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鹿茸是梅花鹿、马鹿等的嫩角,每年周期性地生长、骨化与脱落,在其尚未骨化时收获。鲜鹿茸富含蛋白质与水分,收获鹿茸时又时值盛夏,如不及时加工处理就会腐败变质,由珍品变成废物。最先应用鹿茸的是中国人,鹿茸的加工技术也是中国人创造的。原始的鹿茸加工是用火烤、太阳晒,近百年才形成现在这样的反复水煮、烘烤和风干相结合的传统鹿茸加工技术。随着科学的发展,今天的鹿茸加工技术又有新的进展,但大都是在传统加工技术基础上的创新,而冻干茸、保鲜茸则与传统加工技术有显著不同。鹿茸加工的目的主要是通过脱水而使其干燥,干燥物体是很容易…  相似文献   

正1鹿茸定义雄鹿没有骨化、带茸毛的嫩角叫鹿茸。由于品种不同,分为花鹿茸(黄毛茸)和马鹿茸(青毛茸)两种;根据采收标准不同及枝杈多少老嫩不同,又可分为二杠茸、三杈茸、四杈茸等。2回水鹿茸经过第一次煮炸加工,以后每次的煮炸统称为回水。3煮头为了使因干燥而萎缩的茸头保持原形饱满,鹿茸加工至七八成干时,将茸头入水煮1~2min,然后风干使茸头能均匀收缩,避免空头、瘪头。4顶头整型  相似文献   

1 带血马鹿茸加工原理加工带血茸主要是锯茸经过鲜茸处理,密封锯口,多次连续水煮、烘烤、煮头、风干等工艺过程,使茸体内绝大部分水分通过茸皮渗透作用快速散失。使鹿茸血色素和干物质全部保留,均匀分布在茸体内。色泽鲜红、无臭味,获得干燥、符合国家要求的成品带血茸。2 带血锯茸的加工方法2.1 锯茸后鲜茸的处理 2.1.1 封锯口:锯茸后锯口向上立放,勿使茸内血液流失。锯茸过程流淌出的血液要收集在放有少量枸缘酸钠的容器内、防止凝固。然后将茸和散血一块送到鹿茸加工室。并快速在茸体锯口撒上一层厚2毫米的干面(或涂蛋清面),面粉…  相似文献   

1 鹿茸的种类 鹿茸的种类因茸鹿的种类、收茸方式、加工方式或茸形的差异,可分成多种类型与规格.按鹿的种类可分成梅花鹿茸、马鹿茸、白唇鹿茸、水鹿茸等;按茸形,梅花鹿可分三权茸和二杠茸,马鹿茸可分为莲花茸、三权茸和四权茸;按收茸方式可分为锯茸和砍头茸;按加工方式可分为排血茸和带血茸;另外还分头茬茸、再生茸、初角茸等.  相似文献   

正鹿茸的锯取与加工是养鹿生产的最后一个环节,也是最重要的一个环节。鹿茸的等级与价格一方面看它的长势,另一方面还在于加工。加工技术好等级高价格就好,如果加工技术不过关,就会功亏一篑。因此各养鹿场为了获取更高的经济利益,都在不断摸索改进鹿茸加工技术。下面是我在马兰鹿场见到的鹿茸锯取与加工技术报告。1锯茸1.1锯茸前的准备工作A:一般锯茸都选在天气比较凉爽的早晨或下午进行。对要锯茸的鹿  相似文献   

一、收茸前的准备工作1.人员准备专业养鹿场一般由负责生产的副场长、茸加工队队长、鹿队队长、技术员、有经验加工人员共同组成收茸验茸小组,每天对场内鹿茸生长情况进行观察,以便适时收茸。2.设备、物品准备采用机械保定法收茸的场(户)要对场内的半自动夹板式保定器(吊圈)进行全面检修。备好锯茸锯、麻醉药、止血药、鹿茸加工人员技术培训工作及加工鹿茸所需设备。3.掌握收茸准确时机收茸规格要根据市场需求信息决定,同时又要考虑茸产量,二杠茸价格贵,但产量低;三杈茸虽价格低于二杠茸、但产量高,故收茸时在考虑市场需求…  相似文献   

