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The distribution and metabolic fate of [14C]-daminozide in silver maple and American sycamore seedlings were studied by use of autoradiography, ion-exchange chromatography, thin-layer chromatography (t.l.c.), and liquid scintillation spectrometry. Within one day after treatment with [14C]-daminozide, radioactivity was detected in all parts of the plant. The 14C concentrated in meristematic regions of the leaves. Ion-exchange and thin-layer chromatographic analyses of the 50% methanol extracts indicated that no detectable metabolites of daminozide were formed in any of the plant parts but approximately 20% of the applied 14C, most of it in the stem tissue, was not extractable by aqueous methanol.  相似文献   

As a growth inhibitor of the apical meristem in the plant stem, Maleic hydrazide plays an important role in modulation of plant growth. In this research, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and its host for reproduction was employed to characterize the effect of maleic hydrazide on parasitic fitness of the strain. Growth inhibition of the secondary leaves of wheat by maleic hydrazide was demonstrated. Results showed that root irrigation by maleic hydrazide at the seedling stage significantly increased the parasitic fitness of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, leading to the increase in sporulation amount, sporulation period, and germination rate of urediniospores. In addition, the ultrastructure of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici urediniospores was not affected by maleic hydrazide treatment. Out data indicate that the optimal concentration and dose for the use of maleic hydrazide is 0.35 g?l?1 and 1.5 ml/cm2, respectively, facilitating the widespread application in wheat stripe rust studies.  相似文献   

Radiolabelled daminozide and maleic hydrazide (MH) were injected into American elm seedlings, kept in nutrient solution, to determine their translocation pattern and metabolic fate. Both compounds were rapidly translocated to all parts of the plant. After 21 days, 13% of the applied 14C was exuded into the nutrient solution from the roots of the plants treated with MH. Using gel-filtration and thin-layer chromatographic techniques, it was determined that daminozide did not form any metabolite, and that MH was converted into a MH-sugar complex. A significant amount of 14C was unextractable from the plant tissue.  相似文献   

A method is described for the analysis of small amounts of hydrazine in maleic hydrazide formulations. Following derivative formation with pentafluorobenz-aldehyde, the pentafluorobenzaldehyde azine was extracted with hexane and determined by gas-liquid chromatography with electron-capture detection. Recoveries of 72-80% were obtained from samples fortified with 1 and 10 μg of hydrazine. The limit of detection was 0.05 mg kg?1. Fourteen commercial formulations with maleic hydrazide concentrations ranging from 180-360 g litre?1 were investigated. The hydrazine content of the maleic hydrazide used in these formulations ranged from less than 0.05 to 53 mg kg?1. During the storage of two samples at 50°C for 10 weeks, the hydrazine contents increased from 2.2 to 124 and 0.4 to 54 mg litre?1, respectively.  相似文献   

American sycamore (Platanus occidentals L.) seedlings grown in a hydroponics system were treated with a growth regulator, maleic hydrazide (MH) or sodium chloride, or a combination of the two. Application of maleic hydrazide or sodium chloride retarded plant growth, but combined application did not show significant interaction effects. Treatment with both sodium chloride and MH reduced the dry weight of plant tissue to a greater extent than sodium chloride application alone. Elemental analyses of various plant parts revealed that MH was generally without effect on the level of either sodium or chloride ions. In old stem tissue, however, treatment with MH had no effect in the absence of sodium chloride but was associated with lower chloride content in its presence.  相似文献   

Metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one] metabolism was studied in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. “Sheyenne”). Pulse-treatment studies with seedlings and excised leaves showed that [5-14C]metribuzin was rapidly absorbed, translocated (acropetal), and metabolized to more polar products. Foliar tissues of 19-day-old seedlings metabolized 96% of the root-absorbed [14C]metribuzin in 120 hr. Excised mature leaves metabolized 85–90% of the petiole-absorbed [14C]metrubuzin in 48 hr. Polar metabolites were isolated by solvent partitioning, and purified by adsorption, thin-layer, and high-performance liquid chromatography. A minor intermediate metabolite (I) was identified as the polar β-d-(N-glucoside) conjugate of metribuzin. The biosynthesis of (I) was demonstrated with a partially purified UDP-glucose: metribuzin N-glucosyltransferase from tomato leaves. A possible correlation between foliar UDP-glucose: metribuzin N-glucosyltransferase activity levels and differences in the tolerance of selected tomato seedling cultivars to metribuzin was suggested. The major polar metabolite (II) was identified as the malonyl β-d-(N-glucoside) conjugate of metribuzin.  相似文献   

