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中国古代土壤分类简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是世界科学文化发达最早的国家之一,农业生产起源很早,有着悠久的历史。历代发展经济的方针,是以农业为基础。作为农业基本生产资料的土壤,早就为人们所重视。《管子》指出:“地者,政之本也,辨于土而民可富”;“五谷不宜其地,国之贫也”。远古以来,我国的农业科学技术,是以土壤科学为中心。数千年来,我国劳动人民在辽阔的土地上耕种生息,创造和积累了极其丰富的经验。建立在劳动人民丰富的实践经验基础上的我国古代土壤科学,造诣很深,是一丰硕的土壤科学宝库。  相似文献   

陕西关中地区塿土在系统分类中的归属   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
闫湘  常庆瑞  潘靖平 《土壤》2004,36(3):318-322,330
本文对采自关中地区的6个塿土剖面进行了理化性质分析,根据《中国土壤系统分类(修订方案)》确定了它们的诊断层、诊断特性及在中国土壤系统分类中的归属。最后就塿土在中国系统分类中存在的堆垫表层诊断指标问题和土垫旱耕人为土亚类的划分问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The development of soil classification as a basis for soil mapping in England and Wales is briefly reviewed, and a system for future use is described. The things classified are soil profiles, and classes are defined by relatively permanent characteristics that can be observed or measured in the field, or inferred within limits from field examination by comparison with analysed samples. Profile classes are defined at four categorical levels by progressive division, and are termed major groups, groups, subgroups, and soil series respectively. Classes in the three higher categories are defined partly by the composition of the soil material and partly by the presence or absence of particular diagnostic horizons, or evidence of recent alluvial origin, within specified depths. Soil series are distinguished by other characteristics, chiefly lithologic, not differentiating in higher categories. Most of the soil groups, regarded as the principal category above the soil series, are closely paralleled in other European systems, in the U.S.D.A. system (7th Approximation with subsequent amendments), or in both. Compared with the system used hitherto, the main innovations are the use of specific soil properties to define classes at all categorical levels, and the separation at group level of classes based primarily on inherited lithologic characteristics. The soil-profile classification provides a uniform basis for identifying soil map units, considered as classes of delineated soil bodies. When a map unit is identified by the name of a profile class, it is implied that most of the soil in each delineation conforms to that class, and that unconforming inclusions belong to one or more closely related classes or occupy an insignificant proportionate area. Map units identified by land attributes not differentiating in the profile classification are termed phases.  相似文献   

吴豪翔  王人潮 《土壤学报》1991,28(2):177-185
本文研究了我国南方山地丘陵的砖红壤、红壤、黄壤、水稻土和紫色土等的光谱特征,对这些土壤的360-2500nm光谱反射率进行了定量分析,从心土层土壤光谱反射率中选出10个光谱指标,能有效地区分我国南方山地丘陵的主要土壤类型,它可作为土壤发生分类研究的光谱定量指标。  相似文献   

A major problem in soil classification for soil survey is the lack, or uncertainty, of correspondence between mapping units in different localities. The problem is examined using multivariate soil data recorded at short regular intervals along transects in Oxfordshire and Aberdeenshire. The data for each transect were transformed to canonical variates, the first two of which were then used to locate soil boundaries and to show the relationships among the sampling points in that projection of the character space. With few exceptions, the sampling points in adjacent segments on all three transects lay in different parts of the canonical variate (CV) plane, showing that the boundaries were well defined. On the transect near Witney, Oxfordshire, distant segments either occupied distinct parts of the CV plane, or were superimposed on it. For the other two transects the portions of the CV plane occupied by some segments overlapped only partially the space occupied by one or more other segments that were not contiguous on the transects. The results show that on two of the three examples, lack of correspondence between mapping classes in different localities is already present in small tracts of country.  相似文献   