<正>1鹿茸交易量和价格保持稳定【市场概述】近日,国内鹿产品市场热度稍有回温,但是交易量和交易价格保持不变。较上期,梅花鹿茸二杠一等鲜茸交易价格和梅花鹿茸二杠二等鲜茸价格基本稳定。马鹿茸一等鲜茸和马鹿茸二等鲜茸价格波动也  相似文献   

建立考马斯亮蓝显色法(Bradford法)测定梅花鹿茸水溶性蛋白质含量的方法,研究鹿茸不同规格和部位水溶性蛋白含量的变化;比较干燥和超微粉碎加工法对梅花鹿茸水溶性蛋白含量的影响。采用建立的Bradford检测法,以水溶性蛋白含量为指标,对梅花鹿茸的浸提方法,超声波次数,超声波方式进行比较选择,确定最佳浸提条件为0.1 g的鹿茸粉,加入pH 7.4的PBS(0.01 mol/L)4 mL,37℃浸提30 min,4℃冷浸24 h,超声波130 W 4 min处理3次,4℃,6 800 r/min离心8 min。结果表明:梅花鹿茸二杠茸水溶性蛋白为59.275~648.225μg/mL,梅花鹿三杈茸水溶性蛋白为55.878~683.721μg/mL。二杠茸高于三杈茸;烘干二杠茸不同部位的含量变化为粉片高于蜡片,腊片高于纱片和骨片,纱片和骨片相近;冻干茸高于烘干茸;3种超微粉碎鹿茸间水溶性蛋白含量差异不显著。  相似文献   

正鹿茸是从雄鹿额部长出来的未骨化的嫩角,可发挥补肾壮阳、强劲筋骨、补气补血等多种药理作用。近代科研结果显示,鹿茸还具有加速新陈代谢及提高免疫力等作用,是一种非常名贵的中草药。作为养殖过程中的关键技术环节,鹿茸的采收与加工直接影响着养鹿业的经济效益,因此必须引起高度重视。1鹿茸的采收方法与采收时间采收方法通常分为锯茸和砍茸。锯茸:通常雄鹿在生长至3岁时即可锯茸,每年采收1次或2次。若采收1次,则在7月左  相似文献   

改革开放二十年来,我国养鹿业得到了很大的发展。鹿茸是我国传统出口商品,随着市场经济的发展,中国即将加入世贸组织(WTO),无论国内与国际市场,鹿茸产品将会迎来竞争和挑战,都将会对鹿茸及产品质量提出更高的要求,我们应利用好资源优势,生产、加工出优质鹿茸占领市场,获得最佳经济效益,促进我国养鹿业健康发展。1收茸前的准备1.1建立收茸小组由领导或业主、技术员、饲养员组成。加强观察鹿茸生长情况,其中包括鹿脱盘后生长的时间、老嫩程度、枝杈形状,按国家商品规格,确定收茸时间适时收茸。1.2物资准备维修好吊圈…  相似文献   

半乳糖凝集素1蛋白及其生物学功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半乳糖凝集素1(Galectin-1)是一种分子质量约为14 ku的β-糖结合蛋白,是动物凝集素家族的成员之一。作为多种癌症的诊断指标,治疗癌症的新突破口,对Galectin-1的研究备受关注。此外,Galectin-1分布广泛,与多种正常生物功能相关,如细胞生长、神经修复、血管再生、软骨形成等。现阶段,关于Galectin-1在鹿茸再生中的研究很少,但鹿茸再生中许多过程与Galectin-1的功能高度相关。与肿瘤同样高速生长且高表达Galectin-1的鹿茸组织并不发生癌变,这可能对癌症的研究有所启发。为了寻找治疗癌症的新方法,解释鹿茸再生机制,了解Galectin-1蛋白在肿瘤和鹿茸中的功能研究进展至关重要,文章就其进行了综述。  相似文献   

鹿茸是雄性鹿科动物(除驯鹿外)特有的能够周期性再生的器官,其生长发育受到多种因素的共同调控。miRNA(microRNA)是一类在真核生物中发现的内源性的具有调控功能的非编码RNA,在基因表达调控、细胞周期、生物体发育等方面发挥着重要的调控作用。本文从miRNA的相关技术、鹿茸组织中miRNA的鉴定、miRNA对生长因子的调控作用、miRNA对鹿茸细胞增殖的作用以及miRNA对鹿茸再生调控的研究几个方面就现有miRNA对鹿茸生长发育的研究进行总结和展望,为今后鹿茸生长发育机理的诠释具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of various routes of administration and doses of local anaesthetic (LA) to provide analgesia of the velvet antler of adult stags.