ARNE HELWEG 《Weed Research》1975,15(2):129-133
Maleic hydrazide was found to be adsorbed on activated carbon when carbon was added to an aqueous solution of maleic hydrazide. The value for Freundlich k was 2300 μg/g. Addition of 200, 1000 and 5000 ppm of activated carbon to soil containing 20 ppm of 14C-maleic hydrazide markedly delayed the decomposition of the herbicide as determined by the evolution of 14CO2. After 4 months of incubation almost equal amounts of 14CO2 were evolved from all treatments, indicating that most of the adsorbed herbicide had gradually been made accessible lo decomposition. The degradation rate of maleic hydrazide follows first-order kinetics but the larger the concentration of carbon the more the degradation rate approaches zero-order kinetics. The degradation rate of maleic hydrazide was not delayed, when it was added to soil containing activated carbon which previously had been incubated for 4 months. Thus the activated carbon seemed to have lost its capacity to adsorb maleic hydrazide during the incubation. The correlation between carbon concentration and degradation rate of 10 and 20 ppm maleic hydrazide was found to be: log x = k log 1/cabs. x = degradation rate, Cads= concentration of adsorbent (carbon), k expresses the slope of the curve. Dégradation de l'hydrazide maléique-14C dans le sol en relation avec l'adsorption sur charbon actif Il a été constaté que l'hydrazide maléique est adsorbé par le charbon actif lorsque celui-ci est ajoutéà une solution acqueuse d'hydrazide maléique. La valeur du k de Freundlich a été de 2300 μg/g. L'addition de 200. 1000 et 5000 ppm de charbon actif à un sol contcnant 20 ppm d'hydrazide maléiquc-14C a retardé notablement la décomposition de l'herbicide. La décomposition a été estimée en fonction de l'évolution du 14CO2. Aprés 4 mois d'incubation, des quantités presque égales de 14CO2 furent dégagées par tous les traitements indiquant que la plus grande partie de l'herbicide adsorbéétait graduellement devenu susceptible d'être decomposé. Le taux de dégradation de l'herhicide suit une cinétique du premier ordre, mais plus la concentration du charbon est élevée, plus le taux de dégradation se rapproche d'une cinétique d'ordre zéro. La vitesse de dégradation de l'hydrazide maléique ne fut pas retardée lorsqu'il fut ajoutéà un sol contenant du charbon actif qui avait été préalablement mis à incuber pendant 4 mois. Ainsi, le charbon actif semblait avoir perdu sa capacité d'adsorbcr l'hydrazide maléique durant l'incubation. Il a été constaté que la corrélation entre la concentration en charbon actif et le taux de dégradation pour 10 et 20 ppm d'hydrazide maléique fut établie comme suit: log x=k log 1/Cads. x= taux de dégradation, Cads.= concentration de l'adsorbant (charbon actif); k rexprimant la pente de la courbe. Einfluss der Adsorption von 14C-Mahinsäurehydrazid an Aktivkohle auf den Abbau des Herbizids Aktivkohle adsorbierte Malensäurehydrazid aus wässerigen Lösungen. Der Freundlich k-Wert betrug 2300 μg/g. Boden, der auf einen Aktivkohlegehalt von 200. 1 000 und 5 000 ppm gebracht worden war, baute 20 ppm 14C-Maleinsäurchydrazid deutlich langsamer ab. Der Abbuu wurde über die 14CO2-Abgabe bestimmt. Nach viermonatiger Inkubationszeit wurden von alien Behandlungen nahezu gleiche Mengen an 14CO2 abgegeben. was darauf hinweist, dass der grösste Teil des adsorbierten Herbizids nach und nach fur die Abbauprozesse frei wurde. Die Abbaugeschwindigkeit von Maleinsäurehydrazid verläuft nach Kinetik I. Ordnung, aber bei zunehmenden Kohlekonzentrationen nähert sichdie Abbaurateeiner Kineliko, Ordnung. Der Abbau von Maleinsäurehydrazid verliefnichi langsamer, wenn das Herbizid einem Boden zugesetzt wurde, der vier Monate zuvor mil Aktivkohle bebandelt worden war. Es wird deshalb angenommen, dass die Aktivkohle während dieser Inkubationszeit ibre Sorptionskapazität gegenuber Maleinsäurebydrazid verloren hat. Folgende Korrelation wurde zwischen Kohlekonzentration und Abbaurate von 10 und 20 ppm Maleinsäurehydrazid gcfunden: log x=k log 1/cads; x= Abbaurate; cads.= Koozentration des Adsorbens (Kohle); k gibt die Steigung der Kurve an  相似文献   

