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Most of the formerly important virus diseases like foot-and-mouth disease and enzootic bovine leukosis were eradicated in the Federal Republic of Germany during the recent decades. However, there is a continuous menace of our domestic animal population by exotic virus epidemics related to the concentration of animals in large farms, the intensified international trade of animals and their meat or milk products, and the introduction of a common European market starting in 1992. This view is emphasized by the recent outbreaks of African horse sickness in Spain in 1987/1988. In this article, foot-and-mouth disease and African horse sickness will be described as potentially dangerous virus epidemics. Furthermore, the occurrence of formerly unknown diseases has to be considered. Haemorrhagic disease of rabbits which was recently introduced in Germany is an example of new developments in virus epidemics. These three diseases, their epidemiology and the biology of the corresponding viruses will be discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The obstacles discussed in this article can be overcome as training and continuing education in this field become more readily available, making work with these fascinating species a part of the repertoire of the small animal clinician. The scientific literature concerning these species is growing rapidly, and medical standards are improving steadily.  相似文献   

Mobile practice is an exciting, interesting, and profitable means to deliver high-quality veterinary care to exotic animal-owning clients. The advantages and disadvantages should be considered carefully when considering this type of practice.  相似文献   

The thorough education of a skilled exotic animal technician is an ongoing process. Providing the educational tools is only the beginning. Building on the initial educational groundwork is required to excel. Veterinary technicians interested in exotic animal medicine must lobby to promote awareness of the demand for exotic pet care; be able to accept, adapt, and apply new data frequently; and receive constant support and encouragement from the exotic animal veterinarian.  相似文献   

一我国畜牧业取得的成就 从1949年新中国成立到1978年改革开放,我国畜牧业经历了恢复与发展时期和曲折发展时期,1978年改革开放以来,我国畜牧业发展极为迅速,畜牧业产值占农林牧渔总产值的比重由1978年的15.0%增长到2006年的26.9%。  相似文献   

Careful postoperative management is crucial for the success of any orthopedic surgical repair. The special needs of the exotic animal must be met during the immediate postoperative period and during hospitalization. Many exotic animals require a quiet, stress-free environment and careful attention to housing parameters, such as perching, temperature, and visual security. To provide adequate pain relief in these patients, analgesia should be given before, during, and after surgery. The drugs most often used for pain relief are NSAIDs and opioid analgesics. After surgery, monitor the healing process carefully with regular examinations and radiographs while remaining vigilant for potential problems such as osteomyelitis or nonunion. Physical therapy prevents the development of fracture disease, which includes joint or ligament contracture and bone or muscle mass loss. Because physical therapy affords the patient full use of the affected limb, it is considered a helpful practice in all patients. Physical therapy, however, is critical for free-ranging exotic animals that will be released back into the wild, such as birds of prey.  相似文献   

在刚刚过去的2004年,我国畜牧业生产获得大丰收,成为农业生产中一个特殊的亮点。畜产品产量增加,价格上涨,农民收益增加,据国家统计局公布,2004年前三季度农民来自畜牧业的现金收入381元,比去年同期增长27%。近日,本刊记者专访了全国畜牧兽医总站宣传信息处石有龙处长,就2004年全国畜产品价格情况以及2005年畜产品形势分析进行采访。  相似文献   

Traceability of meat has become a very important aspect of quality assurance of food. DNA analyses could be used for identification and verification of farm animals and animal derived products. A prerequisite is the collection of qualified samples from entire populations of production animals or from regionally or specially characterised animal populations. The expenditure for conventional carrying out collection, preservation, cataloguing, and storage would be enormous. Therefore we have developed a simple, reliable, and inexpensive method for the collection using the ear tagging process and for preservation of samples at room temperature. A similar collection technology can also be used for sampling of carcasses, meat and meat products. Isolation of DNA from these tissue samples can be preformed using a new single step technology. For identifying individuals microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms are analysed. Comparison of DNA fingerprints or SNP signatures allows to traceback samples collected from products to the animals they are coming from. If the system will be established on a nationwide basis the total costs would be less than 0.05 EUR per kilogram meat sold.  相似文献   

农作物秸秆中木质素、纤维素和半纤维素含量较高,适口性差,直接用于饲喂动物效果不佳,必须经过物理、化学或生物学方法处理后才可以饲喂,现介绍几种常见的调制方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

新中国成立60周年来,特别是改革开放30余年来,我国畜牧兽医事业取得举世瞩目的巨大成就。畜牧业异军突起,由家庭副业成长为农业经济的支柱产业;由弱小到持续快速发展,并跃入世界畜牧业大国行列;畜产品市场供应由极度匮乏到极大丰富;兽医事业长足进步,比较完善的动物疫病防控体系、防控手段逐步建立,为畜牧业的持续健康发展提供了强有力的科技支撑,这些恢宏业冀凝结着几代畜牧兽医科技工作者的心血和汗水!  相似文献   

Because the central nervous system (CNS) is encased almost entirely in bone, the means by which the clinician can evaluate it are limited. Additionally, the small size of many exotic companion animals further complicates diagnostic evaluation of the brain and spinal cord. Knowledge of the advantages and limitations of different imaging modalities, along with the neuroanatomical localization and assessment of likely causes of disease, will permit the clinician to choose the most appropriate imaging method for the patient. This article discusses the basic imaging principles of radiology, myelography, CT, and MRI of the nervous system of companion exotic animals to aid exotic animal clinicians in selecting imaging modalities and interpreting the results.  相似文献   

The author presents in her paper the historical background of the heraldic. In the coming four papers she will discuss the use and position of different domestic animals in heraldic.  相似文献   


Although the dairy industries of most countries have improved production consider-ably by the use of classical genetics applied through artificial breeding, the application of genetics to veterinary problems is now being somewhat dogged by the same concept. It is said frequently that a certain condition has a genetical cause or basis but beyond the rather primitive steps of removing the sire or the dam from the particular flock, herd, stable or kennel we are unaware of the potential of highly accurate techniques which are becoming available for genetical “therapy”. Many of these techniques could soon be finding everyday application to livestock problems.  相似文献   

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