Methods: In Experiment 1, antlers from 50 red deer stags, ≥2-years-old were allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n = 25 antlers/group) to receive injections with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride as follows: High-dose (1 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or Low-dose ring-block (0.4 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or; High-site or Low-site regional nerve block (5 ml per site, both of which included the auriculopalpebral nerve). An electrical stimulus was applied before application of LA and then each min for up to 4 min after LA injection. If no response was observed, analgesia was tested with a saw cut. If no response occurred, the antler was cut at that time. If the animal responded, a further wait time was applied until 4 min had elapsed, at which time observations ceased. In Experiment 2, 10 primary and 50 re-growth antlers were given a High-dose ring-block and tested with a saw cut after 1 min (n = 30) or 2 min (n = 30). If no response occurred, the antler was removed. If a response occurred, further 1-min wait periods were applied.

Results: In the High-dose ring-block and High-site nerve-block groups, 24/25 and 21/25 antlers were removed without response by 2 min, compared with 20/25 and 15/25 antlers in the Low-dose ring-block and Low-site nerve-block groups, respectively. The High-dose ring-block provided more effective analgesia after 3 min than the Low-dose ringblock, as assessed by the number of stags that did not respond to the electrical stimulus (p = 0.008), or subsequent antler removal (p = 0.050). The numbers of antlers removed without response after 1 or 2 min were greater using the High-site nerve-block than the Low-site nerve-block (p = 0.002 and p = 0.037, respectively). In all but the High-dose ring-block group, at least 1 stag required further LA after 4 min, before antler could be humanely removed. In Experiment 2, stags reacted to a saw-cut test on 6/30 antlers, 1 min after a High-dose ring-block, compared with 1/30 antlers after 2 min (p = 0.051).

Conclusion: The High-dose ring-block produced the most effective and rapid analgesia.

Clinical relevance: A High-dose ring-block with a 2-min wait period should be the preferred method for achieving local analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of various routes of administration and doses of local anaesthetic (LA) to provide analgesia of the velvet antler of adult stags. METHODS: In Experiment 1, antlers from 50 red deer stags, >or=2-years-old were allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n = 25 antlers/group) to receive injections with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride as follows: High-dose (1 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or Low-dose ring-block (0.4 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or; High-site or Low-site regional nerve block (5 ml per site, both of which included the auriculopalpebral nerve). An electrical stimulus was applied before application of LA and then each min for up to 4 min after LA injection. If no response was observed, analgesia was tested with a saw cut. If no response occurred, the antler was cut at that time. If the animal responded, a further wait time was applied until 4 min had elapsed, at which time observations ceased. In Experiment 2, 10 primary and 50 re-growth antlers were given a High-dose ring-block and tested with a saw cut after 1 min (n = 30) or 2 min (n = 30). If no response occurred, the antler was removed. If a response occurred, further 1-min wait periods were applied. RESULTS: In the High-dose ring-block and High-site nerve-block groups, 24/25 and 21/25 antlers were removed without response by 2 min, compared with 20/25 and 15/25 antlers in the Low-dose ring-block and Low-site nerve-block groups, respectively. The High-dose ring-block provided more effective analgesia after 3 min than the Low-dose ring-block, as assessed by the number of stags that did not respond to the electrical stimulus (p = 0.008), or subsequent antler removal (p = 0.050). The numbers of antlers removed without response after 1 or 2 min were greater using the High-site nerve-block than the Low-site nerve-block (p = 0.002 and p = 0.037, respectively). In all but the High-dose ring-block group, at least 1 stag required further LA after 4 min, before antler could be humanely removed. In Experiment 2, stags reacted to a saw-cut test on 6/30 antlers, 1 min after a High-dose ring-block, compared with 1/30 antlers after 2 min (p = 0.051). CONCLUSION: The High-dose ring-block produced the most effective and rapid analgesia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A High-dose ring-block with a 2-min wait period should be the preferred method for achieving local analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

