation of the right shoulder as well as deformity of the humeral head and hypoplasia of the greater tubercle. It was presumed that these changes were associated with collection of the cancellous bone graft during the initial surgery, which resulted in premature closure of the proximal physis of the humerus. To our knowledge, this is the first report of premature closure of the proximal physis of the humerus as a result of procurement of a bone graft.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old neutered male Labrador Retriever presented to Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine for a 2-week history of seizures and altered behavior. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a homogeneously enhancing mass involving the surface of the left temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes of the brain, causing secondary hydrocephalus. Cytology samples obtained during rostrotentorial craniectomy contained abundant amorphous pink material suggestive of neuropil, scattered leukocytes, capillary fragments, large polyhedral nerve cell bodies, and other smaller cells with pale blue cytoplasm that occasionally were vacuolated and contained fine eosinophilic granules. The cytologic diagnosis was neoplasia, possibly meningioma. Ninety days after surgery the patient was euthanized after MRI results confirmed regrowth of the tumor. Histologic samples of the meningeal lesion collected at necropsy consisted of sheets and nests of loosely packed, large polygonal cells that compressed the brain parenchyma. The cytoplasm was eosinophilic and slightly granular, whereas nuclei were dense and eccentric. Neoplastic cells stained positive for S-100 protein, periodic acid-Schiff, and were partially diastase resistant. Vimentin staining was negative. Ubiquitin staining was light but diffusely positive. Ultrastructural features of the neoplastic cells included numerous secondary lysosomes and irregular pleomorphic nuclei. The final diagnosis was meningeal granular cell tumor. This case documents the cytologic and histologic features of an uncommon type of meningeal tumor.  相似文献   

Two cases of extensor process fracture of the distal phalanx in the forelimb in a Holstein bull and a lactating Holstein cow are described. Each animal showed acute onset of severe lameness with a gait characterised by lengthening of the cranial phase of the step in order to place more weight on the heel. Mild swelling and a localised pain response upon application of deep pressure above the coronet were also observed. A definitive diagnosis was made by radiography with complementary ultrasonography, which provided the best definition of the fracture fragment over the dorsal aspect of the distal interphalangeal joint. Applying a wooden block to a sound claw for three weeks was curative and provided a good prognosis in both cases.  相似文献   

Cholelithiasis is the presence of concretions in the gall bladder or bile duct. The veterinary literature is reviewed and a case reported. The subject was a seven-year-old male Schnauzer with presenting signs of depression, dehydration, pyrexia, icterus, vomiting and diarrhoea. Laboratory evaluation revealed a marked neutrophilia and elevation of SGPT and BUN. A radiopaque cholelith was seen on an abdominal X-ray. Euthanasia was requested because of the patient's poor condition. On post mortem examination, local peritonitis and abscess formation around the common bile duct were occluding the outflow of bile and causing adhesions to small and large intestine. The cholelith was analysed and was found to consist mainly of calcium bilirubinate.  相似文献   

This case report describes the clinical and diagnostic imaging findings, treatment and outcomes of a 15-day-old Thoroughbred foal referred for the evaluation of severe left hindlimb lameness of 8 days' duration. Radiographic examination of the left hindlimb and transcutaneous ultrasonographic examination of the pelvis were unremarkable. A computed tomographic (CT) examination was performed to investigate the proximal aspect of the limb and the pelvis; CT scans of the thorax were also acquired. In this case, CT images allowed detection of a closed, slightly displaced, oblique wedge-like fracture of the left caudal ramus of the pubis and medial ramus of the ischium, allowing an accurate diagnosis to guide appropriate treatment and prognostication. The foal was treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and box-rest. A follow-up by telephone interview with the trainer 3 years later revealed that the horse is in full athletic activity without any residual gait alteration related to the pelvic fracture.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Knowledge of load effects is crucial for the understanding of the aetiology and pathogenesis of equine back problems. OBJECTIVE: To investigate different load scenarios of the equine back, such as being ridden or increased muscle tone, using biomechanical simulations. METHODS: Kinetic and kinematic data of 15 sound horses and the electromyelograph of their long back muscles were recorded. A biomechanical simulation model was used for simulations under different biomechanical scenarios (ridden/unridden, localised increased stiffness) using ADAMS. RESULTS: The vertical forces acting through a rider were: walk 3.83 N/kg, trot 5.18 N/kg and gallop 5.60 N/kg. No significant changes in transversal forces were found between ridden and unridden horses. Profound changes were seen in the torques at the segment following a region of increased stiffness: in walk, lateral peak torques increased from 342 to 1723 Nm, and in trot from 393 to 1004 Nm, and dorsoventral from 386 to 3705 Nm (walk) and 458 to 4340 Nm (trot). CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The simulation shows that the stress of a rider is lower than that of pathological processes such as partial increased stiffness of the back. Study of revised models with improved anatomical realism might help to raise the plausibility of model results.  相似文献   

河北省饲料工业协会成立10年来,在中国饲料工业协会和省委、省政府的指导下,在省畜牧局的关心和帮助下,认真遵循《河北省饲料工业协会章程》,坚持“双向服务”的方针,以企业为本,以服务为宗旨,围绕行业发展和企业的要求,积极探索,大胆创新,扎实工作,取得了较好的成绩,极大地促进了河北饲料工业健康快速发展。一、发展历程1996年10月7日,河北省饲料工业协会经省民政厅批准注册登记;1996年11月6日,省编办批准成立河北省饲料工业协会秘书处,为自收自支事业单位,编制12人;1997年6月27日,河北省饲料工业协会成立大会在石家庄召开。二、主要工作(…  相似文献   

A fully age-structured deterministic model of the population biology of a pseudorabies epizootic in a farrow-to-finish operation was used to examine the disease-related change in productivity following the initial disease episode. A strategy involving continual sow vaccination was compared with various strategies involving the vaccination of growing pigs, as well as sows. The model suggests that vaccinating growing pigs, in addition to the breeding herd, results in only a relatively small improvement in long-term productivity following a pseudorabies epizootic.  相似文献   

SUMMARY To test the hypothesis that joint incongruity contributes to the pathogenesis of elbow osteochondrosis, the left and right radius and ulna of 20 young large breed dogs were measured to determine any variation in length and to observe any incongruity of the elbow joint. Both lame and normal dogs were included in the study. Nine of the 20 dogs had marked disparity in radial and ulnar lengths yet only one had obvious elbow joint incongruity. The use of a sliding osteotomy for the treatment of fragmented coronoid process and a lengthening osteotomy for the treatment of an ununited anconeal process is also discussed. All four dogs treated with a sliding osteotomy showed a marked clinical improvement, and two of the three dogs treated with a lengthening osteotomy showed radiographic fusion of the anconeal process.  相似文献   

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