黄土区土壤侵蚀的分类   总被引:75,自引:1,他引:75  
朱显谟 《土壤学报》1956,4(2):99-115
近年来作者从事根治黄河工作中有关土壤侵蚀的调查研究,由于业务水平的限制和工作地区的特殊性,因此在整个工作进程中会经不断地遭受因难和走了不少弯路。今总结以往经验,初步认为有关土壤侵蚀调查的工作缺乏二个重要条件:(1)一个比较  相似文献   

南疆平原典型荒漠样区耕种土壤基层分类的探讨   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
关欣  张凤荣  李巧云  钟骏平 《土壤》2003,35(1):53-57,72
本文分析了南疆西部莎车县和东部哈密县荒漠样区的成土条件, 探讨了典型荒漠样区耕种土壤的系统分类,特别是基层分类,根据南疆荒漠区耕种土壤的实际情况,结合11个剖面,讨论了土族和土系的划分依据和指标,描述了各土系的生产特性。  相似文献   

海南岛土壤粘粒矿物特征与土壤系统分类   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了海南岛不同母质土壤的粘粒矿物特征:都含有较多的高岭石,其中玄武岩发育土壤粘粒中高岭石最多,但其结晶最差。片岩和紫色砂岩发育土壤含相当多的水云母,粘粒部分水云母含量高达40%~45%,石灰岩发育土壤水云母含量亦较高,达20%~37%,此类水云母属二八面体型的水化白云母。玄武岩和花岗岩发育的“湿润”土壤粘粒中针铁矿与赤铁矿的含量之比为(3~4):1,而花岗岩发育的“常湿”土壤粘粒中只有针铁矿,不见赤铁矿存在,证明土壤中氧化铁矿物的类型是土壤湿润状况的反应,在中国土壤系统分类中可以用来区分“湿润”和“常湿”土壤的一个指标。  相似文献   

论土种单元的划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国土壤基层分类的研究尚属薄弱环节.解放前,土壤基层分类采用美国的土系制;解放初期采用苏联的土种制和连续命名法;1958年全国第一次土壤普查中,改用农民习用的土壤名称,独立命名,一直沿用至今,而未对这些命名加以系统提炼和整理,对土壤基层分类缺乏明确的原则和标准.  相似文献   

我国长江以南的亚热带地区,多红壤分布,其中以第四纪红色粘土发育的红壤最为常见,均为主要垦殖对象。有的红壤垦殖利用情况良好,开垦后,土壤性质逐渐变好,得到稳定耕种;但是有的红壤利用很差,开垦两三年后,作物产量减低;有的红壤甚至连马尾松都长不好。红壤肥力的差别,显然受到红壤本身性状的影响,这些不同的土壤性状只有从土壤基层分类单元,才可区别出来。本文拟根据作者等在浙江金衡盆地九攀农中-带土壤详测所获得的部分结果,对本地区红壤的特性及其基层分类问题,作初步讨论。  相似文献   

浙江省石灰土光谱特征及其自动识别分类技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过石灰土专题调查,室内土壤光谱测定及其特定及其特征分析,并在此基础上进行土壤光谱自动识别分类方法的对比试验。明确了浙江省石灰土的四个土类,六个土属的光谱特征分异规律;提出了一种参数少,运算量小,精度高的光谱自动识别新方法-分层提取判别法。  相似文献   

Definitions of natural classification are given which emphasize the importance of theory and concept in the construction of natural systems. The proposed system is based on two principles of soil formation. The first principle emphasizes the three-dimensional nature of soil bodies. The second principle, known as the Principle of Developmental Sequences, is concerned with stages of soil development. The many developmental sequences identified by pedologists are correlated by means of a small number of constituents which are lost and gained during soil formation. These constituents, in an order of eluviation/illuviation, are used to rank the properties on which the proposed system is based. Soil horizons are defined according to the ranked properties and the classes of the system are, in turn, defined in terms of the horizons, with the result that the central statement of the system is the Principle of Developmental Sequences.  相似文献   