Twenty days after addition of 26 ppm of 14C-labelled maleic hydrazide (MH) to unsterilized soil, 45 % of the added radioactivity was liberated in 14CO2, and after 255 days of incubation 56% was liberated. From autoclaved soil only 5% of added 14C was liberated in CO2 after 255 days of incubation. At MH-concentrations below 20 ppm the degradation approaches first-order kinetics, while the degradation of 120 ppm could be described by zero-order kinetics. No lag phase before the start of degradation was observed and the degradation of 14C-MH was not enhanced by pre-incubating the soil with high concentrations of unlabelled MH for 3 months. Degradation of 14C-maleic hydrazide was also demonstrated by autoradiography. After 40 and 127 days of incubation only traces of MH could be extracted with ethanol from unsterilized soil, while unchanged herbicide could still be extracted from autoclaved soil. After 9 days of incubation about 4% of the radioactivity from 14C labelled maleic hydrazide was found in the amino acid fraction of soil. The fraction of added activity found in amino acids decreased to about 2% after 112 days of incubation, following a gradual decrease in the total remaining 14C in the soil. Attempts to isolate micro-organisms able to use maleic hydrazide as a sole source of C or N did not give positive results. The results here quoted indicate the initial decomposition, if microbial, to be a case of co-metabolism. Degradation de l'hydrazide maléique marqué au 14C sous l'influence de la stérilisation, de la concentration et d'un prétraitement Vingt jours après addition de 26 ppm d'hydrazide maléique (HM) marqué au 14C á un sol non stérilisé, 45 % de la radio-activité ajoutée a été libérée sous forme de 14CO2 et 56% après 255 jours d'incubation. A partir d'un sol stériliséà l'autoclave, 5% seulement du 14C ajouté a été libéré sous forme de CO2 apres 255 jours d'incubation. A des concentrations d'hydrazide maléique inférieures á 20 ppm, la dégradation s'apparente á une cinélique du ler ordre, alors que la dégradation de 120 ppm pourrait être décrite par une cinétique d'ordre zéro. II n'a pas été observé de retard de phase avant le début de la dégradation et la dégradation de 14C-HM n'a pas été activée par la pré-incubation du sol avec des concentrations élevées d'hydrazide maléique, pendant trois mois. La dégradation de l'hydrazide maléique marque au 14C a étéégalement demontrée par autoradiographie. Après 40 et 127 jours d'incubation, il n'a été possible d'extraire que des traces d'hydrazide maléique, par l'ethanol, d'un sol non stérilisé, alors que l'herbicide non transformé pouvait encore être extrait d'un sol stérilisé A l'autoclave. Aprés 9 jours d'incubation, environ 4% de la radio-activité de l'hydrazide maléique marqué au 14C a été retrouvée dans la fraction amino-acide du sol. La fraction de radio-activity ajoutée retrouvée dans les amino-acides décrut d'en-viron 2% après 112 jours d'incubation, suivant une decrois-sance graduelle du 14C total restant dans le sol. Des tentaiives pour isoler des micro-organismes capables d'utiliser l'hydrazide maléique comme unique source de C ou de N n'ont pas donné de résultats positifs. Les résultats rapportes ici indiquent que la décomposition initiale, si elle est microbienne, est un cas de co- métabolisme. Der Einfluss von Sterilisation, Konzentration und Vorbehandlung aufden Abbau von 14C-markiertem Maleinsäurehydrazid im Boden 20 Tage nach Zusatz von 26 ppm von 14C-markiertem Maleinsäurehydrazid (MH) zu nicht-sterilisiertem Boden, wurden 45% der zugesetzten Radioaktivitat als 14CO2 freigesetzt; nach 255 Tagen Inkubationszeit waren es 56%. Von autolaviertem Boden wurden nach 255 Tagen nur 5% des zugegebenen 14C als CO2 freigesetzt. Bei MH-Konzentrationen von weniger als 20 ppm entspricht der Abbau etwa einer Kinetik 1. Ordnung, während der Abbau von 120 ppm als Kinetik O. Ordnung beschrieben werden könnte. Vor Beginn des Abbaus wurde keine lag-Phase beobachtet. Eine Vorbehandlung des Bodens mit hohen Konzentralionen von nicht-markiertem MH liber drei Monate, wirkte sich nicht beschleunigend aufden Abbau von 14C-MH aus. Der Abbau von 14C-Maleinsaurehydrazid wurde auch mit Hilfe der Autoradiographie nachgewiesen. Nach 40 und nach 127 Tagen Inkubationszeit kon_nten aus nicht-sterilisiertem Boden nur Spuren von MH mit Athanol extrahiert werden, wahrend aus dem autoklavierten Boden noch das unveränderte Her-bizid extrahiert werden konnte. Nach 9 Tagen Inkubatioti wurden etwa 4% der Radioaktivität aus dem 14C-markiertea Maleinsäurehydrazid in der Aminosäurefraktion des Bodens gefunden. Der Anteil zugesetzter Aktivität der in den Amino-säuren gefunden wurde, nahm nach 112 Tagen Inkubation bis auf etwa 2% ab; anschlieBend nahm dasgesamte reslliche 14C im Boden allmählich ab. Versuche, Mikroorganismen zu isolieren, die Maleinsäurehydrazid als alleinige C- oder N-Quelle verwerten könnten, führten zu keinem positiven Ergebnis. Die angeführten Ergebnisse zeigen, daB es sich beim anfänglichen Abbau, falls er mikrobiell bedingt ist, um Cometabotismus handelt.  相似文献   

Metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one] metabolism was studied in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. Tracy]. Pulse treatment studies with seedlings and excised mature leaves showed that [5-14C]metribuzin was absorbed rapidly and translocated acropetally. In seedlings, >97% of the root-absorbed 14C was present in foliar tissues after 24 hr. In excised leaves, 50–60% of the absorbed 14C remained as metribuzin 48 hr after pulse treatment, 12–20% was present as polar metabolites, and 20–30% was present as an insoluble residue. Metabolites were isolated by solvent partitioning, and were purified by adsorption, ion-exchange, thin-layer, and high-performance liquid chromatography. The major metabolite (I) was identified as a homoglutathione conjugate, 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-S-(γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl-β-alanine)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one. Metabolite identification was confirmed by qualitative analysis of amino acid hydrolysis products, fast atom bombardment (FAB), and chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry, and by comparison with a reference glutathione conjugate synthesized in vitro with a hepatic microsomal oxidase system from rat. Minor metabolites were identified as an intermediate N-glucoside conjugate (II), a malonyl N-glucoside conjugate (III), and 4-malonylamido-6-tert-butyl-1,2,4-triazin-3,5(2H,4H)-dione (N-malonyl DK, IV) by CI and FAB mass spectrometry. Alternative pathways of metribuzin metabolism are proposed.  相似文献   