鹿茸角是哺乳动物唯一的失去后还能完全再生的器官,人们对鹿茸角再生的分子机理了解甚少。本试验以梅花鹿为研究对象,通过原位杂交方法对Bcl-2在梅花鹿茸角中的表达进行了研究。结果显示,Bcl-2在梅花鹿茸角表皮层内表达甚微,在茸角真皮层、间充质层及软骨层等处均有表达,但在表达强度上存在一定差异。在真皮层中,Bcl-2在真皮成纤维细胞中有较强的表达,在鹿茸间充质细胞中也有少量Bcl-2的表达;在鹿茸软骨层中,Bcl-2在软骨细胞中的表达量很高,主要表达在增殖区的软骨细胞中。这表明Bcl-2可能在梅花鹿茸角再生过程中起重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

为达到更好的锯茸止血效果,对梅花鹿锯茸时出血特点及锯茸止血药物应用效果进行了观察:收取初角茸时呈渗出状出血;收取二杠茸时呈线状出血;收取三杈茸和畸型茸时呈喷射状出血,并且有节律地进行搏动。出血量随着鹿茸的产量和茸根围度的增加而增多,但是当收取茸根围度为(20.3±0.6)cm的畸型茸时却不存在这种明显的相关关系。同一茸型不同年龄的鹿,因茸重、茸根围度的不同出血亦有差别。根据鹿茸的组织结构、生长规律和梅花鹿生理特点,选用由中药组成的外用锯茸止血药方剂,通过锯茸止血试验,结果表明,该锯茸止血药无刺激性,止血快,抗感染能力强,创面愈合良好,对再生茸产量没有明显影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

为比较大、小兴安岭驼鹿角型的差异,统计分析了二者自然脱落的干角1 0 0 0余只,结果表明,除2杈和3杈角型基本一致外,4杈以上形状变化较大。主要表现在:大兴安岭所产驼鹿角的分杈数比小兴安岭所产驼鹿角分杈数多。大兴安岭所产驼鹿角分杈数可达9杈,而小兴安岭驼鹿角分杈数最多为6杈;大兴安岭驼鹿角4杈以上为掌状,属“掌型”,而小兴安岭驼鹿角4杈以上绝大多数为“杈型”;大小兴安岭驼鹿角各种分杈所占比例不同。大兴安岭驼鹿的4杈角最多,而小兴安岭驼鹿的3杈角最多;对于分杈数相同的驼鹿角,大兴安岭产驼鹿角的掌状面积、最大角长和重量都大于小兴安岭驼鹿角;而大兴安岭驼鹿角的角基直径却小于小兴安岭驼鹿角  相似文献   

Lactation appears to be an influential factor for the adult size of male deer and thus, it could also influence the size of the antlers. This study examined the effects of lactation on body weight and antler size of male Iberian red deer up to 2 years of age. Several body and antler measurements were related to the production and composition of milk and calf growth during lactation. Results showed that calf weight gains during lactation affected body weight and other parameters of calves at 1 year of age, and there is evidence that, even in ad libitum food conditions during post weaning period, some lactation effects could extend up to 2 years of age. High percentage of milk protein resulted in increased antler weight or length. Results also suggested that body growth during this early stage might affect antler size positively through growth precocity. Thus, males that reached a higher weight at weaning also developed antlers earlier. Antlers that developed earlier were also heavier and had a greater base perimeter.  相似文献   

以梅花鹿为研究对象,通过原位杂交方法对细胞周期蛋白D1(cyclin D1)在梅花鹿茸角中的表达进行了研究。结果显示,cyclin D1在梅花鹿茸角表皮层内表达极少,在茸角真皮层、间充质层及软骨层等处均有表达,但在表达强度上存在差异。在真皮层中,cyclin D1在真皮成纤维细胞中有较强的表达,在鹿茸间充质细胞中也有少量cyclin D1的表达,在鹿茸软骨层中,cyclin D1在软骨细胞中的表达量非常高,主要表达在增殖区的软骨细胞中。结果表明,cyclin D1可能在梅花鹿茸角再生过程中起重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

4种东北梅花鹿茸片总糖与水溶性蛋白的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨东北梅花鹿茸片的内在质量差异,选取10支东北梅花鹿茸,切片时分腊片、粉片、纱片和骨片进行取样,对其总糖和水溶性蛋白进行分析。结果表明,东北梅花鹿茸腊片、粉片、纱片和骨片的水溶性蛋白含量分别为4.97%、3.95%、2.55%、1.59%,总糖含量分别为3.21%、2.21%、1.04%、0.49%,4种茸片之间差异极显著(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

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