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Runoff and soil loss under different tillage methods on Stagnic Luvisols in central Croatia 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Owing to humid climate and unfavourable relief, the problem of extensive soil erosion in central Croatia is of prime importance. The main objective of this research was to determine how soil erosion is influenced by deep (30 cm) soil tillage practised for deep-rooted row crops in comparison with other tillage methods, on Stagnic Luvisols. Soil loss quantity was recorded during the 4-year investigation cycle (1994–1998), under common field crops grown under six tillage methods. Appreciably higher rates of soil erosion were recorded in low-density row spring crops than in high-density winter crops under the same tillage methods. The time immediately following the sowing of spring crops was the most critical period, i.e. the period when highest soil loss occurs. The results showed that erosion processes cannot be completely stopped; however, they can be reduced to an acceptable level by an appropriate tillage method. Efficient soil conservation on Stagnic Luvisols was achieved by no-tillage and all across the slope tillage methods. 相似文献
In order to determine if soil hydraulic properties present a direction‐dependent behavior, undisturbed samples were collected at different horizons and orientations (vertical, diagonal [45°], and horizontal) in structured soils in the Weichselian moraine region in northern Germany. The water‐retention curve (WRC), the saturated hydraulic conductivity (kf), and the air permeability (ka) were measured. The air‐filled porosity (?a) was determined, and pore‐continuity indices (ka/?a, ka/?a2, N) and blocked porosities (?b) were derived from the relationship between ka and ?a. The development of soil structures with defined forms and dimensions (e.g., platy by soil compaction or prismatic up to subangular‐blocky by swelling–shrinkage processes) and the presence of biopores can induce a direction‐dependent behavior of pore functions. Although the pore volume as a scalar is isotropic, the saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability (as a function of air‐filled porosity) can be anisotropic. This behavior was observed in pore‐continuity indices showing that the identification of soil structure can be used as a first parameter to estimate if hydraulic properties present a direction‐dependent behavior at the scale of the soil horizon. 相似文献
J. A. Gómez C. Llewellyn G. Basch P. B. Sutton J. S. Dyson C. A. Jones 《Soil Use and Management》2011,27(4):502-514
Cover crops (CC) in vineyards and olive groves provide an alternative to conventional tillage (CT) for land management. Runoff, sediment and nutrient loss from six sites in France, Spain and Portugal were compared over 3–4 yr. In general, runoff loss was not significantly reduced by the CC alternatives: average annual runoff coefficients ranged from 4.9 to 22.8% in CT compared with 1.9–25% in the CC alternatives. However, at two sites, reductions in average annual runoff coefficients were greater for CC: 17.2 and 10.4% in CT, 6.1 and 1.9% in CC. Nutrient loss in runoff followed a similar pattern to runoff, as did pesticide loss on the one site; reductions occurred when runoff losses were significantly reduced by CC. The lack of differences at the other sites is thought to be due to a combination of soil conditions at the surface (compaction and capping) and sub‐surface (low‐permeability horizons close to the surface). In contrast, CC always resulted in reductions in soil