为探讨银杏内生细菌对萝卜软腐病的防病作用,通过块根接种和温室盆栽试验筛选对萝卜软腐菌Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp.carotovorum具有高效抑制作用的生防菌株,共获得8株拮抗作用较强的内生细菌,其中菌株Hy11抑菌作用明显.对生防菌株Hy11进行了形态观察、生理生化特性测定、16S rDNA和gyrB基因序列分析,并应用绿色荧光蛋白基因标记菌株Hy11,研究该菌株在萝卜体内的定殖动态.结果显示,该菌株对萝卜软腐病具有较好的防效,对萝卜块根和幼苗的防治效果分别为77.9%和66.7%;对萝卜幼苗的促生率达113.28%.经鉴定,菌株Hy11为解淀粉芽胞杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.标记菌株Hy11-gfp在喷雾接种银杏叶片后0~3 d种群数量呈急剧下降趋势,10d后保持相对稳定;其在萝卜的根、茎和叶中均能够定殖,在根中的定殖数量最高可达1.2×104 CFU/g.  相似文献   

Translocation of the antiblast compound, carpropamid, was investigated in rice using [14C]carpropamid. When applied to the seed, carpropamid was not only readily absorbed but was translocated to different parts of the seedlings emerging from treated seeds. A substantial portion of fungicide appeared to be exuded onto the leaf surface. In 21‐day‐old plants grown from [14C]carpropamid‐treated seeds, 27.2% of the radioactivity isolated from leaves was present on the surface of lamina. This exuded fraction is probably responsible for its action as a fungal anti‐penetrant compound. Following 30‐min root dipping of 14‐day‐old seedlings, carpropamid was rapidly absorbed and translocated throughout the seedling. Its intra‐laminar distribution was uniform as determined by autoradiography. Only a small fraction (<2%) of fungicide applied to the foliage was translocated beyond the site of application within the treated leaf. Translocation was primarily apoplastic. Approximately 54% of the radioactivity recovered from leaves was in the form of carpropamid. At least seven radiolabelled metabolic products were observed by TLC. Only 8.3% of radioactivity applied through the seeds could be recovered from 21‐day‐old seedlings. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The extent that green and white calli reflect the phytotoxicities of various compounds on seedlings was measured. Green calli, which were found to photosynthetically fix 14CO2 but which were not autotrophic, better mirrored the effects of the same compounds tested on seedlings for two reasons. (a) Inhibitors of photosynthesis inhibited green calli more strongly than white calli; (b) compounds which were inactive in foliar sprays on seedlings but are known to be active through the soil more strongly inhibited white calli than green calli. Thus it is suggested that green cell cultures have potential use in studies of mode of action and for preliminary phytotoxicity screening.  相似文献   

黄土塬区土地利用方式对土壤主要理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对陕西长武4种典型土地利用方式下0~500 cm土层土壤主要理化性质分析,以明确土地利用方式对土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:农田、果园土壤有机质、全氮含量显著高于荒地和刺槐林地,土壤粘粒含量与土壤容重呈显著负相关关系,与土壤饱和导水率呈显著正相关关系;农田0~100 cm土层土壤容重达1.44 g·cm-3,显著高于同深度荒地(1.27 g·cm-3)、果园(1.38 g·cm-3)、刺槐林地(1.32 g·cm-3)土层;400~500 cm土层土壤含水量为刺槐林地(86 g·kg-1)<果园(113 g·kg-1)<荒地(152 g·kg-1)<农田(165 g·kg-1);果园和刺槐林地0~500 cm土层土壤平均饱和导水率分别为0.37、0.36 mm·min-1,显著高于农田(0.25 mm·min-1)和荒地(0.23 mm·min-1)。退耕还林(草)导致土壤容重降低、饱和导水率增加,有助于降水入渗,但退耕后深层土壤有干燥化的倾向。  相似文献   

