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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of socio-economic status (SES) on BMI, waist:hip ratio (WHR) and waist circumference (WC) in a group of Iranian women. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 888 women in Sistan and Baluchestan Province. SES was measured using level of education. In addition, parity, marital status and physical activity were assessed. Standardized measurements were taken, BMI and WHR were calculated. RESULTS: Low education level was a strong determinant of overweight and obesity among Iranian women. After controlling for age, women with higher education level had significantly lower BMI, WC and parity. Multiple linear regression analysis found a significant negative association of BMI and WC with education level and a significant positive association of BMI and WC with parity. Significant factors associated with obesity by a logistic regression model were education level (OR for university graduates v. illiterate or low literacy levels: 1.00 v. 3.70; P = 0.01), living with spouse (OR for married v. single subjects: 1.00 v. 0.15; P = 0.05), parity (OR for more than five v. less than two pregnancies: 1.00 v. 0.34; P = 0.03) and WC (OR for < 0.88 cm v. > or = 0.88 cm: 1.00 v. 11.20; P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The present study revealed that educational level, multiple pregnancies, marital status and lack of exercise are some possible explanations for the obesity among Sistan and Baluchestan women.  相似文献   

The Agricultural Health Study (www.aghealth.org) is a cohort of 89,658 pesticide applicators and their spouses from Iowa and North Carolina assembled between 1993 and 1997 to evaluate riskfactorsfor disease in ruralfarm populations. This prospective study is just now reaching sufficient maturity for analysis of many disease endpoints. Nonetheless, several analyses have already provided interesting and important leads regarding disease patterns in agricultural populations and etiologic clues for the general population. Compared to the mortality experience of the general population in the two states (adjusted for race, gender, age and calendar time), the cohort experienced a very low mortality rate overall and for many specific causes and a low rate of overall cancer incidence. A few cancers, however, appear elevated, including multiple myeloma and cancers of the lip, gallbladder, ovary, prostate, and thyroid, but numbers are small for many cancers. A study of prostate cancer found associations with exposure to several pesticides, particularly among individuals with a family history of prostate cancer. Links to pesticides and other agricultural factors have been found for injuries, retinal degeneration, and respiratory wheeze. Methodological studies have determined that information collected by interview is unbiased and reliable. A third round of interviews scheduled to begin in 2005 will collect additional information on agricultural exposures and health outcomes. The study can provide data to address many health issues in the agricultural community. The study investigators welcome collaboration with interested scientists.  相似文献   

Significant resources are devoted to conducting farm safety day camps throughout North America, but the impact and effectiveness of these programs has not been systematically demonstrated. This project assessed changes in safety-related knowledge and behaviors among participants in the Progressive Farmer Farm Safety Day Camp program. A written pre-test and a three-month telephone post-test were administered to three samples of participants, ages 8 to 13, in camps held in 1999, 2000, and 2001. A sample of 20 to 30 camps was included in each year of the study, with a total sample of 1,780 participants for all three years. The pre-test and post-test contained questions related to first aid and to safety around animals, ATVs, farm equipment, flowing grains, and tractors. Three scores were computed from responses to 20 knowledge and behavior items. A knowledge score indicated the number of 8 knowledge items answered correctly, a behavior risk score indicated the amount of risk exposure for the child based on 8 behavior items, and an ATV safety gear risk score indicated, for those who rode ATVs, the level of risk due to lack of proper safety gear (4 items). From pre-test to post-test, there was an increase in knowledge scores and a decrease in behavior risk scores and ATV safety gear risk scores. These changes were consistent both for males and females, for farm residents and non-farm residents, and across all ages in the sample. These results support claims for the effectiveness of farm safety day camps for increasing knowledge and improving safe practices among camp participants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: BMI and waist circumference (WC) are used to screen for cardio-metabolic risk; however it is unclear how well these indices perform in populations subject to childhood stunting. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate BMI and WC as indicators of cardio-metabolic risk and to determine optimal cut-off points among 1325 Guatemalan adults (44 % stunted: 162 cm men). METHODS: Cardio-metabolic risk factors were systolic/diastolic blood pressure 85 mmHg, glucose 5 mmol/l, TAG 7 mmol/l, ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol 0, and the presence of two or more and three or more of the preceding risk factors. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used. RESULTS: Areas under the ROC curve were in the range of 005978 for WC among men and 006472 among women, respectively. Optimal cut-off points for BMI were 242651 kg/m2 stunted; 242656 kg/m2 among women (262769 kg/m2 non-stunted). Optimal cut-off points for WC were 879134 cm stunted; 889333 cm among women (909486 cm non-stunted).ConclusionOptimal cut-off points for BMI were slightly higher among women than men with no meaningful differences by stature. Optimal cut-off points for WC were several centimetres lower for stunted compared with non-stunted men, and both were substantially lower than the current recommendations among Western populations. Cut-off points derived from Western populations may not be appropriate for developing countries with a high prevalence of stunting.  相似文献   