erosion loss, plus similar reductions in nutrients and organic matter (OM) associated with sediment. Soil erosion loss ranged from 1.4 to 90 t/ha/yr in CT compared with 0.04–42.7 t/ha/yr in CC. Overall, reductions in runoff and associated nutrient and pesticide loss from vineyards and olives occurred with the introduction of CCs only when soil permeability was sufficiently high to reduce runoff. In contrast, reduction in soil erosion and associated nutrients and OM occurred even when the amount of runoff was not reduced. In the most extreme encountered situations (highly erodible soils in vulnerable landscape positions and subject to highly erosive rainfall), additional conservation measures are needed to prevent unsustainable soil loss. 相似文献
在总结分析国内有关自然侵蚀量、容许土壤流失量研究成果的基础上,探讨自然侵蚀量与容许土壤流失量的关系,讨论制订水土流失治理标准的思路。认为水土流失治理标准的确定有3个参考值:1)标准值,即一定条件下的容许土壤流失量,是水土流失治理至少要达到的目标,且随着对不同土地利用类型的功能需求与可实施的最佳水土保持措施、以及所在水土流失类型区的侵蚀危害与治理约束条件的不同而不同;2)理想值,即正常自然侵蚀状态下的土壤流失量;3)极端值,即土壤流失量为0,不发生水土流失。水土流失治理应是先控制到现时生态环境与社会经济条件下的容许土壤流失量范围内,逐步达到自然正常侵蚀量或制止水土流失的发生;还应引入环境伦理、环境美学及景观设计等理念,最终实现土地的可持续利用、区域生态系统的健康稳定及人与自然的和谐友好发展。 相似文献
水土流失是生态环境恶化的重要原因之一。土壤流失方程是定量评价水土资源发展动态、指导综合治理规划和评价水土流失治理效果的重要技术工具。利用北京近1000个坡面径流试验小区的年降雨、径流和泥沙资料以及人工降雨试验资料,并考虑北京石质山区存在大量砾石覆盖地表的特点,将砾石覆盖因子作为一个独立的因子考虑在土壤流失方程中。得到北京山区坡面土壤侵蚀方程,并确定了方程中各个因子的计算方法或数值。该方程的建立,可为北京山区土壤侵蚀动态监测和水土保持规划提供依据。 相似文献
Soil erosion is a major environmental problem in China. Planning for soil erosion control requires accurate soil erosion rate and spatial distribution information. The aim of this article is to present the methods and results of the national soil erosion survey of China completed in 2011. A multi-stage, unequal probability, systematic area sampling method was employed. A total of 32,948 sample units, which were either 0.2–3 km2 small catchments or 1 km2 grids, were investigated on site. Soil erosion rates were calculated with the Chinese Soil Loss Equation in 10 m by 10 m grids for each sample unit, along with the area of soil loss exceeding the soil loss tolerance and the proportion of area in excess of soil loss tolerance relative to the total land area of the sample units. Maps were created by using a spatial interpolation method at national, river basin, and provincial scales. Results showed that the calculated average soil erosion rate was 5 t ha−1 yr−1 in China, and was 18.2 t ha−1 yr−1 for sloped, cultivated cropland. Intensive soil erosion occurred on cropland, overgrazing grassland, and sparsely forested land. The proportions of soil loss tolerance exceedance areas of sample units were interpolated through the country in 250 m grids. The national average ratio was 13.5%, which represents the area of land in China that requires the implementation of soil conservation practices. These survey results and the maps provide the basic information for national conservation planning and policymaking. 相似文献
加速土壤侵蚀对养分流失的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
ZHENG Fen-Li 《土壤圈》2005,15(6):707-715
Soil erosion and nutrient losses on newly-deforested lands in the Ziwuling Region on the Loess Plateau of China were monitored to quantitatively evaluate the effects of accelerated soil erosion, caused by deforestation, on organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus losses. Eight natural runoff plots were established on the loessial hill slopes representing different erosion patterns of dominant erosion processes including sheet, rill and shallow gully (similar to ephemeral gully). Sediment samples were collected after each erosive rainfall event. Results showed that soil nutrients losses increased with an increase of