The allelopathic potential of Mikania micrantha H.B.K. to affect the seed germination and seedling growth of Coix lacryma‐jobi L. was investigated. Water‐soluble allelopathic substances were found in the water extracts of M. micrantha. The effect of the water extracts on the seed germination and seedling growth of C. lacryma‐jobi was concentration‐dependent. The water extracts from the different plant parts (leaf, stem, and root) of M. micrantha differed in their effect on the germination and seedling growth of C. lacryma‐jobi, with the effect of the leaf extract being the least inhibitory. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content in the C. lacryma‐jobi seedlings increased by 64%, 45%, and 52% of the control with increasing concentrations of the extracts of the root, stem, and leaf (80, 400, and 400 g L?1, respectively). The extract from the M. micrantha roots significantly increased the catalase (CAT) activity of the C. lacryma‐jobi seedlings (48% and 54% of the control at the concentrations of 20 g L?1 and 80 g L?1, respectively). The extracts from the leaves and stems at low concentrations increased the CAT activity, but at high concentrations, the extracts decreased the CAT activity. The extracts from the roots, stems, and leaves at concentrations of 80, 400, and 400 g L?1 also significantly decreased the peroxidase (POD) activity of the C. lacryma‐jobi seedlings to 27%, 52%, and 34% of the control, respectively. These results indicate that the water extracts of M. micrantha could inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of C. lacryma‐jobi through the regulation of anti‐oxidase activity, such as POD and CAT in the cells. The growth inhibition of the C. lacryma‐jobi seedlings is probably related to injury after oxidization of the cell membranes with the increase of MDA content.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of the 14C-labeled herbicide, 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1,2,4-oxadiazolidine-3,5-dione (bioxone), in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. “Acala 4-42-77”) was studied using thin-layer chromatography, autoradiography, and counting. Bioxone-14C was readily metabolized by cotton tissue to 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-methylurea (DCPMU) and 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)urea (DCPU). Leaf discs metabolized bioxone-14C rapidly; 12 hr posttreatment, 65% of the 14C in methanol extracts was in forms other than intact herbicide. Excised leaves treated through the petiole with either heterocyclic ring-labeled or phenyl ring-labeled herbicide contained little bioxone-14C after 1 day; DCPMU was formed early then decreased with time. DCPU accounted for 55–70% of the 14C in excised leaves 3 days posttreatment. In intact plants treated via the roots, the herbicide was rapidly metabolized in the roots to DCPMU and DCPU; little or no intact herbicide was translocated to the leaves. Little radioactivity accumulated in the roots with time; the radioactivity in the leaves accounted for 80–90% of the methanol-soluble 14C 47 days posttreatment. Most of the 14C in the leaves was recovered as DCPU (50–60%) and unidentified polar metabolite(s) which remained at the origin of the thin-layer plates (30–40%). The percentage of radioactivity which remained in cotton residue after methanol extraction increased with time. Digestion of the plant residues with the proteolytic enzyme pronase indicated that some of the nonextractable 14C may be DCPMU and DCPU complexed with proteins. Similar metabolic patterns were noted after treatment with either heterocyclic ring-labeled or phenyl ring-labeled bioxone-14C. Generally, bioxone was metabolized to DCPMU which in turn was demethylated to DCPU. The herbicide and DCPMU were 20 times as toxic as DCPU to oat (Avena sativa L.), a susceptible species.  相似文献   

Summary. White ash ( Fraxinus americana L. ) trees, 2 years of age, treated continuously with 10 ppm picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) in nutrient culture were only slightly injured after 4 weeks whereas red maple ( Acer rubrum L.) trees were killed after only 2 weeks treatment.
When the roots were exposed to 10 ppm 14C-picloram, the rate of root uptake, acropetal translocation in the stem, and accumulation in the leaves was much lower in the susceptible red maple than in the tolerant white ash. The foliar penetration and translocation of 14C-picloram applied to the leaves was very slight but similar in both species. Although a radiolabelled picloram metabolite was isolated from plant extracts, it was formed at equal rates in both species.
It was concluded that the tolerance of white ash was not related to lower rates of picloram uptake or faster rates of picloram detoxication. It was postulated that the high susceptibility of red maple was due to a blockage of the xylem by picloram which caused death by a dessication of the leaves and upper stems.
Action sélective du piclorame sur Fraxinus amerieana L. et Acer rubrum L.  相似文献   