The consumption of pomegranate juice (PJ), a rich source of antioxidant polyphenols, has grown tremendously due to its reported health benefits. Pomegranate extracts, which incorporate the major antioxidants found in pomegranates, namely, ellagitannins, have been developed as botanical dietary supplements to provide an alternative convenient form for consuming the bioactive polyphenols found in PJ. Despite the commercial availability of pomegranate extract dietary supplements, there have been no studies evaluating their safety in human subjects. A pomegranate ellagitannin-enriched polyphenol extract (POMx) was prepared for dietary supplement use and evaluated in two pilot clinical studies. Study 1 was designed for safety assessment in 64 overweight individuals with increased waist size. The subjects consumed either one or two POMx capsules per day providing 710 mg (435 mg of gallic acid equivalents, GAEs) or 1420 mg (870 mg of GAEs) of extracts, respectively, and placebo (0 mg of GAEs). Safety laboratory determinations, including complete blood count (CBC), chemistry, and urinalysis, were made at each of three visits. Study 2 was designed for antioxidant activity assessment in 22 overweight subjects by administration of two POMx capsules per day providing 1000 mg (610 mg of GAEs) of extract versus baseline measurements. Measurement of antioxidant activity as evidenced by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in plasma were measured before and after POMx supplementation. There was evidence of antioxidant activity through a significant reduction in TBARS linked with cardiovascular disease risk. There were no serious adverse events in any subject studied at either site. These studies demonstrate the safety of a pomegranate ellagitannin-enriched polyphenol dietary supplement in humans and provide evidence of antioxidant activity in humans.  相似文献   

The determination of the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) pattern of soil organisms has become one of the most commonly used methods to study microbial community structure. Here we recapitulate the background of our work applying the PLFA method to soil in the early 1990s. We also stress that although the PLFA method was, and still is, a rapid and sensitive method to detect changes in the microbial community in soil, as with all popular methods it can be misused. We discuss problems in PLFA interpretation, the extent of turn-over of PLFAs in soil, and the flawed use of diversity indices to evaluate PLFA patterns.  相似文献   

Microbial population and bioactive amine profile and levels of two lupin species (Lupinus luteus L. cv. 4492 and Lupinus angustifolius L. var. zapaton) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds as affected by germination were investigated. Microbial population increased considerably mainly in the first stage of germination (2 days), then small changes in bacterial numbers were observed up to 5 days to levels between 7.8 and 8.9 log colony-forming units/g. Microorganisms belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family were dominant for the legumes tested. Ungerminated legume seeds contained putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, spermidine, and spermine. Bioactive amine levels found in fenugreek seeds were between 3- and 4-fold higher than those found in lupin seeds. The highest total amine levels were found in fenugreek seeds [162 mg/kg of dry weight (dw)], followed by L. angustifolius var. zapaton seeds (84 mg/kg of dw) and, finally, L. luteus cv. 4492 (46 mg/kg of dw) seeds. The concentration of individual amines showed a gradual rising trend during the germination period in all tested sprouts, reaching levels >3 times higher than those found in ungerminated seeds. After 5 days of germination, the fenugreek sprouts contained the highest amount of total bioactive amines. Tyramine was the predominant amine in both lupin varieties, whereas cadaverine was the main bioactive amine detected in fenugreek. The results of this work thus indicated that microbial population and biogenic amine levels in the studied lupin and fenugreek sprouts are not a risk for healthy consumers or for individuals with restricted activity of detoxification enzymes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study changes in lifestyle in relation to changes in body weight and waist circumference associated with occupational retirement in men. DESIGN: A prospective cohort study with 5 years of follow-up. At baseline and at follow-up, questionnaires were completed and body weight and waist circumference were measured. SETTING: The Doetinchem Cohort Study, consisting of inhabitants of Doetinchem, a town in a rural area of The Netherlands.Subjects: In total 288 healthy men aged 50-65 years at baseline, who either remained employed or retired over follow-up. RESULTS: The effect of retirement on changes in weight and waist circumference was dependent on type of former occupation. Increase in body weight and waist circumference was higher among men who retired from active jobs (0.42 kg year(-1) and 0.77 cm year(-1), respectively) than among men who retired from sedentary jobs (0.08 kg year(-1) and 0.23 cm year(-1), respectively). Weight gain and increase in waist circumference were associated with a decrease in fruit consumption and fibre density of the diet, with an increase in frequency of eating breakfast, and with a decrease in several physical activities, such as household activities, bicycling, walking and doing odd jobs. CONCLUSION: Retirement was associated with an increase in weight and waist circumference among those with former active jobs, but not among those with former sedentary jobs. Retirement may bring opportunities for healthy changes in diet and physical activity, which could be used in health promotion programmes.  相似文献   