erosion intensity. Linear relations between the losses of organic matter, total N, NH4-N, and available P and erosion intensity were found. Nutrient content per unit amount of eroded sediment decreased from the sheet to the shallow gully erosion zones, whereas total nutrient loss increased. Compared with topsoil, nutrients in eroded sediment were enriched, especially available P and NH4-N. The intensity of soil nutrient losses was also closely related to soil erosion intensity and pattern with the most severe soil erosion and nutrient loss occurring in the shallow gully channels on loessial hill slopes. These research findings will help to improve the understanding of the relation between accelerated erosion process after deforestation and soil quality degradation and to design better eco-environmental rehabilitation schemes for the Loess Plateau. 相似文献
利用环境经济学的原理和方法对南充市土壤侵蚀所产生的危害进行了经济学的分析和估算,把土壤侵蚀经济损失的货币化值与经济建设的主要指标进行对比,以此反映水土流失的程度.南充市2002年土壤侵蚀总经济损失为6.22亿元,占当年农业总产值的4.96%,其中养分价值损失为5.50亿元,占土壤侵蚀经济总损失的88.45%,说明土壤侵蚀最直接、最严重的后果是降低了土地生产力.南充市水土流失经济损失最严重的区域是南部县和阆中市,应该进行重点治理. 相似文献
Effects of weed fallow and of three grasses and five leguminous cover crops were investigated on soil structure of an eroded Alfisol. Crop growth and yields of subsequently grown arable crops were assessed under strip-tillage through the mechanically or chemically suppressed sods. Cover crops and fallowing improved soil organic matter content, total N, water retention and transmission properties, and decreased bulk density only in the top 0–10 cm depth. The improvements rendered were, however, slight. Grasses were difficult to suppress with paraquat or mechanical mowing, which resulted in low or negligible yield of maize, cowpea, and cassava. Leguminous covers were easily suppressed with paraquat application, and resulted in good yield of maize and cowpea. Mechanical mowing was as successful as herbicide application for suppressing Stylosanthes guianensis and resulted in satisfactory yield of maize and cowpea. Yield of cassava tubers was extremely low due to shallow surface soil, compacted sub-soil horizons, and competition from weeds and regrown cover crops. Results are discussed in terms of the amelioration of eroded and degraded soil. 相似文献
采用人工模拟降雨试验,研究水文条件对紫色土坡面土壤侵蚀及氮和磷养分流失的影响。试验处理包括2个施肥水平(低肥和高肥水平),4个水文条件(自由下渗、土壤水分饱和、壤中流、壤中流+降雨)和一个降雨强度(60 mm/h,历时60 min)。结果表明:壤中流+降雨和土壤水分饱和条件下的土壤侵蚀量分别是自由下渗条件下的3.1和1.7倍,同自由下渗相比,壤中流、壤中流+降雨和土壤水分饱和条件下,地表径流中NO3-N、HPO4-P的浓度和流失量有显著增加;低肥水平条件下,自由下渗、土壤水分饱和、壤中流和壤中流+降雨地表径流中,NO3-N的浓度分别是0.88、58.90、698.41和87.80 mg/L,对应水文条件下地表径流中,HPO4-P的浓度分别是0.252、0.322、0.811和0.383 mg/L,高肥水平条件下,径流中的NO3-N和HPO4-P的浓度也有相同的趋势;土壤水分饱和条件下,地表径流中NO3-N和HPO4-P的流失量分别是自由下渗条件下的27~39和1.3倍,壤中流+降雨条件下,地表径流中NO3-N和HPO4-P的流失量分别是自由下渗条件下的100~114和1.5~1.7倍,同时,壤中流+降雨和土壤水分饱和条件下,泥沙中NO3-N和HPO4-P的流失量也比自由下渗条件下显著增加。 相似文献
允许土壤流失量与合理土壤流失量 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为确定防治农田土壤侵蚀的标准,20世纪中叶美国土壤学家首先提出了“允许土壤流失量”的概念,之后这一概念又延伸应用到流域和区域土壤侵蚀评价。“允许土壤流失量”的概念在全球,包括在中国得到了广泛的应用。随着土壤侵蚀及相关学科的发展,特别是全球变化研究的深入,可持续发展及健康河流理念的提出及水土保持实践中遇到的新挑战,“允许土壤流失量”的科学性和实用性方面存在的缺陷逐渐显现出来。本文在简要介绍“允许土壤流失量”由来的基础上,着重讨论“允许土壤流失量”存在的问题,并提出“合理土壤流失量”的概念及其确定的原则与方法。 相似文献