龚子同 《土壤学报》1979,16(2):85-93
耕性的含义有二,一是单指土壤耕作性能,即土壤对于农机具的反应,如耕作时土壤所表现的刚、绵、油、僵……,犁耙后土壤所表现的起浆、淀浆、沉沙、起烘等;二是广义的耕性,除耕作性能以外,还包括某些土壤生产特性,如保水性、耐肥性、宜种性、发棵性等。本文所指的是狭义的耕性。  相似文献   

良好发育的红壤,常有一种特殊的稳固结构,它与氧化铁、铝的胶结有关.这种结构经泡水后基本稳定;还原处理或络合处理能致使较多的破坏;还原与络合联合处理能达到最大程度的破坏.从试验中还说明红壤结构的破坏率都与铁、铝溶出量成正相关.铁、铝积聚是红壤化作用的基本特征,与铁、铝直接有关的结构状况,从理论上说,应可作为分类上的参考指标.又因结构状况还受到矿物类型、粘粒含量、酸度等因素的影响,所以还具综合性的意义.同时按田间观察,它在生产上的意义也较大.工作中看到红壤的结构状况,至少可对红壤的发育度、熟化度以及母质因素的影响等做出有规律的反映,这也表明了它在分类上的现实意义.  相似文献   

华南主要土壤类型的光谱特性与土壤分类   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了华南地区主要土壤的光谱反射特性,进行了土壤光谱的主组元分析、模糊聚类及与土壤理化性状作相关性分析,土壤光谱特征分类与现行中国土壤分类系统及中国土壤系数分类进行了比较对照。其主要结果表明,华南地区主要的光谱曲线的形态特征,主要表现为平直型(玄武岩发育砖红壤类)、缓斜型(水稻土类)和陡坎型(红、黄壤类)三种类型;土壤光谱分类与按母质母岩划分高度一致;应用主组元分析对土壤光谱进行分类,结果与现  相似文献   

A classification of structural condition in surface soils is proposed, based on the volumes of two categories of pore size, termed air capacity (pores greater than 60 μm diameter) and available water (pores of 60 to 0.2 μm diameter. Relationships of pore volumes to particle size class, organic carbon content and soil water regime are examined. Soil structural conditions are mainly affected by water regime and organic carbon and, apart from the extremes of sandy or clayey textures, less influenced by particle size distribution.  相似文献   

Considering the nature of soil and the ends which a classification must serve, principles are stated whereby a soil classification may be devised for application over extensive areas of varied soil composition. Naturally occurring bodies of soil, each with a high degree of homogeneity, are apparent rather than real individuals as their properties overlap to form a continuum. This continuum is multi-dimensional because soil is characterized by numerous properties. The procedure of devising a classification is one of subdividing the continuum such that class boundaries accommodate, as far as possible, apparent individuals rather than of grouping like apparent individuals together. A classification may be used to locate the position of a profile in the continuum and so define its relationship with other profiles. It may also be used to indicate the soil composition of land by using soil classes on a map to show differences in the soil mantle. The latter procedure may best be regarded as land classification or soil mapping rather than soil classification; a class of land or mapped area seldom contains profiles belonging exclusively to a single class, whereas a soil class never contains profiles of another class. The soil form, a specific arrangement of diagnostic horizons, is introduced as a category above the series to facilitate the identification of soil profiles. Member series of a form are defined according to property variations within the diagnostic horizons of the form. It is suggested that a binomial system of profile nomenclature, using the form and the series, would have much to commend it.  相似文献   

在水耕条件下,针铁矿的铝同晶替代减弱和导致水稻土中针铁矿的铝同晶替代量的明显降低,且随水稻土发育度的提高而降低。水稻土发育过程中这一变化,不仅反映了水稻土特殊的成土条件;而且反映了水稻土成土过程的特点。因此,水稻土诊断层中针铁矿的铝同晶替代量可作为划分亚类的重要诊断指标之一。据本研究结果,暂拟本区渗育型水稻土渗育层中针铁矿的铝同晶替代量为9-18mol%;而潴育型水稻土潴育层中针铁矿的铝同晶替代量则小于9mol%。  相似文献   

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