GPS应用于水土保持监测的精度测试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对 7种GPS接收机进行现场对比试验表明 ,进口设备与国产设备在高差、周长、面积、经纬度等方面的快速静态测量结果没有明显差异 ,其精度、抗干扰与稳定性方面均可满足水土保持监测的需要 ,但软件需进一步改进。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Recent research on access to food among low-income populations in industrialised countries has begun to focus on neighbourhood food availability as a key determinant of dietary behaviour. This study examined the relationship between various measures of food store access and household fruit and vegetable use among participants in the Food Stamp Program, America's largest domestic food assistance programme. DESIGN: A secondary data analysis was conducted using the 1996-97 National Food Stamp Program Survey. The survey employed a 1-week food inventory method, including two at-home interviews, to determine household food use. Separate linear regression models were developed to analyse fruit and vegetable use. Independent variables included distance to store, travel time to store, ownership of a car and difficulty of supermarket access. All models controlled for a full set of socio-economic variables. SUBJECTS: A nationally representative sample of participants (n=963) in the Food Stamp Program. RESULTS: After controlling for confounding variables, easy access to supermarket shopping was associated with increased household use of fruits (84 grams per adult equivalent per day; 95% confidence interval 5, 162). Distance from home to food store was inversely associated with fruit use by households. Similar patterns were seen with vegetable use, though associations were not significant. CONCLUSIONS: Environmental factors are importantly related to dietary choice in a nationally representative sample of low-income households, reinforcing the importance of including such factors in interventions that seek to effect dietary improvements.  相似文献   

Analysing repeated measurements in soil monitoring and experimentation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Field monitoring, leaching studies, and experimentation in soil biology are often now being done non‐destructively using fixed installations so that measurements are made repeatedly on the same units. The resulting data for each unit (suction cup, lysimeter, incubation chamber) constitute a time series in which there may be autocorrelation. The usual methods of statistical analysis, such as the analysis of variance, must be modified or replaced by more suitable ones to take account of the possible correlation. This paper describes the split‐plot design of such experiments, shows how to assess the variance–covariance matrix of residuals for uniformity by the Greenhouse–Geisser statistic, and shows how to use this statistic to adjust the degrees of freedom in a formal test of significance. It also describes more recent methods. Ante‐dependence analysis identifies the extent of the temporal correlation in the data and provides approximate significance tests for the treatments. Alternatively, the paper also shows how the traditional analysis of variance may be replaced by a restricted maximum likelihood analysis which gives Wald statistics. The techniques are illustrated with data on CO2 evolved from soil incubated for 75 days in closed chambers, during which time the gas was measured on 24 occasions to give time series for three replicates of each combination of two soils (limed and unlimed) and three types of ryegrass amendment. An ante‐dependence structure (extending to ninth order) weakened the usual significance test within the subunit stratum. The Wald statistics showed that there was, nevertheless, a strong interaction between the treatments and time.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of throughfall and stemflow in Amazonian tropical rainforest is analysed. Statistical tests are used to assess the minimum sampling size and number of gauges required. Random relocation of throughfall gauges is shown to be better than fixed position gauges and random relocation of gauges on a transect line is better than over an area. During the study period, throughfall and stemflow, calculated as percentages of gross rainfall, were 91(± 2) and 1.8(± 1)%, respectively. No attempt was made in this study to investigate storm size dependency of these figures.  相似文献   

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