Longterm effects of soil compaction and tillage on Collembola and straw decomposition in arable soil 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Soil core samples were taken from May 1996 to October 1996 at four week intervals to assess the longterm effects of compaction due to soil tillage on Collembola in arable land. Two different tillage systems were studied: conservation tillage (CS) with rotary harrowing to 120 mm depth and conventional tillage (CT) with a mould board plough to 300 mm depth. Soil compaction was achieved by wheeling with graded loads: 0t, 2 × 2.5t and 6 × 5.0t (wheeling frequency × wheel load) in early spring 1995. Litter decomposition rate was investigated by the minicontainer-method, using two different mesh-sizes: 20 μm (excluding mesofauna) and 500 μ (including mesofauna). The substrate used was winter wheat straw, corresponding to the crop cultivated on the field.We recorded 25 species of Collembola. The abundance of Collembola during the growing season was at a minimum in June in both tillage systems. Thereafter, numbers of individuals increased, probably due to better nutrition. Mesaphorura krausbaueri s.l. was eudominant in CS. In CT Folsomia fimetaria and M. krausbaueri s.l. reached high abundances at the end of August. Harvesting and tilling supported population growth in CS, while numbers in CT decreased. The collembolan species showed different preferences in regard to the tillage system and the grade of compaction. During the first 4 weeks of exposure the decomposition rate of straw was highest. The decomposition rate in the minicontainers with 20 μm mesh-size was higher due to better moisture conditions for the microorganisms. After harvest and tilling the decomposition rate increased, especially in the CS-plots, because of aeration and incorporation of residues. Population fluctuation in the minicontainers was caused by migration of Collembola in response to changing moisture conditions. The main species in the minicontainers were large and mobile. Compared to the surrounding soil, species diversity was reduced. 相似文献
保护性耕作能够有效减少农田土壤风蚀.通过室内风洞模拟试验,研究秸秆覆盖、留茬和垄作3种保护性耕作措施对黄土高原北部农田土壤风蚀的影响.结果表明:1)秸秆覆盖和留茬能有效降低土壤风蚀速率,秸秆覆盖量为4 210 kg/hm2时土壤风蚀速率最小,与对照相比减少62.8%;垄作在低风速下能够降低土壤风蚀率,垄向与风向垂直时降... 相似文献
Very few studies have investigated the factors affecting soil displacement and tillage erosion by hoeing tillage. This study adopted a magnetic tracer method to investigate the influences of hoe form and tillage depth on soil translocation over steep hillslopes in Southwest China using a new type of magnetic tracer, i.e., ilmenite powder. Ilmenite powder enhanced the magnetic sensitivity of soil at the end position of tracer distribution, and improved the accuracy and efficiency of tillage translocation measurements. Tillage translocation by wide and perforated hoes was found to be significantly correlated with slope gradient (P < 0.01), however, no significant correlation was found for narrow and bidentate hoe tillage (P > 0.05). Compared with wide hoes, the tillage erosion rates resulting from the use of narrow, perforated and bidentate hoes were reduced by 12.4%, 11.0%, and 16.3%, respectively, indicating that changes in hoe forms resulted in a marked decrease in downslope soil translocation and tillage erosion. Tillage erosion rate decreased by 64% when the tillage depth was reduced from 0.26 to 0.14 m. These results suggest that innovations in hoe form and reductions in tillage depth are important means to manage tillage erosion due to hoeing. 相似文献
L. A. Lewis 《Land Degradation \u0026amp; Development》1992,3(4):241-246