Buffers and leaf discs of mature tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were utilized to study [14C]-ethylene and 14CO2 evolution from radiolabeled ethephon, (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid. Metabolic fate of [14C]ethephon in leaf discs was investigated by use of thin-layer chromatography, high-voltage paper electrophoresis, autoradiography, and liquid scintillation spectroscopy. The evolution of labeled ethylene generally increased with increasing buffer pH, buffer volume, and dosage of [14C]ethephon. [14C]Ethylene was evolved, increasingly with time, from [14C]ethephon either added to the buffer or applied to leaf discs. The rate of [14C]ethylene evolution was maximum during the first day and leveled off on the fourth day. More than 50% of the total [14C]ethylene evolution over a 96-hr period was recovered during the first 24 hr after [14C]ethephon application. No 14CO2 was evolved when [14C]ethephon was degraded in the presence of buffer or leaf discs. Only ethephon itself, and no detectable metabolite thereof, was discovered in the methanolic extract of the leaf disc tissue. An insignificant amount of 14C activity (approximately 2% of the extracted 14C) was detected in the residue. By means of gas chromatography, it was confirmed that in buffers and tobacco leaf tissue ethephon breaks down to release ethylene but not CO2.  相似文献   

W. MERSIE 《Weed Research》1995,35(1):15-18
Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is tolerant to propyzamide and common amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) is sensitive. The absorption, translocation, and metabolism of propyzamide was studied in seedlings of witloof chicory and common amaranth to determine if differences in these processes cause the differential sensitivity. At 24,48, and 72 h after root treatment, there was no difference in the concentration of 14C (g?1 plant dry wt) in com-mon amaranth and witloof chicory. Approximately 50% of the absorbed 14C was translocated out of the roots to shoots of both species at 24 and 48 h after treatment. After 72 h about 55 and 74% of the absorbed 14C was translocated to shoots of witloof chicory and common amaranth, respectively. Distribution of 14C (g?1 plant dry wt) in plant parts of witloof chicory and common amaranth seedlings was similar. Roots of both species accumulated the highest concentration of total 14C, whereas shoots contained the lowest. Thin layer chromatography revealed that the herbicide was metabolized in neither species 48 h after treatment. No differences were found in absorption, translocation, or metabolism between witloof chicory and common amaranth with regard to propyzamide.  相似文献   

In the present study, 98.8 mm of bentazon was applied to 3‐leaf stage rice seedlings. Two tolerant lines, M202 and cv. TNG67, showed slightly visible injury, photosystem II inhibition, as well as a low level of lipid peroxidation 7 days after application compared with the susceptible lines. Further physiological study of the mechanism of differential tolerance among Japonica and Indica types indicated that, although the tolerant Japonica lines M202 and cv. TNG67 absorbed more 14C‐bentazon, most of the 14C remained in the treated leaf or translocated to older leaves. However, two susceptible lines, FSK (Japonica) and IR36 (Indica), absorbed less 14C‐bentazon throughout the experiment, and most of the 14C was translocated from the treated leaves to younger leaves, which might result in the death of developing tissues. In addition, more bentazon residue and less polar metabolites were detected in these two susceptible lines. It is proposed that the higher tolerance of lines M202 and TNG67 to bentazon could be mainly due to a higher rate of metabolism of this herbicide, and partially due to less translocation to developing tissues.  相似文献   

Callus produced from leaves of a Ghanaian strain of the neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss has been shown to produce the natural insecticide azadirachtin when grown in a defined medium. The azadirachtin was isolated by standard procedures of solvent partition and column chromatography monitored by supercritical fluid chromatography. Biological activity was monitored with antifeedant tests using the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forsk.). The azadirachtin was identified by chromatography on three independent chromatographic systems (SFC, HPLC & TLC) and two thin-layer colour tests. It has 100% antifeedant activity at < 0.04mg litre?1. The yield of azadirachtin was 0.0007% based on dry weight of callus.  相似文献   

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