Throughout Rwanda, terracing was reintroduced in 1973 as the major conservation practice to minimize soil loss on its steep agricultural lands.1 Terracing has been partially successful in reducing soil losses resulting from nonchannelized runoff, the goal of this practice. However, because of the widespread fragile environmental conditions in the highlands, soil fertility has decreased and soil acidity increased in numerous fields as a direct result of the terracing. To maintain sufficient agricultural yields, within the constraints of a low resource agricultural system, farmers have responded to the acidity and soil fertility problems by systematically removing a portion of the terrace berm during field preparation. This practice, in response to the changing environmental situation due to terracing, results in significant amounts of soil displaced downslope year after year. This human-induced soil erosion process seriously counters many of the intended benefits of terrace construction and is contributing to the land degradation problem. The results of this study emphasize the need for both conservation strategies and the measurement of soil loss to be sensitive to human-induced as well as natural erosional processes. By not considering the human response to terrace construction, the benefits of this conservation practice have been seriously offset. 相似文献
在河北省北部的丰宁县坝上地区建立农田土壤风蚀试验区,采用美国BSNE采样器观测不同耕作处理条件下的农田风蚀土壤损失情况。试验结果表明:在风蚀过程中,土壤颗粒主要集中在近地表层运动,悬浮在空气中的土壤颗粒随着高度的增加逐渐减少,且与高度之间符合幂函数关系;风蚀土壤颗粒粒度组成随高度增加,砂粒级颗粒含量减少,而粉砂及粘土含量增加;免耕覆盖(NTC)、免耕覆盖+耙(NTCH)和免耕无覆盖(NTN)三种处理分别比传统翻耕减少风蚀量73.75%、75.31%和14.17%,由秸秆覆盖和少免耕相结合的保护性耕作可明显地减少农田土壤损失;在覆盖和耕作两因素中,覆盖对减小风蚀的作用最大,地表耕作的作用次之;另外,保护性耕作地能够减少农田土壤养分损失。 相似文献
针对煤矸石山复垦地水土流失严重的问题,在山西阳煤集团三矿280煤矸石山坡面上选取7种植被恢复模式,以裸地为对照,设置水土流失试验样方,观测不同植被恢复模式对土壤侵蚀和养分流失的影响。结果表明:与裸地相比,不同椬被恢复模式均对矸石山坡面土壤侵蚀和养分流失具有明显控制效果;下坡段的乔灌混交模式防治坡面侵蚀的作用优于上坡段的草本和灌木;减少水土流失的效果上坡段为荆条 > 紫花苜蓿 > 沙打旺 >草木樨,下坡段为刺槐+柠条、刺槐+荆条和榆树+紫穗槐,但这3种植被模式对减少水土流失的差异不显著;通过偏相关分析,影响养分流失的因索依次为土壤侵蚀量 > 径流量 > 坡度 > 坡长;不同植被恢复模式对煤矸石风化物中速效养分质量系数也具有明显的影响。 相似文献
S. A. Prior D. C. Reicosky D. W. Reeves G. B. Runion R. L. Raper 《Soil & Tillage Research》2000,54(3-4):197-199
Recent research indicates tillage operations result in a rapid physical release of CO2 and water vapor from soil. However, effects of soil disturbance on gas fluxes during planting operations have not been adequately explored. Our objective was to measure short-term gas loss resulting from the use of different planting preparation implements on long-term residue-covered soil (no-till) on a Norfolk loamy sand (Typic Kandiudults; FAO classification Luxic Ferralsols) in east-central Alabama, USA. A crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) cover crop was killed with herbicide two weeks prior to the study. Due to dry soil conditions, 15 mm of water was applied 24 h prior to study. Gas fluxes were measured with a large canopy chamber (centered over two rows) for an integrated assessment of equipment-induced soil disturbance. Increased losses of CO2 and water vapor were directly related to increases in soil disturbance. Although these short-term C losses are minor in terms of predicting long-term C turnover in agro-ecosystems, results suggest that selecting planting equipment that maintains surface residue and minimizes soil disturbance could help to conserve soil water needed for successful seedling establishment in these coarse textured soils. 相似文献
基于水土流失的江西省生态安全评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为定量研究水土流失对区域生态安全的影响,以江西省为研究对象,基于水土流失状况,构建江西省生态安全评价指标体系,利用压力-状态-响应模型对江西省生态安全进行评价。结果表明:1)从1996到2000年,江西省生态安全水平好转,但全省整体生态安全水平只有Ⅱ级,生态安全压力仍然很大;2)江西省生态安全水平区域差异明显,主要表现在空间分布格局和绝对数值差异上;3)江西省水土流失与生态安全关系密切,随着整体生态安全水平的提高,水土流失对生态安全影响越来越大。 相似文献
集水区尺度降雨侵蚀力空间分布对土壤流失的影响 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
为探讨降雨侵蚀力空间分布对土壤流失的影响效应,该文以黄土丘陵沟壑区子长集水区为例,将区域重心概念应用到降雨侵蚀力的空间分布研究中,基于GIS探讨了降雨侵蚀力重心在不同年份间的变迁对土壤流失的影响。研究结果表明:降雨侵蚀力重心与水文站点、大于15°坡度重心的距离会显著影响土壤流失;当降雨侵蚀力重心位于水文站点和较陡坡度重心中间位置时,也会产生较多土壤流失;降雨侵蚀力重心在南北方向上变化对土壤流失影响不大,但在东西方向上的移动能够明显改变土壤流失。在集水区尺度上,随着降雨侵蚀力空间分布的变化,降雨侵蚀力与坡度、土地利用、水文站点的空间耦合关系将发生改变,从而导致土壤流失量的增加或减少。 相似文献